I created a new beaver district that runs on CHILD LABOUR... Timberborn!

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[Music] hello fellow engineers and welcome back to timberborne so this is a beaver city builder look how many beavers we have beavering away they're all carrying logs and barrels and they're hungry oh god i forgot they were hungry so in this game we have turned a once barren landscape into a thriving beaver community complete with water pumps which allows to store drinking water carrot farms which allow us to store food but uh yeah that's not going too well at the moment water wheels which power our industrial machinery down here which allows us to make planks gears and sheets of metal we've just got some forestry going on to keep our wood supply up we've got a couple of beavers down here mining at some old ruins that's sonoco and mick higgy the last time we invest in these engines yes an industrial revolution is happening this will allow us to power sawmills and gear workshops even through the dry season we also completed our mega dam down here which should allow us in the dry season when the river dries up we should have all of this water stored meaning we can continue pumping water throughout the dry season and none of our beavers will go thirsty however they may go hungry because food is a big problem now last time i built a new farmhouse and i got very confused by this symbol which says this building isn't connected to any district centered by paths and what i failed to realize despite building two paths is that my district center here when you click on it it has a range and as you can see the range literally finishes right next to the farm so annoyingly i sort of built that in the wrong place so i think what i'm going to do as i've got the parts up here now i'm actually going to destroy this no i'm not no i'm not i'm not going to destroy anything i'm going to do something even better now i haven't touched this before so this could go very badly but what i want to do i want to come down to parts and structures here if i click on that i now have a choice of various different things we can build but i want to build this a new district center so if we click on that i don't know what it costs to build i don't know what those icons are are they beavers or what are they i don't know let's try and build one anyway and see what it says are we gonna plonk this up there are but we can't because it says districts must be separated by a gate so we need to build a district gate first and essentially if we destroy this path then we can plonk that in there you see this splits the district so now this district here it will finish there so if we put our new district center here we now have a new district but our district has no beavers we need to migrate some population and what i feel like doing this district center we're going to call these the patreons they are my patreon supporters and our new district is not district 2. these are the youtube members yep let's show some love to the youtube members they don't they don't receive enough love so any beaver that is born in this district will be named after a youtube member now but first we need to migrate some population now i don't really know how this works i think we can migrate to adults over there right so here come my new district beavers we've got townsh bone who is my longest youtube member 11 months of support thank you so much and you'll be planting carrots hopefully with enough time to start feeding the patrons but i think although it's a dry season and 0.8 days very scary i think because we got such a big reservoir here this area should stay green meaning we should be able to produce some food soon meanwhile we've just got this guy who's in our new district you're just sat on your ass you're not doing a lot are you what's your name custard guts you're meant to be a builder and you're just sat on your ass literally doing nothing like look there's two things to be built here what is going on what is going on and now you're hungry what a surprise what a surprise all right anyway with the dry season approaching and food still lacking i'm gonna pause all of these breeding pods because uh these use up berries and berries can be eaten so anyway no we've already got 17 feet thankfully we're going to be able to keep producing food throughout the dry season but we will need to stop producing water we got a thousand watts those that should be fine let's just check we got enough farmers so we've got samuel valdez and john garcia logan and jonathan rama zak and oh no one in this one let's pause a scientist so pause you now lukewarm tea you're you're now farmer and this final one monday pursuit crow right so we should be maxing our food capacity down here look these are potatoes potatoes are growing okay okay okay so let's unpause this farmhouse and unpause this grill and we need three new workers so i'm gonna pause another scientist i think i'm going to pause three scientists so hopefully now down here yep bebop turtle and sam faults they're now going to be farming they should start harvesting potatoes but no one's in the grill why is no one in the grill why is no one in the group anyway so it's only 0.4 days until the dry seasons let's pause this water because we really don't want to be pumping water in the dry season not from up here anyway because all of this area will go brown meaning we won't be able to farm any carrots all right it's down here now do we have yes bailey forker is now the griller of potatoes and however he lose this building but it is pretty cool looking right i've moved custard guts from the builder post he's now a lumberjack because basically because it's a new district it doesn't share resources they're all sort of separate um so not ideal i'm a bit worried they might die without food i know there are there are some ways of sharing food so yeah i think with these two things the distribution post and the drop-off point but there's literally zero food so oh so this could go really badly let's see how hungry is a beaver yeah hunger is pretty critical i tell you what because i don't want tangible to die i'm actually gonna migrate both of these guys back to the patrons because there's literally zero chance of them getting food there so there's a bit more chance over here but first we got we gotta make it through the night all right here you go the drought has started and as you've probably seen before you'll see the river dries up and as that happens all the green area behind sort of dries out and goes all brown now but down here because we've got a dam placed here this remains nice and green and that's why i've turned off my water pumps actually though i know that the water's gonna stop spinning soon so i should probably pause all of these powered buildings i'll keep them going for now as everything's spinning but essentially i think everyone's gonna become scientists it's sort of the uh the seasonal summer job a scientist never oh no he died of hunger oh i'm so sorry my youtube member you you're alive for like five seconds i shouldn't laugh i really shouldn't oh dear anyway down here look you can see you can see in our potato grill the smoke is coming out which means we're cooking some spuds now the important thing to remember is this is it takes fuel it does take logs to fuel this so it looks like for every potato you need a tenth of a log and that'll produce four grilled potatoes which is very decent so that could save the hunger crisis look we got two grilled potatoes already maybe it's even worth doing another one of those yeah i'll tell you what we'll do that we'll put in another grill put that on the highest priority so that gets built quickly and then in our plant crops thing down here we can say potato plant some more potatoes nice i'm also thinking because we've got a lot of water i might turn these pumps off so you can see as they pump the water level is going down and it started up there it's already down to that level i don't think i want it to go too low because then these areas will dry out so yeah i'm actually going to pause them and maybe i'll look at trying to get my other district powered up and raring to go because i can't really do anything more with food now it's just it's in their own hands somehow this water wheel's still spinning i have no idea why right so if we go into labor as knight is setting we've got a distribution post and a drop-off point i'm not entirely sure how this works if i'm honest i do my builders still they do they can still build up here so do i just build a drop-off point up here so if i unlock that for 250 science yeah can i just place that there and then district distribution limit oh i can say what we want all right okay so i've just said bring over 30 carats 30 grit potatoes 50 logs 12 planks and 100 water and everything else i've made zero so that should start being filled up soon i think the only thing is i'm not sure if i need this first the distribution post i think i probably will i don't know we'll give it a day or so and we'll see if anything arrives in that district but at the moment everyone's sort of staying over there all right meanwhile i think we're about a day into our drought and we've used probably used like a hundred water up the water's still going up have i left a pom-pom somewhere no i think they're just moving stock from the pumps are they no i don't know why why why is water going up that's a bit worrying how is this water wheel still spilling well anyway it looks like nothing is getting over to this district so we're gonna have to go into libra and build a distribution post so yes we'll unlock that for 250 science and oh god this building is huge where can we build this oh my god it literally doesn't fit anywhere okay i'll tell you what i really want to get over this span and maybe start building over here so we gotta work out how many blocks is that it's one two three four so if we come into here with 800 signs we can unlock a suspension bridge four by one i think we're gonna do it we're actually gonna do a bridge finally come on then unlock nice and then we can shove that there and then the distribution post can come over here so plunk that there connects up with a path nice now it's the next morning we should see some beavers come over to here and hopefully start building it all right so there's a couple carrying logs yes clueless clown zack attackmd sevens they're all building a bridge i am so proud of you now the bridge takes logs planks and metal blocks i'm not even sure we've used metal blocks for anything apart from potentially the engines so yeah looking up here we've got nearly 200 of those so 20 should be easy planks you've got a load of those and logs we've got 200 so yeah that should be fine but oh goodness we had four deaths monday calera aramaki loganskrauth and oc deer they all died of old age which means we're down to just 67 beavers uh so i might have to fiddle with the old jobs because no one is in this grill so i think haulers we can lower you guys down a bit there we go clueless clown has just got in the grill and he's turned on the cooker the smoke is rising and thankfully our food is rising we're on 100 food now so that is fantastic and look we've built a bridge and they're using it oh it's so cool look they're carrying logs across the bridge because they're building this which takes 30 logs and 15 planks so that should be done in no time as well so fast forward that i can't believe how lucky we are to get positive food again i think the potatoes literally saved our ass completely oh you know what's quite annoying i've just realized our farm it doesn't it doesn't extend down there why does it do that bit that's well close oh well that's annoying so we've only got the spuds that we've got there so it is what it is but look this is done so dean larson is in there you can see him just sat in the doorstep he's got his rucksack on he's ready to go that's not a snake it did look like a snake but oh no he's sharp shop it's home time but let's configure this so we've never used one of these before but it distributes goods to other districts so root there's no roots established so we can add a new route so select drop-off point so we can select this one we can select goods uh let's start with water i guess okay so dean larson he's working there on his own at the moment but he's gonna be taking over water grilled potatoes logs and planks to the youtube members which well sadly they don't actually exist at the moment yeah but i think once the dry season is over we'll migrate some people over and then they can start afresh they're going to need some breeding pods as well so maybe they are going to need berries actually so coming to this we'll say we're going to need some berries like 20 berries and then we'll add a berry root as well all right so down here our shredder lacks power so we we may as well pause that somehow this water is still spinning so these two are still powered so we'll leave that going but now we have one unemployed beaver so you may as well become a distributor so we've got adam bond and anthony avastia avastia avastia and oh look we got three unemployed beavers oh we've got three unemployed beavers because three of them are just grown up dk smoke josh and koyokoi they've all grown up so dk smoke you'll become a lumberjack down here i think everyone else you're going to be distributors because we want to get these guys over as quick as possible so they can start producing their own food and logs and all sorts i think what we'll do actually we'll sort of we'll dig up a strip of carrots and then we'll actually plan to build staircase up to there with a path i think we'll even remove those as well because we want these guys to be self-sufficient essentially so we're going to build them a water pump yeah we're going to mark these trees to be cut down so like that so now when the youtube members move back in they'll be able to cut all this down and that will be the word actually actually no no forget that if we go bird's eye view i remember someone said if you want trees to sort of not just turn into a load of stumps like these ones without planting them you should like i think we want to do something like this and basically they said like natural trees they produce saplings like they multiply if there's adjacent trees next to them so if we do like a checkerboard pattern then hopefully this will like sort of stay self-sufficient nice right so how much how much stuff have they brought over to this place oh look they've got water they've got food they've got logs and they got planks excellent okay so very soon we can think about migrating population over there but for now let's just fast forward a bit and i'm loving the bridge it is so cool i want to build two i assume i can span like really long spans with like back to back ones that's definitely my aim anyway so i think we might be able to span like 12. just got to find somewhere we want to get to for 12. right so now if we come over to the youtube member district you can see they've got everything they asked for so essentially all these jobs are worthless so we may as well bring that down to just one so koikoi you're on your own i look like you're giving birth to other people uh we'll turn on these two inventor hubs we're up a hall up just so we don't have any unemployed beavers and then we've only got half day left so let's fast forward let's get through the entire dry season hello bonnie paronity has died of old age we've lost some beef okay i think it's time then we need to turn these back on we are definitely gonna need a new generation pretty soon we're down to 66 beavers we've got no children all right as you can see there the drought has ended this was our longest ever drought i think essentially the mega dam saved us look the water is coming back so i'm gonna do and turn on all the water pumps again and try and stock back up turn those three on and we'll pause three science places so who are the three beavers that pump their massive logs down here you got super bobbits 2.0 woozer and kimberly they are all fantastic log pumpers and i'm very proud of how much wood you can pump in there meanwhile up here you can see the river is flowing into this so we can turn on these four and we can also turn the shredder back on but now we are massively massively limited on jobs so we gotta pause a lot of science i think science are sort of the i think it's like the most seasonal job we have i'll tell you what now all this birch has gone i'm actually gonna swap that for maples and another commenter told me any square that has green in it can be planted so we can really go right to the end of these and sort of maximize our planting area assuming he wasn't lying to me of course cool so that's that's sort of all of our resources back under control i think oh we just had a load more death matt nichols and blue fire wolf have just died of old age and we're down to 64 beavers this is really not good i think we're gonna wait for a few births before we go about moving any over to here i think the new births they will literally just come over here as kids so this district is literally just gonna be like neverland it's just gonna be kid zone and look at that we've got three new children so you you guys you're going to neverland so my great population and we want to send three kids over there migrate alright so here we go here we are in neverland we've got our kids just running wild we got valentin james lee and uh they're very aptly named tom younger cheers guys i hope you survive long enough to grow up i assume you can just like grab food out of here can you yes it looks like they've taken a grilled potato and koyokoi who's age 10 now has just dropped off some more supplies so i think he's keeping you in business excellent right it looks like storage is an issue again so what we might do i noticed in storage we have a large warehouse that we haven't unlocked yet it's got a thousand capacity compared to just the 200 of the small rail so i really want to see what that looks like so let's give it an unlock 250 science chomp change oh look at this builder what shape is that can anyone tell me what shape that is that is the strongest warehouse i've ever seen so shall we plunk this over there yeah i think we'll put you there and then we'll do a path over to you and that should give us loads more storage and people have to use the bridge which is awesome meanwhile i think we finally got this area sorted so with four farms it looks like we're actually harvesting the entire crop before planting again which is great news oh jordan miller died of old age but we got a new birth so this is our new little beaver he's going for a wander through town and it's groon rude fruit you did tell me how to pronounce your name but i apologize but a nice welcome to the gang do not worry i'm not shipping you over to the youtube members you are going to be the only child of the patreon district right meanwhile i'm sort of thinking if i want to keep this area green like all the time is it worth building a mega dam i feel like it's always worth building a mega dam but if i'm gonna build a dam here i want to actually try something new so these are called floodgates and you can raise and lower them to let water through so for example if we go for the trip i think the triple because it's so high we'll go for the triple flood gate now you can see it's that tall so if we want to build that we're going to need levees first now thankfully we've learned water can't flow diagonally in this game so i don't actually have to build it in that square i can build it against that wall so i think i might do that i just got to be careful over this side all right let's build it there so we're going to do levees literally to the very top and then for the triple floodgate that's gonna go there and another one there right so hopefully they should start building that my only slight concern is like how do they actually build how do they get to it but uh details details i'm sure i'm sure they'll work it out they're engineers they're beavers oh we are very short on logs though like really short on logs is there anything we can do about that not at the moment oh the only thing i've just sort of realized is with our adjustable thing we're actually gonna flood these trees thankfully they're adjustable so we can lower them so i think what i'll do i'll lower them we'll log all of these and then we'll raise the water level back up all right here you go did you see that if you blinked you may have missed it but look this guy here sevens he's building the damn from up there he has the power to build down there he's already placed three logs so nice the mega i called i called this the mega dam because uh it does it is holding back a lot of water but i feel like this is gonna be truly the mega mega damn what's what's after mega is it like super the super damn oh we've also had four new births as well so now we've got eight children so welcome febreze and raven the depressed i'm sorry you're feeling a bit blue it's sort of a greeny color if that makes any difference but nice things are actually looking really good again for a change food is up water is up even beavers are up we got three homeless beavers oh that's these guys i've just realized there's no there's no houses over here um but no one's capable of building houses for you need to grow up first guys just grow up grow up i'm actually gonna start planning some of their stuff over here so we're gonna do a path over there i'm going to do two things up here i think at the back of these trees i want to build a log pile and down the side of here i want to build some breeding pods maybe three then maybe we'll build you some housing as well now and we're gonna do housing we're gonna keep we're gonna keep things like as essential as they need to be to start yeah we're really struggling for logs what i might do because i don't think we need planks at the moment i might actually pause this lumber mill look custard guts is in there we're gonna pause you we're gonna keep the gear workshop going because we've got planks stored up but uh really i just want to keep building this down there you go they're all building it now you can see look they built the first first part of the dam oh man i'm really quite excited by the super dam it's gonna be it's gonna be incredible and as i was just looking over my bridge i was like oh what a good bridge i noticed over in the background they've grown up our youtube members they've actually started building so we got one builder one farmer and one lumberjack for now and i think what we might do we might prioritize a breeding pod so these can sort of become self-sufficient because poor koyokoi here is just transporting so many goods like not even his kids he's not even related to him he's a patron he's not a youtube member but yeah find out what happens next time will the super damn be complete peace love and literally bridges bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 507,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date
Id: MN-sOYq5-Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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