Engineering INFINITE POWER in Timberborn!

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thanks to the patrons for supporting today's video and helping my editor schmeichel to stay fed and watered yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to timberborne as you know there's a new update timberborners season 2 is well in progress but today i wanted to crack out the old mods again i have a little bit of a play so first off we're gonna create a new map the size doesn't matter too much so we'll stick with that i think so basically we're just gonna build a little river like through the middle and actually down this end we're gonna make it a lot bigger we want this to be like a bit of a reservoir all right so just put a water source along this edge it's got a couple of little springs one in there another one in there all right so the map's made so we're going to start a new game right then here we oh god that's that's a lot of beavers though patreons and youtube members as well look at that love it right cool there's all my beavers that's i've never seen that many beavers in one place context is important sometimes yeah right so i'm gonna leave them doing that i've sort of i give them a lot of food a lot of water they should be fine for quite a while uh what i wanted to do as we're in the mod mode so i can i can sort of do what i want i want to make this a massive reservoir so that the dry season doesn't matter so to start we'll come down here into landscaping we're gonna add a load of levees like along there and then along the top we're doing damn pieces so the beavers can now get across if they want to go anywhere they look reasonably happy over there so this reservoir will fill up with water now that's all good and so the aim of this is i've always wanted to try and make like infinite power and the trouble is with the dry seasons it's not ever really been possible but if i have a large enough water storage i can then pump that up with the new water pumps which i haven't actually used yet so let's check those out first so if we head into water we've got this a mechanical water pump now usually this is very end game it takes a load of gears a load of reinforced wood and a load of steel which all of that can take a long time to make but we've got mods so we can bypass that step and we can pump the water up however you can see there it takes 700 hp which i'm very disappointed that the devs haven't turned into bp yet to make that so if we all right so that's what they look like if we rotate all right i'm not too sure how these work so does it actually say pumps water up one side and discharges it on the other more efficient than a regular pump okay so perhaps we need to use levees to make a sort of structure let's say we build i think i feel like we need some sort of reservoir water block thing so if we do that you can then shove a pump there and then i think that will pump water up into this and then can we pump water from there up the only trouble is i think we're gonna need we're gonna need beaver power at least to start the engines it's all right okay let's delete this and move it close to the beavers all right i feel like as someone built this level in a stupid shape we're actually gonna have to build into the water but that's fine that's fine so if we do levees like along there so we'll just stack this up for now i'm not really sure if it's the right shape yet so it looks like our first one can be that high okay so it says it can pump up force maybe we can go one higher than that again actually then we shove a water pump there oh no is that is that too high it might be too high the straw is just out of the water i think oh okay one second so first water pump goes there the second water pump we can layer this up by four or maybe three to be safe i think we'll do three and then i should probably like fill in the bottom i don't want too much water to be stored so we'll do this a little time this is gonna be a lot of blocks i wouldn't recommend this in the non-modded game i'll tell you that see i'm thinking just two stories of water storage so let's shove another pump there so we might be able to make a staircase the trouble is we have no power currently we're gonna need a temporary way of powering these so if we head into power we've got a few choices we've got windmills but we also have shaming wheels and what better way to make use of all my beavers than using shaming wheels so many hours later right so we have we have power now and look our pumps are pumping uh let's see how much power are we making in our network 2100 out of 1400 that means we can get away with one more pump and then we may have to start using energy ourselves but i've got a plan i've got a plan because i aim here is to create infinite power i have a plan it's good it's gonna work i'm confident i've never really been confident in anything that i build in these games but yeah so we're going up by three and then we've just got to do a lot of building so we're going to that level because we want to be too lower than the top and that's just our little bit of water storage and this goes up to the same level but then up by two to make the little bass anything and then it would go up by four but we're gonna run out of power so perhaps this is where we do our first sort of little test so i will start building up just so i know what i want to continue with right so we got that right let's do the pumps so we definitely can do a pump there that will be powered and i'm pretty sure that one we don't have the power to do it yet so that's just a future one so we do the power uppers which are those and then we do the power crosses which are those all right so let's just play so these are all connected now what's our network doing the network power supply and demand is exact so we can't add any more pumps meaning we can't connect this pump also i love i love the shape of this pump it's very very efficient looking in my professional opinion i think we need to turn working hours up to maximum so this is filling up so this one should start pumping water soon there you go now that's pumping water okay the only thing i'm unsure of is the rate at which the water pumps i don't know if that will make my idea work but let's let's just see so we'll pause there because you know this pump isn't pumping so we're gonna have to take the water from this one and what i wanted to try oh it's gonna take so long it's gonna be so tall right so from let's say there i think we just want three wide to there so if we do this a few times [Music] we're basically recreating our aqueduct from the timber borners season one so if we go into power we can shove a water wheel in there except we can't because i forgot how wide they are right now the question is the rate at which the water comes out there firstly will it be okay will it stay like wet and running secondly do i need to add like a bit more of a hill i can do like steps every so often to sort of make sure the water keeps running but first let's actually put some water wheels in so we'll do hello maybe just five to start with and we'll connect them up right and then if we press play we can delete these two so now the water is running down there they should start spinning yeah okay so we should see the water come over this edge very soon there it comes right so the water is flowing they are spinning albeit not very fast i know they're making energy they're making like 30 each or up to 40. all right so we'll leave it running a little bit at full speed and we'll see will this drop too much oh it's dropping quite a bit and not ideal it does mean we're gonna need a few more of these than i originally thought i just wonder if we were to extend this and drop it down one will that like give the water a bit of a bit of velocity there you go we got a bit of a step i don't know if his step will help but no harm in trying so we'll add some water wheels add the shafts connect them all together right so press play again and then when the water gets through we can sort of see all these go higher than 20. so this top one they're all on like 22. these bottom ones they are also on like 22. okay oh god i just realized i flooded the map because i made a damn uh oops all right so a bit of emergency landscaping we'll just do a load of dynamite we'll detonate all of those and then we'll start laying the dynamite behind one can i get this to like get triggered by it no apparently not all right detonate again oh man what is what's a disaster okay the job we have now is this this water here is gonna dry up isn't it oh why do i never think things through but to be honest no it won't no it won't because if i bring my water back to this area everything will be fine yeah just keep going matt you got this you got this right okay so how is that how is this looking 26 22 okay so i think the step does actually make a difference so perhaps we'll do five and then a step every time so let's hit pause and build a load more so we'll build over to here and thankfully this will take less and less time because we're not having to go as high do power wheels along here i think we'll do a step down about there somewhere just going along here there's a lot of clicking involved a lot of clicking but basically i need to make 700 power all right so that's all connected so if we press play yes one by one they're slowly moving not a lot though all right it's all halted that's not good i'm gonna turn down the working hours i'm gonna let let the beavers sleep because look they're all literally passed out oh look at those three that was nearly falling off the map all right now they've all woken up let's up the working hours let's get them back to work all right so that's kick-started the pumps so water is now moving up and then it's coming through these these are these are not moving a lot are they although maybe they are they are starting to move they are starting to move so look you can see water's coming around this corner now under the barriers we just be patient i think they will all start moving constantly look no water's coming out this end yet it's got to there okay okay this is promising actually this is promising look 2800 we've already made the 700 we needed for the next pump which means if we just do this for each row we've made infinite power right i think we have i think we've done it i think we've made infinite power i'm going to continue building up should i make one or two more pumps so let's get building this could take a while it's gonna be worth it though infinite power is never a bad thing all right annoyingly i built it a little bit too white oh so i did i did all of those for nothing whatever i'm leaving them there i'm not deleting them all right so water will get pumped up to there let's build the pump just so we don't forget and this is our canal with our power wheels my aim is to go all the way along to the edge of the map all the way back and that should drop down to there all right come in the map speed build time we got this speed i've decided it's definitely worth doing steps though because then i don't have to go as height and then i don't lose as many brain cells right up to there and then water will come down so we're going to want to go back i wish i could do a little bit further with each row devs help me out cause that's not far enough oh my god okay i might i might actually be going crazy but did that sound to anyone else where i just said that's not far enough did it sound like that christmas song that's not far enough i am losing my marbles because i'm doing lots of dams oh dear i've gone really crazy i am worried about my mental health now oh dear what has happened to me right okay so what we're going to do here we're actually going to block this up and by the way if you're thinking about commenting saying can i just use platforms because they're three high you can't build a levy on a platform very disappointing because i wanted to build like actual aqueducts not just these huge damn ones but they're not possible sadly i did ask the devs actually could they change it but it's something to do with how the water physics are calculated in the game so sadly not an option right okay so i think here we wanna do that can you see what's going on i can't but i think that makes sense now look at this thing now if we let's do let's do the water wheels first man the things i do for engineering the trouble is i'm pretty sure i did the calcs earlier see each one of these rows will only power one pump not two so i think i actually have to make them longer and also i haven't taken into account evaporation i think the amount of water in my network will actually decrease over time so we will actually need some fresh water coming in we do actually have this little spring down there in our network so maybe that'll keep it top top donny all right to connect these i'm gonna do that i think and then i can just do the vertical power lift things so that'll connect into there that'll connect into that one so this top row if i just fill that in quickly so you can see how that all works i can then just do there there and there and that's connected it to the bottom row so then i can just continue the bottom row like that nice yep makes sense to me i'm probably gonna get carpal tunnel from clicking so much so this level difference just two high power shafts with a little platform in between sorted then over here this was my first staircase if i just put a shaft in there beautiful right i think we are all connected obviously it's probably worth me doing more windmills but let's just see how much power we get from this to see if it is actually a viable strategy so we're gonna have to fast forward a bit because we need we need the water to get to the top first all right so the water has made it to the top you can see this is just about filling up and once it does the water will head down there and start turning all of these power wheels which will create us power so the water is up why aren't they turning why are they turning i feel like what's happened it's not actually pumping enough water to the top because none of these are spinning yet they're only relying on the power from the shame wheels you can see this top pump is only running at 60 efficiency so if we temporarily disconnect like a lower one or two this top one is now 100 efficiency so hopefully assuming the water doesn't run out there should be more water coming why aren't you spinning yes look look these first few wheels are starting to move now and then we just need to wait for the water to sort of make it down all right i waited a while didn't really work new plan we oh god no not that one not that one matt not that one not that one we block the end of this up we start to fill up this i mean perhaps we could even block that get a bit of a surge going trouble is everyone's starting to die now oh good bridges suck died but yeah everyone's starting to die so we're slowly running out of beavers we need to we need to speed up a little bit if we can so this is our first barrier we'll wait till this first bit is full of water and then we'll delete these two all right so that's filling up nicely so we'll delete that and we'll delete that that'll get the first load moving which adds a load of power to the network which makes this one 100 efficient nice then we got water down this end that's actually filling up quite quick so we can probably unblock these yeah we'll do it now get some movement in the network that's it that's it all right so you can see it's starting to move but i think we've we've cocked it again look it's all dried up there oh balls well i feel like it was a good idea and perhaps in theory it is possible however the dream of infinite power may have to wait for another day oh god oh god oh look we got we got water right maybe it's so it's okay maybe it is okay delete those we'll then delete those yes and we'll delete the end ones as well we've got a power surge we got a power surge maybe i've rescued it right at the very seconds we're making three thousand pounds oh we need to make three five oh [Music] okay yep probably not possible then i don't know perhaps we can do it another day let me know in the comments do you think there's a better way of doing this should i give it another try another day i don't know but anyway i will say thank you very much to the patreons for supporting the channel once again and thank you schmeichel for answering this video very kind of you i feel like me going through all this pain it's the least you could do for me if i'm honest sorry guys peace love and infinite power that's not quite infinite yeah if we no bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 587,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date, timberborn game, timberborn lets play, timberborn review, eastenderspleasedontsueme, eastenders, timberborn real civil engineer, beaver game
Id: F5Xy7uCtOEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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