HUGE DAM BREAK floods and destroys my beaver colony... Timberborners!

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welcome back to timber borners the sun is just rising and in the top right you can see that a drought has started but that means i won't plug so much this limited edition beavers poster only lasts until the 2nd of june but if you'd prefer it on a t-shirt and you're not a patreon then don't worry because i've changed my patreon merch stuff and now it's going to be a thing that you can buy on my store all the time because well there it is go buy it if you want it but now let's get into the timber borners yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to i think this might be the last episode of the season finale of season two of the timber borners uh let me know in the comments do you want do you want season three do you want to start on a new level perhaps you could try like the smallest map i don't know let me know your thoughts i i feel like i've sort of i've nearly run out of things to do on this i got one more idea but i just i build too efficiently all my buildings are efficient even the stock buildings are efficient very efficient there's i was smoking out the tip oh yeah whilst i remember i need i need to quickly i need to turn off everything oh i'm going to use the new the new thing so if we head up here to workers ah look at this we can literally turn off like everything so we can turn off all these deep water pumps because we don't then pumping in the drought because we'll lose all of our water storage we then want to pause things that use power but are only the ones that use like water power so i go over this way you can see the water's dried up these wheels aren't spinning they produce electricity well actually i don't think it's electricity it's just like kinetic movement so i'm guessing we'll just come and pause all of these likewise down here they're not going to be moving even though there is water there it's going to be sat still there's a little bit of movement uh and the same up here although these wheels are moving somehow something i was meant to do before the dry seasons where i was meant to raise these floodgates so we've lost we've lost half a height of flood water there hopefully that won't be too much of an issue i'm actually going to leave those four gear workshops running i think yeah over this way last time we built an engine so that means all of these lumber mills they well they should be cutting they're on zero percent productivity why why aren't you cutting now they've got plenty of power they're only using 200 hp which devs come on come on guys hp they're not horses they're beavers you can literally see this beaver he's making power down here that number should be bp not hp anyway but yeah we're making double the hp that we need so that's all good i guess look how much wood storage we have there's so much uh speaking of so much as well we have we hover over this we got 22 unemployed beavers that's because i haven't turned on the summer jobs so in the summer when there's no water all those jobs i've just paused they go into these the inventor huts so we'll be clever about this we'll go down to inventor in this list and we're literally just gonna turn them all on not like that that would be weird like this okay then the beavers should rush over to all these and we should start seeing the roof spin that's how you know they're working in there yep the sun is set in and we seem to have survived the first day of the drought very nice next morning as the bell woke everyone up something seemed quite wrong whilst most the beavers sort of headed on their way to do their jobs cody who was age 69 nice uh he spotted something was up so he moved to higher ground to get a better view and up in his tower he saw something he never thought he would see stars here who was right next to him also looked on in or because over in this direction a temple had appeared so the beavers quickly got to work building paths building stairs until eventually there was a way up to the temple now who would be nominated to go and investigate the temple could it be you person sat on your ass king god emperor of beavercoin i mean that sort of makes sense however no the beavers gathered in their beaver council and they decided the next beaver to grow up would be worthy of heading up there anyway several beaver days passed with the statue just looking over the town until finally someone grew up it was tall man tom so he set off on his adventure he'd literally just grown up no longer a child he thought perhaps i should take a log with me for i am an engineer and after a long climb once he made it to the base of the pyramid he realized i gotta build some stairs to get up there so after a few more days of building stairs they were finally completed until man tom climbed to the top not to just build a bench he was actually speaking to these wise what warriors or something i don't know [Music] what are they but anyway they warned him of a great blood that was about to impact beaverville happyville and even shameville they said like you're missing water at the moment where you're gonna get water i would advise you to prepare you need to save your beavers now thankfully they granted tom the power of building wherever he wanted to so with just one point six days remaining tom decided to get to work and the first thing he did was hire this guy real damn engineer a 50 year old unemployed damn building expert that could help him prepare for the flood so using their new powers they got to work building a series of dams and levees with the aim to try and keep the flood waters out once they returned and the question was had their god taught them enough about engineering could the self-proclaimed engineers of the natural world actually live up to their title anyway the beavers spent the next day and a half beavering away trying to prepare knowing this could be the end of everything until finally as dawn rose the drought had ended and the flood waters returned firstly rejuvenating the land but then there'd be testing tom the tool men's techniques would the dams hold so water flooded into the first part of the map oh look how dark that is that is dark that's very deep and then it starts spreading everywhere oh wow this is quite cool actually this is all cool look at this like looking up here we've got we got a lot of water coming in the trouble is that water is running out there's only 200 water left there's no water getting in to our beavers at the moment and since we've got this huge area to fill up i think what we're going to do i mean i mean what tom the tall man decided to do yours ah never mind i'm doing it we're just gonna lower that a little bit let some water in in fact i'll probably put floodgates there so triple floodgates boosh lower them all let's let the water in let's turn all the pumps back on so all the deep water pumps are back on we do need to turn off the invent huts no more summer jobs there's no more learning for these beavers it's the day of the test right and then with water flowing through the beaverville area we i think we're gonna close these up a little bit so we do need to start filling this area i mean we don't need to start filling this area but i mean i mean the flood waters are going to make it get filled yeah yeah that's what i mean and then with a bit more dam building and a little bit of explosive know-how around the back here ready and again the beavers had sort of made like a canal thing around the back there so boosh so hopefully once one more layer was added to the beaver side we should be ready to go we're just going to keep pumping water in just to make sure it doesn't dry out it does look a bit well a little bit brown down here i think we killed all the spanner dock damn it but look over this side the water level is getting up it's getting up there i think we'll do we'll keep it running we'll just keep modifying the triple floodgate height and we'll see how this looks in like 20 minutes or so all right here we go things are filling up nicely look how dark that water is it's literally terrifying it's over topping okay good it's over topping the direction we want it to which means we can raise this blood gate a bit and meanwhile over this way you can see around the back of the temple it's finally flowing down here man i really hope the beavers have built this properly tom the tool man real damn engineer everyone's fate lies in your hands we're just waiting for this side to fill up oh man it's filling up quick it is filling up quick you see there's a bit of a war over here nice so there we have it we survived the the epic flood it shows you what the power of engineering does and if you get rid of architects you can achieve anything although what's that log pumper what are you trying to tell me what do you mean you put a glass wall up you thought it looked better what's your name architects are the best oh dear hang on let's go have a look at what they've done all right i'm not seeing any glass anywhere i wonder what he's oh no oh no what do you mean you thought glass looked better there's no glass in the game there's only wood where were you mate where were you architect assassin we could have used you and now we're gonna have to watch this cue the epic music oh dear all my hard work season two of timber borners this is how it ends at least this guy's still smiling oh man there's so many blood warnings right now well actually i feel like it i feel like it is actually working like a glass wall like yes yes things are flooded i understand that but there's no epic tidal wave like there was previously didn't remember the first timber born this season that that ended in tears that one so the aftermath as as the night set uh not gonna light it's not it's not looking good guys yeah most people are underwater the people up here they have sort of survived although there's so much water going through these that they're not actually spinning which means the beavers in here they don't actually have any job oh no it's been flooded it's been flooded who's that carrying a box still taco war he's like i saw this actually where are with the beavers oh god oh look they're all under that right hang on hang on let's just press pause let's just do a little bit of deleting because i just want to see my entire beaver colony they're just they're just all in here look there's leaf peeper there's felix duncan brown vespion they're all in there they're all in there oh rick and roll he's having a little snooze on top but they're literally crammed inside there like at some sort of arc i feel like are these buildings yeah that's not even everyone most people are in the barracks granted only the top layer of barracks is actually open the bottom ones they're a bit filled with water oh and everyone's asleep well most people are asleep some people are still just walking over everyone but oh look at the little beaver faces look at that little baby beaver hanging this oh that's god king emperor of beaver kind oh my goodness his head's just hanging over the edge there look at these three like hugging each other all right but anyway as the dawn dawns is the bell gonna ring underwater it rang underwater and then all the beavers they're coming out of their houses they're actually they're all leaving where are they underwater they're all just swimming under hang on let's get a little look under there look at the wall they're literally just carrying on their days beavers can swim under water i didn't know that like i knew they could swim i didn't think they could swim yeah so this whole area is completely full of water this rear one i think it's sort of spilling out over there and then over this side because there's such a narrow flow this is actually holding loads and loads of water i mean thankfully the architects they didn't build glass dams everywhere but if they were to we could actually see what would happen because at the moment it's a little bit wrong that beaverville happyville they're both underwater but look over here shaneville with it's no residence because we died because we forgot to feed and water them it's dry it's dry in shaneville how has this happened all right tell you what wait there a second because i am just going to delete an hour or two's work in seconds all right there we go we have literal waterfalls surrounding the area there's a beaver here that's very confused and yeah shaneville i think you're about to get it right let's press play and see what happens see you later shiva look at it okay shaneville is completely just gone love to see it amino over here that is a lot of water it's so dark it's so dark i love that these are like still being powered like what what sort of power generation we got holy crap 400 hp that's making oh yeah well the beavers just oh no oh no it's flooding it's flooding oh oh that was a very dark end that was a very dark i'll tell you what how's the future generation where are the babies oh they're all underwater i mean hopefully they're fine because they're sort of they're in breeding pods anyway right that is a literal very very dark ending to this series i think oh we had we had some good times here though guys and whilst we wait for this to drain out shall we shall we head back to season one of timber borders and see how those guys are getting on it's been a long time since we saw what happened there that also ended in a damn disaster if i load up my last save it's a version that's not compatible but okay i don't think it can go any worse than it was already going in that place oh yes underwater oh i forgot about that tower i forgot about that tower yeah so this is how we finished timber warner's season one uh pretty similar to season two actually oh check out the bridge the bridge and the power bridge oh yeah and oh yes the shaming bridge where you can watch the shamers oh how'd i forgot about this the powered canal that was a true engineering feat which somehow didn't get flooded from the looks of it yeah i completely forgot about this tower i'm quite impressed with that that's pretty good man and as this place is drying out it's actually it's bringing back loads of memories like i'm getting nostalgia for this like we had this little run where we had all the hay fields we had to sort out our floodgates every season and we had our little temple a very strong shaped temple we had the super mega dam which is now underwater although actually now it's stopped flooding it's such a small down i was so proud of that it was so big when i first built it oh good times i wonder what season three will have in store for us i mean what beavers do we actually have in this oh [Music] there's there's okay all the season one beavers are literally dead um right yep okay good note to end on i think don't forget to check out the merch store if you want to buy a beebles t-shirt and if it's still there get the limited edition poster before it's gone as well but i will say peace love and dead beavers bye guys through to end through to him [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 248,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date, timberborn game, timberborn lets play, timberborn review, eastenderspleasedontsueme, eastenders, timberborn real civil engineer, beaver game
Id: CIa-1Rtkx9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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