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hello fellow engineers and welcome to flubby farm i tell you what this is one of the most addictive things i've played recently and it's free so basically what you do you have cards i think something about card games and addictive games is like they knew we grew up on pokemon cards anyway you all you got to do is drag this guy in here and look we've got a little flubby in a fish tank and we can choose various other cards we can choose to upgrade him so we can make him explode on death we can give him range damage or we can just have more flubbies bottom left every time that bar fills up yeah that means we earn a new card uh we're currently being attacked by those little squid things so i've just given my guys spikes which means when they hit boosh we do some damage back to them now here if i can get my flubbies to go close i could use the offspring although ah we've just lost our flubby so there's no point doing that let's just get a new flubby involved i've put him in between so he's gonna act as a human shield boosh got hit in the ass it's okay though we can heal them i might just give them spikes nice i probably should have killed them i think that guy is in trouble new flubbies right human shield again it worked last time oh man we are getting we are getting slaughtered right quick new flubby human shield tactic right heel right okay we finally healed uh we can give them a shell as well which makes them stronger and then let's get another flubby involved and another one right top right this is how many cards you've used and sort of the aim is to try and get your highest score basically by playing as many cards as possible so you just need to survive as long as you can yeah i'm gonna get a new flubby in oh man this it's not looking good we're getting mulled let's get another one in and then let's give some flubby goo to these guys so that gives them a range effect so you can see every so often they do shoot i really need to heal those as well right we've only got we're down to two flubbies this one it has a little egg underneath though he is going to give birth well or she probably is she unless they take off the seahorses of course anyway there you go there's our new flubby he doesn't have a mouth it's quite sad but when we upgrade them with flubby goo look they gain a little mouth and the ones that already had a mouth their lips get even pinker which means they're happy right next up we've got we got some bad cards uh let's make these enemies let's make them a bit faster i think we can cope with faster as long as there aren't more and as long as they don't do more damage we should be okay let's get some spikes on these guys that should mean if they get touched like this one's about to be yeah it does quite a bit of damage then get another new flubby i sort of i feel like i need i need a health card what are you gonna give me game here there we go right you can see these working ranges by the way so i do need to try and get everyone grouped together would you just come over to the right please oh no they're they're breaking up that's it that's it if i can get all foreign ready yes we healed all four all right time for another new flubby and then offspring let's make those two give birth that's quite a small radius but we did manage to fit two and ideally you want like loads grouped together and you can fit like loads but yeah we'll take two two was two is alright so let's get some flubby goo so if we get all of these guys yes look at all the range damage now that is what we're talking about i might even show them up because they're all grouped together that'll make them a lot stronger and then we got the offspring can i get three and one here what we yeah there you go those three will now give birth which means lots of new floories now let's get some more flubby goo on the go as well i feel like that is a very good upgrade and look the more goo you give them they sort of grow a beard like this guy sort of looks like a viking all right more offspring oh i think i've got five in that five offspring banging just gonna make sure they don't die so i am gonna heal just because some of the ones that have offspring they are a bit weak so there you go you guys are all healed now and finally i think we're looking good it was getting a bit ropey at the start there the game really wasn't kind to me i got more offspring here but everyone's already got eggs i'm just gonna glue these guys up look how happy those viking ones are all right let's get a new lobby i guess and then oh no what do we do do we take a big wave or do we give all gronka's 50 hell i think we're gonna have to take a big wave oh dear here we go at least i've got heal so i might just hold on to heal and use it when needed as you can see there's a lot of gronkers coming in although they're not actually getting too close to us well actually yes they are heel heel i do have this attack as well but boom where i can just wipe them out that's very handy actually all right then let's get some more offspring on the go sweet we got five so we're going to get five new baby flubbies i'm then gonna heal a lot of these guys because they they are in a bit of pain there we go oh and then look look look how many eggs we've got i feel like a lot of these guys should be spiked you look a lot cooler with spiked hair and u3 can have some eggs maybe i should shell up some of these because look at look how many are like all in one area we are proper leveling these guys up i can see a lot of flubbies they don't have faces so i'm gonna give them some flubby goo i might wait for the eggs to hatch though there you go so now if we do it about that then we've got lots of mouths we're doing lots of ranged attack i'm gonna shield these guys up again actually just because they're so close together let's give them more spikes as well and more shell look at them they're so strong now like underwater wood light time for some more eggs then let's get some more goo on the go down here i can see a lack of mouth right i might heal the ones up the top only because one of them's like super leveled up i feel like that's better than using a new floppy card because then he starts from scratch again and also if i do this they all group together which means we can give them all spikes and flubby goo and look at all the viking beards in there now i think that's quite a good thing to remember actually the healing groups everyone together so if we stack up a few of these cards i think that's actually quite a good plan all right so we got three cards stacked let's do that then let's heal there are a few with low health so we'll heal those and then we'll flubby goo everyone and then i guess we just blobby goo them again i don't really i don't really care about getting the faster upgrades i'm not sure that's gonna help at all yeah so faster flubbies they they get one movement speed which makes them faster and improve at escaping from danger i feel like if i can just make them hench they don't need to move look at this guy this guy ain't going anywhere all right i'm a bit gutted we missed the nice number of cards we're on 70 cards i was a waste but i'm just gonna let these guys do their thing for a bit and stack up some cards because i do have a heel here i feel like most people have like max spike so i might wait until there's a few to be healed then i'll heal them and then we'll upgrade them quite a bit i reckon oh this is quite a big way there's quite a few of them coming in actually so nice we defeated it let's heal these guys and then floppy goo them all give them all mouths and then spike them up as well and then more more flubby goo i think there although there's a lot of beards in there it's like a hipster convention oh man we actually have so many cards we've got eight stacked up let's get a new flobby in there and then blobby goo there's a lot of guys without beards like on this side of the screen land up there yeah let's give let's give all those guys beards look how happy it made them and then more offspring original prankster original yeah right and now now we actually have a bad card do we go with spawn rate hp or damage i think we're gonna go with spawn rate because yeah i don't want them to be too strong all right so new flubby we got some flubby goo there's a lot of guys without faces in the middle so there you go guys you got a face oh we got more offspring give it to me baby oh dear man sometimes i do forget that these like go on the internet and people see them like people i know in real life as well oh well right right let's let's heal some of these guys they are taking some damage i think that increased spawn rate is actually hurting us quite a bit now so there you go here all of them they all group in the middle we're gonna offspring them up without singing this time oh and off spring some more up i feel like i need to sing i need to sing and then let's make these guys faster let's just see if it helps then we're going to welcome some noobs so there you go mate welcome i've given all these guys helmets now so they are now vikings uh some of you still don't have mouths i gotta give you guys mouths i think because you've just been born and flubbies aren't born with mouths there's a load of mouthless down there so there you go guys and up the top look at all those mouths there's gonna be so much chatter right oh no not more offspring i can't keep singing offspring songs i'll get a copyright strike i don't know what a flood bomb does shall i should i give those guys flood bomb oh no they're all they're all on fire now was that a mistake i don't know i'm going to make the grunkers faster though i don't think that will actually affect me too much and then lots of mouths for you guys i'm going to make everyone a bomb solid anyway new flubbies let's get some mouths on them hey a waller i'll see you in a walla walla step on the wrist well or not this time that's an old one if you know that one fair play right we're showing up some of these guys lots of shells to go on there's a lot of you that are like naked i definitely need to cover you up with shells seems like a good plan to me and then where's the least amount of beards top left maybe i don't know there's there's a lot of beard about i've finally got some health right here you guys then i might make you faster and then give your beards even though you already have beards oh we just had an explosion did you see that that was actually quite good to be fair all right anyway let's egg you guys up you're all impregnated now i might i might keep the bombs going since we got a lot of a lot of beard action so top left euro suicide bombers now yeah and then i guess i might heal you guys and then give you guys shells give your faces and beards all right what do we go with here make the gronkers stronger or make them spawn far i still think spawn faster is the way to go oh we finally got some spikes it's been a while since we got spiked i think top left you guys are lacking big time in spikes and then gonna heal so everyone comes to the middle make you all faster give you all spikes give you all some goo and then more blooming offspring oh man there's proper big waves coming let's give them some shells i need there you go i need to heal them heal them up and then flabby goo oh i don't know actually there are there's more offspring you gotta go with offspring if offspring is a choice you must select it i'm gonna bomb the guys down here because they are in trouble and then i'll offspring bottom right because they're furthest away from the danger although the danger's gone we we did survive i think let's heal let's group them all up and then we'll just bomb them all and shell them as well that sounds really really bad i legit meant it and i was being nice to them right who doesn't have a shell you guys over there there you go you're all showed up now oh no we've got to take a big wave we've played 139 cards i might wait until we kill these guys firstly right there you go now let's take the wave right we're a little bit in trouble let's actually there's a lot of people without mouths that would definitely help us if you all had mouths guys i can probably boom all of those boosh oh that was perfect timing we've actually used up all the cards we've caught up we've got 144 cards played i think more spikes is the key and then i might just boom some of these guys that come in because you are annoying me a bit boosh i have some of that oh there you go now we can heal let's heal massively and then give some more mouths out oh look at all the happy vikings in the middle they're like the weirdest evolution ever they're like viking wood last puffer fish anyway i got a i got a boom thing over here let's get rid of all those and oh man oh man we're getting wiped out we're getting wiped out let's heal we gotta heal hear you everyone i might save the heel as well because there are a few weak ones over that side actually being we're being attacked we're being attacked heal them up and then give them all shells and flubby goo i feel like we're at a point where we are actually starting to lose i haven't had offspring in a while now i think that's why coming off spring i miss you all right getting ready with the heal button all right heel and then what have we got we got some offspring get in there boys oh loads of offspring that was decent we just gotta we just gonna make sure the ones with offspring survive and the waves are so big right now i'm literally using my heel like to heal people surprising i know right we have we have a couple of cards stacked up i think i might heal and then oh no we got bad one oh do i take a big wave i think we take a big wave i don't want to give him more hit points so flubby goo for everyone and shells i think you've already got shells i don't think they're going to help and spikes oh no we're being we're being murdered we're being absolutely mulled right there's a load of new ones give them give them range damage that's it give them out smack and give them shells you got to protect them they're babies we did survive we did survive 165 cards played we've got some spikes give the noobs some spikes in the middle i really need a healing one right now oh we got we got more offspring we'll take off spring to be fair uh this wave is so big i don't like it there's a few there are a few people in the middle without mouths so i'm gonna try and get them all there we go they've all got mouths now nah we got heal we got heal yes let's play that oh that was a lifesaver that was a great card to play i did miss the 100 a nice number though also look massive ass wave coming down towards us really not a fan of that but we did survive we've got another heal as well let's use that oh man our screen was full of flubbies and now it's only half full this is not good now there's still a lot of people with the bomb treat though i feel like i haven't used that in literally ages so they're like long-standing survivors my aim now can i get to 200 cards i would absolutely love to look we got more bombs i might do this one though to take them out myself boosh i have some of that i think i might do that for the next card i've got i've got the boom ready because the waves are so big it's actually quite useful to use this one all right we're coming from top left and bottom right where's the weakest part maybe bottom right maybe top left or maybe maybe they don't need me maybe the flubbies are doing okay on their own tell you what then i'm going to give all of you guys some mouths because you are missing mouths all right more flabby gooey please oh no what do we do here we've got to choose between damage and hit points i'm guessing damage because if they're weak i can still kill them oh it's not it's not ideal though i'm going to use the boom over here boosh i have some of that and then i'm going to heal all the guys in the top left and then i'm going to give them all spikes just in case they didn't have spikes and anyone missing a mouth you are in the middle mate there you go have a mouth oh there's so many there's the waves are horrible now we're at 187 though i've got another boom i might use the boom over here boosh have some of that we're not in a good place right now ah it's okay we've just got a heal we did get a heal let's use that there we go and then i might use a boom as well there's a lot on the right boosh 191 we're so close i've got some offspring i think you luck can have eggs i've got another heal as well i'm gonna use this probably this round right now now now we gotta we'll try and save these guys i've got a boom i've got a boom do i need to use it no they're good they're good they're actually surviving i might have to use it next round though i really need a heel all right they're all coming from the right let's try and get a full circle boosh we didn't get a heel we've got some bombs late and we got some offspring come on four more cards and we crack 200 does anyone need spikes i guess you in the middle you can have some spikes right shell you're getting shells i'm protecting you oh there's so many come on give me a card please we're so close 198 yes the bomb the bomb saved us oh no we got to take a bad one let's take the 20 spawn rate we hit 200 this could be the end look at the wave i've got a boom i've got a boom boosh yes 201 come on guys that was going to blow up and kill them nice all right we are our numbers are dwindling in a big way i have no cards to play until now i've got a boom i do have a boom i guess i'll use the boom this round i don't think we're going to survive look how low our health is it is not good all right ready boosh have some of that oh sophie flubby's left once a thriving empire now we're dwindling so much so i'm literally taking the new flubby cards which i never take oh we got a hill we got a hill oh it's no good it's no good we're getting done we're absolutely getting done we got some offspring i don't think they're gonna survive no they're eating our babies they're eating our unborn babies heal rod yes they're gonna survive they're gonna survive come on vikings alright got a beam i got a beam should i should i protect them oh no there's so many there's so many favorite boosh no i've got one flubby if i climb this right yes i beat the system oh no he's he's doomed he's doomed ah game over 211 cards played that was so fun i want to play again but yeah if you enjoy that guys go click the link in my description it's an h.i.o game so you can donate to the dude that made this i definitely recommend you do that because this super fun game if you do play it and enjoy it of course but yeah thanks once again for watching guys and i'll catch you next time peace love and i'm pretty fly for a white guy
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 228,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, flubby, flubbies, flubby farm, flubbie farm, fish farm game, fish upgrade game
Id: 0qFx08g4X_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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