Engineering the SLOWEST PLANE EVER in Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to trail makers uh we are back in the test zone which is just a massive open space no obstacles no anything but this time we're not in the pursuit of speed we've done a lot of hitting the sound barriers and breaking speed records on the land on the air on the sea today we're almost doing the opposite and thank you to skillshare for sponsoring today's video skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes that will allow you to explore new skills deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity now i've currently been upping my video editing skills using this advanced video editing with adobe premiere pro class by jordy van der putt who's also a fellow youtuber i'm currently on part 7 which is all about pancake editing mmm pancakes but he's already taught me some great shortcuts has saved me a lot of time in the editing process so as well as just learning new skills i also really like that you can literally just pause 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we'll plonk that there next we need some form of propulsion so if we come into propulsion we can pick something from in here now what would be the best bet or a plane you're probably thinking propeller so let's bung a propeller on the front ideally facing the right direction okay propeller next we need some wings so we'll put a modular wing or two on the side we just want to extend that a little bit and then we'll put a tail fin in which i'm not sure if i can steer left and right it does look like it has a flap you see that is that flap but i don't see any steering options so perhaps not and then to give us lift we're gonna put some small modular wings on the back but we're gonna put some sort of mechanical movement on them so rotating servo perhaps then copy one to this side as well and then we've got a configure button which means we can set the steering so we want if we want to dip forwards we want the rear wings to go downwards that is s that's w and then over this side yeah i just need to rotate this one around that way and because it's the other way around we actually need to swap them so that needs to be w and that needs to be s just because green's now on the bottom over this side red is on the bottom right that might work if we just attach some small modular wings to those give it a rotate copy over that side right and then perhaps we just need some wheels or maybe a skid so let's plunk two skids down is our propeller going to touch the ground it's good it's going to be tight let's get in our play i don't even underst hang on wait where are you going no where where are you going come back please come back right okay so the plane it is now off and we can go up and down yeah we can't we can't stay left and right but uh either way the plane is flying well sort of flying you also notice bottom left there is a speed dial and basically i want to find out how slow we can take off i'll probably build something with a bit more a bit more maneuverability than this so what i'm thinking maybe i can just delete this middle piece and in there put some sort of hinge a tree no that's a ball hinge we don't want that we want a steering hinge maybe a large hinge and grab all this move it that way right now the back end should move so if we just configure that but if we want the plane to go left green has to move okay so they're the wrong way around all right here we go here we go we are flying now sort of right not the most conventional plane it sort of looks like like a weird bird well i guess actually that's a good thing to look like a weird bird because birds do fly map but yeah no not the most conventional steering method but uh seems to be working all right so my first question is well my first question is why are you going backwards my second question is what speed do we take off i might actually make this a bit more stable so i'm sort of thinking instead of the skids can i get a wheel to go in there yes it looks like i can if i just move this whole wing down that should be at the right height oh it's not sliding backwards anymore i feel like we're a bit front heavy now do those wheels weigh a lot more maybe i think we can move our wings forward a bit just to stop us doing that whoa okay that's a that was a lot more left and i lit okay that had got this all right let's put them back where they were let's try and work out what speed we take off at oh perhaps 30 is there a way to limit the speed of the propeller let's have a look annoyingly it doesn't appear to we can only do delay or duration is there anything else we can use for propulsion where we can limit the speed or perhaps a fairer test yeah i'm thinking a fairer test would just be put engines on because then our wheels are powered and we'll know whatever speed we go is the speed that we take off at and then we can lose all the steering stuff because we don't really need that yeah okay let's do that so bang an engine on the front get rid of the steering stuff and i think we just want to almost copy like this back so it's source of balance i'm thinking maybe i should move the middle bit back a bit hang on right okay this is what what is this this is what we've ended up with so far um okay why does it do that what's have i set the wheels up wrong or does it just have too much lift i might have too much lift already all right how about we move the engine to the back maybe if the weight's at the back maybe that's why it was rocking forward okay yeah i think it just wants to take off instantly does that count as flying is that flying have we done it at 10 miles an hour i'll tell you what let's lose some wings right that doesn't count as flying i'm pretty sure let's try and get this weight balanced all right ready oh it's got some lift it definitely has some lift i don't think that counts as flying what if we do go back to the propeller option um i'll tell you what this is a weird one because i'm trying to like not think aerodynamically i don't think we care about being aerodynamic do we or do we what if i built right land out all right so so we're in the 50s what am i doing oh dear all right i'm sort of thinking rather than going wide perhaps i should go up oh apparently they're connected oh i didn't realize there were connections on the front sweet okay so can i put another propeller like oh i can okay let's try this out then it looks so tight oh we're gonna get some lift maybe i don't know how it works okay so because there's propellers at the front it's sort of can you see it leaning forward i'm thinking if we get rid of that middle bottom propeller we just have those two and we could make this really long to stop it doing that maybe or we could even get rid of that propeller as well i don't know let's try this first no still definitely leaning forward so let's get rid of the front propeller you're gone let's try this i feel like our thrust is more central now much better much better oh i put a wing in upside down i put all those wings in up so oops good thing i spotted that oh yeah somehow all of those wings went in upside down all right that's better they're all facing the same direction now so they should give us lift rather than downforce all right ready okay so stacking wings vertically not really surprisingly doesn't allow you to take off any easier except in this game when you stack engines like it gives you more power so i sort of thought stacking wings might work in the same way but um from a realism point of view that's absolute nonsense there's no realism here we're in a game we are in a game you must remember that right so how about we make this longer so we move that back there you move that next to it then we can shove our propeller like in the middle so maybe there and if we use these grid blocks which are super lightweight i think we should be able to squeeze them underneath the propeller yes and then we can do that so that doesn't look sturdy at all but trust me you'll be fine it'll be fine oh so lift is very much at the back let's try that again what happen i think it's because there's no weight at the back okay so we'll swap some of those grid blocks with some weighted stuff and we probably want to like balance out the weight so i think we got like 25 kilos at the front yeah that's 25 kilograms and these are only 0.3 so if we are there any things that weigh like 25 kilos that's very heavy or can i put two cockpits in will that work oh i can put two cockpits in okay i wonder which one we'll jump into oh we're set in the front still that's right then right is that a bit more balanced whoa okay we don't exactly have flight or if we add a few more wings sideways oh that gives us so much lift now that doesn't count as flying though okay what i'm thinking then maybe we want like perfect balance so we have a propeller underneath as well and we just make this taller so if we move all these wheels down a bit and we try and do something like that with the propellers so then our sort of vertical thrust is balanced now is that right or am i just talking nonsense i don't know so if we just move the wheels out one then we can just use these grid blocks we can rotate them into that gap and then just do that i think all right let's try this oh you know it's gonna end in tears it looks terrible it looks like a 12 year old has come up with something but uh oh my god we're flying we're in a steady flight 37 miles an hour i mean technically we're still flying are we flying like proper flying five miles an hour okay i'm thinking what if i add more wings because what i want to do i think the fairest test for this is to keep the propellers going we'll see the speed counts when we're level and when the propellers are fully going so i think at the moment we're on about 20 miles an hour so let's try and slow this thing down all right we've got to land if we want to oh it just like floats in the air i think that should count as flying to be honest hey look at it that's flying you can't see that's not flying i guess you could say it's gliding anyway we want to slow this down i don't know the best way i don't know whether to add more wings for more lift or whether we just want to add weight and bad aerodynamics so if we click on this aerodynamics tab it sort of shows you where the aerodynamics are in terms of good and bad so green means good surprisingly red means bad we haven't got any red and then orange is like in the middle so we could add for example just like some square blocks about now you can see there's red there they are bad aerodynamics but if we just do a line of those in the middle will that slow us down a bit all right so horizontal with propellers we are definitely going slower like 18 ish oh god i'm just falling out i've lost my plane where's my plane oh there it is there it is all right i found it it's over there let's try let's try and get near it or can i just respawn without yeah i can respawn okay that's good tonight alright so i've tried to just make it a bit more symmetrical i've made the front and back the same in terms of wing width i feel like our redness was working so i might just extend those to the end and then we could do up and down to make just a wall i mean i think really they need to go forward a bit i don't know where the i don't know where the actual lift comes from whether it's like the back of it or the front of it because i want to balance it but i'm not really sure how all right it's definitely front heavy if we were to grab this bar and move it back that's a bit more weight to the back maybe we'll do another one as well why not all right let's try that and with this spacing it means that's still green i think if i were to cover that up we might make things worse because green is better than nothing or does green still have a negative impact i'm not sure let's just see trial and error it's the engineering way oh that's pretty good that's very level and delete some from the back oh no we're stuck on it we're stuck on it oh we've fallen off all right if i can get this perfectly balanced i'll be a happy boy all right what about this then oh that is good i'm not touching anything apart from spacebar and we are like super balanced so 20 miles an hour at the moment so you want to try and slow that down so what if we were to grab all of these and just do a couple more layers like that we do the same on the other side so grab those copy up twice now we got a look at that that's a lot of red so let's see what effect that has interesting because we didn't balance up and down we only went up we backflipped so if we were to copy that top layer we go underneath twice and we do the same over this side so grab the top layer copy underneath twice and that's still perfectly symmetrical apart from the wheels i just worry now we might be lacking in power and lift so we might need to add wider wings oh god okay let's add more wingage to counteract all right here we go we are up oh my god i've done it oh he's seven miles an hour that's beautiful oh god it's got men so it's got men so what's going on i've summoned the kraken in trail makers all right so let's see how this works from a standing start so it's a bit jittery and then we're up it's sort of like a staggered takeoff but seven miles an hour can we get under five miles an hour i think we're in the right direction so let's add some more wings so you got twice as many wings unfortunately our old builds are still over there and i think they might cause a bit of trouble yeah they're sort of in the wing range but then we should take off pretty quickly as well so i don't know let's see from take off straight in the air it's jittery but is that four miles an hour almost now oh this is insane i just want to keep adding wings how wide can we go all right wing wing this is a wide plane oh no what does that mean what does that mean it's copy two on top of each other is it what's going on why why do they have a warning oh if i delete them and put them back the warning goes interesting a visual glitch warning i think okay well anyway let's copy those nice and do the same on this side nice and the back ones right sorted let's try this then i know it's stuck in the air it's just always flying all right repair oh god there's another one underneath me now bollocks hey where's the back of the wings gone that's not my vehicle right we're back we're back and it looks like we're flying at one mile an hour i don't think we have enough force to go forwards oh god we pick out speed because we're going sideways i gotta get the wheels down get the wheels down does this count as flying if one end is touching the ground i'm gonna guess no all right we're not touching the ground i don't know if we're flying technically though we're sort of drifting sideways what is it doing all right does that count if we lean forward a bit no i feel like our wings are too long i know let's take off one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve take twelve wings off either side uh still floating right there you go right it's on the ground so we can take off using our propellers and we are up we are [Laughter] look at the speed oh gosh i still look like a dragonfly for a second oh dear it's getting vibratey again i thought we're doing well it looks like really excited it's like are we gonna take off dad are we gonna take off it's like paddy when he's about to eat his food all right let's repair one more time all right we're on the ground okay stop shaking i can see you all right let's take off three mile an hour and we're i don't like the look of that wing i will lose a few more wings then fine right okay we're on the ground there's a little bit of movement let's try and take off two miles an hour three miles an hour that could be the new record although i feel like we did one mile an hour earlier didn't we all right well let's extend these blocks as well just because i want to try i want to make sure we try every possible solution so copy delete the wheels i accidentally copied oh god that's that's not even i didn't copy that right hang on there we go right so are we ready oh right we've got forward momentum no so the blocks make it a lot worse a lot worse what if we go back to this one and then we start stacking some wings all right so that took off but it was a good like we're in the 20s again it does glide very nicely though all right let's try this we've got rid of the weights this time and we've just got wings oh two miles an hour yes so what if we expand on the concept i'm sort of thinking perhaps we let's delete all this all right i feel like this could be the winning formula so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna copy all of that we're to go up a few times and then we've just got to move this stuff like up let's let's copy all the wings first and we'll just try it like that so all of that copies are there and then copy to this side copy these middle rings up there's so much wing edge on this plane all right then we just need to balance out our propulsion so if we grab this middle piece without selecting the wings behind this could be tricky and we accidentally selected those wings of course so we'll move them back down right let's try this out this is a proper over engineered what how it's what they call biplane is two wings how many is this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve decker plane is that a thing i'm intrigued to see how this is going to work anyway right so we're in forward thrust one mile an hour wheels are off that took off at one mile an hour the kraken is trying to take hold though all right let's keep an eye on the wheels and keeping on the speed ready we're taking off we just took off instantly it just goes straight up i think we gotta say that's under one mile an hour surely so hard to tell because the kraken has taken hold and now we're definitely drifting sideways now 17 miles an hour sideways i will do one more takeoff unfortunately still is over zero miles an hour so not entirely sure how that works but it does just go straight up it's like a mary poppins mobile well i reckon we achieved today guys i think this plane achieves a takeoff under one mile an hour and not only that is beautiful it is such a good sight but thanks for joining if you've got any other challenges you want me to try let me know below in the comments and i'll try and do them for another video but in the meantime peace love and deck of planes i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 408,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, what is the slowest plane in the world, trail makers slowest flight, slowest takeoff ever, slowest takeoff speed
Id: M_h5Vuu3fVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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