Engineering the PERFECT beaver colony in Timberborn!

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thank you to the patreons for funding this video allowing schmeichel my editor to create extra content hello fellow engineers and welcome to timberborne well well it's just the preview demo this is a game all about the engineer of the wild the beaver and obviously if i was an animal any animal in the world i would choose to be a beaver but thankfully i'm not i get to use today's game to live out my wildest fantasy and become a beaver and build a dam so let's get into it you know it's going to be a good game when the artwork has a bridge in the background i mean it looks like it's collapsed but uh there's two bridges they're actually walking on a bridge oops i've just loaded up my my previous skirt this so i did have a quick go just to sort of learn how it works and stuff um ignore the bottom left it went it went really well i know exactly what i'm doing now so we're gonna we're gonna start a new game so there's three sort of factions in the game there's these guys which i don't know is that meant to be a cowboy hat or what is that there's the iron teeth now their motto is work hard work hard now they're not available in the demo unfortunately and then there's these guys the unknown but today's video will be using the beavers of demoria the classic beaver and we're recommended to play the planes level and because of my success and my first playthrough i'm going to be going straight into the canyon you can't tell me what to do game you can't tell me what to do alright so here we are in beaverton that's what i like to call it here are all our little beavers we got loads of them i'm gonna name my original beavers after my patreons how about that all right so all our beavers are named i'm going to quickly pause the game you can see our beavers they they're not sure what they should be doing so let's get them some jobs to do let's build some stuff let's have a look at our map as well all right so as you can see we have a river flowing through i'm just going to press play to see what direction it's flowing okay it's flowing from here it comes down you can see all the land within river range a technical term everything's growing the grass is green the trees are green and the berries are not green they're very colored down the bottom here we have a range of different buildings and stuff and we can also use this the cut trees so if i if i start with this i can literally select an entire area there we go so all of those trees that are now very green and that one uh they're all marked for cutting so they'll get chopped down by the beavers and i probably should mark these ones as well so all of those and all of these dead ones i think dead wood needs to be gone i may as well do all those all right so all the trees in range will be chopped down lovely uh but we do have some starting materials we've got some we've got some wood here and some explosives i've also got food already sorted so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna build i'm gonna use this one paths and structures i'm gonna build a sort of road layout so we'll go from our little hut here and we'll go to that staircase and we'll go straight down to the water all right now you can see these are all marked up for building there's no one building currently but uh when i press play all the beavers will start building i'm gonna plan a few more buildings first so i'm gonna go into water so if i just rotate that i'm going to build a water pump and i'm also going to build a water tank or two i will add more of these but for now just one i'm going to build at that side and these store water because as you'll see currently we're in the wet season there is going to be a dry season when the dry season comes the river dries up so we need to prepare bell to prepare prepare to fail as someone said probably once i'm going to build another path heading towards these trees and then i can come down to this one wood and this is a lumberjack flag so that basically turns a beaver into a lumberjack so if i put two of those in then we got two beavers cutting down all of these trees and then the same sort of thing for the food we have a gatherer flag and these turn beavers into gatherers so they can go to these blueberries and grab some berries so i'll do one of them they seem to run out pretty quick as i found out in my first playthrough but i think we'll press play now uh all our little beavers they're a bit confused they're like we don't have any any storage uh because i stupidly forgot if we want to collect these trees we need a log pile all right so we can see here we've got four beavers building a road so we got egb gaming crimson zach and on car good work guys they get on the road done meanwhile someone's already built the log pile so you can see these trees been cut up who who's cutting the trees who's that jordan miller good works on and armin these two legends they're cutting trees down and they'll take the logs and pile them up in this log pile now once they've built the road here they will move faster along it that'll be good all right so that's our sort of basics we do need some housing for our beavers because uh otherwise they all sleep on the streets it's very upsetting to watch so i'm gonna grab a lodge we should be able to get two next to each other if we go there and there and then rotate nice and then if we do a road up between there nice that's four houses and maybe just maybe that will allow everyone to sleep safe and not out on the street we only have four builders at the moment these four guys so to make more jobs available for builders we need to build go down here into labor we can build a build a flag or a hauling post now holden post takes planks we don't have planks yet we only have logs so we'll stick with the build a flag and we'll shove one of them down there just a nice little spot for it i think oh and here you go night time is coming so we can actually set the working hours of the day we can reduce that or we can increase it i'm going to leave it on the default 16 because i don't want to overwork my beavers but i also don't want them slacking i'm a hard task master they'll eventually all take a little sleep and they got no houses so the first night they're sleeping rough yeah you can see all of our little beavers sleeping outside look at these three they've like they've made oh they've all made us they've all made little beds out of like straw and leaves and stuff uh this one does not look comfortable he's impaled himself on a log who is that almond sorry armin everyone's getting a bit thirsty as well so we might have to come down here and prioritize that so we've got a construction priority on everything so we can up that and i'll make sure that's the next thing that they build all right here we go who's come down here zach's come down here and he's gonna be building the water supply there it is there it is so this uses the latest in log technology to uh pump water out but uh we don't have any workers at the moment so if you look at up here employment we currently have no unemployed beavers so what we might have to have to reduce one say from the builder's hut to free reduce that egb you've just been fired and uh there we go breezy bro oh so i fired egb who's now unemployed it seems and breezy bro took up this job so he's pumping the water now so now you can really see how this works he uses the latest in log technology let's pump water out and this stores a certain amount of water and otherwise it will have to be stored in these tanks once they get built uh so as as we do have someone unemployed okay we've employed you again egb is fine it's fine right food seems very good which is surprising because they haven't built these yet there you go someone's egb now employed is building these on who's helping him zach's helping him so these will be the berry collectors oh no look he's left his bed out well they've all got their beds out these are sleeping mat i could that it's egb super i can literally demolish it should i sorry bud do i want to delete them no i'm not gonna do that i'm not gonna do that i'm not i'm not evil i like beavers they're the engineers of the natural world not the architects oh breezy bro you've grown up well done all that pumping water has made him a man well a beaver right so we're not able to build these logs it says can't get all required materials so let's just have a little look these are our housing uh since we don't have enough logs uh but we really need people in the lumber in the lumberjack so i'm gonna reduce the builders down so i've fired two of those and hopefully they'll go into yeah crimson and zach are now in there they're no longer building they're chopping down trees jordan miller is also thirsty you need to go pop your log down me who's this who's having a break egb come on man we got stuff to do he's not even unemployed he's just being lazy so if we speed this up a bit are they gonna work through a little bit of the night are they gonna get it done no they didn't quite get it done so it looks like another night on the streets guys i am dreadfully sorry i really should look after my patrons better than this all right and now it's daytime all right so got a lot of people logging now they will store the logs here the builders will grab the logs from here they're focusing on this first house and you can see our water storage has been built so if we look down there it's slowly filling up with water uh the only downside is someone does actually have to come and take it from here into there is it gonna be this guy no he's just having a drink aaron mackey having a drink there he's still a little baby look how big this boy is omkar you're a huge man there you go and he just carried the water from the pumping station into the storage our first house is built as well so maybe just maybe there won't be people sleeping on the streets tonight uh right i need to get someone making food because food is dropping we're on 83. i can't really choose who becomes what i don't think i really need someone to go work on this gatherer flag we've got no unemployed people oh god i might have to delete this i know i can pause i can pause them oh idiot and now we have someone at the gatherer flag excellent so crimson is gonna be the hunter-gatherer you see him there he's gathering berries good work crimson uh so we're all good now the next thing we need to focus on then is food so if we come down here to food we can build a farmhouse that employs farmers that plant and harvest crops so if i grab our farmhouse and let's shove it there see and then we can come down to here plant crops and we can choose between carrots and potatoes now carrots are a good sort of starting food and potatoes are a bit more a bit more late game you generally need to buy other things to cook them uh so just to start we'll go with the carrots i'm just gonna select like all of that land now the thing with this is when the dry season comes these will die unless you have enough water so what i might do i might do a bit more water storage let's say another one another one there i'll do three for now as well because that one's now 100 full as you can tell by the easy to read logo and there is there is an option later on for an irrigation tower which irrigates the land around it and that's the one that helps us in the dry season but we need science points and for science points obviously we need science no so thankfully we can build an inventor's hut straight up so i think we'll plonk that there uh and we got okay so we've had the build has had a productive day we've got three bill bilva we've got three beaver houses uh unfortunately the last one isn't done so we still have two homeless people oh i feel so bad like everyone's going in there in their houses like all the lights are on and jordan's just roughing it out is there anyone else that doesn't have a house i'll let someone up oh why are you sleeping on your own who's that breezy brew he literally works all day on his own pumping water in there doesn't see his soul and then he chooses to sleep up here on his own right so it's the next morning in beaverton yeah i need to think about building a dam because dams are fun and i really wanted to go like a tall dam i reckon across here could be incredible i literally damn that and fill all of this with water the only trouble is it's quite a way to get over there but i think we're gonna have to build stairs yes the stairs we need to unlock for science points so we need to build this our inventor's hut and that obviously takes a person as well we're gonna have to choose a resource to not use for a while uh but i will prioritize oh do i want to prioritize it i really need to prioritize food really food although we're collecting berries it does seem to be going down so we'll prioritize the farmhouse first and then the inventor's hut and then those water oh we need the water as well i need everything built i need more beavers thankfully though our final beaver hut is built so no one should be sleeping rough tonight top left no one is homeless all right so we've built our farmhouse now yeah there you go jordan miller's now in the farmhouse so he should get yeah there he is he's planting our carrots nice oh your beavers are happier than ever you've reached a new well-being high school oh nice and we've attracted a new beaver who's now unemployed so what can we put him on i reckon more logs we can always use more logs we do need enough water and food to be able to survive the dry season so i might build a small warehouse and as that gets built hopefully as we produce food i'll be stored in here and then over the dry season when we're not producing any food because this will all die this will go like dark brown horrible uh we should be good water is filling up nicely i'm wondering maybe i should build another yeah we'll build another couple of those oh and look at our logs we've got so many logs that is great work guys we've done really well today right so we need to have a little think about what we want to build next we could probably do with starting to make planks so we can build some better buildings this lumber mill that they produce planks it requires power though so we'll go into our power and we can build a water wheel so if we shove this it's got to be in the water let's say we put it we can put it there no we'll put it we'll put it here so that will produce power which will power this lumber mill so i can put that there but they're not connected so what we have to do we need to go back into power and use these power shafts shaft so now you can see if i i can put these anywhere they're basically like wires so i put them in there and that takes some movement from here and puts it into our lumber mill right and then we need to think about how we're going to get over here and damn this up what i'm thinking is we've got to build a path network with stairs so obviously we need to unlock the stairs 70. we only got 36 science points we need 70. uh but whilst we'll wait for those we we can get our path on its way so i'm thinking people can get up here with these stairs they can head over here we can probably put stairs in there stairs up that and then to get across here we probably just want to fill this in to be honest and then that will allow them to get around the corner so there is this damn one yeah so we'll pile that up at some point once we have enough science points to know how the stairs work and stuff so let's fast forward we're nearly a weekend i can't remember when the dry season comes it might be very soon though right so uh jordan miller just sat there i don't honestly know if he's doing work or if he literally just waits for them to grow um yeah not sure if i should take him out just whilst they grow maybe we'll pause you yeah there you go and hopefully that will just grow on its own and then we can put someone back in when we need them but for now you can become a lumberjack we need more wood that log pile has gone down immensely then our lumber mill is being made i will prioritize that bar as well so the power can get into the building and then we should be good our water we've got two tanks completely full i'm not sure how many we need to survive the dry season with 12 beavers in the house all right here you go our carrots are growing so i tell you what we probably want to unpause that and take jordan off the lumberjack hopefully he'll go back into the farm yard there you go is that in there yeah there you go he's he's harvesting our carrots and now in our food we have berries and carrots yummy and our lumber mill is complete so now we're producing planks you see up here we've made two planks already right so we've got 69 oh yes science points we only need 70 for the stairs so who's our science pointer it's corey taylor come on there you go 72 let's unlock the wooden stairs yes i do want to unlock boosh all right so these cost four planks and one log we've only got two planks but uh should be fine the only trouble is it looks like they're only going one direction so what i'll do i'll plonk them there and then there so yeah build that and then build that but as you can see here they're not going to be able to get there we need to build more parts or build a flag or build a hut because basically this is too far from the current construction and you see down here is fine but up here we get we got the warning we're too far from the builders so i'm going to go ahead and build another build of flag i'm going to plonk that there so that should extend our range i need to prioritize those stairs as well and once those stairs are built then we can build this build a flag but it's another night he hasn't jordan miller has not harvested many crops maybe we should add another egb you're working there for a little bit then it's the next day these stairs are nearly complete come on who's in there someone's in there who are you who are you right so our beavers they've made the stairs and they're up here so they can build this builder flag so i'll high prioritize that and once that's complete hopefully we can build our stairs down the other side there you go stairs and range i will build a path nice and michael francois he is the resident builder up here sorry egb i know i promised you that job but uh you're too slow then look how close we are to being able to build the damn but that will have to wait till next time thank you once again to the patreons for supporting the video michael had a great beavering time editing this everyone else don't forget to like the video and i'll catch you next time peace love and beavers
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 910,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer
Id: qAOtrFtHk5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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