I conquered the seas to make Britain Great again...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to world of warships if you haven't heard of world of warships before you're in for a treat it's a team-based sea battle game that's free to play on pc with over 44 million players worldwide now the name world of warships is very literal here there's over 400 ships check out this tech tree we've got ships from all over the place we've got japan and the usa if you want to recreate those pacific battles you've got italy and some of the commonwealth but for this video i'll be representing great britain and of course what other ship would i want to use than the queen elizabeth herself now as good as she looks right now i think she needs a bit of a paint job yes that's much more patriotic now everyone will know what side we represent so the queen elizabeth is a battleship it's got the thickest armor and the mightiest guns the game also includes destroyers which rely on their speed and maneuverability cruisers which are the middle ground between battleships and destroyers and the aircraft carrier which is pretty self-explanatory but i'll be having to go in one of those later on in the video before we get started i just want to say a massive thank you to world of warships for sponsoring today's video and supporting the channel and if you click on the link in my description new players that register through that link will be given a huge starter pack consisting of 200 doubloons two ships 20 restless fire camouflage two and a half million credits and seven days of premium account all you need to do is use the code boom when you sign up using my link remember the code is only for new players that register for the first time but you can find out more in my video description anyway let's get into it i'm not quite done decorating this ship i feel like we're lacking a bit in the flag department so we're gonna go mount some flags our main flag is going to be this pumpkin smash we can also add these signal flags which give us extra in-game bonuses and i like to just mount all yes we are representing now i'll just quickly upgrade my patch for good luck we're going to go with a cat riding a torpedo on a heptagon background because heptagons are the best icons and then we're ready to go into battle all right so we're in the battleground and here's our beautiful ship we've got this like uav plane and that gives us extra range when we want to use that look at the detail on this on the paint job i am loving the paint job all right so it looks like i'm on the far left we've got all my fellow teammates to the right of me the starboard side we've got some planes flying overhead and if we use our mouse wheel we can zoom right in see if we can spot any enemy ships in the distance i'm gonna head towards the c point and we'll try and take that all right i can see a load of enemy ships i don't know if i'm gonna be in range i'm gonna give that a shot are we gonna hit you can see our missiles up there oh he disappeared i think he's used smoke oh but i think we got him did we get him i don't know oh it's a proper one on what they're gonna have a collision course it's my team versus their team oh they have hit each other all right they've stopped if i can hit them i might be able to nick the kill oh i just missed i just overshot it we killed you you can see the enemy torpedoes coming in oh they're both down they're both down right let's take out these guys so i'm going to aim about there so we can press said to follow our guns oh we just missed just missed all right so he's going a bit quicker than i suspected so maybe we'll go like there again we'll follow these with zed ready boosh oh i think we're just short and this one looks bang on ready oh we got him all right so we're following our shelves oh we gotta hit that and we set him on fire it's now dead on pc that's gonna be right in the face oh and another one are we just gonna skim his ass oh we just skimmed to that all right our own ship is in the way that boosh a couple of hits and i think he's down right we're gonna crack on and try and take this guy out so my aim's sort of there so if we follow these shells oh my god we're gonna hit him we're gonna hit him yes what a shot all right and again are any of these gonna hit oh it's looking good boosh boosh nice we got penetration and non penetration right here's head on let's oh yeah bang you are down son we got some more penetration and non-penetration we're just reloading my guns all right guns one and four are ready and we'll fire okay boosh on double penetration that's what that's what's all about don't take that the wrong way all right i think if we can get one more hit ready oh nice we set him on fire i think someone else might nick my kill though shoot reload oh someone nicked my kill all right anyway we need to make sure we don't hit the island we're getting the warning turn right turn right right now full throttle towards zone c where i'm gonna move my gun turrets they take a while to aim you can see them moving very slowly so we can free look so we can look where we're going while our guns are turning in that direction so we can make sure we're on course for zone c and just keep an eye out down here all right so he's quite far away so i'm going to go for like that sort of shot i just shot all four of my guns let's follow and see if any will hit this one's looking not too bad he just overshot it i'm going to slow down because we are capturing the area now so he seems to be slowing down a lot i'm gonna go about there i think i'm gonna lace this guy ready oh nice we just captured seat and now this guy's picking up speed so i'm gonna go like that and that's all four of my guns oh yes we got penetration and a torpedo protection hit nice i can see his guns pointing towards me no i get ready two and three oh look at that we set him on fire you're in trouble son all right we are repairing with t we're gonna turn and chase him all right come here ready come on guns we're on fire i've just told the guys to uh put it down oh nailed him completely nailed him now if i can speed up and get my guns three and four on him we should be good ready they're pointing boost boost boost oh nice we got loads of hits there he's nearly down for the count if we can just reload we will be good all right let's zoom in oh some good hits there and some more this is a proper battle come on we gotta take him out right guns three and four decent we've set him on fire again he's gotta be nearly done yes yes come on yes we took him down oh that was a proper battle but the queen elizabeth has survived just she has taken a beating uh right i think zone c is done we're gonna head that way zone b so we can see they currently own that i'm going to do a bit of repair work so t and my lads are going to get that repaired so i can see there's an aircraft carry about because that that's aircraft that will drop bombs so i might actually sort of head yes over in this direction let's zoom in really far can we see over this side yes can you see there is the aircraft carrier so we're gonna do we're gonna thread through these islands and we're gonna take that aircraft carrier down i'm gonna launch my plane can you see my plane down there if i press y that launches my plane that allows me to shoot way further because that's my spotter so now we can see if we scroll in with the mouse wheel we can see way further unfortunately that ship's gone out of range now i know it's over there somewhere right there's the bomber i think it came from that direction so i think we'll take our chances and we'll just do like a scatter and see if we're lucky enough to hit it we are about to get bombed which ain't great but we've got some anti-aircraft guns doing the business oh and it's down good work uh we are kicking out some smoke as well we're we're single-handedly warming up the planet right there she is so that is 11 kilometers so i'm gonna go about there let's see if we get some hits we'll follow our projectiles oh but we got a hit we got a hit we shot an aircraft down as well lovely all right we'll do a bit of repair work and we are right on his ass now let's absolutely lace him follow those with zed oh we got a hit all right 10 kilometers i reckon about there should be good just reloading our guns i'm ready fire come on baby how do they look oh lovely got some penetration there that's what i'm all about right we are full speed towards it we're going to ram him if nothing else all right let's get another hitting ready let's follow these boosh love it there are some flames coming out his chimney now we'll do a bit of repair work keep our queen in tip-top shape all right and again yeah she's on fire i'm gonna start to swing us around all right let's hit this again yes i'm gonna try and get my back turrets involved oh we're on fire we're on fire if we use our we can get our crew to put her out oh god that plane is nailing me i'm hoping as we swing by we might be able to use our rear turrets it's ready one second and fire decent we shot an aircraft down as well our rear turrets are about to be in range yes there they go there they go ah destroyed yes we destroyed the aircraft carrier and we won the level the queen elizabeth does it again i think the queen will actually be proud of me so bloody hell during that i got 76 target hits and i shot 50 aircraft out beautiful i killed two boats as well i'll take that i will take that let's have a look at the team score where did i rank oh my god i came first fair play me that is the trouble though when you've got the queen's name you've got to perform all right for this round we're going to check out an aircraft carrier this one's the furious another great british one you see we've got three different types of planes so we'll be doing some serious damage but first we've got to add all of our flags including the pumpkin smash and of course our [Music] all camouflage so with that let's take the furious into battle look at that paint job absolutely beautiful all right so on a nighttime sort of map and we've got the moonlight shining on us and we saw we're sort of in the middle we've got boats to our left and boats are right we're literally just gonna stay here i'm gonna send off a plane so we'll start with one these are the attack aircraft we're just gonna head straight into battle full speed 169 knots we do keep overheating though it's that bar on the left as we boost only lasts a certain amount of time right so we're over point a so we should start seeing some boats now yeah so you can see the anti-aircraft black is coming up at us so i'm gonna go for this one all right ready attack oh what a hits what a hit and they're down but it's fine we get more planes every time so those attack ones we just used we've got four out of six so if we press two we can switch to the torpedo bombers and the key with these is just to keep swapping so you've always got aircraft in the air all right so we're in formation we're gonna go help these guys take a so they've spotted us they got the anti-aircraft but we're gonna go straight down into a dive bomb these are our torpedoes once we get close enough boosh two torpedoes are we gonna hit are we gonna hit ah we missed we missed all right so now we're gonna go with the bombers and again i want to focus on capturing point a so i'm gonna go help our guys out over here see a ship in the distance he's getting absolutely nailed but hopefully we can drop some bombs so we've gone high we've gone high ready yes nailed him a bit of penetration we took some hits we can turn around and yes he got destroyed so i'm actually gonna head out this way and see if they've got an aircraft carrier all right i don't see anything up here they do have an aircraft carrier somewhere so we'll just scoot along the back and hopefully we'll see him you might be wondering what the hell happens if you fly into an island well let's find out oh god oh god it's okay they're pulling up they pulled up it's all fine people it is fine all right so we can see they've got some bombers which means oh there it is there it is over here all right we found their aircraft carrier we're going to cool in some fighters just to help us and then we're going to go high so that we can drop some bombs ready come on have some of that nice we got absolutely nailed though oh no they're on our ass they're on our ass that's a victory for our aircraft carrier let's battle on unfortunately disaster we've lost our paint job so we might not do as well here but at least we have our pumpkin flag still all right we got some planes over there so i'm gonna bring in my fighters i'm gonna go support point a because it looks like we're losing it so if i can get in there with some torpedoes we should be able to help out right there there coming out the smoke there's already some torpedoes about to hit him but they all missed can we do better with ours ready two torpedoes are they gonna hit oh i think we got one hit all right let's torpedo this one or that left one might do it it might do it keep an eye on it go on yes we destroyed it beautiful all right let's do some let's launch some bombers all right let's go see how they're looking after a are they capturing it okay there's a lot of smoke screen going on let's head over this island right here we go you're getting bombed son all right let's try and eye this in ready die oh yes that's a good hit nice all right we're going to spin back around i'm going in for another hit we've lost quite a few bombers now that looks good that looks good oh another hit another hit you've only got one bomber left i think i think that's it i think he's going to get hit yeah he's down all right back into the torpedoes i think i really did enjoy the torpedoes last time i feel like those guys probably got a sorted so i'm gonna go protect b i can see there's a proper battle going on ahead of me and there's a ship almost not moving so get ready we might be able to destroy this one ready torpedoes oh it's destroyed before our torpedo got there they look like a good hitler all right there's a ship there i think that's their aircraft carrier so it's not really moving i'm to do some torpedoes straight away our torpedoes are still moving let's return to the ship and take the bombers let's see if we get any torpedo hits in the meantime all right we can press r in the meantime to give us unlimited boost that'll help us get there a bit quicker their proper backed into a corner you can see all the shells flying in they're getting nailed from both sides and about to get nailed from above as well all right ready ready boosh yes we got some hits we got some hits all right and again and again come on come on oh we got destroyed but that's it we won the game it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that's another victory for us we did some flag defending and destroyed a boat that round lovely right in this next battle we're in a sort of like in a sort of tropical level and oh my god look at that guy's camouflage that's unreal i was just admiring the reflections of the water on the side of my boat there as well but uh yeah that that camouflage way more impressive right so we're back in the queen elizabeth on the map we're on the left hand side so i think we're gonna head over towards point c they're gonna come from over that direction possibly through the middle so i want to sort of get my guns all looking that direction i spotted one ship they're a bit far out but if i launch my airplane and now we've got longer range so we can hit all of them now so let's go for that big bastard at the back and all four guns pointing that way follow the shelves if we hit this that's a hell of a shot oh oh so close all right so we've got to aim way in front maybe like there all right come on seven seconds all right ready boosh let's see can we hit these we've got a lot of shells flying oh no now we're too short all right ready that should be perfect let's follow the shells oh there's so many shells yes third time's lucky and it's on fire as well beautiful all right we've lost our spotter but that's fine we know they're in range they're getting torpedoed as well oh all right i think we can nick the kill here ready we oh we just missed we just missed come on reload ah someone else make the kill right there's one at the back then so i reckon about there should be good uh we got torpedoes oh they all just missed me that was insane it was a good thing i'm not moving all right let's try and work out who the hell shot me with torpedoes cheeky bastards right time to take this boat out 12 kilometers i reckon about there then let's see were those shots any good oh yes we got him once we did get him once i think we want to go oh no the bloody island's gonna get in the way we're gonna have to wait for him to come around the island hopefully our back gun yes our back guns are in range so as soon as he pops around ready all right now there's all of our guns let's do the close-up boosh yes we won the game with it beautiful all right i hope you enjoyed that guys and once again thank you to world of warships for sponsoring this video don't forget if you click the link in description new players can get 200 doubloons two ships 20 wrestlers fire camouflage two and a half million credits and seven days of premium if you use the code boom so thanks for watching guys give the video a like if you enjoyed and let me know if you want to see more peace love and warships and i'll catch you next time bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 85,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warships, aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier battle, battleship, warship, cruiser, world of warships aircraft carrier, world of warships gameplay, warships game, battleship game, world of warships best, world of warships cruiser, world of warships best cruiser, world of warships funny, world of warships premium, world of warships download, rce, british, queen elizabeth, world of warships queen elizabeth, world of warships queen elizabeth guide, real civil engineer
Id: E5k1lG-Vs4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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