Building the WORLD'S FASTEST PLANE in Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trail makers uh i've just opened one of the maps called her way to the danger zone uh sorry about that never been in this before there's like so much stuff and i've learned i can do this as well i can like fly sort of but yeah there's like basketball hoop ramps and loops and half finished bridges like this is really cool the grinder oh god oh don't don't go in there don't go in there oh now we're in rocket league so yeah last time we broke the land speed record oh god the land speed record can't believe my man survives uh but today i thought we'd try and beat the airspeed record which is surely a thing right i was i was gonna fly about in this map but maybe maybe the one with less obstacles would be better so as before we gotta think aerodynamic so we're gonna start with a cockpit definitely not picking it just because of the name right and i'm not entirely sure how propellers work but i thought it might be fun rather than going straight in with the jets we'd see how fast we can get using just propellers so i'm gonna bung one of these on the front and try and work out how it works so does it just spin on its own or does it need a does it need an engine we will have to find out let's add some wings and stuff because i know planes have wings and annoyingly tail fins sit on like those and i don't know if there's a way to get it in the middle so i think we'll just put two in that'll be all right wait and then finally a small modular wing facing the right direction right that kind of looks like a plane now one downside is i don't think we have i don't think we have any movement like any steering yeah but we'll come back to i just want to see how this propeller works first so let's just bung some wheels on so we don't hit the ground look at these freaking wheels right there we go that's gonna break some records let's turn the aerodynamics on oh that looks not too good i don't get how the propellers bad aerodynamically i'm not entirely sure that'll work anyway let's just see what happens oh here we go okay so you hold down space and it takes off we have no steering well that ended as expected try along here where we have a bit of a strata run up oh god why do you have to crash into that all right so i'm building this thing again in the normal sandbox mode no obstacles nothing to crash into all right so i'm sort of thinking what's the best way of steering in a stream i sort of made my entire wings move i'm not sure that was the most efficient thing to do so what i was actually thinking i can use i know mechanical we've got hinges right so i've used these steering hinges i've just shoved them about there i need to attach them to my wings but if i put a wing like on the edge i should be able to steer so maybe i want to use like a tail fin rather than a modular wing just because then it's got an edge yeah so if we do something like that and then we can probably just use one of those lightweight grid blocks so that's all attached together and now i just need a way to attach these two together so what aerodynamic parts do we have it'd be nice if we had like a i think as we learned before we sort of do want to go with the extremely aerodynamic ones so if we rotate that that way now let's turn on aerodynamics and just see how things are looking right so that's not too bad alright so i think that's quite an aerodynamic way to turn left and right and then to do up and down i think we pretty much just want those like that i don't even know if we need a tail fin maybe a tail fin will stop us rotating left and right so much but i'm thinking let's just try that i quite like that because this is a cockpit it doesn't matter that that's flat like it's still got the green arrows down there so that could help us uh we just need wheels or do we maybe we could use these instead so we've got a sketch underneath they're like the thinnest little legs yeah but let's see let's see how this does oh no where's it going where's it go come back come back i think that's the lowest speed record ever it's it's gone backwards on its way bye all right let's get in this before it buggers off all right forwards you go here we go it does sort of fly all right so it looks like going flat we're about we're just over 120 miles an hour let's get back into the build oh fire flat ground let's land does this thing glide oh that's sort of glide i guess little chicken feet are they gonna break off no that stayed on lovely i wonder if it will start sliding backwards again [Laughter] why anyway before we go backwards any further let's get into the build mode and what i've noticed is this propeller you can you can stack them like next to each other apparently the blades don't clash so we can do that we've got three blades now i wonder if that's gonna make us quicker so though we've got way more power we've got quite a lot more bad aerodynamics these yellow lines let's hop in here and see if we're any quicker oh wow she's she's oh god oh god oh i know what i've done hang on hang on i've cocked up mud my joints alright let's see if this is any better all right here we go then here we go i've managed to get a straight so speed 145. so yes we're definitely quicker i don't think we're going to break any air speed records so and it looks like we might need a tail fin just to keep us sort of straight right sort of looks like our tail fins are working it's much more stable now uh it's not much slower either i think this we're still about 145 miles per hour sweet so add more engines i guess right so here we are oh oh she's she's a bit front heavy now this ain't bad though 136 miles an hour upside down no okay we're gonna have to we have to put some like i don't know maybe some wheels in the front or something or perhaps perhaps we could actually all right there we go much better space i got rid of the middle propeller put some super aerodynamic blocks and then skis underneath obviously in this game the aerodynamics aren't too realistic i don't think uh so having that double pointed nose cone should actually be fine it shouldn't be any adverse effects but in real life i would flip it upside down so it's a point but oh we're moving sideways why are we moving sideways but i couldn't flip the bottom upside down because i wanted to mount the skis on the front we're not falling forward to backwards anymore so that's good right let's give this a launch 162 miles an hour but we can't seem to lift up i think that's because we probably do need a bit more wingage there's really not a lot of wing going on right now but 162 isn't bad i don't think so let's grab all this and move it that way and copy the wings to fill back up the gap all right there we go we should have a bit more lift now so we'll give this a go and see if we can take off uh still no that's still a no maybe we need our actual tail wing to be proper wings now so if you can see like how this lifts up basically i i pull back and that should create force so as the wind hits it sort of flips the front forward uh but that doesn't seem to be working so i reckon then we need to we'll have a go with that all right let's pull up no still not lifting up all right there we go we've got wings the entire length now and if that doesn't work maybe i'll increase the tail fin length but uh i don't know it should work i think right top speed has got lower i think that's because we're slightly heavier now but uh let's try and pull up oh we're up yes we just needed more wing all right so now we're definitely in the air i'm gonna try and turn around a bit i don't know i feel like the wind's taking us i'm definitely not going where i want us to and that's it that's it turn around look at that plane oh what have i made yeah so top speed about 160 so we're not we're not gonna beat any airspeed records uh but it's it's quite a cool plane like it does actually steer surprisingly well like you can do a barrel roll sort of pull up pull up and i do feel like whilst we're here we probably should just build as wide as we can right that's one wing done let's copy this to the other side did that copy i don't know it's so wide right i think that's symmetrical i'm pretty sure it's not gonna work but let's give it a quick i have a feeling i'm gonna have to make the tail a bit wider right we are in our plane oh god it's actually bending right up and away okay so speed didn't increase maybe that's because we are now pointing down quite a bit let's do one two three all right is that any better can we pull up now yes we're flying oh no that's the end of the map damn it all right no come back plane come back all right now we've got the full run up the edge the map is just behind me and pull up yes oh god those wings are flexible no pull up [Music] right we're looking good we're looking good can we can we turn and stuff i'm gonna tr i'm trying to lean right we can well i think that's the edge of the map there we better go left we better go left come on it is going left it just takes a while miranda might hit my wingtip on the floor because we're so high but i don't think we're high enough to not hit the floor with our wings i'm honestly really impressed that this does actually fly all right let's level out and then i want to see if we can do a loop ready loop the loop in the world's widest plane oh yeah she's going she's going yes yes oh no she doesn't like going downwards oh wow that's sort of give me an idea we'll try and get some height all right i think we're flying straight up speed's still going good i'm just not sure what direction we're going but i will level out and then we're going to go for a dive bomb and see how fast we can get this thing look at that though that's majestic isn't it absolutely majestic all right ready we're going for speed it doesn't like going fast oh it's flapping all over we hit 200 miles an hour though there's the ground right estrogen pull up before we hit the ground right pull up pull up rebate a bird oh the edge of our wing touch the ground let's let's land let's land what a flight that was i don't know why the camera centered about this wing oh maybe because i saw our center because we locked do we lose a load of engines over that side are they just too far away to spawn right well 200 miles an hour i think is probably the max limit we can go with propellers uh let's try some jets alright so this was our basic sort of plane that we made with a propeller but we're gonna replace the propeller with a dragon jet and i'm not entirely sure how these attach okay apparently that is attached i would have thought that would just completely burn our pilot but um oh no it's not attached it's not attached okay good okay i think we can rotate this underneath it looks like we can just do that so let's have a look at the configure so speed is all the way up space i think we just want to toggle i don't want to hold space the entire time so whether they're touching the ground and i'll things up not entirely sure let's make the front a bit more aerodynamic right then this is our jet our bollocks is that was our jet it looks better from afar so i thought i'd send it that way right and we we are up speed is rising 220 230 still going up oh it looks like it's about to max out pretty much 240 miles an hour i know two yeah 242 243 but there's the edge of the map so our test flight will be coming to a swift end right so two options i could either do what i was doing or i could sort of build backwards because i'm not sure the width is necessarily a good thing what if we were to copy these backwards so in real life these jet engines work in that air comes into here mixes with jet fuel and then comes out the back so i'm not sure having the jet exhaust go straight into another jet would be any good for anyone but uh we're gonna try it we're gonna see what it does oh wow she's off so 200 okay we smashed our previous record currently on 330-ish miles an hour and that's just with four jet engines so that's pretty impressive actually so i think i can stack these side by side as well so i've doubled the amount of engines let's see what this does oh wow is she gonna pull up yes we're in the air we're in the air we're gonna crack 400 oh crap oh left and right is a bit twitchy no no no no oh no there's the edge of the map oh we just skimmed past it we made it we made it right then can we hit 400 miles an hour yes we've done it uh look how far that piece went all right so what i'm thinking is we grab this whole tail thing and we send it this way it looks a bit more like a normal plane i think right and then all we need is to attach our engines to the side so what i'm thinking if we use these extremely aerodynamic wedges to go down like that all right so that's all of our engines and then to attach them together what i'm thinking is literally more engine so if i do that i can go back with that one that's filling in the gap and then if i just find what weighs the least so 0.3 0.6 was a normal block weight 0.6 so i could probably to make this as light as possible it might look a bit odd i think i can just copy this the entire way now it doesn't look very aerodynamic i will give you that but i'm pretty sure if i turn on aerodynamics yeah we only need to worry about the front i am actually also thinking can i because these engines they're not very aerodynamic so could i just yeah so i just made a front cover for those and now we've got bright green lines everywhere so that's super aerodynamic whether it will work completely different story yeah let's have a launch i'm oh my god it just it completely flattened oh the skids are still there they just don't do a lot yeah fair enough cool right let's let's get in ready fire oh wow it's going fast it's going really fast is it going to pull up though no that's not going to but look at the speed sonic boom yeah but this is not a plane this is not a plane so it will not do unfortunately 1000 miles an hour right we've got to get it into the air it's what i'm thinking we grab these and we just stack wings backwards because i think i'm not entirely sure how this game works in terms of drag and lift and stuff but that could help it fly could maybe i will have to get rid of those ones if i want it to steer but it looks so stupid let's try it ready she gonna pull up nah she's not going to what if we get close to like sonic boom sort of territory 800 miles an hour okay and now we pull up yes an hour in the air right now we're flying now we are actually flying this is a plane well let's turn around right oh there's the edge of the map again it's quite unstable all right how fast we're gonna go i wanna try and keep her flat so it's a bit of a fair test there we go a thousand miles an hour it's a thousand mile an hour plane pull up whoa oh crap oh crap there's a wall oh it turns so nicely sonic boom wow that was something else but i want more i always want more so what if we grab a load of jets and copy them upwards so now our wings are sandwiched between jet engines so we have to slightly change the aerodynamics of this front just so i can attach all these blocks and i think these engines yeah we have to get rid of those there you go it looks like just any other plane we can also make it longer as well but for now i think we'll just see if there's flies because the wings are pretty wedged in so stupid so stupid oh wow there's a lot of smoke let's get to about 700 and then we'll pull up ready oh no she won't she doesn't want to pull up we might have to break the sound barrier first then ready ah stupid wool all right we'll break the sound barrier and then we'll take off nice ready pull up no you still won't take up oh disappointing so i think we have too much weight for our lift so can we fix that just by doing this all right that might give us a bit more lift no right okay there's only one thing for it yep we've made a christmas tree this is the world's fastest flying christmas tree oh there's damn walls all right come on christmas tree take off oh this is really tripping me out going diagonal sound barrier pull up oh she won't pull up okay i think we might need a bigger tail fin all right let's see if that's any better oh wow it really wants to go right it really wants to go right we're gonna do a sonic boom drift ready yes sonic boom drift all right pull up we're flying we're actually flying yes all right that's good because it means it does fly the thing that isn't good though we're nowhere near the speed that we're at before let's turn around okay sonic boom in the air lovely i love that the game goes like silent afterwards it's like oh yeah we're kicking around 830 miles an hour that's that's no good at all we need we need more power all right we could try this this is just a lot more engines to it looks really cool actually but i'm sort of thinking we might need these sort of nose cones on all of our jet engines there uh we'll see we'll see how it does anyway i know that was a lot slower i'm gonna assume it's because of the aerodynamics no unfortunately i don't there's actually there's not really a simple way to add these so what i'm gonna do instead is get rid of all the engines from the top and bottom like that we'll keep them just in a straight line like they were before all right now i've made these engines more aerodynamic so they're all connected to just the front one this middle one is a bit of a pain but what i can do i can just put a little ramp going up to it actually i think i could just rotate it that way yeah that works that does work and i'll probably have to do the same under here so i'll grab you yeah so now no engines are slowing us down we're very aerodynamic everywhere yeah that looks good so to make her faster all i want to do is grab the tail move that back obviously take the hinges with it and then i just want to copy what i've got i think so essentially all of you come back this way copy and reattach the tail sorted seems to be missing a wing late so we'll have to right and let's try this bad boy out bit of a trek to the front now but as long as we take off yes we're up we are up ah the sound barrier yes we're over a thousand miles an hour coming up to 1100 can we hit 1200 yes all right what i'm really intrigued to know that third was it 1365 no no no edge of the map edge of the map all right here we go here we go right we're off again so 1365 i believe was the land speed record and that was just with engines as well that wasn't with jets so i want to find out our jets quicker yeah we got to 1200 can we get to 13 it looks like it's going to be a struggle we might need more engines what if we do it what if we go up and then we drop down are you ready we are high let's nose bump oh no pull up 1200 seems to be the limit we can get to so what if we make her longer we'll get as close to 700 as we can yep okay so i don't think we can go much faster we can maybe add another row or two but i don't think that's going to make too much difference let's see 1365 can we beat the land speed record in the air of course we need to get up in the air first ready yes sonic boom takeoff that's what it's all about all right 1200 we're heading for 13. we nearly crashed 13 yes 1400 oh come on we've done it this is the fastest 1500 miles an hour no edge of map ah right i'm quite tempted if we aim for a corner i think that's a corner over there all right i think one of the map was that way so we want to face this way but i know we're going to take off right so we might face that way very complicated but i think i think i know what i'm doing trust me i'm an engineer all right ready we should start to drift right yep that's just what this thing does and when we're on the diagonal like now we'll take off sonic boom take off and now we just wait try and keep us straight and we'll see can we crack 1500 i'd love to get to 16. come on 1500 there it is oh that's a map again all right so it looks like about 1500 miles an hour is the limit oh we're going left we never go left let's drift right that's the edge of the map bollocks all right at least we're in the corner now we know we're in the corner corners are good because we get a longer and longer run up so we want to head like that direction all right we're up and we are heading the right direction look at this 1500 there's the edge of the map oh we got to like 1550ish oh we're going up we missed the edge of the map sweet right let's spin around there we go oh we're still going up in speed even though we go oh no there's the top of the map there's the top of the map all right we're gonna go up and when we get to about a thousand we're gonna try and come back down again i feel that's the only way to know sort of how high we are so thousand miles an hour 1200 right let's go down ah to the map again this is a nightmare all right maybe we'll just go like straight-ish until we see the edge of the map and then we'll try and do a loop yeah does that sound like a plan right there's edge of map bollocks all right let's pull up we're gonna go straight up and sort of backwards and now we've hit a thousand we're gonna finish the loop and head straight down twelve hundred i can see the ground fifteen hundred oh fifteen 40 something i honestly don't think we can get faster i might just try not taking off and see if that does go any faster so we're doing the sonic boom drift now we're going straight 1200 1300 edge of map bollocks we're coming up to 1500 oh god we might we might actually do it 1570 oh well that's the fastest we've got in this game right well anyway guys we're going to leave that there for today i hope you enjoyed if you have any suggestions for records i should try and break let me know in the comments peace love and bridges and i'll catch you next time bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,315,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers centrifuge update, the centrifuge update, trailmakers sonic boom, trailmakers supersonic, trailmakers sound barrier, breaking the sound barrier, sonic boom, supersonic car, sonic boom on land, real civil engineer
Id: pbps_ODt4MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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