Engineering a HUGE AQUADUCT in Timberborn!

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welcome back to the timber bonus i still haven't got this very smooth with my mouse because i gotta click and do the scroll wheel at the same time while moving it oh god that was that was judging anyway hello fellow engineers and welcome to the timber borners it's been a little while i bet you thought this wasn't coming back but we need to see the strongest skyscraper ever to be built finally completed i also i had a bit of a bit of an idea for what we want to do with this aqueduct because as some of you pointed out it is a little bit pointless at the moment it doesn't really serve a purpose i'm looking at everything else i think we're sort of we know what we're doing we know who we're shaming we know what we're farming you know we're flooding why is that flooding why you flood have i not opened this back one no that's open it shouldn't flood down there ah they're only set at two they need to be set at two and a half and these ones two and a half yeah okay so that should stop the flooding sorry youtube members i am still loving these bridges like especially now it goes from the temple the cool area through the shaming area and there's going to be this massive skyscraper dong shaped of course yeah it's beautiful but right my idea for over here i think we're going to get into the daytime and then we're going to press pause so fast forward through this night look at the beaver movements down here it's crazy now they're all coming up to the campfire on the temple look at them all look at them there's so many people in the temple that was weird all right now we're going to bed wondering when the next beavers concert will be right this morning it is morning i'm going to hit pause and my idea for over here is i wasn't too happy with like how low i had to make this the reason i had to do that is the water level in here is well set at that level however i was thinking there is a way that i can raise it so this is going to take a little bit of work but can you see there's like mainly like a large area that's higher already so what i want to do i'm going to come down to demolish buildings and resources i want to say dig up these trees and then we're pretty good i'm going to quickly just delete some of these so we basically don't want the paths on top and i want to make this wider so we're going to delete that and delete all of these and what someone in the comments points out to me is there's no need to like keep the water sort of flat we can just delete all of these like save the wood we can even delete like all of these even these middle ones i want to move this path to the right so if we do that mark that tree to get dug up goodbye treat put some new steps in there and then basically delete delete all of those delete that delete that clean that delete those stairs and if i was being sensible i could actually delete those but since they're there already i'm gonna leave them but uh basically i'm just making this twice as wide so we're gonna do that sort of thing so in this end we're gonna have to delete all of those delete that path delete that leave that do that go to all of this and build it back in like that and if we can high prioritize those trees by using this tool that would be very very useful all right up here we're going to want to remove those trees because i want this to be twice as wide as it was to delete those i don't think i want dynamite down there anymore and you you'll see why you'll see white so deleting that delete that do that do that though we will want it along there right beavers we're going to prioritize moving these trees very highly all right there you go they're digging up these trees so that's all good just a big one to go come on who's that flying monkey you got it nice right sorted let's press pause so my crazy idea it's only 2.8 days till the drought happens whether it's wise to do this now probably not but um i've committed to it now so what i want to do is build levees along this edge which involves digging up the bridge i know it's shocking we're actually getting rid of a bridge i never really like that one though it's all like cantilevered it's not very symmetrical so we'll get rid of you get rid of that path get rid of that get rid of that levy up all of that then likewise over this side we gotta dig up the path dig up that platform i should probably wait for the beavers to get up the stairs before i get rid of it oh no like i don't have a job anymore matt's just ruined my life and then basically we want to levy up i think we're going to have to sort those stairs out but could we levy to there we'll try levying to there that might work actually fill all of these up with levees i am going to plonk one in there as well i'm gonna put a platform over the top and put stairs there and then we're gonna path all the way along the top of this levee and the same along this one then we're gonna connect them back together with a suspension bridge i'll tell you what i am just going to do it like that because the trouble is if you do this short one you'd like an extra block for the path to be connected so over this side we'd have to like double up the amount of levees don't think it's worth it so i'm just going to do that because then you can see the tip of the bridge connects it nice and easy like that so you sold it that is going back in there and then i delete that path put a levee on top and i will have to delete these floodgates and raise them up one but i think for now with the dry season incoming that's probably fine i might high prioritize all of this so your sign priorities very high and we'll select all of that lovely all right so now we'll press play we'll let them start to deal with that also look what i've just noticed that is not just me that is the strongest shaped temple you've ever seen right with two square hems and a big round anyway that's probably just me uh right let's fast forward and let these guys build that quick amino down here is going really good they do need to remove one tree i think i forgot to mark that one remove that one please but yes now we can plan our levees over here so we'll fill in those gaps and the one there and in order to get those trees we do need to extend our path so we're just gonna put a cheeky little platform in with a path over there so they should get removed pretty soon we'll high prioritize a platform as well i feel like everything's high prioritized again why do i always do this let's build those dynamites same thing we're gonna need a platform oh dear we'll also put a nice path in for them to get to it cool right oh god meanwhile hang on pause pause pause i forgot about the beavers i've stranded over here so who have we got we've got matt crosky ryan kramer and flame soulless is it just you three yeah i think what's that sim oh no no who's that alex jeff oh dear you died what did you die of you died of thirst uh so we we really need a rescue mission i i've actually cocked this things are being built over there but i'm not sure if it's fast enough i tell you what i'm gonna delete that bridge path in that corner delete that path we're gonna build from this end rescue mission to make that the highest of priorities oh god it needs metal blocks do we have those so it needs 40 logs we got 1100 40 planks we got 500 metal blocks we got 170 okay we should be good i am just not sure how long people are gonna last for just look they're hungry they're thirsty and they're confused oh no he died right in front of us no you had he died in front of us that means you're the only one left matt cross key the beavers are working on rescuing you please hold on please hold on no he died too fair you're 78 you had a good run you had a good run oh that's quite that's quite embarrassing that is i thought i was a bit more of a pro at this game than that still on the positive side less mouths to feed during the dry season which happens in 0.7 days tell you what actually maybe they need to go up to three that can go up two and a half these can all go up to three just for a little bit i'm just thinking if we can fill this up before the dry season then uh we'll have more water to pump which is always good but yeah the downside of raising the water level around here means we are actually going to lose all of these maples oh no look they can't build that either tell you what i might delete those stairs and now they can build that levee if we fast forward they should build that levy instantly already it's got eight logs 30 built it's got 10 it's got 12 vlogs it's nearly built they work through the night work through the night we're on 24 hour working because the dry season's about to hit i'd love that to be filled up by the way the rescue mission didn't go great the bridge still all right right let's pause so that levy is in now let's put the steps back in i prioritize that and then they can continue building up here yeah i'll put the old working hours down back down 16. just a measly 16 hours a day right and it's the next morning the drought has started so we raise this floodgate and we lower that let some water out and raise them oh god i've flooded it's very very sensitive this network all right so that river is filled with water that should keep all of our wheat nice and green i think over this end if water's still spilling out it's not spilling out it's completely dried up that will continue to be pumped if we need more water down here we can lower these two tiered flood walls same with these whoa whoa whoa whoa hang on a second what is going on here javier what are you doing why is he just sleeping out here you're not meant to be homeless you're a patreon i'll never let my patrons go homeless looking at this he lives in the back so i think he's just sleeping from exhaustion not because he's homeless so all good false alarm nothing to worry about oh man there's people sleeping like literally in the middle of the aqueduct like buzzfly down under thunder they're both 74 and they've just fallen asleep on the job i guess that's what happens when you hire people past a certain age they do like their afternoon snooze now i am actually going to delete some of these levees i think that one and that one just so they can actually get around and build those because they work they were blocked off right it's a new morning now that one's still asleep god they're like really hungry and thirsty as well the trouble is guys i need to build this aqueduct pretty fast i'm worried if i build this you're going to be trapped in that well let's hope you can get yourselves out anyway over here they've built the bridge i never actually realized it is actually made out of steel it's like all blue oh my big ones like that yeah they are look they're all blue i've never noticed that before nice anyway anyway distracted over here is nearly completed which means we can get those jobs back get the wood incoming again because our wood has dropped below a thousand for the first time in a long time i'm still waiting for these to be put in but i feel like i can probably start building what i actually wanted to so i basically wanted a taller viaduct so we can go over to there at least oh we can actually build over the little trees okay that's good to me that is good to know so i'm thinking if we come out of there we'll be too wide and we want to be that high you can do that that sort of thing all right so once the trees are removed which they should be able to do now because they are on higher priorities than the levees although they will need they will need some steps to get up the back let's put those in there i prioritize those as well of course everything's high prioritized but that should be pretty good and then we'll levy down there i'm sort of thinking we rip up the path and then we carry on the levees down to that bit and we do increase height across there over to there-ish and something like that we will get rid of those dynamites they're not going to be needed right and that's what it will look like and i'm also now i've done it too wide you'll notice i can fit in power water wheels so i might have to put some platforms in and sort of bung these along i'm sort of thinking like that sort of thing and then like a power shaft going along one and then footwear going along the other yeah i think it could look good i think it could look good i mean i mean it will be useful for all the power that i need nothing to do with looks nothing to do with the looks at all all right so those trees are dug up so let's just bang two levees there one on that corner one in that gap right and i think we're good so you can rip that up rip that up levy that and i think in order for this to be built so we're gonna have our path on this side so steps up there half along there then path along that then we're going to put in some platforms so we got a one around a two up and then and a path all the way along that edge so it can be built all right nice it's another morning i'm just gonna hit pause because i want to i've been sort of ignoring the dry season i probably just want to check how water levels are looking so down here they're looking pretty good actually we've got a little bit of dead wheat over there but aside from that looking great in the middle that is actually looking a little bit low so i think what i'll do we'll lower these just to let the remaining water into there top her up and then we'll let some water out down into this middle bit there we go there we go get it running now ideally want some water down here i don't like seeing this green ledge that's sort of my makeshift water level gauge all right but that's all the water we're gonna get down there because it's all run out so not ideal however i have a plan so what i was thinking if i were to put a double floodgate which i need to unlock 250 science we got 3600 so many problems if we put that in there then behind it we just have a double platform with our path on top then i think we should be able to let out twice as much water potentially is that a thing maybe uh nice right down here you can see the water has been topped up you can no longer see that green ledge so that's very good i am thinking during the dry season might be the time to raise these up because they want to be one block higher but there's still 1.5 height of water behind it so we won't do that yet all right so in order to put power wheels along this aqueduct notice i'm now saying aqueduct not viaduct we're going to have to fill basically the entire thing with platforms just one block lower it's going to be a lot of planks there's going to be a lot of planks we're literally just going to have to do that sort of thing and then i think if we come into power and select the water wheel yeah then we can put them on top oh that is going to be a lot of power okay and now it becomes the point where i'm sort of thinking do i just put the platforms in they cost six logs and four planks or i could just levy to the top however a levy is 12 logs but no planks planks are quite hard to come by although we've got 665 at the moment so sod it we're just gonna we're gonna plank up do you want doublers there yeah you want doublers along there doubles along there and then triples the entire way along oh no that they're higher than triples oh god i think two lots of doubles and double these can be triples because they're slightly higher all right nice and then we just go back into power with our water wheels and we completely fill in the entire thing oh that's gonna make some power right then we build some power shafts around the front to connect them all up so we just want t-shaped ones at every single junction and a straight shaft in between and look at that that is a feat of engineering at least in planning we have to build it first to see if it will work but anyway it's a new morning shall we check on how our beavers are doing so oh look architect with the mit engineering degree died of old age a few people grow up a few people born zeno died tien died joseph to panko davey rocket oh hippity harry died you had a long life i'll tell you that a few people growing up what what is this architectural engineer has grown up right architectural engineer lives in barrack unemployed seems about right the thing with architecture engineers they're a bit too embarrassed to fully call themselves an architect which is respectful it's commendable however they won't fully commit to engineering so you know what's gonna happen people all right power will you are on damn it scribble monk get out of there bro hero no there he is the architectural engineer where is he there he is there he is right everyone he's going up ready shame shame shame shame shame actually who's in the other ones because yep you're still in there i've seen the movement in the comments i've seen i've seen the hashtag freebigwill nope not happening rc looks like an architect yep architects over engineers right so all the shamers are in there that's lovely that is coming along over here we've just got this platform to go i think every platform on the floodgate yes okay can we lower this anymore yes we've still got we still got quite a bit of water to let out again the old the old green is showing put your green away i think we'll let a little bit more out we'll go down to 0.5 so we should see this dam over top if we fast forward there it goes and then you should see yep the green's getting covered up again nice now but i tell you what isn't good look where this water level has dropped so much absolute death of maples over here it's really really not good but in terms of just coping for the dry season i think we've done fine it's like nearly over now it's the last day of the dry season shall we see oh look at it it is beautiful our building is really really getting there our mega skyscraper so you can see the guy's building there josh coke 44 years old he's worked on this his entire life but uh it has been worth it hasn't it josh look at all the different stories of it's like beavers on every level just carrying logs up it is beautiful and you'll be pleased to know youtube members look how much housing you have 84 housing slots for just 30 beavers you guys you guys are lucky uh what isn't good though i've noticed breeding has halted they're waiting for nutrients it looks like they've got new berries and if we head over to hear our farms there's no one in these farms i think i made all these berries but um sort of slacking perhaps we should sort of slow down on this maybe move a hauler or two into the farms i might actually pause one of these farmhouses the carrot ones just because look how many carrots we've got we've got 1100 carrots let's pause that and then hopefully someone will come over here maybe it's paddy interrupting a video again goodbye good dog when will your party mate i don't know pad as soon as we can we're working on it very hard good boy oh no actually no we don't want farmers we'll pause those two farmhouses we want a forester here don't we because it's the forester that plants berry bushes and then this berry harvester infinite they will collect the berries so maize will pour you until they've grown they go traspies in there they will be planting berries come morning all right just like that the drought has ended i'll tell you what it might be a good time to destroy these floodgates put two levees in there and then put the floodgates back on top now we might actually can they can they actually build that yeah they can't reach that if i path over there like that can they reach no they still can't bollocks okay we're going to have to put some temporary scaffolding in we're going to need a three there with a path on top all right now all of that can be built i'm going to high prioritize that as well there we go sorted meanwhile all of this is actually completed i think i'll leave that low to start with wait for that to be built good thing is if we need more water down here we can always lower these ones i think that's all fine plenty of water down there still lovely likewise down the bottom oh good quite nice we survived that dry season no issues at all look at the building i'm so proud of them they're doing such a good job they're building so quickly fair play guys super impressive and over here coming along nicely right perhaps we should do your highest priority like up the top and along that edge and lowest priority should probably be this front edge shouldn't it cool then they should just build the platforms in between as they're going so i just don't want them to build this wall and then not be able to get around there and then have to do temporary scaffolding and nightmare nightmare but yes things are looking good we only lost a handful of beavers to drought and hunger and we've pretty much finished raising this which means we'll be able to get our aqueduct in range and create loads of power which would be very useful i i need lots of power for stuff but yes once again thanks for joining guys we have achieved a lot without achieving anything so until next time peace love and schlong scrapers oh that sounds horrible bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 369,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date, timberborn game, timberborn lets play, timberborn review, eastenderspleasedontsueme, eastenders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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