Using OVERSIZED SAW BLADES to defend my tower!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to my steam account now if we head over here and we click on rogue tower some of you are the key and i may have noticed this a happy april fool's patch now annoyingly i missed it but after speaking to the devs they've added it for all of us to try so if we right click on here we go to properties we then come down to betas we can select this drop down where we've got the april fools it's only available to the end of april but there it is so in the game now we have loads and loads of updated towers it's going to be interesting i hear and i'm not claiming responsibility for this patch being extended to the end of april but uh if you want to say thanks in the comments as you guys know i love strategy games so i'm delighted to say this video is sponsored by conflict of nations it's a free online pvp strategy game that allows you to pick a real country to lead in modern global warfare against up to 128 other players in real time games that can take weeks to complete it's available on both mobile and pc and you can play with the same account across both platforms you can build your army using a variety of different units from tanks and jets to nuclear submarines and you can choose your own strategy from declaring war on your architect neighbors to making peace and forging alliances i personally really like the long-term strategy of each game so click the link in my description to download conflict of nations and get an exclusive free gift of 13 000 gold and 1 month of premium the offer is only available for the next 30 days though so be quick right let's get into this do i have any upgrades left i got 3000 xp and we've got everything unlocked okay cool i've played this quite a lot it seems so we're going to play i think we'll just do single defense for now because i'm not entirely sure how this is going to work the list has cost 69 gold oh that's good that is good all right so we'll do the usual we'll surround these houses because these houses give us extra oh no oh they cost a crap ton they're up to 500 quid already oh update that is sneaky that is very sneaky right okay we might have to you might have to do these a bit more sparingly so if we do it like that that's going to get us the most gold because all of our ballistas are between two houses so we get double the gold from each whether they'll be close enough to the start to defend us i mean this round they will because there's only one little person so they should get oh god you seem quite strong oh yeah pretty much all of these towers are gonna work differently so i guess we'll start with the shredder my favorite tower that cost 500 gold i feel like it might be worth like losing some of these so if we demolish that we can at least put one shredder down i might shove it on there and let's see how the shredder compares to previously right ready did you see how big that was oh that is not what she said oh my goodness uh next up i feel like i just want to try all the towers now so we'll do more so instead so these they have pretty good damage 230 what do our ballistas do they only literally only do 30 damage ballistas are like useless i might even demolish a few more of these because that's so much money the mortars cost 200. i might just shove one i don't know like back there somewhere that's a good area is that a smaller area than normal i thought mortars were a bit bigger than that don't know but let's expand and see how we get on the list is not doing a lot oh my i can't even tell what's going on all right so next up are tesla or obelisk i don't know i think i want to do obelisk i wonder if they're cheaper no they still cost a thousand i might lose one of those ballistics so i can afford it and we're gonna shove an obelisk i don't know maybe on here with a plus three what is that okay so they don't seem to do the most amount of damage ever i honestly can't really remember the stats to know if that's any better but look at it it's so pointy all right we'll expand oh my god look at the range holy crap look at the range okay that's how it differs the range is mental uh next up i'm gonna take the tesla and we'll see how that's changed so i think we'll demolish the shredder for now shove a tesla there oh look at the range what is going on with these towers okay usually the range would be like that big like look at my mouse it's small but not today okay we can literally demolish that i might expand first and then i don't even know where to shove this on there does chester actually do damage in the middle or is it just like the outer edge let's see do these get hurt are they getting hurt i'm not convinced i think they are but it's very very weak the tesla no i don't know what to go for now i do sort of need some mana if i'm going to use teslas but i just want to try them all out so let's get a radar tower we'll delete the tesla that costs a thousand the radar maybe we can delete another one of those there we go right so radar tower what's the range of this going to be like oh it's still huge that's good oh is that a tiny it's a tiny plane why is it so small oh look at him anyway he seems to do the damage we'll set him to most health yeah i'm not sure if radar has changed too much it seems like the damages are really high to be fair but uh the obelisk i really ne i need some mana siphons oh there's a poison spray i think i need mana siphon so i feel like the obelisk is the only reason we're alive at the moment all right so shove two down there i really need some i need some more money i need banditry or something i'll get rid of the radar tower sorry mr plane i'm gonna put some more mana siphons about i think obelisk might be the key at the moment maybe i'll shove some mortars like up here so random alright let's expand and then if we get some gold i want to shove a shredder near the start the obelisk is so tall it's ridiculous right look at the mortar oh it's just constant that's really good actually i might have to get a load of mortars oh that is working amazingly nice i've also been told the universities are very good in this update so i think we'll grab that even though we can't use them for now we need to wait for like a little shrine thing for us to surround them with but we got some money we're gonna shove a shredder down like there i guess then we'll expand oh we got a corner weirdly that's a good place for a mortar now it doesn't seem right doing short range mortars look at that saw though it's ridiculous all right nice we got another tower the encampment let's see what that is all about so usually these just leave mines there suddenly it's not my favorite tower we don't have enough gold so we will expand for now and then we'll shove an encampment like back here somewhere i might even move this obelisk to be a bit more involved if i shove it like there that's much better all right nice i'm literally not upgrading anything i'm just getting all the new buildings i don't know what haunted house is going to do this time whether it's going to change at all do they always cost zero i'm not sure they always cost theory but that's good i guess yeah we still can't afford the encampments we'll expand once more all right now we can afford it i sort of want to just shove one down to see what it does oh what the freak look at the area look at the area right flame tower's got to be next so we'll grab that so the encampment just laces mines everywhere okay let's demolish that and we'll shove one sort of in the middle i can literally shove on there and it covers the entire map it will be interesting to see like where it lays the mines but uh let's expand and then oh literally plonked one like all the way over there is it just random yeah there's one all the way down so we're just covering everywhere in mines that's quite cool i will take that right and then the huge saw blade is doing the damage i don't know what i prefer the shredder or the water like the shredder i think it's just visual but like look at it it's so big and so many mines are being laid down encampment is awesome suddenly all right the first upgrade we're not getting a new building i think we'll we'll just prep with the universities we get plus three percent then we'll expand this way i might shove another shredder down they are way too fun to not use constantly ready fire there it goes rip through everyone it actually doesn't it doesn't rip very far anymore it's got a very short like shredding range it didn't actually touch those stacks of logs though oh okay we might be in trouble the stacks of logs are pretty major i think it's just a case of we need more mortars so i'll shove one there we'll say look at most armor because these are pretty good against armor you can see armor multiplier 11 and they're working pretty well yeah oh we got frost keep we've also got a mine i do want to try both of them we'll grab the frost keep to start with because that's usually a useful tower i wonder what the update will be though you know i'd love for a range increase i would not complain no there's me zoomed out hoping for a range increase range hasn't changed at all interesting not entirely sure how this one's gonna change and i will shove it there that covers that corner and then maybe we'll fill up a few of these oh i haven't used the flame tower yet actually it costs 420 nice i could shove that there looking down there cos well 420 as i said i've only got 99 gold so let's expand let's try and get some money in the bank there's the saw ripping through everyone love it all right and in fast motion you can really see how quick the mortises fire i didn't realize it was faster rate of fire as well i literally thought it was just smaller range all right oh we got the poison sprayer now we'll grab that so first off flame tower i want to shove on there looking down that way to pretty much shove you on progress i'm not sure if this one's changed looks pretty similar can we afford a poison spray yes we can we'll shove that one there also looks the same can't see any differences so far we will expand and see what happens all right splits off right poison sprayer are you doing anything different than what you usually do i'm not convinced about flamethrower you're doing anything different not sure maybe the flamethrower is priced oh man the next one costs 840 gold so i don't think we'll be using any more flamethrowers we could upgrade them though they're pretty cheap to upgrade that's one positive all these logs are exploding into people thankfully no one's really getting past these mortars at the moment well what the hell what the hell why are you shooting the tower what was that all about did you see that super long-range mortar alright let's grab a mine and we'll see if those have changed so they cost 150 in the past you just shove them around here and you get an extra tower point so that goes up to 21. okay don't think they've changed we'll demolish that we don't really want them we're not planning on anyone getting through our defenses yeah what i might do i might shove a mortar on there not only there but also down here as well i think that's a good spot all right okay it's right oogie could actually be a problem we don't really have any good health things although at least he will be bleeding burning and poisoned which i guess is good but uh we definitely need some towers maybe a radar tower we'll shove that in we'll say look at most health and then hopefully the mini plane will attack him it's like we're recreating king kong there's just no empire state building involved oh he is actually getting rinsed oh it's the planes the planes are so good this damage that's gotta be different to normal like 460 damage i think radar towers have fully been buffed all right next up do we go with a five percent crit chance or increase our poison per second damage over time is pretty good we do have the poison tower at the start but i do like critical hits i think i'm going to go critical solid then we've also got an upgrade down here in the chest let's get some spores some bleed and some burn damage per second nice right so we know most people are gonna meet here i think this is a good spot for a frost keep i think that's probably the best spot and then we just surround this area in towers we'll shove a mortar there that looks good we could literally shove a tesla lake in the middle look at the range it's ridiculous in fact it's probably worth being like over there that covers oh i wish it would cover that if i shove it on a plus three height there's a plus three there that's not going to be big enough but the plus two now the range doesn't quite cover that arm that would be ideal i gotta be careful saying this word tesla coil apparently in my previous videos you guys heard and not just you guys apparently the youtube caption things the automatic ones you all heard me saying testicle not tesla coil anyway that's up there we need i think we're gonna need a few more mana siphons now i've just gone a bit crazy with the mana powers what the frig look at all those so they are gravestones that we can put our haunted houses around and they turn mana into gold so if we increase our mana we can increase our gold which will be very useful i think you just gotta be careful with the mana but i think i might shove a few more of these down i don't know if they work like upper level so that's not on level with anyone is that getting any gold no it's not i've just upgraded the old shield damage on that tesla because the range is insane hopefully that should sort of save us from this area yeah since these cost nothing the haunted houses i'm just gonna lace it and then spend my money on the mana siphons right next up any new towers no we'll just improve our tesla now we're gonna do the siphons to balance the money we're getting from the haunted houses we're gonna hope our damage is okay i think we're doing all right i sort of wanna really really make the most out of the haunted houses so i'm literally surrounding all these tiles in those you can see mano is going down massively we've got to get more towers in we need the siphons come on siphons oh yes a new tower the particle cannon let's grab one of those i sort of need to keep building these mana siphons i may have put too many haunted houses down how much gold do these actually get us so i think it's every time someone dies we gain extra gold i've literally never used these in the game before all right so let's expand oh yeah did you see all that gold maybe it's just a new round or is it deaths as well we'll see if the net tax collected goes up i don't really know how they work they're using a lot of mana though so keep doing the siphons all right we're maxed out on the siphons so if this bar goes down we need to delete some haunted houses but i think for now we're looking pretty good there are some shield people in here but the poison spray is pretty good at shield i might upgrade it a little bit you can see the shield is getting rinsed down here then the huge circular saw ruins everyone nice next up oh should we make our haunted houses work twice as efficiently yes please alright so we'll expand and then we'll try a pascal cannon out i really want to see how these have changed i need enough gold we've just got enough gold particle cannon on the oh my goodness it is huge the range is insane the fire rate is also insane it's using a little bit too much mana for my liking it's gone down to zero i might have to get rid of you mate right mana going back up now that the particle cannon isn't shooting like crazy it's like a particle machine gun right the next upgrade we really need mana banks lots of shields down here the this tower is actually doing unbelievable things i'm gonna upgrade your shield damage even more mr poison tower i think he's saving our lives look at all the mines that are left behind and if i don't win this i'm gonna kick myself in the head all right next up let's get pyrochemistry and then we'll expand over that way i guess right we got fast moving fats they're a little bit scary they are really getting through the defenses i wonder if it's worth getting a frost keep like there that slows people down a little bit and then another testicle maybe on there i don't want to use mana stuff too much i really much want to stick with like the mortars and the shredders all right nice level 20. we finally got banditry let's take that extra gold should be very nice i i need mana banks rather mana bank are there any shrines as well i want to put a university down it's all just bloody gravestones right anyway let's expand there's still no shrines okay oh the double tesla is looking good oh some of these things are absolutely flying through i might have to strengthen defenses back here we'll see how far they get oh they're getting quite far although we do have the obelisk back here that is a good thing the friendly fire on these mortars like what are they doing there's no one back here that's really bad they're bombing their own village all right i might shove another poison sprayer like they're hopefully looking down that way to do some shield damage stop create a flamethrower we'll expand again still no shrines so let's fast forward i might just put some more planes down since i got so much money so radar another one and there's the mana bank oh god what if they've changed hopefully they haven't changed they cost 500 the strongest layout still seems to work right okay that's good i think we can shove a particle cannon down now surely look how big it is all right what's the main damage shield so we'll say look at the most shield oh no it's going down look at the mana going down particle cannon you're too brutal i might have to get rid of it again all right mana is going back up now i just need to buy mana banks i'm literally not sure if there's gonna be enough room to do all these mana banks though oh that will help haunted houses will be rice as efficient nice all right so they're getting us quite a lot of gold i'm going to keep spamming mana banks that we can make this bank a bit more efficient by doing that and that that's going to be a lot of mana surely and then fast forwarding all seems to be going well they're not getting past these two mortars that's my sort of danger zone if they get down there then i have to act let's do some quality over quantity and then perhaps we'll do some more haunted houses i think anywhere where there's like two or more surrounding that would be good and one's like in here surrounded by four yes please that is money all right let's hope haven't ruined the game mana are you good oh look the obelisk is get involved early on we need to put you on most armor i think he just exploded logs straight away oh man i might get another obelisk up here although mana is going down i think we need more mana banks so we'll get another strong bank there i'm really going to run out of space to do these oh man mana is going down loads all right loads of room back here but not enough gold the world's least efficient mana bank and i haven't even put a particle cannon down look at the mana it's not good but look we got a meme amount of gold and we're about to have a meme amount of mana per second so i'm feeling confident about this let's get the lookout tower that's a new tower we haven't used that one yet and don't worry this bank is slightly more efficient now and then the lookout tower i assume we want you somewhere around here oh what the hell look at the size of the target why is it so big oh wait i just defeated a noogie did i the lights changed was i really paying that little attention yeah look there's chess tesla poison damage yeah why not and then increase the poison damage per second as well yep oh that was it just two upgrades fair enough oh this could be a good combo slow cooker so burning enemies burn faster based on how much slow they have so if we grab that and then we've got a frost keep there but our flame throws over there so essentially if we put a frost key like there and that should make this a lot more powerful right next up we really need some more mana banks so i'm gonna expand oh look we got a big tower we got a big tower what can we put on there i sort of want to do that look at that look at the range that is ridiculous but look at it it's so pointy oh and down here we have a shrine we have a shrine right university we're gonna surround these then we've already got the three percent chance that we got that from earlier but if we spend a little bit of cash on health in that one armor in that one and shield in that one i feel like the research is cheaper i'm not entirely sure but i can't pump money into that yet because we've got our mana to sort out although savings account or and sorcery sorcery will add another seven and a half a second so i think we'll do that and then we'll try and do savings account afterwards that's good there's also a crystal down here may as well make use of that so siphons around there and then we just expand over that way oh look there's another shrine we've got the gravestone stage it seems oh look our university's already got us a hd which is a health damage multiplier that applies to all towers very nice i literally haven't built any new tower or upgraded them in ages though thankfully things still seem to be going okay although mana has just run out we need we need more mana banks stat oh wow that is efficiency to the max although it hasn't worked the mana is still like dead i'm not sure i like the new lookout tower is it just visual i don't think it does like any damage oh and look people made it down to there that was scary all right let's increase the burn that will help and then i'm gonna lose that lookout tower i don't like it it's annoying me that's 500 gold in the bank that is another mana bank i'm really running out of places to put mana bank so i could just go all out university but for now i think we're gonna keep with what we got so let's expand up that way oh there's so many shrines about i want to get more universities involved i just i got to make sure the mana is right first though that is the most important thing we haven't even got a particle cannon yet let's build another shredder like over here somewhere so everyone's so grouped up i think maybe some more mortars as well i could just shove it's only 600 i could just put like an encampment like like that look at the area that covers it's nearly the entire map at least we can get some early mines and things right shredders bleed damage 50 yes please and then i might put some more universities down we got one there we can put four around that if we get rid of a siphon i'm not sure what's more important oh look the tower has gone through the sign i thought it was like vampire teeth for a second it's just the top of my tower alright so we do that one health up to eight cent that one armor that one's shield then over here there's even more shrines but that's what we can afford right let's expand again oh i can get another pointer i could get another pointer there's shrines everywhere this is literally going to be a colony of engineers with so much education going on i love it and look up here it's just like mortar carnage it is really working mate fair plate oh is it vote no these are the ones that shoot missiles we actually need to be careful of these oh god they are sneaking through they are sneaking through let's get a flamethrower on there it's a bit of burn damage oh dear oh dear this is scary this is scary emergency mortars coming into play do some health damage right it's okay we killed him oh that was scary that was scary we need to we need to improve do we improve or do we just go banda tree i'm going band tree solid i need more money i need more money for more mana banks each one of these adds a plus one to the second which is good i gotta keep using up the crystals so we've got a new crystal there that's a far cheaper way of adding a plus one so we're on plus a hundred a second now we pretty much used up all of our gold not ideal we're on level 30 so let's upgrade some stuff maybe these mortars they're pretty cheap to upgrade just do a little bit of everything on them all right then we're good to go again oh we got a thousand gold from all the all the graveyard things haunted houses i think we just got to spend it on banks i got another efficient bank in there we are sort of struggling with these late look how far they're getting look how much armor they have we'll upgrade this flamethrower to do armor damage i might shove another radar down or maybe another obelisk or maybe a particle cannon just like back here like an emergency one i really don't know what's best let's gain two percent research i want to go all out on universities really so more universities more studying for everyone there's another shrine up there if you want it ah we got double shrines over here what is going on so much university to do but most important thing we gotta survive we can't let people get as far as they're getting i'm literally thinking another shredder or another mortar i'm a shredder there bung some mortars down as well i should probably upgrade some of these as well right i think that's definitely helped people aren't getting as far this round we've got a lot of gold i think i'm going to invest in the universities assuming people don't get too far oh there's a few missiles down there thankfully obelisk back here saves the date here we go savings account will give us a lot more mana look at that 113 a second 1800 to put in the bank let's focus this round on the universities i might lose that haunted house in favor of another unit so each one of these does three percent or is it five now no five percent and we may as well just upgrade a load of them look at different things that's all about gold we've got three gold left so let's expand i don't know what to put on that tower but i'm just gonna spend my gold on the university stuff all right then we gotta be careful here people are progressing quite far let's upgrade that flamethrower and this mortar i think we're still safe we got this obelisk back here and a bit more poison sounds good some more universities and some more and we're good to go universities haven't really paid off we've got plus four two and four on the health armor and magic damages not as much as i thought it would be if i'm honest with the amount i've invested not ideal i really need some more towers or at least upgrade these ones because it's primarily armor getting through i'm gonna do all these armor i can't even see my mouse there's so much going on i might shove another frost key keep everyone slower for longer all right since our testers are doing poison damage and i have a huge area i'm gonna do creeping cough which slows people down if they're poisoned of course i'm then gonna build more universities oh look at those damages five six and five they're finally paying off the universities oh and we've got the yogi the robo oogie the obelisks have absolutely rinsed his armor great work he hasn't even got to like the death zone and he's nearly gone i think that is a nice little victory there all right let's improve our slow cooker i do quite like that and then we've got 5000 gold what are we gonna spend it on i don't know let's see what upgrades we got from defeating oogie more poison more mana and more obelisk damage all right it might be time to get a particle cannon as long as i get some mana banks to fuel it so particle cannon in and the area is so big all right we'll shove it there that covers a lot of the map it does crazy shield damage so we'll see look at the most shield and then we just need to go mental on the mana banks we've got 4269 gold we can afford a very very efficient bank we can even make it more efficient as we're making more money look at that that is ridiculous but what's even more ridiculous is this the damage it's doing to shields 1400 and it's firing one per second look how much shield stuff there is i might actually shove another one down there's a lot of shield people coming i've shoved that one on there i'm gonna change it to most shield as well so we should be able to take shields out pretty quickly and then going to make my universities even better nice and oh we've got our first portal nice to put more mana siphons behind it a university there then if we fast forward through this round we're on level 37 look at the amount of money we got we don't even need to spend it the universities are finally paying off 7-eleven 9. i am loving this i might even go a bit more mental and invest more in the universities we've got 10 000 gold or if we try and put them all up to 15 right most them up to 15 let's hope when i press play these numbers go up they did a little bit we're in the double digits with most i think we're gonna be okay again let's just fast forward well that's going on i'll keep upgrading these to 15 each and this is just how much chance there is to get an extra damage multiplier these numbers up here each round we're getting like 5 000 gold per round now as well so we can easily afford this and we're done with money left over i might i might upgrade these particle cannons they're pretty cheap to upgrade and look at the multiplier it goes up by so much two and a half thousand damage on the shields if we expand people are not gonna last for long i'm gonna keep the old siphons going late very important there's one back here that i forgot to do oh there's space for a new uni as well there we go up to 15 down here it is just mental i think no one has shields left because the particle cannons are so good all right more mana banks i'm going to do a very very efficient one over here and they're going to make them store an extra 15 mana because look at that mana bar now 227 i think i actually want to get some haunted houses back involved it's like the ones that are surrounding like that that's gonna get us loads of money they will as they cost nothing i may as well just shove them everywhere and even if they don't get us anything who cares it costs nothing all right i think that's all of them let's hope that this bar increases and not decreases uh oh it's pretty equal it is going up it's definitely going up i might build one more mana bank just in case though just a little one down there that should secure it and then i can focus on upgrading or buying new towers although i'm really i'm not sure i'm gonna need to like let's fast forward are they guessing anywhere near to where they were earlier i don't think so i don't want to get cocky but i'm feeling confident right research breakthrough spend 10 grand on radar towers and then we're good to go again then make them suffer invest 10 grand in more universities and expand the map and just look at the beautiful beautiful carnage i really like the teslas like the blue circles in fact yes that's much better we made the strongest teslas oh i'm an idiot i'm an idiot i think we're gonna get another obelisk in there for the banter basically i can literally afford ten obelisks all right then let's expand look at all the obelisk towers it's beautiful i'm just gonna keep adding them until amana starts going down i'm not convinced it will that is quite a sight look at all the lasers especially if we speed it up with the strongest shape involved as well i upgrade these teslas just like a crazy amount we got nine grand let's just go mental on all of these because it's the last round of the game we got it up to level 31. look at the university damage it's pretty much all in the 30s i'm pretty sure as soon as we press play like that yep they're all well in the 30s this is just brutal where's the big brain oogie there he is he's already lost most of his shield he hasn't even been hit by the particle cannons yet i don't know if you can see down there but now his arm is going down it's pretty much just the planes the radar towers literally opie he's down to health already the strongest shape defense has prevailed i think we have won this one easily big brain oogie just went poof let's just add more obelisks purely for aesthetical reasons yes you might say architecture and there we go happy april fools that was a really fun update fair play devs i can see why only last a weekend though is a little bit too easy but uh that was a lot of fun i really love what you've done with the palace like the shredder is just ridiculous but yeah thanks for joining guys thanks once again to conflicts of nations for sponsoring click the link in the description to download the game and you'll get an exclusive free gift of 13 000 gold and one month for premium membership offers only available for 30 days so don't miss out peace love and oversized obelisks and i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 335,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rogue tower, rogue, tower, defense, castle, castle defense, siege, fortress, fort, fortress siege, invasion, castle invasion, fortress invasion, rogue tower preview, rogue tower lets play, rogue tower alpha, rogue tower beta, rogue tower ep 1, rogue tower part 1, rogue tower playthrough, rogue tower walkthrough, rogue tower early access, tower defense games 2021, rce, real civil engineer, roguetower, tower defense games 2022, roguelite tower defense, defend castle game
Id: riDCnraJZFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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