I engineered a castle so big it DESTROYED REALITY in Becastled!

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hello fellow engineers it's a big castle kind of day right i got loads of wood so i'll keep capturing we lost a fish nader that round terrible i can put a fishman's hut in there and then hopefully our fish nato will respawn can you put more than one fish nado crater in the lake no you can't so all these food resource things you can only put one so another fisherman's hut i cannot place that anywhere we're watching how the fish nato is born it's born it's a fish nader look at that ladies and gents that's a very rare sight you don't usually get to see the birth of fish needy fish needle shirts are literally a thing they're only available for two weeks but they're on my teespring store all money goes to supporting fish noodles around the world yes that's the next one i'm gonna buy and then i can join those walls together and think about adding towers okay i need to buy those two plots next look our mood is low our mood is on zero bunga tavern down there yes these walls i i lost i did lose my bloody ah crap see i was wondering if that was the case so i have siege weapons these trebuchets pronunciation and uh ballistas they they did get destroyed it doesn't look like i can rebuild or repair should i say oh god look at these so this weird circle of i don't know what that is but they're all surrounded around a fire and they're basically all of our workers that don't have jobs so that fire is basically a job center and people just waiting waiting for a job to come up and they'll go do it so i can do i can turn them into army i think i will do that i go to i might just add loads of knights i feel like i'm slacking knights okay now that if you see bottom left down here that's how many free workers were so there's 24 people around that fire so let's add 22 knights so what two workers just spare i'm gonna try and let my archers do most the work this time it's gonna move these swordsmen back a little bit all right and now actually i might take half of them spread them out a bit more as you can see here these guys absolute idiots are getting arched so i'm going to go take those out all right you guys attack that treble today going in boosh nice thankfully fish nader is still going although it is nearly on fire back in formation pikemen attack why you just stood there you knobs i'm guessing it's because i told you to just stand there that's not the point right we really need to take out those arches so can you guys go up there and you guys got that right i think we're good i think we have survived though if i were to do nothing there i probably would lose because the archers would just take out my entire army how's the food looking 90 a minute oh look at look at this though the mood is at plus 28. should you remove the siege machines from the innermost wall no so as you saw earlier if my walls do get breached this is like my last line of defense if i lose all my army i probably should start putting in some gates and stuff actually i don't need gates because there's nothing out there oh what is that oh okay starting to break the game how many people died last round bloody hell we've got quite an army now when does the army sleep the army never sleeps they're super loyal super well trained oh my god look how much wall i've built uh should i start adding towers i feel like that would look cool at least tower tower tower tower tower oh my god there's so much wall i can buy more wall over here as well destroying a lot of trees they had it coming i think god these hardly use up any stone as well we need more wood we need more wood how's the food food is on zero oh we do it we have some empty spaces though they're attacking all right here we go then down your ground lads stand your ground oh my god look how stupid these guys are they're literally going to put a ladder up on me [Laughter] right we can cross the wall now the ladders you know are you going to destroy my walls you absolutely pricks pikesville and help them out help them out boys right formation hold oh god they didn't hold they didn't listen to me you're getting sniped you knobs thankfully our ballistas helping us out right up here everything is getting destroyed what get off my wall this is my wall you why is he arrowing you're on the same team like where are they where are they going like it's a long way round guys like are they aiming for that gap maybe um we've missed one we've missed one take him out oh they'll be fine they'll get they'll get blistered there you go one down boosh two down right that's all sort of there's a guy in the hill ah they've got the lasers in my eyes ah i can't go too close to the edge i really don't know what these guys are doing just look past the glitching like are they just playing a game of like do you ever used to do that like throw a ball over your house and land in the back garden from the front all right guys like honestly they're behind you so oh you wanted us to attack them i thought it was just the blokes behind them we did it oh look and they're attacking from the same spot so this could be a good opportunity actually to test out my new a new and improved area of attack so if i grab all my troops and say go there and then grab all my archers and say you go there i might go to my siege thing and build some more ballistas as well and then i'm going to build some more towers a tower there i don't know if people can actually get to that because it's so high up but we'll see we'll see then keep building my wall over there i'm going to put a gate in that one as well and then oh god ow ow yeah to be fair it's the only bug i found so fair play game like pretty decent look at this you're walling up nice ah i do really need some builders to come do something with me so i need to get my archers up there we do have six minutes left though so don't need to worry too much i really don't know where the builders are they oh there you go i need to capture i haven't captured these ones don't that's why i couldn't have a tower there no it isn't can you see it goes white i'm gonna try and oh you can you can spam it in so can you see it's like it's red all the time wherever i move my mouse it's red but there's a little spot where it goes white so if i spam my mouse come on i don't know if i have the patience for this these are in the walls now i don't really care sold it anyway look at the wood i can now capture that one nice um i really don't know are you a builder are you coming to build no you're a hunter because you got a boat i don't know where my builders are they better not be any stood by that bloody fire what are you tits doing go build my bloody walls that is not on not on in the slightest oh this is not good my builders have all given up can i tell them to like go build let's grab one i'm gonna grab one right you mr resident okay build that is he heading over there oh he is all right get away from that bloody fire come over here come help me build stuff all right you build that you go with that all right we are running out of time we only got three minutes all right so siege machine do another tower there another tower up by this gate i think stop but why are you all running back go build you know go up here build do you like fps games i did i feel like as i got older like my reactions slowed down and i wasn't as good at them yeah i don't i don't dislike them i do want to build this trebuchet first there you go and now add the archers i'm going to put a third of you about there another third of you up there and the final third of you sort of there then i'm going to grab all my pikemen pikeswing can be this side i think knight should be in the middle and then all the swordsmen up here and this is like the closest attack i've ever done it's going to be full-on closeness but uh kind of annoying all my builders are giving up ah my eyes oh no it's night time it's nighttime quick what's going on oh damn instant attackage which is a word we have destroyed them this could be the new tactic just spawn killing this is very fps isn't it oh look that was the easiest attack ever oh no look at our happiness it's a minus number okay it might be yes can you see our food is super low so if people are starving which they are now they become unhappy and that's because for some reason i've lost people from all these jobs all these food gaining jobs people would rather just stand outside a fire for some reason so i got 43 people not doing anything so i'm gonna manually bring them all over here to build this wall this is really annoying this shouldn't really happen i'm just gonna i think you can just yeah so i can click down there that number of 41 and that's select a worker mood is still really low uh but we can we can help we can build another pub and just because that that's really really low i'm going to build two pubs i'm going to build three pubs i want to stay away from these mini trees because they're being farmed or mined do you mind trees or do you farm trees i think we can have a pub there that's close enough oh god look the earth works around that right the trouble is i don't know if anyone's ever gonna come and build these so i'm gonna manually do it 45 free workers and no one is building lazy bastards yeah people need pubs to forget how much you tax them that is very much true yes these buildings here the treasury you can have no taxes you can have low taxes you can have medium taxes or if you're like me and you're a bastard you can have high taxes and that gives you a lot of sunstone but it also has a big negative effect on the mood look minus 89 for tax right the pubs are built so upgrade my pub add one more workplace for 25 stone we can just about afford that and then add free workers jobs are good then we should see this number absolutely fly yeah there is a high mood i think that's the highest it's ever been resident spawn rate nearly 500 i think that could be the problem i built too many houses so we're destroying the food i think we need to go check we're gonna we're gonna have a little fly around well actually we need to make sure our next battle now i forgot about that all right prep for the next battle and then worry about food all right while they are moving let's go check we've covered all the food and that they're all maxed upgraded so fish nader still going strong oh and it's a triangle of fish can you see that look ready ready and the other ones get out the way oh no they're all joining in now it's just a full-on fish nader and yeah we're looking for any any like animals roaming around or any blue flowers here we go here we go we've got a load of deer here so maybe that got destroyed earlier in the game and that's why we're slacking on food so we want a hunter's hut that will go in there we need to come back and upgrade that oh no it's night time bollocks back where are they attacking from again over here bloody oh our archers are all out the front should we just go straight in all right solid we're going in we're going in you guys go take out them and just some of you know all of you oh god they're trying to flank me right we're battling we're battling all right take out those ladder holders that's it that's it boys nice all right and destroyed the ladder you can't leave the ladder remember can you see any food any food about to be starving it's not good there's no food left on the entire map so what might have to do i might have to quickly capture all the remaining plots i think we're nearly there i'm going to manually oh look my work has went way down what happened there you got 18 now i had like 50 a second ago oh look they're all coming whoa they've finally pulled their finger out they're gonna build my walls yay i think the lack of food they're like this guy's serious if we don't start working he's just going to starve us nice cool that's good that's good select all troops come up here that there's still a load being revived i'm pretty sure it's getting laggy it is getting laggy oh look that's the edge no way is that the edge oh my god that's the edge as well we're gonna have a proper little star shape here i think these could be our last plots we've nearly done it we've nearly done it lads now what's this repair they've only just built them haven't they what is going on i can't believe we've wooled the entire thing as well like i thought we might buy all the titles but walling up as well i might have to delete some houses is that how you get rid of people then you destroy houses we do have a lot of houses our food's just going down down we have to delete disassemble sorry people the council estate is being destroyed uh any more plots i can buy i can buy that one i can wall up around here zero okay we're breaking even we're breaking even on food i think that might be okay that just means we're at our limit we can't make our army any bigger everything has workers still oh tavern missing a worker oh right they're attacking all right this could be risky i'm sort of spawn killing i'm just hoping i don't lose too many archers maybe we get everyone back i didn't have time to put a siege machine up there did i bloody oh oh god i might actually bring them back what do i do what do i do we're getting a bit slaughtered aren't we we might be okay we might be okay we've only got archers left oh i think we might get that was close that was very very close although they've spawned more all right run away that's all right i think our siege machines should help us out and get back to about there get in formation there we go there we go oh god my arm is so small now oh no we lost we lost a hunting station all right as long as they don't spawn another wave we should be good we should be good is that it wow oh we gotta take our bloody oh gotta take these catapults out soldiers don't eat oh really oh so i can literally oh i guess sunstone is the main one so soldiers use up sunstone don't they so if that runs out you start losing soldiers so i need enough workers to keep the sunstone rolling in but i don't want to have like too big of an army otherwise that will go negative the next attack is over oh it's right over here okay we'll get our archers up there oh god look at the lag the leg ah okay we're back we're back we will replace that hunter's hut i'll continue selecting three workers to finish all these walls wait did i forget to build one there i think i forgot to build one there so i'll build that as well we might only have three plots left and then that's the next plot to buy add wall around there so i can add siege machine grabbing i saw the old gpu fans have uh kicked in now i can hear them not very safety compliant here no hand railings bit dangerous dangerous yeah food is really really not good we've got this hunter's hut that needs workers and upgrading are we missing workers stone crew oh there's a farm with two people missing and a fisherman's heart with two missing oh yeah there's loads there's loads of food missing oh i'm out of workers no amount of workers to be fair i can take everyone out the sawmills now because we don't really need wood anymore do we oh the game's so slow now it's really not liking this there you go food food's going up now people do not worry the panic is over can we buy this plot now yes i think that's the last one although what's that oh no there's one in there why is there just one plot there how do i miss that our army's nearly back 75 out of 86 i think we're fine i think we're fine do not worry people we've got this could they attack from that plot that's a good question i do not know but uh not anymore because i've just captured it all right let's keep building walls right we might have completed i'm gonna survive this night and then we'll do a little search oh look what's going on over here these walls just don't want to get done i swear i've built these like five times i can't i can't even afford them now we'll come back to those we'll come back to these all right we got 15 seconds oh my god look at those it's a mega archer he's got a billion arms he will help us oh god our army looks really really small right now oh this is a bit dodgy they all got destroyed over there oh crap this was bad this was really bad oh this is not going well let's go yeah it's the rest of my army is coming kind of oh there's all these guys thankfully our siege weapons are like pretty powerful what are you oh you are just jabbing that thing okay fair enough alright we still got some oh god we are outnumbered now we are massively outnumbered now but oh god they're going straight through we are taking them out they're not getting too far i think it's the old ballistas shooting them in the back boosh oh look they're like i gotta make freedom freedom oh oh there's one there's one get him hey look all these archers aren't doing anything oh no they're literally stuck they won't move oh look these guys are at the top of the tower it's a very useful place for a night can they do i need to open the gate is that it oh okay i didn't realize so why can't i get these archers down are you just stuck there now because it's that many archers that's like six twelve now sixteen and they're just stuck there and they don't attack brilliant i could yeah i could open that and see if that helps oh i did help they're now running this direction oh yes opening this gate help them come out that door of course of course rest in peace mega archer you were useless but beloved but mega archer is still sort of alive not any longer they read good memories memories oh my god look at those it's a mega archer he's got a billion arms hey look all these archers aren't doing anything they're just stuck there and they don't attack brilliant we still haven't managed to build this wall i will try again now i feel like i've built this yes it just disappears do you see that it used up my stone and disappeared what ready i built that disappeared but anyway let's let's see if we completed the mission i think this game's just gonna go on forever we've survived a month it's pretty good oh god the game does not like being over here any plots i didn't buy i think we did it guys i think no is that one what how did i miss that one capture right now i think we did it guys we bought every single tile on the entire map and we built a wall around everywhere possible we pretty much built a wall around the entire thing i reckon that's just that's mission accomplished we did it we did the entire thing we beat the game the castled 10 tier bazillion quadruple castle game completed i reckon but yeah thanks for joining remember fish nado shirt only on sale for the next two weeks so if you want a bit of limited edition merch that's it i think we should end on fish nader that seems the right thing to do really peace love and fish nato
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 234,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: becastled, becastled game, becastled gameplay, castle siege, ballista, castle defense, tower defense, defending castles, huge fortress, stone castle game, real civil engineer, rce, catapults, balista, catapult on castle, how long can you survive in becastled, longest becastled survival, becastled is a perfectly balanced game, becastled walkthrough, fishnado, biggest castle in becastled, noob pro engineer
Id: lov1UnKbAc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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