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Should be a faction thats about elevation really

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/NoFqcus_ 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2022 🗫︎ replies

I watched this on my lunch break (huge RCE fan and initially how I learned of Timberborn) and thought it looked really useful.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/ElHombreMolleto 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2022 🗫︎ replies

How are those crops gonna get enough light to grow?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/oh_hey_dad 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2022 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/NotAnNSASpySatellite 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello fellow engineers we're back in timberborne to build us some beaver stuff by the way remember my beavel's t-shirt well it's now been made check out my sample version if the merch entices you check out my patreon page it's the only current way to get it but we're back in timber bourne's view look how far i can zoom out it's because i installed a zoom out mod in the timber borners and it's night time yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to timber warner's uh firstly a couple of apologies one sorry yeah we're still doing the intro song as long as i get one comment that says they're loving it i'm still going to keep on doing it yeah and secondly sorry for pushing that t-shirt i'm just so proud of that design it's such a cool design the beavers timber road such a good album that paul mctimberwood and ringo dam they were really really under-appreciated in their time but uh their memory lives on in the form of a t-shirt right anyway anyway did you notice that zoom i can zoom out so far now what a cool mod we can see the entire map it's a little bit misty though missy yeah but yeah i've also installed another mod this probably wasn't my finest moment it's probably the third apology i need to make in this video already basically i was scrolling through the old mod page on timberborne and then i came across this one extended architecture yes despite the name despite the name it does actually sound quite good so yes it's installed and basically we've got a load of new little toys to play with so if we come down here and we go into paths and structures we've got all the usual stuff but if we head to the very end we've got arch 4x1 and arch 5x1 which means we can finally put like arches essentially surprisingly it basically means we can build like on top of things which we haven't been able to do ever like you can't build anything on top of like buildings and water storage unless they've got a flat roof like these buildings but now we can slash should be able to let's unlock that yes please and we'll unlock the other one as well so if we come over here and we look at this can you see there's like two blue blocks in the middle that essentially means it doesn't matter what's there so for example let's say i don't know let's say we want to build over the hauling post so you can see it sort of it's two blocks long so if we make sure those blue ones are lined up we can build that there but higher up as long as we put the platforms in first so let's put a platform in there a platform in there and then look we can build there we've never been able to do that before we finally have arches oh it looks like scaffolding which means potentially some very very cool things to happen we could perhaps build an aqueduct like a proper aqueduct with gaps underneath oh now i'm excited now i'm excited all right first off is there any need for an aqueduct anywhere is there any way we want to take water to i mean honestly not really perhaps that's one for another video making a full-on aqueduct with things and i do i want to do it so bad surely i can make it worthwhile surely right so the thing is i think we're gonna have to come from about here maybe we could just come over on a highway and drop into this all right first off we're gonna have to demolish some berries so it comes to the demolish tool we'll say mark resources for demolition where are we gonna do this i reckon that strip so they need to get removed now the trouble is our beavers can't get up to that top level without some steps i'm not sure if i put steps in whether they just use them or they need to be connected to a path so you might have to remove those berries as well we'll see we'll see what happens there but yeah essentially remove berries dynamite a load of layers down and the water's gonna be just below that level there right so we've basically got a levied aqueduct up to that point and then we can start doing our arches so you can do that there that there and that there oh actually no i'm a level i'm a level too low so the water level will actually be this level you idiot map which means that contains the water yeah okay okay so now we want to arch under there and then put levees on top because i think water just goes through these these are basically platforms so we need to put levees on top oh we can't build levees on top well that's the end of that adventure then oh game you got my hoops up then right well anyway never mind back as you are back as we are at least now we can stack buildings with gaps underneath there is a positive there is a positive oh check out this so this is our super space-saving thing we made last time we've got a river we've got power shafts and then we've got a path on top meaning we can maximize our farm area and i had a great idea that i stole from the comments uh we should make this side like a huge bakery area so these wheels how much power are they producing they are producing hundred 112 hp and if we go into our food tab we've got the gristmill here that requires 60 hp so we can have two of those so if we first off start planting some crops we've got the wheat to put down so we'll plonk this down i think basically all of this area is going to be wheat so liquidy who's in there they are planting the wheat you can see that growing there nicely we're then going to want to connect these shafts up to a grist mill if we go into food we unlock the grist mill for 180 science can we afford that yes we've got 14 and a half thousand signs so yes please we can shove one of those there and one of those there and yes these are a very chodey building very chewy but then to get the power up we simply just do a right hand bend there a straight and up and down also known as a high power shaft and then we just do a corner into the building and because these two buildings are touching the power is shared between them so that is the grist mills done we've got some wheat being grown here but i'm literally just gonna make all of this wheat and then finally we'll need a bakery that turns the wheat with a little bit of wood to fuel it into bread and bread so if we unlock that for 160 science we can plonk one of those about there and that's also quite a strongly shaped building as well right so over on the beaverville side it looks like we have eight unemployed people so i'm literally just gonna migrate eight of you over to happyville because we've got big plans over there so we should see eight people crossing the dam nice so who's this little guy that's just come over real software engineer nice i guess they're an engineer as well then who's this other one that's joined as well software engine what what's with all the software engineers uh welcome anyway guys we've also got hodge brian johnson and engineers really come on guys i thought we were over this i thought we're over the shaming i might have to make a third district guys i might have to make a third district for the shamers anyway this is nearly done now we can at least delete some of these parts to make a bit more space for us so if we delete that strip then this is what the finished article is actually going to look like which is fantastic look at all the space we've got i think we can just create jobs everywhere so super bobbitch has gone in there hodges become another farmer i should probably just build another farmhouse i do also i need to be careful of this i think i need to send food back so we might need a distribution post thing although actually we do need wood let's say cut down some trees maybe we should plant some trees over here as well well actually what if we share i think we could put a lumberjack flag in over here somewhere only takes up a little bit of room then we can probably cut down some of these maples back there and i mean to be honest now this is all green we may as well tell this forrester redneck engineer nice i hope it's not because you're sunburned like dr sunburn over here but we may as well tell him plant a few more maples let's do a strip like that perhaps and then we've definitely got trees for these guys as well next up we're going to go mental with the farm houses we may as well shove that up here out of the green area to put one there we'll put one on this side i prioritize these i think you guys think they're gonna need some logs i'm gonna send some logs over so if we head over to our distribution post you can add a new route select some logs to be sent okay and then we'll just pause a water pumper i think there's enough people pumping their logs on this side mr curate you've been paused now he's in the distribution post he should send over some logs to happyville nice oh and that gives me an idea of what we could use our new arch things for because i'm pretty sure yeah we can't build platforms over like farm area oh and just quickly i really need to build happyville some houses they're all sleeping out on the lawn look at them oh poor little beavers look at their little faces oh dear i'm sorry guys i will get around to building your house soon i'll tell you what on this side we probably do actually need some more water pumps now we've got a bigger community why can't i build that oh it's it's facing the wrong way map you got to put the dippy bit in the water all right let's shove a water pump there another one there and another one there so even more things to build we really need to get some logs over i might actually add another job or two so ricky colon you are also distributing stuff to happyville for the greater good but yeah what i was thinking so in terms of like planting wheat in here we can still build i think so in terms of platforms we can build these on parts we can build them like on the grass we can't build them where the vegetables are growing right okay i think i found a spot to test this properly so if we go into the platforms you can see i can build a platform there i can build a platform there i can't build where these berries are that's the same if it was carrots or wheat or whatever we obviously can't build on top of things that are growing but we can build either side if we grab an arch when we try and build that there it doesn't work i think that's just because the arch isn't high enough so that is technically clashing but if we do a platform there and a platform there can we arch on top of that oh yes we can yes we can that is a game changer then we can build all of our stuff on top of that now granted in real life this probably isn't possible because you'd be blocking the sun from all the vegetables growing underneath but i think this is an awesome way to save space i also want to know is there a height i can put trees beneath buildings as well there's a nice little thriller there so if i do a double platform there i know a single platform there can we build that on top no we can't but that's because these are just baby trees it's a seedling they might grow if we do another platform is that now high enough no what about another platform so this would be a triple platform at ground level yes we could do that that's pretty high i'm just thinking about the the amount of stairs you need to get up there not entirely sure it's worth it just to save like nine squares so maybe it's better just to build over vegetables and not over trees so for example if we wanted to do a log storage we could do like a row of three there and we'll go one two three four a row of three there then we can put these on top and if we come to storage we can put our industrial log pile up there if we make it face forward we can then make this path like double story because we can build paths under these they're just platforms so we could do that do stairs up there another platform there another platform there stairs on that path in the middle and then double platforms at least are there but ideally a bit further just so we can have paths all the way i think i may as well do all of that we'll go to there path on top then if we want to extend this we just do those three we do those three wearing those on there and then we've got a whole second story of our building this is awesome so we can do log piles to there and then if we wanted to we could do log piles on top and have our staircase in the middle so basically we do our double platform to that edge path all the way along to there realize i missed a double platform there to put that one in bath on top but then we do stairs going that direction with a single platform there with a path on top oh yes so we've got a lot of log storage going on there but underneath if we go back to this view so you can just see the foundations we can come to wheat and look we can just plant all of that so that's all planted despite there being that much building on top yes i like this i like this a lot the trouble is that's all very very expensive that's a lot of planks so i've now set up the distribution post so they're sending logs gears and planks they need the gears because they need to do this high power shaft which requires one gear oh and now they've received their gear i can i can tell them not to send gears anymore so we'll come to the distribution post again we'll go to gear and we'll bend that off so now they're just sending logs and planks lovely and pretty much once we've built all the buildings this is just going to be a farming area so we shouldn't have to do too much more although i am tempted to keep all the scavenger stuff from this side to all the metal production but remembering all the setup for this industrial area as well as the amount of power we needed maybe that's not the most sensible idea but there is so much scrap metal so i forgot there's all this up here this old ruin okay i think then we're probably gonna want a distribution post okay so they cost 30 logs and 15 planks oh oh man it's huge i forgot how big it was maybe this needs to go up there instead i don't think we need do we need all of those log storages if this is a farm here we're not going to be building too much yeah i think that's a bit over the top map it was a good idea but was it necessary no don't think so so the question is can we fit the distribution post up there oh god it's so big that's what she said all right you may have to put another thing this is going to take too long to build though i'll tell you what i might just build this up here yeah so we'll have that there and then over in beaverville i can squeeze a cheeky drop-off point in that gap we're basically in the gooch but that's where the scrap metal will end up ready to be processed right nice all right so meanwhile back in beaverville we have one unemployed beaver that is this guy james youtube cheeky bit of self-promotion there love to see it uh however you're getting you're getting migrated me so my great population from beaverville to happy birth one beaver they should send him because he doesn't have a job yep he's now over here in our new farmhouse so he's working together with clueless clown planting some wheat oh look at this our path is completed so we can now delete all of that check that out that is cool that's what i love like engineering like this like where it looks so simple but it brings so much to the tape actually it doesn't bring it why do we have a path over here there's no point in having a path over here anymore oh there actually maybe there is perhaps we could get up to that mine for the late game stuff but i think for now we'll just go crazy with the wheat so if we plant some more crops we'll basically just plant that entire area we're making jane work for his youtube promotion but yeah things are going pretty well i'm liking i'm really liking this new architecture stuff it's just a case of what do i actually build up here like i would do grist mills but they need power oh no i've just realized we need bakeries i haven't built the bakeries yet we can do that so bakeries you can go up there yes we've got half a baker's dozen of bakeries up there wait is it baker's dozen 12 or is it 24 or is it 13. i'm not sure i'm gonna delete oh i was going to delete that bakery but they've already put 15 planks into it well they take 10 gears as well oh i did not realize that i better build this one first because i feel like these ones might take a while with all the platform edge required particularly as these things also need metal blocks the architect stuff so we might need to add another route as well into our distribution post they send over some metal blocks oops i've just realized as well these pumping stations they actually need paths don't they so we've planted over the paths i've just told them to be removed annoyingly that might take a while but still we have no logs which does mean i got to be careful we got 169 nice water now we've got 14 beavers on this side though that's quite a lot actually do you need to be a little bit careful but yeah overall things are looking fantastic i won't lie to you we've got 2700 water 1700 food i feel like we're in a good state of sort of equilibrium oh we also have two unemployed beavers we had a few new people grow up like snow farmer well unfortunately snow farmer there's no snow but if i migrate you you can at least put your farming skills to work farming all the wheat very nice we've almost planted up actually i'll add my paths in down to there i've also done a path like around the back just so we're future proof so we can put more pumps in along this edge and zenery ochsoi is in the gristmill but we we haven't got any wheat yet so i'm gonna have to pause you you also don't have power either so you're paused but you can go be a farmer joining clueless clown in sitting on your ass now what i might do i might plant back there with a bit more wheat and actually i've just had a thought all this wheat is gonna die isn't it because we've only got a water source there in the dry season oh that's a bit of an oversight map that is a bit of an oversight oh actually actually why don't we build a dam down here i think we will do that floodgates or a dam i know a floodgate will hold slightly more water but they're way harder to build i might just do dams and maybe these should take the priorities you know i sort of want to rush this actually before the dry season happened so we're gonna add a few more people in here who have we got joined we've got oak top zeno planners over architects nice and zach ryan oh snow farmer i thought i thought i sent you to the farming district very cheeky yeah we're gonna bin off everything and we're just gonna send a load of logs so you thought you need to build fast we got 2.7 days till the dry season you can see they are coming over and building these can they build them quickly enough though we really really want to block off some of this water before the dry season so i'm not too sure how this is going to store water i'm sort of thinking maybe i should have gone deeper with my trenches i'm not sure i'm really not sure brett koster has also joined the distribution post beaverville are truly trying to help happyville out we've we've got one damn piece in we've got 1.7 days left will we have enough time to build these i really really hope so right we're on to the last day before the dry season the sun is rising oh man i'm not sure if we're gonna do this okay that damn piece is built we've just got that one to go it's got no logs at the moment not good also not good i was just looking to see who else was born fake civil engineer i'm gonna have to get shaneville up and running again aren't i i'm gonna have to right looking at the clock we're halfway through the date we've only just got half the amount of logs in that we need this is gonna be tight i might have to extend the working hours oh we're so close 17 we need three more logs there's only like an hour or two left of the working day final log has gone in he's built yes we built it we built it which means this water will back up and we should be able to store a bit a little bit when the dry season hits which is now the drought has started look up here there's no more water coming so as it dries up we need to come over here we need to raise these floodgates so we're storing that water meanwhile down this end the happyville end i'm hoping this area here will stay blue yes so we lose that corner but everything else stays green there's no water entering this area this is all just what we've worked for what the hell and apparently there's still water coming out the dam what did i not build this properly where's that damn engineer gone i'm not swearing we literally have a damn engineer in our colony right he's in there pumping his log real damn engineer did you were you not involved in this who put you on pumping logs i'm worried you are responsible for this fake civil engineer they're only a child so i don't know if i can really blame them don't know how this could have happened particularly when we have you site reliability engineer thought you were meant to be making the place reliable i'm not sure that's happened it's like the least reliable dam i've ever seen anyway oh look look we've got our first bit of wheat we can harvest it although unfortunately we don't have any power or our gristmill so we can't actually use that yet and now our storage is full as well not quite going to plan this well i'm also not sure superbitch whether you should be pumping your log if i'm honest i feel like keeping the area green is probably more sensible at this stage uh speaking of sensible i need to swap winter for summer jobs and all that stuff we got seven and a half days to survive do you think we will let me know in the comments because this is the end of the timber borners season two episode i don't know there's a lot there's been a lot i think we're on like double digits 11 or 12. blimey anyway guys if you are enjoying the self-proclaimed best soy proper on youtube boost your like button and i'll catch you guys next time peace love and using architecture for good bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 299,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date, timberborn game, timberborn lets play, timberborn review, eastenderspleasedontsueme, eastenders, timberborn real civil engineer, beaver game
Id: FBlc_zDAPVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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