Is construction harder than engineering?

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2015 was a big year for mankind blowing water was discovered on mars facebook passed a billion users jeremy clarkson punched his producer and left top gear and this crook finally resigned damn you said but as an engineer 2015 will mostly be known for its huge construction projects but at least that's what the game that we're playing today reckons as there weren't any other years that construction simulator was named after yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to construction simulator 2015. i don't know why the 2015 doesn't actually appear on this screen but when i bought it on steam it was 2015 [Music] and yeah i actually i bought the deluxe edition because i'm an idiot so first off we're going to select profile and we're going to go for the bottom one just to annoy some people in the comments our name is matt our company name is rce limited which i like to spell like this oh and our company color oh we're going pink question why why are these characters so small so i can scroll through them but they're like so i have to proper zoom in and squint i mean none of them have a beard but at least these guys are in hi-vis so we'll go with them i don't know why they give me an orange hat that's no good anyway here we are in germany i guess wolfsheim and this is where our story starts oh there you you must be matt it's nice to meet you my name is peter but you can call me pete oh hi pete you can call me your boss now get back to work right so the dudes just told us we gotta go drive a truck to the job site i assume this is like my first day of work can you imagine like a new employee joins company you told him i'll drive the truck to site and this is their response wow i get to sit behind the steering wheel of a truck already yippee oh matt what are you doing what are you doing me i'm actually i'm attempting to use a controller for this because i bought a posh xbox controller i used it like three times so that is what we're doing but first off we're going for a wonder you later suckers man i'm lit it feels like i'm just playing gta right now i wonder how long this tunnel is oh it's about it's about this long i wonder what that bloke's thinking he's literally told me to go get in a truck and i've just literally run off and run into a train anyway i assume this is the truck i've got to get into let's get in i was going to say let's run over the bus but um the boss is gone oh i was trying to move the camera i just found out i could do this okay let's drive around like that then i can't see a lot of the road so we're going to go into first person all right where am i going we're going right all right pedestrian crossing let's stop in case she wants to cross she didn't want to cross okay truck seems quite slow i see maybe because the thing is up so let's lower that down are we quicker now yeah i think we're quicker i'm not entirely sure where i'm going there was a green market am i going in here yes we've discovered our home base the village oh there's my boss okay he wants me to park my truck okay sorted ah i'm definitely driving it into his face when we jump out it moves back well i'm really filling this guy with confidence i hope we have a good insurance policy because we've just been told that we are taking this to the job site using our truck so i assume we just got to reverse up to it and attach a trailer oh look look i can attach cargo can you see like i've just added chains like they're they're off now they're on nice safety first right weirdly i can look around if i hold the right click on my mouse and move the mouse but i don't know how to do it on the controller so we're gonna have to dual world we're gonna have to use the mouse and we're gonna have to use controller in the other hand so we're just gonna reverse using our mirror all right how was that okay that was terrible right we're attached we need to do something about outriggers what right outriggers need to be detracted i'm not really sure what an outrigger is it's got to be retracted is it that little wheel down there all right small trailer retract outriggers d-pad up or q i guess should i try q oh someone just subscribed i really need to turn that off while i'm recording thank you jim britch all right what about in here i press q i don't know what it means this is way more complicated than real life oh i figured it out if i hold right bumper and do up on the d-pad look at the little wheel it is going up it just goes up very slowly all right now i can drive i'm not sure where i'm going though where's where's the jobs maybe it's the little man down there oh i think i just missed the turning oh decent turning circle though right it's gotta be in here right i may have got distracted drawing in the dirt but after a bit of funny round i found out it was actually out here so that's there now we gotta drive this back to the depot and then go see our boss oh uh my bad it's my first date i did say i hope you got insurance i'm quite intrigued to see whether that will stay upside down when we talk to this bloke yep what does he say does he mind oh no i think i've just somehow started the mission again even though there's no excavator simply reverse and get the trailer with the digger uh that's gone oh look my boss is here now okay i'll tell you what that's impressive technology i can open and close these from my cab like hydraulic arms i want to like shove something on it and then like go bloop get some catapult going right anyway okay mr boss man what's next what are we doing here i'm guessing am i just driving this off oh dear i've been in this for two seconds i've already rolled it right this is quite cool to control though i'm using both analog sticks one for each caterpillar track that's cool so does this go in the square well that went very well of course it did what did you expect i'm not a beginner anymore right so boss just told it to slow it down and he's going to unload the excavator and then show me how to control it properly i mean i have literally just i mean i put it there i don't know why you're taking credit for that anyway let's get in how do i use the shovel oh i'm such a noob i'm such a noob called a bucket man see professionals call it bucket uh interesting story about the the word bucket so my first ever word as a child was bucket apparently i said it whilst my mum was trying to fit the car seat into the car you probably have to work out what i was trying to repeat but i was repeating something that she was saying while she was trying to get that in anyway right drive ahead to the purple area got it now change to excavator mode oh look the lights got on that means something important is gonna happen okay so from in here we can move that that way you can move it up and down oh nice oh wow oh wow this this really digs deep so then to curl the bucket i do that one then lift it up right now what do i do with this do i just plonk it down there [Music] nice oh look i can proper like stretch out scoop that up lift up the arm bonk it down there oh this is awesome so give her a scoop back up over there oh boss man are you pleased with me i'm well pleased with me all right nice we have dug some holes there oh oh i just fell down my hole oh i've literally stuck no i'm out i'm out all right what do we do next boss man i've got to excavate the entire thing we're only 25 three man lazy lazy what am i doing oops went slightly outside the pink there anyway we'll do a little bit more digging and apparently they're satisfied with that so we'll get out and look at that ladies and gentlemen that is a professionally dug hole it's actually sort of the strongest shape does anyone else see that oh we're doing drainage we're doing drainage all right so we've got to get in our truck just reverse into this dude sorry and then we're heading to the edge of the town which is just his the edge of town but it's a very small town it was like two minute drive away and this is the building materials dealer all right i'm gonna sprint over to this guy oh and we can buy we can buy stuff okay so we want some pipes or drain pipes we want one pallet of those purchase oh thank you well done now we have to rent a forklift to load the pallet i mean really do i really want to rent this vehicle i think it's a bit much to load what i've just bought into my own truck but okay this shops are scammer so up here we have the forklift we'll get in this and then we've just gotta collect our drainage pipes so oh no i've got i've gone under i've gone under the shelf oh well so we lift that up and oh it did ping through oh hang on oh i've dropped them actually have i haven't dropped them no i have dropped them anyway they're on now so we'll just oh that is the thing about construction you can't be too fast all the time you gotta slow down a bit because otherwise you end up doing a forklift needle for glitter t-shirt copy soon all right so easy does it oh make it a little bit higher so we can get it on to our truck nope oh and now i can't scoop it up i'm just pushing it everywhere all right let's forklift needle it so it flips over there we go oh that was actual skill did any of you see that that was literal skill right okay now that goes up gotta be about that high we're gonna be very gentle here i can lean it ah cargo is faster now it can't fall off oh i'm an idiot why didn't i do that soon enough so you can literally fasten and unfasten cargo okay we wasted a lot of time i gotta try and do this time efficiently now there we go sorted all right here we go here we go we've got one we got a big one how do i fasten this cargo i'm trying to fasten this cargo anyway we'll just leave that park there and then we can get into our truck oh yes safety first my boss just told me i don't know how telepathic he may be uh we gotta attach the cargo there you go that's not going anywhere now then enter flip the old things up and then back to the job site oh i took the scene at group because i got a bit lost all right over this wait sorry mate i just oh he was fine all right we're back here oh wow they've laid what the hell is that what is that like a fuel tank anyway we need to unload the pallet and we're gonna use the excavator to unload it so we'll head over to about here go to excavator mode and i guess we just hover it like there on top can i then like detach it from there lower the side gates how do i not like attach them with a rope or anything am i just meant to connect oh nice we got it sweet so now we just bring it over this way go back to drive mode and then as we're going backwards we've got to move the caterpillars backwards and do we just unload them here nice we don't we just got paid 2 600 quid for that banging right what's next boss i'll do anything you want me to the pipes are unloaded and the boys can continue yes because we don't we don't do we don't lay the drainage pipes we just unload them we let the peasants lay them and yeah really not sure what that is or where they're gonna lay all those drainage pipes but if they do lay them they've got to put like a gravel base down alternatively encase them in concrete you can't just put pipes straight into the ground like that but i'm sure i'm sure the boys know all about that anyway we've been told to go back to the base without our vehicle oh that lamp post fell over um if we don't want to walk even though i can see how far is is literally there it's not far at all but i can call a taxi so i can do that and look we've been transported to the tipper so we gotta drive this to the gravel yard but first we gotta pick up the skip so we've parked up like this now we've got to extend the boom arm so that goes down like that we connect onto it and then we just lift it back up lovely jubbly this sort of looks like like a tortoise or something with this color scheme squirtles skip higher for all your skipping needs squirtle anyway right now we're driving to the tip yard the gravel yard or something i think we're getting a load of gravel so the guys can put the pipes around in so oh man look at that traffic jam that bloody shop loaded good for nothing nobody's in there they just parked a fork truck in the middle of the road blocking traffic how am i going to get back i have to come back this way no beds a bunch of architects anyway oh i just missed the turning hang on is there a handbrake on this thing all right that'll do it that will do it nice just took out a sign but don't even care i got gravel to pick up let's hand break this turn as well oh yeah love it man we're like proper going to the mountains this is awesome what country are we in it's pretty beautiful i will not lie to you all right this guy's going too slow i'm going for the overtake huh put your foot down drop it down the gear map come on oh no i'm on the inside of a bend oh no cancel pull back in all right back out again i will overtake this guy yes yes right we've done it and oh now we've arrived at our destination get the back end out all right so the thing is i'm not sure what i'm doing am i getting gravel or am i just dropping off the skip let's go let's go ask this bloke over it right here is about as much use as a chocolate teapot so let's see do i just chuck this down are we done with this nice okay yeah that's what we wanted to do so now we can head on home all right and here we are with backup based hey boss right nice so he's just given us freedom we can we can do whatever we want we're now an inexperienced apprentice baby do you fail we just earned like 10 grand on our first date and construction is awesome i don't know why i was an engineer i should have been this dude so if you're going to the jobs menu we've got loads of contracts here so this first job is a single family house with attic and all we've got to do is cook the fam what oh i think that's their name that's their name okay got it so that it looks like they want us to just transport stuff for 36 grand that's fat cash fairly alright well let's see what this is all about then so we've got to buy four small bricks so get in our truck get stuck in a sign oh wow we're literally we're literally building the house and what the hell they made brick foundations is that a thing anyway into here yeah i need four small bricks please oh i assume that's four pallets cause otherwise that is not a lot of brick we'll purchase those oh no there's four over there we've got to get them on the truck okay so flop the sides down leave that there hire another forklift truck and then just load them up should be easy right easy does it easy does it are you knob all right that's it that's it now up lean back all right okay all right it's on oh it's not on that's gotta be it that's gotta be yes all right oh god what's going on where are they going help i've cocked it i literally i can't get out what how did that happen um no no no no no no no plea oh no easy does it easy does it no no no no no what are you doing oh you how how was that even possible oh how did i just do that oh please please oh you you knob right carefully does it carefully does it yes yes yes yes okay we've done it we've finally done it so back in the truck flip the old things up and then we just got a short drive and they've oh they've literally just all fallen out what why why must you do this to me oh dear great i just got an achievement for playing for an hour and i've achieved nothing it gave me five grand those can't complain too much but yeah the contract estimated this job should take me 18 minutes look at this just stage one has taken me nearly 17 already oh i let i'm i i can't load these again it was it was so it was so painful so we're just going to leave it there and we're gonna say peace love and a pile of bricks oh catch you guys next time stick to engineering construction is hard bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 176,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pm9PxB6VeI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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