Engineering a MEGA DAM to survive the dry season in Timberborn!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to timberborne we are going to continue where we left off last time i was here here is our lovely base so we finally started collecting these ruins getting scrap metal using their shredder to turn it into metal pieces and that's allowing us to build a new sort of industrial area but these here we got two engines and they'll be powering these these are lumber mills and gear workshops because we're sort of slacking on planks and gears then meanwhile down here we built a path and a load of steps we've started planning our mega dam and that should allow this whole area down here to be planted once the water level rises uh very intriguing see how that works not gonna lie i also had an epiphany whilst reading a youtube comment that told me exactly what to do that maybe we should build like a dam here with an adjustable lock and therefore all of this will fill with water which means there's a lot more water stored here and then if we put an adjustable lock on it then we can slowly let water through throughout the dry season which could mean that we can carry on pumping all the time uh but if worse comes to worse i'm pretty sure we can just pump down here we'll never use up all the water down here but yeah things looking good the only other thing i need to be wary of our sort of aim of the game is to create this the 6x1 suspension bridge we need 3200 science now at the moment you can see we've got two unemployed beavers so i'm going to go ahead and build some more science centers is that what they're called science inventor huts blowing one there and one there nice two more inventor huts so that should double our science output um and i'm probably just gonna try and squeeze in more because we got we've got so many haulers like why not just make them scientists and also looking down here we got four new births and uh thankfully since last time we've got a few new patreons so sevens dean larson bebop turtle and duncan brown uh you've all picked a brilliant time to be born because things are actually looking up for a change all right so yes meanwhile i'm going to think about building more science i might also could also get these trees dug up oh they are actually highlighted we just need a lumberjack flag okay we'll build a lumberjack flag i think we'll plonk it in there oh my god look at all these look at all these little haulers look at them all they're all grabbing scrap metal nice i'll tell you what we do actually where's our builders we've got four builders on car mario ryan reynolds dre the smiter they're all building i think they're working on these engines at the moment yeah we just we need gears so this will be the first one once that's complete then hopefully some of these will get moving then we can make more gears it's the circle of life because at the moment our only gear workshop is this one which matt nichols is furiously gearing away all right just notice as well our forrester thing he can only plant trees down here you can't actually guess something i've can you see i've marked all of these to be cut you know they're actually out of range i'm gonna have to build another forester hut as well so if we put that there then that should cover everything yeah okay we'll do that so we've currently got maples marked out for there i might do the same down here we'll just maple it up and as we seem to have quite a lot of trees growing down here i'm thinking maybe we had another lumberjack flag we still got two unemployed beavers yes what i might do i might prioritize some of these ones that create jobs like the inventor's hut so i put out on high priority over here so now we should see some beavers come running over are you coming are you gonna come build duncan brown no he's he's buggering off okay here we go like who's ryan reynolds he's 44 years old he is building and he's joined by joe the smiter omkar 53 on car that's pretty well going if you ask me yeah it does make me a little bit concerned that we might see some deaths from old age soon like nice that's getting built so i'm going to prioritize the next one because i think the sooner we can jump on the science the quicker we can build that bridge i might even do a load of events as huts down this edge it does almost seem like the ideal spot sort of only 12 logs we won there one yeah we're going to town we're going to town i think all the essentials are sort of done now maybe water we could do a bit better but i think i think it's time to expand i feel like once this dam is done you can see they're building the dam slowly again once that's done our sort of water situation will be absolutely fine you can just fill this with pump this can be like water storage potentially have we marked these trees to be cut down yes we have i think there's just not a lumberjack flag in range are these in range ah okay so we're gonna build another lumberjack i might actually need to start creating some new people people beavers you know what i mean and does our forrester reach down there no of course he doesn't oh look a load of our beavers have grown up bebop turtle dean larsen and duncan but they're only born a second ago they're already ready for jobs so for now you'll be haulers oh and it looks like our inventors huts are up and running so who's actually in there sam faults and bebop turtle they are our new scientists so looking very good oh god uh okay this is not good we've got we've got a dry season incoming three days i'm really not sure we have enough water can we can we prioritize the dam maybe can we build this in three days soda let's prioritize all right we need everyone on the dam i think this could save us because there's a lot of water down here i think about how deep that's going to be and then along this edge we can put water pumps and i think that's like the key to long survival actually water's pretty full up here maybe we need to start looking at some bigger storage i feel like once this dam is done down here we're going to do like some water storage back there some water pumps here so maybe i'd want to do that now maybe i should move this path oh wait i'll wait until the dam is complete because we might not get it done you've got under two days oh come on guys come on you can do this all right who's carrying logs over mary look at mario they're just building the damn this is your natural instinct mary yeah i was thinking about building the dam up to there like that level and then just flooding this whole area so it could be like a nice reservoir but then i realized the water will just escape down this end unless you did like a massive wall i don't know if i've got the patience to build up all that long i think for now this amount of water should be plenty i'm just i'm not convinced we're going to build the dam in time uh one other thing i want to check as well let's rip up a path just to make some room i want to see if we put a water pump along this edge oh yes it does can you see the the log thing extends it reaches all the way down okay so if we shove that there because even if our dam doesn't get fully completed even if it's just that bit we're going to have this like stretch of water which is going to be really long so yeah build it down first then build that pump i don't think we can have enough time to do this before the dry season hits but we got we got over 500 water we've got 600 food you just need to remember as soon as dry season hits turn these water pumps off i'm going to turn them off now oh look we got we got a load of new growner wrappers so bob the builder has grown up where are you bob the builder he's sleeping in the barracks he currently works at the hauling pit i think that's no good you need a promotion we need to make you a builder i feel like if we have this the builder's hut because we're trying to build a lot of things at the moment cost 20 logs and 10 planks but then we can have another builder and this actually extends the range as well so we'll unlock that yep and we'll plonk it oh well the range is huge on this thing oh sweet okay that's fine that is fine i think we'll put that there bang in the middle high priority on that and then that will give us a load new beavers to play with that sounds rude all right and now we are in the dry season it's gonna last four days i'm actually gonna pause our breeding pods because we don't want any new mouths to feed i'd rather i'd rather my births happen when we're prepared and we can actually look after them yeah so in the dry season the water dries up you can see up here is all completely barren it's all dried up down here though we've still got water because we built our dam and because we're not pumping water the level is not going down very slowly meaning this whole area stays green so our trees carry on growing our farms carry on producing our berries keep going it's all good it's all really really good yeah what's going on down here why are you sat on your ass okay so some berries just grew and rainers pick them rena's age 51 blame you run but uh they're literally waiting for berries to grow and unfortunately clicking on our forester you can see you see this is our range the blue line this this area although i've highlighted it to be planted in berries there's no forester in range so that was a bit of an oversight we might have to try and fix that somehow meanwhile water situation seems to be losing about 100 a day so maybe it'd be worth prioritizing this deep water pump just because all the water down here we don't need it to be green we can literally just use this for drinking water and they're still building the dam as well we're getting close we're getting close plenty of logs we just need the builders and our builders hut isn't very close at all really so i think we'll fast forward and uh just see how we get on all right so another day look how much activity there is we have so many beavers 72 beavers and only two of them are homeless i feel like i've achieved and we've also got a new generation of beaver so who's this little kid down here so this is killed miller 2.0 and it's a one bay leaf walker 2.0 so our new generation should it should be obvious who's generation one who's generation two all right question then why aren't you doing anything jack jackie tacky you're a lumberjack oh crap there's a pump there's a pump turn it off oh bollocks i did not see that i didn't see that at all oh so we were losing water that could that could be a massive mistake i don't know how much the levels dropped it does actually look quite shallow balls you might have caught that yeah delucas age oh you are age 60 i guess you can have time off but you're meant to be in working time he's not chopping down trees oh and i think is it because our storage is full yeah so our industrial log pile is completely full okay so we might need to store some more logs somewhere and i'll tell you what i might store them down there so we're going to storage down here industrial log pile we can just about store them down there you can see you can see the line it's like sort of red by the time it gets over there not ideal but we're going to be closer to where we're building which is sort of down in this direction i think or maybe we could just stack them in the middle does that reach over there it's very red but it does reach yeah solid we'll put them there then so log pile we'll prioritize that as well i feel like everything's prioritized okay so we can't really build anything until we get planks oh wait we got we got 46 planks okay so it seems gears are what we're sort of lacking you can see we've only got three gears there because it's a dry season it means the river isn't flowing which means our water wheels aren't spinning which means we can't power these buildings which means we can't afford to complete our engine although it does only need two more gears which means we can't make more planks and gears up here without the need for the water wheels what if i prioritize that with that get it done i did i thought the engines were prioritized if i'm honest yes yes look we got enough gears yes look look we've got our first engine who's just sat there van dyke is that what you do that's how you work van dyke is it so are you working hard because it looks like you're hardly working [Music] sorry but look you can see all of these are powered now so hex wind is in the lumber mill and so is jalcon making more planks you got piranha t and rce secretly an architect two point oh that is i just couldn't fit in oh they're turning planks into gears well i'm surprised one engine could do all that yeah power up at 200 but the demand is 340. so do they just work slower maybe yeah i think they just work slower if they don't have enough power okay interesting yeah let's prioritize the builders hut next because that means our eight unemployed people can then have builder jobs which is quite important at the moment because obviously a lot of these jobs are seasonal like all the things that are powered down here all the water pumping etc so in the dry season there are just going to be loads of unemployed beavers just bombing about but there's only one day left of the dry season just 24 hours and oh look a load of our new generation is growing up a load of 2.0s let's hope you'll survive long enough to see our suspension bridge i'm so excited for that suspension bridge we need three and a half thousand science say we've barely even got a thousand now i'm hoping once you've got some builders we can start prioritizing the science because they only take logs to be fair oh meanwhile down here oh damn is nearly complete damn look the drought has ended which means the water is coming down rejuvenating the land they go water is now flowing into this area uh which should mean we can turn our deep water pumps back on frostings 2.0 is in that one bay leaf walker butter pod 2.8 all the new generation they're all log pumpers amino is our damn complete our dam is actually complete down here look at this this whole new area it's all opened up lovely damn and all of this is green as well that's pretty good although what isn't good we're completely out of water everyone is thirsty i'm gonna i'm actually gonna build some more water pumps just so we can stock up a bit quicker i'm gonna prioritize those as well everyone is thirsty they're all they're all drinking now oh man everyone is thirsty that is not good we don't have a lot of water to go around so i think new water storage is going to be pretty key as well so the question is where should we do that i'm so i don't know if i want to use up the green area but it is really close let's get large water tanks we could just put them like at the back here maybe one up there sort of out the way yeah we'll do that and then we'll path over to them so we've got that one that one there you go we've got a load of water storage at the back that should be pretty good look at these guys in here with their massive logs who is that failure earn clayton 2.0 and super bobbitch 2.0 that's great look how deep this water is it's like so dark i think the pumps down here we can probably keep these pumping through dry seasons yeah i think it's good oh look and we got builders hut nice i'm gonna up that to four and i'm gonna reduce some of the haulers i think so i feel like haulers are just like extra all right nice and we are producing some science now look at all of our scientists so we've got lukewarm tea lex luper travis hyper william thomas hook and john garcia they are all scientists oh no but we've had some deaths delucas and zack they've died of old age oh no uh which also reminds me i should probably turn these back on our breeding pods now they're currently turned off not ideal meanwhile sheet me what has happened to the food situation we're down to 100 food how has that happened okay that's really not good maybe we have too many mouths to feed now i feel like we've got enough food in the ground we just need an extra farm so we can farm it wait look there's a there's a there is a spare farmer slot in that one so let's pause the hauler they go pursue crowd has joined mandera calero so they are farmers now i mean our knights and kimberley isn't that one breezy bro and logan are in that one just you can see now with our three farms we never actually farm like this bottom area so maybe we could add an extra farm in i feel like if we're not going to replant berries then maybe that's a good spot yeah we'll build one there i think so we really need to get the food back on track i also might look at down here maybe trying like the potato farms that will make our beavers last longer as we learned last time so if we plant potatoes we then need a grill can you see there that gives us hunger and nutrition too if we click on a little beaver like peregrine over here you can see if we add nutrition to oh that gives us strength 30 strength nice that means they can carry more stuff that would be good cool oh no oh whoa okay we just had we just took a big hit so look how many beavers just died so we knew de lucas and zach died of old age but now felix michael omkar lytle brown yannick becker and marrow they all died of old age so we're down to 64 beavers that's a big hit do we still have six farmers yeah we do okay yeah i'm a bit worried about food so i'm gonna look at adding a farmhouse down here so maybe there i'll prioritize that and then i'm gonna come to this plant crops and we're gonna say spuds ants buds everywhere and meanwhile we'll try and build our grill right down next the farm so i think there nice so that should provide some sustenance one other thing i wanted to try i did read about this in the comments apparently can you see here i built a bridge a little platform for them to get across when i built that i sort of completely forgot that there were beavers and obviously beavers can swim so apparently if i had replaced that with just a path underwater with uh with steps going down then they would have swum across now i don't know how that completely works in terms of do they need step like can i get across here easily or would i need steps down and then up so tell you what since we have the dam there we're gonna do we're gonna extend our path across the dam i'm gonna build a platform there and one there and then steps we're gonna do that one and that one and that one and that one and then if i path between these you can see now they're building the steps and i am very intrigued to see beavers swim in this game i know it sounds bizarre it sounds bizarre but these beavers have very much been dry beavers oh god the food situation is really bad what i need to i need to try and work out what's going on with the food so we don't have more mouths to feed we got less if anything okay okay we got we got our farm our new farm down here but we got no we got no beavers in there so egb you're currently a lumberjack down in this area i don't think we need wood that much so i might pause you and then have you become a farmer no where has egb gone where's he gone we'll pour some of the scientists just because look we're complete out food this is really not good let's pause a load of science and then farm houses we're going to prioritize these by haulers just so that our farmers are always farming it's meanwhile down here this is our new planting area so we've got we've got our potatoes growing thomas hook is currently planting some of them so this is our grill this will cook our potatoes uh who who's that travis hyper you're there's gonna be a while until there's any potatoes for you to cook so i think we're gonna pause you mate you can go do a useful job for a change meanwhile the berry situation is pretty bad or we could squeeze a forester in there actually so if we come into trees and bushes we can say unselect those four and if we come to wood forester we can get a forester in there and that will be the one that will plant new berries because at the moment we're just waiting for them to naturally come back you see rin literally has nothing to do it's like one berry patch in the whole of that so yeah prioritize this oh look at the cavalry we're gonna up the working hours i want this done we're night shifting it till it's completed boys you need some planks are there any planks coming yes there's the planks they go it's being built so now it's built travis hyper is now in there and we can say prioritize blueberries so hopefully now when he's back to work in the morning we'll see him start planting up this area let's fast forward and see what that looks like all right travis where are you he's over there and he's cultivating the ground and he's planted a berry bush nice and i think you just go around all the sort of spare areas filling in the gaps planting his seed nice meanwhile the farmer's here the potatoes are only like not even twenty percent done so we'll pause you for now because we're just gonna wait for them to grow uh we've now got two unemployed beavers so we're gonna up the hauling post we'll turn that back on i think we need to prioritize these engines can you see down here logs this is their fuel so if they've got new fuel they're not going to be creating any power to free prioritize this by haulers that should mean these are constantly running which in turn means we get loads of planks and gears these are cool though i really like the uh the engines they look very very cool and downstream of our dam is absolutely wicked as well there's water flowing all over the place oh look look our parts are built our ladders right let's build something over here just so we can see we can see a beaver swim that's what we've been waiting for yeah what can we plant it maybe we do maybe we just do more food over here so what if we build another another farmhouse we can plop that in there do a path to it let's prioritize this and then see if any beavers swim over right i can see them coming with logs oh i'm excited are they gonna swim he's swimming oh god he sunk he's swimming underwater i don't know if that counts as swimming no but yeah they can literally swim they're beavers i knew that beavers so maybe over here we'll make this the like wheat area we've got carrots we've got potatoes and we're gonna have wheat yeah the food situation's really bad now we're on zero food again we've got hungry beavers i'm guessing we're just not producing it fast enough oh look we've got we got a few gruner uppers zach 2.0 delucas 2.0 they've grown up i tell you what then maybe we just make this a carrot farm like forget the wheat maybe i don't know i don't know i don't know what's best i think we need food urgently yeah carrots take four days to grow potatoes take six days to grow and wheat takes ten days so that's more of a long-term solution yeah i think i think we've got to go carrot then all right let's make the mightiest carrot farm all right so there are going to be carrots then we're going to build another farmhouse or two and we'll also mark these trees to be cut down and shove a lumberjack flag just like a temporary one just so we got more space to plant i think this building isn't connected to any district center by park here it is that path there what do you want about do you underwater parts not counting we have beaver with his log who is that zach attack md nice oh so maybe underwater paths don't work as i thought they would oh well that's annoying that's completely ruined my plan i thought my beeps could just swim but it seems they can't okay well can i build i delete these paths can i build up and over so platform there stairs there and there i can't believe my beavers aren't even gonna swim anymore what a waste what a waste and a path over to here and a platform there steps down delete that yeah and then path over to there oh man we've had loads we had another culling another calling of old people so kimberly jalcon rin breezy brew and egb they've all died of old age oh this is not good this is not good i mean all the food situation is absolutely dire we need to really prioritize these farms oh no there's three days to the oh no it's three days for dry season although hopefully the dry season shouldn't make a difference we got so much water saved up we got these pumps down here which we should be able to leave running without any impact except for maybe on our potatoes but yeah carrots we are screwed we are screwed on carrots and what the this building isn't connected by paths it really is like it really is i think my game's glitched out no that's not fair oh anyway guys we're gonna leave that there for today find out what happens next time i feel like there's a beaver famine incoming which is not good but yeah peace love and hungry beavers and i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 849,794
Rating: 4.9474616 out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date
Id: 5bCbLzHOU5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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