Using an ENGINEER ARMY to beat Bloons!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to bloons and last time we unlocked the most overpowered monkey ever it's the engineer monkey so today i thought we'd put him through his paces and we'd check out the tree stomp because i'm a little bit scared we're gonna do it on easy but first a massive thank you to today's sponsor ace defender now you know me i love a tower defense game but this one's a little bit different it's a high quality srpg combining authentic turn-based rpg battle with tower defense elements the game has a huge traditional rpg story with 40 chapters which includes nearly 2 000 levels now the story here is a rebellion in the dragon clan threatens the balance of good and evil in the world and our heroine the lipida the silver dragon princess escape to the creation crystals to the human lands there she awake the creation crystal and summoned heroes to fight evil and there's five hero factions divine demon shadow nature and light each with their own background stories it starts off with 48 heroes but there's two new heroes released every two weeks and you can level up combine heroes and equip gear to create a powerful lineup so expedition is the solo mode there's pve where you can explore dungeons and regions engage in trials level up your heroes and collect rare items there's pvp where you can fight against other players and there's one times two times in four times gameplay modes to speed up or slow down the action now if you have a cheeky look in my description there there's a link that you can boost they'll get new users 10 royal recruit tickets after completing level 2-8 you can use tickets by clicking sky city tavern recruit 10x and this will ensure one rare hero for your journey in east defender so thank you so much ace defender for sponsoring today's video really appreciate your support of the channel but let's get back to today's video so an engineer monkey cost 380 i have 650 which means i can probably only afford one so i think we'll shove him right on the edge of this tree stump because i think that's all covers the most area we've got 270 dollars left oh we won't be spending that because we have an engineer monkey what more do we need all right let's play and see what happens come on engine it look at them look at the power power of engineering they've just got a little nail gun is that what's happening here nice but we survived round one and better yet we have 391 dollars so we can get an engineering friend i think we'll shove one there for now and look at this second guy he's lost his job you've lost your job to this engineer man so we don't have enough money to buy another engineer so we're just gonna play this one for now or a couple of blues got a bit further than usual that time but if you look at this we got a green arrow which means we can upgrade so the question is which upgrade path do we go so we can grab a sentry gun which creates temporary sentry guns and deploys them nearby can have a bigger area of effect we can have giant nails which pop eight balloons at once i feel like to start some more firepower would be good so let's grab a sentry gun and we'll unlock that nice and let's try the next level oh there's a lot of balloons now it's all good our original guy did get involved but uh let's upgrade one of these to the sentry gun we have enough i'm gonna i don't know what one to go for i think we'll upgrade the first monkey to have a sentry gun so look he's got a sentry gun down and that is doing oh look loads of them go down oh okay that's interesting uh next level the cabrilli is chucking out oh then they disappear over time okay that's cool that is very very interesting actually now we're going to level seven and we can afford another upgrade all right let's upgrade our nails or 150 and maybe we'll do faster engineering next time we need 550 xp for that we currently have 410. it actually costs 380 quid to upgrade him which is the same price to actually buy an additional engineer i think i think we'll do that no he's lost his yellow hard hat if i knew that was a thing i wouldn't have done it anyway let's try the next level then oh they seem to be good because we've got all sorts of colors and our original engineer he's literally doing nothing he's just sat on a tree trunk eating his lunch let's unlock faster engineering 550 and we can even upgrade it yeah let's upgrade them i'm really sorry original engineer but uh you've been replaced by a newer younger model right so round nine going pretty well our original engineer was getting involved a little bit then but now we're on to round 10. it's round 10's pretty simple at the moment we haven't had any like unique sort of balloons we haven't had like the stealth ones or ceramic ones yet so uh things looking good things looking okay i think i'm tempted to upgrade this guy to have sentry guns yeah let's do it he now has century guns and i'm gonna while i'm here we're gonna do the larger area and then we need 210 quid so we need another hundred quid so maybe at the end of round 11 we should get that look at all the sentries on the tree trunks okay here we go we can upgrade a larger surface area oh look at that oh if we can get that even bigger we should be able to get the whole circle that would be good in fact we can actually upgrade that 500 xp oh no see ah there isn't a larger surface area one right okay we'll carry on as usual our tree stomp engineer is doing nothing but that's not a bad thing we're going to round 13 and he's still doing nothing let's try round 14 then i think he fired one nail maybe there you go yeah yeah a little go at the end had a little go i think it's time we add another engineer i think we'll shove this one on there you know what it's time to get another apprentice there's an apprentice scheme we can squeeze a third one on the tree stump and one of them's really taken to his new job the other one not so much he he learns by he just learns by watching this one and we can finally upgrade to sprockets which increases sensory gun and engineer attack speed so i think we'll definitely do that and this is what i want to be as soon as possible a sentry expert look at the fun he's having oh we can even afford the sprockets 445 quid yes please so this first guy is still the absolute boss of engineering even with those love heart balloons they didn't stand a chance oh this is this is decent engineers rop that's what i'm going to say right let's upgrade these two to have sentry guns so we've done one we'll do another round just to get some money and now we can upgrade this one to sentry gun good work sir and now we're on round 20 which is halfway through the rounds we need to get through but i'm going to push this as far as we can go well round 20 was very quick that actually literally happened during that sense round 21 it is nice i'm wondering when i need to start thinking about filling up this area and probably put one there for now i think that's the best spot because it will get balloons that make it round like the whole end of the whatever that shape is i'm not questioning what that shape is but as you can see with the area it also gets obviously gets this bit as well so i think right on the tip that's a lovely position i want to upgrade the area of this guy because then it will cover all of this ah lovely so round 22 over in a second round 23 over in another second how about round 24 oh god stealth balloons that's the downside with engineers we get cocked by stealth is there a way of upgrading these to see stealth spray foam that removes camo ah camo okay so we've got to get that upgrade so let's do this one oh we can do it straight away okay that's good that is good yeah so it seems you can only have like two upgrade paths so i can't upgrade this one to have the phone but i can click on one of these this has the second line open so i can upgrade that one then claim this phone we need 680 quid let's hope there's not a load of stealth this round okay i think we're saved i think we're okay it was a little warning the one balloon before let's upgrade this guy to cleansing foam there we go oh look he's got like a backpack on and everything right nice i think this guy will also upgrade the area and i think we're good let's carry on tonight we have so many sentries i sort of want to keep spamming engineers down let's buy another one in there and upgrade you to a sentry let's go to round 28. oh god oh they took some damage but once they're around the tree stump they didn't stand a chance i didn't do any upgrades that time thought would try and save some money which we have alright so let's upgrade this foam guy to have faster engineering because that produces sentries foam and balloon traps more often and we've got centuries on foam with this guy so i think that's worth doing i think you down here as a backup will make you a century one we've only got two dollars left but i think we've spent our money efficiently oh god it's the metal balloons they sound really cool oh we've leveled up we can pick another monkey that won't be useful this time but we've got spike factory banana farms or a monkey village i feel like the banana farm could be good because that gives us money so let's unlock that i'm going to think about upgrading these to do more damage to like the big guys that one and that one they've now got red helmets that is the sign of a true leader so round 32 looking very good i don't know if there's any stealth in there you saw one camo balloon on round 24 i think the camo is now so the question is do we make another one of these a foamy one i think we should i'm scared of the camo we got two foamers now all right there you go you can see all the foam so in in normal motion you can see how it works the balloons are camouflaged till they hit the foam and then everyone can see them again and they get annihilated all right i think it's time to start spamming engineer monkeys as soon as we can we'll upgrade this one with a sentry gun now we'll shove another one over there we'll continue to round 35 as soon as we can century gone for you there you go i've got an upgrade sentry expert yes so that gives us different sentries depending on what type of damage there is we definitely want that unlock please you my new engineer you're going to be a sentry guy as well all right so i need 2125 to get the sentry expert so i think we'll do it with this one because he's the one with the good damage you may as well even unlock that and when we have 185 we can upgrade that okay we'll give you the pin and then we're just going to save up until we can make you a century expert it's now round 37 things seem to be going well balloons aren't getting very far into our level at all or but here's the metal ones oh it sounds so cool nice round 37 complete we've got 2133 which means we can actually buy this now boosh only 30 000 xp to get the century paragon which creates super powerful but highly unstable sentries now there's also double gun for 1 800 which we can't afford whether that's worth doing i don't know i think we'll leave it for now we'll try and save up let's take on round 38 which seems to be going well and the next round has two regrow rainbow balloons if handled poorly they could turn into more yeah well i'm not too scared of that because i have an army of engineers all right the engineers are doing way better than i thought they would not gonna lie but we've got our first moab class balloon so this could be a bit more dangerous uh let's just play it and then see if we want to spend the money anywhere oh let's take some damage oh i took loads of damage oh that was easy easy but now we're on round 40. question is do i keep putting engineers out with a sentry gun i think the answer is yes you can never have too many engineers to solve a problem let's stop the old speed again we've got our emergency monkey up here should anything happen right at the tip but uh for the meantime things are going well we've been told there's rainbow and camo maybe it's worth guessing another foamer i would say you but you can't actually see too much you might be better off upgrading you into a foamer let's do that all right let's do this there's so much foam about it's like a car wash all right we're gonna fill this place with engineers all with sentry guns oh the money is flying in now as well this is beautiful they can't even get close i feel like it might be worth i don't know maybe over here somewhere doing another foamer just in case i feel like i want to cover the area and foam just so we've foamed as much of the level as possible but apart from that i think we're all good let's just keep flying through the levels oh look some of the balloons got through there that is the first time they've made it that part maybe we should start spreading some engineers out along the shaft of this alright so i'm just upgrading a few of these ones that have like a good area that mix a lot of these crossover points i think that should help in the long run my main plan is just to dot a load of these around here all right so we've got good spacing along here we just got to upgrade them all so they have sentry guns one for you one for you one for you and one for you lovely round 50 oh god it's a moab but it did not last long at all look how many century guns there are there's camo ceramic balloons on their way i feel like maybe it's worth doing up one of these guys maybe that one into a foamer so that's just like a worst case so we got foam all over the level but otherwise it's the same old just engineers for everyone right hello the moab but they don't really stand a chance not against my engineer monkeys and we're level 24 now let's do the spike factory that sounds nice i feel like upgrading one of these middle ones into a foamer just in case again but we're sort of doing fine we're doing okay let's see if we can fit some more monkeys on the tree stump all right the map is truly covered in engineers now but we can always fit more and i just need to keep remembering to upgrade them to have a sentry gun every time oh the balloon's got nearly around the tree stump then obviously that's nowhere near the end of the level but uh it's further than they've got before let's check our upgrades so we've unlocked an overclock ability but no i want to wait for the sentry paragon in the meantime my money's going on more monkeys for these ones around the outside they're going to have red helmet because then we can increase the area to include this part i'm also going to upgrade this guy to be a sentry expert just in case from the speed at which they got destroyed i think that was the right choice this guy going to increase his area just to include the crossing there lovely i think the same with this one it seems like the orange helmets are taking over oh now we've got a big mower around 60. all right sure is taking some damage though i don't think any balloon has got past this point yet and i'd really like to keep it that way all right more engineers please we're also going to upgrade you to give you a nice orange helmet oh that's a big one that was the furthest round they've gotten i was a little bit scary apparently round 63 is always a thing in bloons i'm sure it's nothing a few engineers can't fix oh god the engineers are struggling they nearly got to the tip thankfully the rest of the map has been slowly upgrading just in case something like that did happen all right how's round 64 going to treat us any better it was a bit risky but i think it went okay all right round 65 the balloons didn't even enter the map oh but they're slow they all they they've penetrated they have penetrated and now there's a big moab to finish it off didn't quite reach the tip then round 66 was pretty easy i think we're going to put some monkeys back here so we'll keep working around this part right now i'm thinking that maybe we should upgrade these guys even further so all these first monkeys you're going to get faster engineering sprockets and the oversized nail and pin upgrades nice now i've only got 37 quid left so let's let's throw a few levels to try and unlock some more money in round 72 the money is flying up so we spent that three grand on a load of apprentice monkeys with centuries but i feel like i'm sort of running out of space maybe we should upgrade more of these yellow helmets yeah this is working very nicely pretty much everyone's stuck at the front uh we've got a new upgrade the century paragon 30 000 xp let's do it right how do we get one of them 27 grand well i know what we're saving for next sorry want to be apprentice engineer monkeys the graduate program is currently on hold oh no but they penetrated our shaft they went right round the tip well that was worrying that's as far as they've got before do i save up for the paragon or do we line the monkeys along this edge i think we'll do one more round round 76. no they've made it up there again oh no oh no no oh it was going so well still nothing but engineers got us to round 76 we popped 237 000 balloons that's what i call a good day in the office anyway guys peace love and balloons i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 343,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons pop!, bloons pop! update, bloons pop, bloons td 6 update, bloons update, ninja kiwi update, bloons pop! record, gaming, bloons pop! monkeys, btd 6, tewtiy bloons pop, pop, pop!, newest bloons game, bloons pop strategy, strategy, spiked ball storm, lightning storm, radar, maelstorm, supermonkey storm, anti bloon, striker jones, wizard monkey, powerups, power ups
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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