When you accidently use engineering to summon the Kraken...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trail makers now today we are back in the danger zone one of the testing areas that has a large area of water where we can do some more speed tests so i thought in previous videos we conquered the on water speed record is that what it's called the fastest boat thing i don't know we then did under the water we built a supersonic submarine and now i sort of wanted to go in between i've always wanted to try and build a hydrofoil in this game and if you've never seen a hydrofoil before you're in for a treat they are very cool so first off we're gonna start with a cockpit uh purely based on the name that's where our little dude will be a passenger and next i feel like we need to make this look like a boat initially and then i'm going to add the hydrofoil stuff underneath so perhaps we need some buoyancy first so maybe we can shove one of those on the front one of those on the back then we just make ourselves a little bit more aerodynamic and that's basically our boat i'll probably have to fill in that stuff maybe make it a bit wider i don't know but next for the hydrofoil bit i'm gonna use something i've never used before these the tubes a range of tube blocks that can be connected now as i don't really know how these work i might shove one in and then go to advanced up here and turn on aerodynamics and we can see how they work so that way round they're really poor aerodynamically what if we rotate oh they're a bit better that way around okay that's interesting can we rotate them yeah that way so that we can shove them underneath all right you can see the short one it's slightly steeper and you can see can you see those yellow arrows they're moving at different speeds i think basically the faster they go the less drag there is so i don't think we'll use that long one we'll use these short ones all right so then i want to connect these onto my hydrofoils and what i'm gonna use i think a large paddle under water yeah as usual i haven't really think this through i'm doing it on the flight so we'll see how it we'll see how it ends up so that connects at the front so we'll move that about there and i think i want these to go up and down it's going to be like a balance to sort of get this to sit in the water so i need to come into mechanic this one and then i can pick the right sort of block probably a steering hinge so that sits there okay i just need something to go in this corner so i think a little wedge like that perfect all right next i'm just going to configure this to go up and down so i want that to be w and s and then i can copy that onto all four of these legs all right next we want some propulsion so i'm sort of thinking these rare ones maybe i can make them a bit wider so if we push those out wide and then what do we want to use for propulsion i know we've done speed tests before with the underwater propeller but there is also an outboard motor boat engine oh wow that's that's a lot of bad aerodynamics i'll tell you what i am gonna delete that and i think we'll stick with these ones so let's rotate and then try and decide where we want these to go probably just down the middle right so let's see how this gets on it looks it looks so bad right so we expected it to sink yep that's right but once we get moving i think the hydrofoil stuff should start to work unfortunately we can't we can't turn left and right we're about to topple over as well all right okay let's go oh oh it's working let's work straight away yes we made a hydrofoil i haven't even moved my legs yeah so basically i can sort of move the flaps about to get myself higher or lower in the water obviously if we go low we just become a boat and we're not hydrofoiling anymore we gotta try and ride the hydroplane so we're going 29 miles an hour if we go a little bit higher i'll tell you what i might need a controller for this my keyboard control isn't great as soon as i press like the w key i'm like somewhere in there there's like a 32 miles an hour so we will go faster if we can get slightly out of the water all right i'm pretty impressed with that so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna press build and we're gonna try our best to try and get rid of as many of these arrows as we can and if we can't get rid of them we'll just try and make them green now first off i feel like it's probably a bit overkill to have these massive pontoons i think if we can move straight away we're not gonna be worrying about sinking so i'm gonna delete all of that we're gonna move this down then we're gonna go into the aerodynamic blocks and rather than these normal ones which are just fairly aerodynamic we're gonna scroll right to the end where we've got these way steeper ones like this four by one wedge an extremely aerodynamic block so we'll shove that on the front not that orientation and not through my bloke's head he's getting a good look at the aerodynamics there all right so we'll shove two of those on the front and we probably want to go underneath as well but the thing with going underneath is i need joints underneath that we can connect to so what i might actually do is just copy these straight down so now we've got that it looks the most aerodynamically stupid thing ever but the way this game works it doesn't matter if there's like that cavity in there for the air to get trapped it only matters that there's a very steep slope on the wedge out the front so that's actually just as good as doing that you can see the green lines are no different so although i want to do this for the looks i'm not an architect i'm going to do things that actually help us engineeringly i'm just working within the constraints of the game not real life so if we do that we've then got blocks underneath which we can connect our arms to now i don't think i want to use these yellow beams as fun as they were i feel like it actually makes more sense to try and just use wedges the whole way down so if we were to copy that now we've got a massive slope but as you can see there's exclamation marks on them because they're not connected to each other and we can fix that fairly easy if we go into frame i think if we use these the grid blocks they are the lightest blocks you can get that allow you to connect to all sides so we can just plop those in like that and now they're all connected together it doesn't matter like they don't look very structural that's not a thing in this game either as long as they're connected they're solid right so next i am thinking we need a way to connect these guys up so we probably don't want to use those blocks i'll delete those i'm wondering if we were to do that that sort of works quite nicely so that's in you can see the length of those arrows are the same as these ones so they're just as aerodynamic and to be honest as i'm not using a controller we could even lose the steering hinges completely and just try that it sort of looks like an f1 car now i'm sort of thinking if we went under there that's good but can we connect more behind it no and if you leave a gap you can see the aerodynamic comes back in whereas if they're like way behind each other like touching nose to us if you want to describe it like that there's no aerodynamic decrease in the design but i could grab both of those and do that that works and it gives me a way to connect this one now so if i were to just grab another grid block so i've just copied those grid blocks down and we're all connected nice i'll copy these back so we'll go to about there for this design if i remember correctly we should just be able to fill in all of this with those sorts of blocks so basically one as fewer blocks as possible because we do have a limit on how many parts we can use so i think although these are quite heavy because they're so much bigger than the grid blocks i think it's actually the best way of doing this all right and then we'll just have that at the back and that should work in the same way it looks weird it looks pretty stupid but it should work i'll tell you actually i can get rid of that grid block and just move all of that forward once there you go all right the final thing we got loads of yellow down there so i think we can just copy these down so nearly there we do need to do another layer underneath annoyingly but as we found out last time we can use these so this is a flat connector they go right on the outside and they connect like that with no badness to the aerodynamics i'm sure that's a word for what i'm trying to say i have missed the aerodynamics what am i on about yeah but let's give this a go remember it's going to sink straight away so we're going to have to be quick getting into it all right so there we go oh it's up it's a bit too quick and we died all right maybe we do need some steering there you go that's pretty good it's very it's really not stable though right i think unfortunately we're gonna have to lower the old flaps down i think they're just too high they need to be like well probably like there for this to work i think going wider could be better as well so tell you what i'm gonna get rid of that flat connector i'm gonna copy these twice so one two so that allows us to connect those but it also allows us to do something else a bit later on if we want we could do another row of propellers and then i can delete these middle blocks because we don't actually need them anymore no there's a light i do need them because i need to keep the underwater propellers connected matt you idiot but we do need to move these propellers down to be level with the front ones so they're all the way down there blimey now these aren't going to be the easiest thing to connect i don't even know how i'm going to do it if i'm honest i know we need that at the front oh yes i'll tell you what i'll tell you what we could rotate these on this side like that right there we go let's try this out then so back into build f right so oh look at that that's super stable ish not quite stable oh god we're going underwater all right back to the surface all right okay it's cool it's cool i don't think we're gonna break any speed records though we're barely hitting 80 mile an hour or all goes a little bit mental however now we're at the point where we can add loads more engines without any downside on the aerodynamics we do another row of engines because that will double our speed hopefully do the same on this side and we should just be able to get away with rather than doubling all of these if we move them all over one and then copy them all to this side and all the engines are connected still there's just one little gap missing which is fine now we can massively save on parts at the front so let's delete those we can just use this one the four by four wedge okay because that's only one part rather than four it's just four times wider all right so there we go the front is done we've got our fins and everything we've just got to do the back now for the back rather than using these blocks which will slow us down i'm thinking if i can put these behind the propellers maybe there we should just be able to do a grid block like that to connect yeah then we're all connected nice we'll just do the same for this side grab this grid block copy over to there and then we're all connected so let's see how fast this is see if it's still stable because i've made the rear ones a little bit narrower which is a bit sketchy but if all is good we can just extend backwards and add more power so we've definitely got more speed we're 135 ish miles an hour perhaps i do need the up and down control although we're no there they go we've we're stable we are stable 143 miles an hour hydra foiling i'm also thinking maybe i should move my hydrofoils up because my propellers are nearly out of the water so let's do that actually let's move all of these up one and we'll see does that make a difference yeah look that's way faster 155 156 i feel like our front hydrophobes aren't actually doing anything is this just a boat at this stage let me know in the comments anyway now we grab all of this we move it way back then we grab these and we copy backwards and we reattach these nice and we see if this still works we might need more foils like down the middle but we'll see what happens oh god we went deep we went too deep right the trouble is we keep starting too far away from the front yeah that's that's a little bit of a problem perhaps then we could replace all of these with the buoyant thing the whole blocks how big are they they're pretty big but i think we could actually save parts so let's delete all of these all right here we go we could do this we could just copy these whole blocks all the way to the back because that works although is that really a hydrofoil i don't know but let's press b it should at least float now oh it very much floats nice and you can actually see where it's sitting when it's not moving and this will tell us if we are still a hydrofoil so when we move hopefully if we zoom out a tad yeah we're sitting much higher in the water at least at the front come on look at the speed now 267 that's a bit of an increase all right let's go back to build i do actually want to see if i were to make these wider so i just realized actually i can do that pretty easy i can delete those i can move these outwards and then i can just shove on there a super aerodynamic block not that orientation game this one all right so let's see does that rate oh that doesn't actually raise the back up at all and it just makes us way slower interesting okay so we'll go back to our previous design which is basically that and then we're gonna try and copy all of this so so looks like a lobster so if we move all of that backwards then we just copy all of these because as you know just like in real life if you want to make something faster you just add more engines that's all you need to do all right then we just stitch the end up and we're good to go again all right so we are in our super long hydrofoil look at that we are hydrofoiling away oh god there's a snowy island oh we could go over it we're going over it screw you island oh no we've lost our flaps we've lost our flaps we're no longer a hydrofoil we're just a hydrate all right so top speed of this 367 miles an hour that's not great actually i feel like i added a lot of power there and it didn't do much i don't think we're anywhere near the limit it usually tells us like parts like how complex we can go so let's move our lobster tail out the way and then we'll add more of those all right we finally got the complexity of the vehicle warning come up we're we're like halfway so we can actually make this twice as long as it currently is so we might actually get a sonic boom i think let's get in we'll see if that is the case unfortunately i can't even see the front of this so we'll just have to try and watch from here 485 ish miles an hour uh we're definitely aqua playing though i think we can we can relatively confidently say that let's make our vehicle longer although is that the end of the level can you see those lines there that grid we might not be able to go beyond that we will try though i think we're all good the grid seems to be moving back whenever we get closer to it oh although there there is the end we can't go any longer than that can we go any further forwards maybe we'll just connect this up so that is all connected let's go to the front oh yeah look we're still oh we can well go to the front okay so we'll grab all of that and we'll go that way stupid game trying to limit me oh here we go we're getting close to the limit now 641 parts out of 700 so we're not gonna be able to add too many more but i'm gonna max it out that i will promise you so there you go 697 we'll just connect the front up there we go oh god no what's happening i've broken the game again oh dear the kraken isn't trail makers and it's terrifying look at it go can i get in this where's the front right there is huh right we're in we're in look at the speed and why do my ideas always break reality right we're getting over 500 miles an hour at times now i'm gonna try and drive forwards and see what happens uh turns out nothing right let's repair all right we're good we're good we're sort of good we're no we're loch nessing again we're the loch ness monster why does this always happen all right let's repair i think we'll just go straight away no no right we are not we are not hydrofoiling oh dear wow the game does not like this at all he's flapping me underwater bloody thing all right let's get shall we try and land on it it didn't like that all right let's build while it's going mental in the background still all right we'll go where is it it's in blueprints previous design there it is we'll plonk it in right we're away we're away oh no we're broken oh dear we are well at the bottom of the scene now and look there's my old one my old one's still going on its own if i can land on it there we go oh god reality is not right here oh there's no front there's no cockpit oh that's the back that's why all right here's the front no no there's still no cockpit all right we're in we are in let's repair now we're flat we're going keep an eye on the speed keeping on the speed this is our one once in a lifetime opportunity 600 six oh no [Laughter] oh there was like all sorts of warnings going on while i was doing that like an fps warning and all sorts oh no they're cr oh what is going on here i think we've spawned two of them on top of each other we've got fps warnings and everything well i've just reloaded because i think my fps was dropping because i had like 10 different ones spawned let's go sort of to the middle of the seat and then let's build one here all right and now we're away now we're await 400 500 miles an hour 600 miles an hour come on let's get 700 oh no it goes mental there we go this could be a good run we're sort of flat we got to 500 miles an hour we always go to six then it goes underwater and then it goes mental oh dear well i think basically this has ended reality i feel like it is supersonic i just can't get the game to not glitch out long enough it's not having any of it it's not having any of it anyway guys that was trail makers trying to make a supersonic hydrofoil instead i just broke the game again sorry devs anyway let me know in the comments any ideas i should try next time but for now peace love and hydrofoils i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 339,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, what is the slowest plane in the world, trail makers slowest flight, slowest takeoff ever, slowest takeoff speed, trailmakers hydrofoil
Id: pqhC7g6UBiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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