I become a sugar baby in Bitlife and this happened

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing some a bit life with a bit of a twist we're going to be a sugar baby and we're going to solely rely on other people's money i'm not going to earn any of my own money in fact we're going to be very upfront with this our first and last name just sugar baby looks five percent no that's not gonna do it you're not cut out for this line of work i'm gonna pick a hundred percent fertility needs to be very high for this and i think bisexual would be a good idea you know cast a wide net and all that i'd be extremely stupid to balance it all out you know you only have a limited amount of skill points all right start sugar's life i love that name it's just an exclamation mark next to smart god my baby is stupid i don't even know what that is oh i'm kind of afraid to google it let's google it it causes a barking cough maybe sugar baby is a dog good lord it's not been a good year were they born in 2020 a burst local dam floods 612 acres and displaces 28 000 people and i'm suffering from crop i'm gonna say i i don't know i've never even heard of it before then stop shaming me i also have zero percent smarts vaccinated oh hell no throw a tantrum on that one oh no they had a baby now they're gonna take the focus off me and just when i was starting to get intelligent four percent a new high i'm getting very unhappy every year boost my smarts how can i do that by playing minecraft i guess let's get creative in minecraft wow minecraft makes you so smart there's something off-putting about the fact like i am seven years old and looks they have this fire emoji love interest you don't have any money yet you're 10 rejected first kiss no you don't have any money run away oh my god it keeps coming up all right in all my years of high school i have managed to get my smarts up to 40 do i want university no we're taking some time off let's go meet some people preferably rich people if they could fund surgery i could make myself even more attractive and then get more people it's an endless cycle a dating app yeah there we go i guess any age like why do why do i have to put in a specific i don't care about numbers unless it's got a dollar sign before it let's just try 20 to 29 and 100 000 plus you don't have enough money to use the dating app all right start small then how does she have so much money if she's unemployed all right you know what start dating yay will you marry me she thinks i'm pretty nice do you think she'll give me money ask for money god damn it you said you're broke i've seen the bear saying that you're not broke oh she's pregnant oh uh well the last name's coming in handy here because i'm just gonna call it unwanted so it's unwanted baby she keeps denying giving me money but i just want to make money from being a mooch so it's gonna be hard should i just abandon her i think i might abandon her we're breaking up minus two thousand goddamn babies it's time to vaccinate your daughter unwanted what will you do no surprise here why can i not abandon you yet you're too time to move out you got to get independent some point let's try and find someone else who actually has money and didn't lie in their application to date me now that is money yes i just asked her today and she's like yeah you are basically the perfect man everything is full except smart i know you're not broke all right hold on let me just have a baby with you and we can break off one can be called second baby this isn't the plan i had in mind i want to be a mooch i don't want to create more babies i'm just hemorrhaging money hold on let's um let's break up i'm sensing a pattern here it's not even on purpose i just want money your baby mama just sent you a pic of her abs forward it to my friends i just send it to everyone oh i can abandon unwanted baby now she's four awesome adios if i were the richest person in the world i would start my own country and call it nice people land i guess so that they're all nice and they can give me money and i can be a mooch off them the one person who actually has a job and she has no money like all the unemployed people are saying they have loads of money it doesn't add up you're all 18 year olds without a job how can you be that rich all right look sophia here is an insurance agent and it says she doesn't have that much money but the others are clearly lying all right sophia you are just great i'd like to give you a compliment oh look he even said you were great we will go to the movies i hope you have money because i don't okay now that we have done the mandatory required socialization do you have any money you are broke i know that is a lie that's it i'm gonna shave your head a measured response i know this is meant to be cornrows but in this context it looks like i was just shaving off random paths so i'll go with that haircut i'm 25 years old and i have done nothing can someone please give me money i'll look for another date someone else will give me money i'm not very good at being a sugar baby oh now she doesn't like me why don't you like me we're breaking up it's not me it's you i'm so angry i could just abandon my son in fact i think i will he is [ __ ] beaming he's so happy crazy and rich ask on date should be moving away soon i know that's a lie i may as well say you're washing your hair fantastic name but i have to pass see maybe the problem is they're all too smart because the why would you give me money i mean you'd want to be an idiot so let's find someone stupid and rich found a new girlfriend could i have money please you're not [ __ ] broke you're lying to me look at how much money you have you're a liar all right maybe i should try and marry her and then then divorce her i'd want to do it quick because i'm hemorrhaging money here do you think if i propose without a ring i could get away with it like i don't have any money so i can't really afford it without a ring on a ferris wheel she rejected god damn it all you care about is money i am not a hypocrite she's pregnant okay keep the baby and now we'll get married you have to i'll guilt you into it i am catholic why are you rejecting me my father died did you at least have money oh we got a baby uh we'll call it guilt baby so that i can guilt her into marrying me how can i do this my dad didn't even leave me any money how can i get enough money to buy a ring so i can marry her and then divorce her and have money my mom gave me 100 bucks it's kind of a drop in the ocean unfortunately i'm so much in debt [ __ ] clown i'm a [ __ ] clown already except no one's paying me for it i wish i had money and it told me to stop asking for money i'm not sure what's gotten into my girlfriend lately probably because i just keep asking her for money oh my mom just married someone and they have loads of money they're not very kind but maybe i can get something now with that you have a stepfather you're wondering how to address them daddy call on her please daddy hold on could i have some pocket money he's like dude you're 33. oh please daddy yes he gave me money unfortunately it's still just a bit of a drop in the ocean but the good thing is if my stepfather and mother die i should get a bit of money from that he is pissed at me your stepfather isn't interested in having a conversation with you i imagine because it would go something like this oh good evening stepson how are you oh hello daddy may i have some money your son guilt is asking you for five bucks to buy a fire truck no look you're not gonna get anywhere in life just asking for money okay go earn it you're ungrateful little daddy can i have some more money thank you the thing is even when he gives me money i still lose more every year should probably have more babies that might be a good idea i like how i'm proposing in like a ski lodge do i just do a day trip drive there and go into someone's lodge and then ask her to marry me because i can't afford a ski lodge i can't even afford skis she rejected how can i get your money acquaintances offered you 20 grand to take suitcase to italy i'm gonna have to do it sure what could go wrong that i am spending five years in jail okay and she wants to break up i begged her to say and she changed her mind great oh now she wants to break up again i'll beg her to stay she dumped you anyway i've been released from prison how close are you to death you're 70. all right that's good that's good can we just can we edit them just just a little bit just a little bit oh his health's already a four percent let's just finish that off for him let's take a look at my own mother as well just out of curiosity which is your health it's really good that's great to see all right now we wait oh yes mama i will go to a painting class i think we should build up a relationship let's talk and stuff you're 78 how you feeling recently you bit wobbly i don't want a job working is not for me oh who is this you met a lady named crystal who has lots of money she rejected uh the family wouldn't approve you well mine wouldn't approve of you either mainly because anyone who's stupid enough to date sugar baby is just not a person you want to be around while you're out grocery shopping you see that a dirty old man in front of you is slightly short on money when checking out what am i supposed to do what am i even doing in a shop i have no money i died what did i die of natural causes continue as my child don't worry we still have a chance at this but look how did they turn out so good well these ones because i abandoned them i guess all right guilt we're gonna be you you've already built up a nice little buffer for me so let's immediately quit her job wait a second hold on my late father sugar baby died of natural causes he left behind deaths in the amount of forty four thousand my siblings and i each inherited a debt of 14 grand oh my god resign yeah he's like i suddenly feel like some unnatural evil force has taken over my life all right you have money rejected me called me a jackass why because i quit my good teaching job for no good reason i'm gonna become a youtuber that'll show her sugar baby spent 58 years trying to do this guilt baby is gonna accomplish it lots of money you are now dating carson mcqueen now that we're dating mind giving me a loan let's try proposing i'm gonna go get a ring a nice one too i gotta be careful here because i wanna make a return on my investment yeah you know what i think that'll do it yeah buy it propose ass a funeral she rejected i wonder why no i don't want a good steady well-paying job leave me alone let's try and propose now she must have forgotten about that that was like 12 months ago let's propose at a beach she accepted okay it was the funeral that was the problem i just saw the word fun in it and i didn't read the rest i have a fever oh no i better say a prayer let's get married before something bad happens where do you want to go i don't really care real sounds cool yeah i do it yes granny she's so much money you want a prenup why what have i done to give you any indication that i'm just marrying you for money now that we're dating you mind giving me a loan like if you average out our wealth we're both that like 500 000. it's technically true i don't think it's that convincing though i'm calling off the wedding i don't want to prenup i have difficulty sleeping because i don't have enough money let's try this again let's plan a nicer wedding maybe she'll have forgotten why is she not getting pregnant i don't understand i'm trying to guilt her into this oh she's on birth control could you stop taking that please thank you very much i don't see why not yay baby time we're going to call this one backup baby because i don't think this guy's going to work out either all right god may have intervened and made her a little bit more stupid this is a big wedding why do you keep insisting on this you're an idiot now you shouldn't even know what prenup means we're gonna agree to sign the prenup and then we're just gonna murder her there we go this is the one opportunity to change his name from mr baby but no we're gonna keep it mr baby oh please mr babies my father's name call me guilt wait you had a daughter so now i have a stepdaughter oh this sucks can i abandon her on your behalf goodbye she's not happy with me she won't even give me money now guilt baby is going to be guilty of murder in a second because i need to do something about this oh my god that's a lot of money that is al capone after all he's good at what he does but you're mainly paying for the brand wait what you hired a private investigator to discover carson is dating someone half her age what i'm supposed to be the bad one should we divorce her i just forgive and forget for now i'll get her killed oh this one's way cheaper machine gun kelly's willing to kill her for 7 800. he pulled it off using a lightsaber where did the money go where did the money go carson i know we had that bring up but you're dead where is the money gone it can't be gone to your daughter i abandoned her god being a sugar baby's hard i'm going into the negative on money again you come across a briefcase filled what appears to be morphine you know what consume all of it at this point [Laughter] oh my god the poor dude back up baby you're our last hope i've inherited the dead and also the sister who i abandoned got the other half of the death you're suffering from the flu oh yeah i forgot you're not vaccinated for anything well that's a shame this is gonna make it a lot harder i'm the principal in the school mr kevin because it's called me kevin oh great oh my god i'm that is a lot of big words this isn't good go to the doctor great doctor names um i'm gonna go to doctor [ __ ] wallace at least he treated me i honestly thought he was gonna say hey you've no money i'm not treating you even though you're a child we have a new principal now okay i guess i got fired probably for good reason now my next job is to hide in the showers i met a guy magus i hope i can get his name and i can be backup maggot he's such a better name i need some money to wipe my father's debt so i can buy beckon wedding ring get married kill him get the money it's not that hard when you really spell it out like that but it's just not working i keep asking my stepsister who i abandoned for money and she's luckily giving me some come on just a bit more and i can i can work off this debt more more i just keep going back to her and she keeps giving it to me she's so stupid this is why you were abandoned shanice maybe her name is shanice she's just too nice for her own good yes more i'm almost in the positive she said stop asking for money but i only need another 98 bucks asked her for more money after giving her loads of compliments and then she called me a [ __ ] babysitter i could just ignore the damn thing there we go 250 bucks whoa i'll buy a pearl ring that's kind of cool right or a peridot ring how about that it's super super super fancy you've probably never heard of it reject it why i have a ring all right you know what you're wasting my [ __ ] time or breaking up while waiting at the bus stop you came across a shopping bag filled with what appears to be pcp oh no i won't fall for that again i probably should have sold it now i think about it but i would have gotten in trouble look i keep making stupid like just quick decisions i need to stop let's get a job for one year so i can afford to buy a ring there we go male stripper even though i'm female i'm not qualified goddammit your co-worker crispin just winked at you and said that you're on the top of his to-do list you see this is why three generations of my family have never worked because of pigs like you crispin do him and he gave me a raise i'm just short a few bucks to actually buy the diamond ring could someone just give me some cash please shanice i know we haven't had the best history but i just complimented you could you give me some money she called you stanky it's a little mean bit unnecessary there we go now spend every penny on a ring hoping that he'll marry us rejected no it can't be me that's not possible you are pregnant keep the baby and now propose you gotta you gotta dude you keep rejecting me dude and i'm getting really pissed off we're breaking up to find someone who's easier let's try that dating app now because we we have money and we can actually use it 40 to 49 100 000 plus there you go go on a date perfect oh yeah sorry about the baby i forgot to mention that we'll call it some dude's baby we don't need to talk about that guy why is everyone rejecting poor backup baby she's tried her best and no one will marry her we're breaking up i'm sorry we need to find someone fast can i find someone like super old would that be a good idea they probably won't be as cautious i don't understand why no one is willing to marry backup baby i've never struggled in this game so much to get someone to marry i'm just gonna [ __ ] murder him he's gone too far now wait i had an ex-husband called jesus when what backup was married to jesus are you confused oh there we go okay now it's right i broke up with him and now you can do it so let's just kill him with a drive-by oh wait i don't have a driving license sorry he called the police on me oh god damn it i'm going to jail aren't i yeah 41 years all right you know what just die just die rumble yeah rumble with whoever the biggest person is in prison i don't know what i'm spamming all i know is i clicked on one that was just hiding in my rectum yes i'm dead continuous some dude see how i'll continue with some dudes how do you have so much money what happened when i'm not in control of these people they seem to do completely fine but you know what let's let's try this immediately before i do anything just ask this guy on a date he proposed to me what the hell is going on as soon as i get in control everything goes to hell accept proposal thank you very much how much money do you have by the way let's get married first at a barn sounds nice on the great wall of china yeah sure a prenup oh wait he is worthless okay i make him sign up when the shoe is on the other foot it's very different all right now let's try and kill him right isaiah husband look for a hit man 18k hire him pulled off the hit using a bull whip okay yes i got all this money i inherited it fantastic skipped the funeral i might raise a few eyebrows i'm worth a million all right some dudes baby i think you've done pretty well here considering you know all the murder and the horrible genetics you were born with you weren't vaccinated and just you were just very unloved uh let's emigrate and and give you a happy ending i'm gonna fly to austria and we're gonna buy a haunted colonial home buy it with cash everything seems to be going wrong with my health could this be because i'm not vaccinated or is it that i live in a haunted house it could be the ghosts i'm pretty sure i gave some dude's baby an std because right after uh her husband was tragically killed i solicited an escort that i met on the street oh no while resting peacefully in your bed you begin to sense a slight tug on the back of your hair then you feel it again let's investigate oh my god a ghost a white gown woman is wailing as she floats by your face is muffled and concealed by a class bowling hand she lets her frustrate his streak insulted you called it a snake it vanished as quickly as it appeared and i got a heart attack and died [Laughter] she was doing great in life and then i take control i'm immediately like let's marry a dude let's kill a dude let's sleep with a random escort move to austria by a haunted mansion and die of a heart attack you know i don't think it was even the strategy i think i was the problem i really do and it it it is hard to say that for the first time in my gaming career i'm willing to think about considering taking partial responsibility for that but i hope you enjoyed the video i appreciate you watching let me know if you want to see more bitlife and let me know if you got any cool ideas all right but in the meantime thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now shout out to patriots bob bosha jones brendan greenier broken atlas telecast jinx call me kevin captain clown show casey baltes cashew we had celestia cat cologne cathode sitting frog chelsea peterson sandals christina waldman cornell down confused jam corbin nuts and crash mccreery crosshaven entertainment damon trilogy dandelion ellie daniel o'neal david klein dc dean oldsport and divine coconut
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 942,517
Rating: 4.9746251 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, bitlife, bitlife challenge, playing bitlife, bitlife life simulator, bitlife god mode, bitlife politics, bitlife game, bitlife gameplay, bitlife royalty update, bitlife crime, royalty bitlife, bitlife life simulator gameplay, bitlife funny moments, bitlife rich, bitlife callmekevin, bitlife karen, bitlife funny, bit life, bitlife monopoly, bitlife addict, bitlife sugar daddy, bitlife sugar baby
Id: LCu4Ro8E9c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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