I created a terrible Ireland in Cities Skylines

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing city skylines where i'm going to recreate ireland because there's quite many problems with our country and i think i'm the man to go back in time and fix them ow me hurt myself all right new game city name oh i've got the chance to rename it direland not as entire land it's just ireland you know it's the ireland god my cleverness amazes me sometimes all right so northern ireland uh i might just forget about that i know that some other country is gonna take it off me anyway yeah cork down here uh dublin up here i guess i'll go straight to dublin first since it's the closest i don't have highways unlocked god damn it okay i might have to build like a little town here first i don't know where this is actually coming from by the way since it's coming from up here like there's a little landmass there but there's nothing up there so i don't know where this road leads to hopefully the north pole which means we're first on santa's list and we'll get all the best items all right since i don't care about this section of ireland because it's gonna get taken away from me i guess i'll just build dirt roads here why is it elevated why would you go to the trouble of building a bridge just to put a dirt road on it okay there you go a nice little dirt off this is essentially what happens it's like when you get to the irish part where the ore government is in charge it's just our road it falls apart more pothole than road rail lines nah we don't connect the north to the republic all right so that's where you get off the highway it's like a massive four-lane highway and then it goes down to this dirt road all right there you go you're allowed build go for it there are no cars coming and i don't know why actually i may know why there's literally nothing here oh wait they're building something i hope it's like a convenience store the most inconvenient convenience store you've ever seen what do you mean you want water in power for god's sake why did this new neighborhood have to be filled with wingers all right well we got water for you here we'll just put this uh coal plant right at the entrance to the town it's just a sign of things to come you know what do they they all want guns understandable oh no wait that is sewage okay all right we don't want to put it close to their water line so we'll put it up here the other side of this lake and we should be fine there we go you have everything and you're none the wiser of what's going to go wrong in the future because well i don't really care about you guys god when you come out of the other view it's actually even more depressing somehow okay there's demand for houses so let's just build a little dirt track up here all right look just just build a road across the entirety of northern ireland up here and we'll just build loads of residential it's just a straight line of houses there you go lovely it's like a [ __ ] landing strip like honestly this guy's probably just looking as this whole country is an airport it really looks like one what do you want what are you complaining about not enough workers is it well i'm sorry nobody wants to live here for some reason oh yeah i gotta power that whole strip of houses now as well why did they go to the middle there was loads of land here available but they went right into the middle of this road to start oh my god this is costing me so much money how much money do i have oh my god i'm spending all of my money but at least they have water filthy filthy sewage water all right guys you're gonna have to do me a favor here you're gonna have to build houses all the way down here to connect to the power line otherwise i'll have to run power lines all the way up to these houses and that's not something i want to do so just keep building all right and think of it as a long-term investment while you might have a horrible shitty life right now sorry i shouldn't say shitty it's a bit of a sensitive topic in this town but in the future you'll have nice life still shitty like literally but you will have lights at least you'll be able to see how filthy your water is look at all these cars coming in now they're all looking at the new houses could you just build closer please i want to speed up time until they connect up my power lines honestly it's looking it's looking like south korea north korea at the moment you can see this site lit up and this says nothing oh now it's lit up by them complaining that they don't have power not enough electricity no you've none at all all right there's a rising need for industry how about that look just build industry here i will connect this and i will do it for free i have no choice i'm down to seven grand and i i am just losing money what are you complaining about you know besides all the things i've already listed out not enough fuel coal power plant turns coal into electricity ah so you're saying you need coal it's trying to get me to build a water treatment plant but like i don't have the money for that just buy one of those brita filters you know you pour the water in it's a little jug and it filters it there's an abandoned building oh no they're all abandoning the houses meanwhile there's someone here just building oh it looks like a fresh new neighborhood should be nice to raise some kids here get some mud on the tires oh someone's happy oh the person who just found a place to build oh my god you idiot why are you happy about this what are you doing i'm gonna de-zone this area so that they'll start building towards me at least i should have started down here but look what stone has done we can't do anything about it now we can only learn from it which i will not we need more power god damn it can i just buy coal like it's not even powering north korea yet and so we're in major trouble here when it needs to congratulations i don't know why you're saying that i was just about to say the entire city's power is out i've unlocked the landfill site though that's that's awesome maybe i can take another city's trash and earn money that way look on the bright side at least they can't like call and complain because we just got no power you know i may have been misguided when i said coal was the way of the future what about wind we got plenty of wind all right i built an air turbine i built it near the sewage so it'll waft the smell back into town i gotta think forward you know i want everyone to move to cork when i have that utopia built okay do we have electricity now we do okay great not enough for everyone but soon we'll be connected don't you worry we're only a few streets away well actually it's one street that's a great pr spin i can say look direland is doing fine sorry the ireland is doing fine we have one street that's without power and water that is it it's just a very very long street it goes across the whole country what do i need residential i need you to build build here they're not building all right i have an idea what if i de-zone this entire side of the street and i just demolish their houses i wish it was daytime so i could actually see what i'm demolishing i want to look into their eyes as they destroy their houses oh no they've abandoned over here too is it because of the smell is that it this is just walking straight into their house oh god damn but look my plan is working i got rid of all these houses and now they're building on this side of the street slowly but surely they're getting there it honestly would have saved me money just to build the power lines over to them i've lost so much money from all the issues that have been caused by not just building it in the first place but it's the principle of the matter now i'm afraid my citizens are sick gee i wonder why i guess i'll build a hospital actually no this town doesn't need a hospital they'll be fine i think i'm close enough to connect these now though that's not too bad yeah that's only a thousand to connect that there we go you have power everyone welcome oh a lot of you already gave up on me i don't blame you taking out the trash taking out the trash you didn't believe in me so now i'll demolish your house not the catchiest of jingles but it helps when you deliver bad news in the form of a jingle landfill sure why not may as well build it next to these people they're already suffering enough but whatever they're so unhappy but look i'm generating money now this is great this is what an economy feels like stop trying to remind me to build a hospital don't wanna okay i think we're slowly but surely funding our way to building the next city uh highway when is that unlocked um need a population of three thousand oh man i'm going at like five a week right now oh my god i need like 10 grand to build a dirt road to dublin are you serious if i just get someone in a truck to drive over there it'll create a dirt road why are we out of power again what's wrong oh no oh no we're losing money we're losing money hold on hold on i i need a loan or something oh wait wait i disconnected this side of the city by accident i built a road over the power lines oh jesus this may have been a bad idea how am i going to get around this everyone just abandoned north korea god damn it i like how i just renamed this to north korea now all right loans um 20 grand sure and i'll build their own wind turbine over here i think that's the best solution because i cannot cross that road i did build the city a bit strangely up here not much thought went into it i'm just running the bulldozer over everyone at this point because um everyone abandoned it and uh that's a slight problem because now there's nothing connecting the houses anymore so that little gap that we filled with the power lines not really relevant anymore there's a much bigger gap now what's wrong with you now you're just dying really that's a bit selfish i've got a lot going on right now can you stop being sick just [ __ ] the coal all right turn it off we're not using it anyway we're using this smelly wind oh my god it's also blowing on the landfill i just realized i can get a loan of 60 grand if i just reach a population of 1100 that's doable i'm almost there already ignore the fact that it's going down look there's a demand for residential wait no no no don't do the same mistake again stop kevin stop hold on stop building okay there we go now residential next to the other residential who are also without power how did that happen is there just not enough that that is possible to be fair may as well just build another one here i guess piss off the same people doubly so rather than pissing everyone off slightly how are my kids supposed to play outside when this is happening industrially look why would you want to play outside anyway the place is just awful look we're a worthy village now what that's why we're a country not a village what are you trying to say why are you insulting me right well whatever i don't care what you say this means i can get big bank loan this is such a bad idea oh this country is built on debt both types of debt it's such an abrupt end all right i'm gonna go with the one road strategy we're gonna call it oh my god that costs so much money that's so much that's so much money oh dear i need to spend 84 000 to get down as far as dublin is that worth it that doesn't seem worth it i'm good it's done all right we're done we're in dublin all right you guys just keep making money steadily away up here you're the backbone of my economy but i'm not really going to care about my posture and i'm going to let you kind of fall apart gradually okay you're self-sustaining ignore the the poop color in that corner of the lake it's algae set policies hmm smoke detector distribution water you should all sounds complicated and like i need to spend money on them ignore them i just realized this road would cost a lot less if i didn't raise it i i think i saved beforehand maybe i should load it and do that because i spent a lot of money on that yes i did look at how horrible that looks oh it's a sight to behold though am i happy to see it i sure am okay so down ramp here perfect very very steep god damn there's gonna be a lot of people ramping down here a lot of car accidents it's like a highway and then just an off cut here at a right angle a ramp down no like merging or anything you just turn right immediately okay let's see how much this costs me now way better way better jesus we can go right to cork for the same price all right this is the start of dublin anyone want to live in this fake capital poor marketing for those of you who aren't irish which is most of you there is an ongoing a kind of a joke more than anything that cork is the real capital that's where i'm from so we're rolling with that industrial waste found in the soil stop complaining it's not the end of the world wait why aren't they using the road ah i built a one-way road all the way around so there's no actual way to leave that's okay i can fix that oh my god and they both go this way okay no hold on i can i can fix this if anything this is good i like one-way systems they simplify everything there we go now we're building now we're talking i don't know why this road goes off in over the water it's just a quirky thing dublin really likes it it's lopsided for sure all right i gotta get you guys power before i start running out of money again i don't suppose i could divert all the sewage back up north could i is that possible that could just be sewage city it's 10 grand but it's kind of worth it to make the poop lake it's going straight upstream into the lake that the other place is drinking from i didn't even care this time that it was it was close to their drinking water didn't even bother putting it at the other side of the lake which actually probably would have been cheaper or you know even maybe here just far away from everything no i specifically went out of my way to say [ __ ] you guys but also at the same time would you mind powering that for us because otherwise our poop water can't flow there we go thank you very much for powering that appreciate it stop abandoning houses just because you can't have power electricity or sewage for like a few months like you knew that when you [ __ ] bought the place tornado warning for the area what residents should seek shelter immediately if any is available um that's not good all right well we're a tiny town now so yay and uh yeah we're unlocking some stuff wow look at this stuff i wouldn't mind getting the spire i could build a spire where's the tornado oh sure that's in galway over there they'll be grounds they're all right they're used to that kind of thing over there strong winds that side of the atlantic i'm sure it won't reach me and if it does hopefully it swings up north and goes to sewage town look folks everyone can down that tornado is moving so damn slow it's not even gonna reach us and if it does it's probably for future generations to worry about police and crime we have no crime here the only criminal is me funnily enough oh up here might have crime i see okay well that's not really my problem is it shift terrain ah maybe i can make the spire out of dirt instead of actually having it as an object on the way i'm digging sorry dig up men dig up this poor person is just trying to build their business as i build this giant dirt pile next to them landscaping costs would you really call this landscaping at this point they probably even purchased this plot for like the seaside view and then i just built this giant dirt mound where they can't even see the sun anymore you don't even know if it's daytime or nighttime after time keep or going it's just curious how high this can get now it just keeps going i was about to say i hope we don't get like an earthquake or anything that could knock it down but forget that i hope we don't get any rain even a mudslide could destroy the city at this point especially that bridge and water treatment plant are my kids supposed to play outside when this is happening play on the feck inspire okay i accidentally let go spent about seven grand there so far but it's looking pretty good what the hell is this it actually gets like blurry at the top you can't even tell anymore what's going on look at how fast that is raising because it's just such a spike at the top now and it's off my screen again there we go now that is aspire dublin i taught you a thing or two today look at that for a shard that's where the final boss would be if this were a video game well it is a video game i mean a different type of video game more residential people just want to live in dublin i don't blame them the place is beautiful nice bit of shade for those sunny days industries collapsing because we are lacking police stations water and just general human rights but we have saved up a bit of money so i am going to build a police station to keep the the riff raff under control there you go now you local police station take care of the entire country i accidentally built it away from the power lines so if you guys could just build towards it that would be great you think i'd learn from my mistakes didn't i say that earlier as well like this has been a learning experience and then i just completely disregarded it where's that tornado is it still coming see it died down the mayor knows best am i mayor president i think dictator poop lake is coming along nicely the spire is lovely this is a fantastic country so far i'd live here i do live here i live in a worse version of this place how hard is it to build a working power grid it's not exactly state of the art technology it is no one understands it look this thing this this thing over here is our god this thing gives us power this allows us to play xbox and it also wafts the sewage smell over to us i think i actually need more wafting uh we're running low on power let me give you another little tower here there you go now we've plenty electricity for all the magic it's honestly the only way i can explain it hooray for the mayor yes thomas everyone on this twitter app is banned except for thomas hancock because he's just sucking up to me i was confused for a second this one street didn't have water but the other street did but that's because i was rerouting the water all the way up here i like how i didn't even follow the road which would have been super helpful if i did i instead went direct to the lake oh what a disaster and now i need another line that goes off this way for facts sake well that's a waste of three grand and more by the time i get all the way up there you know what i'm not going any further this is fine i don't want to go up to sewage town anyway build a park area why not here we'll put it in the shadow of the spire there because that's cypress gardens everyone i don't think there actually is anything there it's just a flat plain yeah i'll put like a gazebo in the shadow of the spire it'll be handy as well it's like the biggest sundial known to man wait what the hell someone just deleted half the spires so they could build their shitty store oh my god this is actually still zoned i still had the spire zoned they're like yeah i'll build there thank you we'll get the excavators in it's a general store some random mom and pop store just opened and destroyed a national landmark okay it's gone the land's back perfect mom and pop went bankrupt we celebrate that in our culture oh you need more waste disposal okay bring that up to sewage town up here place another one there why are you complaining about power now like i'm giving you so much power and you're just you're using it inefficiently is the problem all right more wind farm i guess what's this what happened here a fire idiot it's again their fault oh god there's fires breaking out everywhere did my people just [ __ ] discover fire or what i haven't had a single fire the whole time and now fire is everywhere it's spreading like some sort of fire or something garbage is a problem so i raised the budget for garbage a little bit i mean i could shut up a building burnt down i don't care i could build a landfill down here somewhere but i want to ship it all up here oh god that lake is very polluted now sorry about that uh lochne also uh it's mainly arma and strabane is that strabane i don't know it's the center of northern ireland in brackets uk that i'm destroying anyway i'm probably offending a lot of people but you know what that's okay there's a lot more important things to worry about like poop lake over here more and more people want to move to my town you know i've noticed that there's a demand here and i'm going to build smart for once there we go the roads are connected correctly so the one-way system works they're definitely wonky as hell but that doesn't matter we got loads of land we're in ireland for god's sake and this time i'm going to build here so that means they can only build their and the power from these houses that don't have power because the energy system is overloaded it can go through their houses and into the next ones and then i'll build along here steadily i can do the same on this end to make it even faster now onto the issue of no power at all what's wrong with ja you just don't have enough do you what about this advanced wind turbine it's going in the water look at that now you'll have plenty of power look at that we're in the green look everyone we're in the green on something ignore the burning buildings over here and don't you dare go to sewage town even the roads are just destroyed here everything is awful i'm gonna change my twitter bird thing to a guy with sunglasses because it looks much cooler although i don't think you need them in the city i think the the spire provides enough shade there we go built a fire station and a hospital they are so blessed that they don't live up here fishing industry oh that might be good i've got lots of water fishing route i don't know what this does build a little dock connect that up i guess there we go i don't know why it's so squiggly and why you can only fish here specifically but if you get lost look for the spire to find your way back how am i doing on those loans that i took out this might be the first time in a game that i've actually repaid loan look at that it's paid off and i only have 42 000 on this one remaining but the fact that i paid back anything at all is amazing honestly this is an outlier for sure but i'm happy about it child health center increases birth rate yes everyone please increase our population you could argue it's cruel to bring a child into this country but you know what i'm gonna argue against that act like bunnies people also there's new cemeteries so when you're done making babies you can die now i'll put that up in a sewer town all the bodies will be shipped to sewer town you need water why do you need water there we go nice graveyard we already have a few customers i see oh we've got a lot of customers a lot of people coming in and out of the graveyard closest thing to nature in the city are people's houseplants how about a park or two i use the graveyard come on stop being needy the king residence oh the king is dead phew at least i'm not the king i'm the dictator oh god i did the fishing route wrong sorry guys i thought you could just figure it out amongst yourselves like i gave you permission to fish do i really need to point in which direction i don't know anything about these things in fact i don't know anything about anything i'm doing today some would argue that i'm under qualified for the job but i would argue i'm overqualified i'm not going to argue because i don't really have a lot to back that up but i would try to argue okay honestly i have no idea how to do this you're just gonna have to figure out fishing yourself perfect's sake drop a line in the water with a hook on it that's all you need to know you really you want to get the dictator involved and how you catch the fish or where you catch the fish i have other things to concern myself with like people want to move in for once look look how much demand there is to live here okay dublin is looking pretty good especially the spire i would say we're making money no problem people want to live here they're building houses which means the backbone of our society is no longer really needed like we're going to keep poop lake we're gonna keep pumping that up there until that whole lake is just filled with poop and it becomes like a man-made wonder of the world but we don't need this section so we're gonna begin deconstructing it of course i don't really wanna pay for labor to do that um there must be another way astrologists report that a devastating meteor will strike the city in the near future oh well what a coincidence what what were the odds of that happening astrologers report that a devastating meteor will strike the city in the near future hell of a coincidence right there report devastating meteor let's just see how this plays out i guess oh my god look at them coming in all right well it's it's definitely clearing the way perhaps a little danger close to the road here let's see no we might be okay maybe no we're good we're good that's fine i love to see it just nature at work look everyone nature is healing again oh jesus christ there's not a shred of life left even their escape routes were blocked it was as if it was coordinated or something it cut off their escape route and then struck them god that one got hit twice basically on the same spot they say that lightning never strikes twice but i guess it doesn't apply to me to yours i'm just going to speed this up if you don't mind it just keep it sped up can you do that for me stop slowing it down it's not a big deal honestly it happens all the time okay there we go every trace of life has been eliminated near here oh wait wait wait there's a little bit of rubble left and it's gone oh ignore this menu that was open there's nothing to do with what's happening here this is an act of god and no i'm not calling myself god it's just it just happened okay oh my god the plane's still flying through the meteor strikes you brave and stupid pilot that's a ryanair flight for sure avoid the impact site and head to shelter if any is available unfortunately there is no shelter left in this area can you stop now this is enough meteors um there's a massive tsunami from all the meteors heading straight towards dublin we'll just uh we'll save that uh there and continue next time that's if you want to see more just let me know drop a like leave a comment and we can make more and thank you so much for watching appreciate and hope to see you next time bye for [Music] now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 876,306
Rating: 4.9704547 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines ep 1, cities skylines best mods, cities skylines ireland, cities skylines island, cities skylines funny, city skylines diaster, city skylines funny, cities skylines callmekevin, city skylines, cities skylines game, city planner
Id: pZr9XQoAbA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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