I played bee simulator in a way that was not intended

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hey there friends i come to you with big news today i i have moved this is a new setup sorry if it sounds a little echoey you know teething problems but that's not the big news the big news is i am being cyber bullied by you now that's what this is all about it has been comments upon comments of bullying me to play the damn b-movie game and i'm not gonna cave to pressure okay i'm gonna cave to pressure just a little bit we're gonna play b simulator which honestly looks even weirder somehow let's get started i am tempted to go espanol since i live here now but i i don't think i've gotten past ola yet i'll stick with english okay whenever there's a bee on screen the game is saving i'll keep that in mind oh my god it's saving the honey bee a tiny hero in a big world i don't think there's anything heroic about this they give me allergies i actually have a little bit of hatred for them but without them i'd be allergy free i know life as we know it will end well my point still stands i'm technically correct in recent years millions of bee colonies have been lost all around the world and someone should go find them is that what the game is about because if you need me i'll be there yeah prepare for a lot of bad bee buns pesticides low nutrition and viruses which all weaken our natural pollinators why do they always set up man as the bad guy i feel like i'm being targeted all the time me the straight white male the downtrodden pick profile i i don't understand what this wait what wait is this me why do i have to be an ugly bee oh wait we're all ugly sorry i get to name myself biscuit oh that's very creative but i've got something even better [ __ ] face oh now that is creative first things first let's teach you to fly like a bee now i'd like to fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee why couldn't every key just be b i wish every control in this game was b it would be funny i'd like it we have a special place where you can learn how to be a bee just fly through this crap oh fly through the crack i thought you meant you were actually gonna give me like crack and i was gonna have to finish it okay this is a better option you know this game is actually really pretty like taking the piss aside it's actually a really pretty game look at that i think i'm twerking right i don't know what this is is this me stinging just holding on the mouse i'm gonna go with twerking oh here we go screw those humans i'm going to give them all allergies with my bee juice okay so i collect pollen like this oh easy this is actually very similar to the b movie if i'm remembering correctly like not the movie the game i couldn't picture jerry seinfeld flying around the field like this actually now i kind of can and i would pay to see a live action b movie maybe they can do it like disney have been doing they do live action versions everything come on seinfeld give the people what they want no i'm sorry give the person what he wants nobody else wants that oh yeah i'm getting some flower power it's the 60s all over again i would assume i don't know i wasn't there oh talk to alice sorry i was still gathering pollen i'm a socially awkward bee i was just avoiding you oh my god this is my b vision so this is where the arkham game stole batman vision from great work little sister little sister oh i'm a girl [ __ ] face is a girl we use beetroot as a power-up to fly faster i don't want to use my boost yet it would be wasting all right you know what fine if you insist there we go i flew into a wall is that a good use of my boost geez you can go fast with it to be fair it's very good there we go take my pollen enjoy it follow the tunnel to return to the hive wait i'm going home then whose hive did i just give the pollen to i thought i was doing it for our family i know all the basics oh that's [ __ ] face talking i didn't imagine that's what [ __ ] face would sound like oh no silly the queen decided ah damn monarchies all right let's see what job the queen gives me if she turns around and says your job is to play the b movie game i'm gonna be really angry what's up [ __ ] face they didn't even know that's my name they were just insulting me the queen kind of ugly you are a honeybee now dwight i thought we were all honeybees okay i guess not do i just gather pollen then is that my job i don't think she really assessed [ __ ] faces as a bee didn't ask what i was interested in what my skills were just looked at me and went oh you're a honeybee i think the queen is just looking for an ego boost bossing everyone around oh we're in the city and there's a deer okay should we attack it well they're going to attack it what the hell is this what no i'm shitfaced the bee i can take them out i'm bigger and stronger than them right talk about traffic i need to be more careful yeah hold that thought [ __ ] face i'm going to attack this deer no he doesn't care no doesn't care at all i might sting him in the eye just to see that's my best attack no doesn't care what a chad just takes a sting to the eye and just shrugs it off all right i've done enough honey collecting i did one i'm gonna go sting that child now this might be the best game i've ever played yeah this is really good this is a gaming experience and a half i'm loving it like don't blame me i'm just a b blame the father who's just completely ignoring his child all together i'll teach you all right i better get back to work and appease my queen i don't want to feel her wrath all right how many do i have 23 24 oh balloons hold on i'll be right with you i just need one more but i can't resist yes i'm ruining the parody oh yes these were expensive they're actually animals and everything oh my god this guy is a bee on his shirt since he often beats so much i could sting him in the throat oh jesus oh god i'm playing very dangerous game here i'm just ready to be eaten even locked german shepherd is that a german shepherd i i guess i don't think he knows what he is there is a bee over there and she doesn't look well wait where where i should see if i can help her what how am i supposed to see how am i supposed to spot a bee in the park here the the gold thing i guess how the hell did [ __ ] face here oh what ah they gave you the crack too didn't they leave me alone okay we'll do goodbye no i don't want to follow if they said leave them alone leave them alone don't pester them okay we're playing the quidditch game from harry potter and the philosopher's stone then all of a sudden i'm scared i'd be scared too if this bee was just bolting after me and not letting me be alone come here i'm gonna sting ya yeah i'm actually tormenting this person i'm gonna be sentenced to death by the queen you can't just harass people like this well no you can harass people you can't harass bees my hive my hive i feel really funny i wish i felt funny for once oh god jesus spiderweb i need to find my hive stop saying it like that what what yes i don't understand i was pretty close jesus actually is having a blast left him dancing to that soft piano music you see what you've gone and done now you will pay for disturbing my meal what just go back to eating at your [ __ ] wasp oh no we're gonna fight this is the weirdest game jesus christ that guy just dancing in the corner i love it oh i was doing the wrong i was doing the wrong keys i was wondering why i was hitting it perfectly and it was giving me errors and saying never give up and stuff like that i thought i was doing great jesus this be on wasp violence is getting out of hand is this game rated r i hope it is just you wait i feel like this game was voiced by one person entirely uh i remember now oh that's convenient okay i ate a piece of a rotten apple yeah sure rotten apple you're high as a kite thank you say my name don't just type it say it say my name [ __ ] face you're goddamn right wait hold on i want to steal some of this food hold on i want to eat this there we go this is mine yeah keep dancing you don't even realize that in about seven years i'll have finished your lollipop they're dancing is hilarious it's clearly like some stock animation or something hey you stop doing stock animations all right what's he say i love their speech so in this world bees speak english and humans speak blah blah blah blah blah so next video i'm going to be speaking like that also this is the music you're all dancing to but it's kind of weird because you cannot hear it from over there and he's still going nuts i can still see him i made a child cry i'm liking this game 10 out of 10 so far if you look at their faces nobody is having fun like they're so serious this guy is extremely pissed off his parents have just died i think i just gave him his origin story to become dr b i don't think he's clapping along as in like let's have fun it's like a demand like stay to the rhythm honestly terrifying just back away back away like they're definitely not his kids and he's just listening to royalty-free music in the park and forcing them to dance really freaky dude wait what the hell is going on here no they have a chainsaw hmm i wish i could speak human so i could figure out what they're saying a bee more like beer ragnarok i'd assume they're trying to decide who's going to eat this thing whatever it is my queen oh sorry oh my god the vibration they give up for now but they will be back soon to take away our home i have a solution for this problem you know we can put on some royalty-free music and they'll all just start dancing around the tree the hive is one big family we're all children of the same mother after all on my first day you know what this sounds like a [ __ ] cult i didn't want to say it out loud but i think we've been indoctrinated into a cult i don't mean like the youtube channel by the way i mean the game what we're doing is fine we're called community so yeah uh we're fine be sure to be subscribed though to not be in this cult this community yeah all right we're with the library we can read well the bees are smarter than me already then why do we have cobwebs in our hive isn't this like very dangerous are those cobwebs i'm assuming they are that's what it looks like to me you can find your feet in the game menu no i don't have a foot fetish thank you very much yes there are many places with good pollen i should go outside and check them out i came to the library just so we could say oh we should go out and get some pollen like i knew the pollen was outside oh hi i like to think when they're greeting me like that and it comes up in text it's like oh hi [ __ ] face like it's really subtle whisper at the end yeah i'm convinced all of these voices are one person i will dance no you just point the way please i've i've seen enough of dancing off for facts sake now i have to dance [Music] what what am i just mimicking what okay all right this is confusing as hell all right this is how i'm getting directions apparently i imagine you pulled up to the side of the road and was like hey i'm lost would you mind giving me directions and they just start rolling all over the pavement got it i'll head to the zoo right away all right i'm glad you got something from that because i got nothing what's going on here is this a side quest are we being attacked would you like to take the fight challenge yes [Music] so threatening we'll see about that but come on i'm asking for trouble going right up to their nest like this like the park is big enough for all of us if we keep our distance you know i'm actually on the wasp side this time what the hell am i doing is this like a victory dance or something the wasps will be back no this is your home you can stay what i'm a home wrecker all right so these are all different types of challenges that was a fighting challenge what are the purple ones the dance challenge yes sure why not what are you waiting for you're full of pollen what i've no pollen oh wait are you talking about them sorry [ __ ] face i thought that was them talking to me because everyone sounds the same whoever designed this game was high on pollen i'm telling you this is bizarre jesus this park is something else they have everything and it's in the middle of the city oh god i inflicted pain on him finally something i can hurt oh no one and done now he's immune okay okay what are the green side quests collect challenge that doesn't sound fun at all i'm not doing that all right let's see what the the main quest is because at the moment it just wants me to visit the zoo which just sounds like a fun day out chickens horrible scary things i was thinking that i'm kind of playing with fire here going this close to them they eat bees they eat bees i should probably stop stinging them then why is my job to actually visit the zoo what am i doing what purpose does this serve what happened to the chainsaw we're gonna lose our home and i'm out here visiting the zoo i'm in complete denial if the old bee was right i should be getting close now oh yeah we're following the directions from that dance how did you get this from that flower lady the flower lady always has legendary flowers in her basket try and find her all right i'm gonna torment an old lady oh there you are i'm coming for you i got my target set all right hand over the flowers lady i'm going for the next thing come on hand them over all right fine i'll just collect the pollen then i wanted everything i was greedy oh yes that is good pollen yeah you're pollen addict so you can tell the way they speak [ __ ] face says they can stop whenever they want but you can tell they can't oh god damn it i tried to kill myself but it didn't work do you know any rare flowers around here oh no don't start dancing at me please one race okay at least it's something different i would appreciate if you just helped like i'm doing a job here my job is to collect pollen and i'd appreciate if i didn't have to chase you around to just get some good information for the family but i guess that's what we're doing okay there are not flowers down here i'm being tricked i am about to get mugged or something whatever the bee equivalent is come on kevin you've played enough harry potter games you've trained for this okay we've done a full lap i wanna okay i got her okay good it's just like are we just going to keep going to like catch them they're really epic flowers in the traffic zone the tropics are well i could have figured that out myself if i wanted to find rare flowers and i can already smell this [ __ ] face says as i sting this man 17 times the child is loving it i love when my father's in pain oh yes eat me no all right fine nothing wants to kill me it sucks because i want to kill all of them but i can't what are the green side quests again the collector no no i have no interest oh no what's happened to our dream wait did they cut it down they cut off its branches you see this is what i mean when i'm out joyriding or whatever you call it chasing bees around the park and they're mutilating our home but no let's have dance parodies and ignore the problem visit the trophy room why what am i doing i'm in denial we're gonna lose our home and family unlock for knowledge points yeah why not yeah buy that great this this is what i'm doing i'm having dance parodies and i'm making sculptures of whatever the hell this is that went well did it i don't know what counts as well i mentioned you came home and half your house was missing and you're like nah that was a good day collect more pollen winter is coming all right we're going to continue being in denial apparently like it doesn't matter how much pollen we have if we've no home this is a message to all you homeowners out there if they're trying to evict you you just go out and pollinate pollinate as hard as you can and ignore the eviction notices you'll be fine a kilogram of bees would consist of about 10 000 bees they give you the weirdest little facts that i just do not need you know collect more pollen oh that's a creative follow-up quest oh you know what i'll go get the pollen i'll be right back just to see what the next quest is all right there we go there's that pollen now what do you want me to do oh great creative that's fantastic wait what is this what a hornet how did you get in here i will crush all of you your honey will be mine [Music] oh there we go there's the reaction there was just a big delay there i was just waiting i was like what happens next wait i'm fighting the [ __ ] hornet i don't suppose i could use that chainsaw from earlier could i can't even hit me i honestly feel kind of bad for the guy like i'm just a random honeybee my job was to collect infinite amounts of pollen apparently and i'm beating this attacker no don't let him fly away [ __ ] murder him i think you've beaten me do you oh wait no he's back hold on what let's try that again oh for fake's sake it seems to be a repeating pattern that they're like do a quest but then do it again oh here we go holy [ __ ] [ __ ] hell that's kind of gruesome i love it my new quest is overhear the conversation i just got around eavesdropping on them off your queen to help what to to scout out new places shouldn't we have done that a long time ago like our tree's about to get cut down it is a place far too dangerous of course i'm not allowed help okay i took out a hornet alone pretty much and now my mission is go outside and collect pollen the queen can't admit that she made a mistake in assigning me as a honeybee collect 20 pollen you know what feck all of you i'm going to a different hive where they'll appreciate me you're all going to get cut down tomorrow you'll rue the day you put [ __ ] face on the sidelines so we are going to end it there i hope you enjoyed this bizarre game it's a very strange one thank you very much for watching if you're new i'd love if you could subscribed i'd love to have you around and thank you very much for watching i do appreciate it and i hope to see you next time be safe bye bye now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 734,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, simulator, bee simulator, bee game, bee movie, bee sim, bee simulator funny, bee simulator callmekevin
Id: iC1k456KVew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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