Bitlife but a random number generator makes every decision

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing more a bit life and we're going to be doing a little bit differently today so far I have a really really bad track record on this game it always seems to end with me going to jail for a billion years and dying of tuberculosis so this time I'm going to leave it up to fate we'll use a random number generator to make all of our decisions first name random second name choice perfect okay vaccination what am I gonna do what the hell is a conniption fit alright well whatever it is I'm throwing it why am i smart zero what is wrong with me as my person insane I guess that would explain why everything is decided by her random number generator I have pneumonia this is not going well so far everything random choice got a bad orange e hey I have depression oh my god what the hell I'm pneumonia as my depression and I just said it's cool great my classmate just came in and slammed the door and now according to the random numbers I have to attack him just the natural reaction to someone slamming a door oh my god I'm such a nerd my friend is hippy school and I got a report and he attacked me for it of course oh no he banged my buttocks oh okay and now I'm suffering from pinkeye it's suspicious what does this road sign mean I don't know what does it mean it means he'll ahead perhaps to be fair the theory test in Ireland is multiple-choice and that's how I passed it alright let's decide our future we're applying to university and what are we gonna do we're gonna do information systems I'm not even sure what that implies but there you go and I got rejected anyway so it's probably for the best okay now we're gonna enlist in the military with this score here alright we're going in the Coast Guard that's not too bad okay I was saying I may as well apply as an officer it's way more money but the random number generator says no and listen to the coastguard and we are rejected nobody wants me what is it is it because I'm on the verge of death and my smarter literally 7 out of 100 tonight let's try this again what can I do to him job apparently we want to be a bellhop yeah I didn't even get that easy to get a job good fantastic what job do we want 6 ok 6 junior business analyst as something tells me I'm not gonna get this no I got rejected this is going to take a while isn't it pet sitter perfect what's my rate ok 10 that's not bad dental school not bad I was rejected yeah parbake sick always wants to get a job okay good Community College perfect sign me up yes this is good you graduated what are we doing now take some time off I don't know if that was a good answer yes okay I became an usher you witness a protester filming porn in public what do I do magic 8-ball I look the other way right let's look at activities what are we gonna do we're going through a spa getting a haircut this is very exciting content now we're going to a fertility clinic vasectomy [ __ ] oh wait there's another chance to get out of this okay nope we're getting the vasectomy great successful probably best that we stop this genetic line here if this is how his life is he just has to do whatever this random eight-ball tells him to do it love good good find a date but don't ask her I have a great safe sex or or not I mean I have vasectomy but there's other dangerous okay we're not going with it God we're going to the casino what's my bed gonna be Oh magic 8-ball if five grand I want seventeen no I stand out stand I lost perfect waste of money and I'm addicted to camping I went to the casino once lost five grand on one play and now I have an addiction to gambling I don't understand how addictions in this game work what if I just don't go like I'm in control you're feeling an insurmountable temptation to visit the casino I just realized that no I am not in control where are we going we're going to the other casino know what's our bet gonna be this is gonna end badly another five grand please stand it hit me okay 13 gonna stand out yeah okay no he wants another one okay we're busted great can you stop doing this can we get rid no stop go away here I'm in control I put it in 1 to 23 again to see what we were gonna and it came up to organize the casino what's my bed please below 10 grand Jesus Christ okay deal man please stand thank you yes I won you know it's probably gonna make their addiction just war we're going back to the fertility clinic I don't love this any point all right random number generator from 1 to 1 what am I gonna do 1 oh that's a surprise all right let's go clubbing got a priestess offering me had her old who I wanted no doubt a sinner good man random choice alright let's see what we're gonna do what my job Khan you want to join the military again the Navy this time plays an officer I got rejected well no surprise there oh my god the addiction is strong please resist yes good man I guess we're getting a pet oh my god it cost 1315 I fine bye I'm gonna name it after my motivation to buy it to God he's going on another one-night stand just please be safe for once in your life no of course we're not you immediately go to get tested for an STD please tell me you're okay I mean he's happy at least and its merits is somehow going up oh Jesus I think we're emigrating where we go Cuba that's a nice place to be fair I've emigrated to Cuba okay now I'm unemployed again and I'm trying to join their military he really wants this but they don't want him a collection specialist six dollars an hour really well I got the job okay now we're doing the lottery I mean maybe it was good to emigrate to get away from most effective casinos oh my god I'm buying another pair I thank God I got rejected failed interview if I can't even adopt a pet from a shelter there's no way I'm gonna ever get a job one what are we doing were adopting a child oh thank god it got rejected reason for finances I mean he's got a good enough amount of money we're going on a vacation great I'm not gonna have money for a long oh my god two-and-a-half grand fine at least he's happy you were bored I'm a couch with a friend introduced you to a game called fortnight I got the answer I'd rather play bit life very accurate oh my god the addiction the gamble is bad oh my god the stakes are so high in this casino offer prep the bet 50 grand that's over half my net worth I got 21 I did it Wow I should use a random number generator for my real life oh Jesus Christ I'm getting plastic surgery what are we getting here a gender reassignment Jesus Christ that's a big decision to make on the roll of a dice well it was success my tea just woke up one day roll the dice that's like uh I guess I'm getting reassigned his reviews a random name generator - all right my name is Dunkley hey there friends how's it going my name is don't clean now we're going to the horse races I don't know if this is a good idea no-ho-ho oh Jesus okay what are we betting okay 25 grand it's still bad but it could have been worse come on flaps up witches flaps up okay he's the top come on flaps up please please get your flaps up get your flaps up effects sake I knew crusty tour was gonna win it a gambling addiction go away now have I learned yes it's weed because they never go gambling like they've got gambling like five times in their life but every time it's been like I will bet 50 grand or not getting another pet Jesus Christ please don't allow me get if an exotic pet of course just pissing away money your name is for gonna stop visiting this fertility clinic they don't want our sperm oh wait no I'm getting artificially inseminated Oh No oh Jesus Christ who are you gonna do it or not of course we are okay artificially inseminate me it was unsuccessful okay that's probably for the best but that was such a waste of money okay I'm about to declare my sexuality wouldn't tell me magic 8-ball what am i I'm gay yes okay we're about to commit some crime oh my god these are awesome I can rob a train why didn't I have this option before I want to be doing arranging a hit man of course we do we want to kill a random person or my friend a random person who random little old lady you find a hit man going by the name of Thanos CIA should snap her out of existence he pulled off the hit on a little old lady using a butter knife good job Thanos my smarts are flying up for some reason I keep rewarding my dog really shitty things not to worry I'm getting another pet of good it's the animal shelter they probably want to let me have one yeah I fail the interview I don't know what my person says in the interviews maybe it's because every question asked me I just start shaking my eight ball and then her hands during the HOH ten we are going to rob a train all right which I know you've done some research on what train you wanna rob and a watchtower link yeah that's what I was thinking - aha please do 420 that's the real High Noon it didn't show up I guess the train conductor was probably high himself my Stanley addiction is kicking in but I've resisted the urge good job no my other gambling addiction is setting in and this time we're going to the casino please don't pet a hunch crap it's all my money no why you have ten okay please do not stand it's like the perfect hands to hit on the ideal hand hit on if anything Double Down they would boss thank God a hundred grand against the odds is right I have a lifetime sonorities of 150 thousand now and my net worth is two hundred and ten thousand maybe a gambling addiction ain't so bad I have an idea okay everything's going to charity when I die that's quite nice oh great but no they're not my type as usual every time they're like I want to go on a date actually no I don't want to go on a date and other days come on no update here will to the exact same thing just wasting a lawyer's time or can we go on a date again and our compass she cried as you packed it with is that like you miss me or just you're ashamed of what you did pretty sure it was the latter sent East Asia cruise how is my horse race addiction kicking in I'm on a boat can I see horses racing okay my fling just sent me a pic of the fresh bikini waxing and I'm gonna file a restraining order apparently my dog keeps walking for the fan facing me after fasting I decided not to address it behavior my person is so [ __ ] happy though look at this a hundred presenter maybe a random choice is the way to go oh god what am I gonna declare myself as now my person is extremely confused I'm straight all of a sudden I change every few years so much money should I should I invest shop for cares who please don't spend a lot a master six that's not bad we're gonna apply for a loan yeah I got a care I don't know what good that is for me I want to ask for a raise or four more hours I don't want to resign but what do you want magic 8-ball you want to resign sake please get me a better job cashier come on I can do that oh no what am I gonna answer do you have any plans for future education I'm committed to lifelong learning I don't know if that's a good one okay good I got the job whew Jesus Christ I just got my job and now I'm emigrating again well off to a ran I go they denied my request and we could have a creature legally yes yes I have you illegally emigrated it actually worked I've tried that like a hundred times in this game and it's never worked and prepare time job god I hope I get a $2 an hour job as opposed to a 1 know boutique associate at $1 an hour okay the magic 8-ball says I can buy a house oh yes I've always wanted a haunted colonial home and we're buying it with cash great I mean at least I'm gonna live like royalty over here I've tons of money for this economy sometimes it's just getting me nice stuff like I'm reeling a nice blow drying my hair and whatnot that's kind of nice we go to the horse races of course we do oh thank god if there are no horse races in Iran because gambling is illegal perfect lottery is that also illegal no I can do the lottery at least put luckily that doesn't seem to come up that often oh my god five again you really wanna go to the horse races stop it I don't think adoption is gonna work yeah I don't I don't have finances apparently even though I'm extremely wealthy just give like a dollar an hour job doesn't mean I'm not like super rate don't worry we're doing the lottery again listen solved my problems no apparently not oh we get a plastic surgery and what are we kidding this time a brazilian butt-lift great I got the achievement boutique Oh ha ha stop trying to go to the horse races from going on vacation just please don't get caught and deported I shouldn't even be here this is a bad idea right we've gone back to England wow how much money you're gonna spend on the ticket yeah five grand whatever and we're getting another pet how many pets I have how are they still alive it must be so old at this point we have a cat called three we're just missing one now oh my god are you serious another pet please stop you have enough oh we got a one all right that is enough no you have one through four oh I'm gonna declare my sexuality again what am I now I'm gay Oh finally two is dead oh no no they're going about another pet called two aren't they you can stop it luckily it just never works oh god Meramec rating is this a good idea will this work am I gonna get arrested or back to the United Kingdom okay we made it now they're gonna say gambling you know we're emigrating yeah we just got back where are we going we're going to Serbia now are we gonna ever create illegally yes we are got look don't resist fleas are resisting i've been deported back to cuba instead of the UK oh my god were emigrating immediately again then you have an addiction to immigration right and the palette is it got approved great i'm in the pal now you know what that means time to declare my sexuality I'm gay I mean I think I was already I think it's just really confirming that I taught the child no we're still getting rejected for that all good gambling is illegal in the pile as well we're safe but plastic surgery is still on the table oh great another gender reassignment it's gonna cost sixty four grand Jesus Christ okay well it was successful we're going back to random again a random choice is my name once again as well declare my sexuality again what am I now I'm gay I just he's saying every now and again I'm just sitting there like I am gay screaming if I'll time for some crime what are we doing now we're murdering someone what Jesus T what we're gonna murder a co-worker he wasn't a random blind man oh please give them an elephant laxatives it's foolproof oh no we're strangling them that's much less fun he called the police oh Jesus public defender at his it's the life I always end in prison look at him he's still happy out he doesn't understand what's going on he's like my eight ball will get me out of this one God what are we committed prison we're gonna appeal my sentence I think this is kind of pointless I can't afford anyone no we can't afford Buddha and associates I'm sorry here you were sending a letter now this is very tame who compared what I could have been that she didn't bother to respond okay that is not tame that is savage and I hate her for it I'm gonna kill her next if they ball tells me to I mean commit him to bribe someone it was unsuccessful all guys got beaten by the prison guards they bashed my coccyx don't worry I'm going joining a gang please join the wrinkly sneaks yes the English Knicks rejected and we're not wrinkly enough no I got depression because the wrinkly sneak someone let me play with them he really wants to join the gang stop it stop it saddle to Hill squad and on feared gang this seems up my alley but also a bad idea I got rejected even from them no don't bribe them again it's not gonna work kill that me no stop trying to join a gang it's not working oh my god I got in and it's a pretty ruthless one who know what am I gonna do to this prison hood stop stuffed mess with him no don't mess with him he's so crazy look at this craziness meter and it's high he's metered he's 72 though he's in the wrinkly sneaks I'm gonna start a gang war I told him I was gonna steal all this [ __ ] oh my god well I bought my parents died and I know my person's pretty unhappy what do I do about this magic 8-ball what do I do I got an infirmary good answer all but I'm demanding to go it refused of course they did time to start a riot apparently recruit as many prisoners you can to join the riot don't run into the walls the guards or your chain of prisoners what oh it's just snake come on everyone join the riot snake this is so strange what oh my god Jesus Christ okay did we win yes one person died I hope it was me it's a perfect state of wait three years I'm serving life I don't give a [ __ ] I'm going to cry are you sure you want to cry Prison I don't know they've all said self no one noticed good your gang the brain brothers have kicked you out what why cuz I cried once it's okay to cry okay apparently now we're gonna try and escape all good it's an easy one I think one yes yes I got out now what are we gonna do we're gonna update my will fantastic the first thing you should do have escaped from prison I'm the only one option so yeah it's going to charity what do we do next of course we visit the sperm bank and then we adopt a pet yes this escape plan is going perfectly just trying to act a natural take won't let me because I've no space for another pet that's probably a good thing I'll type of some plastic surgery this is a good thing to do after you escaped prison look at another gender reassignment oh no it's a tummy tuck okay that's the last money I think it'll throw the cops off my sentence and now we're a migrating this is a bad idea what are we gonna have a great illegally yes we are I made it what the hell how is this working now this tummy tuck is worth wonders for me never click up it's some crime Jesus Christ we're gonna arrange a hitman again I mean oh no we're gonna kill someone sorry my bad atomic wedgie sorry for him he stormed you and pierced my brain he killed me what the hell dude friends don't do that to friends I gotta cheap cunning really like up until I went to prison it was one of my most successful bid live lives yet so maybe I should start doing this in real life just doing a random choice number generator for every choice all right should I end the video heads yes tails no yeah I should all right well I guess we're gonna end the video there then I hope you enjoy it this was a bit of a strange one but if you want to see more bit life do let me know because I would be up for playing it I hope you didn't enjoy it was a bit of an odd idea but I thought it was a fun one I appreciate you watching as all those boats I do hope you will come back again tomorrow and yeah I'll see you next time bye for now share at patreon skate Evans Katie and Kyle Kyle class jinx Carey Berg Casey bolt as Casey Nachman Kazushi Chandler belt Charlie pretty Dame's chase does stuff Chris Chrissy Jones corny cross save and entertainment crow Dakota wing dangerous Sulkin Daniel O'Neill dire wolf divine coconut DJ crispy smooth through Chandler duck stirs eccentric Edward B Ching and arid or
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,980,042
Rating: 4.9679909 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, lets play, life simulator, playing bitlife, bitlife life simulator, bitlife challenge, bit life, life simulation, funny moments, bitlife game, bitlife gameplay, bitlife life simulator gameplay, life simulator game, funny bitlife challenges, living my bitlife, bitlife callmekevin, bitlife funny, bitlife funny moments
Id: 8wZpsMmTwHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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