Bitlife but I try to become a social media star

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cerxi 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we are playing more bitlife it has been a while i started to kind of enjoy real life for a little bit so i i distanced myself but now i'm back i'm ready to play more bitlife instead let's get started oh that didn't quite land oh that's a first we'll just edit that out like all my other failures all right so we're starting again we're going to click on this little mouse scurrying away for a new life oh wait no no i didn't i wanted to start a custom one and throw that baby away just into the dumpster i i want to start again all right first name ian second name fluencer it's french all right let's start ian's life if you haven't already got it we're gonna make ian fluencer and influencer ian fluencer is a cute baby it's a good start maybe the parents can start throwing up some pictures of the cute baby and try and get a following right from the get-go your parents just had a baby dave influencer amazed it makes no sense at all what was the point even having him it's taking the focus off ian influencer another baby are you serious sami influencer what a stupid name you'll never make it in the industry kid okay i'm 13. i think i'm old enough for social media now so with the new social media update i'm an android by the way so we're like 17 updates behind but we can sign up for any of these social medias and uh i think i'm going to focus on tick tock i think that is a bright future here in the united states of america [Music] right what's that old saying cast the wideness to catch the followers so we'll sign up for all of them i gave in pick it up i just want to fit in i already have 95 followers that's a star that's more followers than i have on tick tock then again i only made one to watch irish people driving tractors to popular music [Music] i have zero subscribers that's okay i could always buy some oh wait i have zero money and no i can't damn it that means i can't use the strategy i used in real life if you notice a lot of comments just saying i love and understand this video and it's a coincidence it's not bots at all on this video if that happens to happen like it it might happen it might not how would i know it's not gone up yet i'm just saying if it does happen that's a coincidence as a 13 year old i'm going to go straight into politics post a video is your video got zero views i'm just gonna start replying to celebrities mike tyson and profess love to them he didn't reply what's his problem it must be because my looks are too low it can't be anything to do with the fact he's like 55 and ian influencer over here is 13. all right i guess i'm gonna need surgery then i'll hit you up in a few years mr tyson just please don't hit me back because you would kill me unfortunately for some reason my parents won't allow me to get surgery yet so i'm gonna have to wait a few years in the meantime i'm gonna actually have to work on self-improvement which just [ __ ] sucks what does this road sign mean people asking for money ahead you failed your driving test i wonder why oh oh dance pick a major dancing i can dance on tick-tock my parents are paying my tuition to go to tick-tock dance college and my looks are way up because i've just been pumping iron alright you know what that means i'm 19 time to ask my parents for a loan to get some surgery 570 dollars thank you very much and you know when i said loan i meant like like i was sarcastic i i'm not paying that back sorry dad oh my mom gave me 648 yeah she really does love me way more than dad how do i disown my father and what surgery can i get for this amount of money i just want to go with the budget option i don't want to pay someone qualified just anyone in an alley is fine i could donate my sperm for money 75 bucks is 75 bucks thank you uh before i get the surgery it might be good to write a will because i might not make it out oh yes pick charity and then take a take a picture of the papers and post that on social media you'll get so much clout no one replies to me no matter how many times i compliment people with these fake compliments no one is responding visit the emergency room please i need more followers it's an emergency oh my god what i can't even afford to go to the emergency room all right the real emergency is the state of my bank balance what about a facelift i want it higher give give me the turk they call it my nose all the way up here eleven thousand don't suppose i could negotiate you down to ten percent of that price could i alright dr dovery your reputation is bad but your prices are good give me a botox yes successful okay looks up that 94 i am litty i'm ready to post on social media post um a sexy pic you posted a titillating shot of yourself on instagram your post got one like thanks mom appreciate it all right it turns out i have no personality let's just do a gaming video instead 30 views are you serious please i'm trying to pick random but it's not letting me i'm scrolling up random is there i scroll down random's up there i can't i can't get to our posted thirst trap whatever the hell that is i did an interpretive dance to a little luzy vert song and posted in my video went viral i got 97 000 views i earned subscribers mom all right time to do my first promotion let's let's promote something i i am a viral superstar your account isn't large enough to promote any products god damn it the trick is to just promote them anyway and just don't get any payment that's what i've done every sponsored video i've done they didn't sponsor me why they sponsor me i just do it it gives you a sense of accomplishment to promote this corporation whoa whoa whoa i post a ludicrous meme on twitter your tweet went viral i don't know why ludacris is so popular but thank god for ludicrous it must be his association to vin diesel it just keeps him it keeps him in the the public sphere you know everyone's talking about vin diesel all the time someone named ask cute three two three you look so old dude why do you have that name just reply to your tweet with a great encounter at your neck while you do ask him to meet you in person is it great to meet you in a bakery he looks about 70 he's more than 70. you have met i'd cute 323 at a bakery he introduced himself as 79 year old retired army officer he's not very friendly ask him out he rejected me that's fine hey there must be something weird about my neck i'm not sure what it could be someone named underhanded just left a catty comment why do i keep doing this yeah go meet them oh they're very friendly he's a 40 year old real estate agent rumble with him squeeze his head i think this is rumbling i think this is some weird type of flirting i did a moderate amount of damage oh he shattered my chin in return jesus christ wait i've been charged with this i have been cherished with assault are you serious slayer and woo i'm gonna go with you i don't think i need a good lawyer to defend me i've been sentenced to one year influencer i find you guilty of holding hands they know people hold hands in prison too right like i'm going to be doing it in there as well my looks are still a hundred percent so let's get back on that social media grind someone named insane758 just left a comment on your tweet saying nobody cares what you think you're kind of being hypocritical there insane 758 i'm gonna meet you in person that's great to meet you in a circus yeah go meet her i'm only a murderer but before that i'm gonna ask out insane 758 she rejected me i know she's trolling my heart oh my brother died from a fireworks mishap at the age of 15. how can i somehow make a social media post about this and gain clout i mean my happiness is 100 so i obviously didn't care about him maybe i can make a tick tock at his funeral underhanded 1953 just took my tweet and made it into an embarrassing meme listen here you neck beard i wasn't planning getting a job because i want to be an e-influencer but i might sign up as a dishwasher just to get money for surgeries all right i've two grand now for my dishwashing job it's time to buy some followers i think oh my god that's such a good deal look at that at that this is great buy more of them oh god damn it they won't sell me anymore are you cutting me off i don't have a problem you can't cut me off now time to make all that money back by promoting a product i own 147 by promoting a high-end apparel print that's that's great now all the bots that are following me will love and understand that post and surely buy their product are you sure you want to troll jerry's soul yes of course i do oh god he's asked me to come meet him in person i would be a hypocrite if i didn't go he attacked me he bit my romp and whipped my forehead does he go to jail i held someone's hand and went to jail what is cute 323's problem jesus christ ask him out please stop rejecting me either stop following me or stop rejecting me i need to buy more followers i think i hope i don't get banned because literally social media is my life it's all like my dancing ones are going a bit viral maybe i should just keep dancing oh god damn it only 37 likes okay maybe dancing isn't a good idea you know what i'll just start complimenting celebrities non-stop until someone interacts with me but first savage 1994 but if you were born in 1994 and you're already going balding that is very unfortunate but he said i look punchable so i'm going to ask to meet him in person he refused the [ __ ] keyboard warrior is right all right no one is replying instead i'm gonna try and profess my love to seth rogen your twitter account this was suspended what did i say economy has been horrible someone hacked into your youtube account and changed your username to always erect you lost 16 subscribers apologize just be sure to start the video with i'm sorry and lower the quality as well that's important you got to lower the quality it's still suspended please give it back it's the only one i was actually making headway on because i was buying followers yes it's been lifted and my first post back went viral you see twitter i just gave you some great exposure you owe me wait a second yeasty anita said a degrading comment about my butt a meter in person why is it always the old people 72 year old retired photographer named okay ask her out rejected me what a surprise i haven't talked to my parents in like a decade i just want to talk to celebrities for cloud oh it's mike tyson now i'll profess my love to them he didn't reply what is his problem okay i'm gonna start just buying followers on every single platform i've been suspended for spam what i didn't post anything i just bought some followers my twitter was suspended god damn it ah now i'm in trouble i don't care about a promotion i just want a viral tweet of me dancing oh god damn now my instagram is suspended oh my god tiktok has suspended me now this is going bad how am i gonna fix this suspended on everything except facebook and who cares about facebook your co-worker dropped bread on the floor and then served to patreon i just laugh and watch it i just wish i could record it and put it on tick tock workplace annoyance your co-worker stanley who's a close talker he gets right up in your face and starts telling you all about his latest knitting project i've got a knitting project going on too go knit something with you you bastard yes i got my twitter back and now i got my twitter pack i j i just want a million followers is is all you earned less than one dollar in advertising revenue oh youtube that's a surprise all right i've earned a bit of money like not from content from being a server at a restaurant so i'm gonna use that to get some more surgery i think only took my raunchy pick and made it into an embarrassing meme ask to meet him a person please why do all my haters refuse to date me i don't understand it's as if they genuinely hate me but that can't be true they're just jealous mary j blige just who's that hold on aj uh okay singer that's great um hold on you see no imdb twitter there we go how many followers six million oh i love mary j blige a big fan wait what your twitter account has been suspended reason unspecified i i didn't actually do anything this time no please give it back it's everything to me mary j oblige wants to know what i'm up to go away i don't care if my father died i'm banned from twitter okay good i got it back oh thank god my happiness is 74 my dad died but my twitter got unbanned so it kind of balances out twitter is not twitter without ian influencer i've been promoted a headwaiter i don't give a i want people to see my thirst trap picks what is a turf trap pick i actually want to know what this is uh third strap is a sexy photo opposed to social media to attract attention all right yeah i want people to see that come on i lost so many followers why do they keep doing this to me i'm being targeted and it's not fair i got suspended again i'm 48 years old please this is all i have i have no friends i i have no lovers i've never dated anyone my wage is that much and i don't feel like i'm getting anywhere and i i only have my tweets that's all i have so please give it back to me i've been promoted to general manager i don't care i just want to tweet whoa whoa whoa the youtube thing is kind of working maybe i should stick to youtube i mean i i kind of have experience in it so surely i can pull this off oh i posted a bit live video and it went viral damn narcissist but look i'm fine with it i'll just become an exclusive bitlife channel as if it gets me viral i'm fine with that yeah another one went viral all right just keep doing it just become a one trick pony just bit life forever bit life for life i clicked on adoption by accident and it just popped up that i ca it's been rejected because i'm a criminal record i kind of forgot i had a criminal record for holding that man's hand my instagram got suspended now like why are they doing this i didn't do anything except for holding that man's hand and buying a few bot followers years ago like literally over a decade ago at this point now jesus one of my bit life videos went viral six and a half million views good lord influencer is doing way better than i am i mean he does have experience he's been doing it for about 50 years now my twitter's still unsuspended and i can't get it back mary j blige just be so confused she must be so scared oh my mom died i could probably make a vlog about that my guy's never upset like my mom just died and he's still happy like he took a bit of a dip but that's probably because my tech talk was a specimen love interest while at the library blah blah blah i have no interest unless you're one of my haters on social media i post a video on youtube of me playing bit life controls my sims and that's a good idea thank you that'll be the next one i do i guess if i delete my facebook and set up a new one like i i have a good following on youtube now maybe i can promote it over there look at that oh my god i took a huge boost i tic-tac tic-tac god i'm a boomer i mean my guy is like 60. my tick tock is unbanned delete it and get a new one someone's getting mugged at gunpoint look the other way we've got a lot of fans that rely on us including mary j blige if i don't make it home they're not going to see pictures of my food you're officially social media stare oh my god this is fantastic even though i my fame bear has an exclamation mark next to it which is not good go to the salon and spa and shave my my facial hair let's get rid of this let's get something quirky just something different there that mustache will do wait why did my fame go down to zero percent shave off the mustache get rid of it why did it go down all right i've not posted on the other ones so once again i'm gonna delete them i'm gonna make a new one and see can i get more followers again work time 18 000 followers now oh my god i've hit the half a million mark on youtube i'm doing so well here clearly youtube is the only thing i know how to do and much like real life my other followings are pretty small in comparison youtube is the only place i'm doing semi-well retirement oh yeah i forgot i have a job um he's not going to retire from social media is he keep working just in case he's 70 years old and his youtube channel that he's been working on for how many years 57 years now is finally starting to take off life is so unfair he must be really good at bit life i guess he must have a lot of experience like not because he's 70 years old and he has a lot of life experience because he doesn't he stayed inside on social media his entire life but he's just played bitlife for decades so he must be good at it i'm at eight hundred thousand now this is just flying up please don't die dude please don't die we gotta get to the million oh my god it came up death but oh thank god my sister died and not me oh jesus that almost scared me all right to celebrate my sister dying instead of me i'm gonna get some botox done there we go my looks are back up look at that he's so happy because his sister died he's in great health his smart is amazing he's a big brain big smooth brain and he looks amazing too you're doing great influencer wait what wait what what what what came up there hold on something came up did i get banned from something why why i didn't do anything i literally did nothing please there there's some mistake here youtube please unban me this is all i have oh thank god i was unbanned did i lose any followers please no i lost like 70 000 followers sweet jesus youtube i'm like 72 i don't have much time left i did it one million one million followers promote a dodgy product now yeah fishing bait my followers love fishing bait any fishing companies out there want us to work with me as a sponsor i would love it it would be amazing it'd be a perfect fit yes verified that meaningless tick that i never really understood my fame is a hundred percent i also just turned 80. your co-workers started a rumor that you performed sexual favors during your interview in order to secure the position you do realize that i've been working here for 67 years no one's going to be aware of that my instagram is suspended why i didn't [ __ ] do anything all right that's it i'm going to threaten twitter with legal action you're trying to attack whoever's responsible with a butter knife no no no legal action not not violent action someone took a post made into an embarrassing meme i don't like that meet me in person degrading comment about my legs dude that's just sad i'm 82 years old why are you doing this oh my god i have a stalker oh my god i've made it i think my person has passed me out i don't have a stalker oh my god they've they passed me out in subscribers just like when rt passed me out i will say the same thing i am so proud of you and i'm so happy for your success my guy is so famous now on instagram and tik tok as well and people keep giving me troll comments and i always meet them in person it's a bad strategy it's going to get him stabbed oh my god i thought i died again but it was only my brother thank god my guy does not care in the slightest i promoted my favorite politician by accident my video got 29 269 views and i lost 29 269 followers who did i promote a million followers on instagram request verification yes this means everything to me you replied to a polls from jerry seinfeld and professor loved him he liked your post fantastic i don't know how he's still kicking you know i have a lot of money and i've never spent any of it i have 1.5 million can i go to a casino and bet it all on black one million a horrible hand to get all right i'll stand for you okay i want a million i'm not foolish enough to double down on that i'm gonna go to the horse track one million on glory please thank you go on glory come on what the hell sir edgar's on steroids he came last well easy come easy go oh it's oh jesus christ the first time in my life my guy's unhappy this famous chef guy johnson described me as an overpaid inbreeder on social media imagine that just reaching out to celebrities just for clout absolutely pathetic it's your 100th birthday god damn this is definitely the most successful life i've ever had on this oh thank god it's just my nephew dying oh the grim reaper's never gonna take me wait you'd swear i just edit these things in but no it's just my timing but you know what he was famous he got the social media following he never did get on blocked on twitter he became a millionaire he never had any friends lovers property or belongings but by god he had his two no not twitter uh youtube i think that is a resounding success and it just goes to show anyone can make it on youtube as long as you're willing to put in 89 years then you're definitely gonna make it that's inspiring i hope you guys enjoyed we're going through influencers life was very pathetic but very rewarding at the end of it but i hope you enjoyed i appreciate you watching as always if you want to see more bitlife do let me know i have another idea that i want to do and i guess bitlife gave me an idea midway through as well appreciate you if you want to see more me i post every day and i also stream over on twitch four days a week but i will leave it at that thank you for watching and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 2,018,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, lets play, life simulator, playing bitlife, bitlife life simulator, bitlife challenge, bit life, life simulation, funny moments, bitlife game, bitlife gameplay, bitlife life simulator gameplay, life simulator game, funny bitlife challenges, living my bitlife, bitlife callmekevin, bitlife funny, bitlife funny moments, bitlife influencer, bitlife social media
Id: e0VuRU6r4HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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