Trying The Worst Life Hacks On The Internet to see if they work

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okay pause yeah i know where this one's going they're going to bury the child because it misbehaved and they're going to just make a new one oh no they're making um they're making a pool for the for the child to keep it safe yeah that works too i still think my idea was better but that aside hey there friends how's it going we're going to look at some life hacks and see if there are any good ones that we can make use of oh my god yeah i don't think this is the best way of getting these come on i think you could have reached that without it as well oh of course yeah why buy a phone stand when you can just use your foot that was really uncomfortable i don't understand who the audience is like maybe we can take a look in the comments this makes me question life every time i want to feel smart i just watch a five minute craft video and laugh at all the dumb things they do which have a 10 times easier solution oh yes because hot gluing 200 worth of flip-flops together is easier than getting a chair okay yeah i'm glad to know this isn't just me [Music] okay what the hell was that hold on slow down i like this one how did wait what there's no way that works there is no there's no way that works i'm gonna try that one okay i'm convinced this is not going to work this seems impossible i'm even using the same color so there's no excuse for it not to work as if the color has any impact whatsoever okay so it's just it's just a happy dude right well now he's happy and then you you pour water am i doing this right i feel like i've forgotten how to do it this doesn't seem like it'll do anything okay wait oh yeah look would you look at that we got some of his face floating over there that's that's really neat maybe he just needs more water maybe that's the problem there you go buddy no that didn't help at all come on do something i gotta say when he started floating off the the plate just a little bit like his cheeks there lifting up i got a little bit excited i must admit that i thought he was almost gonna spring to life and come off the plate the magic died pretty quick oh an allergy one okay i have allergies this is definitely gonna help me what is this you just you wash it all right okay it's not really a life hack it's like you got dust allergies don't be a lazy [ __ ] and clean your house and then the next one directly tells you to be a lazy [ __ ] it's like instead of cleaning your flip-flops just wrap them in a sock oh yes of course a connoisseur's way of drinking milk look they're making into a cow and everything just like when i was a kid straight from the teeth of the cow that's what you get when you grow up in rural ireland this will make me feel like i'm at home wow look at that can't wait to drink that even though being in a glass is a bit off-putting i wish i could drink it straight from the cow i feel like this is a terrible idea i wanted to do this last because i thought it would be messy but yet here i am cause i you know what i have a thirst that just has to be quenched oh this is nasty it's not even filling it right hello everyone it's lovely to see you yeah i didn't really think that i oh that feels so nasty all right i didn't think that it probably needs to be full so let's just put the milk back into the cow for a second it's it's stockholder i think i think i need a new other yeah this one is uh utterly destroyed okay round two i'm starting to think maybe a silly straw might be a better idea to entice your kid to drink the milk okay here goes nothing oh it's so nasty it even it just even looks awful okay so now we just need the the spots to you know make it look like a cow it looks pretty uh nice time for milkies okay not so impressive this is going to take a while i dropped cow juice on my carpet there we go now it's coming down i got a bit of udder in my and my drink but other than that choking hazard this is looking pretty good there we go doesn't that just make you thirsty thirsty for for milk yeah oh i think i just threw up in my mouth a little bit okay we'll just back in there and uh i'm ready for a lovely drink of cow juice with glove in it i must remember that i really don't want to die doing this refreshing and not to worry about the mess because i got me one of these just like in the life hacks you just wrap up a saucepan and you get you get cleaning this i guess works it's a bit weird because there's a dip inside it so it's not really cleaning in the middle but look the first life hack that's actually working so there you go i don't even know what's going on here but i don't want to try that something going near my eyes that's not going to happen i don't trust these people at all what the hell is this one giving yourself a sun tattoo no that is dangerous don't do that what that's a horrible idea needless to say i don't think i'll be doing that one it's like a temporary heart tattoo or skin cancer you know freeze are you making the largest lollipop known to men oh my god that thing would be so heavy wait this is not practical at all i'm still going to try it though i need to okay so this is going to be my giant lollipop i don't have an industrial freezer like those kids do but i think this this will suffice this is a pretty big lollipop to me anyway just a little asmr for you i hope you're enjoying it and there you go one whole bottle used to make this lollipop that's it i'm not not sure what else you expected now now we gotta wait for it to freeze so we can talk about our feelings or something or i can show you something look i i've got decorations now look at this guy he's flipping me off all the time that's kind of neat okay this will come with me very carefully and this i leave for you when this is done it'll be frozen [Music] okay this is the moment of truth or life hack lollipop wow that looks appealing i'm not sure what it is can i oh oh that doesn't feel nice oh no that doesn't feel good at all that looks like it's going to come out and look at that i have leftovers for later i can lick it straight off the freezer all right you're coming with me oh that did make a mess how that's someone else's problem you know now that i have it with me here in person how am i supposed to eat this thing like look at that how am i supposed to get it out all right here goes nothing delicious definitely the best way to consume a liter of soda it's melting as you eat it you can kind of hear it kind of crackling and stuff you know it's going to fall apart but that's part of the fun the risk oh no i got all wet that's not why i came in the pool i don't want to get wet where is this one going wait was that it just leave your glasses float i don't understand there was no hack there that is nasty why are you using your phone case to make this why why not just bake something why does everything have to be a life hack like sometimes you don't need hacks you can just buy like a little cake tray and make yourself a cake you know what whatever your phone case is ruined i hope you like your chocolate to be fair it does look like she's enjoying that chocolate oh my god speaking of chocolate what is this kid doing she's just laughing it off diabetes oh they're ruining her teddy bear as punishment or no wait they're showing her how to hide her candy i don't understand oh no dirty water where is this going oh a tampon okay luckily even though he forgot his water he remembered to bring all of his tampons so he can clean water like this i would not trust that dude i would not trust that at all but he doesn't mind oh what the hell is he doing now oh he's making a fire or something good thing he brought his tampons for kindling i don't think that's a five minute craft that text is lying there's no way you could make this in five minutes he crafted it using caveman knowledge and now he's cooking a potato that does speak to the irishman inside me to be fair so i give that a 10 out of 10. acorn what i wish they included audio so i could hear how pathetic that sounds i would love to try that one but i don't think i can get any acorns around here which is a shame because i'm trapped in this basement and if only i had an acorn people could hear me and come save me he's brushing his teeth with a stick why is this guy so prepared to be trapped out in the wilderness but he doesn't have the basics even clean water he has loads of tampons that's all he did he got a box full of tampons and just headed off into the woods oh no you can't reach your fries or burger what will you do ah genius i kind of want to try this just for an excuse to get crappy food i just really want some fast food right now oh no she's so much taller i guess she'll have to take off her platform shoes made out of flip-flops oh no never mind he's going to do a life hack he gains like a foot in height there maybe she did just take off the flip-flops oh they're making some sony pops and look how much fun they're having this isn't awkward at all i just love how awkward this must have been to film like look at the mold i don't think any of them want to be there it was probably easy to persuade them though because it's like off you do this i'll give you five life hacks you can't live without oh no dog hair they're either gonna clean it with a lid or they are cleaning it with a lid i was gonna say they're either gonna clean it with a lid or cover the couch with a sock those are the two methods of cleaning i've seen so far i don't know why the lid is so important in those cleaning processes what the hell are they showing you how to do now they're showing you how to clone a key this feels irresponsible like we'll get people breaking and entering after this no there's no way there's no way i'm there's no second way that would work it's just not gonna happen that's going on the list i gotta try that one okay so ignore the change in clothes surprisingly i didn't have a scalpel on hand so i had to order one okay so we got the key we got this we got plastic let's give this a go i don't have great fate in this so funny enough i don't even know how they were holding on to this because obviously heat you know goes through metal and my fingers are pretty much immune to thing from guitar and i can't hold the bloody thing so i don't know how they were doing it especially when i can't even get it somewhat hot never mind burnt to a crisp okay so surprise surprise that doesn't work at all and i guess i'll give them the benefit of the doubt and try it another way okay so i've cut out my bit of plastic i've ruined my finest champagne glasses what am i going to do with formal parodies now okay well there you have it there's my key yes surprise surprise that didn't do anything you know as i stand here admiring my failure i have to wonder that if you need to open a lock and you're making a copy of the key then you already have the key in the first place in which case why not just open the lock damp chips who has damp chips how why how how did that happen oh what is she doing now this is way too much effort for this problem that does not exist you're solving a problem that just isn't there this is my brain as i watch this this is what's happening to it ah salami wine yes perfect for parties that is excellent i'm sorry but that is the greatest life hack i've ever seen salami rose no no that oh that's so dumb everyone knows you just put it between your toes god oh no they're looking for the child they buried earlier oh well it's gone what is this oh let me wax you real quick with my lollipop there you go perfect removed everything in one go imagine going into a salon and they just pull out the lollipops like this is all the rage in europe and they just start waxing you with them uh jesus christ how much pepper do you want honestly that is ridiculous oh i have one of these machines use capsule tell me how to make more coffee this is a life hack i actually need okay you you fill it up and you just cover it well i guess i have to try it i don't really have an excuse okay now this one i like because it involves coffee and that's part of my personality is that i like coffee so we're gonna just make a little incision there and we're gonna we're gonna make some coffee this video is sponsored by nes cafe who encourage you to try all of these life hacks at home i know i made a bit of a mess but i expected worse wipe off the excess look at that that's pretty good it's good as new oh that was close that was close okay so now we just have to wrap the thing in foil but but i think it needs these barcodes to actually work so i'm going to try and not cover those or perhaps i should cover them and just rip them out oh that actually worked quite well i just kind of winged it and it worked oh that looks good okay i have one bar code i think the other is here somewhere oh god i sliced into it a bit okay so here we are in the kitchen i've got my coffee i really want a coffee so i hope this works okay okay cup and definitely new pod you won't even notice the difference oh i think a little bit poured out but you know what that'll be fine it'll it'll be fine oh it's just coming straight out i i don't know about this oh oh okay that's strange that that's not meant to happen well it is it is getting me coffee to be fair just not the way and i want it to be you know liquid now this works yeah i'm happy with that yeah thank you i feel energized oh no i hate when i'm on the beach and there are ninjas about god they're brazen too they just stole all of the money right in front of her oh great she'll store her stuff in a nappy from now on that's that's good oh no don't tell me you're gonna do that oh my god like if the ninja's back oh but no no worries poopies they're not gonna steal that that was so stupid why bother cleaning the car cover it with a sock you know for people who have a lot of cleaning hacks their house is extremely dirty like why are they letting it get to this state if they can fix these things so easily apparently corn flakes those aren't corn flakes i'm pretty sure it's not anywhere close to a corn flake what is she doing why blend your corn flakes oh you want to feed the child dust instead i see what wait what they're eating dust why would you do that surely they prefer the cereal okay now i'm beginning to understand why they were trying to feed her dust she's kind of a brat oh no your makeup brush is ruined with sand on the lip balm too well we're fact now i guess you could cut a bit off oh no just take the slime out of your pocket and use that to get the sand off you know the the slime not in your right pocket because that's full with tampons your left pocket should be filled with slime at all times oh now the slime is all nasty though where do you put the slime do you just leave it on the beach they'll think it's some diseased jellyfish that washed up mmm delicious paint where is this going what oh no how are we going to make edible paint i mean it might be better to teach a child not to eat pain to god help them when they go to arts and crafts in school when they start eating all the paint hope it doesn't have lead in it even that kid's face he's like what am i doing why are they making me do this i kind of skipped through and it looks like they're making a bomb now it would be a good way of hiding the instructions on how to build a bomb wouldn't it just in the middle of a five-minute craft video and then they can just time stamp and send it to their other like agents around the globe just a conspiracy theory i have nothing to back it up but it's probably true and you know what i don't want to support terrorists so i'm going to stop watching there but i hope you enjoyed if you're new consider subscribing would love to have you around i post every single day so i hope to see you all tomorrow thanks for watching bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 676,789
Rating: 4.9740644 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, life hacks, tiktok hacks, 5-minute crafts, bad life hacks, 5 minute crafts, life hacks 5 minute crafts, trying life hacks, life hacks funny, life hacks callmekevin
Id: eqLgwLslm3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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