CallMeKevin Rewind 2019

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and Merry Christmas and you know what that means don't you it means we have to do a rewind of the channel for this year I like to do these I've done is it two now in a row so this will be the third one and we just go back to some of my favorite moments of the channel and just certain categories and whatnot it's always a good time so I do hope you enjoy it sorry it's not a very Christmasy I've got a crispity you're not I've got a Christmas jumper but I'll go the extra mile we'll get a nice Christmas scene off here for you Wow how about that doesn't that make it feel like Christmas now that we've set the tone it's time to get started and I want to just thank you all for being with me for this year I hope you stick around the channel for a whole lot more but for those of you who might be slightly new to the channel I just want to prove how much of a badass I am right off the bat so let's take a look at some of the games where I prove that I am a certified badass yeah oh my god this is gonna be a tough 40 minutes clip in with no context yes this is great thank you thank you for trusting me with this music I feel so powerful he's 194 head it's like some weird camouflage you can use these tissues to wipe off makeup you don't like just have fun with it uh-huh having fun with it all right I'm gonna clean the one place that blush should be least I believe blush you're supposed to come on the cheeks I'm no expert all right you're good to go you're ready for the parody this will make the Jade feel better no I'm coach like hey thank you insane me yes I have information regarding its reading and Spangler's life what does this information work to you Oh Mike talking about killing your dog just gets me in the mood come here you follow me to the bedroom and you talking about this dog dying would be the right way to get him to bed you're not supposed to ruin people's gardens either but that didn't stop you did it you little fecker what do you consider me as Ranger if I had some chocolate for you I wouldn't be a stranger then would I purchase a box of chocolates from the pharmacy and bring it back to the kids to finally get some questions answered this is starting to become a little bit creepy all right bye this love haired box of chocolates four of them I'm gonna get arrested I'm giving out oh my god I think I just struck their child good why I'm just horrible to you I call around steal your stuff hit you try and hit on your husband and your kids this poor kid needs to move out immediately I don't ever want you to I know you don't want it but you know what sometimes wanti does not get e well in this case sometimes not want e doesn't mean you don't get it you know I'll hit man I love hit man I've been wanting to slap you so I did I liked it too so you might want to brace yourself for more Jesus Christ she should be thrown in jail if you slap me again I'll do something about it off with the beard like I think he had a bit of style going for him I don't think that I should get to choose what he does or doesn't do with himself remove braces the guy just wants to take care of his teeth I'm a psychopath girlfriend slash boyfriend I don't know what gender I'm supposed to be I guess it's up to you the player Wow how I love video games imagine your significant other just came up to you with these tools and was like let me get those braces off and let me see that smile it'd be time to run I want him to be like emo yeah there we go he's still smiling but I can see the pain in his eyes that's great he looks totally fabulous I don't think so actually I think he looked fine the way he was you've changed him the way you wanted him but he's not happy anymore play again question mark I wonder what other outcomes there it's like a telltale game the studio is out of business we must start by cutting the patients hair I was thinking the same thing it's disgusting let's get rid of that French I don't know why we needed to put it under anaesthetic to shave her head but I don't know I guess it would be traumatic don't worry the bald look is in have you seen Greg negative destroy your attorney-at-law good thing they got the doctor to do this he's [ __ ] good at shaving oh my god I'm not putting her in blackface she didn't consent to this hello will you boyfriend it is he thinking about it no I don't want to talk to you you boyfriend please stop ignoring me god dammit I hate boys am i interrupting you to it kind of yes oh don't you give up to the guy who's literally just banging her to music over there now that we have the entire class's attention what this case you're eating a book this guy's jamming and music and having a very sleep you're new here aren't you duh oh god this is going great making a great impression if you're going to survive here yes I said survive is that a [ __ ] train on my life it's so good to learn the ways of the natives from the group elder oh my god I have ways of making kids like you disappear he's gonna kill me the way he walks I need him as my boyfriend compliment him he has birthing hips I wanna makeover please oh wow we're so in sync I think this is the weirdest looking one I have dollar signs for eyes alright now I have to date that rich kid have a great day don't tell me what to do God what is wrong with her never dance again I see where she does it in private it looks like a censor bear is something it's the worst belt ever what happens if I miss everything oh my god she's freaking out dancing itself dance party of the century so what's the deal Ashley what the [ __ ] the deal Ashley I'm not liking this I don't like this at all you know now I'm seeing next to show these these two people kind of look the same oh my god haunts your dreams except at least like when they look back on their cringy stuff they made millions from it like we just got embarrassed when we were kids oh my god I fell over what the hell what was that I fell over again what is this what is on the ground what is falling over really huh you have to have that kind distracting us in the background look at him go I love him I want his job symbols physics field trip is the highlight of my year I'm not surprised look of a state here one of your eyes is falling out oh great glad you two stopped by thanks mister legs in chair I love you you're my favorite teacher you don't need shots of Tony the drummer practicing for halftime Curtis Fox the basketball star I think this guy might just be a perverse and I'm doing his dirty work it's use me Curtis was over in the freshman Hall Thanks wait how did he know what I was gonna ask all I did was say excuse me oh my god here's this fecker who was gone around the field awhile ago mary-kate is heavy what are you waiting for me - hi what do you mean it's not my fault if he's high and force a better drug policy almost almost got it I took 12 pictures of trees he's gonna be pissed it's gonna be like there are no boys in this picture go [ __ ] yourself okay sorry about that folks a weird hobo just came in a red suit instead saying I was on some naughty list or something coactive in the basement like I don't know how that's even possible why would I be on the naughty list that's ridiculous actually you know what no now that I think about it there might have been a few moments where I was a little bit naughty this year dear Rosie listen [ __ ] I have your son get me 19,800 bells by tomorrow or he dies [ __ ] you Tom Nook this cheery music was playing as I roll it - it's like listen you [ __ ] I have you something I need you to write an ad for the shop and I'm very important for okay no problem how are you holding up to you you're all pathetic losers this town is the biggest [ __ ] I've ever seen and you Rosie are the biggest shitty loser I've ever had the misfortune of seeing walk is flatter than the shop right flocking in now with pitchforks what are you welcome to the feck Museum oh this must be where you can see all the clips of me say in fact no wonder it's so big oh [ __ ] is it a second effect will effect second vase Beck Beck huh we've arrived infect bacon creep backpack Beck has infected fact that backpack that convective backpacker that came back off backpack in Becker back back back back Oh x8 pack backpack and it is just a weird very specific form of Tourette's Oh which will I ungag actually you know what this is kind of nice I've always been meaning to try out meditation I just want ungag anyone good my friend has decided to ungag me he's kinder than I am and now here's my chance to return the favor of which I will not take it he's gonna hate me so much I can't hear you you're gay okay did that affect him for once I guess so oh god he's gone insane dadless is killing himself oh my god this game is dead got a ghost killed him ah no it's me just around the corner wait why are you going next to the fire is this not a bad idea maybe you just want it over alright you get off the phone it's rude when you have company and you care man come here he's finally realized the care is sabotage to get in the box I'll call your head off just to make you fit there we go see I'm very good at going a massacre I got a silver for that one thank you that's what it's all about really isn't it we are gonna keep the same name though shitzu because that is probably one of the best names i've ever come up with in my life I wish my parents called me that but hey I can name my first child I imagine the possibilities who called me Shih Tzu there's a monkey in here is not exposed to any sunlight or food so enjoy him while you can oh yes the elephant at the red panda now if you guys could mate and make me something really unique that would be fantastic I need to justify these prices that's more like it let's see if we can make them friends his social went a hundred percent immediately they liked him they really liked him Preda tation is occuring what do you mean oh my god okay he's dead my favorite animal slain quick get in there get him out of there it's a good idea to just pull food literally out of the lion's mouth no he's dead you stupid vet this is your fault who moves animals because I might need some more staff there like so why do you need so many zookeepers all of a sudden so I'm doing a battle royale with the animals just like a jobs a job sister taking a whole floating in the water in fact there's a few I didn't realize that was an animal I thought it was a rock meanwhile all these people are just like kin kind of a shih tzu isn't it they don't get a refund no cuz it's in the name a lot of animals are dying like who's the king here I think it might be the Bears I don't know if a bear has died yet that's a lot of corpses ah there's this how are ya a spacecraft I'm gonna be the first person to put men on the Sun I'll be famous he's dead the Sun is beautiful up close all we know that is Earth okay I effect it up it's almost as if I shouldn't be in control of the universe who would have thought Jesus Christ this is a mess they're supposed to taking ages to set up imagine looking out your window at night and seen that many moons like our the moon looks big tonight and it looks a lot more moon than normal anyway best be hit me all dusty trail had to say it to bed well now I know I can just launch earth into the Sun and I can make it go that cool blue we saw earlier it's not going blue no matter how many lives they sacrifice I got scammed the earth does seem to be in permanent darkness now though whatever I did I'll just roll gulf balls at people bet to get some really unlucky people down there what if they launched the Sun at the earth okay the earth is now gone Oh interesting who could have seen that coming okay I launched the Sun at the Sun and now it's really blinding I think I may have ruined the universe for everyone on the universe is all gross now it looks like there's just flies everywhere icky all right let's go come on I want to give people guns no police get out of here oh god I think I'm a bit over my head here luckily they don't seem to have guns ah they're unarmed perfect I'm tired of standing dead there you go you are welcome the orphan is pretty shaken up she needs something camera down okay parents I actually can give her a parent it looks nothing like her but that'll do add adjectives abusive oh my god that wasn't even close there we go Jesus Christ I think he just yeah I guess I just have to get all the survivors out of here so what if I burn the ones here and kill them then all the survivors will have made it out an important object was destroyed back off I'm not saving these people if they don't to save themselves place someone into the foam boot to make a side kick for me dead child will that work he immediately spawns into existence fear not citizens it is I and my sidekick dead child oh god these are my victims throw what okay this is through money and it's like your medical bill hands are on me the nurses like sir you just chucked 79 cents of change at this man that's not gonna help him help me it befriend the birds sure plenty of vultures will like you now you're dead great there we go yay friends oh no I made him manatee and he's eating everyone I should have made him grandma eating oh I'm so stupid they're just standing there laughing the first to eat them all some sort of advertisement is an order there we are billboard like a flailing inflatable tube men for the morgue they come inside you will be dead happy with our prices Pete it's something a robot might eat human tech sick why does no one eat what I give them there are picky eaters pisses me off men eating aha I figure out a way to do this oh no he's eating every I should probably move shouldn't I care while he's cleaning up the restaurant at least the cannibal has shown up for the special yes finally my kind of people please eat me edible defeated perfect and then God said let there be light yeah the voice you were thinking of whenever you hear that phrase right but this is my universe I can do what I want gonna name this guy's [ __ ] this nugget believes in you you won't for long I know you had a little darkness in you creator video they're building a temple for me okay I'll allow it I'll wait till you're done building a temple in my honor before I get vengeance on you I'd like to think that's my guy the palest guy in the village but also my village or world for that matter doesn't have racism I've not invented it yet and I don't think I ever will I am a good god I didn't make them the leader whatever where are they is that you I didn't appoint a leader you tie now come here he knows what's happening he knows I'm trying to do stop running affected there you go I'm the leader here no false idols has bested you two falling every object I should we get them to make more bodies no babies I'm the one who's making bodies not them alright let's build a fishing pier I know you're all starving but this will get you food you know what they say give a man a fish and it would save all of you right now give a man a fishing pier and you probably start building it you start working oh he passed away no gates have died or God someone else died too I think they're all on hunger strike but not by choice one go do something I was killing if you're not careful that's right you know it's coming now after I picked up the vacant body to drop on someone they knew it was dangerous like this guy's not threatened let's show them how serious I am no empty threats oh I missed okay well I tried to kill you if that helps at all maybe I can convince them to make a baby and then that one might be healthy enough to actually you know builds the pier your wife is waiting in your [ __ ] house to make a baby and you're playing with your ball good thing they weren't in that house Jesus Christ for living people and they're all about to die so hopefully they can have a baby pretty quick Jesus Christ what did they get up to in there I wonder what's for dinner tonight I hope it's food unlikely oh just such nastiness just bring a tear to my eye I know it's nice to be nice but by god is it nice to be naughty okay while we're on the topic of bad stuff let's think about those who have passed away this year like Jim Pickens praise be his name and there's still blasphemy laws in Ireland I think they got rid of them recently but I should be careful Jim pagans of course rose again like the great prophet he is but we're gonna take a look at some of my favorite moments from The Sims series this year Shrek what are you doing he's got a gun oh wait wait no he killed someone okay track you didn't even do a good job of hiding a body he looks so happy maybe he's sad underneath ochres do have layers after all breadsticks for all yay anyone actually gonna join me I think Shrek is coming [ __ ] he's sitting with Jim there at the cool table come on Shrek Shrek please oh my god I thought he was just gonna tickle her or something okay Shrek you've done it you've won the battle royale but don't worry that's not all you get look a little song lucky you look scared for the first time this episode he's enjoying it I think it was worth it all wasn't it come on at least crack a smile something how can you resist that what am I doing with my life all right I cannot find birthday cake to aid you up so I bought you this brick of cocaine instead I hope that's just as good open it up happy birthday and Christmas snort more average coke what why is that over by the sink sink he's actively leaking and he's like yeah I'll just put my coke down here everyone get a line Oh first name does not [ __ ] around doesn't he she's pregnant I never mind - let's ignore the fact she was doing cocaine while pregnant because now there's karaoke right everyone welcome to the swamp when I light up the fire now and we're gonna do some drugs this is a weird scenario even for me fire where I'll wait probably the fire i standed right you're on fire if the doors only unlocked for firstname get out of there I have been locked for everyone else just someone gonna put that out anyone are you just gonna watch him and by the way you're gonna win Club points awesome let's see what we can get popular club yeah why not oh yeah back to the fire wait I need to test my experimental vaccines but they have to be possessed to do it facts sake I know solution to this I'll just infect the bastard and then I'll cure him the ends justify the means and even if they don't I don't care anyway I've infected someone I've had my fun [ __ ] he didn't feed him when he was a toddler he's got a suspect something is a hopper and force he's feeding him while wearing a hazmat suit I still might he looks like the Joker oh my god my son is talented he could be the next Joker oh I was about to join Trek's partners join if you wish to be impregnated by the mighty threat but it's full of course this person has a hat that'll be useful on the team and her name is Ellen justice she's gotta be on the team you're in she's pregnant and I've got her along to fight them other plan at least one of them try to be thick like that was the instructions why is one of them floating away oh my god office outfit angry club vibe can be used to make all the Sims in your club gathering angry I like the sounds like hey guys good news I got a perk for the club what is it Jim that's great yeah it makes you all pissed off the rest of the supervillains were just like should we have a hazmat suit no no no of course not you'll be fine don't worry hello lady who is bearing child I'm injecting you first oh wait yeah it's not an injection sorry stand back out of the splashes on everyone I'm throwing medication around what do you know her fighting giant alien plants we only even know each other I impregnated you you'll have my child but you won't fight her plant with me oh wait that's donkey okay I plan impregnated her Shrek has sorry all pair of my fanfiction God donkeys looking buff in that suit look at those stomach muscles how did you get down here there's a few people down here actually the planted prisoners all this time - maybe we have more alike than we thought we could have really bonded if we just got to know each other a bit better I know you're pregnant but please Harley hit strike is stomping behind her like come on come on just go around Shrek the health they're having little slap fights not focus on the big plant I didn't bring you down here to defeat the possessed people getting really into it you'd never expect him to be a hero would you I think he just doesn't want this plant stealing all his potential victims like I think he wants to be the one to get them I think me and Jim boat know the problem here what caused us to lose it was these baggy clothes they were holding me back and gasps apparently I guess you didn't want to let it out in the hazmat suit God look at those tentacles just grabbing at that naked man who I think I've seen this before wait what the FAK Jim Higgins is being devoured by the mother plant this will be the end of Jim pains no no no no no no that's not how this works look at him I've never seen something so sad he's kind of bent out of shape that thing is really devouring him look at those legs invite house all there it is come on let's go I think he just went inside my pocket Jim get out of there have a ghost join your household surely I can fight that plant now like how could I lose I'm already dead what are you gonna do eat a ghost we're still gonna go get a team let's go again let's go he's almost dead come on you haven't go Jim go angry dead Jim I think we've done it we've defeated the second most evil thing in stranger Ville hood celebrate Valentina's birthday no we're busy oh Jesus Christ what was that was it just gas this whole time that's why you were angry but shrek is still just like I've almost got a flame affected horn - perfect say yes yes I know it's your special day it's okay it's okay we'll talk about you more later so as we all know from the Bible and the history books Jesus was born on Christmas Day he was the one with the reindeer and they came down and they what was it there was some like problem with the landing gear and they landed in that band and the dukes of hazzard like the freeze frame happened and their life how is Jesus gonna get out of this one something like that I'm Catholic so I kind of know the gist of it but just thinking about the day that Jesus was born reminds me of some of the creatures I've created all also blessed creations I think they're more cursed you know let's settle on blurs my blurs creations from this year pretty sure this is set in like a desert wasteland so I'll make up as pale as me so we'll die from sunburn immediately oh my god what the hell what the hell is that Jesus Christ it's almost as bad as mine perfect sake it is maybe one of my best characters yet I'm giving this game 10 out of 10 just because of the character creation alone this is [ __ ] amazing you go to the club and the guy across the bag gives you this look what do you do what like yes I'll take the long and crappy police who gonna ask for that next time we go for a haircut they think we are done look at those arms she's flexing on Jesus Christ he'd be a good thief though I think that's what we're gonna start doing just stealing [ __ ] let's go to the bear to be a guy just sitting there with a pint and just like I think I've had enough here put it down and go home look at him gone he's the scariest character I've ever made I'm gonna start again but I got to know what happens if I'm just done my name is ghost I just spawned in here oh that's disappointing what's up my head oh my god I literally am a ghost let me see your face I don't know what happened I'm not even done yet well at least he's happy about the way he looks more power to you you got a deal with the cards you were dealt right Jesus Christ he needs moisturizer so bad okay if he says he's seen him in his dreams he has horrible nightmares and to be honest death would be freeing him from this because this is too much like I think you'd prefer death than dreaming about this you are the one from my dreams I'm so sorry it's like he was graduating and to celebrate he came out to Hawaii 20 years ago it accidentally became the dictator pacifier little hat glasses oh that's lovely I think no beard actually looks good because actually I should rephrase that I think the beard looks good so that's why I'm not giving him one I wanted to look as weird as possible traits kind of normal that is no way correct two people just can't help liking you even when you're signing a death warrant there's just something about that smile that makes everything okay oh and I get to do his palace and everything Wow this literally matches the color scheme of his clothes and it's horrible that looks perfect those default thing I've ever seen oh my god I could make him into the Hulk wow that looks great except he looks more like a breath mint than the whole could just make him as pale as me there we go lovely option shot as well get him back and all have this option shot okay the white eyes as well please Jesus that's scary already a white Walker I'm about to give gameofthrones the ending it deserved oh wait right I like that I can't even see them but I think that might be a good look that's what happens when someone like my other guy he gets a sunburn like there's no point in letting me do this I can't see anything also her hair sunburned everything okay everything at sunburn now my beard matches her and her clothes match him red was one of the toughest opponents I ever faced they just call her red is that just a coincidence I think it was shouldn't really talk about my skin color like that though bring it to your grandmother's nursing home and cross out parts of her chart so when the nurse goes to give her turndown service she won't know to flip her over that's right I'm gonna give your grandmother bed sores okay what the [ __ ] was that red what the hell is wrong with you dude hit her with the tray he's freaking out huh perfect sick stories amazing this is the best recipe game I've ever played what's the point in pouring tomato ketchup mommy no one's even gonna notice it what this game is the best thing I've ever experienced not even the best game just the best thing I haven't even wrestled yet I think their hair would work really well if you just blast it dubstep can we try that and just watch the hair reacting you know deep down each of them is like a child to me I'm just praying Social Services turns up real soon all right well how about we take a look at some of the games I played with my friends this year I'm really happy to be at the beach here we go get ready yes I need constant supervision dude otherwise they just act oh do berries grow back on the bushes or can I just burn them they grow back you don't want to burn the bush though cuz that makes them very difficult to grow back nah man they'll just grow back cooked you said to be said to be on fire no we're okay on charcoal for the time only you can prevent forest fires man not me second raccoon bastard now you've no habitat idiot did you set his home on fire yeah he's so stupid I'm pretty sure they're an endangered species in this game they're more endangered now yep that patch was pretty short it's the shortest part of the video I don't have many friends anyway how about we take a look at some of the videos where I made some newer online friends and by that I mean they tolerated me for a short period of time and I never spoke to them again keeping in probably not know okay thank you oh there's my taxi hello taxi driver I want to go to sieve town hello mr. sirs where would you like to go sir you know what I feel like no one ever asks the uber driver where you want to go where do you want to go yes I would like to go to the cave would you like them would you like some of the music song yeah no I can actually sing for you yeah that would be good do you know Elton John don't go break in my head don't go break in my heart no I'm not aware of that don't go breaking my heart you sing the next part you say I couldn't if I tried wait you ghost mr. surgeon I will you don't go break in my heart I couldn't do that in my country I'm the best singers I can tell I imagine you'd be the best in all countries yeah well speed up please I'm gonna be late hey what you want to go engineers yes speed up okay I did wanted price is not an issue I am a very wealthy man in fact I'm known to be taken hostage regularly as they get a high ransom taken hostage you say yeah it happens to me all the time they always just pay the money because I'm worth it very valuable man okay you are now my hostage classic me I always get into these situations there you go mister I will get in contact with some of your men's and so they can come back and I can be very rich man okay I have no doubt they'll pay [Music] that's my man you're an artist singer from your country I googled it and Syria doesn't exist die terrorists die wait there that help will go yes okay where is it is it this way yeah left to right okay wait this is left what are you talking about okay when do I stop going straight did I do that where are we going it's telling me a direction not way that way that helps loads thanks oh my god you got a stock is he locked the door blow up on the door he's got a shield wait there's people outside there's people outside Walia we've decided to swap sides again what we got him boys on the ground good job good job he's down that was stressful what we stopped him I gotta tie up loose ends occupy don't come in I took them down boys you've caught me mistaken with someone else buddy all right well I'm glad we got the whole situation resolved so I'll be on my way thank you very much open the gate please please move your tank it's in the way I'm leaving the base I've had enough I've done enough saving people for one day hey you want this it's all yours buddy donation from the military to support local business you can have that thing I didn't do anything stop screaming at me don't shout at me it is private now leave me alone I didn't touch it until you told me to take it okay come with us okay let's get out of here guys it's me this bus is kind of big so yeah it's kind of crazy so it's my wiener but you don't hear me talking about sexuality on I'm not even stupid to prove that you're better than me who was this and why should I not stomp on him yes yes stop on me I [ __ ] dare you [ __ ] prick your fashion sense is just horrible syringe really it is not the new black honey no you can't even jump on this play yeah exactly officer orange you starting to doubt this man then how the [ __ ] that I get [ __ ] down I think you just stupid and you fell down the stairs orange man bad orange man bad all right at you you should probably get yourself a [ __ ] good ride talking [ __ ] about my jumpsuit okay you wanna [ __ ] slip sorry yeah I guess I'll show you a slip [ __ ] come over here it's just a bike came out of nowhere drove straight into the side of your car yeah clean up nice [ __ ] you get the skull tattoo although [ __ ] it second set a trail of armpit hair dude it just grows back oh my god it's growing on to your tent leave it alone I'm getting dressed at ooze anymore I didn't get mine in the first place by accident I feel so stupid you look really clever if it wasn't for that tattoo and who actually are they do you martinis kind of [ __ ] he's down like a drink yeah let's make them dead not stirred am i right guys guys oh yeah haha yeah another classic why is frozen playing oh that's the that's that's our P Genesis right no I didn't say turn it off you guys are right in there yep we're listening to frozen power day mr. addy mind if I jump on driving alright I was just sitting on the back and sing some songs sounds good pop cruel cruel world and I go wow I've been living too fast I've been living to wrong cruel cruel world I'm gone did you say you wanted more I'm hearing more [Music] [Applause] cruel cruel world good thing I got strong lungs so what is it you're looking for out here oh [ __ ] we're under attack it down I'm gonna go defend you friend I'm gonna take him out he's hiding in the barn crackhead come on out we've got you surrounded alright you were no longer surrounded come on boy face me like a man come on out of your coward yeah I thought so you belong in a barn you barnyard animal so I'm a famous horse thief from out west what's your story you ain't got one boy alright that's fine you see what I usually do is I load people into a false sense of security we come up all kind of friendly like and I steal their horse you see that's what I mainly spend my days doing alright I'll see you around you want to buy this horse selling it mighty cheap on account of it being that Spillers right there I always fell down alright look I think you're gonna be needing ours you go ahead and take it it was all a ruse give her back she's mine now she loves me howdy mister how are you doing I said howdy mister are you removed me from the posse just like that will you eat snow until your friend kills me and I'm gonna show you down into the snow and you're gonna like it oh now you'll talk you talk when someone attacks you but when you say howdy mister you don't say nothin about you give me one hat eh mister I'm warning you I will hunt you till the end of the earth and I'm not a good shot but by god am i annoying come on one howdy mister that's all I want just say howdy mister you think that'll get rid of me I don't think so howdy mr. Harry mister hello howdy mister he's gonna kill us until we give him howdy howdy mister oh no don't call me out to them howdy mister you must really like hearing me sayin howdy mister what is happening coming with me boy I'm being kidnapped again nobody cares this time it's not really a kidnapping but it's with me I mean it is it's against my will and I'm angry and scared can you take me to the Forbidden Forest again if you want that yes that would be great then it's no longer a kidnapping unless this guy gets involved and then that case it would be very much a kidnapping I think this just became a kidnapping Oh I warned you wait is this a reverse kidnapping he's taking us back to class wait how did you get me to right in check without Kevin no I think that's a girl oh my god now it's adding in the chance I'm desperately trying to jump off this cliff right now dah well if you could not get involved this is kind of a three-person game we're playing oh my God look at my chat I'm on a love potion I'm not saying that yes Dumbledore I could actually use your help now that would be great Oh My Love is dead but I'm still attracted to the dead body I'm afraid I may have the serious problem Dumbledore a look at this is a very simple situation I'm I fell in love as she died and now I'm drowning myself with an old man didn't even kill me could you fly me back up to the bridge please oh thank you very much appreciate it I've had enough of this world oh you know something I've started doing more and more is showing my face I'm trying to offset it here now because I realize not all of you might want to see it I've done quite a few videos this year in real life don't do some different things let's take a look at some of those and what shenanigans I got up to you outside of gaming in the limited time that I can step away from my computer this whole video getting flame let's just play it with just the video instead trust me it's just as good Wow Merry Christmas I really thought it was great but I took onboard your advice and I think it turned out even better I put in some Bratz gameplay as that was one of my most popular recent videos wasn't even a lie at the time I also added some cool stuff I found online because when I removed the stuff you asked me it left a lot of silent gaps I will include the requested thumbnail below and here is the video so there's my thumbnail I thought it's really good it's this is a banana but aptana I even recreated my little cave Oh tag there alright let's jump in and see this one I love this app and use it all the time you can use it to buy your favor can see this Bratz game play up there now like iTunes and Amazon gift cards [Music] I just thought that was a really cool thing I found on the internet with Homer you know I wanted him running across the screen like that and plus because they made me remove my audio it just there was an empty gap there and rather than moving the audio close together I thought it best to just put something in you'll also notice that I've got the little description in there and oh I included a bit extra by accident as text annotation on the video 4:30 say but look I still did it I just I did extra that's what I do please sponsor me I go above and beyond if you have Android you cannot do this I will now demonstrate this on my Android device this is an Android device not an iPhone I cannot use appnana oh god I think that'll be louder the video needs more demonstration of the app at least 3 to 5 minutes minimum please use gameplay as your background and be more fit with your channel content hi Niki sorry for the late reply it took me a while to get an idea of how to do an idea of your idea but I think I got it right this time I included a long live preview of the app I'm sick at the moment so please excuse my voice and slight cough and also overlaid some gameplay to keep in line with my channel style here's the new video call me Kevin the 1 million seven hundred and eighty seven thousand three hundred and fifty one subscriber count' youtuber I had to put it in Bowl that time I'm not sure why I did that alright four hundred Nana's scam fake app Nana [Music] I know it don't I said well don't forget to enter my code your code enter on in Fallon and almost it must take a while to to work or something maybe because this is before it goes up right because I'm recording this in the past when you see it okay alright thanks for watching that's what I like pretty good huh and I know these videos have been done before and people have used a DNA kit to figure out more about themselves but have they used to to have DNA kits this is [ __ ] gross it's taking a lot of spit out of me this is a lot of effort my job is tough okay so a little surprise I am a hundred percent Ireland and Scotland help help me make me interested in 34% British well at least that like firmly stakes my claim to be the best Irish youtuber because I'm a hundred percent Irish like I'm no 99 percent or anything you have 284 and they're all variants this is more than 65% of 23andme customers you were 1st place out of your family and friends finally I've won something so I was born in 1993 and no I'm not gonna draw that and if you wanted that you are a pervert it's a good way to start a video insulting your audience my dad was on the phone over here he had a very large phone where we want to say just so you can see it and naturally I had to beat my sister that sounds bad out of context I had to win this spinning game against my sister but as usual I ended up too good at it and I ended up falling and hitting the side of my face against a couch leg which was a very highly raised couch for some reason and this artist's interpretation so I hit it off this block thing that was at the end and that's how I ended up with this scar around my eye you you may have noticed it in videos you may not have noticed it I also make up a lot of stories about this so who knows if this one's even true I've answered this a few times at live streams and such but you never get the same answer so we're going with that one for this you can decide amongst yourselves if that one's real or the one with me fighting burglars is real and saving old women from them you know how good of a person I am so it's possible it could have been that one wait a second I have exactly zero friends to play this with I have an idea okay I'm gonna play my grave Walker and that brings my worm back from the day oh come on it's no fun if you don't take your turn come on you got to play something come on you've got great care to play one of them anything anything I'll even leave you with come on anything you can't play them all at one time what does not simply make Kevin in to attack me Medicare behind me Jesus Christ you guys are brutal you're lucky I'm not sensitive when Jim Pickens comes to the door ah [ __ ] how do I do skin color Wow looks great Jesus Christ oh my god no what is happening I can tell that he's angry at me and he doesn't even have a face yet I can just tell he's pissed I'd be pissed if I look like that too yeah I can fix this all right I can put in more yellow here perfect ruined it even more okay I should be here oh my god why is it in the center of his face it's too late now I think because my one's looking ahead on where is he's looking sideways so I was just completely wrong there Jesus Christ this is what my sleep paralysis looks like this is exactly what I see in the corner of my room and that's why I'm such a twisted person I feel like this is what my parents feel like they look at what they've created and they just say what have we done this isn't the sort of thing you'd walk in on a serial killer draw but if a detective came in and saw this they'd be like yep we got a guy who they wouldn't even question me they just take me in there's the two versions for which which one's the drawing by the artist and which is by me I see you next time I'm sorry goodbye can I take them out now is that okay is that part of the video done you know the main thing about Christmas is that sometimes you get stuff you just don't like it's like having a child in a way and games can be like that too sometimes you get something and you just don't really like this you grow tired of it and it starts to get angsty it hits puberty and you're like you start to regret it a child thing again but the games sometimes you just don't like them but the great thing about that is you can modify them with mods let's take a look at some of the videos where I explored some mods in games I'm clean you might notice the sound effects or the care a bit different it may or may not be me that's done the sound effects for some of the cars alright come on let's get on our meatball bike do you want me or not terrifying falling in some hard times but I couldn't like just leave smoke out of the game because I love big smoke so I replaced his sister with smoke I figured that was fitting maybe I was wrong you have reached top speed this is the top speed car sound that's how you know you've reached top speed look I've put on a lot of weight it just helps me get around okay don't judge me bro come out don't make me get off this chair what are you looking at at least my bro has a ramp he's not what stairs brick looks like is it the hairdresser is getting a wash Oh God opens no one saw me walking around when I arrived okay I'm taking off I'm so happy I can show you the world something something this is terrifying a wheelchair oh my god that's not gonna help my case with the cops no no no no no no no leave me alone I just want that woman's wheelchair since when is knocking someone down in a wheelchair a crime huh no my wheelchair cops get hurt that's a crime on no what is going on in there that's what I'm talking about oh yeah [Laughter] what the shit's gone now now what did I do I like fish get over it I wasn't hurting anyone what happens between a man and a consenting fish is their own damn business like that it's pretty nice all right let's up this tag there we go that's way better look at that just a good old-fashioned country boy go oh wait there's four of them oh they're adorable oh yeah I replace the train sounds with me going well that's the most terrifying [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life good lord oh look it's Nic Cage for some reason there's a lot of mods with Nic Cage replacing items and I subscribe to them oh ho ho I think I see a witch I'm gonna go examine her look at her feck run away run away so what else alert her I don't want to Michael Jackson no no Hitler sorry on the sir we did a sentence I said today and coach is completely normal until you look at his legs the most [ __ ] terrifying [ __ ] I've ever seen no wait that is the most terrifying [ __ ] I've ever seen get away from me I'm ditching I'm [ __ ] ditching I'm out of here get out of here McDonald's you're unhealthy no effect off back off it's the most terrifying [ __ ] in the world Jesus Christ oh my god you okay out there this is the subscribe to call me Kevin sound you are never subscribed to call me Kevin look guys look let's address the elephant in the room it's no secret that I'm more than just a gamer I'm renowned as a fitness icon honestly the one thing I'm asking for this Christmas is that when I meet some of you guys in in real life then you know we can address my gamer bard my thickness with four C's but we don't just talk about it non-stop because you know it feels a bit uncomfortable to be objectifying me so much and you know what it's Christmas okay it's Christmas just as a special treat let's take a look at some of the examples of me in peak physical condition [Music] wow what a pot here's an example of the perfect outfit great job Timmy you look horrible but perfect for golf the second most important thing the second most important thing about golf is I can't remember the third most important thing about golf is getting hyped up and ready to play I will use the 2005 intro to Tiger Woods on the Gamecube to hype you up Wow wasn't that great I'm sure you're ready to play let's jump right in and play some Tiger Woods on the weak hit the thing hit the thing why is he not hitting I don't understand that caddie must be in so impatient I'm just not doing anything I'm getting performance anxiety this is doing absolutely nothing how do I hit it facts sake my console see it's trying to guide me but I'm so far away from the TV because of the setup I can't see the instructions another read them anyway Oh Tiger was disappeared I think that must have just been a dream or something I was dreaming that I was Tiger Woods I always wanted to know how it would feel you know to be black I'm just such on the opposite end of the scale I'm so pale and like white in both skin tone and culture all right now just sink the pot sink the pot the sink sink the sink the pot [ __ ] now I'm further away that way god dammit daddy shut up get that light bulb out of your head all right go in yes double bogey the guy is a yes best score yet yes triple bogey that just makes my first score even better I'm in 72nd place I hope this is like a tournament with like a thousand people but I have a feeling at the tournament with 72 people he's like waving to a non-existent crowd I just got a triple bogey oh wait there wasn't 72 people cuz now I'm 79 there's probably like an adult's portion and a kid's portion and they're scoring me and the kids won no more mr. nice guy no more mr. countryroads he wants to pass me out on subscribers well he's got a fight on his hands but I don't mean actual physical fight I don't I know how to get punched in the face and I don't really want to leave my house so we'll we'll take it to Wii Sports where I'll destroy his beloved me and if rocky movies have taught me anything a good musical training montage will get me a tip-top shape for it let's go no not not that I'll get a copyright strike come on something more fitting but also something that won't get me in any trouble that's it that's the one thank you err no bail you're you're in the wrong movie here sorry my bad wait a minute if this is like a Rocky movie I'm like the bad guy no you couldn't be the bad guy you're on YouTube video could you could you [ __ ] look at that though that's so pointy that's the type of chin that fights back you could open cans with that chin you know what no let's stick woodblock okay I can't be the only one that think that nose looks you know what never mind keep going oh god I hope I don't get a nosebleed if I get punched in the face he'll go right into my eyes had my mouth apparently look like a real version of a Picasso he's gonna sell for millions wait there's two of me this is even better oh my God look at this game not golf look at [ __ ] what what is this [ __ ] don't look at me like that wait is this me to [ __ ] like that person's useless hit yourself hit self with Patton why not take a break I have nothing better to be doing oh my god looks like you've been hit by a few bowling balls to be honest so hard it actually rearranged your face oh my god this balance that's insane dropped it on the floor oh god maybe this isn't the game either nice straight into the gutter is that the point of bowling zero pins idiot there's like ten there just immediately drop it don't even realize keep on walking all right if I'm that strong that I don't even notice if I'm lifting a bowling ball or not I think I'm ready for boxing come on were you gonna hit me out where's my weak spot you know you could never know it's like a boss fight or something it's like a target right in the nose look at this like if her health buyers were pizzas he's only in a slice I've eaten the whole [ __ ] thing okay come on come on he's dead looking at his fist is actually coming out of his mouth yes I knew I'd do something eventually there it comes twenty five come on 25 is my age 25 oh come on that's ridiculous that's ridiculous my balance is impeccable oh dear that's the difference in 11 years how would mean that your body is much weaker than it should be come on why is this bad sports such a dick 74 points is that saying I'm a yoga trainer cuz I think so to have time to do my 90 style exercise video let's work on those legs [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow this could choke me if I swing ahead and not swing let me tell you this I have never felt cooler this is my job oh god everything's falling my absolute mass it's just taking out everything in this room the whole room is shaking squat with your knees bent my knees are sore I'm old I'm 36 oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no oh my god what the hell you won't give up to see that he takes one step on the tightrope and just dies okay I think I know the strategy you just need to like oh oh hold on hold on why are you not correcting what you're not correcting go back wait a second wait I had to board the wrong way around this whole video huh Wow a gamer and he can do that I'm impressed okay look secrets broken we get it I don't get out a lot I'm a gamer I stay in here on my computer for many hours a day but sometimes I like to get out there and explore the world meet new people and do different things new experiences which is why I bought a virtual reality headset so I never have to leave the house and I can do all of that from the comfort of my own safe space let's take a look at some of the highlights of virtual reality over here who said that it's me the chair come here come here oh thanks for telling me who you were what if you sat on me could you do that maybe is this sexual I'll only sit on you if it is sexual it's just really weird I really wish I had a webcam on right now so you could see me just squatting in the middle of my room I feel a lot better now I just need someone to tell me oh don't we all buddy don't we all see you later I'm just eating in front of him there this seems cruel it's sorry I just I literally don't know how to feed you all right I'll be back later I know you probably don't care at this stage but I'm gonna go that looks scary I'm gonna go to bed oh my God look at me here I'm having an out-of-body experience oh my god he must be so [ __ ] freaked out it's like I'm having a night terror I take care of the house all right I'm going to the nether so I might be gone a while or I might be gone for two minutes I figured out how to use my shelter he's like really you've gone to the nether and you just figured that out oh god there's an Enderman don't look at him [ __ ] [ __ ] dude it's hard to not look at you when it's me or Jesus Christ come here don't come here hey hey hey I don't know what my combat style is but I don't like it okay yeah I am I hate this oh my god Spider Man what's happening here it's so agile and flexible pull the trigger to fire webs my god this is gonna be hard to explain oh no my muhammad's gonna judge me oh my god wait how did I miss this earlier wow I look so cool I can do this interesting his entrance comes into the room he's like I can explain I'm kind of busy I've dislocated or lost both my hands hold on one stay on there I can see it he's like he's a little puppet shooters oh oh my god sorry here it happens to every man just said the cinder block their way hello hello Jesus Christ she's obviously blind but not deaf oh god I'm getting old I'm getting all tangled hold on if they actually caught me at CCD they'd be like what the [ __ ] is he doing he's judging me herd away no oh it's push sorry hello nobody look well I hide count to ten Shh [ __ ] [ __ ] alright I gotta go get get out of there could even mean nice day for a jog you know walking your crow bear and all that oh yes a dumpster I'm human trash ah yes perfect now I feel at home now I'm in my safe space careful John I think they may have weapons talk it out hey somebody in the tower oh the real tragedies of war that the politicians don't want you to see ah good time was had by all except for the people that i annoy with my general personality look I feel like I'm I'm a bit of a weird guy okay I can admit that all right I accept that but sometimes I find a game that's even too weird for me and I can't make I'm telling now I can't make head nor tail of it I just don't understand what's going on and honestly I don't need to elaborate more let me show you some of the weird games we played this year I wrote a blog post about why video games because this is what it does it feels like the male fantasy to get the sheep to move just stand next turn press next ask nicely what the hell is that thing let gypsy fall down a whole bay I think this image perfectly describes this entire game it's a bit of a cursed image really like look at the monkey in the dress the comic sans the background picture oh dear it appears that gypsy is stuck would you like to read that No oh he's following the arrow okay okay he follows the arrows he's smart enough to do that but if he goes in the corner he's fact because he's too stupid to figure that one out what have you got to say for yourself sheep love exercise and love bouncy and trampoline you don't have a [ __ ] clue who you're talking about if you want to see more of the world and you still are too but why would I want to see more of this world there's no even sound effects like even when I'm walking the fecking hay bale is stock effect this thank you all right I'm gonna play a scale and the rest of the video is gonna be aa scale yeah it's the power of the mind there was a bit of Irish there but he kind of gave up pretty fast how the [ __ ] do I hit him with the Hurley that's what I wanna know what what was that I think he got hit with the Hurley that time I heard a yell in pain picked up by Yahoo I think that's his name Oh God I heard some ruffling on a microphone there I think the commentator just fell off his chair all right well I also got a little DVD with it so we're gonna have to figure out what that is oh my god that person hates that wall Jesus Christ they're destroying it over the course of five hundred years generations will erode the wall and finally see what's on the other side Jesus coach this is chaos no one's learning shite here hi why does have to be so formal hello that's not bad I'll be online you can understand all of my Derby accents stop oh my god it likes a normal voice a loss open door if I could do that I wouldn't be in here listen smartass I'm the only one who can help you here shut up die please shoot mouth what are you doing shoot mouth sweet on its face yes you've done it open fire go to guest room to the bathroom okay oh my god stop leave I am stop guest room to the bathroom stop guest room to a dresser oh my god how could you understand my Dutch voice earlier you do it gets the roommate to the bathroom okay where did you get bathroom from you just look at the table the loading is so long come on please look at the table huh I feel like she's just standing there with her eyes closed just staring at the table better be something good on this table she's there she's there okay okay now what are we gonna get on the table huh check table there's nothing that catches my eye okay that's fine right I didn't realize this was a horror game holy [ __ ] I mean spotted quick escape all right they lost me just go back about their day it's like playing with a child like oh where did the Burger King go wait he spotted me so he's not hungry anymore okay now this person yet stay eat I wish when you ordered at a restaurant that the waiter would just come down to you and try and jump out at you with the food enjoy your meal shakes your chair how is that log cutting itself I feel like you guys don't really need to be doing anything all now they're gone back to it they realized they found them out they're like [ __ ] but I get cutting so that's what they mean when they say all these jobs are becoming automated oh my god I have freaked out the game you're not so so proton from a different angle back in hell how did this get past the rigorous testing of Burger King they don't tell you anything they're just like yeah your burger Mangold to break the burger yeah they don't say any other instructions is this the map from black ops I think it is nuke town was it yeah I think they stole it from there as in Call of Duty Stoller from here of course I would never say anything blasphemous like this game would steal it from there oh my god what the hell why are we already going so quick Jesus Christ how good is the public transport in France people just [ __ ] leap onto the thing here yeah all right here we go oh crap I meant to take the ramp oh Jesus Christ everything is fine oh no oh no the end of my boss is right there effects sake oh my god I created a perfect circuit look at all those disappointed customers just springing from the thing like a jack-in-the-box okay this went surprisingly well except for the fact that landed in a tree imagine getting to work me like sorry I was late bus got stuck in a tree oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no oh no oh no oh no I'm everywhere and nowhere oh this is so scary this game is basically a game that's made by KFC where you have to date the colonel I realize this is basically just free marketing for them so I want to begin this video by saying KFC more like more like [ __ ] KFC more more like Kevin [ __ ] cheap I don't know throw the clock out the window and stay in bed forever that's my choice you slept through the school year and gave up on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet Colonel Sanders the game over he walks in sake look at him who knew anyone could be so handsome from time stands still that happens all the time with me too feel like I'm falling in love with the food rather than Colonel Sanders oh wait they were definitely Colonel Sanders overwhelmed you take off the jacket and run for the door but the thought of leaving colonel in the midst of such an emotional breakthrough gives you pause you stop yourself colonel yes Ronald McDonald sir I honestly think this may be the beginning of something wonderful I think you're right we should take things slow would you dance with me yes I would love to I'm just imagining the colonel Ronald McDonald dancing okay if you're not convinced already I think you should just leave the video now I mean this looks great [Music] Jesus Christ look at them run though that Rhino is definitely two men in a rhinoceros what the hell what is going on I told him saucer boy bees and they said I couldn't be a racer they said I'll when pigs fly they say well here we are no God is waiting for me on the moon and you come first hey you came last now you don't get on the air oh my god what the hell here comes God or is this Noah I had a nobody's in a hurry to get somewhere he left the oven on he's not even looking at him he's too cool to look at explosions yeah shuffling like that now I think it's just the up word slope that's screwing him over or his shoes might be tied together that's kind of what it looks like and now the Cougars dancing as he won the race well-deserved but we have to awkwardly watch him oh here is the man himself not only did he build an a key figure will hit dance floor in a disco system you know I don't think Noah's intentions were good he seems a bit too into em partying with animals if you ask me oh my god a stunt bird poop and it made me slow down and threw me into the air for some reason I don't really like that the word poop was used in this Bible game it's a bit offensive if you ask me [ __ ] I'm gonna win there's no else in sight Noah I love you the mostest all right let's close this out with a creature party am i right guys Noah seems up for it he's on his way over that's what I'm talking about party time Noah break it down yeah honestly that that just kind of speaks for itself I don't think I can elaborate more on that you've saw some weird things now and you can't erase it it's stuck in your mind forever it's probably replaced some valuable information in there you know no one really expects to be a youtuber in my experience anyway most people kind of stumble into it or like the the channel grows can out and no where wasn't really intended some people do intend to get a bigger channel or whatnot but for the most part it feels like most people don't expect anything to come of it and it sometimes limits your options you know it's it's very time consuming process as many youtubers will tell you it is the hardest job in the world you know there is nothing that compares but sometimes it's nice to play a few simulation games and get a taste of the real world you know let's take a look at that real world our clothes actually will have to come back oh no we're open okay but I have to record it later instead he wants the lazy well I can be lazy which alright not a bother that's actually my specialty that aloo finish I'm all about speed and a thank you I could see why you'd grate it so high it feels like a pity a if I'm gonna be honest feels like any a I ever got in school oh I'm so glad I put in no effort look at me now shaving virtual men for a living no that is a stash the direct door oh wait Oh fact I think I messed it up okay sir I may have taken too much but depending on the time that may not be bad yet I'm pretty sure it is though this strikes me as like 50s so I'm pretty sure it's at the height of bad anyway hope you enjoyed if you want to shave any time feel free to stop by now doing legs also again same mustache just on your leg I love this realistic bear simulator who keep out I can't read I'm a bear damnit and jump the damn fence entering Shepherd lake god I hope there's predators here I kind of want to die here in tickets for no reason how do I Drive what are you trying to say oh my god I'm not listening to your conversation I'm just not listening to you I refuse it the game is lagging the hell is going on wait what the hell is happening to the vehicles the game is one job just vehicles driving and it's forgotten how to do it ok ok the tutorial is broken but I think I've learned enough still don't know how to put down the ramp but sure I'll figure it out ok let's grab a bite to eat what are you hitting on me he doesn't have a ticket I can tell because I profile people hold on I all I don't give a [ __ ] show me that ticket dammit he has it god damn it oh no I don't know how to use the ramp I'm really sorry about this Jesus Christ the poor guy that is so harsh close it no lock they're all locked in the place witness be [ __ ] terrifying you just locks you on the bus then runs off down the street thank you all used to run first step of any cafe simulator is of course to go to the strip club which appears to be over here why is there strip club hello everyone what's this give me dollar II knows to stand a local business come on I'm dancing my way to a better life I'm giving him way more than a lap dance all the other girls are like wow he's good at what he does gratulations you've won our hourly prize I'm so lucky wait what does she act like effect in the act this is not a joke you were the one hundred thousand visitor what how have I been hacked again the homeless person god damn it get out of here I will deactivate you get out oh [ __ ] [ __ ] my desk and screw you dude it's his fault what I'm right here what is wrong with you come here what do you want I see that look in your eyes I'm gonna be [ __ ] ready for you just put your hand on stuff and you're dead Oh perfect sink dude why did you have to take the desk out of all things now I gotta set everything up again and I lost a customer because of it - there you go that's lovely that's actually nice little setup now look at this guy he's there like I love the Internet I heard on the internet that this charge is your phone not only better charged in there put it on high all right that should be charged in no time oh I just hit myself in the face at that door I'm gonna be able to taste that it's fish it's 24 grams of trout and like oh god how did I pour out so much at once it's 54 grams of time ah time flies you're having fun what can I say most impressing fish I've ever seen I think the tutorials given up it's not giving me any more steps here we go Bon Appetit put put it down put it down wait is that on fire I'm sure behind me I'm just gonna scoot around you there if you don't mind fire slight problem it's spreading quite a lot oh god oh god oh don't ruin the fish don't ruin the fish but serve it up oh no balance balance oh it fell off the plate all right take a photo of your dish okay it's so glad I could capture this moment let's go down the gram it's just an empty place the cattle the cattle the cattle I can't reach it stop playing the music like that I'm frustrated beyond belief my frustration meter is at 100 okay this is getting obnoxiously loud or the cake the cake the cake no no no no no no go up I can't go up okay that knocked it down that was lucky grab it [ __ ] come back come back let me chase your cake through space yes tea there you go all we need is a biscuit and the music is in times its destiny yes Teddy got tea what are you staring at right fine you don't like me whatever I hate people who hate the disabled the trash back inside oh my god okay there's a lot of screaming bad stuff is happening okay everything is fine again back inside I go oh my god he's not gonna be able to leave the restaurant soon but that's good for a business right Oh My Jesus look at his little body up there I was like supporting that he's an absolute unit I love him can I actually use that or brilliant what he took my wheelchair look at he steals my wheelchair and he just runs off with it he doesn't even need it he doesn't blame the dolphin for the crime he blames the wheelchair now I can't do anything they just roll around like I can't do anything without my wheelchair I'm screwed look I'm dragging another woman off to jail she better not use my wheelchair I'll know if she does yep and that's the real world I'm not isolated in a bubble at all that's how the world is all right we got one more section left before our big finale of my movie from the movies but first before that I don't know don't get too excited because you're gonna have to wait just a moment that movie is fantastic critics have said it's great it's good and who are you and get away from me but before we get into that as I said let's take a look at some of the indie games I've played I've played quite a lot but I took out some of my favorites and my favorite moments from them and let's see what I got off to you Jim hey [ __ ] you good game shouldn't one person try to make their spouse a better person even if they don't want it no what shocked Jim why do you keep calling my name randomly grace do you have the hots for me look just quit the flirting right now what I'm just confused why she keeps mentioning my name we haven't seen you in so long please help me I'm being chased I'll uh I'll go get grace grace with what to do a murderer's following me no no here we are please God call the police hi how are you I'm in danger he's got a gun he stabbed me I've missed you wait are you the killer you say you missed me with your knife senior year of college that's nice but I'm bleeding out : we should drink oh you're not helping me I'm dying he's like oh we should have a drink I don't think you understand I am about to die he's trying to drown me out with the blender he's gonna kill us all finally it's sinking wait you think we should kill each other wait no that's not what I'm saying at all hell is going on over this but I think it's leaking is that romantic or what no thank you I'm sorry you didn't need to see that what I didn't need to see that it was just him down on the knee was it what are you talking about his boss because that was kind of disturbing trip show me your butt look quit the flirting already Jim take a look at this wait what's he doing he's like take a look at this and then he said see that hand movement oh I'm up here I love this game I stole his glasses I already gave him the wrong ones I think that was a goal on the to-do list I dropped him in the five ball poor guy he's not gonna be able to see he's checking his glasses the poor kid now I'm just going to swipe and you won't have any from now on I felt bad about giving you the wrong ones so now you'll just have none why is he terrified of the goose I don't get it okay now the goose is trying to climb on top of him might be kind of scared he does run oh he fell over because I untied his shoes the poor kid all right get back to running get in there come on get it yes there you go is he trapped knows you're gonna stay in there oh and they've opened the thing that must be his Papa let me in Oh again on TV whoa look at that Wow how charismatic he's a natural goodbye good you deserve that you robbed that kid all right this goose is clearly trolling you this is like someone haunting you at this point in their second life look at me go I'm really good oh god damn it knock something over exams vision what the hell am i doing just brushing my chest there how long is this oh my god I just realized that he's piss all over him oh god damn it I got a shower again at least no one's around to see it right no one watches my videos damn successfully puts on yeah he just wiggles away there you go yeah let's get to work it's like a dog wouldn't scratch there but on those stairs I think this might be safer oh no it's definitely not safer you talking to me shuffling his way to the door just bang his head against it just Humble down it'll be fine we'll get there eventually it's probably the fastest way I really do want to help you to show you something beautiful no affecting doesn't he's against me and me prove that I'm on your side okay go ahead give me a chance yeah one chance Stanley walked through the red door no you bastard you have control can I actually not realized how much of a troubles child I am Stanley walked through the red door it's fine go ahead Stanley okay I'm going to stop you there please rate your experience a 1 but I've got a prototype of a new game I've been working on and now would be a lovely opportunity to give it some play testing you wouldn't mind taking a look at it would you perfect let me boot it up in this game the baby crawls left towards danger I love this game this sounds good I'll help push the baby along God the proportions look so weird when I'm at this angle what is that perspective ways it's so trippy or is it just me look at its forth what's wrong with that oh no baby crawling away Oh baby died because you hate babies I'll purely despite me it's a little bit of both that's her Stanley you need to be the one to do this I'm scared of talking on phones and I'm scared of women I don't want to do this plug out the phone he's checking the script like this gets an idiot how do we deal with this it's as though you completely ignored even the most basic safety protocol I didn't ignore it I just chose not to do it quite sure you'll be up to the task yep I got it you can believe in me no God destroy the game filing cabinets Jesus Christ so I think he said the one on the left is right or did he say the one on the right is left meaning that left is right and the right is on the left which is right so okay take the right door no he must have given me bad instructions I'll try the other door oh yeah I have to shut the game down I have to I have to I made him basically kill himself Christ why is he here it was the only thing in the world that was mine and you run it into the ground I have that effect on things yeah I shouldn't be trusted with anything really what's a generic name wait I got an idea I'll go on to google and type in YouTube name generator first I'll program came up okay I'm not sure what that even means but fertile program is the name of my channel listen up [ __ ] sub to me oh well it's your first video the hell is this yeah just starts screaming for no reason if you want to be funny just be loud or fragile it's my ego delivered straight to my door oh wait no it's the photo frames I ordered wait why is my PC feckin sparking like that you know what leave it rendering go to sleep listen [ __ ] sob to me like I've put in so much money now and I've not even made 5 dollars yet from this high subscribe I want to make a video of me playing game but I don't know how to record it or edit it could you do it and upload it I'll send you the game what how will that work for you like it'll be me in the video I don't understand I was at the game what game did he give me irritating hammers spies it's actually really popular right now wait wait I can sell it sell that [ __ ] 12 bucks noise like 15 he sent it to me and I just immediately sold it for 12 bucks alright we gotta cook up some drama if we want to evolve this channel on to the next step that number one youtuber oh you too youtuber is bad perfect that should drum up some controversy cool video and we'll see the next one no idea man I love being a disappointment oh god the guys coming back quick quick quick go to sleep go to sleep it sorry if you could just excuse me for a minute oh god their persistence they're just waiting go get something to eat I just walked outside oh god she's taking my computer kill her how do I kill I just idle without way computer I don't know what to do it's been days I didn't even study she didn't do anything I don't think this gaming channel is going well maybe changed the genre of my channel all of a sudden I keep it over a game swap to politics that should bring in everyone and not be divisive at all I'm voting for Hillary Clinton all right folks that is about it that is all the clips I have for you today as I said we are gonna play my movie I will thank you so much for watching this video if you got this fare wow that is impressive I appreciate it because you know what I put a lot of time into these I literally start them at the start of December and it is the 23rd of December now and I've not really started editing it properly it's gonna be cut but it needs to be properly edited and it's gonna take me a long time so I appreciate you watching it it makes it feel worthwhile and it's always really nice to come back to these even after a few months and see that people are watching them and they've picked out the favorite moments or just that people actually care about kind of recapping the year and I'll probably do a video around New Year's just doing like kind of a vlog e style well I just sit here and talk about me and how the years been for me and stuff like that so I hope you look forward to that but I just want to thank you for spending either another year or your first year or your first couple of months your first weeks your first video this is a weird one to start with it this is your first video but whatever it is I appreciate you really supporting me and my channel it means a lot but I'll say a Happy Holidays I hope you have a great Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas just have a fantastic time with your family and just enjoy I guess the the time of year that it is and yeah I guess that's about it so thank you so much I'm gonna play us out with my movie from the movies which was I think I'll kill joy reloaded I can't remember I've already put it in the edit but my brains a little bit fried but I really hope you enjoy it I think it's funny I like the the twist not to spoil anything and but I'll stop rambling now I appreciate you all and I hope to see you again next time bye for now [Music] oh hey there detective patience in my partner bad guy I heard there's been a murder well not yet but there is about to be come on in yeah I have been murdered tamp down Pickens you need to figure out this situation and think rationally no point jumping to conclusions it could have been anyone in this house we need to try and figure this out then I saw him a clown who would soon clown with my heart with legs all the way up to here and the only thing he was juggling was my feelings listen your husband and sister joy was just murdered oh forget about her stop clowning around and kiss me you fool we are gathered here today to join these two lovers in a holy matrimony hey Brad you got the ring I can't seem to fight it no I got it right here go on big P knock em dead out there and you two lovers pledge to clown and only clown with each other and not another two clown with another would be frowned upon to solve that murder defective pick oh yeah I forgot let's go back dad she still looks so beautiful even though we left to decompose for a few days doesn't she yeah but who do you think did it well I have a hunch you might have done it but I think I'm just gonna shoot them blindly well mystery solved wait a second another dead body by God we have a serial killer on our hands bad guy we must go back to the office bad guy we have to figure this out it was only you and some other people that weren't there when people died so it's probably one of them we must consult the village elders or possibly my crystal ball I'm gonna hit you now we got a consult the crystal ball now by God that's it I know who it was bad guy let's go no time to lose pedal to the metal oh I'm an innocent civilian out of the way it isn't civilian the first time he's talked but that's bad guy's voice by God the serial killer struck again you guys now there's only like four of us left excuse me Jim I have to like go to the bathroom now that we're finally alone penny dumb and and bad guy has left the room we should kiss as we are alone and bad guys not here you'll stay away from me and my son and intruder I need to go use the bathroom wow I must say I'm looking and smelling amazing right now time to get back downstairs to those two handsome hunks oh my god this was unexpected what what the hell he's dead I'm gonna shower oh yes I'm singing and showering in my clothes [Applause] aha you hid my six Bibles that I keep on me at all times and and not me listen bad guy turns out I should have judged a book by its cover and said that you were a bad guy from the start I knew that was a weird name my detective hunch was kicking in but I forgive you and now let me massage you that's so good if it feels amazing yes I bet that drowns your sorrows like I'm going to drown you now as you're a bad guy take me a long time to drown but I'm gonna keep holding it down like this until you're a dead bad guy but if you're here then who's in the tub oh my god hey there Pickens that's right bad guy you should have seen this coming well honestly it came out of nowhere nonsense for that you will die this was built up in the plot all along you're you that's right the foreshadowing came true in the movie it's aliens all along the the Pickens is are here to invade and take you away well well well if it isn't you I'd should we all have different voices are all of the same I think I might go with the same actually you are coming to Planet Pickens where you're gonna be turned into a two-bit Pickens now to entertain me you better dance monkey you better dance and impress your new lords it's not bad yeah she's not bad popper Pickens what should we do with her Berner straight into a Pickens yes sir no no don't do it I don't I know a lot of you Pickens stop it is too late we have already decided and also last-minute plot twist if we bite you you become bacons oh that's much better actually it's not it's not too bad being a Pickens after all zip zip pop zip zip zip that's it my fellow Pickens to the entire human race is wiped out now we can take over their planet wait what why are they all those people they say it's Halloween they were all dressed up but they're normal humans and the dead perfect we've made a utopia out of this wasteland everyone is pagans just look at him going about their day oh my god I got a letter for Pickens and I think he might like me oh my god he totally does I am a business Pickens and I'm on Pickens I'm a smoking Pickens just waiting on my fellow my fellow Pikmin to say hello to you hello a fellow Pikmin hey there four Jamaicans here yep I like and subscribe to this movie fight five stars ring that Bell and all is right with the world the end shoutouts patreon soldier fortune Adam Cody Ruth almighty peanut amanda gold Farrah amber Yuans daughter anaconda kiwi and ruwaida angel Reyes Annamarie and Edgar valchek Ariel Kelman Ashley no Morgan Ashley Murphy Ozzy demon Avery Morin Azalea bacon boy big spicy tuna 69 Birch Valley Bjorn blossom possum cosplay Brannon krobak Brandon Grenier and Bri [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 5,112,500
Rating: 4.8986182 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, imovingtarget, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, callmekevin christmas special, callmekevin rewind, callmekevin compilation, callmekevin funny moments, callmekevin montage, callmekevin christmas, callmekevin rewind 2018, callmekevin clips, callmekevin funny, callmekevin rewind 2019, rewind 2019, youtube rewind, youtube rewind 2018, youtube rewind 2019 but its actually good
Id: o5Ma-gKQDuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 28sec (5728 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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