Bitlife but I become a terrible Popstar

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Floaty McFloatface? That is SUCH an old meme! Like a 5 year-old meme. I know this because my cat, Stripey McStripeface turns 5 in April. And yes, he is a tabby.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DrumpfTinyHands 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going today we're playing bit life and we're going to be a pop star buddy tinkle isn't the greatest pop star i've got a good one it's actually named after ringo stare it's uh pop star like if he was going to change his name to rainbow star why not make it pop star then you're literally a pop star no matter what happens but where will i be from uh no i'd want to be from little rock i want to be a pop star is there any little pop here i might as well add a custom city since they're making things up like wichita and milwaukee and boston ridiculous at least attempt to come up with something that sounds real okay city name famous pop star land yeah that's good it's just landed in there it's like denver detroit famous pop starland oh it even started me with the music special talent i guess they know that pop is into music i mean their name is literally pop star and they come from famous pop starlands so i guess it wasn't that hard to figure out no no no we don't want my complexion we want like a bronze god wow look at him he looks like he's so understanding people will love that no no no no no no young that's what the people want okay i feel like a corporation i'm just manufacturing a pop star but i am confident with how this is going should i edit the attributes um let me edit one let's go with fertility because if he's super fertile we can get involved in numerous scandals and any publicity is good publicity for old mr starr over here hey thanks for enjoying bitlife how would you describe her app well i've made about 30 videos on the game but i don't like bitlife i've been banging pots and pans together on the kitchen floor lately and it's music to my ears we're off to a fantastic start your parents have divorced okay maybe me just banging pots and pans all day drove them to divorce i could understand that stepmother title now your stepmother you're wondering how to address her let's call her woman oh dude i just got a half brother and unfortunately my mom took uh the other lady's second name so instead of lebron stare you're lebron vodkas i'm really sorry my father burst into my bedroom looking for michael buble but it was just me singing to love somebody into a toy microphone oh my god my dad's an idiot wow i'm depressed why am i depressed what happened right let's see what i can do i oh jesus i was like what after school club is that but it's paintball my name isn't jazz there it's pop star and what is this mohawk i we're not punk star either all right fine the only music one is jazz so let's join the jazz band and it cured my depression amazing what a bit of a smooth jazz will do for you no it's it's still there i'm kidding i'm not depressed okay because i have jazz oh wait i've been kicked out of the jazz but never mind what does this road sign mean rest very insane sure should i try and get like a music degree wait what do you mean there's no university music course no i i don't want it then now what's really important about the music business is that once we're all watched up we can write a book about how it all happens so we have to have a good origin story so we're going to go burglar home to try and get some money i think i'll burgle the mine it's just like mobster mime i know people have a fear of mimes but i think the mobster is a more real fear i'll go for the mine and what's he gonna do he can't tell on me he's not gonna say anything yeah we'll go get some money from this mime and then we'll head on out we'll just buy a guitar or something look at that i got for the cash 1377 and i got a dollar for teddy bear but that was more for emotional damage because i just despise mimes all right how to buy instrument go shopping uh no i don't see anything here i need an instrument please i'm also gonna sign up for all social medias because i don't care about my mental health no i just think it's a good idea for trying to get famous why is no one subscribing could you please subscribe come on please i try really hard i already have 100 followers on tick tock but no one's subscribing i don't even understand tick tock every time i think of tick tock i just think tick tock i'm getting old because i just i don't understand it maybe i should just dive in and get one i don't know i nearly clicked ask her on date because i saw famous pop stamp but that's just because she's a clerk at famous pop starland public library no she's not my type i need to focus on my art you know i just have like such a good style that the world needs to hear also i don't play any instruments and i can't sing i need to figure out how to get instruments come on instruments instruments instruments accessories perhaps i could buy a hat hide that ridiculous mohawk yeah that looks good ah instruments okay i can just take lessons uh what's the easiest guitar i guess that's a lot of money um what about harmonic instead all right that's cheaper yay i'm getting good at the harmonic you know i don't think a harmonica and that hat go well together maybe i should try and earn some more money and enroll in guitar lessons i'm gonna go on a diet too um vegan no that's too strict what else is there oh the hot cheeto diet my favorite yeah go on that one what how many hot cheetos do you want to buy i thought we'd be saving money with that diet all right let's go rob someone to get some money i could get a job but this will be so good in the book all right we're gonna rob a porn star oh my god all the stuff they have how did i start in the middle of their house oh there's a guitar i could steal there that's good look at that lohu it's nearly 10 grand in cash all right i can afford guitar lessons now look how happy he is good old pop will never stop i should adopt the child so they can call me pop because you know it's my name but like also i'm their pop that's an unpronounceable name yes i will adopt you i got rejected my age that's fair all right okay let's focus on our art we love guitar yeah i forgot which one we were going for there i could have just kept that guitar we stole earlier but he sold it without even asking me see when you have money life is easy keep taking guitar lessons my skill keeps just getting boosted every time let's be the world's greatest teacher look for a band or solo you know look for a band unless you want a harmonica player i guess i'll be the guitarist rage against the whole i hate that darn whole genre of worship is this like a christian rock band there's six members i'm not going for them that's too much spotlight taken away from me okay maybe i should take that i can't find anything now this is bad all right let's try as a solo artist i didn't get a call back oh god i could have been singing christian rock as we speak why did i do that no one's calling me back why is it my looks i might invest in some surgery that might be a good idea oh sorry i clicked on the wrong menu i clicked on mind and body work on self-improvement no i just want plastic surgery nose job please uh i think i'll go with jenner here oh no that's expensive cheap and cheerful it is wait i still can't afford it i'm 55 bucks short come on can you give me a discount your mother's a friend who works at palmer of famous pop star land and he can get you a job there's a construction worker all right fine but only so i can get surgery and wear a hard hat because i think the hair hat would suit me okay i didn't improve my look that much what you've been confronted by u.s authorities and are falsely being accused of the murder of a nun what i don't understand this has never happened before i guess cooperate what i'm facing the death penalty but i didn't do anything i'm only a pop star i should have joined the band why did i abandon god public defender it is i'm not guilty oh thank god i haven't fallen out guilty why did they even suspect me i didn't do anything oh what's this no why would you tell me that mom i nearly got the death penalty and this is still the worst thing i'm hearing all day oh jesus and my other mother followed it up with news of her own this is family is oversharing over time no did you just hear what my mothers are going through i don't i can't i called her a sausage jockey and she attacked me and i went depressed god 26 is a hard year but this is good motivation to write about in my band so let's just go into musician look for a band i've got a load of material to work with thank you all i've been fired inside my supervisor maybe i could post like a youtube video of me playing the guitar ah there's no option i'll go political instead oh it got zero views well good to know i'm not making an impact jesus now that i'm just like looking for bands and i have time to think i wonder who did murder that nun your mother humiliates you for not having a job well i've got plenty of ammunition to humiliate you too new sunglasses fixed my looks issue quite a bit i went for surgery before i just tried on some glasses speaking of surgery though i think i'll get some more look at that two percent that was really worth it maybe it's just guitar is the problem and not me maybe it's just you know not my strong suit i could swap to something else voice take voice lessons that didn't work it doesn't come naturally to me but i can spam that i have plenty of money somehow my voice is getting better oh no what is this oh no go to the doctor go to the doctor i don't know what it is doc it could just be from all the singing oh it's hemorrhoids okay well it could have been worse better go tell my mom about this i'll also ask her for money when i'm talking to her yay money i like how she was given out to me about not getting a job and then the first time i come to her she just gives me a ton of money now i can blame it on her for enabling me job referral no not for me i could just ask mommy for money i've been reaching out to them for 12 years you'd think they'd at least give me an audition i'm gonna continue my vocal lessons i don't know if the bear is moving anymore is the problem maybe it is i don't it's just moving so slowly i can't tell i don't have time for love i need to focus on my talent it's been 35 years and he's never dated anyone because he's obsessed with getting into a band all right that's pretty good he's very good at singing now surely someone will at least give him an audition oh you auditioned but i did terribly he said you suck wow the music business is harsh you just observed a nun call your mother weak sauce you see this is why people are out there killing you if i wasn't so focused on my music the career i would attack you but i'm having none of it that's a nun joke by the way if you didn't pick up on it i don't understand how i did so poorly if his voice skill is nearly maxed out all i know is my rainy day fund is kind of running out i really need to get some money from being a musician yes okay performance went great yes i got a job but they barely pay anything okay well i'll sign the contract anyway it's better than nothing i've asked you to get to work in a debut album yay uh oh i get to name it the album name is please buy this i'm scared pop isn't even an option all right you know what we'll go with punk and i'll take the hat off 11 tracks and my cover that can be you emerging from a bush yeah why not the lead track name is i'm desperate come on this has got to get some pity your record label alamo records has agreed to help you make please buy this i'm scared you decide that you want to put the ultimate anthem dedicated to not stressing on please buy this i'm scared you've written the lyrics and now all that's left is to come up with a title splash some caramel on me oh my god wait what how is it doing so well oh my god pity works guys please subscribe i'm scared look at this three quarters of a million oh mom is seeing none of this i'll tell you that much come on let's take off the hat it's time to show people the real rebel that's inside me oh no you've gone back to pop star here jesus you you look even younger than you did earlier how do you do it pop stare now let's see how many people have subscribed to me yo it's still not that much okay that's disappointing let me throw up a dance video and see will anyone subscribe okay i got some your mother passed away oh thank god i don't have to get those weird over share messages anymore oh and we got a big inheritance well thank you very much oh i perform a live concert i've forgotten all about one of my moms dying agree to do it i got 88 dollars i know it was for charity but like i'd rather just get nothing at that point it seems insulting oh my album just went gold excellent and i'm officially a rock star and i'm getting migraines come to the doctor oh it's the common cold okay well not so common when it's on pop stare because pop stare is famous so it's a famous cold now what can i do that'll make me more famous uh photo shoot perhaps no no one wants to no no one wants to talk to me they're commercial maybe seven grand nah i'm worth more than that write a book oh yeah i can't write all right what do i do will i make a new album walk out in your contract no jesus it's going well stage name oh i like how it suggested pop stardust it's really close to my actual name no we'll have our stage name as punk star just i want to be straightforward oh wait hold on my real name is pop star my alias is punk star my occupation is rockstar and i'm from pop starland this is getting a bit confusing i think i'll go on a world tour now they were unable to arrange it okay well i guess you know lockdowns and whatnot it's probably not easy right now oh no don't you organize crime hold on i went to that menu out of habit now go to job professional singer and let's make a new album already this album is free because then people will pick it up go to walk out the store get caught for shoplifting they'll have to buy it and then i'll get the proceeds i'm a genius pick your cover art i picked you running from the police and the good thing is we already have the image when they tried to arrest me for murder and put me on death row yeah that feels like a lifetime ago now pick your lead track name i killed the nun they can't try me now it's too long ago you decide that you want to put the ultimate breakup anthem he's never broken up with anyone how would he know we're going to call it we know where you live look at this his albums are taking off he's really good at this wait a nine year contract for 18 that's a really long contract to lock me into but then again it has gone really well you know what signed the contract i regretted turning down that christian rock band for about 20 years so probably for the best and i'm gonna go get some surgery now and i should adopt the child they wouldn't allow me earlier but now i can adopt a child or maybe even more which is the most like catchy name because that's all that i care about zoe witherspoon that's a cool name yeah you're adopted i know how so yeah all right let's go shopping and buy me a house trasher and crunk realty go there nothing says punk rock like a cape cod home buy with cash all right this should make headlines adoption i'm gonna change your name also to zoe star and then i'm gonna make a youtube video with you in it and use you as clickbait like a good parent should do oh he did a try not to laugh challenge okay he didn't use the baby then i was thinking uh how far can you throw the baby challenge or something like that i'm very good at that one look at that this album is free just went gold and caused a lot of arrests oh i forgot to get all that surgery i wanted what's the point of being famous if i can't get a load of surgery liposuction there you go get the surgery a facelift although he still looks like a teen somehow oh that helped his looks a lot though put on a live concert here we go not a charity no i don't want to do charity i want to get as many eyes as i can on in fact this calls for a single i hate charity and if you buy this you'd oh god damn it it was gonna be if you buy this you do too let's just leave it and i hate charity then the music business is all about sacrifice what'll go well with that title a graveyard with shovels yeah sure all right i hope it does well a photo shoot for it posed seductively wow look at that and people love that i hate charity as you're leaving a nightclub after a performance a woman walks up to you carrying a baby she says the baby is yours from around he's a virgin a catfish talk show fraternity test it is in the case of random child i pop star i'm not the father yep i thought so oh and my nephew bobby's been promoted to semen apprentice congratulations bobby i always knew you'd make a good semen okay that's better a concert hall let's do it yes lots of money for me i wasn't even really singing it was all lip-syncing i still made a fortune time for a new album the baby ain't mine and little did they know that whole thing publicity stunts the whole talk show and everything a monster baby is the cover head yeah go for it the title of the lead track is virginity rocks look at this it's making a [ __ ] fortune my popularity is through the [ __ ] roof it's like the most successful life i've ever had gonna renovate the home i'm gonna like post a tick tock even though i don't understand it yeah people do vlogs and tick tock right there you go while waiting at the bus stop a fan tells you that you need to keep producing music because you're the best thing that's happened since beyonce i sure hook up with him he rejected your advance a world tour yes this is what we're talking about even though all these places sound made up denver look at this the world tour makes you a ton of money pick your new album name cash grab and the rest just put it punk and yeah bananas the cover art i'm not even trying anymore lead off track can be called lead off track your record label alamo records has agreed to help you make cash crap well of course they will look at this for a cash grab it's a successful one anyway i think i should get a reward and get to adopt another child come on shaggy you're with me now your shaggy star i don't think this is right just adopting children and renaming them in fact you know what i'll take them all dwayne stare cameron stare chi-chi stare bod stare and innister all right well we have loads of kids now i don't know what to do with this i just thought it'd be funny to adopt loads of children because i can i'm rich and famous all right new album i just adopted eight kids it's a punk album and it's a crashing zeppelin for the cover art the lead track is called shaggy is the worst one look at this everyone's buying it except shaggy probably a concert yes and another world tour yes oh my god i got 12 and a half million from that when can i leave my contract i want more money aha turn down the contract nova entertainment no i want a higher than 18 turn it down why can i not just make independent music at this point do you think i'm famous enough oh my god wait i'm gonna do a commercial before i go back into the music business i'm gonna write a book as well now you see this this stealing from porn stars will go really well becoming pop star right look at that i am making cash hand over fist in fact just to relive the good old days i'm gonna go rob someone's house a local politician why not hey got your teddy bear gonna adopt another child as well just for the hell of it oh they rejected it and they didn't even give me a reason probably because i have tons of kids already all right i want a contract hardwood entertainment what can you give me 18 you know what that's a big advance and it's for one less year so sign the contract i'm in all right the new album's called i escape the death sentence and the cover arts are roach infected corpse jesus christ and the lead track is called zap zap you decided to post on facebook that the album is dedicated to chris hemsworth for some reason how was i inspired by him oh his voice yeah this very similar style and punk rock and nude photo shoot sign me up your mother's arguing how old are you and which mother are you i've lost track you're 82 and are you my biological mother or no i'll give her 10 grand that'll make her love me oh big earnings from doing a concert this record label is way better let's get a worldwide tour going shall we i earned 21 million jesus christ yeah these people are excellent can i just do like another world tour immediately i can okay yeah this is a good way of making money you think i could run for president no okay now when i'm a professional singer apparently let's see when my contract runs out i might go for it just to see like it's a popularity contest essentially i better do another campaign rally in other words a worldwide tour oh my mother passed away good now she'll stop complaining about me a new album go for it alright the album name is vote for me x-ray of your skull to show off my big brains that get picked up on an x-ray the track is called legit want to be president they're making a broken down tractor movie i want to use music for my upcoming album as the theme song okay go for it tons of money incoming my daughter oh yeah i forgot i had daughter yeah you can have tuition that's fine i don't care like i don't care about giving you the money but i also just don't care about you pick your album name help and the coverage of banana now it's like a legitimate cry for help oh no oh no no no i've lost my voice this is bad go to the doctor dr doyle you gotta help me oh thank god i'm cured another contract day turn it down dwayne sarah wants tuition nah i'm playing favorites political office president how much money do i have 60 million if i just throw like 50 million at it you weren't able to make it and they still took my 50 million i should have just taken it to the casino right what if i threw like 8 million at becoming the governor i was unable to make it okay i need a record deal fast i blew all like 70 million in one year no entertainment you'd love to have me wouldn't you sign that contract and get to work i'm broke and an abandoned home is the cover art and the track name can be i want another yacht he's not very punk anymore is he there we go okay now i'm getting money again from the world tours and the album releases wait no don't join the organized crime why do i keep doing this i do want to go to the casino though 10 million on one hand deal them 20 yes outstanding you won yay now i'll never gamble again oh yeah now people are subscribing good to see holy [ __ ] he's pulling in so much money now it's insane i don't even put any thought into it i just make whatever the studio thinks is a good idea what's the most eccentric thing you might like to do let's start my own country oh they didn't actually allow me to do it but all this money like surely i could maybe i should buy like a yacht or something that'd be cool oh a pirate ship oh i need a boating license yes i'll take the boating license what kind of boy is this rastafarian's ahead no wait um uh a uh a mooring boy for sure yes pirate ship is mine buy it with cash yes i'm eccentric floaty mcfloat face i'm probably ruining history here i made a friend i think that's his first friend is it yeah that's kind of sad he's 70 years old and he just made his first friend i have a granddaughter what well i had a granddaughter i should say okay i am ready to be released from the contract i'm going to go become president i'm an old white dude it's practically my right throw a million at it you're unable to make it why do they hate me i don't understand like throw 10 million at this what i don't under uh fine you know what i'll go to the [ __ ] casino then that's what you want isn't it i just need a quick boost of 10 million dollars deal this isn't fair hit me oh you [ __ ] no i'm not betting more what can i do with my money i'm miserable and angry i'm depressed after that's sick oh i'll go and float him a float face that'll fix it it actually did what else can i do at my old age i couldn't adopt another child i guess i'm too old but i have all the money in the world i'm rich and famous 73 is a rich man's 18. maybe some surgery would cheer me up penis enlargement perhaps yeah get the surgery oh no it's botched oh no no no sue sue him i think your damage is 150 000 and i'll get the best lawyers in town yes i won my lawsuit and my depression is cured i have so much money that like i just destroyed his business but it's probably for the best get a pet what can i get something exotic a monkey sure go for it hell raiser will be the monkey's name as an old rockstar should he date someone like super young and make it kind of weird probably 18 to 19 wealth doesn't matter there you go found a crazy person called kiana go on a date agree to a lob yeah why not no i want to be mr star forever do we get a prenup by the way you're not sharing assets oh no i wanted a prenup i should you know this is bad this is really bad in fact elijah has even unfriended me he wanted everything obviously let him go ah this is really bad news i'm losing my fame i'm getting really old and i've got a gold digger wife let us have a baby keep the baby name favorite star ah that's kind of nice except for all the other children that's really bad for that why did that no i gotta achieve it i was like why is it good that my daughter is suffering from diabetes oh no oh no chest pains oh god his life isn't gonna last is it quickly blow some money i want a boeing seven 747 i can't i don't have that money and oh i can almost afford an apache helicopter that might be nice how much do you think i can sell my pirate ship for why does no one want to buy my pirate ship floating with float face but i even reduced the price and nobody wants it what about my home sell it without asking the wife it's got nothing to do with her nobody wants it why does no one want it i'm famous they should really really really want it well actually my fame is dwindling quite a bit uh this is kind of sad he's just kind of fizzling out i did a commercial and it absolutely tanked my fame and they still don't want me to be mayor oh i became the school board director fantastic the peak of my career but seriously let me become mayor i lost it god damn it wait the wife's been cheating divorce her surely i don't have to give her anything right what what you are cheating all right well luckily i have all the money in the world still to hire a hitman to kill you they pulled off the hit using a baton good job and pay him an extra 17 grand because he's threatening to kill he's credited as an influencer now he's 88 god that cheeto diet did wonders for him i'm gonna troll benedict cumberbatch because i have nothing else to do in my old age he doesn't care i'm just trying to get attention wait while peacefully cruising in your pirate ship floating my float face across cam waters you notice the speed boat rapidly moving your direction as you attempt to outmaneuver the sudden threat it strikes your vessel and bursts into flames you call the coast guard they didn't respond my sh i died on the pirate ship are you serious what a way to go he had a hell of a life what does it say in his gravestone a diligent fellow pop's hard work paid off when he became the school board director i was joking when i said he peeked there continue as my child no no no and nothing can match that life that was amazing all right we're gonna end it there i hope you enjoyed if you did consider subscribing i would love to have you along for this journey i post every day so i hope to see you tomorrow thanks again for watching bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,919,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, bitlife challenge, bitlife funny, bitlife singer, bitlife pop star, bitlife callmekevin, bitlife famous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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