I became the worst doctor ever in Bitlife

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all right let's take a look at what's on the old youtube shall we wait what call me kevin clips this is how call me kevin treats his friend on their birthday can't tell if he's panicking or just trying to pop the bubbles i think it's the bubbles i think he just really really likes the bubbles okay that is entirely without context like the context doesn't make it any better but still i'm in danger of losing my job here i gotta come up with a backup i could be a doctor how to be a doctor how many years before you become a doctor three years followed by md program which will be for another four years i want to be a doctor now i know how to use photoshop that's it i'll just whip up a degree and no one will be any other wiser that'll do it gotta lift the parrot if i want to earn the big bucks now i just wait for the patience hey janice yes doctor kevin is there any patients to see me do we ever have any patients okay hey janice yes dr kevin you're fired [ __ ] it i'll just do it on bitlife instead all right hey there friends welcome to kevin's surgery where we're going to start a new life and we're destined to become a doctor all right first name doctor last name smart man dude yeah that'll do i think i want my person to look like this it looks like he's evil from the stash but also sad looks like he's always bringing you bad news i would hate that doctor so much he looks like he's about to break into tears just to tell you you've got a common cold my name is dr smartman dude my father is donald smartman dude a school administrator and my mother is jada smartman dude i have one older brother named zack smartman dude and we have a family cat named abby smartman dude that is a horrible name also i'm up against it here because my smarts are at three percent like i know i'm a baby but i'm still incredibly stupid my smartness is going down how can i boost this a distant relative tells you that he would like to buy you a minecraft video game for your birthday let's get creative or i'd rather play angry birds okay it's just in minecraft is for high iq individuals there we go look at that my new smarts my intelligence nearly tripled from just playing minecraft is continuing to go down why did i pick this life to be a doctor boost yes boost use the boots to get through the game of life that'll increase my smartness white kevin is the best oh no like not in a race way like just color okay fantastic my father passed away god damn it he's not happy anymore now he's just kind of smirking he's like a typical dad and then the cat died and i'm [ __ ] miserable maybe it was just the final straw i don't know but all i'm saying is dr smartman dude is very upset when the cat did not care for the dead high school begins and i'm depressed and my smarts are very low still at an all-time high but that's not saying much i told my history teacher mr dicaprio that he's fly and that removed what was left of my happiness now it is at zero sign up for youtube it might be a good backup maybe you can be a youtube doctor like you know pretending you're a doctor on youtube or something eh that sounds kind of pathetic though but still might be somewhat fulfilling it's getting too real i really need to boost my smarts if i want to be a doctor like this this is not looking good at all i must say a perfect sake i'm reading oh no i'm not my subconscious just abandoned that book i am completely opposed to uh reading but on some rare occasions it is a necessary evil so today i'm going to curl up with a good book the merriam webster dictionary all right only 3 350 pages to go um this speed thinking maybe i'll be back with you in about four months so i'll see you soon [Music] and zize a tropical beetle well i know every single word in existence now so i got that going for me which is nice wow maybe i need to sit down with the dictionary one day because that just made me incredibly intelligent that is so stupid look how miserable he is okay my depression is cured and i'm the smartest man in the universe because i read the entire dictionary you just woke up in your eyes just across you can't even open them probably dry it out from not even blinking once the past 17 days reading that dictionary i better go to the doctor i can study them in their natural habitat dr fish stupid name i'll take your job i've pink eye no all right my pink eye is gone and my smarts are off the charts i should be able to watch rick and morty with ease now before i just got confused and overwhelmed i don't understand why he's a pickle i don't get it in fact it would be a good test actually to see that it actually impacted me at all where's your grandpa right here sweetie i'm a pickle he turned himself into a pickle that is the funniest [ __ ] i've ever seen all right apply to university uh i don't really want any of these i i won't be doctor i mean i could do nursing i guess take some time off just take a year to do nothing mischief no i'm not a troublemaker i want to be a doctor if i get into mischief i might get in trouble god i sound lame right now okay what about psychology will that get me in there ask my mother to pick come on there you go oh my god my grades are amazing and i've not even done anything it would still work harder oh no my professor is flirting with me oh what do i do i flirt back do i get a good grade you're seducing me now oh no wait hold on what the [ __ ] [Laughter] what how is that all right this feels weird what is it all right you know what just keep going it's fine i'm so confused oh my god doctor smartman dude is the the smartest guy in class that was popular guy in class he's flirting with the teacher jesus christ your classmate asks you out i don't think that's a good idea i think i'd piss off the teacher you graduated an undergraduate degree in psychology what will you do now seek higher education me one medical school wait i have to pay what all right mom i know i didn't pay you back for the last money i borrowed off you but could i get you to pay for medical school you crave to pay it's like three hundred thousand dr smartman dude is having the easiest life ever you know aside from the whole cat dying thing he didn't really mind about the dad thing but the cat thing is it's pretty it's pretty bad your ex-fling samantha leaves a voicemail for singing let's get it on by marilyn gaye go see her what the hell is this he's not even studying and his grades are just top of the class oh my god will you stop it she's [ __ ] insane i'm filing a restraining order there we go it was granted i'm not surprised i got paper evidence here zach i don't want to get up to mischief all right live up to your name the great smart man dude name all right you're experiencing high fever i'm a doctor i can start this and i'm not an official doctor yet am i i'm going to dr fish dr fish sorted me out last time oh wait i have no money ah yes student debt you graduated yes look for a job all right time for my first job he's had such a blessed life what about a junior psychiatrist i don't know can i help people with their problems if i've never had a problem in my entire life okay i got hired 91 grand a year fantastic all right i actually have money and now i can go see the doctor i was like i'm fine asking my mom for 350 000 for my medical school but for 90 quid no no that's too much to ask to just go see a doctor for my favorite oh my god they're 100 infecting everything i don't understand how this person is amazing without me doing anything oh god kaylee over here is gossiping while on the clock i'm reporting her to my supervisor and i got erased this guy like he may look miserable but he's incredibly happy and he's just got everything going for him i'm amazed that he hasn't been murdered by samantha yet but we're gonna try and make uh him have a happy life with family this person already has a built-in family and only one of them are dead so that's a good sign that's only 33 of them other than that everything's in the green ask you on a date oh that's easy now i have a family sign up for twitter so i can tweet about how great my life is i got a promotion what what is going on is this what it feels like to have a good life his girlfriend asked him to marry her oh okay except all right they're engaged being a doctor is easy all right time to get married at a drive-through wedding chapel and have our honeymoon no let's not have a honeymoon actually 225 bucks that seems fair do it you're wondering if you should change your last name no i actually thought i was helping them a lot by getting them to change to my name smart men dude oh my god i actually have to give advice now one of your psychiatric clients tells you that he's cheated on his wife what will you do divorce i don't know oh my god kaylee will you [ __ ] off i can't focus on my work because kaylee is incessantly shouting out profanities like are you a psychiatrist too what is your job all right i have to do something it has fallen on my shoulders how do i hire a hitman where are you where's kaylee why are you not showing up on the list you are the most deserving of being murdered she's a senior psychiatrist too why why do you have so much of an issue with me ask her out oh she rejected me because she's married let's try to ruin her marriage now at this point give her a gift a home gym just to be like look how nice i am but actually it's kind of an insult gotta get her to like me so i can kill her oh god damn and i started just kind of clicking things and now hr isn't uh starting investigation because i tried to give my coworker a mountain lion skin oops i'm gonna buy her a hot dog machine hey jar is launching another investigation so i just wanted to give her a hot dog machine i had an extra one wait my wife wants a divorce you better have more money than me right now i owe her i owe you this is ridiculous we should have signed a prenup my happiness is ruined i'm going to arrange to have her killed uh 18 grand that's grand that's grand goddard using a sawed-off shotgun great job oh you want another 18 grand short jab of the hot will leave me alone kaylee what do you want now you just held yourself to a huge handful of candy that you found in the break room which turned out to be a unique mix of blah blah blah that your co-worker kaley made what will you do i can rumble with her i honestly hate this woman uppercut her lip there we go that's the damage that's tons of damage we needed that honestly life is [ __ ] they took everything from me wait is kaylee gone oh my god i think they actually fired kaylee this is amazing news this is fantastic he has too much money doesn't know what to do with it focused on his career so much he's no family no one that cares about him only people who did care about him cared about him in a negative way just hit up the casino i would like to bet 250 000 17 oh no that's not good but i'll stand well [ __ ] why am i getting horrible cards hit me i hate everything i hate everything i hate it i hate it i hate it i have zero percent happiness oh can i get see a psychiatrist myself i'm miserable i've been invited to be a nude iron model sure put on the birthday suit he's looking pretty good so yeah that'll boost the confidence that helped a bit the only thing that held my happiness was being naked get a pet maybe an exotic pet mister oh mr monkey yeah well bye mr monkey that's love i was wondering for a second it's a city were the owner of a squirrel and i was like that was definitely not a squirrel i'm gonna call it cat well samantha is now a widow and the restraining order is inactive now so maybe i mean it might be a last resort for happiness i sent her flowers and she uh got a restraining order against me okay tear it up tear it up that's fine you wanted to ruin my early years i'll ruin your later years stalk you went through the trash in the dumpster good lord meanwhile i'm getting a massive wage increase in my senior psychiatrist role oh i'm going to targe autos i'm going to buy a car from turg uh austinman vanquish yes anything to make me feel alive again the monkey came into the house with mud all over him so i'm rewarding him and the sentence is so confusing you rewarded your squirrel monkey cat who with a hard-boiled egg you just put on brad paisley and your squirrel monkey cat started howling reward him some almonds fantastic i sent samantha a fire stick this is a weird gift maybe i should do more stalking to learn more about her you asked your ex flinks amanda for a second chance 29 times right here off to discuss what happens when we die and she's like 84. what my squirrel monkey cat died at the age of 11 he was electrocuted after chewing through an electrical cord what it's as if i was a terrible owner or something they won't let me adopt a child now well give me one good reason that's it i'm taking out my frustration of the casino deal i'm 21 there you go i'm still an overall loser but i'll take the dopamines thank you oh samantha died fantastic oh my god he's starting a rumor that i have problems with my bowels start a rumor about him he steals gorgeous food out of the refrigerator he reported me all right i'll take that as a victory and now i'm gonna arrange to have you killed because frankly i have nothing to lose look at dr smartman dude he looks so vacant behind the eyes of his name again okay i can't remember his name uh walt look i'll take out one of my co-workers there we go i got away with it poor walt oh zach died typical zack always getting up to mischief wait what i found a primate while walking in the cemetery is this just at my brother's funeral take him home keep it as a pet i'm gonna call you a dog everyone i know has died except for my dog monkey oh sorry my monkey dog oh the casino offered me a swede if i go back and play yes i'm gonna die anyway bet 750 thousand deal them this is what i'm going gonna make it all about why do i keep getting 12s and stuff like that hit me [ __ ] off actually go [ __ ] yourself retirement look at that pension 150 grand a year retire and take pension who are you i don't remember you at all let's start dating she agreed to start dating you maybe it's not too late maybe you can find happiness um what is this sentence um i'm gonna asked you to marry her at the airport except let's get married immediately quickly quickly i don't have much time we're going to a country club and we'll have our honeymoon in st patrick's festival ireland that's weird or what about a boat yes let's buy like the most expensive boat uh i'm gonna have to go back to the casino i'll be right back one million deal them okay not great that is not what i want hit me okay not great that is not what i want hey dave is six they'll have to hit on six and then they'll boss they'll boss i'll stand you didn't bust i hate you with burning passion oh [ __ ] hit me okay stand yes they bossed okay i just gotta win the next hand a million nine they got a ten hit me hit me oh god damn it all right a million again i want that boat to stand on 16. they got 21. well um i'll just i'll leave don't argue with me all right i had nothing else to spend my money on anyway the wife passed away after a stroke [Music] stop [ __ ] calling me my wife literally just died probably as a result of my gambling and you're inviting me back you know what sure let's go 1 million yeah go into debt on this last chance saloon here sweet bejesus they get lucky every single time you let me go more i've lost three million in my lifetime i would have been able to afford that yacht if i just stayed away from the casino deal them i do not care anymore what are you gonna do to me there you go you bust you bust wished wished that means waiting irish sorry i'm getting excited one more win i don't even need it all i can go 500 000 and that'll be enough for my my yacht i think 21. oh my god i get extra for that as well don't i no that is a stupid casino you should get extra for blackjack that's what the wife would have wanted me to go back to the casino and earn enough to buy that yacht what do you mean you don't sell the yacht anymore cruising yacht it's back in stock what's the name of the boat a sinking feeling [Music] it can't fit in so it's just a sinking field i guess i can get rid of this can i sinking feeling sink and feeling that'll do do i literally know anyone no everyone i know or knew is dead oh okay uh i don't suppose there's still a chance for love she died immediately i've been feeling so down lately that it's starting to make me feel even more depressed meanwhile his happiness is at a hundred what does a 105 year old even do like my diarrhea is cured thank goodness but i got nothing else going on i have only one friend left apparently i don't even know who this person is but maybe look for a hit man just so they won't be depressed when i finally die all right pull off the hit on my best friend jermaine using your bazooka although the germain is taken care of i guess i can die now i'm 109 and i am showing no signs of slowing down for some reason jesus it keeps going okay there you go 119 years old he died at jesus christ i think that's the first time i got that badge the academic but that was fun i hope you enjoyed my life as a doctor i don't need this to show that there's nothing going on up there this video just proves it uh but yeah i hope you enjoyed if you're new subscribe check out some more of my stuff and i hope to see in the next video bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,412,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, bitlife, bitlife doctor, bitlife callmekevin, bitlife ep.1, bitlife game, bitlife lets play, bitlife crime, bitlife kevin, bitlife challenge
Id: 5_apDE0wUH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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