I joined a horrible $1,000,000 multiplayer reality show

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing big brother the game i've never had a brother never mind a big brother and frankly maybe it would have been better off if i didn't get this big brother either even when i installed it my pc was like are you sure i don't recognize this i think it's a virus and i had to go into the advanced options and say yeah just just install it my pc was like all right i mean you have all those games over on steam but if you insist all right i won't stop you even looking at it now i think my brain is identifying it as a virus but you know what let's jump in and see what this virus has to show just how i deal with pain now oh my god that's terrifying that is absolutely terrifying i don't even want to customize him he's just so scary and i haven't done anything oh my god no it gets worse what do you mean fellow kids no it's not a wig honestly he looks like he could be a human chimney sweep why would they even include these like why not just leave it at once like this and stuff i know they're still terrifying but at least they somewhat look like hair whereas this is just ridiculous i'm going with this there we go a proportional human that's that's what i'm looking for is massive oh my god he's he's the villain in like a 90s rpg or something it's just horrible don't make that kissing noise when i'm working on this please please don't do it wait you can equip more than one makeup at a time all right there he is i think he's finally done i really like him he's really cool how his arms nearly the whole length of his body how can we get emotes thank goodness whatever that is oh my god that's so uncomfortable all right this is the photo booth paul's butt okay yeah there we go error there is none post dramatic landing all right i'm gonna go with star jump yeah i think that's our photo thank you oh wait we can change the expression oh blow kiss perfect select image size yeah twitter please i need this is my banner that's great thanks for putting your logo across it too that'll look lovely on the twitter feed also for some reason the big brother game twitter follows me so they'll just be delighted to see it all right finally we're in the first season of big brother the game for those of you that don't know by the way i should probably add a bit of context this game is basically based on a game show that's super popular in the uk i don't know if it's popular in the us i don't know if you even have it but it's just locking like 10 or 12 people inside a house and the whole thing is made into a tv show it's kind of dumb tv but i'm sure it'll make a dumb game who is this one wait what who is that why are they all disappearing stop this madness what is going on i'm getting some weird sideways and what is this the first ever mobile reality tv game with a grand prize of up to one million dollars in real cash real money hold on hold on a second can i win real money here because if so i am all in enter text what's my name i'm going to call him little leg leon because he's very little legs and well leon just kind of rolls off the tongue it's your email address i really don't want to do that i don't want to give you my email none at fake.com will that work little ugly i'm in a cursive that looks awful okay how do i get into an actual house choose a flag for your contestant is this the antarctic i don't know what flag that is but i'm going with that i've selected it now what do i do i have to scroll all the way down this game is so confusing just to be clear like this this isn't me playing a mobile game on pc or anything this is a game for windows i don't understand what i have to do do i have to hit some key or something can you give me some instructions i'm stuck here just staring at the fecker i think i might have to restart and i'm just scared what if i lose little leg leon all right i guess we have to chance it yes okay it worked this time what would you do if your friend was upset console them try to cheer them up look for solutions to their problems solve the problem where's kill at least give me an option to awkwardly pat them on the shoulder and go there there what is your occupation youtube man youtuber man even better big brother has determined that your personality type is the commander okay fine i don't think that's a personality type but fair enough after all this like this has been how long 20 minutes of just crashing freezing and creating and now they're like oh by the way you have to pay to play no wonder the creator is so long you're in too deep at this point all right fine i'll buy a token for five dollars i hate you guys not you you're great i mean the big brother guys okay thank god that that worked i was really concerned it was going to take my five dollars and then send my codes or tokens to none fake.com which would have been really upsetting housekeep selection process underway big brother will inform you when your house is ready to play wait a second this requires other people also willing to pay to play it and are queuing right now this could take hours i'm just gonna be sitting here well i got accepted into the house i found some housemates and no i'm not trolling you it's night time now it was about 13 hours ago and i started queuing and uh well we're good to go that's what i love about games you know you just got like 13 hours to fill so you pick up your phone hop into a mobile game and time flies like that alexa turn on studio lights okay lights back on i mean i may have been a bit dramatic turning off the lights just because it's night time but i wanted you to realize that it is in fact night time i got so desperate i pm them hello big brother the game i am after paying my five dollars and i've been stuck on standby house guest selection process underway all day i assumed i'm going to win the big million so i accepted the temporary 5 loss but i can't win if i can't play how long does it take to find other house guests and then they wanted my character a name and email but i i didn't realize they dm me and you didn't even see it yesterday 4 30 p.m it's 1am now all right let's see what the house is like don't wink at me you [ __ ] scammed me oh here we go this is much better yeah now this is upbeat and jazzy and it just feels great who are my housemates oh my god you can see my face it's terrifying all right here we go wait whose leg do you have your hand on there leon i even forgot his name all right welcome to the big brother house the first thing to do is to claim a bed in a wardrobe as your own you're forcing me to pick this one and this is the one right underneath the camera that's swiveling all over the place it's going to keep me away all right this is one of my other housemates brinty spears fast and furious h0 right there's a competition every day to become head of house and he can't be voted off no one is online he's already made friends with this person they've actually morphed into one being now they've become so close this person i just missed by 11 minutes this person hasn't been on for two days which is bizarre because i didn't even know the game existed two days ago so how were you in the house if you've not been online for two days was he waiting two days to get in the house hey everyone nice to be in here any virgins in the house or what oh okay wait they they mean like first time players okay newbie signed up because someone was being racist to my friend so i went to defend her on the live chat and now i'm here i'm new but i've been reading stuff about the game i'm ready to do my best but also want to have fun with you guys it's not big brother without some drama smile smile pray all right i'm just going to give them a yawn that's all i'm going to contribute wait what the hell what did leon just do how do i do that challenge thing i want to be the head of the house anytime 11 50 to 151 so i have to do that in the morning oh my god this game is going to take weeks to complete arcade game all right let's play this game instead ah damn this is a good one huh oh my god it's it's getting faster oh sweet jesus oh no oh no it's getting really fast now i don't like this at all actually this is kind of stressing me out the snakes and floaters is over i did i got 38 is that good i think i've got the high score no one likes it when one person is clearly superior to the rest of the other housemates all right today's quiz is what is your queen song your result is we are the champions fantastically generic thank you very much for that i just thought we are the champions and what is your queen why did you put that in the chat now they think i'm lame all right i should at least try to be likable so i don't get voted out lol that is so me hey bb fans i am from ireland hope you had a good first day can't wait for tomorrow to get to know you all seems like an amazing group oh wait i can do a voice message good night everyone sleep really nicely good night everyone sleep really nicely all right and i'll share this image of vin diesel saying happy halloween just so you're aware this is a recent video like this is the start of december start dancing five minutes reward eight i don't even have five minutes to spare on this thing i wanna go to bed how about you go to bed too huh oh santa's little helper reject um can i like just work out or something to get some skill points all right he's gonna work out for an hour now just constant bench pressing for an entire hour and no breaks judging off the speed he's going that's gotta be like what 20 a minute maybe even 30 a minute we'll we'll say 30 because he's going pretty quick okay so that's 30 a minute 60 minutes so we'll multiply 60 by three and then by adding on another zero and you get 1800 reps all right well good luck with that i'm going to bed i guess i'll see you tomorrow i'm going to be playing more of this glorious game hello it's tomorrow and what a better way to start your day than some vin diesel happy halloween that is an awesome pick big vin fan two good luck in the competition game on i did it it was horrific bloodbat like two correct i got one okay this is my moment what are you doing leon all right let's do that quiz how do we do it here we go can i just google the answers you have 15 seconds to answer each question good luck i'm ready to cheat the majority of yellowstone national park is in which u.s state yellowstone national park where is it where is it montana oh no it's wyoming i read it wrong it's parrots in montana how tall is the statue of liberty statue of liberty heights come on 93 93 there we go i love cheating going to be head of houses just sitting there idle which of these countries isn't a current member of the british commonwealth british commonwealth okay wait why am i doing this it's ireland why am i googling things that i know i'm just not even engaging my brain where is the luber museum the luffer museum i feel like i'm getting easy enough once but i'm still cheating anyway that was all that was all i got one wrong hopefully no one can cheat better than i can when do i understand who the head of house reveal is oh my god it's in like 15 minutes fantastic all right i better stay engaged in the chat i want people to like me since they liked my earlier vin diesel image i'm going to send them this one it's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting there we go good afternoon everyone good luck on the quiz i think i did okay in quote i don't know why that's in quote all right now just start chore sunbathing swipe to speed up i'm on windows oh congratulations leon oh oh i just logged back in and they said that oh fantastic do i do i get to vote someone out now oh look at this he's he wants to work on something with me he's like this guy's smart he knows how to cheat real good congratulations leon thank you but please look at the above picture when you get a chance and let me know what you think all right and i'll respond to finn okay finn what would you like to collab on i'm not sure what he wants to work together i don't really understand the game oh he just came online yes wait i just realized something he called me l3 is that because i'm little leg leon he's calling me el trina oh my god finn is scheming well while it might seem better to get rid of the least active it might be better to get rid of someone who is active and not talking all right let's nominate someone why does he spread his legs like that stop it pick four of your housemates to be have not what is a have not all right fine these are have-nots what does that mean interesting choice is it nominate two of your housemates for eviction all right i'm gonna nominate the only people talking and it's finn and britney they're gonna be pissed off oh my god it won't be for an hour until they're revealed i won't even be here all right i guess we're waiting for the vote until this evening oh everyone's gonna be so angry at me all right the verdict is in let's see just oh face i'm feeling it good luck just play stupid it's just be like i'm sorry everyone i'm a little confused how the voting worked and why i had to do it what do we got here oh danielle this was like before i submitted the votes they're like oh hey sweetheart i see you one head of house are you really from ireland are you just trying to be adorable we can backdoor someone then who you think what what does that mean hello danielle i am 100 irish yes i don't really understand your plan oh but i am on board this game seems so manipulative like they're all talking to me but it's just so that they can get on my site to win they don't want to actually be my friend or talk about vin diesel i'm dancing on somebody's ashes who died all right so i just wait now until someone gets voted off i guess i can't believe the recording i'm putting the most time into in a while is big brother the game [Music] it must really feel like i'm just doing some sort of quick change act it's the next day and we're here in the big brother house i'm actually so relieved i know this sounds stupid but i'm so glad the two that were talking it didn't get voted out it was someone else that i don't know don't zoom in on him like that zarz x i was voted out and i'm actually really relieved because i did actually feel bad last night i felt bad about putting them up for vote i don't think they deserved it all right i said hello everyone i'm so glad you didn't get voted out i got very confused with the voting system and i better send them a picture too there we go good morning vin diesel love meme generator i appreciate they're trying to get me immersed but the sounds of constant dishes is really annoying oh this is the person that messaged yesterday so me you and brittany will watch out for each other and go final three together because then it gets a spectator vote and two of us go through the next house they don't tell you that but i did a house already and got evicted i have no idea what they're talking about i'm just gonna say rock on all right so as you can see by leon's face we didn't get voted out yesterday which is just nice i said hello everyone just wanted to thank you for not voting me out i appreciate it i will find a real nice vin diesel pick for you all give me a sec here's one where he has hair i'm in love they love that but now we gotta do that quiz again where i'm naturally going to cheat and hopefully get a head of house again and i can pick look at how mischievous he looks he's up to something his little face what is the national sport of brazil well it's football i think that's an easy enough one to know to be fair you got it wrong i'm never not cheating again what is clamping it's glamorous camping i don't like that that's the one that i know what is the capital of scotland scotland oh my god i lived in scotland it's edinburgh isn't it you are correct i think i did pretty well there i got like five out of seven was a six out of seven i don't know i mean i was cheating at the same time but that's just part of the game isn't it like i find it hard to believe that the other people are cheating too right does that make it okay congratulations leon well looks like i've won time to nominate people so finn here wants to be nominated with danielle i don't really understand his strategy i think he just wants danielle gone and i think he reckons he can get enough support to do that danielle is also trying to be an ally of me so i'm just gonna go along with it and pit them against each other okay so finn and danielle are going up [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen it's like day four i don't know i've lost all sense of time in this bloody house so i won the quiz and i nominated um uh danielle and finn like he asked me and then just said hello everyone gamer time has vin diesel said the box stops here so hopefully you both get to stay today but he's like i missed the veto hello finn i was just talking about vin diesel how are you also who will i vote out please don't affect me okay finn thanks i've been very pleasant i think the biggest vin fan here ah that would have been a good username pleasant pheasant i might make another account one of these days i don't really like that username idea okay finn have fun finn i won't vote you out and well the other person got voted out and then aussie girl won the new one because i can't win it twice in a row and has put up finn and herself i think she said she forgot to nominate so i guess it just auto-picked oh brinty reached out to me as well there's a lot of drama going on behind the scenes here hello brinty how are you i am very good anyway so all is well finn asked us to save him so we should do that i'm good thanks hope you're okay and okay i will vote thanks brinty i'm very good too hope you had good too he'll just go around in circles in fact let me just put another message in here and say please answer but here's where it gets weird because yesterday i i hopped on to see what had happened and i wasn't recording unfortunately but i got like this alert on my screen and i received 100 bb cash from danny thurston don't tell them my username but britney spears is a player who is waiting to go into tier three she go on chats and accuse people of being just cut off it just says accuse people of being so naturally as he said don't disclose his username i'm immediately addressing it hello brindy who is danny thurston and i already got on to finn this morning saying finn we need to vote out brinty i got a gift of coins and the person said she accuses people of being she has to go he was in my friend's house and i voted to a victim he keeps sending me loads of grief oh no he has gifted me some bb cash and accused you of accusing people of being we need to be careful of him they're gonna think i just like don't speak english or something let's just put it in the public chat as well okay guys danny thurston is trouble if anyone got message from danny thurston just let me know by pm'ing me i will protect us brinty has given out to him hey danny i see you wasting coins gifting my housemate messages no one likes a troll so keep going as the great vin diesel says i hate danny thurston he says that all the time it's like his catchphrase i remember him saying it in the fast and the furious movies ha ha we love vin if you love vin imagine two extra letters yeah kevin this is a thin house so don't mess with us and then i just take this danny t and send a picture of vin diesel with his arms crossed the finish is coming in like i'm so out of the loop who is danny a grade a plus creep leave brinty alone okay i think little like leon has formulated a game plan one part of it should really be cleaning up these ashes i don't understand are they on the previous housemates or something that ash pile aside i think finn and brinty should win it they've been the most active i have definitely cheated so i don't feel like i deserve it and i think it means more to them so i told brenty i'd like to help her win she was saying i want to win with you and i just said finn wants it more than me i think you and him should go forward and he said oh why don't we try for final three us three we're the most active anyway and i said okay that sounds nice so i told finn what's happening and hopefully he's on board i don't see why he wouldn't be so i think how it works is three of us will get to the final three and then two of us can go through to the next stage so we want the three of us to get the final stage and then i will gracefully i don't know bow out or just not vote i don't really know what happened to that point look i didn't think i'd even get this far but i guess we'll have to come back tomorrow for an update this is turning into a really long project well time to go to sleep see you soon okay emergency meeting i got voted out for some reason i don't even understand how i just logged in to see what happened and i'm gone were you surprised to be evicted at this stage well i don't understand what happened to be honest how much big brother have you watched none at all i don't understand what happened how would you describe the other people in this house scheming i tried to let them win describe the strategy you used in this house definitely other what do you think is the key to winning the game well i don't know i didn't win did i ask them i got a message from danny thurston and telling me to add him on facebook i don't understand anything that happened here so it turns out finn won the veto competition and then it defaulted to me being put up for nomination oh for god's sake i was evicted with one vote i didn't log in and i guess no one else cared enough to save me after just saying i'd let them win i just sent angry emojis now they're going across the screen okay i've canned down now it's been a few days it took a few tantrums but i'm over it uh it turns out that finn ended up winning along with tishi and i don't think she even said a word the whole competition how does that work all right well finn and tishi best of luck in winning up to 1 million dollars i hope you enjoyed my big brother experience if you want to see more let me know i mean i have two more tokens i could go back in maybe next time i should just not say anything no no the vin diesel pictures were we're winning them over all right i hope you enjoyed i appreciate you watching if you like my stuff be sure to subscribe hit like if you enjoyed and that's about it appreciate you as always and hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,238,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, big brother, big brother mobile game, big brother game, big brother mobile, game show mobile, mobile game show, mobile multiplayer big brother, big brother multiplayer, callmekevin big brother, big brother lets play, big brother gameplay, big brother pc game
Id: F0addj0RWn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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