The Sims game guide is a disaster

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hey there friends how's it going so i have a bit of a different video for you here i need to give you a bit of info and this is important so pay attention and it's worth it so picture this me but smaller no not like that like a child i loved the sims one i saw it at a friend's house instantly fell in love i had to have it we had windows 98 at home i bought that bad boy stuck it in had the time of my life shortly afterwards the sims 2 releases and boy can you imagine how excited i was and despite our computer only being able to handle one expansion at a time with the sims one i never thought that maybe just maybe it wouldn't work but then my parents had committed to buying a new pc so i bought the game and they said in just a few months time you'll be able to play it i needed this game how about the game guide i kid you not it is probably my most read book outside of maybe harry potter when i was a kid i knew everything there was to know about the sims and i could not wait to play it and with my near infinite knowledge i booted up that game made myself a sim and got to playing my sim started a family had a kid was so stressed out from having the kid that he got overworked and literally starved to death from the stress that that baby put on our family but now i want to know was it me or the guide so we're going to play sims 2 using the guide as a reference on how to play today okay so i already have my first sims so i guess we'll buy and furnish a home i'm moving in right next door to my old house that i've completely ruined and left bigfoot to care for my unwanted children and no i won't elaborate on that i've incriminated myself enough thank you very much look at that mess next door the mess i created and just abandoned uh they didn't give me a fridge or well much of anything okay it's got a list of things that i should buy but i think fridge should be at the top cooking begins with the refrigerator so put it on one end of the kitchen furthest away from the dining area okay gotta delete a door but sure there it is i love refrigerators okay he wants me to buy five of these counters but i already have some counters so it's it's kind of mixing and matching here and i put the dining table even further away because it seems so insistent on having the fridge far away i don't know why it specifies like the type of table like this would do perfectly fine for an alarm clock but it wants me to get this one specifically it also makes it really hard to navigate the menus looking for very specific items may as well buy the kitchen accessories and appliances since i have so much counter space i might be taking this a little too literally oh that's a neat trick it's telling me to buy the computer and return it after i get a job that's a bit scummy i like it i don't like that placement though chapter 11 social interactions i feel like i could use this in real life but i think i skipped too many pages by accident oh i'm getting ptsd from this part of the guide i remember studying this okay politics seems like a good one for him to go into do we have politics here on this computer law no oceanography no i live in the desert culinary no i want to be a politician there are no more jobs this computer's broken okay we'll do business there seems to be a lot of money in business so let's do that okay his aspiration is grilled cheese can i get that changed because the game guy doesn't really teach you about that one okay here we go reprogram stuff this should be fine i guess the romance one because that's one i don't know a lot about um what's he into uh plants why not i don't know that's gonna make it harder isn't it i should make it a bit easier what's the most generic thing i guess let's just say blonde hair it's easy to to figure out right and the other one can just be unemployed i love it when people don't have jobs my turn off is robots no robots please there we go you're no longer obsessed with grilled cheese okay once chapter eight can i click on it oh my god i love techno no actually wait no that just went to the next page i thought it was bringing me to the right page okay well it's a pretty core aspect of the sims 2 because they go kind of insane if you don't look after them aha romance preferred career slacker oh i've picked the wrong one i went into business the love tub makes courting several sims much easier okay i guess that's what i need then outgoing and nice okay let's see if he's outgoing or nice he's not nice and he's not really outgoing okay off to a fantastic start where is the love top show me the love top is it here where is it give it to me why do i have to google like i bought the [ __ ] guide just tell me how to get it okay it's an aspirational item how much does it cost though because i i have a lot oh i can afford it fantastic i where will it um you know what that's fine do i know any blonde people oh look at that gary perfect he's not home god damn it probably because i abandoned him with that alien child i'll just enjoy the love top by myself i guess i'm gonna lock that woohoo goal he wants to meet someone new um okay i won't go next door anyway you can see the gravestone in the yard and it's just bigfoot and some cats okay let's throw a house party or in fact let's throw a new year's bash even though it's not new years i guess bigfoot can come over just so that they can kiss and stuff get ready for a party at eight tonight okay oh blonde dude yes this game is easy i love this guide it's helping me out so much joy no he went straight in didn't even speak to me and went right into the love tub this is how you get murdered buddy boy he looks so pissed off like how dare you join me in your love tub hey god you're getting the water all over my kitchen counters that extend well beyond the kitchen well let's cuddle instead i just met this dude i'm a romantic and the guide said this is easy no all right okay i think he's explaining to me that he was cheated on and i think that's my guy's way of saying you're being dramatic okay they're they're getting to like each other i'm just gonna continue speeding up seeing all the splashes there that's great you like that okay he's had enough of being splashed my floorboards are gonna be so warped look at that flirting he's getting points excellent all of a sudden he wants to buy a double bed but the guy told me to buy twin beds even though i only have one sim why are you watching me on the toilet we have grown far too close for people who have just met no he's juggling my coffee cups this guy's great can you move in flat oh for you i have to leave you know it's my house i didn't even have to wash my hands is there any guide on parties because i don't actually know what i have to do i should consult the guide maybe under chapter 11 social interactions this is such a thick book like it's 369 pages it actually gives you the breakdown of every single social interaction like the good and bad and what you need to pull it off parties yes even i don't know why this is under family life i think they just had to pad out the chapter party decorations are not required but they do enhance environment score okay i'll buy some of that remember all non-food items can be purchased for a party in return for a full refund okay hot tub good uh should i get a bear maybe parties are scored based on the amount of socializing okay so i need to get them socializing so i'm gonna buy a speaker for some party music i mean it's new years kind of darts that's cheap and fun we'll put that in the bedroom i guess that you have to walk through the bathroom to get to um fireworks i guess probably a bad idea but there you go i'll buy a birthday cake just for like ambience there's some balloons i guess and there's the bear in the bedroom i suppose all right we're ready to party this is going to be a hell of a parody god the sims 2 music was something else wasn't it it's just popping off he goes back in the love tub as soon as i leave that's it i'm coming in oh he's getting out come back oh you just wanted to set the mood in the most non-romantic way impossible this is chaos the parody hasn't even begun answer the phone god damn it you are simply the sim i've met in ages you must not get out and he wants to hang out no you're not blonde sorry hey buddy he keeps getting out every time i get in he's leaving all right the party should be starting anyway i don't need you stop going insane it's okay i'm gonna feed you now we're gonna serve salmon that's my new year's dish there we go salmon for everyone come on in everybody [Music] what where's everyone else i just got three blonde dudes showing up all right everyone get in the tub now wait who's this other blonde person how did you get in did you come in the back door someone popped the [ __ ] in balloons can i send them back color clusters are fun can't delete object god damn it all right let's just put it outside that's the environment's problem now it's pissing people off with this pen you know i actually feel a little bit out of place all of a sudden one second all right much better hey what's up fellow blonde bros what's going on you want to talk about blonde stuff stop splashing them all dude that's his only way that he knows how to socialize he's getting angry like he's an evil mustache he's not gonna like that hold on i don't understand everybody wants to step on the little guy huh well too bad for you call me kevin i work in the home furnishings warehouse and i'm gonna make sure your household pays top dollar from now on why i invited you to my home be shoved yeah i didn't even shove him there's nothing in the guide about this it's gone to not bad oh no it's never mind okay no one's appreciating my um whatever this is the sparkler is that it well i'm hopping in let's see if you appreciate my sprinkler and by that i mean i peed in the hot tub this bad boy isn't even normally heated right who actually likes me gary all right let's let's have a bit of a cuddle gary we need to amp up this party and there he goes immediately all right call to meal guests come on it's salmon time who the hell are you oh the sims 2 is wild what okay i'll um it's now baby that means it's the new year i think this guy's having a traumatic episode this party has not gone well so does that mean i have to pay extra for every house furnishing i let it go past midnight god damn it i can't return the bear for the same cost even the cakes cost a dollar more for some reason this guy has the hookups all over town where he can individually target me where the hell is gary it doesn't make it easy when they all look the [ __ ] same i think that's scary wait hold on i i need a double bed i need to woohoo now i can't fit the bar in the house why do i have so many counters as if the counters have the problem here oh i could sleep in a race car i know i need to woohoo i need to be an adult all right um now that we've both had loads of salmon just suck face come out i'm ready looks like he's kissing himself they look the same oh oh now they're doing the suck face oh they hit each other oh my god all right they're going to town why is the woohoo option not there there's two seconds left in the party that's more than enough time final party score good time oh thank you guys you helped me everyone has left he's just going to sleep with the music blasting anyway that food's still good right i just made it there's no way there'd be flies on in the space of 12 hours his fear is there burn food and get engaged to gary oh another blonde person he only hangs out with blonde people for some reason okay you know what that went excellently last night so i think i will throw another new year's bash tonight and invite even more blonde people oh there's an opportunity for some insider trading here and a career pop-up let's consult the guide oh my god the getting into private school section i remember the guide being actually really helpful for that it was super difficult penalties for wrong answers range from the loss of a skill point to a one level demotion that's fine wait i tap back in the opportunity was gone damn you game guys you've sabotaged me again the only thing that could cheer me up is out of place christmas music oh for lucky me here look what i found also i just realized this thing is sparking on the edge of my lot i don't know what it's doing i got sick with a cold well nothing's stopping my party unless of course the guide has like a warning against it uh chapter 16. this is just every object in the game they're listening this is so misleading you think you're getting a chunky book of tips you're getting an arrogance catalog it's highly contagious it said if untreated becomes pneumonia well you know what the heat of the hot tub will kill that right off i assume they just didn't have enough space they wanted to include every bi object so they couldn't include that small little fact bigfoot is calling oh no hang up i i've moved i'm two different countries sorry reception is poor i gotta go he's like i can hear your christmas music over the phone and next door [Music] he's coughing away don't cough when you're on the phone inviting them to this amazing new year's bash oh wait no i i shouldn't avoid troy he's the fella who blacklisted my household so all furniture objects are more expensive all right get over here everyone i've got party fever or maybe just fever i don't know i'm gonna make santa cookies for everyone oh my god he's freaking out what what are you doing oh my god how depressing that is so sad dude no one's gonna like my party what's that choking sound off [ __ ] hell he's trying to eat the cookies this guy's got the right idea he just went for chips [Music] oh god he's dying over there quite get in the bed it's woohoo time oh my god why are there so many options in the social menu just there we go join the music and everything he's in a suit wait no don't stand up you egypt you wear a romance sim no he's about to start sneezing and coughing all over gary stop fluffing the pillow just sit down okay woohoo call me kevin is losing enthusiasm about music and dance i wonder why he only listens to christmas music this was always a strange one to me that the cutscenes play like it was kind of unique it was cool but it's just an odd one look at them they're identical except the other guy's melting a bit have two lovers at once lock that wake up dude there's no way you're sleeping through that music get in the top trent be friends with trent is a want okay uh locked door allow me only just so that he can't get jealous because honestly i'm not going to be able to tell who's who you all look the same they're having a great time like they're actually partying probably because they weren't here at the previous new year's bash excellent we're all here to witness and turn into a baby again well except gary he's uh stuck but he's happy maybe he should give up on um trent over here he just even though it's not too bad 45 and 16 maybe let's try giving him a hug no god damn it all right fine whatever you come back okay she's more cooperative great hey trent you jealous me and uh caitlyn gross kaitlyn goss over here are best friends now wait what does this mean there's an x through the chemistry a game guide help me okay i'm sure it's somewhere in this sims bible of a book but i can't find it like i would think it's under romantic interactions but i don't see it terrific party your guests had a fantastic time final party school not bad oh my god everyone's gonna be infected what's he running after jesus he wants to wolf whistle as her as she leaves how obnoxious he didn't even get to do it he just awkwardly followed behind and she didn't notice him oh yeah sorry gary he left him locked in the room until 2am the good news is i followed the guide and got my charisma skill up so that i can get a promotion tomorrow i can't wait to be faced with another decision and he just freezes for 10 minutes while i consult the guide and does nothing he's healthy again how he's been working himself to the bone he's going off to work now he was dying sick i guess it's just the christmas spirit all right he wants to ask a sim on a date how do i even go about doing that oh my god where is it i want to learn about dating so i've come to the sims 2 official game guide wait you can search the pdf and there's nothing about dating well this is useless oh i got a promotion excellent that's that's good all right ask out on date i'm going blind here who likes him most it's trentar now trent wasn't cooperative let's go with mrs gross no i don't think so oh god damn it all right call trent back all right just bait him with the hot tub don't even tell him it's a date crypto nightclub yeah let's go there he keeps just fearing getting engaged to gary that is his biggest fear all the time wait a second aren't you the woman that takes me to work are you a taxi driver and an uber driver are you even alive you look kind of dead inside wait he likes her i don't even understand what does he like about her if oh she's unemployed oh she's also unimpressed you ever see a guy do this be poked oh no don't don't don't be poked it's too soon we haven't even had a date yet speaking of date where is his date he's just out here dancing as this woman waits to poke him stop trying to poke me i don't think trent is showing up i've been here a while now uh gary what are you doing out here having dinner with another man he's just staring at them waiting no i think that's you not him i just realized it looks like i have no eyebrows why is there no game guide for this i'm here trying to be on a date and i don't know what to do his date didn't show up his previous love interest is dating another guy and the other one he was interested in chef food over here is also on a date and i'm just standing out here staring at them all having a good time no wonder my sib died when i followed this guy why are they all doing this stop doing this that's it he's done all right no come back come back i'm going to ruin your date there we go no no come over here yes yes he's on the way he's on the way come over here keep kissing yes you were just friends weren't you there's no cut scene for this one everyone's coming around to watch though cut scene or not it's so good to have people cheering him on for once imagine that it's like a story you'd see on reddit it's like oh yeah right in the photo booth and everyone came over and clapped why are you poking me now just because i'm showing interest in someone else gary lives a wild life he's living his best life isn't he unlike these two i mean you must feel a little bit some power when you got that going on the background and you're just staring at a wall sipping your room temperature water oh you like planes he's trying to jazz it up a little bit i can't say much i'm scooting around this sofa trying to find the sweet spot you need to date someone else dude your goal is to have two lovers wait oh my god i think she's checking him out this could actually work will you stop poking me why are they angry dancing work as the dj all right this will go well okay i think he found his calling i just wish people would start picking up the phone to my calling i'm never gonna have a second bf slash gf oh blonde person wait come back i don't know if this blonde thing even works to be honest i don't think it's him liking people that's the issue it's people liking him look she's gone oh she did a movement thing are you flirting please come back oh they have chemistry look at this okay friendly hug oh my god she stopped for him excellent no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come back oh she said i stunk what is wrong with you okay yes we'll go home what is your problem that's not gonna help your smell issued all right you know what yeah fine wait i left and it was midnight i've gone back in time where is she taking me she's taking me to another dimension every time hey i know i stink but would you like to love me he has such a way with words oh look chemistry even though she's like kind of gagging in her mouth she's dry heaving a little bit ask on date oh my god she looks almost offended that i would even ask they said the worst that could happen is she'd say no she came into the bathroom and screamed while i was showering so i'm going to bed going to bed very sad she didn't even touch the santa cookies by the way ah nothing hits the spot like a good old midnight salmon wait what uh he he burned food i did one of his fears you see this game is just hard guide or no it's actually probably harder with the guide to be fair how is your food burnt if you just me oh oh i see i see and i meant not burnt but spoiled but yeah now it all makes sense he stopped cooking so that he could eat some of the spoiled food and forget about the oven it's quite a scene isn't it it's like something out of a movie just seeing the snowman partying down while the kitchen burns in the background okay well i better consult the guide i'm sure he'll be fine rather than calling the um emergency services i'm just searching for fire in the guide just give it a second all right okay i wish i didn't have to be on the disasters disease and death tab so often but here we are causes yeah i don't need a picture of it i i already have a reference note even if the toddler isn't moved no harm will come to her toddlers and babies are completely fire proof god i wish we didn't grow out of that skill preventing fires no it's it's too late for that it's just keep free will turned on and never directed him to do anything when there's something in the oven i mean that's what got me into this mess he went off in eight [ __ ] three day old pancakes some of the fire department as smoke alarms i spent all my money at the start on [ __ ] countertops and such i didn't think of a fire alarm okay without a smoke alarm you must call the fire department all right i can't think of a more poetic way for it to end than this sim also dying but i'm going to call the emergency services stop dude i know you didn't just forget and then remember come on dude stop it call emergency look call emergency call emergency all right go oh my god okay that is not an option could i run outside perhaps oh my god he ran through the fire to get to the other side all right get out get out yes how are you on fire when you literally ran away you know what this all makes sense history is doomed to repeat itself i'm afraid the carpool will arrive in an hour though so kind of sucks that i have to go to work even though i'm dying well i can hear the christmas music in the background i can see my sim dying and as i said this is the most poetic ending this video could possibly have so thank you very much for watching leave a like if you enjoyed i'd appreciate it and subscribe to check out some more of my other content uh bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 657,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, call me, sims 4, call me kevin sims, sims, sims 4 gameplay, the sims, sims 4 kevin, callme, sims 4 let's play, callmekevin sims, sims 2, sims 2 funny moments, kevin, sims 2 callmekevin, sims 4 funny, sims 2 gameplay, sims 2 guide, call me kevin sims guide, sims 2 let's play, Playing the Sims the way the Creators intended it, sims funny moments
Id: 9t8DGeiwFYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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