Quarantine means no socializing so I played board games with myself

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can anyone tell me where to buy this version of Game of Life? All versions I find on Steam and Co look different :(

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bubbifred 📅︎︎ May 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

At 7:50 in the video, Kevin becomes Driver Kevi.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Boa-in-a-bowl 📅︎︎ May 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and this video is sponsored by dragon raja which is a triple a quality console game in your pocket it's optimized and adapted to provide a superior gaming experience on your phone using the latest technology of unreal engine 4. it has a crazy immersive environment for example little touches like standing the street causes traffic jams slippery streets and snowy nights can cause spills and your mood matters your character can get cold hungry happy upset and these moods impact your performance in and out of fights there are lots of different fun and real interactions that are waiting for you to try in game realistic climate changes and seasonal cycles architecture styles and scenes from all over the world it has a fantastic character creator which if you watch my videos is very important to me also a new unique class is available for the first time this month the fighter can combine your fighting skills to create new ones and also summon a personal robot player housing is also a new feature in dragon raja unless you create and customize your home like you would an avatar and another thing i love is your choices affect how the story unfolds which is always fun there's also a career system you can become a famous chef or powerful movie star as long as it's not a youtuber i'm sure anything would be fun if you want to check it out the link will be in the description thank you very much to dragon raja for sponsoring the video it helps me out a whole bunch and thank you very much for watching as well and without further ado i hope you enjoy the video hello friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're doing something a little bit different you see before this whole lockdown thing i used to get together and play board games with friends pretty often and i really really enjoyed it and it's left a void in my in my life to be honest now i don't have any friends to play with but i figured why not play some board games by myself wow that's probably the most depressing thing i've ever said so i figured a good one to play by myself would be the game of life to see where it all went wrong what led me to this so we got kevin here kevin here and kevin there we're gonna play three pieces and i'm thinking surely one out of three has got to be a good life all right first we gotta roll to see who goes first all right that's nine for me six for me and five for me yes i go first i'm gonna start off by going to college five let's see one two three four five lose next turn well [ __ ] i'm already losing but that means i'm also winning oh i'm a weird man oh wait i forgot they need to get uh jobs now okay they they each get a career card so you are a salesperson congratulations and you are a teacher no you can't be a teacher you don't have a degree that goes back in you're a travel agent ooh you get paid ninety thousand well why the fact that i bothered going into college wait wait but that's also me i mean yes this is confusing and you get 20k okay something is wrong there alright so blue kevin gets a payday of 20k one okay they're just [ __ ] following each other and you get [ __ ] 90k or i get 90k god damn it this is difficult oh wait no i skipped my turn which means it's my turn so kevin you take the seven a skiing accident god that's fitting given you're a travel agent but you get paid i am not going to be able to keep on top of this christ almighty it's already getting very confusing i don't know why this is actually kind of interesting i didn't expect it to be which is not a good thing to be saying about a video you're making for hundreds of thousands of people oh god that's scary but what i mean about it being surprisingly interesting is that i don't like red kevin even though that's me i don't want him to win i hate him white kevin is the best oh no like not in a race way like just color i'm gonna stop talking i have to go minus 40k here as well because i went to college which was [ __ ] stupid it's probably the most relatable thing i've ever said for most of you look at him getting married smug bastard i hate him and here's your [ __ ] payday while you're at it he's loaded it's not fair wait i'm loaded this is great okay finally i get my job along with my other personalities getting their jobs i i don't know anymore so since i went to college i get to draw three of these and three salaries and pick whichever one i want i think i'm gonna take the biggest salary i'm quite selfish like that i'm greedy i wanna be a superstar lose next turn facts sake at least i get my payday of 80k you know what i'll wipe my debt immediately like is it just me or do we all hate red kevin he's sitting over there with his smug face up living in that lovely cul-de-sac move across country pay 10k oh and because he landed on one that has this little symbol the 10k that he has to pay goes to blue kevin he's earned that jesus he's such a straight age he landed on say no to drugs and now he's on don't drink and drive oh he's such a loser i'm kidding please don't don't do those things they're bad all right i'm a role model white kevin is the best all right white kevin is getting married this is his wife she's scoliosis another payday for [ __ ] red i don't know why i hate him so much like it is me i am all of these players i should be happy i'm winning and i'm getting a house first fantastic please be cheap i honestly getting expensive house in this game seems just pointless to me 80k all right that's not too bad but i can't afford it oh wait no i passed payday my payday is 80k okay great then free house and a baby boy god that seems irresponsible since i don't really have the money for this and my wife is scoliosis it's going to be hard on her wedding reception pay 10k i'm sorry blue me you uh i don't deserve this i want blue me to do well i feel like he's a trier god bless him i want white me to win and i want red meat to die in an automobile accident attend the hollywood premiere oh i don't have to pay it because i'm attending my own premiere god i'm a narcissist but it feels good die die die die die feels good and in fact i'm gonna buy a stock with my money i have like no money i don't care i'm buying a stock and now anytime the number nine comes up i get 10k oh and i passed my payday as well so i get 80 grand this is good actually this this is nice buy furniture pay 10k oh god it sucks being blue i can see why he's so blue all the time when he has to keep paying for all this [ __ ] oh and i just realized it's a salesperson one so that doesn't go to the bank it goes to the villain red kevin are you invested yet because i'm really invested like way more than i thought i'd be all right red you're getting a house i hope you get something expensive because i think in a newer game you can make money on houses but this is the very old one and it doesn't actually do anything for you god damn it he got one of the cheapest ones and it's actually oh okay i was gonna say um it's actually kind of nice but no it's split in half from an earthquake i don't know if you'll be able to get insurance on that bad boy like it says 10k all right i'm gonna try and play it fair if i were him i would buy insurance on that because it's so cheap so that's integrity for you wait they passed two paydays as did i i did oh my god i suck at being the banker one house is blue getting let's take a look 100k for a country cottage i mean it's nice but i just really have the cash for this to be honest with you it gets a salary of 20. i don't know why i call him he it is me i'm honestly just getting very confused by this whole thing all right i'm going to put in my 50 that i have there keep five and then take out a bank loan of 60 i guess the bank loans you can take out of bangalore under 20 and you have to pay 25 back i too but i get to choose my way no not a hope am i putting my money into red kevin's pockets i'll pay it in medical bills thank you very much oh my god he used to pay 20k this isn't fair like that's his whole payday from there is to pay i'm getting screwed but i'm also doing really well at the same time trade salary card with any player yes blue you're trading it with red screw him get [ __ ] he had a comment the bastard tree falls on house pay 15k in short but he bought insurance bastard he's always one step ahead oh god blue's having a baby yeah not sure if that's responsible you're not doing the best actually no you just went from 20 to 90k blue kevin you're doing well for yourself you have multiple kids keep spitting them out for all i care you're financially secure even though in this world your paycheck can change at any second okay i think as blue kevin i'm gonna pay off my bank loan so i owe 75k for that good move me and you know what i'll [ __ ] ensure my gaff too who knows what's going on at this point i actually don't know who's winning i'm pretty sure it's red kevin yeah he's got four life cards and he's got a [ __ ] ton of money just realized i landed on a nine there as well so i get my 10k pretty sure i've missed out on that multiple times by now it's just hard to keep track of everything tree falls on house oh god blue landed on it too but i just got him insurance phew i almost got screwed taxes due for red but he just lost his high paying job so he doesn't even have to pay that much which is good i think from for me is it bad i don't know anymore i i don't know what i'm doing like rooting for me and against me i don't i don't know affects sake blue look you still have a chance don't get angry i think blue me is gonna buy car insurance too i seem like a responsible person when i'm blue i got my head screwed on right you know and i'm blue wind beautiful baby contest dude you don't have a baby where did you get the baby from red kevin is a villain he's up to some shady [ __ ] paid 25k for an african safari but you're the travel agent so you don't pay it but we're very much in line with each other blue was behind for ages but get some high rolls here which i like to see right best seller what why i guess they're a sales person maybe it's something to do with the property they bought maybe they fixed it up i don't know but either way they get eighty thousand dollars it's honestly so difficult to not call them day like it's me it's just weird i i can't get my head around it stock market slumps return one stock feck off oh there it goes my 50k i spent taxes due off fact at least you get your payday give to art institute pay 25 and you collect how much 20. so you get 15. i'm positive i've made multiple banking errors at some point like i think i'm doing all right but it's just gotta have happened it does get a bit overwhelming when you're trying to keep track of three accounts that are all yours daycare pay five per child can you give me a discount my wife is scoliosis oh god what's this burglar pay 50k if not in short well blue is always prepared level-headed blue back at it again with the insurance you know everything is going so right for blue i'm starting to dislike him by which i mean me but i disliked me way before i started playing this game so maybe i'm already there i'm not sure trade salary carried with any player i just got well probably gonna want revenge on blue i guess as lovable as bloomy is probably swap that back i like blue again now i just like an underdog two paydays for me not that that clarifies anything for you it's a confusing statement nine if only i had my [ __ ] stock i was stolen off me now for feck's sake blue you used to be sensible now you're buying a sailboat really like you're back down to 20k salary you can't be doing this you've gotten used to the high roller lifestyle you just got a payday but we still have to pay out more because of your reckless spending and what's worse is we got to give it to red kevin over there who's already loaded he is the one percent i'm sick of the one percent in this game of life even though really it's i'm sick of the 33 help of the homeless look at him he's probably recording and posting it to youtube as well he never does anything good unless there's something in it for him win nobel peace prize i deserve this what have i done i guess i am a superstar i do deserve this screw the scientists and all the people making the world a better place i wrote a nice song that goes like produce rock video wait how much 100k oh my god blue you're going off the rails you're having a midlife crisis and what's better is that goes straight to me the superstar sucks to be me for landing on it but it's great to be me that it has to be paid to me finally fred is actually losing some my money i i don't know have tattoos removed oh sorry have tattoos removed pay 100 000 okay he snapped out of his midlife crisis but still is paying so much money i wonder what his tattoo would have been i'm gonna look in components whatever i find first rpg kit this this is what his tattoo was yeah i can see why he got it removed i'm gonna leave it over with him as a reminder hey 50k per child can i have a discount my wife is scoliosis like sir that's not a thing stop asking for it hired jockey for your racehorse paid 65 god damn it or good i i don't know i don't know who i'm rooting for anymore kind of back on blue's side because he's making such foolish choices and it's just like blue kevin just needs a break trade salary with any pla it's kind of useless now but uh take it from me i guess take a hike red we're all sick here but i'm amazed by how close we are or how close i am to me i i don't know dude i still haven't grasped this even though we're coming right around the bend to the end you're a grandparent how are you doing this [ __ ] you have no kids i don't understand how many kids you've stolen winning baby beauty contest and becoming a grandparent i don't get it i've just realized i've not collected any of these paydays for any of us so let me sort this out real quick there you go split kevin there's your 60k year old for the three paydays don't be getting any cyclops tattoos please spin again if not in the lead good job blue good job eight i think you're straight into retirement yes you are retiring okay so this is how it works at the end you either go to the millionaire one if you think you have the most cash or if you don't you go to country acres if you do in fact have the most cash if you go into this one you get these four lifetimes which have bonuses if you go into this one you just pick up one it's pretty obvious that blue does not have the most money it's the right call red is going in there pretty confident in myself that i have the most money that's true no matter what i definitely have the most money pension collect 20 000 times this ah well it's still 60k i guess it just wasn't a very high roll wait six hold on a second oh no okay now they they still have the most money i think yeah it was actually close enough it's between red and white i think you know blue is a lot of life cards which gets you extra money i don't know it's all up for grabs white is now retiring ah i i don't think i can beat them so i'm i'm just going to go into this one the the modest retirement home and take my one card okay and red gets these four cards okay so now i have to add up all the money and see see where we stand wait one second i'm gonna need something for this uh there you go accountant i'm gonna need this for a second to be able to add this up i'll just put it at the bottom of my screen there i'm gonna try and change it all into a hundreds just to make it easy on myself wait how much oh my god wait i had so much money under here for [ __ ] sake i should have gone to the other place i stacked things on the wrong things and oh god damn it oh i think i could have gotten those life cards 255 for blue 945 this is a bit messy in cash for white kevin oh red kevin was hiding some cash too actually wait hold on a second oh my god this was actually really close 900 and oh wait there's more there jesus christ 950k okay i just lost to me or sorry i just beat me 950 but now the life cards come into play so let's see what white kevin accomplished with his life invented a new ice cream flavor the solution to pollution run world record mile open a health food chain and family horse wins derby which is a grand total of 600 blue kevin what did you get up to with your life you won a dance contest you discovered a new planet a pulitzer prize invented a new sport lifetime achievement award not surprised to be honest build a better mouse trap and find new energy source feck in hell you were up to a lot so that's 6.50 added on it's blue kevin has come last regardless of what has happened now red kevin what did you get up to swim the english channel you became president you designed a new computer got a nobel peace prize composed a symphony painted a masterpiece a toy invention sells big you cured the common cold humanitarian award and you climbed mount everest okay i am amazing and i've read all those it's like i was read kevin all along 1.45 million in cards which brings my total to 2.4 million i've won i've done it i've won but i also lost twice so i don't know how to feel about them and of course the winner deserves a prize so i award me the winner a prize goat with my face on it ah wow all right well that was fun i mean i guess this is going to be fun when you come out a winner but i'm also you know the double loser like i said i don't know i've mixed feelings on this but i had a good time a very strange experience but i thought this was fun so let me know what you thought of it i think i'm going mad but i hope you enjoyed that's the main thing i hope you're staying safe and yeah thanks very much for watching i really appreciate it and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 930,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, game of life, tabletop sim, tabletop simulator, tabletop simulator callmekevin, game of life callmekevin, callmekevin funny moments, callmekevin game of life alone, game of life alone, game of life by myself, board games alone, solo board game, tabletop simulator funny, tabletop simulator funny moments
Id: 0WVjal-gVZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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