Can you play Minecraft staying in a single snow chunk?

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He said "my name is Kevin" in the video! Not to be all "creators changing anything is bad," about it, but I missed that intro

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/OriginalJokeGoesHere 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin i have been doing something where i limit myself to one chunk in minecraft and today we're trying a snow biome last time i did desert and it didn't work out so good oh no no no no what have i done oh nearly walked out of it immediately that would have been a short video we're already off to a much better start because we have trees unlike last time in the desert okay i've already made a wooden pick yeah this is going a hundred times better than the last time i know it's not saying much but still there we go all stone tools this is going excellently my bar is so low since last time that this is just amazing this is the equivalent of beating the ender dragon and hardcore minecraft to me thank god i got another sapling though i was a little bit worried he's just a tiny bit worried you know i feel like a little log cabin would be fitting oh my god i can get snowballs this is great this is the best challenge ever i was gonna say i didn't leave enough room for a bed but i have a feeling i'm not going to be getting a bed by the looks of it i don't know how i'd get wool okay pretty awful house all things considered but you know what it works for what i needed which is basically just to well not die how the hell did that grow or was that just there all the time surely it didn't grow out of the obsidian i mean it is crying obsidian so maybe a little bit of water spurted out feeding off the sadness of this chunk well i must say i'm pretty happy that we're at this stage already aha the minecraft wiki is telling me that if i put snow into a furnace and then a bucket it'll turn into a bucket of water so i need iron i also need food because i'm slowly starving to death ah coal i can eat this if i'm really stuck the only problem with coal is it always gets stuck in your teeth golly gee whiz that sure is a lot of coal if you're new here i've never said that before please don't click off there we go and if you haven't seen me chunking before that sounds awful but that's canon that's what we're gonna call it if you haven't seen me chunking before then you might not be aware of my amazing strategy hold on i just gotta there oh oh oops hold on one second hold on i can fix this i can yeah this this amazing strategy there i'm out of blocks um hold on hold on i can i can do this they see me chunking they hating all right i think i have enough you simply just start filling it up with different blocks and watch the coal come to you well sort of most of it watch most of the coal come to you oh my god that's a lot of coal now i just simply keep digging until i find iron because really that's kind of all i need and you know food a bed uh my sanity some diamond that would be nice i take that over my sanity actually i've kind of accepted that's a lost cause but diamonds are forever oh more coal i mean i guess that could be compressed into diamond but i don't have anything to compress it with other than jim pickens thickness and i don't know if he's quite thick enough in minecraft what do you think just leave a numbered rating and don't explain your rating system just leave a number in the comments that's it we'll figure it out wait i think i hear water maybe i don't even have to do science i say it like it's actually science but really i'm just melting ice hmm i'm something of a scientist myself that sounds so close but i can't pinpoint it i think it's like up here somewhere okay we found some sort of cave that i keep just jumping into despite having no way to restore my health i can't really explore it the only part of the cave that's in my chunk is this just a really cool cave system to explore and i'm like no i'd rather explore this um okay i'm done oh lapis great i can look at it in my inventory or something i'm not sure what else i could do with this i'm just blocking off this because you know what i don't want to look at what i can't have and i don't want the monsters looking at me either because that they certainly can have but i don't want them to have it okay can someone explain to me how i have not found iron yet because i feel like i've dug a lot wait another cave oh maybe this will be exciting this time not really really no iron or anything nothing for kevin okay well i should be used to it i suppose copper i'm pretty useless okay i'll just keep going finally okay i was just gonna comment on how this is getting a bit ridiculous the amount i have mined to get just a little bit of iron and it's not enough okay well that's um that's fine honestly i i don't mind i'm not gonna show you my camera right now because my body language would show that i very much do mind oh wait i found some it was right behind the previous bit i just kind of gave up too early as always okay my amazing strategy worked that time if you have enough blocks it works great that's enough raw iron okay now i just gotta go back up to the top which is actually a surprisingly long way oh my god this is such a long way up for such minimum returns i got nearly nothing oh what are you i think it's a ghost but i don't know what to do with a goat a goat is a neutral mob yeah i know it's neutral i'm not dying i'm getting an advert that won't let me click on it and it's in spanish so i don't even understand what they're trying to sell me okay i need wheat well i don't have any wheat there we go loads of fences so i'll just fence him in i don't know if he can do anything for me but you can be my prisoner either way wait you want to stay in the main house no you come in here this is your home what the hell jesus christ okay i think my fence might be a bit too small for it all right you know what we'll do this on a loyalty system rather than a kidnapping system you just stay around okay okay so snow block and uh oh yeah i need actually i need a furnace i'm jumping way ahead here okay bucket time i really hope this works i have a good feeling about it i really do how do i hold on what i thought the bucket was supposed to go in and what while the furnace is still burning place the snow block in the ingredient slot and place an empty bucket in the fuel slot when the snow block melts it will drain into the bucket making a water bucket similar to the way sponges drain i wanted to suggest this because i got for god's sake this is a suggestion damn i don't think you can actually get water from snow it's too complicated in all fairness like what kind of rocket scientist would you have to be to do such a complicated experiment okay you know what i'm still confident that i'll be able to find water because i heard some water it's just a matter of trusting my ears which would be easier if they weren't always hiding no i could never do it fast enough water water okay can i actually pick it up i forgot my second pocket i came down here for one [ __ ] reason i forgot one [ __ ] thing i needed to [ __ ] do it there we go [ __ ] it all right let's see no no no no no no no dude i have like nothing in this world all right just take whatever you want and get out of here okay he's taking my home all right you know what i did say take whatever you want you know i don't think i'll even be able to take this water because it's not a source block and i don't know where the source is to be honest all i can do is kind of splash around in it and have a good time that is the sole purpose of this water i am so upset but don't worry everyone it did do something else it destroyed all of my torches all the way down i mean i could use it for crops i suppose that's something at least speed up the growth of some crops you know granted any time i've gained i'll certainly have lost because it's taking so long to go down into my tunnel how is it not catching up quicker if there is enough water from this stream i feel like i should have been able to pick it up with my bucket oh my god it keeps going and i'm just stuck in this water it's like taunting me i'm actively trying to get water and water is in the way very ironic come on come on come on hurry up hurry up hurry up i want to get digging come on yes back off bro you have the entire cave to explore this is my one little square that i have okay you're getting the better end of the deal here but you're getting greedy now you'll never get through i just wanted my own safety okay there's some iron here that's nice oh that's a long way down that might be good i can take a peek would be helpful if i had water well i'm finding lots of lapis and lots of iron so at least there's that but this place is kind of creeping me out because i'm not really familiar enough with it like what is this well that didn't sound good did that block just scream when i killed it do blocks have feelings ow did you feel that okay there is something funky going on down here and you know the worst part is i won't even be able to explore it well i don't know how to get down first of all and second of all even if i do then i can't leave this square but it does look interesting i need to know the worst part is i don't play enough minecraft to know what's even rare or not so i don't know how surprised to be like should i go neat or should i be going more like oh my god okay i legitimately don't see a way down i don't think i can dig down through this and i definitely can't jump i might actually have to try to get water first trying to make this route completely kevin proof oh that's not very kevin proof i would have 100 died from that there we go now that is kevin proof although i have been known to turn into a liquid and just slick right through gaps it's just one of the quirky things they do that water is just taunting me i just hear it as i go back up to my home it's always the three w's isn't it it's water wood and beds is that is it raining or is it is it just raining over there i think it's just raining over there for me it's snowing i don't know does that build up in a hole or not i can literally hear it from my house like i'm just standing up in my house listening to the rain but not getting any rain i was just googling what i could use my lap is for and it's saying lapis can make a great statement piece when building a home not what i need okay i'm gonna go down there and attempt the most dangerous construction of all time armed with just some snowballs and my own stupidity see the thing is i think i could get the water to come all the way down these steps like i was doing earlier because it just seemed to keep going and going and going but then i'd have to come all the way back up through it and it doesn't really seem worth that effort okay because i'm incredibly intelligent i forgot my pick so i just have to try and figure out a way to just build my way down okay i don't think there's anything actually useful well there is there's plenty water plenty of lava and a load of really useful looking stuff actually but just not in my chunk my chunk is just kind of useless i got a little structure down there that's it okay i think i've figured out a plan oh i think i can lift this i didn't oh my god someone was mortified that i died they've probably been haunting that cave for 300 years and a corpse just fell from the sky i bet i can do it when i'm on full health though all right this time i'll live for sure nope what i meant to say was this time i live for sure okay here we go i'm gonna unleash the waterfall on them was it this block okay okay no no no i wanted to run ahead of the water oh god damn it one second oh but it's still gonna take ages to train so now it's ahead of me and behind me this is awful oh my god this is just the worst thing i have ever had to experience you know what i love doing i love having really long conversations when i go above and under water because we always do the effect where it's like i'm underwater and then my voice changes and then you have to do it throughout the entire okay i think i could just bring it straight down actually i don't need to really bring it down my stairs do i oh this is this is an issue um okay okay i drained it this is the most needlessly complicated way to play this game i have ever experienced ah there it is that's my way down and this time not by jumping to my death okay now please work as intended i know games don't usually like to do that for me but just this one time yes [Music] no you can't even ruin my fun because i kevin proofed the place and that keeps kevin in and non kevin's out i don't know why that's the theme june i'm just trying to you know hype up the moment because realistically i don't think there's anything really here for me there's these blocks that i don't understand and i think are screaming at me oh that's not nice oh okay um you know i'm sorry i even came down here okay okay you don't like me leaving either gotcha wait ladder all right i'm in your basement i'm your prisoner you can keep me is there meant to be something useful down here or okay sorry yeah everything's useful yeah it's a lovely basement yeah i bet those blocks i destroyed were like their children or something i don't even know what i'm experiencing here i'm in way over my depth i want a souvenir i don't know if that'll go over well but it's mine now oh my god will you stop with the noises and the darkness and whatever the hell you're doing is this wooler it's carpet i was like at least i can get some wall out of this to make a bed but no why am i in a horror game all of a sudden oh jesus i think he even hit me out of the chunk what was that wait is that wool ow well i'm killed by the warden all right warden i think you might be being a bit too tough on your prisoners oh and the worst thing is i gotta go past the water to get down there again i think that last bit was actually solid blocks of wool though so if i could get wool out of that i'd actually be pretty happy i mean i was going down they're expecting to get nothing and a bed would be lovely here i come warden and since i have no basis on how difficult you are get ready to get some fists no in reality i just want to get the wool and get out to be honest he seems quite powerful like anything that can just grunt and shudder the earth i'm guessing is somewhat powerful at least all right i think i got everything i'm leaving warden okay trust me you don't want to fight with the great jim pickens whatever you are i'm sure he could take you all right okay it's just eternal darkness down here that's fine he's canned now please don't drown do please don't drown it helps me to just sing you know takes the stress out this is going well i've got a bed and a nightlight my goals are so simple really it's like a 12 year old the only thing better would be if i could make my bed into a race car you know despite being above like some ancient mythical being whatever that thing is this has gone pretty well like you'd think it would come with some negative connotations bit of bad luck maybe a bit of haunting but no just some seismic activity there we go that was annoying me just carrying it for the sake of carrying it you know but look i made it back to the surface and i've got a soul lantern i bet this is gonna like curse my house forever but there we go and look at this what an unusual way to get wool no and what an unusual way to try and fit a bed into a house all right i hope i don't choke up my lantern when i wake up i think i'll be okay although i'll probably have some bad nightmares that thing came from a bad place i got carpet which is kind of neat i'd have to take up my bed if i want to play you know what maybe under the bed doesn't need carpet it's just the two squares i mean look i don't have a lot of floor space to begin with maybe i could do it as like windowsills instead and like a patch outside that definitely wasn't by accident there that looks awful okay i won't even stay in denial i was going to just because it's easier but it looked really bad there that's great now we're moving up in the world all iron tools all things considered this is going really well i mean sure i don't have the best neighbors in the world but they like their darkness i like the sun you know we can stay apart oh nearly chopped down a part of my house because i thought it was a tree wait i was gonna make a little farm but can i even do that if i can't get long grass i mean i could try and make some spawn i don't know how to do that okay i'm guessing bone meal would make grass grow so i'm gonna try and get some bones and do it that way okay i have a little bit of a plan but i warn you it's ambitious [Music] all right i'm under the border here people i'm right under my border and yes this is within the chunk there we go now i just need the grass to travel its way down yes work your way to me i don't know if placing torches helps but i'm guessing it does and the one thing i'm not short on is coal okay given the water source issue i feel like that's a decent way of getting the water around to a few crops oh my god it's like a machine gun i can just go straight through the snow i don't know why i'm so surprised it's just so quick i am destroying the landscape i i don't know why i'm doing this it's just very very satisfying that's my foundation by the way has supporting log built on snow and just like that i broke my shovel for no real reason whatsoever well i suppose there was a slight outcome to it my house is now way too high and i have to install extra stairs look at the amount of snowballs there we go proper foundation now i can sleep easy see just as long as i have my cobble to cuddle i'm fine i'm just thinking is there any way i could get to this water it no it's probably too high up i think it's around the corner actually anyway look what i've done with the place oh and a little reward as well like it's kind of useless to be honest but it's kind of neat to have unless the wandering trader comes to visit then maybe it'll come in handy yes come on give me your bones they're like oh my god what kind of freak is this oh god that's the neighbors again probably having a party i hope it's not a costume party and i've just been murdering all the guests now bone meal yes actually that might just be thunder and lightning that might not be the downstairs neighbor it might be the upstairs neighbor god yep i used his name in vain and he's angry yeah that's definitely him okay the moment of truth i i can't use it here okay hold on wait okay the moment of truth yes it seems like some frankenstein situation i'm creating life and there's just thundering lightning going off in the background look at this there's more growing out of it this is fantastic oh well maybe more will grow and then i can get seeds oh okay um hmm interesting okay now i'm starting to worry why are you not giving me seeds i'm getting angry last attempt yes okay oh yes two seeds excellent god may be angry but i am happy this is my second iron hole because i lost my other one i have planted two seeds and i think with that i've done a pretty good job of surviving here in one chunk i think we made the most of a bad situation and i've sped up the tps here so we're actually getting an idea of what the little underground garden could have came to be subscribe if you're new leave a like if you enjoy the content check out more of my content other than that i guess i'll just see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 617,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, spawn chunks, spawn chunk, how to, minecraft spawn chunks, spawn chunks minecraft, minecraft callmekevin, minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house, minecraft but, minecraft survival, minecraft spawn chunk, minecraft funny, minecraft funny video, minecraft challenges, minecraft challenges survival, minecraft challenge games, minecraft one chunk, minecraft snow one chunk
Id: r8zn0XHz3Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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