Does he regret losing you? | Tony Gaskins

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hey Tony gas in his car Chronicles AAS it's 8:30 a.m. I'm not working for you now I'm in the back of my Tahoe and so y'all gotta forgive this jump this all my soccer chairs my song warming up they getting ready to play but I wanted to answer this question today and that is does he regret losing me and I get this question all the time now it's I'm gonna answer this question but first I want you to ask yourself in your life why do I continue to ask questions that should not matter because if you're asking this question that means you're looking backwards instead of looking forward that you are worrying about and focusing on your past and what he's doing instead of what you should be doing and who you are preparing to attract in your life so essentially you're worrying about the wrong thing now to answer your question this is what you have to understand 90% of the time 90% of the time the answer to this question is no and the reason why and I know that's hard to hear I know it's hard to hear the reason why 90% now understand we got seven billion people in the world so that means 10% is 700 million so that 10% is a large number but 90% of the time the answer is no and the reason why is because a grown man with a mind understands that he has a woman who is a good woman and if he sabotages the relationship meaning he cheats on you or he makes you leave him or he leaves you that means he did not respect and appreciate you he did not respect and appreciate you so therefore he will not regret losing you because he didn't want you to begin with now here's what you have to understand is that in this space the question comes well will he ever regret it will he ever feel sorry for what he did to me or for losing me and that answer can be yes but here's how the only way a man will ever regret losing you is if you grow and you change so if he goes what happens is he moves on in his life and if he doesn't grow and if he doesn't mature and if he doesn't change and attract a good woman and then love and respect and appreciate and treat that good woman with respect if he doesn't grow and changing then he's going to lose every woman he's going to sabotage every relationship and then he does what I call the black book syndrome he goes back to his black book which of course is our contacts are in our phone today but he goes to the black book and he looks back he said okay well who can I go back to and you may be the only one he reaches out to or you may be one of a few typically if you were the last one he was with then he will come back to you and if he hasn't grown and changed then his hope is that you are still the same his hope is that not still the same his hope is that you have lost some of your dignity you've lost some of your self-respect that now you're a little more desperate because you're still single and you didn't get the prince charming you were hoping he would be for you so now that you're still single he hopes that you're going to be okay with settling for who he is and so his hope is that he can I'm back and you can be the same now if he tries to come back and he cannot reach you you are unreachable because you have him blocked or because he texts you and you just don't respond or he sends a message to you on social media and you leave him on red or he tells someone to give you a message a friend or a family member and you tell that friend or family member tell him you didn't get that you didn't get a response tell him I refuse to speak on him and if you tell him anything other than that you will be cut off too and so when he gets that response back but she didn't want to talk about you she wouldn't even respond that is the only time that he starts to regret losing you because now he it truly clicks to him I lost a good woman I lost a woman who loves and respects herself who has dignity self-respect class drive ambition that is who I lost and then he starts to say well how am I going to get another good woman I'm meeting all these went women and everybody's naive and gullible and easy and I'm running all over them and now here I had this woman who I could have built with and I could have grew into a better man the man I'm supposed to be and I ran her off so now what am I supposed to do and that's when he starts to regret so you got to ask yourself well okay well is that the space I want him to be in and if the answer is yes the next question is well what do you where do you want to go from there and this is where it gets a little tricky this where it gets tricky this where you got to watch this video five six times it gets a little tricky here because what you have to do is you have to ask yourself you got to be able to ask yourself is this the man for me do I feel in my heart truthfully from a place of love that this is my husband because I know I got a message in my heart that this is my husband but he was going through a season in his life he was going through spiritual warfare but I know he is growing now he is changing now I've heard about it I can see it I can sense it I kind of believe it he's growing and he's changing and I'm willing to take a chance and I'm willing to risk being wrong giving more time out of my life and it not working out I'm willing to take that risk because I believe that firmly and that confidently that he is my husband if that is your feeling then that is the only time you should give a man another chance whether it's the second chance if it's the second chance now if it's a third chance not now you now you're going into being a fool not now you lying to yourself if it's a third chance if it's a second chance I believe in second chances under certain circumstances where you weren't being beat on and you know just tore all out the frame I believe in second chances under certain circumstances I'm a second chance husband my wife left me two months into dating because we had stuff going on her ex-boyfriend my ex-girlfriend and then in marriage when I went back to the streets when I went back to the street life trying to be a goon she left me for three days to send me a message and told me I will divorce you and I will be a single mother so after that I got my stuff together cuz I knew she wasn't gonna play any games but I don't teach that I don't teach to do that because I know how much of an exception I am I know that is not common I know it doesn't happen like this all the time so I don't teach you to drive 90 miles an hour into a tree and hope to live just because I did it so understand that on the other side if you feel no that wasn't my husband I know it wasn't my husband I was addicted I was addicted to the vitamin D I was addicted to the drama to the pain his swag I was addicted to the money or the look or the attention we got on Facebook or when we stepped out but I know that's not my husband if that is the answer then leave him in that state of regret because he can't reach you and move on with your life move on with your life and keep going because truthfully he doesn't really deserve you unless he's an exception to the rule unless you see he's been changed inside and out truthfully he doesn't really deserve you because he didn't start to appreciate you until he could no longer get you and that's when the the trick comes in because he then could be operating from ego and not from love and that's a whole nother video but hey I gotta run to my socks on soccer game we always have an hour before the game so I try to shoot me a video make use of the time to just sitting this cold or the heat but it's cold today but God bless y'all and we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 139,519
Rating: 4.9398227 out of 5
Keywords: does he regret losing me, do men regret losing a good woman, does my boyfriend regret breaking up with me, why does he regret breaking up, tony gaskins, love advice, life coach advice, relationship advice
Id: f0i9n6UBfEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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