How to Grow your City when there is no Demand in Cities Skylines

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welcome to welcome to the new university good luck traversing the giant holes in the ground i hope you don't die welcome everybody back to city skylines with me biffa here in the city of teaport thank you very much for joining me we have so much to do today we're going to be looking at education we're going to be looking at our buses and trams we're going to look at some new roads that have been suggested to me there's all sorts of things that we need to check out let's jump out of that view things are going really really well we are so close to small city of 11 000 10 775 and we have lots of needs to fill all sorts of things going on to start off with i wanted to show you a couple of rows that were suggested to me thank you for the suggestions we've been working on um some bike lanes for different uh roads and things and these are really cool look at these ones they've got like a protected cycle area with trees and a little raised um flower bed with whatever on there that's one way this is two-way same sort of idea and then we've got a four-lane and it's got yeah separate lane and parking so these are absolutely fantastic let me show you if we grab this one here so that's what they're called they are by blue hawk if you want to search for those i will try and get an asset list together uh very soon for you all to check out um let's just go up to there so now we can see the bus stops in the road instead of pulling over like a bus normally would they pull over to the side like that there we go pull over to the side at the way of the road but these they will stop in the road but the bicyclist can carry on but there is also parking so as we see over here there's a nice little area for parking that doesn't get in the way of the cars what parking never does but you know what i mean it looks better and i quite like that one i think we're gonna upgrade all of our four-lane roads to that so that's the comparison from that to that and it's got the nice little lines on it i think that looks really cool and then over here if we change this one so this is the two lane one we were using before with a little parking keep saying parking with no parking and with the bicycle lanes if we switch that out to the one with the protected i think that's the one yeah there we go so we've now got the protected cycling down this side the trees and sort of the raised flower bed there and parking and two lanes i think that looks really cool there is some decals that should show on here like there is on these lanes over here um but i don't think i have the right mod installed for that i will look at that but as those roads go i think they look absolutely fantastic so let me change all of the four-lane roads and the two-lane roads we've got set up in this area and we'll check it out there we go that's all of them updated and i think that looks much better we now get parking back on the road again which was a big problem around here the protected cycling lanes the trees down the middle the bus stops here which i think is prior to other cyclists that's fine traffic is not an issue so the bus stopping in the road not a problem there isn't a bridge version of this road so we have to go back to the old one here for the bridge but that's no problem there we go there's no bus stops or anything up there then back to the other one and then what i've done is i've changed all the interior roads here to the ones with the protected cycling the trees there we go all the roads and i've done all the roads this side if you remember correctly we left some of them so they could have some parking well i just changed them all and the little one-way loops that we have there and here as well as you can see the one-way lanes at the end i've done those two so that just looks absolutely brilliant i like those so the next thing that we need to look at is our postal service uh because we don't have any postal service at all what happened there we just lost something they were really unhappy about something we haven't got a sports stadium are they just literally unhappy about me deleting those words seriously okay fair enough um let's have a look in here so we have access to the post service and if we have a look at our little post offices yep no post offices anywhere at all now they don't seem to have an area of effect oh they do you place them up against the road you can see how far they're gonna go oh okay we'll pop it on this one here and just see whether they complain about the noise i don't think they will and then these places are going to send that little post fans there they go go and collect all the posts so hopefully something like that will cover an area where's post on here there we go so we probably need another one in here two in here i reckon and maybe one over here and that should be okay so let's find a couple of spots for those so i've actually popped one in right there and the green road covered nearly all of t-town and also nearly all of downtown tea town so that is good because there is a cost to these 80 a week and we don't want to go mad do we so i think one there and we should be able to just get away with one up here as well there we go i'm just gonna pop that on the main road there and that is going to cover all of that area there we go in amongst all the shops that should be fine shouldn't cause too much traffic no no problem at all excellent and then along with those you also want a post sorting facility so they will go out and grab the post there we go look we can see these houses lighting up from red to blue as the trucks go around yeah they will send out trucks to all the smaller post offices and bring it all into the post office sorting facility and then we'll send that around your city as well we're gonna add that into our utility park could we just slide it in there i think we could there we go amongst the coal plants that's fantastic that will send out trucks of its own to sort some mail so we'll leave that running for a while and make sure that everything is covered with post and we'll check that a bit later so the next thing we need to look at our industry we need to keep diving into our industry here we've got so many jobs over at farty grove what is the next thing we need to do well we are to hit the next level we need to produce thirteen thousand five hundred units we've absolutely smashed that forty eight and rising we need to have 800 workers and we've got 552 so we need to get a lot more workers into our buildings at the moment we only have 617 work spaces which is good and if we have some more highly educated people we might be able to fill some of those workspaces always worth looking over here at your population unemployment three percent so i would imagine that's possibly people not being educated enough to be able to take those jobs over there so we could build a whole campus area but i think for now i'm just gonna pop in one of our normal universities i'm thinking more up here where we've got the more high-rise stuff also we have all the buses that connect up here as well from the trams and it's all bicycle friendly let's just upgrade our road here to the new bicycle friendly road there we go let's do this one down here as well yeah so why not a little university in this spot here uh with all the access that we've got recycling our trams so the buses i think this will be a nice spot whoops that is not what i meant to do welcome to the welcome to the new university good luck traversing the giant holes in the ground i hope you don't die yeah it's protected cycling on this side but if you get too close to the the drop of doom yeah that is that is not exactly what i was trying i wonder if i could just fill this up with water no i just yeah i don't think that's a good idea let's go let's go back to that control z there we go let's just try and smooth it out which is what i was actually trying to do hey small city 11 000 citizens oh my goodness this opens up so much stuff trains monovales maybe we'll look at that another time trains definitely cable cars i want to use some of those ah new policies for business that is going to be fantastic there's all the monorail cable stuff what have we got building wise so all the stuff for the train we've got some cool hubs which is excellent and a yoga garden basketball arena oh excellent excellent excellent so i want to fit some stuff in around here to do with sport as well we might go into a little bit of space over [Music] there nice at the air they can sit outside and do their studying come over to the university over here yep that's good and then we want to get some sporty stuff in here as well we could use some of this space over here let's just take a look what have we got there we go it's not too bad it's a bit lumpy bumpy but you know we're working with the terrain so that's the shape of the terrain that is the shape of the terrain uh let us add some fences in here that's gonna sort of give a nice delineation to the edge of this area okay just having these little fences around the place really just sort of finishes it off i think anyway i think it looks good uh let's just add a couple of larger trees in here whoa not that many let's put that down and that down i think maybe one or two in there and then one or two or three in there let's add a little bit of greenery underneath just to look like uh greenery underneath the tree there we go just add a little something in there fantastic so you got some nice park some nice trees you've got some sporting areas what do we want to make sure is everybody can get here via bus as well so let's just have a look at our bus routes there we go we'll put both on again so now we've got red and blue stops up here what my thinking is is i want the stop to be when it's coming up this way drop them off before it goes to the station picks people up and heads off again that is my thinking we've got two stops up there that should work nicely and yeah there's parking sport so let's see how many people we've got going here 239 university students in the city 243 if we check on this one i believe eligible 3568 are eligible to go to this university it sets a capacity of 4500 so we've got enough capacity for everybody in our city that needs to go and then hopefully the more that graduate the more that we're going to have coming over here and fill in some of these jobs as well so let's have a look at that so highly educated one out of two next one here there we go so we've got one in there so yeah you get the idea and also in our commercial buildings as well where is our high density commercial and we should have some along here there we go new commerce center highly educated one out of four so we need to start filling those jobs as well now while we're on the topic of education we have our public libraries um now these can give a small bonus to education within the building radius so if we just pop that down just so we can see there we go we see the big building radius now everybody within that radius has an extra chance of having that education level bumped up so i always used to thought i used to think that it would give a bonus to the buildings within the radius but that is not true i've looked it up on the wiki so if we can fit some of these around and they're quite big they're quite expensive we have over 1.3 million tea leaves that we can spend in the city so i've just managed to fit a public library in down here with some very investing parking look at that let me just sort out the roads here let's just lift that one up a tiny touch there we go so that's going to give a bonus to almost everybody in this area not everybody but almost everybody it's nicely opposite our park and it's not far from our new university as well it's all within walking distance if they wish to get over there i'm just thinking actually we could add a connection to our path network along here because at the minute anybody that wants to walk from here has to come all the way around just like that yay there we go excellent good yeah and that will connect them to our path networks they can walk and cycle around the city to their hearts content and another public library over there there we go we moved a few houses but that's going to give all of these people a chance a little boost and it's got an amazing view of the sea as well which i think is nice oh you can hear people upgrading ping ping they're happy with that with a little bit of road maneuvering and some anarchy mod we can just about fit one into this area here there we go which will give all of these guys and girls a chance to increase their level as well and i think that'll probably do for now we don't want them absolutely everywhere so yeah we'll just leave it like that well everything is working nicely as we can see lots of people walking and cycling the buses are running around here nicely dropping lots of people off i've just leveled this out here so the parks are nice and flat and how many people do we have at our university let us take a look up to 529 so that is absolutely brilliant so the next thing that i want to take a look at we are relying on a lot of mass transit is to check how our mass transit is going and this is something i recommend that you do from time to time uh we know at the moment we're using buses and we have trams and that is pretty much it at the moment is what i would say is every now and again is just have a look at your line and see how many people you have waiting and how many buses you have to cover it so these two spots here so let's just see where they are so that's this side of this area and i'm pretty sure that the other one is going to be the other side of the bridge let's just take another look at that so that was that one there and this one here is the other side of the bridge yeah so these two areas here there and there are the closest for people walking over these little pads that we set up at the back and we certainly do not have enough vehicles to cope with that so let's just have a look what options we have for our line so we've got the biofuel bus the school bus the bus and a random bus well at the minute we're just going with the biofuel bus as you can see the buses here are pretty much full up i would even double those on that line or maybe even put it up to 10. we just need more and more buses to go out to they all go coming out of the station over here they're all going to get clogged up first of all but they will spread out eventually so let's try that on 10 and see how that goes and whether that's enough um and then we can have a look at our other line as well which is good though people are happy to use the transit that's excellent so the other line that we've got here not too bad just this one here and we can see the buses but time they get down here are pretty full up this one's going to pick up some of those but i reckon a couple of three more buses on there as well so four five six oh also say let's just have a quick sip of tea we'll get that on seven and let's just see where that stop is there we go actually i reckon six six should be enough yeah let's go for six so that stop is oh there we go that is a similar place as the other one this side here where the path comes over so that's good so what that what that is telling me is people are happy to walk from over here over the paths and then they're stopping at the stops there and then taking the buses around to other places they need to go excellent so we'll leave those running for a minute uh let's also check our trams we've got our three tram lines here and let's have a look at those and this is the one that goes to our industry it runs along our industry stops over here and goes back again that is never really that busy we've got one tram on there that holds 82 we've got another 38 there 10. i reckon at least two on that one let's just up that a little bit and get a second one on there and then line number two let's have a look at that yeah because the trams hold 82 we're pretty much okay on that i mean we've got a couple of only got five in we could knock it down one but i'll i'll just leave it as is i'll leave it as it is the negligible amount of money will save means people are waiting longer so i believe this is and this one i've only got three on you've got 74 waiting there so where's that so let's just come out of that view so we can see oh interesting okay so that is by our little crossover spot we can see lots and lots of people are walking backwards and forwards here to get on our trams to then go around this area so i'm definitely going to increase the amount of trams on line at number three we can see that is pretty well used yeah so let's put that up to four there we go yeah so we'll leave those going but we do now have option to add in trains and i would like to get a train station bringing in people from the outside so where is our train line we just have a look at this here we've got this train line that comes up runs through the middle and heads over there i'd really like to bring a train line in by our bus station because at the minute our buses are hooked up to our trams the walking network all the rest of it so if we could do that and in fact we could even just put a train station right opposite here and have a line run into that i've got any key on let's turn that off there we go gonna need to do a little bit of terraforming but that could be fine let's just grab our terraforming tool this one here go for the smoothing and just smooth that out a teeny teeny touch that's not so bad and then what we could do let's have a look where's the line gone it's down here so in fact we could just run up and connect to this line over here i think that would work well so let's grab our train line we'll use the normal one here two lane two way and i'd like to just run that straight into that road and let's turn these on and just sort of have a little crossing over there why not makes it interesting doesn't it we can sort of work with that and if that comes straight across okay let's just go straight across to there and then we just want access to go left and right and in fact this little bit here the whole thing is a bridge apart from this little section here so let's do something with that there we go that will do so they can split off there and go in each direction let's just check the lines there are set up correctly they're set up correctly there yep so you've got in and out in both direction and then they'll join onto this line which will run along down here now what we can do with our train station if we just take a look at that we've allowed intercity trains this is our only train station at the moment so that will bring in people from outside the city which then have access as you can see to all of this network um let's just upgrade these roads here so we haven't got the cycling roads on those let us do that and we'll do the one on the end as well there we go excellence recycling and parking we've got our train station all set up yeah i think that will work quite well there we go our first intercity train and it's look how many people it's dropped off so many people unbelievable that is fantastic they're all hopping on their bikes oh it's brought in so many people that is absolutely fantastic and wherever they all going let's have a look they're all going across there some are getting in the bike lanes and heading out into the city oh let's just come out of that view this is going to be absolutely fantastic look we're running over to the bus the buses and so many of these are going to be tourists as well and then we're gonna queue up underneath there can we see look there we go they're all queuing up to get the buses into town and it was nice to see a load of them cycling as well someone got in their cars look we've got a little bit of a traffic jam here as some jump in their cars some are going around here coming down to the university although i don't think that's the case it must be coming to the parks because you don't get outside people coming to your universities that must be some of my citizens 595 and there goes another train oh this is absolutely brilliant absolutely brilliant so let's just have a look on here 251 that is great and if we're going to start bringing in more people from the outside we're going to start earning more money from tourism as well so commercial zones at the minute not many visitors to our parks or we've only just allowed tourists in really uh in larger amounts and public transportation look at that so they're all taking the buses and paying us lots and lots of money brilliant i just want to check this junction here let's just grab that tool so we've got that as give way but at the minute there's nothing coming from up here so i'm gonna make that one give way and these two can just carry on because they're not really gonna get in each other's way so that is great that is really really good now i have had a few people say to me that there's a problem with the train lines on one side of this map so what i'm gonna do to get outside of the zones i bought i'm going to open the cinematic camera mod and that allows me to go outside of these dotted squares so we're going to follow this train line all the way to the edge of the map so it goes past the mountains okay so i had to install another mod just for this little test here disabled cloud and fog toggler let's have a look at the train line over here and what i'm looking for is i want to make sure that there's people spawning here so these are the ones that will get picked up by the train and also there is trains coming and going from this area and also what i tend to do is this little node here is always far too close uh to the edge there we go so a train is going so i'm going to just pause the game i'm going to move this note down let's put that on uh grab that and just sort of move these down a bit just to give enough room for trains to come in and out between this node and this node there we go so i want to make sure trains are going to come in there we go we're going to run along now i want to make sure trains are coming in here as well so let me just hang on and there we go we just saw a train coming in as well taking people in the other direction so we know that this connection works okay so let's head back into the city let's follow this all along along oh look at this prime building area we go and i'm going to take a look at this well there's people waiting there that is a good sign and i'm going to do the same thing i'm just going to move all these along get all the people running down the track there we go just spread these nodes out so we have plenty of space at the end come on where's it going to stop is it going to be over there is it going to be over here [Laughter] [Music] oh i've discovered another game within minecraft we're in minecraft within city skylines can i make them run off the edge no oh oh oh is that a train coming in and i've messed it up it is that's the train coming in let's move this along a bit there we go trains coming in and all i want to see now is a train going out as well and we know that this one works okay too and there we go that was a train leaving i think that worked fine yeah i'm pretty sure that was okay good so we know all the train lines are working fantastically well oh look at all those lovely people taking our buses giving us all their mula on the public transportation i love it now the biggest thing we have at the moment is a need for high density or a need for residential but i want to put some more high density residential in which was going to be in this area here but i don't want to overload it now we did change a lot of these to high density around here um and these are all still low density i'm wondering whether we could just maybe upgrade some of these yeah i'm going to do it i'm going to take out this whole section here and that is all going to be high density zippity doodah to the end and i'm thinking i'm also going to do the same here and make all of that high density because we know so many people are using their bikes and walking and stuff i think we're gonna be okay so let's just see all that up i do like watching things grow and build in the city so what are we up 11 1344 we've taken care of most of our need and look you couldn't have missed that they are upgrading as well which is good so that is going to give us even more people which is what we want and traffic i'm waiting for a big line of cars to come in to people to move into these houses but we're doing okay we are doing okay so maybe we could also do these last few smaller ones down here because we've got this massive big hospital right on the edge and the whole point was is this was going to be a massive big area for high-density buildings so if i use that tool there i'm going to grab that square i know i'm going to accidentally remove some others as well but that's fine we'll take that we'll take that and then we'll take all of these there we go and then we'll left click and we'll draw all of those back in again that one there that one there i think we've got all of these all of those and let's get this section that should do right down to that junction and then we've got this little section down here you know blow it we might as well just do the whole darn thing and that one last little square ping there we go so let's just keep an eye on all of that i can see a lot of traffic coming down the highway over there look i think we're gonna have a lot of cars coming in for all of these people let's just fly over here a sec and see if we can see them coming in yeah look oh no it's not i thought that was a big queue it's just some parked cars no i think we're doing okay what's the traffic light that's always a giveaway there's a big influx of cars 81 percent so still doing okay this is getting a little bit busier here look because we're getting a lot of people coming in with trains what i would like to do is stop lane switching in the middle i'm going to grab that select that node control s as it says down there and as we used to call that hugo there so they'll pick their lane when they come in at the top and they won't lane switch there but other than that it's all looking okay isn't it that's that's the traffic that we just saw going down the road this is all looking good i'm pleased with that so now we've got well we've got enough spots of high density that as you can see they're not all filling in so that means we've taken care of our need yep that's fine excellent so what we could do with is a little bit more commercial now some of these along here this has been commercial actually around the outside so i am going to just remove some of these houses well i put them back in exactly the same as what they were before but that was confusing for the residents wasn't it there we go and i'm going to change these to high density shops instead down there so that means these won't be houses these will probably start filling in over here there we go until we've hit that need as well and i get this question quite a lot how do you get your city to grow people will say i've got no demand in my city you've got to take care of the demand that you've got so this huge demand i've got for commercial i've got to take care of that and then it will start bumping up the demand for other stuff so obviously we've got a demand for industry coming in now which we've not had for a long time so that is definitely interesting to see let's just fill in these couple of bits that have been missed okay and we'll leave the rest of that to grow that's starting to look more like a nice big built-up area there isn't it brilliant there you go and just to make the point you can see that our residential demand has shot up again because we're taking care of the other demands so yeah if that's a problem you've got in your city keep taking care of the demands that you've got and you'll soon find that other demands will grow as well so i do want to add in some more commercial but i'd like to add in this one here leisure specialization um we're going to be building in this area a bit later so what i'm going to do is i am going to put a zone in here there we go our leisure specialization there we go and then just along the road here i'm gonna add some high density uh commercial there we go it's starting to grow up here and what i'm thinking is we can start adding some hotel and some real touristy destination type stuff in here because we know so many tourists are coming in from our train station over that side it'll be a nice hop skip and a jump to come over here and start spending a load of their dosh in our city which would be absolutely brilliant there we go we've got a nice set of leisure high density commercial buildings like a little strip all the way along that road there all the way around the corner either side needs a little bit of detailing but for now i think that looks pretty pretty good as you come down the highway can't complain at that and this place is so busy look at all the people there are so many people walking around our city that just is absolutely brilliant walking highways cycle highways that is the way to keep your city traffic free look at them all look at them all oh what is going on here getting a little bit of traffic are we yeah we are what is the traffic at the moment i think we're sort of overdoing it on the huge amount of buildings that we're adding in and all the people that want to get in and out of the city um i'd rather people didn't uh change lanes right there so i'll show you why we used to call it you go there because when you used to have to do these manually you'd say you go there you go there you go there and you go there now it's just control s um you're like cutting through oh we don't have the dedicated lanes here anymore so let's do that and then let's just turn off that straight on that's better and here we don't have dedicated lane so let's do that and then let's turn off that straight on we don't know straight on and that might work a bit better i think i've upgraded the road at some point and messed it up and then we need don't need a dedicated lane for down there because that's only to the skip yeah i think that should be okay we've got them lane switching under there which is slightly annoying so we're going to turn that off so control s you go there oh we've lost a little cycle road there look that's not good is it we want cycle access to everywhere so let's get i'll tell you what let's just use the picker that's the one that's the one i want there we go we'll upgrade that uh this one here space already occupied not if i anarchy in there we go now they can cycle from one side to the other and we get a bit of auto safe zipper t in there as well yeah so let's just check the lanes we've got here so i want that with a dedicated turning lane i want no lane switch in here so control s and they're also going to do it under here as well i'm going to say no there so what they're going to have to do is pick their lane here so these guys are going to turn off these are going to go straight on and they will pick their lane in this node um and we'll make sure they can really do it we're turning that on as well although i'm pretty sure they can anyway so that's fine and i'm just wondering whether because they're doing lane switching down here but we're sort of running out of lanes here most people are going straight on there's a lot of people so you come in for look coming from all this high-density stuff look they're all coming out to get on the highway i reckon that will go down momentarily i'm wondering whether we could add a road here another little slip lane just to help them get out of the city from that direction to save them coming down here and then on to there i don't think there's anything wrong with doing that yeah let me do that why not why the heck not i do love a load of comments telling me that's not realistic why have you done that so let's do it i'm gonna delete that we're gonna do this one here and we're gonna go like that i'm gonna curl it around that way because then i'm gonna curl it around this way there we go and they're not gonna have proper merging lanes or anything they're just gonna go for it that's what's gonna happen there and i think they'll be fine and there we go our first customer our second whoa it's a bit of a snaky s road there isn't it but i think that will work out okay and hopefully they won't slow down these people coming out here i would upgrade this to a four lane to give them a bit of a run off lane but not got that square yet so can't do it so there we go we have the first little start of our university in our city we will upgrade to a fully blown campus at a later date you've also learned in this episode that you need to keep an eye on your mass transit adjust your buses trams whatever you've got as and when you need more and boy did we need more because people are loving our mass transit our cycling are walking they are really getting into not using the car in our city which is brilliant and we've got a new train station bringing in so many tourists and earning tons of money and i just checked the traffic was back to 85 so we've got no problem there as well if you enjoyed this episode leave a like watch the video on the screen and also if you're not subscribed i'm just getting so close to half a million subscribers which just sounds unbelievable half a million subscribers about 50 000 away which you know it's not that many really so subscribe if you're not subscribed and i will see you all very soon for the next one thank you again for all of your support take care have a great day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 271,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, cities skylines, city skylines, biffa cities skylines, city skyline, cities skylines biffa, biffa teaport, #teaport, city skylines biffa
Id: 2qGUCwRJUyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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