Find out why this Mass Transport option is Loved so much in Cities Skylines

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer thank you very much for joining me hope you're having a fantastic day here we are in the extra little area that we built up a couple of episodes ago we've got this lovely key wall at the front here with the fence and the trees i've upgraded the roads to include the protected bicycle paths that we've used elsewhere today we are going to be connecting this with the rest of the city with a little bit more public transportation because at the moment this is only connected via road cycling as well i think i need to check all of my paths where they're all connected up properly um but we're going to do a ferry uh going down the river here so we just zoom out a little bit we've got this sort of river with some oxbows coming along here and it goes all the way along up to the main bulk of our city over here and i think this would be fantastic if we could get a ferry to run up and down here we're going to have to adjust our bridges probably to get that sorted but i think that'll be really really cool as you can see down here there we go look we've got the protected bicycle lane rows that we used before plus we've got this bicycle lane over here as well so they can choose this bicycle path i mean they can choose which one they want to use or they can walk along the key wall if they really really want to ferries a long hit tons of bridges tons of bridges well tell you what let's start back over here again because this area is going to be high density we've said that before all the way along this river either side that is the plan so i would like a one of these a ferry and bus exchange stop so we've got our ferry network and then we're going to have our buses able to come over that what is going on so that's going to need a little change to our setup along here i would like it here because then the buses can come over into this part of the city so let's just pause a sec let's delete a couple of segments from these yeah as soon as i do that it jumps back here and we'll do that and we'll just join these up there we go and then we'll just see if we can sit that on here i will do yes there we go and it's just going to bring the road a little bit further forwards like that yeah there we go so we're going gonna need to do a little something something here i'm thinking maybe right first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab this double click trees i'm just gonna remove any trees that are under here there we go give us some space we can put the other ones back in if we need so i'd like that just to go straight through there oh let's turn that around so the bicycle lane matches up there we go do you know what that looks okay that looks right like that they can come in from both directions or we can stay on the main road yeah let's do that and then if we just grab that section there you've got to give way you've got to give way oh auto save zipper t how timely there we go and then all we've got to do then is get our this path here to run from one side to the other still i'm just thinking what i might do is yeah there we go so they can get from one side to the other that's fine and then we maybe can monkey around with some of these trees that'll be good connect up the key wall again yeah i think that will work out okay there we go i've upgraded this little bit of key wall that's underneath our hub here with this version which hasn't got all the trees on it and that fits in much better a couple of other little trees around there and i think that looks perfectly good so we're going to have that as our main ferry stop here as we go further along we can add more ferry stops uh i accidentally well accidentally on purpose remove the key upgrade tool because apparently it might cause other issues so i've got to manually remove all that key to upgrade it that's why we've got a bit of flooding there so don't worry too much about that but for now we're going to have a stop over there and we can have one sort of here one over here somewhere i don't think we're going to get one in down there but definitely over here both sides of this river here would be good but i think if we could fit one in here somewhere that would be fantastic we've got a cycle path we maybe could have a little road connection there let's see what options we've got let's go there and we're going to run a little road along the waterfront there let's grab let's grab one of these small ones quite like the look of those and we'll just come along here like that and we'll curve that around into there there we go my oh my let's grab that control h uh same height as that would be perfect there we go so let's make sure this road has got giveaway signs coming out and then control left click with the lane arrows watch these arrows here let's try that again what hang on a sec hang on a sec that one there control click i'm waiting for a dedicated turn in lane but it won't do it all right i'll do it myself now that is interesting i'm not quite sure what's going on there i am going to ignore that for now and just move on so yes here we go so we've got one ferry stop there i definitely want to fit another one in over here okay so i've just popped one on the end here just remove those couple of houses that were there and just put a nice little shop opposite i would like another one over here now if you remember we've got all tram roads running through here and i don't want to mess with those but i'm pretty sure we can sort of just sort of squeeze one in the end here yeah let's go for there and again we'll just use this little small road here and just run that down at the junctions there we go we can fit a nice little shop in there as well excellent shall we just lift this up just a tiny touch yeah there we go and then we can have another one over this side as well which i think will be great let's pop it right in the middle and then again we can use that same little road let's go right out to the edge there we go and then this one in the middle here we'll just remove that turn that into some shops there we go excellent that'll be good so they can head off down there come actually there's nowhere else to head down there so they might end up just turning around and joining that one it's a shame we haven't got one that faces the other way um never mind we'll go with that we'll go with that so you might find people jump on here and come straight across as well we shall see we shall see so that's there we've got that one there and then as it comes around here we've got to go under that bridge we'll add some more along here as we get there and then this is a heck of a journey isn't it under these bridges all the way around here under this bridge and then you come to the big main one over here and with this we can certainly add let's add one bus stop in for now just as we've got it here where's my bus stop thing in the bar there we go so we'll take the first one create a new line there we go so that should work that should be fine let us run our ferry path down here as well is that the one there ferry pathway yeah we're going to get all sorts of issues with these bridges aren't we so what i'm going to do i'm going to put anarchy on i want to try and avoid having to move where the legs are but i can change the height can't i as much as i want so let's do this let's run this all the way down let's turn off collision over here collision there we go and let's continue and what we could do here is have it one way going in and one way coming back but unfortunately we don't have any one way um ferry pathways so i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring it through the back way here now i am wondering whether to add another one down here somehow no i've got any anarchy or anything gone pop and tree anarchy off yeah something's causing an issue there would this be deep enough i mean would you really want to come over here no i'll tell you what i'm not going to put the ferry all the way down there it seems to me like you're going to take a ferry if you're sightseeing or something like that i don't think you're going to want to take a ferry just to just line that up like that and then i want to go like that just to want to go to work it's going to be not what you're going to want to do and then we could down here just then connect that back up to there again so that hooks back around and goes back on there yeah i think that'll be okay oh we need the fairy depot don't we darn it where am i gonna put that okay so i'm gonna take this little area that we've got down here where we've got these uh recycling centers we don't need those anymore as we set up all of our trash stuff in a previous episode uh trust us trash staff there it is yeah plenty of garbage processing no problem at all and let's just pop the fairy depot along here let's just delete uh that can i get it so i can see it there we go drop the ferry okay it's trying to try to snap to it there we go so we line up the ferry depot like so excellent and then we can just sort of hook these up let's do it that way there we go and that would be great and then if we can get these roads hooked up as well there we go excellent so that is now all hooked up let's just double check that so all we need to do now is set up our ferry line so i'm thinking at the moment one just going from one end to the other so that's gonna wiggle all the way down there that is gonna start there it's gonna stop there it's gonna stop there it's gonna stop there why don't you go around the back i mean that would be uh much preferred there's nothing i can do about that and then they're gonna stop on the way back as well and let's come all the way back over here to finish that off there we go so the thing to do now is when this spits out our ferry there we go we need to follow this guy and see how he goes under all the bridges and also before we do that let's just take a look at this guys look at the line details we're going to get seven ferries that's gonna be far too many let's go for three for now okay let's follow this guy and see how it goes so that one's okay this one definitely going to be an issue okay so let's just sort this one out we're going to use the move it mod grab the nodes there we go that node of that node that node and that node and just do page up and i'm going to do that until we don't see anything let's see look they've got blooming lights as well it wasn't for the lights we'd be okay i'm pretty sure that's a fairy light yeah so let's go up just so we can't see that there we go okay excellent so now they can fit under there we need to do the same for the bicycle path there we go so i'm going to select all the nodes and i'm going to control h and we're going to select this node here it's going to make it the same height we'll worry about the ends in a moment because this is all now all over the place isn't it let's just maybe slope that a little bit uh that could actually move down couldn't it and then we could slope that one a little bit this one here doesn't look too bad there we go so now we know the height let's just check the railway bridge perfectly fine okay so you're going to stop in front so what we need to do now is is these ones here one button you just need to select that node that node and then hold shift that node that node that node and i'll do the one on the land as well for the paths and then control h again that's going to lift it up a bit for that let's just double check yeah it's still clipping it isn't it but it's that's just about going underneath i think that's acceptable we could go up a little bit more but i think we'll stick with that no go the other way don't go back the way you just calm that is so annoying but we'll have to just live with that oh look at that already people waiting to get on our new ferry line and the next stop after this one is right down the other end oh i can feel it i can feel it scraping under there yeah right down the other end so let's enjoy the journey oh actually i forgot they might be getting off here let's see how many get off here and how many continue oh more people waiting yes we definitely need to set up some sort of nature reserve on these little islands in the middle don't we with their ruins and things like that i think that would be a very cool addition oh forgot about these bridges but they seem to be a lot higher anyway so that's good so it saves me going along and sorting those out i don't think the bridge on this side is going to be high enough snap yeah they think that worked for some reason i did use the move it mod to set this bridge the same height as the one over there but yeah let's just do it manually so let's just grab all of these nodes all of these nodes and do the one by the side let's go back down here uh keep an eye on that light just there we'll go page up page up pitch up jump jump jump a couple more for luck and that should be okay and then what we can do is you can just grab a couple of these just to sort of smooth that out a bit that end and this end is nice and smooth anyway cool and that should be okay right up to the end there we go and that's going to drop some people off here pixel oh look at that more people coming in pick some people up has it got enough room for all of them nope they're waiting for the next one is this fun up then let's just take a quick look at that uh 50 out of 50. yeah so maybe we do need to add uh which one is that going to be this one here add some more 50 out of 50 24 out of 50. oh wow look at all the people that are whoa i'm gonna double this up to six and we'll see how that goes but that is absolutely fantastic and the bus route as well let's just check that one so of course this is the only this one down here bus line three this is the only real mass transportation connection that these guys and girls have to the rest of the city so 107 oh look at that and that is this stop over here nice okay i'm glad people are using it brilliant that's what we want to see okay so we did notice that the garbage processing down at this end of the city all the way the garbage processing is looking pretty rubbish everywhere isn't it which is weird because our processing is fine i mean if you look at the what is going on empty and finished stop emptying what that's got an empty thing on it i thought that was all automatic hey yeah we shouldn't have to empty those automatically because this guy over here where is he this one here will automatically send out trucks to pick up all the trash uh yeah let's chuck it on there there we go that's fine they can head out and they can hopefully help with some of the trash issues that we seem to have uh at the moment and i just popped another one in at the cargo station area right at the back here out of the way yeah i want to really make sure that we keep on top of this trash problem i don't want to get any worse and everybody leaving my lovely city and just because everybody keeps telling me i'm just going to up this to 13 and i'm going to put this up to 10. i still want to keep a nice high demand though and we're earning so much money uh i'm fine with that so these are 10 and 11 and the rest of these are at 12 yeah not 13. good okay i think this is the garbage truck here that's gonna pick up all the garbage from these red houses i've been keeping an up what's he doing stopping in the middle of the street i've been keeping an eye on all of my places there we go look at that he's driving past picking it up does that mean he's now 100 full wow he was only 25 percent four a second ago flipping eck you know they don't fill up quick let's just watch this guy here is he gonna finish them off one one house he picked up from whoa i'm wondering whether it's because we've got more people in our houses because we're using the lifetime mod or whatever it's called but anyway uh hopefully our trash problem is sold where's the trash button there we go everything's looking pretty nice and blue which is what we want to see only a few more reds around but they're doing okay yeah look this one is doing it as well emptying i didn't think it worked like that i've got to say i thought they sent out trucks from the other one that came and emptied it out because it says naught percent full empty and finished it's not turning off i think we have a mod problem hmm so um so so and here we are in the slightly expanded area over here um i turned on the key upgrade tool upgraded all my keys to the new ones that we've been using and then i've removed the mod again because it does cause a conflict somewhere i can't remember what it was you can see lit up in the back over here we have our school district another little university high school middle school and i've also got another couple of schools another high school over there another little middle school popped in here somewhere uh all down the front there there we go we can see it i've adjusted the ferries we've got another bus route that goes around this one here and then this area here as well either side of the main road that goes through lots of people using those adjusted the amount of ferries adjusted the amount of buses i've got trash under control i've just done absolutely tons of stuff with this area it's it is looking i would say pretty pretty nice with the bridge there as well i do like this now i will go through and pick out some names that you all suggested for this area i've had quite a few suggestions for that thank you very much and i always take your names because i think uh yeah i think you guys and girls come up with some fantastic names oh here we go the sun is coming back and here we are in the little school area that i just put together over here and you generally find when you're using these high density buildings that you do need a lot of schools uh we might need to move the trash thing at some point but let's go this way we can't hear it beeping so much and i've got a library in here as well a public library i've done some nice work on the roundabout just a little something some rocks we've got to get some rocks in the new area haven't we some of that undergrowth uh shrubbery i want to say but i struggle with that word so i won't say it and some trees and then you've got to laugh at yourself and this one over here as well just a little bushes around the outside a little bit of this undergrowth again some different trees in this one all the roundabouts all set up did i set this round about correctly yes i did i can tell because you've got the dedicated lanes for coming off yeah really pleased with the way this has turned out i think this is looking really nice and the people are taking these ferries all the way down here oh i've added in this little path so this path dead ended up here so i've just brought it down to that road connected it to the front here and yeah that is working really really well uh let's just pop over here so look we've got the key key wall goes all the way along here all the way around the river all the way along here now comes all the way up to here all the way past here and ends over here that's as far as we've got the minute with detailing that sort of front section and i think it's looking good i think it's looking really good now let's go back over here again zippy do dart what is our population at at the moment 26 000 and rising we're not going to hit the next target today of 34 000 and we've still got tons of needs and we're still making tons of money look over six million tea leaves i mean you just can't complain at that at all let's just take a look at so bus line number four that's the second one i put in there we go look at that little light green one so people are gonna use it to get to the school and that sort of thing not so overly used that one we do have a couple of buses there's quite a few people waiting up here so you know what i'm actually gonna upgrade that to three buses there we go we'll do that and then our ferries this one here ferry line one i've upgraded that to eight oh look at the amount of people that are waiting is that this stop here so that's the stop over here oh my giddy aunts that is absolutely tons let's just have a look at the other ones so these are all filled 50 50 50 50. there's another 100 down there okay 8 19 11 12. i'm gonna upgrade that and hopefully we can keep on top of that i'll keep checking it and see see how it's going but people are loving the ferries and they're loving the bus exchange stop look at that so many people using it that is what you want to see well i'll tell you what everybody thank you very much for watching thanks for your continued support if you enjoyed this please leave a like subscribe before you go check out the other video on the screen as well it's one that youtube thinks you will like i'm sure you'll probably enjoy it too have a great weekend and i will see you next week take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 151,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines ferry, cities skylines ferry tutorial
Id: inenRINPIq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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