Cities Skylines Fixes: Fixing Not Enough Workers, Not Enough Educated Workers & Not Enough Customers

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[Music] hello welcome to city planner plays in this tutorial i want to discuss a couple of issues that new players routinely see in the game and that is not having enough workers not having enough educated workers and not having enough customers now if you started out the game and you built what you think is the perfect city but it's just not taking off and you're seeing these issues there's probably a couple reasons why so even if you followed proper roadway hierarchy even if you've made a walkable city you can run into this problem and it's probably a mixture of a lack of residential zoning and a problem in your educational pipeline let's take a look at this downtown area that i have created so i have placed all the commercial uses along this main corridor industrial off to the side and a whole bunch of residential all in one swat and when we take a look you'll see that the downtown area which has predominantly office and commercial uses is really suffering so we have right here not enough educated workers over here not enough workers so this is a fairly easy thing to fix so what happens uh well first of all this is an education issue so we have an education pipeline that you need to maintain in the city and that pipeline starts at elementary schools works its way up to high schools and ends at the university and is supported by public libraries so what you'll notice is that i've built no libraries and no universities you could build a library that's not going to necessarily solve your problems but it's good to support it to have to support your educational system so i'll place one of these along the main drag but the real thing that we're missing here is a university so i'm going to place this university in kind of a central location in my community and you'll notice that within short order things begin to resolve themselves first of all our capacity shoots through the roof and now all of our eligible citizens are going to start using that university so let's do a quick time lapse and see what happens in our downtown area [Music] okay we've made some progress but one of the things that adding the university did was actually make our utility demands much uh much more dire so now we uh we've experienced a great deal of population growth so what we're going to do is take care of those needs and that should really help our city continue growing so we need water and sewage capacity so i'm going to add a bit now and our garbage processing status is also not in a great place let's fix that as well okay so at this point i think we're in a much better spot and if we get back to looking at this area i would venture to say that this issue resolves itself and our population is still continuing to grow and i'm noticing one more issue and that is death care so we're going to add a couple of crematoriums i think that'll speed this along as well okay so i started this video 20 minutes ago and i now have a downtown that is vibrant it has a lot of activity and there are no educational demands that aren't being met in terms of employees all of the businesses have enough employees and educated employees and this all came down to adding one key building and that's a university because that was what was missing in my educational pipeline and you can see it's not just that side of the downtown area it's also this side we are completely good in both sides of the downtown and our community is thriving our demand is up and if you look our budgets actually stabilized and the main reason for that is now all this residential area was able to fill in now that we have our educational system in check so it's really important when you're playing the game that you make sure that all these systems are working oh and that you don't do this never zone in a roundabout that was the only one anyway um making sure that uh you're meeting all of your educational needs will ensure that you're able to level up all of your buildings so one of the things that i think we're able to do now is just take a look around we look at our houses we're at least beyond level one in most of them and and most of them are looks like level three or better so that is a huge benefit and when you look at the the people who live there we have educated workers and well-educated workers and some there's still a lot of uneducated workers we might want to take a look at our pipeline and make sure it's stabilized right now it looks like from an elementary school standpoint we're great but we don't have enough high school capacity so there's probably some good merit adding at least two maybe three more high schools to stabilize the school system here so you might wonder why did i have to wait so long to get this to be vibrant well all of those people had to make their way through the educational system and that takes time just like it does in reality uh you can't become a university town overnight you've got to um wait for people who wait for children to become teenagers that are educated and teenagers that are educated to go to the university and those university students to graduate before you have the workers you need for these businesses so the other thing i like to check is policies you know you can always have the education boost policy making sure that everyone's going to school and make sure that you don't have policies like there's a policy that will actually prioritize uh working over going to school so school's out that's a policy that you should really only target to a district unless you want a really blue-collar city and you aren't going to plan on having a big commercial district or office district this is the kind of thing you want to really be aware of so that's how you solve not enough workers and not enough educated workers but what about not enough customers we'll deal with that next okay and for our next issue we're going to take a look at another common problem and that is not enough customers and this one is incredibly frustrating if you get it because it can it can really seem to be insurmountable but i'm here to tell you that's actually a pretty easy thing to remedy so in this area i've built directly across from the river i've continued the grid on the opposite side of the river but i've done a couple of things that are causing some problems so first of all look at the zoning there's a residential near this zone and let's look at our transportation network there's only one way to get across the river so this is a big cul-de-sac so that's you know personally i think that's a terrible idea in terms of being able to serve it with a variety of city services that makes it a real challenge another thing that i've done to create an issue here is i've taken this two-lane boulevard and rather than extending it across the water i've added a highway now some people will do this thinking you know i need to get people across the river quickly well that's not necessarily the best option because now pedestrians can't walk across so everyone here is forced to get here with a car and why would you ever come over here there's just no purpose uh it's not the not not not the most happening place to be you could probably meet most of your needs across the river and that's what the sims will do there's there's no reason to to to come across so why would you so i am experiencing a couple of oddities here so we're gonna just make a couple of changes and that should give us a very clean connection across here i'm gonna use move it clean up this power line probably going to lose all power over here momentarily so this change will make a significant difference in and of itself but there's probably two uh two places you want to look at number one is your transportation network and number two is your mix of land uses and like i mentioned this is one land use now at least there's a way to to operate over here as a pedestrian you could walk across this bridge so that's helpful but it's likely not good enough if you really want to remedy this you're going to need a better mix of land uses and truthfully a lot of times when you see this it's really an overzoning of commercial land uses so you might just need to catch up with your residential and you can see here there's absolutely no demand for commercial zones but a medium demand for residential and that's all related to uh the the zoning decisions that i've made here so let's add a bridge across and make a small residential neighborhood i have a feeling that that's going to fix things for us [Music] okay so now i have everything set up except for the utilities i'll get water in here and then i will add some residential land uses and i have a sneaking suspicion that this area is going to blossom and we're going to remedy all of our problems across the water so i'm going to be pretty uh not not very conservative with my zoning i'm just going to go about it zone the whole kit and caboodle residential dense residential and we'll see what happens [Music] so the other thing that could be done and that we might want to be thinking about would be extending transit to this new area and connecting it up to existing high density residential areas so that might be another approach that we want to take right now so why don't we make our first subway line or rather our first underground metro station okay so i probably shouldn't have flooded this entire area out for that subway line however i think that once we rebound we're going to be in a good spot okay so i did go ahead and get everything fixed up and you see that our issues are cropping up again but one of the things we didn't do yet was actually build our subway line so let's do that right now [Music] this will do so now we have this subway line and eventually we're going to see lots and lots of traffic i do while we're waiting for that to come online i want to take a look at these junctions this would not be warranted all of these stoplights and they are going to slow down traffic to this area and make it difficult for people to get here and do their business what you'll notice is this entire residential area that we just built is already filled in and we still are just now getting our commercial demand back we have more demand for residential in fact so one thing you could do is look to build more residential in this area now i have a sneaking suspicion that if i were to take some of these districts here and repurpose them they're going to spring to life really quickly and they're going to fix the rest of our commercial uses in fact you see commercial uses wanting to spring up in the middle of these right off the bat and that's not at all surprising so i took mostly land that was undeveloped in an effort to to fix this so now one thing that i'm noticing is that all of those all of that uh not enough customers although those indic indicators are gone from this area there's a couple over here and one thing you'll notice in this area is no residential so i guarantee if we were to make a little residential note over here so we'll take away a total of eight uh four eight by eight squares and fill that in i am noticing that we have some flooding over here so i'm going to take care of that [Music] so getting this little bit of residential in here and that subway line is all that we needed to to tamp down some of those issues that we were seeing over here so it's really as simple as is making sure that your land uses are integrated well with one another and that your transportation network can facilitate the the transport of customers to the commercial districts that you're putting together so it's not anything more complicated than that you've probably over zoned your commercial you probably don't have enough uh transportation connections to the area and your land uses are likely not integrated well enough let's look at the subway station well we're not able to see just yet but we click in here we can see there's a monster queue of people waiting to get to their destination we can also see that there are a lot of people taking this line which is not a very complicated line to tell you the truth 284 people these are customers for these businesses so it's working out really well and i have a feeling that if we take a look at our transportation networks and we look just at our data pedestrian network there's a lot of pedestrian activity in this area now it's coming from this residential district over here it's coming from that subway station you can see that people are using it well and we can see that there are people coming over here so just in general uh there's a lot more pedestrian activity a lot more a lot more activity in general and we could even up the ante here and add in connections to our bike network which would make things even better but you can see that the the upgrade of this uh bridge has done a lot and you have a lot of trips coming from the northern part of the city into this area and as a result no more indicators showing that there's not enough customers so that is how i would approach that issue if you like this video and you want to see more tutorials like this please consider hitting that like button if you are not yet subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i make new videos just like this one please hit that notification bell i want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters your support enables me to make interesting content like this uh their names are listed here and even though this is a tutorial i will give you a brief city tour to show you this little city that we've developed for the tutorial thank you so much and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] good [Music] so you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 308,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities skylines not enough workers, cities skylines not enough educated workers, cities skylines not enough customers, not enough workers cities skylines, not enough educated workers cities skylines, not enough customers cities skylines, cities skylines not enough workers fix, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines xbox one, cities skylines tips 2021
Id: OJdhBZvlX8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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