Don't Miss Perfect Solution for Cargo Traffic in Cities Skylines

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hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me biffer i hope you had a good weekend so here we are back in tea port we have got some lots of work to get stuck into today last episode we built this amazing forestry industry which is purring along really really well and we're gonna look at helping these uh citizens down here to get their cargo in and out of the area quicker now to do that i need to hit the next milestone because the next milestone is going to unlock this baby the cargo airport hub and that is what we're going to be building with we need eighty-five thousand to hit megalopolopolopoulos um so we're almost there oh also save already look at that quick sympathy i thought i'd broken the game there we go excellent at the only thing i've changed since i saw you last well i've added in this pulp mill to get more paper we were just sort of running out of paper over here but we've got so much paper now and plastic and all sorts yeah these things are humming now we're making so much money we go to our factory tab total profit 67 000 from all of our oh from our factories alone 66 000 you know i mean we're just it's just fantastic so we need to hit 85 000. what i'm just thinking of doing around here where could we just quickly pop we really just don't need many just a few high-density houses is just going to make us hit that target look at this look at this little piece of land right here look at this traffic what the heck is going on i tell you what a lot of this is gonna get solved when we get our cargo airport in yeah so i'm not gonna bother with that right now yeah i just wanna put a little something in here okay so i've just popped a few offices down here as well because as you can see on the bottom of the screen we have a need for industry offices will take care of that and hopefully if we can take care of our couple of other needs down here commercial industry we'll get more growth we'll get more demand for residential that is the plan we're so close we're like two and a half thousand off hitting our next target or no it was eighty four thousand wasn't it's a one and a half thousand off we're nearly there aha and there's the fireworks we've hit megalopolopolopolis fan flippingtastic so we unlock these airports down the bottom here the three different ones a new square monuments and that is like the last target in this city in the game we've got plenty more things to do and so don't worry about that so as you can probably see i've just added in a couple of little neighborhoods in a couple of little pockets of land whether they end up staying the whole uh life of the city who knows what this one here we've got this little one here so i've been using offices look they're still upgrading using offices around the noisy bits and then some high-density housing and then we just had this little spot over here i did the same it isn't actually that too not so noisy it does back onto this uh cargo hub over here so what i think i will do is just this section along here i will put offices in there just to block the sounds coming across i might just stick an office in there as well there we go and that's just taking us over we could do a little bit of decorating there but that's all right and then this one here not finished yet we can do some more stuff around here but again i've gone for offices along the back here by the monorail you get the idea right so 85 000 that was our target and we still got lots of growth that we need in our city which is brilliant so i'm thinking this spot down here or this spot over here because we can buy another square wrong button we can buy another square i want to buy this one because that gives us access yeah let's buy that and it still lets us just carry on unlocking them oh does that mean i've got unlocks i didn't realize i had okay that's fine so we can use our in-game tools here at this mod here and we can sort of dig that in and make ourselves a port this side so i'm thinking the airport up over here the cargo airport let's just take a look and see how big it is i think is this one yeah i'm thinking this is the one we want to do let's have it sort of facing that way and then when we get access to our jumpy game when we get access to our train line over here we can bring that in so let's just take a look at our road we can definitely have some roads coming off of here to give us access this big nice trunk road we've got going down here so let us grab keep this interesting i'm gonna meander that road up there meander new word in my city building vocabulary and then we'll meander this one up here okay i've just deleted it and smoothed out all this land i'm just gonna raise this road up to be the same height as that using the move it mod that's an interesting road okay select that node left click select that node and that node and that node and then we'll go into here and do slope objects and that should just smooth it down and that way a bit and then we can always use the smoothing tool just to sort of get that a bit nicer there and around there yep that's good and then we'll pop that back in again got the right one there we go i'm just going to delete all of those trees because all these people that are watching my videos know that i always love to have trees around my airports but of course yes that's completely dangerous i'm just wondering whether to have a little road off of here you know now i'm looking at this big trunk road coming up here i am gonna do that and this may end up being a one-way road in fact it most certainly will because lots of cars are going to come up i can never remember which way around these need to be so i'm going to guess this way and probably be wrong and then we'll just change it later when we need to so here we go so we get the two-way thingy there this i tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to preempt the fact that this is going to be busy and i'm going to stick around about in there can't see what road we've got two lane road yeah that'll be fine and two lane road i'm going to do one there as well thank you roundabout mod very helpful then here we're going to select this option control shift left click so we get dedicated turning lanes giveaway signs all the good stuff we'll do that on both there we go and that should be fine why was this i thought i'd built that straight there we go much better and then we're going to add that into the middle there that will do cost us a lot of money but we can afford it excellent just double check you've got all you need yeah good excellent now on top of this we have some fantastic new factories which are going to go in this area here and we have our first ah let's have a look at this guy post truck transporting mail to lake dale let's just see where he goes in it's going to be here and which side he goes in good we've got it the right way around he's going to go in there and then they come out this side let's just speed it up a bit is he going to come out yeah there we go that is what we want so down here we are going to have our factories and i'm going to just build a little road coming off of this side and then a little road coming off of this side let's start with this one oh man it's absolutely hammering it down with rain i don't know if you can hear that outside that is nuts okay we're gonna go with that one there turn that round we're going to say you give way dedicate to turning lanes good and then we'll build that in here now the factories that we're going to go for are new ones that we got last time we've got the toy factory which is only quite small which has the needs of paper plain timber and plastic well we know we're getting all of those over here quite happily so that's good and then we've also got the the modular house factory which needs plain timber plastic glass and metal so lots coming in for that one i'm going to put that into this little area here but before we do that spiffing dedicate your turning lanes give away when you're coming out yes nice okay so we've got that there and then we can build off of this into this little section up here so we're gonna go back to this one again there we go excellent a little bit of hawkeye bulkiness right by this road here that's okay we use the move it mods and just upper the upper deep note down until you down i see that a little bit there we go just smooth it out a bit so what does this need let's come out of the movie mod this needs paper plain timber and plastic so as always i'm going to put little warehouses right here for this right one trip to the steam workshop later so these are the normal warehouses that we use the small one and this sort of small one here we normally put those together but then we've got these over here these are by avanya and as i click on them you can see the names and search them up yourselves if you have the industry dlc these will work like this and you can just yeah as a normal warehouse which is fantastic so we've got like this is called a brick uh warehouse warehouse one two three got a color version of warehouse two and then four and five so simple names but yeah i like the look of these let's look this way look really cool not much bigger than this and yeah just something a little bit different which is what i wanted so i'm really pleased with that um let us maybe i'm wondering with the sizes of these as well capacities size 130 tons i'll say 100 130 100 100 this figure here 125 140 140 what would these be 100 and 250 so this is still a bigger one but i think we should be okay with some of these so i'm going to use the picker mod i'm going to pick that one there where are we over here and we're going to maybe just drop in one two three of those and i love i love that old brick warehouse all nicely lined up looking fantastic so just check that paper plane timber plastics yeah let's put these on field oh a plane coming in look in the background so we can keep plenty of these items here excellent and then when they export they're going to be exporting those special diamond looking type items so i want a little warehouse for that so let's maybe go for let's pop back over here to our where's our little warehouse pallet let's maybe go for that one so we've used this one let's go for one of these i think that's the color variant see what we get and that can just sort of pop next door nice i like that and this is gonna be set to empty and gonna be special unique factory products there we go so that'll be used as a buffer if needed if not we've got all of this here nice i like that so yeah when these fill up this shouldn't be running out of any items let's just take a quick look over here how this is going it's certainly be put into good use let's just pause and take a look transporting carco to jalal bads there we go so that is taking cargo out which is what we want to see it's bringing cargo in and there's yeah this is running nicely you've got these guys here switching lanes in the middle we don't want that so we're going to say there control s you go there you go there you go there and you go there so they're going to pick their lane in this node and then they're going to stick in it until they get to the roundabout let's just make sure they are picking but what i will do just to make sure is i'm gonna go like this like that there we go so you can take either of those it's no problem at all nice and cargo's getting dropped off cool and then what i'm gonna do over here to keep this moving because we know it's going to end up being very busy at some point is we're going to up that to 20. can i like copy that i've done control copy and paste that in there oh you can look at that paste it in there that will just give that a smoother sort of angle let's do it there and let's do it there excellent and then what i'm also gonna do i don't think we've got people crossing over there's like no cars coming and they're like well we're gonna stop just wondering actually whether because we've adjusted that node it's just actually slowed them down yeah and you know what i don't think we need the giveaway there i'm going to say keep going because there's not that many cars coming round this way and then that will just keep this moving nicely and then what i will do is just say don't switch lane there oh we've got traffic lights there okay let's turn those off yeah there we go that's fine so every now and again you get a big delivery and it keeps moving all right no problem so how's this guy doing down here plenty of stock that's going to be filling up that's filled up so we're going to be waiting for some plastics to come in cool now we've got a busy road down here so they're coming in needed to sneeze so they're coming in down here yeah like i thought these are going to end up being roundabouts just because they're going to be so busy so let's just add i'd like this to be a three lane one way roundabout we'll leave it like that and then we'll do our control shift click with that get it all set up that's good we're gonna do the same over here we've got the space to do it so it's no problem there we go go and then control shift left click excellent we could make the nose bigger if we need to but i'm wrecking it that's probably gonna be okay let's just get rid of our roundabout builder and then what i'm gonna do is turn off parking like a couple of nodes back from there just because i always think in real life people aren't gonna park that close to a roundabout so let's turn those off let's turn those off let's turn those off so i mean it was a t-junction so we could have done asymmetric roads and done something a bit different but look at that roundabouts already cleared up the traffic these bits on the end will be fine that's fine that's fine cool okay so our toy factory is churning away making us loads of money let us put in so modular house factory that needs four different items and that is pretty darn big that is going to be in this section here i'm going to put that out to heights we need four warehouses in there where's our little warehouse pallet gone these are all complaining i think we might go for the 125. yeah let's go for this one here why not trying to keep it all keep it all different uh let's start right over here so one i'm gonna leave a gap in between three four oh look at that just about fit them all in nice so it was plain timber plastic glass and metal i'm worried about this one being right close to the junction but and i always wanted to put these on full because these goods won't be imported and i'd like a nice full storage here for all of these balanced and filled they obviously are lacking a touch of water well we can uh we can accommodate you with that so let's do that excellent so that should again be making our house part and then when the house parts come out we want them stored in i'm gonna use this one over here where's it gone again it is down here i'm gonna use it only needs to be a small one i'm going to use that one and we're going to have that i think right outside so they're going in and out this bit here yeah like that good that'll do and then we have that on empty and that on a specialist zone unique factory products is the word i'm looking for nice nice nice and again we can always do some detailing and things yeah they're coming in that right by there i'm hoping that when it gets filled that'll be less of an issue and again like i mentioned before i've got the enhanced transfer mod on so they will always fill up our warehouses first then they will put the items into our factory let's just do a bit of smoothie smoothie smoothie smoothie yeah that'll do that's fine there we go so this is going to get busy here we've got hopefully i mean most of them are going to come out like you can see and go up here and round here because this is like one way it's just the way it's going to be which means we change that to a roundabout but as it stands depends how much this i mean it's gonna yeah it's busy while these are all filling up we'll leave that going we'll see how it goes and then the other one i want over here do you know what i'm thinking of doing is breaking this road in the middle so they have to come out this way and go round that might be have been a good idea for this massive warehouse to do that but let's pop in i want that up here as well drop my earphone at me i want that one up there as well so that is going to come up here [Music] that is actually a flipping large factory isn't it and i like the fact that it's on a slightly different angle than that makes it look a bit more realistic yeah worry about the land in a minute and then we've got this space here we can utilize for oh man it's going to need four factories so they're going to be over here and in here so let's grab this road get that right up against it sound like i've got a cold coming on don't know you might have noticed i don't feel like i've got a cold coming on but anyway i don't want that to connect up to there we'll do that um let us use so these ones are quite big i'm going to go for these because it's gonna be a big so that's just warehouse four where has five that one's blue yeah we'll just use a mixture of these so we'll go for the one on the end first because we can get one in there and then next to it i would go for the other one just for a little bit of variety like that i like the way they look when you pop them right next to each other as well yeah when they're the same height they'll look even better we'll do that there and then let's just have another little road coming off of here with these ones so i am going to use an asymmetrical road just because there's so much going on here there we go that will give us all the different things that we need let's just grab some water delivering apparatus there we go what are the four things we need crops oh darn it [Laughter] these don't have crops in them do they excellent yeah that looks good right next to that one have that on filled that can't be imported either excellent that's going to give us a whole load of more workers which is what we need because we've got lots of demand for industry so i'll just play around and flatten this all out we'll let this run for a bit oh man we're gonna be making so much money so much money less money than we're making before well when it gets going we'll be making so much money so i'll level all this out i'll be back with you in a moment [Music] [Music] so yes [Music] okay so let us see where we are we've got this roundabout here working really well now where's your mouse cursor so there it is um i changed the node controller on these junctions from 20 down to 10 and that just seems to work much better it's still quite a sharp turn but it means they don't have to travel so far before they get onto the roundabout i think that's what was happening before at 20 is just too far away from the giveaway signs out to the actual roundabout so that's stopped the traffic all the way down here from building up and from building up there so something to keep in mind i think sometimes i tend to go a bit over the top on node controller we have a fire here yes i do have services in this area i saw that as a question a lot in the last episode but i've got like these fire things i've got fire station there i've got all sorts going on what i don't have is helicopter fire and rescue which i think over here would be a perfect uh thing for that i'm gonna pop that there and i'm also gonna put next to that a not a prison this one here that's the one i'm looking for police helicopter depot as well for this area because it is so spread out there we go they're gonna head off and they can very quickly put out these fires oh my goodness me they're spreading over here and costing us lots of money so anyway back over to what we were working on those fires will be out so this roundabout is going really nicely what you may have noticed in my little time lapse is yeah i can just copy these junctions over i love that so we're going to take that there we're going to copy that zip we're going to come all the way over to this one and we're gonna let's turn it around this way because this is set up exactly the same the amount of roads and everything you place the mark in just because there isn't any and then we'll turn these around there we go perfect uh yeah apply and then i'm also going to do no controller we're going to have that as 10 no junction markings i'm just going to quickly do that on each of these so no junction markings 10 and no junction markings turn there we go and then if we get back to this one and go down this way we can paste that in again yes please we do need to turn that one these buttons sometimes they're like i'm clicking right on the darn thing there we go apply and then this one over here we'll paste yeah and that should be facing the right way yeah there we go so we'll click okay there we go that straightaway sets up this one working really nicely and then what i'm going to do is delete that in the middle and what you want to do with roundabouts is you don't want to give people views all the way across you really only want them being able to see what is coming around here not to try and start making decisions on what these guys are doing so yeah they're giving way to ones coming around that way that is what you should do so what i'm gonna do is grab that set that to trees select all of those copy that and we'll just plot that this one here as well that will work let's turn off snap in let's turn the snap in there we go and we'll just line that up perfect look at that two lovely design roundabout and over here i flatten this all down i put trees and things around it and this is humming along nicely i could actually add oh i hadn't finished this one one more thing i wanted to do here so we use node controller to remove the road markings that doesn't mean people still can't cross um so i'm going to turn off crossing there turn off crossing there and turn off crossing there that'll turn off the actual crossing rather than just the visual representation of it and then node controller i'm going to put a cross in there's a bus stop with a path right there i'm going to put the crossing here and that is now a traffic lighted whatever you would call it crossing there's a path coming out here so i'm going to pop one there there we go and just for the sake of it i'm going to pop one in the middle there as well excellent and then what we could do we could also do the same with these as well so if i copy those again pop that in there pop that in there and then these are two lanes going around rather than three lanes so i could copy that over but it would wouldn't quite match up perfectly i'll be honest with you i'm going to leave that as it is it's not so busy i've curved the corners here a little bit so that's helping cars getting in and out yeah so let's just check this one here plenty of stock plenty of production plenty of money look 66 64 000 mamma mia it is going nice and this one over here plenty of production plenty of stock 16 000 we are making so much money and this cargo airport thing is just working a treat and that's before we've even got trains in here because the trains let's turn it around the way we understand that could hook up to this which gives access to all of these guys over here my industry yeah that could be working really really well so there we go another successful build in our city of teaport let me know what you think in the comments below maybe watch the next video on the screen as well if you're new to my channel i do lots of city fixing and building of this city of tea port and i've got other ones i've built as well you can find all the playlists on my home page thank you for watching have a fantastic day i will see you all very soon for the next one take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 141,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, forestry industry, how to, fix industry traffic, cargo airport
Id: DP9-mKUuIQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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