When the Game say 100% Traffic Flow but Lies to you in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and yeah today we are doing a traffic fix in the city of tea ports i don't know why though because if we look at this we've got a 100 traffic flow so according to the game everything is perfectly right but i think the game is lying to me somehow because my industry area has become a little bit clogged up over here so we're going to be looking at fixing that um the new area that we built is looking fine look this is working absolutely no problem at all excellent that's all good in the hood and over here we've got a little bit of an issue with this sort of crossroads over here if you remember from a few episodes back um still 100 traffic flow we've got this cargo station up here this cargo terminal and we put this extra road in to help spread out the traffic so this place didn't get so busy which it isn't so there's no traffic on the roundabout but over here now it's a bit of a bummer so that is what we're going to be fixing let us start with our industry area oh there we go 65 percent something's changed and it's all good again right so first of all we've got this mishmash going on here um i'd like to get a picture of that because pictures like this come in handy for screenshots thank you very much for thumbnails i mean now this thing here we can use some of the in-game tools to work out what's going on so let's click on this small grain silo now that grain silo was probably put there before i added in all this other stuff and the trains and all of that it's a rubbish place it's right by a junction but we can click this little button here and see where the trucks are coming and going to there we go look so we can see sort of flicked on and off they're basically coming around this area here so they don't need to come all the way down here into this junction we're going to move this thing i mean it could just go anywhere if we just pop it over here out the way what's that next to our main building there we go so it's going to take a while for these tractors here to realize it's not there they'll keep coming and going but look at that right via junction that's ridiculous but yeah hopefully that's now sorted look there's like tractors appearing out of thin air because it thinks that's still over here that might be a big cause of all of this because look all the traffic's coming out the cargo train terminal turning up here and then just having a mare um we do have a road connection here coming over to this fast road to this junction but they seem to not want to use that so much let's just check our roundabout isn't all sort of hawks you're not i'm going to delete these uh there we go i don't think we need oh there we go that's what it is they come up here they can't get around the corner okay so now we've changed that and the reason this roundabout is in here is because originally we didn't have this road so they wanted to come out turn around and go back but i'm just wondering whether this is a complete waste of time this roundabout so i'm going to remove that uh we're going to pick this road here and just connect those up oh there's an upgrade mode just connect those up like that and just keep it going uh also a couple of uh just a very quick thing i had a problem with the picker mod before when i was picking a mode and it was always on one of these settings over here there's a setting for that if you go into options and go into picker you can just un select this one up here i had it like that you need to have it like that there we go excellent so let's see whether that helps with the trucks here coming in and out and not causing any problems i mean what we could just do here now that this has become a main road we could just ever so slightly change how this is set up so i'm gonna delete that and i'm gonna delete that that curve there what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab an asymmetrical road and let's use this one here and we're going to draw that coming out of here that would probably feel about right we'll turn that around so now we've got a left and a right lane we might stick a little roundabout on the end here i'll see how it goes i'll do give way like that and then on the end here i'd like to stick it right on the end so they can go straight in and out with that road there if we can sort of wangle that but you can see there's no zoning on the end so it doesn't let you do that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab boom bomb this one here and we're gonna just put a teeny tiny little road on the end like that and then we're gonna pop it here i mean that could be good enough they could just go up come out go back again that might just work okay i mean we can use the move it mod just to sort of line it up a little bit i'm gonna move that over to like there we'll see how that goes and then i want to line up this train line again so let me just use the move it mods okay so let's give that a go what's going to happen is it's going to take a while for all of these cars to stop appearing in the middle of the road thinking that they're coming out of here but that's what i want to see look they can go he's sort of wiggling around there for some reason instead of going straight in if i delete that bit of road there you know i might be able to delete this bit of road here is it gonna then complain of no road access nope so hopefully there we go look they can go straight in come straight out and then they've got a lane for going left and for going right although they're misusing the lanes here by the look of it so i'm gonna do this and you're only gonna go that way and you're only gonna go that way there we go and i don't want people entering block junction it's not set up that way so that should be fine so hopefully that will just help a little bit with this section here and also with some go in the other direction we will give that some time so okay what else have we got going on here now this little section here if i remember correctly oh by the way i get asked this most episodes i'm using a preview version that isn't available yet this button here is reversed if i hover over it it says it's currently set at no despawning which is hard mode bigger traffic jams on your version your button would be blue to be nodey spawning that's just the way it is um if i click that button after this traffic will disappear which i don't want so that's the way it's set up hard mode yeah this is this is around about here and actually that little roundabout has cleared up now so i'm going to leave that like it is i want to just double check it's set up like a roundabout yeah every road coming on has got give way yeah i'm going to leave that that's fine let's have a look so these guys are coming down there they're probably trying to get over here are they no they're turning why are they not going straight why are people coming down this road they're coming down here to then go around there which is a bit odd to me let's use the in-game tool in a minute i'm just thinking of deleting that road but let's just have a look at i want routes select that road so people are coming down here they're turning down here some are going up there and some are going this way which would be okay if they actually came down here and only went left because then we could have this road for people that want to get on the roundabout and go other places and then this one for people turning left so what i might just do here is force this as left only so if we take that and say left only there we go so they're all going to get annoyed and go left they might come down to oh we haven't got the roundabout anymore have we so see if those can come down there and get in here and hopefully not get in each other's way like this and someone looping around can i stop them looping around i don't think i can alright we'll just let them do that because actually that might be some of these cars that wanted to go right but i've made them go left so they've come up here they're looping around and going back again yeah so that's okay so we'll leave that going so now everybody else is going to come straight down just watching this to make sure no one's cutting across from the outside lane they shouldn't be no they're doing okay all right that's fine and then they're coming down here that's going there so i mean this is this is going to be pretty busy isn't it all of this because of the cargo station as time goes on and that might get a bit better we shall wait and see so these guys and girls coming down here they're using our nicely marked at junction and they're doing okay they're moving they're not getting in each other's way so that's fine this junction is working okay what are we actually still at 65 but it is getting better because this isn't blocked up so much this bit here look here we go let's take a look at this and all coming down here and then this section is just getting a bit slow isn't it so maybe we can so they're not blocking the junction which is fine i'm happy with that yeah i think we need to change this to an asymmetrical because what's happening is some are going right some are going straight on and they're using all the same lanes so let us give them a choice well just change make sure it's not going to break anything that's going to break our path let's turn off collision then yeah that's fine so now we've got one for turning right one for going straight on and we should find as it gets moving some of these start picking that lane there i might just do the same here you know yeah that's not the road at all is it let's pick that one and turn it round no i was right the first time and then if we use this tool and do control click we'll get dedicated so straight on and left yeah a couple of cars are using it and look at that this has all gone down now just that one little change doubled the throughput of that junction coming from this direction and possibly this little help here as well and now look all of this has cleared up and you know what i might just do is change that one long one again change that one there so asymmetric going into the junction and then that one there asymmetric going into the junction oh it does a nice little lane thing for us that is good and then i'm gonna do it there coming out so you've got one lane for left one lane for right let's just do this lane control click dedicated turning lanes there we go pretty sure that's gonna be giveaway going out is uh probably don't need to do it on there it's not that busy there we go so that's cleared up this bit down here which is nice oh i do like a good lane marking now now we've got into those a bit more there's another one there this is fine this here we've got left and right this one here is could it slip this one way round about he's only going that way i'm just wondering whether this roundabout is going the wrong way round let's find a roundabout so this is going anti-clockwise and this is going clockwise yeah it's going the wrong way round that's why he's having to cross over the traffic all right let's just turn these the other way and see whether that helps it's certainly going to stop people getting confused isn't it so let's check that this is all yeah we need to change these so what am i doing here shift control click it's highlighting just the blue around here there we go so now it should be giveaway coming on giveaway coming on if i coming on giveaway coming on all the cars are going to go what's going on we've got we haven't got dedicated turning lanes coming on and off but and that means this here can go straight on and the only bit i want to change is this one to an asymmetric road going that way because you've got the two i'll probably just need to put the giveaway back in oh no that's fine because they can choose to go left or right here yeah that's going okay the only spot that's getting super busy which sort of gets in the way is this storage barn here and i could just move that to the other side like that instead yeah and then let's just use this smoke this one select trees [Music] my goodness me it's noisy here copy some of those trees let me just sort of fill that gap up i think i'm just filling this one up as well there we go so instead of stopping there to grab that they can come around the other way and then what i'm going to do is i'm just going to upgrade that to asymmetrical coming out just to keep that moving i'm not going to bother putting giveaway signs on there there we go and now this is all what the heck 72 why is this all blocked up again it was fine a minute ago it's because i've changed this roundabout but people are going do a slight change i want these to keep move because all of this most of them are coming up here into this roundabout here so square about i should say so what i'm gonna say is don't stop up here i'm gonna say don't stop coming down here so these now should just keep moving around that corner there we go there we go there we go and every now and again they might get blocked by a truck but there's not that much coming down here and around so that just means these can keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going and look you can see this is coming down let's just speed the game up a bit the traffic that was all the way up there is now all the way down here and it's gone there we go that just keeps it that just keeps it running a bit better doesn't it excellent and then all it does is block these guys up here i'm wondering whether if we just left that going that might just sort of sort itself out this is going to be super busy for a while do we need to put a round about here no because they're not blocking anything up anymore that's okay this isn't so busy anymore this is okay look it's moving what are we at 73 percent it's a busy area but it's looking okay i tell you what we'll leave that running we'll come back to that let's check the other side of town let's just put this back on again so this is really good it's busy but look you can see everybody is moving yep there's no no problems there at all which is good let us shiftify our view up here so we've got a couple of little spots here let's just take a look at some of these so here we've got an issue where people are changing lanes in the middle which we don't have to do there's a junction nearby any car that comes down and turns into this junction like these cars can pick their lane here and that's where i want them to do it because they're not getting in anybody else's way the same for any cars coming along this way and most of them will do as you can see but sometimes they won't so i'm going to do hugo there so control s you go there you go there so now they will pick it down there and they won't block each other which is good so hopefully that will keep that moving a bit is there some sort of traffic light or anything here there is a time traffic light let's just watch that for a second we'll have a quick sip of tea and speed it up it's actually not that bad is it i mean the traffic gets up to about where my cursor is here and then it goes on this road on this one here there's no buildup of traffic at all do you know what that's okay it's a busy junction a roundabout might keep that moving like totally but it's not backing up anywhere in the future as things get worse that might be a good candidate for a roundabout but for now darling no problem at all uh let's stop emptying that okay let's move further up into this area so for those that don't know red doesn't always mean traffic red means used a lot this is traffic flow and as we can see it's going up so yeah just super busy right this one here this one here always ends up being traffic if there's just been a festival what's the date 26th of the 7th uh oh we can't see future past yeah it doesn't give us the date i reckon there was just a festival here not too long we're still spending 9 000 a week advertising and the popularity is nearly 100 on each of them anyway i'm gonna get rid of that so we can earn even more money there we go look it was just people coming out now the traffic's all gone that is okay this bit here is getting super busy so let's just zoom out a minute whoa what is with the death and the trash and the flipping up why are you so sick citizens are sick noise pollution is high okay let's do a quick check of the noise pollution uh this one here okay so these residential houses are not liking the noise that's coming from these leisure specialized places here now what we could do we could block that by just turning these into offices that's like that's like the way to fix it so if we take out those three buildings there that's one of the ways to fix it that's the way i'm gonna fix it so that they're all sick all down there so i'll take those out those out that one shouldn't be green anyway let's speed it up there we go and we'll just turn those into offices offices and maybe an office there they'll just be a normal size office and that'll stop anybody behind them get into like these are the same here what is the that noise is quite a way away is that noise pollution again oh the ground is polluted what why the heck is the ground polluted there the ground's not polluted what are you talking about the ground is polluted remove nearby or offer more healthcare is it just got not much healthcare healthcare availability there's literally a clinic like two streets away plenty of spaces no waiting list there's a walking path you just you just be quiet okay hush i don't want to hear from your complaining anymore uh death care seems to be but then we had that cemetery turned off didn't we um i haven't got the auto empty mod anymore so i get caught out now i'm gonna put another little one of these crematorium there isn't one in this area is that can i just squeeze one in in a place that doesn't look weird there's all fences around there um over here yeah there we go that'll cover all of this that'll help okay back to traffic so as we were saying before let's just go into this mode the highway comes through the middle um and then this road here and this road here are the two ways of getting from one side of the city to the other so from downtown t-town festival hills over to these places we haven't changed yet popular square garland hills and walnut grounds area so we want to make sure that these two areas keep moving quickly now one thing i would like to do is change this to a roundabout because now we've got a load of traffic coming down here and across here trying to get over there it's just slowing down too much so let's see if we can squeeze a little roundabout in here i'm gonna make it a three lane well should we try two lane let's try two lane one way and see how it goes uh this one here let's make it really small like that so we're only really going over the yeah so that'll fit in without sort of changing anything actually we've got a three-lane road coming down here haven't we should probably change at some point to make yeah asymmetric for go up down left and right we don't need that anymore we can go back to this one here so it's just two lanes in we can get to that one there this doesn't need to be a one and a three that can now be a normal asymmetric road as it's going into a roundabout there we go and this one's two and two anyway yep good and that should all be set up uh go away roundabout builder thank you yeah it's a giveaway coming in if i coming in what could this be so many signs you can't see them they're so close so already this traffic down here has gone down this traffic down here has gone down there wasn't any this side and i think this should go down soon and again we've got that thing look where they're changing lanes in the middle so let's select that node control s so if you go there you can pick your lane when you're coming up from here that is the ideal place they're probably going to be doing it over here somewhere as well but that's not busy so that's fine let's just keep a little eye on this roundabout here for a sec and just see how it deals with all the traffic i'm trying to do it in a place where that tree is not in the way we can see down the road yeah there we go that'll do right let's watch this for a minute yeah it's not too bad i mean what i'm seeing is if if we could just make this slightly bigger would it mess up anything let's just pause the game sec one node out on each one i think would just really help because they're doing that weird sort of stutter stop here when they go straight across um this isn't backing up past the junction which is good so i don't mind a bit of traffic there uh this they're doing that hawkeye bulky lane switching thing in the middle so we're gonna do hugo there so they'll pick the lane when they come off the roundabout and then stay in their lane which is what we want um got a few houses rebuilding there we go look these are getting out a bit quicker now so they're not backing up here at all that car just disappeared look what the heck you still got normal hard mode node is spawning on why are they doing that maybe because i changed the road they're just getting a bit confused yeah i think that's it and also i'm just looking at these lanes we don't have dedicated lanes for going so i'm going to do control click there you can't see there is two lanes there it just looks a bit weird because it's close together so now we're going to have a dedicated lane for going off and one for going round yeah so that's fixed this is the issue now down here so i know for a fact that there is a time traffic light on this one no there isn't i thought there was about here no there isn't so this is all it's hard to see this is parked cars at the top here it's just these guys here and they all want to come down this road to get over here oh i've got the wrong thing selected i told you there's a time traffic light there and there yes there is so do i want to keep a time traffic light here do i need it well at the minute it seems a bit pointless because there's so much traffic they can't get out well let's follow it along i think it's this bit here that we want to get moving and they're all getting caught up on this atrocity which i put in a while ago um because of all this traffic coming out here and i'm just wondering whether we could [Music] change this yet you're not gonna do let's just pause this we're gonna revamp this road here so these cars are coming down this road hitting a traffic light coming down here hitting around about and they all want to get into here so they're all coming down this section spreading out into the city most of them that roundabout will be better suited over here than over there which will mean we just need to re yeah we've got the land to do it we just need to re-jigger this a bit so let's do that [Music] [Music] there we go that fits in well so i've scooted this road down here we've got two lanes over here so i know most cars are going to want to go right here so we've got a dedicated right-hand lane and then as they come up the other way i'm afraid we're going to lose the bike lanes and we've got a three and a one um so we've got three lanes here so what i'm gonna do is we're gonna use and this tool here and i'm gonna not put a roundabout in here first we're gonna do it this way so we're gonna do left control left click so we've got dedicated turning lanes but not in these ones here so i need asymmetrical roads for there don't i let us have a look let's go back to our asymmetrical selection so i want a three and a two so if we going into this junction from all directions like that i will have a look on the workshop at some point see if i can get asymmetrical there's very symmetrical bike lanes in here oh what's this one here three and a two oh there we go that's exactly what i want uh that's one way fine this one here small three and a two bike lanes no not at the moment okay that's fine then we'll take this tool here control click in there so we get dedicated lane from right left and straight on from each direction which is good all this needs to be reconnected up what have we got going on on this road here three coming up so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take this one i'm gonna upgrade that to that and i'm gonna bring that one the same road out of there like that and then i'll turn it around so it matches everything else uh three two two that doesn't look like it's going the right way does it is there a change under here look it did catch me out there we go and would that work so coming out of his three going in is to do that the other way around that she's got more lanes going in yeah there we go that all makes sense and then this here i really want as a time traffic light which we've got but what i'm going to do because we've monkeyed with it all and changed it all and all the rest of it i'm going to stop that i'm going to remove time traffic light and then i'm going to use the option here control click quick setup so control left click and it set it all up again for us with all the different things yeah and then i'm going to just keep an eye on how that i'm glad my train line could fit over the top as well i like that and we'll just keep an eye on how all this goes our main source of traffic is this road here i want that to go down so far speed let's see and we can always adjust our traffic light if needed let's just watch what happens and we've got walking you know we could we could turn off the crossing but they're actually crossing when the cars aren't turning but that does have another step sometimes but they're doing the hawkeye bulky lane switching here hang on one sec let's stop that it's because we've now added another node with the two different roads in whoa what's going on let's see if we can get that fixed there we go so i'm going to do control s you go there so that's going one lane into two that's fine we've already done it in the other spots up there so yeah that's fine so let's just go back again and fast speed yeah so what i was saying is if you actually look stop doing that please if you actually look at how this works so they're crossing here although we do have some of these turning right so they're crossing there even though some are going straight on so we could remove that sort of possible yeah see these cars slowed down because they were crossing here we could put manual crossing over the top or underneath and tunnels and turn off the crossings but actually i think if we just give it a minute or two it'll probably be okay so i'm just noticing that when the lights change and these cars go up here not enough of them are going because it's still yeah queuing to back over there uh this isn't too bad down here so i want to just change the timing on that so let us grab our time at traffic lights there we go so we're on the node that we need to change as step number two hopefully you can see that up there i'm gonna stop it i'm gonna edit step number two um and it's the normal three and eight i'm gonna do my is it like five and twelve what kind of what i normally do now let's save that my totally random picked numbers that make no sense at all to me but they all seem to work so let's just give that a round and then when it gets back round here again it will be at five and twelve and you know what also i think would help is just extending the asymmetrical road here a bit further back um so let us grab oh let's grab our picker mod and do it this way and then what's going on oh there we go there's like a little one in there so let's do that and that so now we can have a longer queue of three and then we just want to stop them switching you go there you go there that one's fine that's going to change over anyway and that's two going in the other direction so what i'm going to do here i'm going to say just that lane can go into those two and that one can go straight on so when they come in here if you want to go straight on this this lane here is going to go all the way down and go this way if they want to go the other directions this one here can pick those two and it just stops from getting cued up so much hopefully yeah let's just keep an eye on this again for a few minutes and see how it goes i'm watching the length of this traffic up here i'm also watching where they're going i want to get an idea so you know are most of them turning i'm using my hands putting it in my monitor can't you see my fingers are most of them coming down here and turning right or almost coming down here and turning left or straight on and it might be that we saw you know 80 percent of them coming down and turning left so we we could do something about that or the other way but it seems like it's a fair mix of i think straight on seems to be the most but i'll be honest with you it's not not that bad there we go look the lights change and it empties out most of this so it's barely queuing past this midway point the lights have changed oh not many got out that time probably because of the walking uh the people crossing the road yeah people cross the road it really slows it down okay yep so we're gonna do another little change here we are gonna stop people crossing the road and we're gonna add some crossings in now we could use let's just keep it this way round we could use the crossing mod the only issue is i don't know how that's going to work because we've got a load of other things going on here uh in a roundabout star oh we've got tunnels selected oh let's just click it and see okay so it's gone from these sides we've got tunnels the only one that hasn't connected to is this one because that is a bridge but you know what actually that is not too bad we can we can move the fences and things back they're okay to oh that's not the fence oh the fence goes all the way underneath let's just delete that fence for now come on come on there we go that is not too bad actually that is there's another fence there yeah another fence here there we go what about this side yeah that is not too bad and it's taken out the crossing all we need to do is help people get across here walking wise because at the minute now they can't get up here um there's this walking path here which comes and crosses over there i'd like to add a crossing over here so let me just do that i'm going to use the cycle this lane here cycle bicycle and walk-in one which i probably didn't use for the one under here but hey-ho and we're gonna just build something along the side here i think oh look at that didn't even have to destroy the house that's great so we'll get that coming along here like that bridge bow in the middle it does look that is really weird there we go so now they can connect over here let's just line this up a little bit better okay that's fine so now they can cross over here they can go up there the other side of the road uh we could even have a connection to this one down here as well if we just sort of come off there let's go out straight and then use this curved one and just sort of connect to there so that gets access to this one underneath here yeah i think that'll do for now i'll fiddle around with how that path looks but i'm more interested in how this road looks so do we need to redo the time traffic lights no all the crossings have been taken out so it's automatically done it for us so let's now keep an eye on this people are coming in they're going up there what is this car doing here i don't know what that car is doing there look get out the way you're really messing up with my experimentation i have to tell you right so i want to keep an eye on whether this actually makes a big enough difference [Music] do you know what i still want to increase this down here it just feels like it's not quite enough uh that was step number two wasn't it so we've got five and twelve so minimum i'm gonna say eight maximum let's just put it up another couple of steps eight and fourteen let's give that a go i started it yep that's fine let's keep an eye on this i can still see people crossing the road or is it cyclists oh it's cyclists isn't it look these people let's pause the set wall let's pause a sec yeah look these are cyclists right down here and they get in the way um do i remove cyclists from the from the mix as well or do i just sort of go with how it is we'll have to see look there's been another blooming ah this is why suddenly it's all going peaked on because this is at another another concert this thing is not you know for traffic it's like you just have to deal with the traffic and there's nothing you can do about it until it's gone down let's wait for this to go down then we'll just see what this is like on a normal day [Music] right so as you can see this is working really well um i've added just this little box in here so they don't stop in the middle and i've also put some fillers down the side here thank you for those that suggested it as you know the bike lane stops at the end of these nodes but if you just put a filler in using the intersection marking tool seen my previous couple of videos i've tried to match the color as best i can at different angles it looks slightly off but i think that's good enough and then i've just put some little dashed lanes that go from the bicycle lane over to the other bicycle lane just because and i think that looks uh really nice and then i've just had a bit of a change of the road layout down here so before we had the i can't remember the name of this thing the toll booth was along this road here so anybody coming in off the highway and coming through was being charged for the toll booth and anybody coming the other way whereas before the toll booth was only meant to charge those coming in and out of the festival so now this road goes straight through here and you can now go both directions up this road and then when we get up here it splits off so this is the way coming in and then we've got a lane that goes down there we can go underground can we get underground underground would be nice i'm pressing my button to go underground and let's not let me do it let's do it this way and then we've got a lane that goes under there and the hooks up to this one here so they can go in both directions on the highway when they leave and also coming out of the festival area i've made it left turn only so the only way this traffic can go is up this road and join the highway and then they can decide where to go from there because it was just getting too much having all the traffic come down here but at this junction here it's all three and two lanes so you've got dedicated lanes for every direction and that is working really really well what are we at 76 not too shabby if i say so myself so then where else have we got some traffic let's have a look this is pretty busy here but that's okay this is pretty busy here but that's not too bad it's all still moving this is all moving this is all moving so actually 78 i think if we give that a few minutes that might end up going up to about 80 again which is what we want let's go and check oh is this something that needs empty let's empty that let's go back over again to our industrial area and see how that is getting on let's fly over here and hopefully oh yeah look at that that is actually solved all of those problems coming in is fine going around this roundabout now we've got it going the right way round the square about coming in and out of here is not a problem anymore this is all working really really well oh that is fantastic and there we go literally a second or two later 81 which is great so i'm always happy with something that's over about 80 percent excellent let me ask you a question have you left a like yet are you subscribed we're getting so close to a half a million subscribers which just blows my mind so if you can help me out with that that would be fantastic and thank you for the continued support and comments and tips keep them coming next episode we're going to do a big expansion in tea port we really need to get this city growing so have a great day i will see you in a couple of days time thanks for watching take care bye-bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 248,625
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Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, 100 traffic flow cities skylines, 100% traffic flow
Id: Si5sVZ3T1oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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