How to Plan a New Expansion Area from Concept to Build in Cities Skylines

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of teaport now before we dive into all the exciting things we're going to be doing today i just wanted to mention that after the last episode remember making millions with all the cheaty park things that we set up everywhere um i did say quite a few times in that video at least three that i can remember um that i wasn't going to be using that in teapot that was just for science that was just to show people how to do it it was just for a little bit of fun um but i've now rolled back to a save prior to all of those if we come over to here look we've got none of those here we go look this was the big one that we set up wasn't it we've got none of those cheaty parks that charge all these lovely people to walk and cycle freely about our city and down here we haven't got any of those so yep that is what we've got going on it was just for a bit of fun and like 84 000 people left a comment oh i don't want to see that in tea port now that's fine we're not doing that in tea port but there are some things that we need to do in tea port so as you might remember this area over here was always going to be a high density area and we've got this sort of built up to high density which is good this isn't um and we have a huge demand as you can see here for residential zone now one of the reasons for that as lots of people have pointed out is my high density residential zone is still at nine percent tax which is fine you know because we've been building our city so well we're making enough money to have the tax a bit lower so i could whack this up um but at the minute i would like to keep this um high demand because there's some things we need to do we need to fill that demand which is going to help us with here we go farty grove um we need to get the amount of workers over here up i mean we don't have enough slots at the minute but we haven't even filled up the slots that we've got and we also have another little issue where we need to get some more industry to fill at now which one of these am i looking at outside connections there we go we are importing all of our goods um so this big thing here is goods that will be all the goods because we don't have any generic industry well we have a teeny tiny touch of generic industry here so like these three or four buildings i think there's more there but they're just not filling up because we have no demand um yeah so these will make we'll be making goods which will then go over to our commercial buildings that we've got dotted around the place and particularly our high density commercial buildings um but at the minutes they've all been shipped in or they're being driven in i should say and we want to try and help out with that as well so what i'm going to do first of all is let's just go through and change all of this in here from low density to high density let me just do that [Music] i think i got everybody so now we're going to have a huge drop in populations everybody leaves and then as everybody comes back again [Applause] and what we might find as well is we fulfill our need of high density uh residential sorry let me say that again what we might find is we fill our need of residential before we fill up all of these spaces around here um so it's worth keeping that in mind yeah see look that's going down quite a lot so we'll have some empty slots here now i wouldn't be i'd be more worried doing this if i didn't know that so many people were cycling because what we're going to start seeing is some traffic here this is the only road this one here that takes people from this side to this side um i suppose they can get on there they go across there unless they come up here and go down but at the minute that is the only way across so i'm just wondering whether we could add another little way across down here somewhere just to help these guys and girls out probably i would say this spot here so anybody this end might take that road and then anybody this end might take that road and it just stops everybody going through there and you can see that gets quite busy so i'm just wondering whether because this junction here is just a little bit too far away yeah let's just add a little road going across here there we go that should do it's far enough away from this junction not to cause any issues i'm going to make that give way there and we're going to make that give way there and then we'll do some dedicated turning lanes so watch that arrow there control left click using this arrow tool there we go dedicated turning lanes and we'll do the same over here control left click we already see people walking over here which is good so that saves them walking all the way down to here excellent so maybe that will just help with the traffic that's coming through here as well excellent we can see it's getting pretty pretty busy on this junction yes now what i'd like to do is change we've got time traffic lights here i'd like to change those so let's grab that little node there and take a look at these i want to see what the timing is on this one so let's just speed that up a bit until they go through there we go so that is number one so we're going to stop that edit number one so small up in my corner of my monitor i'll leave it there and i'll zoom in for you guys it's set at three and eight i'm gonna change this to five and twelve and i think i've mentioned before this is like an arbitrary number i've come up with that will save that and then i had somebody tell me that that is actually the correct timing for one of these traffic lights that i've randomly come across so who knew so there we go we'll get that going now so that's given extra time for these cars on this side to go through and hopefully that's still enough time for everybody else look barely any cars there barely any cars here now and it will change when cars stop coming see this one here is getting quite long as well so i tell you what i'm gonna do there we go so that's now this one number two i'm gonna stop that and edit number two as well and also put that as five and twelve save that start that up there we go we'll go around let it go round once because it always starts to get at number one let it go around once and then we'll see how that goes and hopefully between those two having enough time to let everybody through let's just put dedicated turning lanes on there that we should be okay we've got no straight on there no straight on there yeah so everything's set up right so we should see there we go look all of these cars get through then it changes and then all of these cars get through yeah so it's like a maximum amount of time gets everybody through and then it will change if there's no one there and that is actually freeing up the traffic nicely on there that is good what is happening though is all these guys and girls can't get out they're just all queuing up because there's lots of people wanting to come out to go and sort out the trash so what i'm thinking is yeah because they're all coming up here getting stuck on there i'm just wondering whether we could give them some other access that would help and just move that little road from there yeah let me just take a quick look at this there we go so dedicated turning lanes coming in and out but also extra lanes at the end so that asymmetrical road oh water same quicksilver t and they should be able to get out a little bit more and i'm going to stop them lane switch in there so we're going to say here you go there you go there they'll pick their lane at the beginning yeah that should be good and hopefully look we can already see it's better some of them are going this way some of them are going that way there we go that's much much better what's the traffic at 81 83 fan flipping tastic that's good so we've filled up our needs and all of this is filling up nicely which is excellent so let's just take a look at our population we have two percent unemployment um so hopefully we'll get more people coming over here to far to grow yeah 390 now which is great so that has gone up nicely so what i'm wondering is is whether we could i would like to get some more standard industry in but as you can see like this one here not enough workers that's how you see what's going on because i've had people ask me about these little symbols if you open it up and hover there so it says it in big letters want a bit more information hover there make sure there's a free residential area to allow people to move into the city so at the minute everybody's sort of going here aren't they rather than there they seem to be preferring this one uh what could we do on here that might help advanced automation increased production out by 10 percent increased building upkeep by 10 i wonder if that would decrease the amount of people that can work here i've never noticed that before let's have a look so we've got 617 spaces 394. let's put that one on yeah don't make any difference improve work safety conditions increase worker health costs yeah i'm not worried about that increased storage capacity increased upkeep not too worried about that either so i'm going to leave all of those off and not uh not change that now keeping in mind that we're importing so many goods what we could do is in our city policies we have the industrial space planning and if you notice that it says it doubles the amount of goods produced by zoned industry buildings but it cost us six tea leaves per zoned industry building so i'm going to put that one on so it's literally only this one here that that's going to apply to and we do have some other zone industry buildings in there so what i might just do is just zone a few more in here um i don't want to take up the whole thing let's go there and there and then there there there and there that will do just make sure that that zone covers all of those yep that covers all of these that's good so hopefully we'll get a few more there we go a few more building up and that will produce more goods for us and we won't import as many goods which will mean we'll actually make some more money which will be nice now something i've noticed we've just put this new road along here which means a lot of people are turning up here and coming down this road to head into the city which is fine but just to help them out let's just follow the junctions along so we've got our dedicated turning lanes on there we've got give way on there which is fine so they can turn in and then when they come to the end here there is only one lane for coming out now i'd like to just change that and put an asymmetrical road on the end let's close that menu so we can see there we go it does mean we're going to lose our cycle lane up to there but people can jump off their bike walk and then get back on their bike again and it just means that the right-hand turn that a lot of them were taking is now a dedicated lane and then if we have a look yeah see their giveaway i'm going to change this to them give way then give way and then these two go and it'll just keep that moving which i think will help a lot yeah very good okay so i'm just thinking about putting a new area in here we still have lots of residential needs because we're keeping our tax rate low i'd like to build something in here but i'm just thinking this area here we've got a lot of commercial buildings around it which is nice we could add some sort of attraction or park or something in here just to make it really nice what have we got a stadium cathedral of plenitude now that's pretty big it has a noise pollution but also an entertainment value that could be quite nice what else have we unlocked we've got the expo center oh that has got a huge entertainment value and we're quite close to people coming in by the train and the bus and all that sort of thing that might be nice nothing unlocked in that one we've got some parks we've got lungs of the city uh how big is that one that could be good as well and then we've got some other smaller parks as we get down the end how about we add in the expo center this one just here i think that'll be quite good so let's go back to our cycle road i'm gonna build i think we'll try and put a car park in here as well so let's just add in i'm probably going to change this to one way rose once i've got this in actually so which way would they come in yeah they could come in there couldn't they yeah as they come up the road that way and come out that way yeah there we go excellent that would work out well all the road arrows have disappeared handy then we'll do dedicated turning lanes there even though we can't see them dedicated turning lanes there that'll be good and then if we pop our expo center let's just see that could actually go back a little bit further so why don't we add its own little road off of here so they get up to the top here and then it just goes a little or something like that and i think that oh just a bit too far okay i'm going to use the moving mods let's grab those move it down a bit i've got anarchy mod on let's turn that off i'm still going to hit a couple of those let's use the movement again can i get it in there oh come on i was gonna lose one okay one more down yes there we go so pop that right in the corner yay slopes land completely forgot all about that i hate working on a slope i really do okay i'm gonna have to try and work out a way of doing this it might mean just moving this whole thing just up a little bit so we've got some space there we go so it's not quite so bad with the way that lines up uh yeah and then we're just gonna do control h move it mod unselect everything else select that control h and i want it the same height as that node there there we go so that lifts all of this up a bit we'll do the same with these roads control h actually you know that's not too bad once we get some trees and things in there you won't be able to see that i just want this one to also be i want all of this to be the same height here and then it can sort of slope down down here that's okay yeah good all right excellent so let's sort out this railway line at the end we'll maybe come back to that so we want a load of houses in here let us pop a zone in here we've already got garland heights oh because we've got all of that excellent okay i'm pretty happy with the road layout i just keep tweaking little bits here and there trying to get it to look a bit more smoother but we'll go with this for now once there's a load of buildings behind it you won't even notice that it's it's lumpy bumpy that is just the way it's going to be uh go up a bit on that one up over that one and then i'll stop fiddling i'll leave it like it is so we're going to get a little car park in here i think this little spot here could work out quite well so let's go to here and pick these up parking lots if you search for parking lots you'll find these and i'm just wondering whether we could fit in a small wall that fit in i'm clicking on it thank you very much i want to fit a small one in on here so don't connect to the node that might be okay oh look at that that is perfect there we go i think that'll work out okay any little gaps we can fill with the trees that's fine now we just got to put the parking spaces in so let me just do that [Music] there we go i think that looks okay as a little car part there keeping it nice and clear and then this little bit here i think we can certainly make that look a bit nicer as well yep you guessed it we're gonna chuck some rocks in here there we go i think that looks good that looks good people are coming to visit here already which is fantastic so now we need to i'm just thinking this might need one more little park maybe just over this side and then we can start putting in some buildings or shall we leave it like it is do you know what i've changed mine i'm going to leave it like it is now let's have a quick look at garland heights which takes in all of these we have this set up as leisure specialization which i think is fine i think we'll stick with that so i'm going to make this zone a little bit bigger here there we go and we're going to get some high density commercial in here which is now going to change in to leisure buildings [Music] there we go it's building up nicely so for those that don't know the leisure buildings will give us more income than the standard uh commercial buildings but they will give us more traffic and it will be noisier at night but because of the location of these let's see where our nearest residential is no it's fine that's all the way over here so we're going to get a couple of these buildings as you can see complaining because of these leisure buildings but they're fine i mean they will become sick but then we've got huge hospitals all over the place and let's have a look healthcare is fine so only a few sick citizens so yeah that's good and then what i was thinking for along the back here is just to put in some office zone buildings but i'm wondering whether we have the it cluster type buildings we do so i'm gonna pop that on this zone as well and then we're gonna pop some of these just along the back here i'm gonna draw these in in this section now this is going to take workers away let's just see what it looks like this is going to take workers away from our industry that we're doing just before they start appearing i'm going to use the move it mod double click on trees and i'm going to take out any trees that are along here because they're going to be hidden under the buildings anyway delete yep there we go let those come back in again yeah so this is going to take workers away from our other industry that we've got going on there we go that's what i'm trying to do i'm just wondering what it's going to look like along there by the train line do you know what no i don't want those along there i'm thinking more that the high density stuff like this the real high density is going to be over here either side of this so yeah we're going to take that back out again i'm not going to do that and what i'm going to put along here instead sorry everybody that's just moved in but you're out what i'm going to put along here instead is just some generic commercial so not leisure commercial so i'm just going to remove this little zone where it overlaps this side in fact i'll do it like this we'll go down this road there we go get rid of all of that and we just have some standard commercial high density in this section i think that'll work okay there we go nice now these are complaining there's not enough workers but we do have a huge need for residential yet again so i'm thinking we need to fill up this area here before we do that these two connections here are really close to each other is it causing a problem let's just look how we've got these set up so i want that to give way that's giving way they're going straight through we'll do control left clicks and dedicated turning lanes there and there at the moment that's looking alright i'm not going to worry too much about that and then this bit here i want to fit in as much residential as possible so we are going to put a grid in this one using the product protected bike path road [Music] i wouldn't normally put a crossroads like this in here but i think i think we'll be okay i don't think it's going to get too busy people are going to start using this to get through so let's make sure that's got dedicated turning lanes let's make sure that this is giveway and let's have a look yeah let's make that giveaway that giveaway that giveaway i want this to be dedicated turning lanes here there we go excellent that should be fine and i'm just thinking along here whether we can make this a separate zone so let us just clear this out down here be careful not to mess up like that so let's just pause while we do this get too close over there it's going to remove the zone from those commercial buildings which i would still like to be what they are so let's put that across there and stick another zone in here and this is going to be high density again but to give it a separate look we're going to go for the self self-sufficient high-density buildings and we're going to want a nice little park in here let's pop in a tropical garden and i'm going to pop one that side and i'm also going to pop one at this side as well there we go nice bit of symmetry and then we're gonna make this high density residential zone and also just to help them get about we do have all the cycle lanes and everything but i'm gonna use our pedestrian and bicycle path i'm gonna use the pedestrian bridge builder which will also do this and let's do one there and i'll put a little path in it's going to get rid of some of our houses let's turn off anarchy uh it might actually not get rid of some of our houses let's see whether that disappears we'll keep an eye on that i want to add one in here okay it's not doing it now oh there we go one in there one in there one in there there we go that should be fine that's all connected anywhere else you think we need to add one of those we could do one here as well one down here to that road junction could be good and that is quite close no that'll be fine like that good good good and i'm just wondering whether these buildings have gone over are going to end up disappearing yes they will that's fine okay let's see what we get in here there we go look at that and i really do like the look of these self-sufficient high-density residential buildings i think they look really really cool now something i've just thought of that we probably haven't looked at for a while is to make sure they've all got enough coverage of all the different things so let's just take a quick glance at that so we've got what's this healthcare all the way over there which is sort of reaching this distance but not as well as i would hope so what i might just do is add something else in there as well so let's just pop one of these small ones in i would say there that would work quite well in fact i'm going to move it right up against the path there we go so that's going to give a bit of extra coverage for a medical clinic and also we haven't unlocked the crematorium yet uh crematorium cover not too worried about that fire coverage up here is horrendous let's pop do you know what let's put one of those next to that as well and then police coverage is always perfectly fine so we should find that this fills up nicely there we go that these look perfectly good with the other tool buildings here and then traffic shouldn't be too bad because we've got all the walking paths we've got all the cycle paths all connected all over the place yeah i think this is gonna look good now this little gap that we're gonna have in here we could actually add a little park in there uh to make use of that space so let's just see if we can mark something out let's grab our little park zone yeah so that could sort of come from up here somewhere go all the way along there take up this little space uh we'll do it up to the road because we're going to have to have some park road connections somewhere there we go excellent and that would be a reasonable size park don't you think so let's go for our city park traffic still 80 percent fantastic now we could put a large park main gate somewhere along here it's going to mean losing a couple of buildings let's lose some buildings over here somewhere let's lose those two that's nice and flat that looks cool i like that and then we could have some side gates uh we could have a side gate up there a side gate over here i wanted a side gate over here so people could get in and walk across if they wanted look we can just squeeze one if i just pause the game before anybody else moves in if we go up here like this oh we're just gonna just gonna stop that person from moving in sorry you've probably completed your house and everything there we go we'll do that and we can fill this in with some nice parts [Music] now we did say we weren't going to use any cheaty parks deliberately to make money but as you can see we've got our little path connecting up here and i really don't want that i don't want people to get into a park that i'm deliberately placing not for money purposes but just for purposes of making something look nice so what we're going to do is we are going to put some gates here there we go not in park area that's twice i've made sure that that park area is all the way to the end will you let me place the side gate and then can i fit one in we've actually got that one over there so i think that's near enough and we'll just connect that up to there yep there we go excellent [Music] there we go and i think that's too bad for sort of a hillside park it's going to help people get from one place to another it nicely fills this little gap that we've got in here and i know people can still cross over over here but that's fine some are still taking the park through which is fantastic remember we said we're not deliberately going to set things up with parks uh to uh fleece people out of money i am going to charge them some more money though so for the next level we need a few more visitors plenty of entertainment it will probably easily get us up to level three with no problem at all and this little area at the back i think is looking okay we've got our leisure industry we've got our car parking down here just a little bit in the middle these roads if you don't remember from the well there we go just upgraded these roads if you don't remember from the previous episode have parking built in as well which is really good could do with a few more trees dotted around here and then we've got the this residential area here which i think just looks absolutely brilliant and this area back here is looking rather swish i have to say so myself need something in the middle of that roundabout but we'll get to that how's the traffic 78 so not too bad this is just getting a little busy here it might just be that people are moving in this is a bit busy here let's just check this junction what's going on i think we've got give way yeah i'm going to change that to a time traffic light so we'll control click quick setup time traffic light there i mean the cars have all gone now so ain't that bad is it uh we're gonna make this is give way so that's fine but there's lots of people crossing over the road as well which is probably the reason these places are getting a little bit busy and that's like a through road let's have a look they're coming up there they're cutting through to get to the schools and things oh it's fine i'm happy with that and we could even add actually i don't want to add a train there because we've got the train stop over here then they can get the buses and the trams so yeah we've passed three million tea leaves we're still making money we still have demands on all of our industry and things let's just have a quick look how our goods are going so not quite as many as before we could probably do with look we've got some of these places here now making generic goods uh let's just add do you know what i'm going to just fill this whole section here and get this zone covering all of that there we go and get those to fill up and try and get some more goods how are we going on over here oh we're almost filling up on 617 then we just need to upgrade to 800 which is excellent so this is going really good let's just get those buildings popping in there we go and while they're doing that we can just check this and slowly over time this goods importation that we've got going on will drop down excellent we don't seem to have any fire coverage over here what we do is all the way over there i'm just gonna add a little fire building in down here as well there we go excellent just to cheer them up and hopefully solve the problems with the farms on fire there we go there we go yep cows are happy all sorted do you know what i think this is one of those situations where i have made a mistake and i was just looking at the wiki and i think it actually needs to be generic industry to make the goods i don't think these are going to be making goods i'm not entirely sure the wiki isn't 100 clear so let me know in the comments below whether i just need some generic industries i think i do do you know i could do a very quick test on that you know i could take this zone here and i could take away the specialization uh which is this one here and just turn it to generic industry that'll disappear and grow back start polluting the land which is a bit of a pain but let's see how much difference that makes so now we've got some zoned industry buildings that aren't specialized i think this industrial space planning policy will actually kick in and double the amount of goods that we're getting so it'll be interesting to see how much this changes just looking at this round building here apparently that's a box factory so there must be like one guy who works in there in a round building making boxes to be honest they could be round boxes who knows who knows so what's interesting now when we look at our outside connections we can see who is importing what i just this one made me laugh forestry products for frank's fish stick factory i don't want to don't want to ask what goes into his fish sticks this is agricultural products for goods unlimited but that makes sense uh oil products for a box factory and a box factory what have we got there frank yeah more fish sticks so yeah that's good so we're now seeing there we go look our goods importation is now going down we just need a load more workers to look after these but that is absolutely brilliant we're gonna lose i know we still got a load of workers here as well that's good so again we just need to expand and expand and expand and we're still making absolutely tons of money well thank you very much for watching i've enjoyed expanding our new area here what do you reckon to it let me know in the comments below i hope you have an absolutely fantastic weekend before you go don't forget to subscribe getting so close to half a million subscribers very very exciting thank you for all your support and i will see you all very soon take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 256,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines trams, cities skylines trams tutorial
Id: UPdjvSEziSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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