Make over $1,000,000 easily with this simple "Cheat" in Cities Skylines

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so you want to know how to make one million dollars simoleons tea leaves credits whatever the in-game currency is called in your city skyline city i am going to show you a very simple trick to enable you to do that and it works in every single city whether it's big whether it's small you can make hundreds of thousands and as you will see in this video a million very very easily so let's dive in and see how to do that doing the cheaty park paths is something i've done a lot in my cities in the past and it can easily make you a ton of money and i've sort of avoided doing it in this city i wanted to see if we can just make our city uh profitable make a load of money just doing things the normal way and i'm saying cheating inverted commas it's not cheating because it's in the game you can do it so for those that don't know what it involves is this is a an easy example here i'm gonna pause the game we're going to take this path that's going across here i mean look how many people are crossing over it is absolutely nuts and what we're going to do is we are going to put a park through here so um let's just get my zones let's grab my park zone we'll make it nice and small that's about the smallest it will be and we'll pop that from one side to the other we might just include this path here as well we'll come back to that we'll do them one at a time we'll do this one here first uh and then we need to just delete the entrance and the exit so we can build on there then we go to our park and we're gonna make this a normal city park and we use the this one here the small park main gate you can use the big one but it takes up a lot of space so we use the small one it's nice and thin and then we need a side gate there we go let's turn it into a park birch garden and we need a side gate over here now that is going to have to join to the road rather than the way i've got it set up here so we'll need to do a little bit of gigi pokery but that's fine we can get all this work in uh and then we'll get our park side gate and we'll add that there there we go and then i want to connect that to there we can use any of the parts you can use the ones that are built in at your park or you can use the paths that you like and i like this one here i think i'll tell you what i'll use come out of that i use this tool here it's called the dropper mod and it will let me pick the exact one that i want and i should be able to hopefully go over the top of that just about there we go will that connect to there oh look at that perfect not the straightest line up but it's it'll do there we go so now what's going to happen is people are going to come into the park they're going to have to pay to get on this bridge and they don't have to pay to get out if they want to come in that end they'll have to pay we go into our part we can whack that up to the most which is fantastic so we're making about nine ten thousand a week our weekly income will go up and down so there we go so we can see the people leaving i'm hoping there's gonna be no problem they're gonna go in and out of the gates but anybody now coming in and out of here is paying we'll come back to these ones over here in a moment they are paying to go in and out and paying to cross let's come all the way over here to the other side just make sure it's set up yeah so they're going through the gates that is fine and that is going to start earning us a ton of money so let's just zoom back around this way and have a look at this it will take a few moments to update so let's speed up the game and watch all these people go through and expenses is literally the cost of the gate at either end there is nothing else that's giving us any expense so let's just leave that running for a sec until a week goes past and then our income will take over yeah look some people are sneaking around the outside that's what i thought was happening so i'm just going to use the move it mod and i'm just going to move that back ever so slightly so people can't cut in the sides they have to go through the gates i think they're pretty much doing that there that's a okay and we'll do the same over here just move it back a spot and they have to come through the gates it's a bit annoying that it does that i don't know whether that is a thing but it seems to be so we'll leave that running again and we'll just wait for our visitors look we're getting visitors counted okay excellent let's just speed it up oh our income suddenly went up 1020. that is absolutely fantastic so that has given a huge boost to that park now what you can do see we've got we've got this park set up with just this one path here it's now earning us oh let's turn the movement mod off it's now earning us all of this money so that's not weekly that's like a combined amount of money the total income but wow that is fantastic now we might be able to have a look in here have a look at our parks are they under here park areas so we're going to see a weekly amount of what are all of our parks um are going to be giving us but just this one on its own is that amount there so can we do some other parts and parks and things i'm gonna try and make this yeah see if i do that that one's no longer in the area it's gonna be quite difficult okay let's just pause the game i want this this road here to be its own little park and trying to sort of yeah it's going to be difficult so we might end up with some more side gates and just make this these entrances and exits one big park um and we could add do you know what let's just make this one big massive park we're gonna bring that all the way down there so we've got another entrance and exit coming off here it then comes all the way down here we've got another entrance and exit there it then comes all the way along here and we've got another entrance and exit there then it goes all the way around you don't have to draw it all in like this by the way i think if it still works the same you can do that and it still all counts as the same park but just for our visual reference i'm going to keep it hooked in together there we go and then it comes all the way down here and there's another entrance and exit there and then it goes over the top and there's another one there oh my goodness me and then it comes in there and then it comes around here um where we go in now and then it connects there and it connects that oh my goodness we're going to be making so much money so i've been using my bike lanes all around the city as you can see if you're not a regular follower of t ports these are all bike lanes and then it goes down here so we're going to continue this one along here oh it stops there i've not got it connected anywhere and the same here i've not got it connected anywhere i could connect it down here couldn't i give some people oh is it done another park oh darn it i think it has okay let me just make sure these parks are okay we've got magnolia park yeah i think we're fine so if i hover over that it lights up the whole thing all the way around doesn't it yep that's fine so now what we need to do is go around all these ins and outs and turn them into part gates so let me just do that oh man there's so many people using all these park entrances and exits i'm gonna put a couple of extra ones in as well um so let's do that oh that's good timing auto save quick sympathy there we go so we've got to remember to use the side gates i think that's that one there yeah as we already have a main gate oh yeah let's just do zip add that up to there excellent we'll add that in there and i think i'm just going to use the normal parts to connect it up so that's that one there [Music] this one here we need to do as well i'm just going to pause the game add that in right next to that one yep that's fine see this is a cycle path but i think they're still going to be happy just to walk oh there we go that'd be better let's try that again they're going to be happy just to walk from there to there why won't that connect properly oh that'll do that's fine so that's that one let's continue along here this is the next connection now this might be difficult here yeah we have to get rid of this house to do that so let's do that one excellent then we got under the bridge doesn't connect anywhere this one here these cycle pedestrian path things absolutely fantastic i've been using them in my city as you can see and they work really really well for getting people to travel around by any other means other than driving their cars which is like the main thing we'll go in for um you could of course still ah let's make sure we get this whoa no i don't want another gardens let's just do that there we go you could of course connect these let's just find the pedestrian pedestrian can't spell pedestrians is that the one pedestrian and bicycle path you could use that as well that'll work quite well let's just check oh yeah we've got one more down here oh yeah we need to do it where the house is oh not in park area ah yes missed that one zippity-doo-dah all the way to the end oh man we're going to be making so much money it's going to be nuts there we go that doesn't connect under there no that's fine and then we've got this crossover here well to get on that they've got to come in the park road anyway so that's fine so then we go down this side and we've got like a connection there what i'm going to do so they can't get off there it's going to move that out the way a bit move that out of the way a bit move that out the way a bit because i want them in fact what we could do let's just nip into the park we could add a connection down here can i sort of squeeze it in yeah there and then we'll get our pedestrian so they want to come in this side that's fine we're not going for prettiness now we're going for getting it all working let's move that away so that is where they're coming in and out from the other side of the road so if we do that i have to sort of tidy this up a little bit there we go let's just check our zone our zones fine so can i fit in there a little park thing i can oh look at that perfectly lined up that's good they're going to go over the top there's another one there let's just where's the movement mod gone thank you don't want that to connect there so they're basically crossing over from here coming in and out there that is okay we'll do the same over here so i'm probably gonna have to just delete that um oh yeah it's gotta be on the road isn't it oh and this one here as well oh it's just starting to get confusing now starting to get confusing so if we do that hook that to there and then hook that back on again like that yeah that's fine so that's connection there then we've got these ones over here so let's get that one in and then we got another one up there and that's as close as it will get excellent so then let's connect that and connect that and that's okay just give that a little maneuver there we go excellent there we go excellent that for some reason that's got into a bridge version let's just upgrade that nope don't want to move it mod uh cannot upgrade to this type yes you can so that's all those connections there that's all the connections along here i don't think i'm missing anything none of that touches the road and we got down here this is sort of not the same oh we've got all this hooked into the part network as well oh my goodness me okay right let's do these as well we can't how much money do you think we're gonna make from doing all of this now that is the question stick something in the comments below what do you think what do you think i would love to hear from you so let's move that away from there again so they can't get in and out apart from where we want them to get in and out [Music] okay now we're back to this bridge area again um so we just need to sort out this one here but can i fit that in there i can excellent so then we'll just get this one let's go for that i mean i could have put these up together but you know this is fine so that's all coming in there and that's all connected to this one so then it's just this one here it goes all the way along here doesn't connect to anything at all and then just stops at the end so what i might just do here is just add in another little connection down there because why the heck not where could i pop it let's pop it there let's grab the pedestrian path and is that going to connect for me yeah excellent that looks slightly weird as we said we're not going for perfection there we go right so that should be all the ins and outs of our now we need to change this cash gardens there we go bringing in the tea leaves uh to see how much money we are gonna make from all these people coming in and out this area uh something is upgraded yeah we've upgraded cash gardens now which is great it is now a level two doesn't mean we can charge any more but wow look at the money rolling in so we're going to leave this going for a while see oh look at this all of these people eventually that are going to be using this network are going to have paid to get in and out and the only thing i possibly need to do is just double check to make sure they're getting in and out all the gates okay so i'll go and do that off camera and then i'll be back oh my goodness this is just going absolutely nuts six thousand five hundred and four it's literally been about a minute and a half as i went around and sorted all these little gates out wow fine oh this is just nuts this is just nuts cash garden so wait until we get up to this sort of amount of visitors now where's this park over here uh this park oh it's an enclosed park so everybody's paying to get in here anyway yeah we're making tons of money from that wow this is gonna be bringing us in the cash oh look we're nearly up that was 18 000 weekly income let's just check over here i think that means that's like a weekly amount it doesn't really say does it what does it say on there income for money spent by tourists yeah i think this is an extra weekly amount but it must be more than that surely with the amount of money that's coming in flipping x so that is all the parks and the paths going up and down here now if you've got a bigger city like mine with sort of twelve thousand thirteen thousand you are going to have paths everywhere we've got paths that come in and out of lots of different places so you can basically do this trick wherever you like and it will earn you money so i'm going to keep this running and we are going to see how much we get and just looking at the policies that go along with this park we can set this as the main park it doesn't cost us anything but it attracts more people to the park you know pavement park i think we're gonna call it so i'm gonna add that one in uh there's no other policies that will make any difference as far as i can see uh we can have fireworks over our path night tours but that's gonna actually cost us some money that costs us some money oh okay boost the entertainment effects of the amusement park buildings we don't have any amusement park buildings and that's fine so i'm going to add that one in as well and see whether that gets us a lot more guests hopefully it will something else i think is well worth adding is the park maintenance building as that's going to increase the entertainment value and radius of this park so i mean that's going to cost us what's that going to cost 160 a week it's next to nothing really compared to everything we're doing so i'm just going to pop that in up here really doesn't matter where there we go and that will send out some little trucks oh my goodness me that is honor that is on a slope isn't it as we said we're not going for beautification today we're just going for the money-making aspect and eventually they'll come over here and we'll boost that park okay so i think i pretty much decided that this figure here is not the total income from park ticket sales it otherwise it will keep going up wow it's just suddenly shot right up to nearly 10 grand flipping it over 20 grand a week wow i think this is a weekly figure because otherwise it would just be constantly going up and up and up and up and up wouldn't it uh what i've done is i've just placed one of every single park item that we've got unlocked uh in here so the cafes and the restrooms and the things i just plop them around anywhere inside the park and suddenly we've gone up to level three and suddenly our money's gone up it's nearly doubled from it was about five six thousand so you saw it there ten thousand nearly that is unbelievable um so we've got plenty of visitors to go up a level we just need to keep the entertainment level up and i reckon we're gonna get this to the five thousand uh to five thousand to level nine thousand we're gonna get it up to level uh one two three four five no problem at all and let's just speed this up any second that's gonna go up another level it's nearly there is oh incentive for the next level oh we've only got 611 oh okay let's let's just entertain the people that visit this park let's just add another one of these in let's have a look what are we up to 6 29 out of 720 it's not going to take long let's just chuck a few more toilets and things in that must be it yeah there we go and then we get the climbing frame so now we're up to level four and we've got to get 1120 to get to level five and i'm just wondering whether our money is going to go up again because if it does it's worth spending i mean we still grief our expenses are next to nothing which is just absolutely nuts let's pop in a couple of these climbing frames for the kiddie winkies on their really long journey down this mummy is so far to walk down this path from one end of the city to the other there we go we've got a trampoline park uh we don't actually need to add that in do we because we're already at level five fantastic okay level fives we've maxed everything out so now we could actually do some of these couldn't we animal ethics there's no zoo buildings advertising campaign draws 20 more visitors across 200 a week let's do that we've got the main park uh we're not organized fireworks celebrate fireworks every night i don't think it cost us any money why not let's do night tours so another 30 percent more visitors during night time that's 50 a week even more fun boost the entertainment effect of the amusement park buildings cost 10 per building yep go on then and then recycle garbage that's for nature reserves so let's have a look our expenses are still reasonably low is our income gonna suddenly shoot up and i'm just wondering whether we could also do something in our budget to do with our parks yes we can if the budget is large parks and plazas are more well maintained and create more happiness not entirely sure that is gonna make any difference of the park at all so that's gonna change the money from what is that eight hundred and two to three thousand four thousand four hundred four hundred and fifty very terrible maths there probably i think that's about right but i want to see this figure go up and it doesn't seem to be going up visit this week 230 it was 250 interesting interesting interesting well we've suddenly got over 12 and a half thousand tea leaves simonians whatever you want to call them over 300 visitors all i did was add a little extra path in over the top here so they didn't have to walk either this side or this side to get over i might just have another one over here but it's suddenly increased the amount of people that want to come in so making things easier for them to get around that seems to attract even more people so let me just do that again in a couple of places sonic house i wanted to mention is in my city planning i do have encouraged biking on because as we mentioned before these paths we're using here are combination pedestrian and bicycle paths so i thought that would be a good idea and we also have this preferred parks option where tourists who are more likely it says 10 draw for more tourists into park plazas and park areas there is a one-off cost of 100 so it's good job that we made this one giant park so that's gonna really be helpful and what does this one do here double shift cost more money but tending parks more efficiently no i don't think we'll do that one now something else i have noticed that we've got this road going across here people are walking across this road we've stopped the crossings here but not across that way because we have cycle paths and all that sort of thing so i'm just wondering whether yeah we could do something about that so we could just downgrade this road so it doesn't include the cycle path so i could do that we're gonna need some anarchy on there to get that working oh darn it i've got that option on good job this is only a little test in the city isn't it there we go get rid of all the cycle paths there that's fine and then i'm going to turn off any crossing so no crossing no crossing no crossing no crossing for all of those no crossing no crossing no crossing no crossing and just to put it back to like it was dedicated turning lanes control left click there we go we'll keep that going and we should have the traffic lights that were in there still before which is good quick auto saves there no time for tea we're trying to make money here so hopefully less people are going to cycle and walk across this bridge it already looks like i can't see any i can't see any walkers and i can't see any cyclists is there any other ways across that i've forgotten uh no there's just that one there no other roads across so has that increased i don't care about the traffic oh oh it's increased our money again fantastic nearly 13 grand a week that is brilliant oh just spotted this little path connection here there we go let's just delete that so people could get onto our path network without paying but we've solved that there mmm wonder how oh and another one over here as well let's just move that up a bit hadn't noticed that hopefully there's no more anywhere i will double double check just to make sure but i think let's just move that tree now that one's okay i think we're okay everywhere else oh suddenly we're up to 14 nearly 15 and 370 guests wow 15k a week that is absolutely nuts and you can see our weekly income there 25 that has shot up twenty seven thousand twenty nine thousand and we're going to hit thirty thousand oh my goodness me this is done so much better than i thought it ever could now also little places like this where you can only cross the road and maybe cross some mass transit lines via a little bridge like this are also a fantastic place for making some money so let's convert this one into a park as well there we go so now all the people that want to cross from one side to the other or come to this stop here are gonna have to pay to get through our park which is great they seem to be avoiding the gate over there which is slightly annoying if i move that over a teeny tiny spot there we go they're all going through the gate now fantastic so then we can start making even more money with this little park and then we've got another one over here as well so let me convert this one there we go and wood park is born and we're making lots of money i'm not sure if there's a stop here so it would be a good idea to have a stop there wouldn't it as well for our trams so let me yeah let me add that in there if it'll let me oh it's down there okay well fair enough i might have one going the other way as well why the heck not and already that is three and a half grand that is nuts and that is only going to go up what's that 520 quiver that's only going to go up and cash gardens whoa 17 18 000 that is absolutely nuts well at cash gardens we're sort of fluctuating between 20 grand 15 16 grand it obviously goes up and down depending on where and when people want to travel across the city so doing some quick mental arithmetic 20 grand times 52 weeks in a year is just over 1 million tea leaves credits whatever you want to call them wow and in game three speed a year passes just like that that has just blown my mind an extra 20 grand a week just for setting up park we knew it could be good i don't think we knew it could be that good so what do you reckon to this little cheaty hack is this something you use in your cities or do you like me in tea port this time round for this playthrough decide not to use it well let me know in the comments below i'll be interested to hear what you think so if you'd like to see more of these little cheaty money hacky type things then leave a thumbs up subscribe so you don't miss out on my other city skylines videos thank you again for all of your support have a great day see you soon bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 442,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines hack, cities skylines money cheat, cities skylines money glitch
Id: VWV59xr6RPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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