Which Are The Best Cities Skylines DLCs & Why?

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[Music] hello people and welcome back to another city skyline today video i hope you're all having a wonderful day today we are going to rank all the major expansions decide which ones we can pass on which are must spies and which fall somewhere in between those two criteria before we get started today's video is sponsored by manscaped manscaped were kind enough to hook me up with their pervert package 4.0 which includes their brand new 4th generation lawnmower electric waterproof trimmer the crop preserver ball deodorant and the crop reviver ball toner spray you can use it in the shower for easy clean up and after trying it myself i can assure you all i'm now as smooth as an eggshell if you or someone you know has perhaps developed a little too much bush spice recently manscaped is the perfect solution to landscape yourself it's essentially the forest brush mod but for your body and a real quality of life improvement to your own game the trimmer itself is cordless and uses a wireless charging system it has travel lock capabilities multiple guard length settings so you can customize your shave to your desired length and has a built-in led light for a closer more precise trim so you can literally shine a light where the sun doesn't shine for a limited time you can get all of this plus a free travel bag and anti-chaff in boxer briefs by following the link below to get 20 off plus free international shipping using code overcharged thanks again to manscape for sponsoring today's video and to you guys for all support so let's get started with the dlc ranking shall we so as always these rankings are based on my own personal experience with the game if you feel i've played something too high or too low please do feel free to let me know down in the comments below i am also excluding the content creator and cosmetic packs and we may do a separate tier list for those packs if you guys want to see it but today we are just focusing on the major expansions so we'll start out just move through the list here and i want to place natural disasters as a possible dlc now it's not that natural disasters is a bad expansion it's just not something that really appeals to my gameplay style having to play with natural disasters on and just having your city constantly at risk of getting smashed by natural disasters isn't something i find fun this pack could be a lot higher for a lot of people but for me it's going to fall into possible so the natural disasters dlc adds seven disasters that will obviously destroy your city these are tsunami tornadoes thunderstorms earthquake sinkholes forest fires and a meteor strike and they will all annihilate your city in some capacity if you play with random disasters on for me the thing that makes natural disasters kind of worth picking up if you've got the spare cash and maybe if it's the last one you're missing a lot of the assets that actually come with this pack a lot of them are very industrial looking and work really nicely from a detailing perspective like the pumping service asset and the deep space radar alongside the disaster response unit building also the radio masts and the tank reservoir work really nicely in industrial areas the earthquake sensors are also really handy for syncing power through into different areas as well if you don't want to have the power line aesthetic there so it's quite an aesthetically appealing dlc but from a gameplay perspective there isn't much there and some of the unique buildings that come with this dlc are actually some of the best unique buildings especially the disaster memorial and the pyramid of safety two very distinct unique buildings are two of my favorite ones as well but once you've gotten past those first few laughs of watching sims getting whipped away by tornadoes and swept away by tsunamis the natural disasters dlc doesn't really offer that much going forward so for me it's probably the least important and least impressive dlc but if you're missing it and you just want to have some fun then it's probably worth getting but definitely not one of the first ones you should be picking up next up we have cities skylines after dark which for me is going to fall into a very healthy atia with after dark we got the ability to specialize our commercial zones into either leisure or tourism which changes the aesthetic of the asset as well as how the actual zoning works for example leisure will attract people at night time and will be open all the way through the night whereas regular commercial closes we also got a couple of new transport assets including the bus station the international airport and the cargo hub alongside the introduction of taxis and cycling and honestly the inclusion alone of cycling makes this dlc really worth buying recovered cycling a little more in depth in our public transport list which is linked down below and at the end of the video if you'd like to learn a little bit more about how that works within the city but cycling definitely worth getting prisons were also added with after dark but again in my experience prisons they're good aesthetic assets but you don't really need them police stations will handle the city's crime rate just fine we also got some really nice new unique buildings with after dark as well including the casino the driving range the fantastic fountain the luxury hotel which can be one of the harder uniques to place because it's such a unique shape and the regular zoo and we also got a whole bunch of new parks which actually helped detail our waterfronts with the marinas and the restaurant piers and the jet ski rentals and stuff like that on the fishing tours so some new park assets are a really nice addition into this pack and then some new roads to go along with the new cyclone edition and then also some bus exclusive roads as well for me the thing that keeps after dark out of an absolute must buy but still relatively high in the list is the variation of the tourism and leisure assets you do get a fair bit of repetition with them and tourism especially can be really hard to use a lot of them are quite hideous and also the functionality of taxes again we covered this in our public transport today video you just don't really get that much use even in a city of nearly 90 000 people like the one that we're in today again it's my personal opinion but still a really good dlc and definitely worth picking up above some of the other ones on this list next up on the city skylines dlc tourist is going to be compass and for me this is going to fall into an absolute must buy i absolutely love campus and i often see campus getting not hate but maybe a little bit underappreciated university's pre-campus dlc were just single assets that look like this and post campus dlc they now look a little bit like this so we now zone out our university areas exactly like we do with our other districts in after dark and industries dlc you get three different types of university to choose from which is the trade school the liberal arts college and the university and there's so many different things you can do with this this dlc allows you to kind of construct university towns bringing suburbs around these larger campus areas very true to real life and we also got varsity sports added as well which adds some really big sports arenas which again can be used away from campus areas and one of my favorite things to actually do with compass is to use the unique buildings there's kind of three with each type of university so nine unique buildings in total actually using them away from the campus area part of downtown assets and they work really nicely in downtown settings because there's such huge buildings the liberal arts college actually works really nicely in your european areas because the kind of the red mosaic tiles that they have on their roof so there's a lot of kind of diversity and flexibility with these assets actually come with the campus dlc away from their intended purpose some of my criticisms of campus it isn't a perfect dlc by any means getting campuses to level five can be really tricky and especially if you're playing with nine tiles either on modded or on the consoles you will never need three level five campuses the way that the game scales higher education demand with the population numbers it just doesn't work so it probably needs rebalancing in that fact but if you're filling your map with either 25 or the 8-1 tiles mod you'll definitely get in a few different types of campers to help satisfy that demand so that could do with rebalancing ever so slightly when you hit level five of each of the three university types you also get some museums like the technology museum art gallery and the science center and campus in general is just a great dlc it breathes in a lot more life into your city it gives you a lot more flexibility and customizable options with your education facilities so i really like campus gives you many more options to kind of construct university towns and city center universities rather than just placing a single asset and being done with it like it is in the base game so my opinion campus is an absolute must buy next up we have green cities and this is going to fall into again an absolute must buy green city is easily one of my favorite dlcs and i think a lot of people's favorites as well adds in two new specialized themes for our districts including self-sufficient housing which totally changes the look of residential and local and organic produce which again totally changes up the look of our commercial zoning the difference between the base game residential assets and the green cities residential assets is night and day green cities look so much better and they do consume slightly less power and water again to tie into their whole green city's renewable theme and the commercial zonings look great but one of my favorite things to do with them it gives unmodded players and people without access to the workshop the ability to generate car parks in the city at using certain types of zoning under the local and organic produce specialization in a green pattern you can get in these mass very true to life car parks that you will see day to day green cities also brought the it cluster specialization which brought some very much needed height into the office zoning and had some very cool assets and also possibilities for other repeated patterns we also got a whole bunch of new power options including the geothermal plant the ocean thermal energy plant and the solar updraft tower a new type of bus a whole bunch of new parks like the community pool and the sports hall also won the type of elementary school and a new high school and a new university has some new garbage processing options and some eco water treatment stuff as well alongside some very unique green cities uh themed unique buildings like the ziggurat garden and the bird and beehaven although the lungs of the city still remains one of the hardest ones to place but in terms of changing the aesthetic look of the game i would say green cities does it the most out of any of the dlc's there were some great repeated patterns in the residential pool lots of different themes and vibes with the commercial assets like we've mentioned with the car parks and also some nice little farmers market stuff as well looking on the official wiki for green cities as well the expansion adds 350 new assets into the game which i think is the most out of any of the dlc's and that's probably why it makes such an impact in the way it changes our cities because you've seen so much new content and these don't have just to be specific areas either if you want to you can make the entire city green which i think would be quite a fun challenge maybe we can do that on the channel to see if we can make an entirely green city with only uh green cities uh specializations and assets so for me if you're without green cities definitely definitely pick it up they're all super cheap now and definitely grab greens is one of my faves next up on the tail list is going to be mass transit and this could possibly be the first controversial pick of the list mass transit for me is going into seats here just give me a second to explain why okay before you start typing so mass transit does what it says on the tin it's very much a public transport theme dlc and it adds ferries monorails cable cars and blimps alongside some new mass transit hubs the reason why i'm putting it so low is because two you could argue possibly three of those new methods of public transport are pretty much obsolete and methods that people very rarely use and also methods that are quite inefficient as well so we go into more depth on this in our public transport here video which again is linked below and at the end of the video if you want to go and check it out why but ferries are quite underpowered and if you're in a map without water are obviously entirely useless cable cars quite specific cable cars aren't bad like they only carry 30 uh per car but they're really frequent so they're quite good in that regard but they have a very particular key aesthetic you can't really get away with placing them in certain areas like built up downtowns and blimps we all know about blimps blimps sucks blimps are the opposite of 11 secret herbs and spices monorail is obviously really good i ranked monorail in st for our public transport uh no problem with monorail at all and the new transport hubs that we got include the the monorail bus hub and the multi uh platform train stations so the the ones on the side and the end of line one alongside the train metro monorail hub as well did also get the addition of the four lane and two-lane highways with mass transit which in its defense are very useful uh having the optional kind of national road with the the two-lane highways is quite nice there's also a new type of canal added with mass transit again as well but i haven't really gotten that much use out of the wide canals maybe you guys have and the unique buildings on this pack are okay the burp museum looks nice on a waterfront the locomotive horses are super cute looking at it as well and the traffic park has its place so i hope i've explained my thoughts on mass transit well enough there it could be a fairly controversial choice you know but i just think for three out of the four new methods of pullback transport added to be either useless or fairly niche i just think it doesn't deserve to be any higher than that it's not particularly a bad dlc but if you're playing with no dlcs and using this video as something of a buyer's guide then you can put mass transit towards the back end of your list so for me mass transit it goes into ctr next up is going to be industries and industries to me is going to fall into an absolute must buy industries massively overhauls funnily enough the industry is part of the game going from simple zonable assets you can now generate entire districts based on the themes including forestry areas entire farms all mines and oil fields so rather than just being specialized zonable areas like they were in the base game we now get probable assets that all contribute to the level of the industry area the industry's dlc is also one of the best at making money too especially with the unique factories which all use the resources produced by your industrial areas and there's a whole variety there's car factories clothing electronics food furniture petroleum refineries printing presses industrial steel plants plastic batteries there's really there's loads it's a adds so much variety of content into the game and from a detailing point of view and uh generate a particular aesthetic or a certain vibe in your city industries absolutely nails it one of my favorite things to do with the industries dlc is to actually build an ore area and you can build these really impressive mining quarries of these huge excavator drills your farms you can get all these little crops and pass public transport through them which gives them a very kind of distinct japanese vibe you can use the industry's dlc to decorate the side of your highways by placing the assets correctly and like i've done previously with the sapling fields from the authority specialization just a really good-looking dlc and just improves one of the key aspects of the game so so much there is one major problem with the industry's um kind of like campus it's not a perfect dlc by any means it's massively imbalanced especially with farms like your farms or of absolute butt logs of tractors leaving kind of the farming fields which if anyone's ever been to a farm in real life no matter what the farm is whether it's a royal farm or kind of like an industrial battery farm there's never this much traffic coming out of them there is a mod on the workshop that actually rebalances industries to be more true to life so if you're on the pc and you want to play with industries it's probably worth grabbing that mod at the same time we also got cargo airports introduced with industries as well which are a nice addition to our kind of airfields you can combine them with the passenger airports to create these kind of larger international airport complexes and the post service was also added with industries as well but i've never found post to be massively useful it's nice to have the service in but i think it just needs to be fleshed out a little bit more and the toll booths also came with the free patch with the injuries dlc as well so they're not actually part of the dlc but they kind of came with it if that makes sense so we'll mention tall boots as part of the industry's dlc so if you're looking to go from the really basic zoned specialized industries that are in the base game into much more fleshed out industrial complexes industries is an absolute must buy and sits really high on the tail list again if you're using this as a buyer's guide industries is probably the one you should pick up first next on the city skylines dlc taillist is park life and this is going into an absolute most spy so we've now got four in the more spies and part life absolutely air deserves its spot here so parklife entirely changes the way that parks work in the game so base game they were just ploppable assets that you drop on the side of roads and people will just visit that one specific park however part life very much works like industries in the fact that you paint out park areas and these separate down into four different types which includes an amusement park a city park a nature reserve and a zoo which allow for much greater customization with our parks take them in various different shapes and sizes and squeeze them into kind of larger areas or tinier areas take them in l shapes or zeds or big squares circles just endless possibilities with part life and part life is also home to the infamous part-life cheese which is something of a cheesy mechanic so because when you placed on a pack gate sims will pay an entrance fee into that park you can place parks in strategic positions to make thousands and thousands a week as people basically pay to cross a road it's kind of an exploit and hasn't been patched and probably never will be now at this point in the game's life cycle and similar to campus a lot of the part-life assets can be used away from their intended purpose a lot of the zoo assets look really nicely kind of placed away from a zoo and similar with the city park stove you can get away with gazebos and little suburbs and some of the amusement park stuff although usually a little harder to place because of that awful red and white diamond tiles uh it can also be used away from an amusement park as well such as the ferris wheel on the waterfront for example we got some really nice new unique buildings uh with park life including the clock tower the old market street the observation tower the sea fortress the statue of uh colossalus and the city arch as well alongside the wonderful castle chirpwick which is pretty much a staple in most of my cities now the parklife patch also brought the free update where trees will reduce noise pollution which is really handy for placing louder looking assets a little bit closer to residential areas and of course they brought fences which we absolutely love fences make a huge difference to detailing um whether or not they're kind of tiny little fractured nature reserve fences or whether you're running this kind of nice city park fence alongside an artillery road uh just to decorate it out the fences are great we love fences it's also worth mentioning that industries does have fences as well and each ones that tie into the industrial areas but they have quite distinct industrial vibes so they only kind of really work near industrial areas or kind of highways and stuff like that and of course lots of new pathways and the wonderful elevated zoo path which we all adore here so there's no real downside to part life um if you like playing with green belt and building out these larger park areas and a little bit bored of kind of the base game vanilla assets then park life is great uh yeah i would say it's up there with industries as maybe the first one or two dlcs that you should pick up part life is an absolute must buy for me next up on the taillist is city skyline snowfall now i really want to put this into possible but i can't because it introduces trams so i'm going to put it into seat here and that's quite a low seat here in my opinion snow 4 should have been city skyline seasons where it also introduced spring and autumn and summer into the game and perhaps some kind of gameplay mechanics come in with those seasons as well very much how the sims does in every iteration of the sims there's always a seasons expansion and i feel like snowfall should have been that and that's really kind of what brings it down and we do get quite a few new assets with the snowfall dlc there's a lot of snow themed parks and unique buildings like the ski resorts and the ice hockey arenas snowman parks sledding hills ski lodges and you do get a fair bit of new content and like i mentioned the thing that really pulls it up out of a possible tier is the introduction of trams by far and away one of the most efficient methods of public transport because they hold 90 per car but they also look great as well trams flowing everywhere the wires overhead being able to separate them out onto trauma only tracks and detailing with greenbelt around them cams are really good snowfall also introduced the heating for your sims mechanic where you have to use geothermal plants or boiler stations to help keep the city warm so you have kind of a temperature a gameplay loop to keep control of and the snow will directly affect the roads as well you have to place snow dumps in order to clear it off the roads nothing particularly bad happens if you do get snowy roads it just slows all the traffic down but that's it nothing else apart from that you also have to factor in a new type of pipe and to keep sims heated so it's slightly more expensive to place than a water pipe and there's also of course a load of new snow maps but i feel like they kind of got this wrong there's zero color in the snow maps and for those following my current um snow let's play in our city in ovaria we are absolutely starved of colour and everything is white and so it's kind of yeah it is a real drawback of actually playing with a snow map you you do get bored of it and you also at least for me i start to get headaches playing a snow map for a long time because it is just such a relentless white glare on your eyes it is also worth noting that on the switch edition of the game and you do get snowfall and after dark bundled with the base game if you're playing on the switch not that you should be playing on the switch because it's like the worst version of the game so again if you're using this list as a buyer's guide snowfall just for trams other than that it's a little bit underwhelming it should have been the city's skyline seasons so for that it's in low seeds here for me and lastly we have sunset harbor and this is going to go into the currently empty b tier for me so i've kind of had a little bit of a changing relationship with sunset harbour i wasn't that much of a fan of it when it first came out and i remember when it was announced and people first played it it was kind of mean to be a little bit of a mass transit 2.0 because it introduced an absolute ton of new public transport hubs we also had intercity buses added to the game which i love in city buses they're really good and their assets are really nice too with the intercity bus hubs trolley buses also came with sunset harbor and again one of the less impressive methods of public transport it's essentially a bus that just wants its own roads but again we cover uh trolleybuses in our public transport today video if you want to go and check that out sunset haber also adds the fishing industry into the game and which looks really good but if you're kind of looking to make money out of your industries then the industries that are added with the industries dlc are much more efficient at that fishing won't make you a vast amount of money but it is cool to kind of develop these little fishing harbors and be creative with landscaping and uh keys we also had a lot of new uh kind of city service assets introduced including uh the waste processing complex and transfer facilities and a bunch of new water treatment stuff and so you don't have to dump your waste into the water you can treat uh inland water treatment plants there's regular versions of these and eco versions of them which are kind of a less polluted version there was only one new unique building added with the sunset harbor dlc which is the aviation club which is like a little mini airport and that's quite a nice one to use as well so sunset harbor it kind of falls middle of the road for me it's kind of a mishmash of the industries pack and the mass transit kind of molded together with its own unique vibe it's a bit of a weird one sunset harbor and it's it's not bad but it's certainly not amazing i don't think at least in my opinion and one of the best things that actually came from santa funnily enough was the free content that was added and it was with the sunset harbour patch that we got the ability to use overground metro and which makes a huge difference to the metro method of public transport again covered more in depth in apple but transport to a list and we also got the child health care and elder care centers which boost the birth rate and lifespan of the elders respectively so that was a nice little addition to some health care as well but those were free updates they're not part of the dlc they're just with their patch helicopters also came with sunset harbor again and you know you kind of feel that intercity buses and helicopters and trolley buses should have been a part of mass transit instead of blimps i don't know maybe that's just me um sunset harbor i guess a way to sum it up would be that it kind of feels like all the content that didn't quite make it into industries and mass transit they just put it into sunset harbor i don't think that's unfair to say it's not a bad thing so for me it's going for middle of the road certainly not a must buy definitely one you have to pass on if you've got the spare cash and you want something new to do with fishing also new methods of public transport then go and grab sunset harbor okay guys that is going to do it for today i want to thank you all so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video likes comments and shares below really help out my channel eagle as much if you haven't enjoyed it please feel free to leave a dislike as well a huge thanks again to manscape for sponsoring the video and if you guys want to do pick up some cool grooming products don't forget to check out the link below and use my code overcharged for 20 off and free international shipping if you want to see yet more cities skylines tier lists please do let me know which ones you want to see down below and let me know what you think of our dlc taillist and if you think i've put something too high or too low feel free to agree and disagree and maybe cover some points that you think i might have excluded that maybe improves the score of one of these packs and if you would like to pick any of them up there are links down below to instant gaming where all of the dlcs are ridiculously cheap now and it does help support me directly i get a little kickback so if you use the link thank you very much but otherwise so shut up and i will leave it there thank you all so much for watching as always enjoy the rest of your day [Music] you
Views: 22,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, dlc, expansion pack, biffa, city planner plays, overcharged egg, imperatur, how to start a city, tier list, tier maker, dlc guide, buyers guide
Id: Xom6NUQcKtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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