Can I Redeem myself as the Traffic Fix Master in Cities Skylines?

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so the question is why did i fail at fixing the traffic in this teeny tiny city when i fix cities that are much much worse what went wrong what did i do wrong now for those of you that saw uh this city here this city fix challenge was from the red bull metropolis event that just happened the other day uh you may know that i actually won the event by one point myself and quill 18 were in the final uh this was not the final challenge this was challenge number four or something like that and it evolved involved fixing up the uh traffic and yeah i made a complete hash of the challenge which was absolutely unbelievable to me of all the challenges i thought i've got this one in the bag and i didn't let's have a quick look at the challenge i'll show you the city briefly talk about it and then i'm going to do the challenge again i'll reload the map so it's all fresh again exactly as we had it and then we'll have a 30 minute timer and go um i've not sort of practiced again since the fix that i did the other day i've literally did the challenge the other day that six hour stream and then i'm loading this up today to take a look and and see if we could do better because i expected better so let's just have a look what does it start off at uh well it was 33 it's gone up a tiny bit but it's 33 when you first turn on the map and as you can see it is terrible all over the place this is outside the city this little section here so that doesn't really sort of count towards let's go into this view there we go look you can see this little bit here is outside the city i unlocked that and i think that was possibly a mistake um but we'll see what we can do and my idea was what i was trying to fix is i was trying to keep this flowing oh wonky let's move around here this is outside the city but i was trying to keep this flowing i should have just ignored that and gone for what was going on in here so you can see that it all the whole traffic for this teeny tiny city it is tiny look at it there's nothing to it all goes through this one junction here so i was going to add another junction over here and then with the ferry system that i set up the idea was was to get people off the streets you know people will queue for mass transit for days in the game that's just the way the game works by the way traffic despawning is turned off that's why it's so bad yeah they were queue for days for mass transit and that's what i was hoping to get them to do then at the end we threw in a metro and by then i think i got what 50 or something arty game got a hundred percent yeah i know that's a bug in traffic manager i hate to say i know the uh the guys running the event said they ran the city a bit longer to see what happened i haven't looked at his stream so in all fairness if he's found some way to get 100 traffic by it inverted commas cheating the system with some sort of trick then fair enough um i was trying to play it sort of the way i play it which is fine the spiffing brit found an exploit he beat me with 86 and he put all the roads at 10 miles an hour 10 kilometers an hour and some reason that just put the traffic percentage way up and he got 86 87 and in my mind he won the traffic challenge because i 100 traffic just isn't possible uh without really cheeky stuff in the game anyway either i came third which i wasn't expecting but fair play exploits were allowed you know so if it was 100 percent 86 percent and then me with that 50 56 whatever it was fair enough exploits were allowed the only thing we weren't allowed to do was to clear traffic turn on despawning and mass delete roads that was one of the things so i'm assuming they didn't do that so let me reload the map we'll get it at 33 as it as it was before and then we are gonna do the 30 minute challenge again and hopefully not panic so much i think that was my downfall i panicked i panicked i panicked and it all went peaked on okay back in a sec okay here we go the map is loaded it's gonna look a little bit different because i've just got the mods that were allowed for the stream rather than my normal mod pack and all the graphical things that went along with that let's just double check kit yeah there we go no d spawning so hard mode traffic is at 33 we're not allowed to lose was it like 50 of the population or something like that and you know trying to sort of keep fair play rules so no matter the need enough roads you know all sorts of things like that so i've got a timer which i think you should hear once it goes off so we're gonna start that right now so three two one go okay let's not panic then let's not panic and let's do what we can oh let's start the game going as well okay so this all comes down here comes down here this is the bit that i really want to sort out so let's just pause this well i don't have to pause it that road's going to come out this one's going to end up coming into here and that's going to do that okay so let's grab this all right as soon as i start doing a challenge it's like the panic starts uh kicking in again which is uh yeah don't need the panic don't need the panic all right let's have that connected up to there this is gonna be we don't have yeah it's gonna have to be this road uh let's just turn that on and off again so it works uh there we go let's make that a little bit bigger let's get some space on there excellent that's what i want so this will end up being highway roads i would imagine let's put anarchy on so i can connect that uh that oh i've changed the shape there we go we'll delete that little nub that's sticking out there excellent so i really want to just get this little bit at the bottom here moving that's my main issue at the so moment whoops that to go into here and then into there there we go these two are gonna come into here as well um so let's just go like that and like that excellent i'm going to just move these back a little bit oh i've got that road facing the wrong way around let's change that stop d spawning cars there we go and i think i'm gonna upgrade this to three lane highway uh yeah let's it's gonna stop people crossing over the road but i just think we need that amount of people yeah that amount of cars that amount of space you know what i mean um we're going to connect this with one of these let's upgrade that so anything coming on has at least got too late oh that only needs to be two lanes doesn't it i've got it as a three lane let's do it with this one here so nobody leaves there we go because of the noise is what i was thinking cool and then is that all four connected up let's connect this one down here as well that will also have two lanes going into the roundabout yeah so that's that um yeah let's do the roundabout there we go so give way size just make sure there's no hawky bulkiness that shouldn't work and what i want as well is i might i think this is going to be a struggle with a lot of people coming down here is out of bypass so if i can have a bypass that goes like from there to there to here like that that would be good uh let's just level this out okay a little bit like that and i only want that going right which means oh man this is just so hulky bulky already isn't it this is the hawkiest the bulkiest that means this is going to need to be six lone i'm going to try and keep the lane mathematics going if we can oh is this there's like a road in here there it is upgrade that there we go excellent um so in here i'm gonna have to move this node otherwise everyone's gonna complain so in here you only go there uh you go there you go there i don't want any traffic lights on there and then here we're gonna have to we don't have a asymmetric road so i think we're gonna have to do something like that and see how that goes and then down this road here this end needs to be six lane this end needs to be six lane and we're gonna bring that oh darn it look i've done flipping there we go let's try that instead and this is also gonna be around about down here yep so let's grab that one that doesn't need to be so big and i'm also going to do that wasn't my timer that was just a message and also a flipping egg is that it already there we go that one there so that's got four lanes coming in let's just upgrade some of these ones coming in to this so it's at least got two lanes coming in which is really going to help would be better if it adds more lanes that's going to go um come on upgrade it oh yeah i'm trying to delete come on there we go is that the right way around that way there we go no lane changing in the middle i'm just going to move that node back a bit there we go dedicated lane there would be nice we could have another connection over here um i don't care i need to stop worrying about things being up in the air is ever not a node there okay that'll do oh actually that is probably the worst idea ever but all right we'll see anyway i might come back and change this i was going to get it going and then we'll see what happens right so that's this this here needs to not have all of these connections right that connection's going that connection's going um [Music] i don't want this connection here i mean this all comes around to this bit here this all comes around over here i feel like we don't need both of those but that's going to really make this a huge connection again i'm sticking to the highway roads for this and we're going to just see how it goes it's limiting the walking but i just think we really need to and i'm just wondering if we could just change this to a six-lane road all the way down just to keep things going we just want this to keep moving and to not stop um so anybody coming through there you keep going you keep going you keep going don't stop and why are you not coming off of here oh okay we're gonna give you a dedicated turning lane there so now you've got a dedicated turning lane if you want to go off take the quicker route uh don't lane twitch there there we go look and cut through that is exactly what i want you to do so you don't get in each other's way um i can't say pick your lane there and don't lane change because it's going to be okay we'll see how that goes let's just speed things up a bit 43 we're getting there we're getting there all the electricity whatever done what have i done i don't want loads of people to die i can't have cut electricity but what i'm going to do is i'm going to drop all of these down get more people to move in uh we're going to do budget for road up that up water up trash up so hopefully we don't have to worry about any of these excellent what other ones of these could i do policies city planning um heavy traffic better coverage biking would be good none of these are going to really make a combustion engine ban yeah we'll go for that one don't think that's gonna make a huge difference um nope none of those not gonna worry about any of those parks and recreation booths might as well recreational boost free public transport but if if we get any which i want to do i want to get ferriers going okay let's leave that going um also right let's just dive down here i want to have uh some loads coming off of these so let's use this one so when they come down there they can go two different ways when you come down there you can go two different ways when you come down there you can go two different ways everybody's upgrading because of all the extra bonuses that i'm giving them all and when you come down there you can go two ways no one's got dedicated turning lanes yet but we'll get there uh this one here is gonna come down to the home and underneath and let people go over there which i think would be a good idea and then we're going to have one there which is going to leave to let people go we're going to have another one there which is going to let people leave and we're going to have another one there we should let people leave and then i just want to give them dedicated turning lanes for coming off so darn it oh that one's already three lane dedicated turning lane uh we'll do that one there oh it's cause it's too late and it's it's gonna give two lanes going off all right we'll come back and fix that in a sec that one there that one there and then when they come on that one there that one there that one goes round you've done that one that one there then we just do a little bit of this so we got one lane for coming off oh we didn't do that one do we that is like the steepest road ever come on you can do it i don't care i don't care what it looks like this isn't a normal traffic fix this is a panic 30 minute traffic fix look at all the cars coming off going different ways which is exactly what oh look it's all clearing up down there and then this way we're just going to do this so they've got oh yeah it's two and two isn't it i should have made these one should i be bothering with this i wanted two for coming off but one for going on is perfectly fine there we go i wanna i wanna quickly do this i don't get any traffic so lane each uh where's the next one that comes on [Music] stop panicking buffer stop panicking lane each lane each i think that's okay seems to be a big gap here they're doing okay what are we at oh my goodness 74 already just this down here the bypass the thing right let's make sure everybody's got electricity we haven't got any problems yeah we seem to be okay or this one here okay they seem to be okay let's not worry about it um right now we're gonna do metro we did trams in the actual thing but we're gonna go for underground metro stations okay i just need to get in my brain which around we've got this going yeah um so let's go there let's go there and we know people will queue at metro stations so whether the trains are uh in the best place or not or or running or not this is going to go everywhere it's going to go all down here no it's not going to go there they will just quite happily queue come on okay i'm going to have it there we're gonna have this one i'm trying to sort of not have them all just around the outside but i want them facing the way that i want them facing that one there that one there yeah and then this is going to come up round to here and then that's going to come up down to here that's going to join up excellent uh we will have some other could we go below the ground please thank you we will have some other ones that connect let's just do normal otherwise we're going to have all sorts of issues other ones that connect across to other islands in a moment but i just want to get this in i mean i i'm i'm definitely feeling less panicked than i was in the panic of the competition so i think you know being able to handle stress in a competition you know i think quill mentioned it in our interview at the end or one of the chats that we sort of had that he really doesn't like sort of you know oh it's not his favorite thing to do like multiplayer you know competition type stuff i you know i'm not i'm not like a seasoned esport player or anything like that any stretch of the imagination so as soon as you take out that extra stress all right let's get these going so this is going to go anti-clockwise as soon as you take out that extra stress your brain starts thinking better and suddenly you know ideas that you've got start flowing a bit easier so you know but that's part of the competition you know if i uh i want to go this way i lost it on i lost it on the day that is the way it went i can't complain at that but yeah i had to try it again hopefully i'm not missing any stops here i'm trying to go as quick as i can 17 minutes left complete line complete line there we go excellent so what i'm gonna do here is i don't care about traffic on these lines we are just gonna ram these up and get as many as we can and we're gonna ram i don't know which one it is this one or that one we're going to ram those up as well anything else i think they'll probably be okay what are we at oh 73 hopefully that's gonna make a big difference um so that's for there could we help them get across to other places uh let's empty that that's going to start becoming an issue isn't it um yeah let's have another little roots let's look too steep i'm putting on anarchy and it's just not okay that'll do that one can sort of go from there to there it's around here and back again i mean this is probably like the worst the worst uh metro i've ever set up in my life this isn't really going to be a loop this is just going to be it's just going to run backwards and forwards like this and there everyone's upgrading their houses so we're definitely not going to lose population so they should be able to walk from there to wherever it is here i can't even see it there it is i don't kion so it's underneath this house somewhere there it is so they can walk from there to there that's fine um and then yeah we've got this one over here so let's add i'm gonna do one the other side of the road down here somewhere come on seriously let's put anarchy on again oh come on you're joking nowhere oh there we go there so that's gonna come over there to over here and over here so i've put it off on a side road there we go excellent let's do that so that will just be like a back and forward one as well although we might be able to make this into a loop yeah let's make this one into a loop why not i'm gonna go so i'm not flooding anything this time and that is a big bonus which is the stupid thing that i managed to do last time let's do clockwise first there we go create new line anti-clockwise anti-clockwise rounds and there we go where it stops nobody knows there we go excellent so we'll just pop those by name and then we just do these ones so that's going to have 12 that's going to have 11 and i think that's all of them isn't it that's going to have yeah and then one and two we've already done okay excellent what are we at 75 okay so now it's like looking at the hotspot so this is oh i can't get around there so this is moving okay i'm not gonna unlock that this is all fine and this is all fine this is okay this is not um let's just see what is going on here okay i know what's going on here let's give these guys a dedicated can we not come above ground thank you yeah like two extra lanes for coming out there so hopefully that just moves a little bit quicker um you've got to give away no lane switching in the middle so you can get out there hopefully faster do you know what would help as well we just did like that i know it's going to like mess up the zoning but just they can get out faster oh actually you know what no i'm not going to do that at all i'm going to give these guys a dedicated lane to come out here so you can come there's a node there somewhere you can literally come right across there and do that and then i'm going to say this can be this one here so nearest i'm going to get to giving it correct lanes and if we do that yeah that's about it really isn't it let's move this one over a bit we're not flooding anything can't we no there we go that just helps them get round that corner there a little bit quicker and then suddenly that traffic's all gone about 80 okay what about this one here what is going on crematoriums right on the road by roundabout you can go that way and you can come off this one here so there we go and then again we want to give them more options for coming in and out so we're going to use this one like that and we'll have it that way around here so that's going to keep doing that for a while i'm going to check i've not got this set up really weird so they can come out they can switch lanes that's only in between there yeah that looks alright to me you can see all the hearses coming out 82 percent oh man this one's just all cleared up flipping it what are we at got 13 minutes left man this is nuts i can't believe this is actually going so well um so that's going to go that way that's going to go that way that's going to go that way and then if we go like this dedicate your turning lane just check it i've still got d sporting turned off yeah no despawning so any little spots that are slightly red we're going to just try and fix those i mean they're not red at all it's still a bit red down here but it's moving and this is with no yeah this is just slowing down because of the turn in the road and this is with no exploits no cheeky what the heck is going on there i just want that to sort of be more 90 degrees into the roundabout i tell you what we've even got time to do okay can you stop clicking things i don't want to click uh not that one this one here there we go even got time to do things like that let's do that one line them up a bit better that looks a bit better does it just looks a bit better and we've got trees in the road they're not worried about that okay so what else is slowing down these are slowing down there but that's outside the map i just can't believe that it's gone so well i mean we could have some fairies as well let's add some fairies as well why not um so we need to let's just think what we're gonna do here let's have the ferrydepot oh that's not the fairy depo is it on this one here fairy depot there and then we'll have ferry stops on each island so i'll have one there how's this gonna go that can go around the outside and say connect to there then we can have another one right round here yep and then that can loop up to probably one on here otherwise it's gonna make worse traffic than if i didn't bother but we'll see then we can have one there and that can come around down here around here somewhere and then go back i'll probably be okay won't it yeah let's set these up then so that is not the one i want i want this one uh out of city limits yep that's fine you can go there you can come through the power thing let's put any key on you can come right out the other side yeah we're going to try and make it as near to the coast as possible so it's actually seen as a viable route for getting to places what have we got left 10 minutes and that's going to go there and then this one is gonna loop around come to there and up there and where's that going just this one yeah okay that's gonna go there and this one's gonna go there it's funny you know it's not until you're doing things under a time pressure that you realize how long it takes to do things it's like in my head i'll just quickly stick in a quick stick in a fairy thing suddenly doing a fairy thing takes ages and then that's going to come back down to here and that's going to go past there good we'll do the route and then we're going to come back and put water in alright not that one at this one uh yeah create a line to there to there to there to there to there round to here and back again and then the other side from there to there to there to there i think they're crossing over each other but again i don't care did i miss that one the other way no i didn't there we go like i said i don't care i just want them and that one's okay that one's okay that one's not i just want them to see it as a viable route and queue up there there we go that's all right yep they're going out let us go into here and go into here fairy line one up to 28 love it fairy line 28 there we go that is cool and let's up this uh oh man how many is that gonna put on the lines things are upgrading uh that is gonna put 41 i don't know whether that could just be too many we might drop that down a bit quick super t 82 percent that is nice that wasn't my timer again that was just people messaging me family are talking to me don't know what i'm doing it's fine i'll i'll talk to them in a minute um yeah okay so i'm 99 sure that all of this outside here doesn't affect my traffic route it doesn't affect my traffic percentage if i'm wrong then that could be something i could fix up but it seems to me like it's perfectly fine this still gets a bit slow here yeah look they're all slowing down that's something to do with the node isn't it um oh is that another node here oh it is look if i move that then i'll move this one i do not do actually i'll just use this tool uh take the node out remove node there we go now they're not slowing down hopefully what's the speed 50 50 60 yeah we're going to speed this up this is going to be unlimited speed uh actually i want this unlimited speed i want them to take that if they're going to go round and that one and the main roads will leave the roundabouts a little bit slower because it might just mean cars get the option of coming on and off a bit quicker um we'll do let's see this is the opposite of what spiff did he slowed everybody down on the highway i'm speeding everybody up and i wonder whether that is the thing to do yeah i don't like this turn down here it's so blooming tight i just want that to be more straighter so i can scoop around there and it will just all these little red bits all adds oh here we go so that percentage being lower uh is there a node in the middle there no so i'm going to add this one here please add a node there then we're going to upgrade this side to have two lanes going in two lens going in it's not really enough for the what's here but that is definitely going to help and then i'm also going to say that you give way you give way and you to carry on and then we'll have dedicated lane if you're crossing over so that should just keep that one moving a little bit more i mean we're coming down to teeny tiny percentages aren't we teeny tiny percentages but i am much much happier i was going to put a bypass there but i don't think i am what i am going to do is just make that a bit bigger oh it's this road here it's just the sweepy sweepiness of the road we'll do it there as well i mean what have we got left we've got six minutes left normally by now i'd be saying this is it we're done you know there's nothing else we can do what is going on there oh that road's not connected oh okay totally missed that let's get that one again and that was a two-lane road wasn't it on the end so let's upgrade that yeah there we go i missed any others of those i'm actually now looking around trying to find things that i can fiddle with to fix which don't really need it everyone's upgrading population i mean this is you know i could sort of split these off into what is going on there oh it's a park where i put the roundabout okay you just moved down there five minutes i mean i could split these off into different roads coming on but i just don't think we need to yeah i might have lost what else to do let's just have a look what are uh what is going on here thousands of people using the metro which is fantastic no passengers on these because we've got the metro and i've got to be honest it's probably because let's have a look at them they're going everywhere i mean they're not really getting in each other's way they're actually all spread out which is pretty good i'll tell you what i'm gonna do just to give these guys a fighting chance of getting in and out we're gonna do that what else could i add and there's no like train lines we've got no buses um it could just have like a bus in here that's like a bus hub isn't it and just had like a bus that comes around and brings people to the metro stations in their area um which road is that up against so that can come where's the nearest one that it can get to i mean this is really okay i want that to stop there this is like a bad start already oh these roads because they're all like dead ends and stuff [Music] yeah and you want to keep the bus like this side of the thing oh i can't see it with this view on let's just come into that again okay uh that's going to come out there and then it can come around here and then just come around this outside road which will connect to there yeah i don't know where this is going to come on whether it's going to help too much where is it going to go next so down there and then this road sort of goes up down here there's a metro then it's going to come back out and round again this is going to be like the worst bus route ever but as we've said then it's gonna cross over and go back in there we'll just do that and see how that works and i'm gonna have one go around the outside i suppose it's gonna help people that don't wanna walk to the metro in the little area that they're in can i not get in here somewhere oh these are all one-way roads aren't they which is really making things worse um i don't want you to get in the way of anything that's going on down there but again it might just get people to take the bus rather than rather than walking i think that's the main bit down there uh what i could do as well i mean we could even add what have we got two minutes left oh i don't know whether this is going to be even worth doing is that like a bicycle highway down the middle which is something we did in the bicycle mayhem whatever it was called challenge if we go up like that let's just see whether we can get something in here like super super quick i mean i've got any key on so it's all overlapping i really don't care i hope i don't cut any electrical cables while i'm doing this like that go over here we'll go over here we'll go alongside the bridge there's electrical cables there so we'll get this side i love it let me just bring that in down here there we go so you can get in there and then we just add a load of connections in different places and just see oh they've got to be down to the ground haven't they oh that one was down to the ground okay excellent so we'll go like that my thing's gonna beep like at any moment isn't it i can tell uh that is already down to the ground come on let's get these connected up just see whether anybody i'm gonna sort of do them in the middle of places like that which is probably not the worst place they can go was this one actually on the ground no it wasn't i'm missing it every time what about the last one no that one wasn't either oh man this is like the worst thing come here yep he's done it if i do that is it gonna stick him down below the ground yeah that one's done that one's done let's do one from in here no it's still not and you on there uh i'm gonna do one sort of thing i'm joking this is really random oh what have we got 54 seconds left let's get some people hooked up from this side as well [Music] uh there we go and if we could just get them on the bike and cycling they're off the road so that would just be fantastic here would be a good one on connect there we go 34 seconds left 82 and i just don't think without any glitches 83 percent 25 seconds left okay let's just keep putting keep putting the bike things in get people to cycle get paid i should have upgraded some of the roads to bicycle roads but this is as good as it's going to get with this amount of time oh man some of these bike lanes they're just intense they are just intense and that one's going to come all the way through the mountain there we go two one pause there we go okay you can stop now where's the stop button oh i need to quit sympathy so population's fine not losing any points there i'm just bringing out the points thing on the list that we were given um punishment for allowing up to five percent lower than starting residential number we're fine i think we've gone up uh lower than five percent game that's it that was basically it oh no that's the bike in mayhem i'm just completely reading the wrong one uh here we go youtube public transport was allowed punishment for yeah five percent you'd lose the points yeah that was basically it what are we at hey hey 82 let's just look at everything i mean it is just working so much better i think this here this little bypass has made all the difference and what have we got we can see the figures here 129 per week doesn't sound like many oh no what we're talking about that's tourists 2 625 per week oh it's actually gone down that was higher before i tell you what it is more are probably biking well the ferry lines complete oh i know why the ferry lines are complete waste of time my brain i'm a numbskull didn't connect any of them to the road well let's not talk about that there we go what do you reckon would you have done anything differently let me know in the comments below thank you i look at all the people on their bikes lots of people using it i'm not going to unpause the game because we're at the end but ah brilliant thank you to red bull for uh organizing this event it was fantastic to be sponsored to be able to do this i had absolutely great fun i've gone let's run the game there we go so yeah let me know if you do anything differently please subscribe if you'd like to see uh more city scholars on my channel i am releasing uh all of the challenges um from the live stream i'm gonna split them up into 30 minute chunks one for each challenge and the final as well so you're gonna see those released in between my regular content on my channel so look out for that and i will see you all soon take care have a great day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 129,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines traffic challenge, cities skylines challenge, panic challenge cities skylines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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