How to Build a Wizard (Gale) for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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wizard the spellcaster well I guess one of the  many spell Casters Of Baldur's Gate 3 and in   this video today we're going to go through how to  build out your wizard now this is either going to   be your player character maybe you're trying  to build out Gale specifically or maybe any of   your other Companions and generic companions  that you decided to respect into Wizards the   way I'm going to go through this video is by  talking about what that level one looks like   going through the race selections as well as going  through your abilities scores then we'll talk a   little bit about subclasses your feet selections  close the video out talking Loosely about some   multi-classing options you can do you can jump  ahead to any part of the video they answer you   the most using these chapters above the timeline  in the description and please don't forget to   follow me on Twitch where I will be streaming  Baldur's Gate 3 and plenty of other games let's   get started here on how to build out your wizard  in Baldur's Gate 3. to start us off we're going   to talk about race now of course with the way that  Baldur's Gate 3 works all ability scores are set   to eight and you design which one you want to have  two or plus one so all the races are on the same   footing for the most part you'll just be simply  being able to get a little bit of a leg up here   and there so please choose the race that fits  the role play you have in mind for your wizard   don't feel like you're like I'm making a half  work wizard I feel like that's just not really   a good idea it's actually a pretty good idea  because they have the ability to uh stay alive   after they've reach zero hit points are there  other options that might be quote unquote better   sure but this is a single player role-playing game  don't worry about Min maxing have fun but let's go   through some options that I think are particularly  good over the others now I like half elves quite   a bit because as far as the lore is concerned I  can have a beard and I personally have a beard   I don't have hair so I can take advantage of  any long hair I can get but half elves that   uh specialize as High Elves get advantage in that  they can choose an additional wizard can trip at   level one cantrips are Level zero spells meaning  that they can be cast every single turn if you   want without expanding a spell slot so it's just a  nice way to add some additional utility since you   already start with three cantrips to choose from  this allows you to really get some really good   applications here right you can get stuff like  blade Ward Ray of frost bone chill um shocking   grasp you have a lot of really fun options here  that you can take advantage of and then you get   a fourth one just because you've chosen high elf  I really really like this conversely two you can   just straight up choose to be a high elf outright  and then choose through the proficiency bonuses   that you'll get you're pretty much the same it's  just a difference of different proficiency bonuses   right here in your uh racial bonuses this is going  to give you light armors and shields Spears Pikes   Alberts and glaves this is going to give you  long swords short swords short bow and long   about so it's really up to you but if you want to  go with a more a smaller race halfling is quite   a cool choice if you go with strong heart this  is going to give you advantage on saving throws   against poison and resistance to poison damage as  well as the lucky capability when you roll a 1 for   an attack roll ability Checker saving throw you  can re-roll the die and must use the new roll so   basically any auto fail you at least get one free  re-roll out of it and that's kind of awesome to be   able to have there are some other options you can  take and I'm going to give you some kind of unique   ones too dwegar is a pretty cool one here because  you're going to get dwayegar resilience to charm   and poison and then you'll get your standard dwarf  and stuff which gives you proficiency with battle   ax hand ax light hammer and Warhammer as well as  resilience to poison and poison damage you also   get dark vision too but the cool thing here is  you can be this dwegar Necromancer that uses a   huge ass Hammer so you can have some fun with  that or you can go into something like a gnome   and maybe I would probably go with uh yeah rocknum  Rock gnome because this gives me proficiency bonus   in history check so if you want to be someone that  uses history you can take advantage of that but   you also get gnome cunning you have advantage on  intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws so   a cool way to turn a spice into this one of the  final ones I want to give you here is get Yankee   uh I I think a lot of people like no one chooses  the gith and I think it's something that they that   people should really test out and I think a lot of  people don't choose them because of their pension   for looking like crackheads uh maybe go with a  female one they look they look far more normal   right but I'm thinking of a wizard and a wizard  necessarily isn't a big hulking monstrosity so   if you're playing a fighter class it can be  a little bit harder to choose a gift but gifs   have some really awesome abilities uh you have  astral knowledge so you gain proficiency remember   proficiency right here is your proficiency bonus  so you're getting proficiency bonus in any skill   of a chosen ability what that means is I press  this ability this but this button astral knowledge   and I want to choose Charisma so now I get a plus  two or whatever my proficiency bonuses this scales   with your level two three four as you go through  the game in all Charisma based skills so deception   intimidation performance and persuasion so if I  didn't choose a Proficiency in a conversational   skill as a gif I always technically have a  Proficiency in any of the skills so it's a really   nice way to kind of socket things around as I see  fit you start off with a can trip before Mage hand   but eventually you'll get the cantrip for enhanced  leap and you get an a can trip for Misty step so   you have a lot of Mobility as a gift and one of  the coolest things here too is Marshall Prodigy   so you get light and medium armor as a wizard  that's a gift that can also use short long and   grade sword you can have a lot of fun with a gith  wizard without even having to go into a fighter   subclass if you don't want to so there's a lot of  really cool things that you can do here I mean you   don't have a ton of strength so don't do that but  still my point remains that you can have a lot of   fun with the gift and it's one I think you should  definitely take a look at if you're building your   Wizard app now whether you're Gale or you're  choosing a custom origin for yourself or the   dark urge this is entirely going to be on you and  what you want to do remember you can choose any   of these origin characters and then respect them  into the game if you want to but I just wanted   to kind of give you a quick heads up just choose  whichever one makes the most sense for what you   want out of your playthrough dark urge is going  to be very wild for you but it's not as bad as say   playing like a paladin where this could possibly  break a tenant for you so if you want to go dark   urge go for it and on top of that too another one  is going to be in entirely up to you oops is your   background this is very much dependent upon how  you want to play your character and how you want   to pull your inspiration from are you a wizard  that is a sage and this is my wizard this is this   is just not wizard at all are you a wizard that's  a sage well then go ahead and go with that or are   you a wizard that uh comes from a noble house are  you a formal former criminal like a hedge wizard   of some sort are you a folk hero a guild Artisan  go with what the role play that makes the most   sense for you and how it clicks and if you want a  min max approach here something like Guild Artisan   or acolyte are particularly good because they give  you um Insight proficiency meaning that you can   then put your points into other things other than  Insight inside and perception are two of the most   important skills in the game in my opinion and  they can really help you out in conversations or   finding things across the world I I really really  really like both of those skills one if that helps   you out with your origin and your background  spells and hand trips are a fun conversation   for wizards because Wizards unlike say warlocks or  Sorcerers do not derive their magic from some sort   of innate Source or special Source their spells  come from transcribing Scrolls you simply find the   Scrolls in the game and you transcribe add them  into your spell book and every time you level up   to a new whatever time you level up you can choose  some spells here and you get those added in these   are outside of the spells that you find in the  game like I can find a scroll of Mage Armor and   then just put it into my spell book and I never  need to put it here but when you start off you   can choose six spells that you learn and then the  amount of spells you can cast is going to be based   off of your intelligence score right so having a  high intelligence score is going to allow us to   um cast more spells if you just were to drop  this to 10 you'd be able to cast one spell   so these spells are all the ones that you  can choose right now if you only choose six   of these which you're going to do you don't get  to just swap them out like a cleric or a druid   does you have to actually know the spell or do  it here in a level up screen here are the ones   that I'm just going to go with and choose because  I really like them magic Missile is really awesome   uh especially because it's Force damage and  it will you'll eventually shoot more magical   darts and chromatic orb can be any element that  you choose this just says Thunder damage but it   can be a different one whichever one you want to  swap it off to and then from there I'd probably   pick up Mage Armor just in the very beginning of  the game because it's my armor class of 13 plus my   dexterity modifier which is already two so that's  just 16 armor right up the gate but I really like   Tasha's hideous laughter and sleep as two really  good forms of crowd control you can also use   charm person person as another portion of uh crowd  control it's quite good Shield is really good as   a reaction because it gives you 5 AC anytime you  would otherwise take a hit it does cost a spell   slot so keep that in mind but you can use other  utility spells like longstrider which is nice and   Longshore lasts until long rest which is really  cool I personally prefer like the long Shredder I   think you get from a ranger because it's a ritual  spell meaning it does not take a spell slot I   think that the wizard one does but enhanced leap  is a good jumping capability here there's lots   of really fun spells that you can kind of sock  it into but I think like these five or four are   really I'd say maybe those four right there are  the ones I would take no matter what and then I   would sock it in the kind of ones that I'd want  based off of certain situations I have in mind   cantrips here again remember these are Level zero  spells you can cast them every single turn it's   why being a high elf is particularly good or a  high half health because you get four can tricks   rather than three at the start of the game I like  Ray of frost because it gives you the ability to   reduce the target's movement speed it's a really  cool little ability there just does a nice little   bit of damage out the gate um bone chill you can  get from a feet which we'll talk about in a bit   um i i people kind of crap on blade Ward but I  like it just for taking half damage on things   it's a nice defensive capability one of the best  can trips in my opinion for your main character   is friends because you gain advantage on Charisma  checks against a non-hospital creature meaning you   can use this when you're in conversations to help  you get the leg up on a persuasion and deception   whatever kind of role it is and it's a can trip  so you can just keep casting it every time you   need to Mage Hannah's nice for grabbing things if  you're not against Yankee firebolt's a nice one if   again if you're if you need some additional fire  spell capabilities light is actually very useful   in this game especially as you hit Act 2 when  you will need light to help you out with certain   situations but I'd probably steer clear stuff like  true strike I don't think I'd ever really want to   take that one but those are your options here for  your um cantrips and spells for Wizard moving into   a conversation about our ability scores let's take  a look at our intelligence and just maximize that   and of course that that goes out saying and put  a plus two that's going to be our damage modifier   we want that maxed out now our next two uh stats  to really look at are dexterity and Constitution   Constitution is going to increase our health  and as you can see we have a piddly amount at   only five so we want to get that up to 14. and  then we have dexterity dexterity is going to   increase our initiative as well as our armor class  remember our armor class is 10 plus our dexterity   modifier plus any armor if we have any but we're  a wizard so we don't we're gonna get this to 13.   and I'll tell you why another important thing  though with Constitution is that it's also going   to help us out with any concentration checks  take a look at Tasha's hideous laughter this   is a concentration spell meaning if I get  hit the character is then gonna have to do   a concentration roll which is based off of their  constitution so also keep in mind you can only   have one concentration spell up at one time so  if you want to say say Tasha's hideous laughter   um okay but I thought charm person was also one  but fog for example is also a concentration spell   if you have one up it'll cancel the other so  please keep that in mind and then we're going   to put points into Charisma up to 12 because  this is going to help us out with all of our   um talking points and persuasion uh deception uh  intimidation it just helps give you that plus one   to those modifiers if it's your main character  and put plus two into wisdom here this makes it   so that our wisdom is now at least at a baseline  of zero so if we're trying to do perception or   Insight we at least have that at a zero so it's  not being and not giving a penalty which is very   nice and then this final plus one we just put it  into dexterity and that gives us the plus two to   our decks for our AC and plus two over here for  our initiative so that's what we allocated to get   14 14 17 10 and 12. now sub classes for the wizard  are called schools you are choosing a school to   specialize in and what this really means here  is that learning spells from that school will   only cost you 25 gold per spell level not 50. so  a level two spell would cost you 100 if you had no   specialization in AB duration but if you have have  specialization and observation it will cost you 50   right or level three would be 50 150 versus 75 so  you can see how that kind of plays itself out the   question is which one of these do you choose and  honestly it's going to always be down to you I   don't know if I've said that enough but definitely  choose whichever one makes the most sense I'm   going to go through these very quickly to give you  what they are on a high level I will tell you out   the gate that conjuration and transmutation are  are kind of situational our very niche in that   you have to kind of really build into certain  mechanics around them transmutation really is   kind of about more about on the Alchemy side of  things your subclass feature is that you can Brew   two alchemical solutions instead of one when  combining extracts if you succeed a difficulty   um check almost a class 15 medicine checks so this  is what you would use medicine in conjunction with   transmutation to try to get more out of your  Alchemy capabilities if you're not doing that   transmutation is really not going to be the best  one for you also this learning computation is   available same thing right and then conjuration  helps out with well summoning things kind of so   this you get your call forth rain it extinguishes  exposes flames and forms a water surface I just   don't really like conjuration very much as  a whole um there are some cool school spells   that you can pull from it you get stuff like  benign Transportation which gains the ability   to transport yourself and then you get focused  conjuration at level 10. um damage taken while   you are concentrating on a Conjuration  Spell will not break your concentration   those just are kind of a little lackluster  to me and I don't really like them as much   um so I just don't play with them if you want to  please by all means do it but abjuration here is   going to be really more on the defensive side of  things it's going to make you very tanky so you   get Arcane Ward the residual magic of your spouse  forms a ward around you that protects you from   harm this is a nice thing you can have until long  rest you get projected Ward as well as a reaction   at level six when a nearby Ally takes damage you  can sacrifice your Arcane War to reduce the damage   that they take uh improved AB duration at level  10 though so every time you take a short rest the   intensity of your Arcane ward has increased by an  amount equal to your wizard level so a lot of fun   here with adjuration evocation I think is the one  that probably is the easiest one to take if you're   new to the game in any way shape or form because  this makes it easier for you to cast AOE spells   sculpt spells create pockets of safety within  your evocation spells allies automatically succeed   their saving throws against these spells and take  no damage from them so if you don't really want to   deal with the positioning of your spouse you just  kind of want to have at it then using this allows   you to make it so that you will never damage your  allies which is very very nice also at level six   you get potent can trip uh your cantrips become  harder to evade entirely when a creature succeeds   a saving throw against whatever can't trips it  still takes half the damage so your cantrips will   always be a nice little boost to you and then also  Empower defication means that you can add your   intelligence modifier to damage rolls with any  evocation spell so it's very very nice necromancy   I think is is always a fan favorite when it  comes to any of the the schools of of casting   and this is going to be stuff like your razor  feeblement but also animate dead and what have you   so at level one you get Grim Harvest once per turn  if you kill a creature with a spell you regain hit   points equal to twice the spell slot level used  Thrive Thrice Thrice is if it's a necromancy   spell Undead and contracts are uninfected here  so using necromancy spells to basically top off   your health is really cool that level six you  get Undead thralls so when you you a get you   gain the anime dead spell if you didn't already  have it you get additional debt so when you use   animate dead you get an additional corpse and then  you get better summons so creatures created with   anime dead have additional hit points equal to  your wizard level and your proficiency bonus is   added to their damage at level 6 your proficiency  bonus is probably going to be three this will   eventually become four at Round uh level nine or  ten and that's really really sick and you also   get in your dead a year to an year to on death  you have steeped yourself so completely in death   that you are resistant to necrotic damage and  your hit points Max cannot be reduced so those   are the benefits there of going with necromancy  enchantment here is is pretty unique as well in   that you are going to be focusing on enchantment  Spells Of course but hypnotic gaze is your class   action lawsuit charm and incapacitated creature  it cannot attack you it cannot act so that is your   um immediate out the gate capability level six you  get instinctive charm as a reaction you can charm   an enemy which is cool and then split enchantment  you you know your enchantments inside and out you   can Target Two creatures with enchantment spells  so a really cool way to get a lot of CC across the   board enchantment's all about crowd control then  you have divination and illusion as our last two   but divination is is is really good I think a lot  of people kind of regard this as the best one as   far as a min max capability goes because you get  portent you're dreams get you glipses that let you   influence the future after each long rest you gain  two random portent dice during the day you can use   your reaction to change the dice of any attack  roller saving throw rolled near you to one of   your portent dice each port and dice die can only  be used once and you lose your in use port and die   at the end of the day so it's they're particularly  good here right now that you can use wool during   long rest you remember the result the role result  like a vivid dream during the day you can exchange   the dye of any attack roll so basically you have  these die that can always be set numbers if you   so wish but then you get expert definition where  you get an extra die at level six and you regain   any spent port and die after a short rest so level  six is where divination really kind of Pops off   here then level 10 and gain uh dark vision or  Superior dark vision whichever you need and also   um you can see invisibility without expanding  a spell slot with divination so those are some   cool abilities our last one here is illusion  and illusion is going to be kind of a little   bit on the defensive side as well I mean because  it's like invisibility or blur or stuff like that   but you'll get minor illusion out the gate  as a bonus action which is pretty cool here   um you can remain hidden while casting it if  you so wish to do so but level six you'll get   CIA invisibility and then at level 10 you'll get  illusory self as a reaction you can just kind   of uh cast illusion basically on yourself as a  reaction so divination evocation I think ones are   really stand out as two really strong picks with  the necromancy being a really really fun favorite   abduration enchantment and illusion fitting into  very specific play styles with your with your   Wizard and transmutation of course focusing very  heavily on Alchemy and Medicine when it comes to   your feet selection stuff like ability Improvement  is just always going to be good putting those two   points into intelligence to really get it out  getting that into 20 with any kind of additional   capability that you can is always going to be  crucial for you because this is going to be a   lot of the damage you're going to be dealing  but outside of that too there are some very   fun ones you can go with war Caster is always good  because it gives you a reaction it weaponizes your   reaction as it were this gives you the ability  to basically cast it doesn't basically you do   cast shocking grasp for anyone that moves out of  range of you when uh they're an opportunity range   and that little circle around you right but you  also get an advantage on saving throws to maintain   concentration on spells which is always crucial  when you're trying to keep concentration up having   that is a really really nice to have spell sniper  is another really good one here so you're going to   get the ability to critical hit easily easier the  number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking   with a spell is reduced by one meaning that rather  than 20 it's 19 and 20 in this effect can stack   but you also get an additional can trip one  of those cantrips is Eldritch blast which you   cannot select the beginning of the game so if you  are a high elf you've gotten or cantrips now you   get a fifth one and a fifth one can be Eldridge  blast which is going to be really fun for you   um I really it's one of my favorite abilities  if you're a warlock of course you can make this   thing be disgusting but you can get a bone  chill if you didn't or shocking grasp if you   didn't form up is whatever but I really like  that you can just kind of spice into another   can trip to have it do more damage especially  if you're going down the school of evocation   um evocation I never remember I never know which  one's the way to pronounce it but outside of that   you have tons of other little things you go into  you get like ritual Caster blah blah blah but the   magic initiate abilities are always nice to pick  up more can trips from something that is not what   you currently are I mean you can go into wizard  if you want and go into war wizard things but you   can grab some stuff from Sorcerer And Warlock and  Druid and cleric and Bard because you're already a   casting character but one of the better ones too  on this list as well is Elemental Adept now I I   one thing too I didn't talk about in any of these  videos so far is lucky this is a really good one   you gain three luck points while which you can use  to gain advantage on attack rolls ability checks   or saving throws or to make an enemy re-roll their  attack rolls why I'm going to talk about it here   on Wizard is you are made of paper so if something  gets close and personal and wants to do a ton of   damage having the ability to re-roll their attack  is is always kind of nice when it comes to saving   against it that way you can just try to not die  but Elemental addup helps out a ton with damage   because you are choosing a specific element to  then ignore the resistance of in addition when   you deal with thunder damage for example with the  spell you cannot roll a one so you can never hard   fail a or critically fail a casting of a spell  those are some examples of particularly good   Feats that you can choose there's also stuff  like you know like alert if you want initiative   bonuses and can't be surprised and plenty of other  ones don't feel like you're shoehorned into the   ones that I just spoke about because there are  definitely other ways that you can approach it   your feed selection for wizards so as we talk  about what the wizard looks like going forward   one of the big things I want to talk about too is  Arcane recovery replenish spell slots while out of   combat you cannot restore spell slots above the  fifth level and this will scale every couple of   levels you get one at level one then the strength  increases at levels three five seven nine and ten   um I'm sorry nine and eleven so pretty much every  two levels so the number and level of spell slots   the Arcane recovery action can restore you cannot  restore spell slots above the fifth level so this   allows you to kind of have a leg up on some of the  other casters that just have free run of all their   capabilities and then also too this is your spell  book like I was talking about this is where all   of your spells reside you can press this button  and just simply select all of the spells that you   can learn right like I cannot currently learn  level five spells so I cannot click this over   here but you can just click all the ones that you  need and then just press learn or right click on   them and press learn whichever one makes the most  sense for you so leveling up each level of your   wizard you're just going to notice that you don't  get a whole ton of different things everything is   going to pretty much be the same with every single  level you're just getting access to more and more   spells more and more levels of spells and what  have you and that's really the important thing   here what you want to know is at level five you  get access to your third level Spells at level   um seven you get access to your fourth level  spells level nine is your fifth level spells   and finally level 11 is what grants you access to  your six level spells outside of that you're going   to get your subclass features and just again more  access to more spells and remember these spells   too you'll be able to find the game world if you  do not choose them here so don't worry about them   and you'll be at you'll get access to more spells  that you can actually prepare and access to more   can trips so those are nice little ditties to  have as you kind of push through this and I'm   just kind of showing you that we're not getting  something like an extra attack or a bonus action   thing or this or that we're mainly just getting  access to more spells and then eventually like   feeds here right like spell sniper we'll go ahead  and pick that up just for the sake of the video   and there we are I mean so we're at level eight  so we have a total of 11 prepared spells here   with access up to level four that we can take  advantage of that's how you would progress   through the wizard is pretty much just leveling  up and getting more of what you already do it's   not again like I've mentioned here quickly with  fighter like you get an extra attack or you get   access to channel Divinity or your sacred oath  and stuff like that at certain uh Hallmark levels   for Paladin or cleric or something of the sort so  wizard multi-classing is very interesting and that   it's different than the way it is in fifth edition  in fifth edition uh your spell slot allotment on   your spell circle allotment or a level allotment  is based off of the individual level of that class   but in this game if I start with wizard I can go  to level 11 in any of the other casting classes   cleric Druid Paladin uh Ranger I'm sorry I'm sorry  cleric Druid sorcerer or whatever and I'll still   retain the ability to go all the way up to level  six spells so you can consider that if you so wish   but then you're going to split how your spells  are cast because wizard is the only really real   intelligence based Caster the rest are wisdom  based so you can kind of get around this using   a item in the game which sets your intelligence  to 17 allowing you to have the ability to cast   far more wizard spells in addition to then casting  cleric and Druid spells if you so wish so if you   want to take that route you definitely can you  can then go with like the knowledge domain here   which plays really well with being a uh a wizard  or you can go Tempest domain and take advantage   of the subclass feature that allows you to do  Max damage of any lightning or thunder damage   uh spell that you use meaning that you can just  kind of naturally do a ton of damage with your   wizard so you do have those options open to you  um I personally I think wizard is one of the ones   that you can just go pure Wizard and be totally  fine I don't think you really need to subclass   to get a ton of usability out of it consider  though that you can go 10 wizard and two levels   into fighter because then as that you get action  Surge from fighter and you can then use plenty of   additional actions on your wizard there's another  route you can take too with just simply going into   Eldritch Knight instead of wizard like if you want  to be kind of a wizard that fights in melee combat   I I probably would think that you would  want to just go Elders tonight because   you get the ability to go 12 levels  into Eldritch night and you get three   um extra attacks well you'll get extra attack  twice basically and it just it's just so Good   by comparison to trying to split the difference  between Wizard and fighter and some sort of uh   interesting kind of combination so the multi-class  conversation for Wizard here is kind of a little   a little thin and I didn't want to show all  the items here to make that that situation   for the 17 intelligence occur because I figured it  might have been spoilers but it is in act two in   the blooded Village that's all I'll say and you  can get it there and if you want I can link uh   a link to it you can click that if you wanted to  get a good readout of where to pick that item up   but that's how you really do this you'd go one  level into wizard the other levels into the other   classes to then pull in a bunch of other spells so  you have just tons and tons at your disposal from   either cleric or a druid what have you that's how  that multi-classmen would work for a wizard but   that it brings our video here to a close hopefully  this helps you out in building out your wizard in   Baldur's Gate 3. and if you have any questions by  all means go ahead and let me know in the comments   in the comment section below I hope this kind  of gives you a kind of spoiler-free approach   this whole thing but there are a ton of little  nuances to this that I didn't want to divulge   because I want you to kind of stumble into them  and discover them in your playthrough this is   again after all a beginner's guide if you have any  recommendations or anything like that for anyone   else starting a wizard character you know hey you  know I've played wizard for years in D and D or   maybe I've gone through my first playthrough  as a wizard and these are the Spells and can   trips that I found to be particularly useful  or Feats please let it be known in the comment   section below trying to disseminate as much  information out to the people is always a big   mission of mine as always thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care thank you thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 78,719
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Keywords: How to Build a wizard (gale) for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, bg3 classes, bg3 gale build, baldurs gate 3 build, bg3 gale, baldurs gate 3 gale build, bg3 tips for beginners, bg3 wizard guide, bg3 wizard multiclass builds, bg3 wizard multiclass options, bg3 wizard beginner guide, bg3 wizard build guide, bg3 wizard subclasses, bg3 wizard subclass best, bg3 abjuration wizard, bg3 divination, bg3 evocation, bg3 necromancy, bg3 illusion
Id: IWOkytQrmho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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