Is Baldur's Gate WORTH IT In 2023?!

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da the child of ball is awoken it is time for more experiments welcome back to Retro rebounder in today's video we are going back to Baldur's Gate now I'm talking about all of Baldur's Gate not just the isometric RPGs but the isometric action RPGs as well in dark Alliance I'm very excited about this one because today ladies and gentlemen we're getting ready for the release on PlayStation 5 of Baldur's Gate 3. it's been doing stupid well on PC it's the Dragon Age Origin sequel I never got and so what I wanted to do was a deep dive on the franchise for those who are loving Baldur's Gate 3 is the rest of the series worth it what should you know about it I took the dive into Baldur's Gate one and two for the first time ever and on top of that I went back to darker lines one and two where a lot of my first introductions to Baldur's Gate were so I'm actually coming from a completely different angle than most videos about Baldur's Gate typically would in fact I would say my first traditional experience with Baldur's Gate as you would know it and love it was Baldur's Gate 3. so is Baldur's Gate worth it in 2023 I hope to answer that question with that ladies and gentlemen if you're new here and you're into nostalgic and retrospective content you're in the right place consider subscribing and now let's begin with Baldur's Gate one one thing I will go ahead and let you know right now is that the community is not super pleased with the enhanced Edition that I have here behind me on consoles it's already outdated it's in desperate need of a remake or a remaster once more and people aren't pleased with Bean dog's efforts this isn't necessarily what I'd call the definitive way to play the game but I will say they did a decent job mapping a pretty complex crpg over to console but there were a lot of things Lost in Translation but for me as a brand new player I'm stepping into this a little bit scared I know these games aren't necessarily beginner friendly and the rumors were true it's not so you're dropped into this world and you're looking for your father to then eventually leave on some mission that you really don't know much about at all and then you eventually watch gorion die at the hands of some type of armored figure and you're like okay what's going on here and and what's interesting about Baldur's Gate one is I find the politics of it all to be compelling as I'm exploring the world I have assassins coming after me I actually had someone approach me at a bar and they went hey Maddie um what's up we're supposed to meet here right and you're like yes my name is Maddie it's great to meet you and they're like pull out the knife good because I'm supposed to meet you here I'm like whoa whoa yeah that type of stuff I really like because it keeps me on edge like who's Brand who's Foe and obviously I think the big drawing point to Baldur's Gate from what I have learned while playing is the connection your main character always has to the villain and how that really strengthens the sequel to Baldur's Gate which we will talk about but the first one I know is not the one that gets a lot of talk but for me as a BioWare Fanboy I'm kind of disappointed myself I never went into these but diving in now you can see the energy of what I love to call the Golden Era of BioWare but it's funny as someone who considers themselves a bit of an RPG Aficionado I was always scared of these games but hopping in I have to say not too bad the combat is tough it's a lot of think of like a VCR tape you hit the stop button everything freezes they hit play and it starts rolling again right so think of it like that back then is kind of how I would Define the combat you can pause switch to all your party members strategize where you want to go who you want them to attack and then watch it all play out so a lot of the combat's actually gonna be done paused and then you're just gonna watch the first of your labor afterwards a lot of people don't like that and I get it a series that we're all familiar with nowadays that did it is pillars of Eternity so if you kind of like that combat style you're gonna find that similar DNA here in Baldur's Gate the inventory management on console doesn't feel particularly great that's one thing that you should be aware of here for Baldur's Gate but eventually you'll learn the mess and and you get used to it and it's well written it's definitely a game that has a sense of pace one thing I recognize with it is I thought it'd be very slow very ancient but now they kind of get you out the gate rolling and the real grab here is the mystery as to why people around you and important people throughout the game are dying and it leads into what is one of the most celebrated sequels of all time if not to many the best sequel of all time Baldur's Gate 2 which we have a complete box copy of here behind me and yes we will be going through it after we talk about it so one thing I absolutely love about this game off the rip oh there's actually a lot I'm not gonna lie so Baldur's Gate 2 does something that I'm gonna make a really obscure comparison here but I already warned you in advance that I'm making weird comparisons here as a new fan coming in does something that the trails series does that I always thought was cool so one of my favorite components of the trails games is they never level one you is what I call it so when you get into the third game fourth game fifth game and so on in the series you don't just go back to level one you're at level 50 and in some games you start off at like level 90 and it makes sense right like no I'm not a low level I've been fighting for a while and the story goes on and so the game has this feeling of continuation so Baldur's Gate one the leveled cap is around seven or eight which is something that is common in d d that sounds very low but if you look at the pace at which you level up in Baldur's Gate 3 for a modern example you'll see yeah it rolls a bit slow indeed and D waters whereas many video games nowadays you're leveling up constantly but with Baldur's Gate 2 they raised the level cap a couple of times so when it comes to the base game you have level 14 to 21 which was already pretty high and then the Throne of ball sets it to around 31 to 40 which just makes this game massive absolutely massive we've heard the term thrown around you can sink hundreds of hours into this game and still not be close to done but like with Baldur's Gate 2 that's legitimately true this is one of with the complete set of DLC one of the biggest RPGs made but to many it's also one of the best and I think that's thanks to its villain arenicus who has some dope moments that oh my God again you just feel the BioWare energy and there actually was in the scene where you escape the dungeon you see a renicus and he's just rinsing people someone remade that cutscene using the Dragon Age Origins tool set must I be interrupted at every turn enough of this and I just can't wrap my head around how perfect of a fit this is it is exactly what I imagined watching it all play out there and then and what I was thinking of because as we'll talk about with balder's Gate 3 in this video I just look at this series and think Dragon Age Origins constantly Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite video games of all time and the reason I love it so much is much like with balder's gate political Intrigue that type of stuff gets me invested because I like the choice and Consequence the game boasts and so it raises those political tensions of course with Dragon Age Origins building your own Army and making crucial choices was also a cool just game mechanic if you will so I was really about that but I was so upset that BioWare deviated from what I think made Origins so special and so when I go back and play these it in along with balder's Gate 3 it feels like a part of my heart is healing in real time but irenicus is I mean from Voice work especially back then The Voice work for erinicus is fantastic everyone else sounds kind of Hit or Miss so I'm really good I noticed an improvement in Baldur's Gate 2 versus Baldur's Gate one for sure but arenicus just stands out iconic villain no doubt in the making for me right now I act sooner than we had anticipated let's just say the murderous Spirit of Baldur's Gate 2 resonates with me one thing I really like is being able to import my character from old games a trend that Golden Age BioWare always had in this game even though I didn't get a lot of hours logged in the boat there's gate one I could import my bg1 character into bg2 and seeing characters like mon who was kind of ditzy right in the beginning of the first game like hey y'all and then all of a sudden she's talking about Love and Death and all this stuff I'm like wait what happened here I love the carryover the transformation and you notice this even in your own main character who sounds kind of evil for reasons I will not spoil but again a lot of murderous intent in this game and it all begins in a prison of sorts where people are being cloned and they're trapped in these Chambers and there's a talk of unlocking your true potential and what's really going on there but it's a much darker start with a lot more combat it's a very big dungeon that again goes back to what I said with Baldur's Gate one if pace is your concern with these games do not be afraid in fact it goes so fast that sometimes a lot of times if you're me you'll die and I really really appreciated just how quick and rip roaring it was especially in the sequel you just want to get going whereas Baldur's Gate one they have a bunch of tutorials or tutorial characters like literally called tutors that'll teach you things about the game like you can ask them hey why is your circle red and then you can end the conversation by saying I'm done asking about feet which I just thought was hilarious so the game has a decent amount of humor but before we get into more modern Baldur's Gate games let's take a look at an absolutely fantastic complete box copy here that has a book in it literally you're gonna freak out if you like this touch of retro rebound for sure so let's crack it open and here we have a complete box copy of Bo wait what is this I'm just playing y'all get out of here GameStop all right what we have here for real is Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of um oh it is beautiful when you see BioWare and black Isle on the same box art let's read wait you thought I was gonna say the back of the box the inside of the Box this is a beautiful complete box experience so soak it in ladies and gentlemen don't get these often in Baldur's Gate one you defeated your evil half-brother sarahvak and prevented your father ball the dead Lord of murder from returning to the Forgotten Realms now in Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of arm the stakes have become much higher will you resist The Evil Within you and Forge a legend of heroic proportions or will you embrace your monstrous inner nature and carve a swath of Destruction across the Realms It also says down here Your Story begins Anew in the Exotic Southern Kingdom of Alm emits the opulence of the Sinister capital city of Journey Through The Fierce unforgiving Wilderness of Alm and through the treacherous caverns of the underdark in your quest for artifacts of awesome power and Treasure of inestimable wealth even challenge dragons if you dare such as the life of a legend I apologize in advance for any of my Baldur's Gate pronunciation not being up to Snuff the back of the box says and we got a lot here welcome to a world of intrigue Adventure in Fierce combat every world has conflict good and evil friend and foe safety and danger in Baldur's Gate to Shadows of Alm you'll find yourself between these factions this epic sequel to the role-playing game of the year will immerse you in a world of intrigue adventure and fierce combat where your ability to discern the difference between these sides with the assistance of steal and spell determines your fate set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting Baldur's Gate 2 is the most stunning Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game to date and we have a lot of features here you usually get like one or two if you're lucky we got like eight here y'all so it says create a new character import your Baldur's Gates or Baldur's Gate tales of the sword Coast character into Baldur's Gate 2 and continue the Epic Saga new weapons and a D and D proficiencies including two weapon fighting style create unique combat options for players real-time gameplay with the ability to pause at any moment and even custom scripture characters Behavior to refine your strategy and then encounter hundreds of different types of monsters thousands of NPCs and over 130 new spells for a total of over 300 in a huge and intricate World new races and character kits such as the half orc Beastmaster Undead Hunter and assassin add to an extensive array of character options it supports 800x6 under resolution look at that full screen mode and 3D acceleration for spectacular visual effects wow where you can go ladies and gentlemen 800 by 600 you see that it also says here improved multiplayer support for up to six players for the ultimate role-playing experience and richer quests and subquests including quests based on class add more realism than ever before in an RPG so beautiful here black Isle BioWare interplay you know you're getting the good good in the RPG realm with all that so let's go ahead and slide on open this complete inbox which has a lot to it so here we have starting off not just one disc but two but three four discs this game has managed to out disc Lost Odyssey which we talked about here on the channel which had three discs on Xbox 360. that's how big this game is four discs insane now continuing on my favorite as an Elder Scrolls fan this is what I think of a map it actually comes with a little map here for Baldur's Gate 2 which I gotta say I appreciate it's a nice tight one that you can unfold just like this and you can see the city of atkitla you can see all the other areas that you can go to beautiful beautiful stuff there it's on a very simple piece of printed paper like this isn't my laminate or anything like that so you can tell printing quality wasn't quite bare yet here we have the reason I bought all this in the first place and that is this game manual right here which will connect to this quick reference guide let's start off with the girth all right I'm sorry we got to appreciate it though check this out look at that that's your game manual you have not read a book as thick as this all right that is what I'm talking about BioWare now what is packed within this game manual you may ask now look illustrations be damned all right I it's a lot of reading I always talk about in the car reads when it comes to the complete box experience you're driving home with the game in hand this is something you gotta post up on the couch sit down for hours and just tab through what it's going through is key characters that you're going to meet it's going through the monsters you're going to me it's going to give you little written tips here from in World characters and you gotta remember that as I go through all this things like alignment combat and Baldur's Gate this is Dungeons and Dragons so at the same time it's teaching you hey here are the controls for the video game here's how you get through everything you're gonna see here that it's also breaking down a ability scores classes and what those classes do and what kits they come with the this is d d they have to teach you D at the same time as teaching the game if you know D D you know Baldur's Gate they even break down the alignment in full here what lawful good is neutral good chaotic good and so on and so forth weapon proficiencies here down at the bottom spells and spell levels I mean this is incredible stuff here man they're going through it all and this is why as you're gonna see here we're going to keep tabbing through it all I mean it's just packed with more and more stuff from spells to weapons to armor to build uh it's so much here like this is all pre-spells here it's incredible and then there's a table for all the ability scores this thing has every single answer that you need reputation reaction adjustments you know what happens there NPC reactions towards reputation and then the credits here in the back take a bow for that manual and that's why they have this right here this quick reference card they call it and it's here you can unfold for the PC controls but also you can reference all the Spells the movements the character States anything that confuses you you can pause your game you can whip this out and all all of your answers are right here it kind of reminds me in a way of like a board game where when everyone gets stuck and they're not sure what the rules are you pause you pull out the rule book and you check it out so yeah this is easily the biggest manual we've had to go through right next to probably Diablo 2 which was just a thing of beauty this has to be right up there with it but ladies and gentlemen this is a beautiful complete inbox copy of Baldur's Gate 2 and I gotta say big big fan of what they packed into this one with the map and all elf song Tavern it is a small place ly assortment of patrons it's interesting to see how Baldur's Gate and the original Fallout games kind of followed the same trajectory two hardcore RPGs two amazing RPGs in a row and then they try to find a little bit more breakout success and they had a lot more success in the Baldur's Gate region than they did in the Fallout region but yes after all of the crpg nonsense they thought well let's make an action RPG and that's where Baldur's Gate dark Alliance was born Boulder's Gate darker lines was the game and we all have one growing up that you had that friend who had that system or that particular game and you'd go over their house as often as humanly possible to play that game for me it was dark Alliance one and it was Mega Man X Command Mission two of the most random games you can think of but that house was the host of those games and I was going over as often as possible and so we would start over Baldur's Gate dark Alliance constantly and finally beating it was one of my favorite gaming memories as a kid now when Wizards of the Coast came around and re-released Baldur's Gate for PlayStation 5 that did the same for the sequel which we'll talk about afterwards I was very pleased until I saw the price tag and then especially if you're a PlayStation fan the trophy list for the first Baldur's Gate what are what is happening like five trophies that's all we get oh my God but this is a retrospective let's stay in the past here Baldur's Gate dark Alliance starts off with you entering the city of Baldur's Gate and getting jumped by a Thieves Guild now the surprise here is that there's a thieves guild war ongoing and all of your money and stuff has been stolen so guess what you gotta go out and exact some Revenge now one thing that I always remember with this game is it was kind of tough in the early goings as you got your build together it definitely started to ease up particularly in Baldur's Gate dark Alliance 2 it does have I'd say a more easy going power curve whereas dark Alliance One when I tried to play on hard difficulty oh they will make you pay do not overestimate your abilities now I distinctly remember looking up cheat codes for this game as a kid and one that was considered a special tips and tricks for the first Baldur's Gate was to jump everywhere you go so I just have the sound effect just stuck in my head for all of eternity because Baldur's Gate dark Alliance I think that the math was you go like 1.8 times faster when you jump everywhere and so it's true if you want to get through the game a little bit quicker you jump everywhere but yeah it's a simple action RPG at its core there's no crazy loot that's gonna say anything beyond like flaming short sword plus one and plus two and plus three and plus four as you continue to upgrade it but that's kind of what makes balder's gate darker lines amazing is its simplicity at least to me as someone who has a lot of nostalgia for it what I love about dark Alliance is that I think my love for it only increased because I do think of Diablo I think of Borderlands and how so many games Neo we get these loot vomits right and how complex and overwhelming they've become but in dark Alliance it was like a weapon or two would pop out of a boss and you'd get pretty handsomely rewarded for that and it was really about that new game plus it was here with dark Alliance too that my love was born for champions of norwrath Champions return to Arms which I'm praying also make their way back onto PlayStation 5 because that would be incredible those are some of my most sought after games as a kid and getting them in my collection as a young adult was a pure joy now we're in my wheelhouse Baldur's Gate dark Alliance for the PlayStation 2 powered by snow blind interplay here love the cover art the back back of the box says a new Legacy begins and by the way if you look closely you can see your boy right here in the reflection enjoy that experience the massively popular world of Baldur's Gate as never before Baldur's Gate darker lines thrusts you into an epic adventure filled with intense action intricate puzzles and Sinister Intrigue where your Mastery of Cold Steel and devastating spells is the only thing between you and ultimate Evil hack and slash your way through more than 40 action-packed levels keep an eye on that number there more on that in a bit battle over 35 vicious creatures including gelatinous cubes Frost Giants and Dragons play as one of three amazing Heroes each with their own unique powers appearances and skills an incredible single or two player cooperative play co-op was my favorite way to do this customize your character to gain new attacks and abilities and produced by the award-winning black Isle Studios and developed by snow blind using the Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons rule set so there is is a little bit of D and D there it mentions Blood on the back this is a blockbuster disc which normally I get a little peeved by that but I think it's actually really cool to have that little piece of History the blood is important to point out though because when you are hacking whacking and smacking your foes you're gonna see them Fall to Pieces but yes we have a beautiful manual here so they walk you through the world of Baldur's Gate you may not be a DND dork but they're gonna force it upon you anyway ladies and gentlemen continuing on through this they talk about the Realms here what balder's gate is all important backstories here the heroes of Baldur's Gate the characters that you can play as as well they walk you through little things like blocking switching weapons Auto map it's very important to have Auto map but things gonna be pretty much overlaid on your screen 24 7. the character statistics screen I swear this is just burned into my brain I feel like every single game that had Loot and a customizable character just had this growing up although it's funny because they all came from the same team probably continuing through here character abilities secondary statistics a lot of the weapons you're gonna get which this game at a decent amount a respectable amount when you combine that with the Spells and the spell effects I can hear this dude's voice in my head right now just so many memories with this game going through all the armor attributes there was a lot to this like here they're even breaking down all the Spells Arcane quiver I always thought was really cool because every character has their own special attacks and skills so it made replay value kind of worthwhile we see more active Feats here bull rush was a really good one for the Dwarven fight later and here you even see a dragon at the tail end as we get through all of the remaining characters you're going to meet in dark and lines some friendly some not shout out to Karen this dude's a menace that's the weirdest looking mask I've ever seen but another character that's just burned in my brain because he's there in the intro of the game and then here we're at the back of the manual and that ladies and gentlemen is a complete inbox experience for Baldur's Gate dark Alliance and before Baldur's Gate 3 there was just one more Baldur's Gate game and that's balder's gate dark Alliance two you want to talk about what I mentioned earlier with Baldur's Gate how it just throws you into the thick of the action Baldur's Gate dark Alliance 2 is just that at least with balder's gay dark Alliance One you get thrown into you know a little bit of a story set up you know you get to this bar you talk to a couple people hanging around familiarize yourself a bit with balder's gay dark Alliance too it's like you're in the middle of the woods someone needs help you gotta free some prisoners from a goblin camp and it just goes off from there now what I have to say I love about this game is the tremendous gameplay improvements in the first Baldur's Gate you pick from one of three classes a human Archer a Dwarven fighter or an Elven sorceress but in Baldur's Gate dark Alliance 2 you get multiple new classes you get an Elf blood Mage I mean I just I was all over that right away I am a sucker for elves in Fantasy games if you couldn't tell by my picks in literally any Fantasy game if you watch closely in my videos you always see Maddie's and elf and I I don't know I just I can't help myself all right but what I also liked in the terms of gameplay improvements was the skills and how in the first game you would level up and you'd assign your skill points and that's all the same here in Baldur's Gate too there's just a lot more ground to cover like if you're the Mage you're gonna have a lot more Spells at your disposal one thing I really loved as a necromancer was I could animate the dead and the way I stayed alive in the early goings of this game was by siphoning the life force for my enemies and when I upgraded that again I was siphoning it from multiple enemies at a time and doing more damage and it's there you really feel the power curve quickly picking up right remember I said in the first game you'll get bounced around quite a lot in this game it's the same like there are going to be some kind of janky encounters and this is just the nature of Darker lines it's kind of a take it or leave it sort of approach you're gonna have those moments where you pull up into a room full of goblin archers and no matter how much you block how you try to approach them you're gonna get hit a lot you're gonna spend a lot of potions and you're gonna have to approach it strategically you're gonna have to save scums something I did while playing dark lines too just constantly going back to the save space station okay I took out two goblins I'm gonna go back safe and take on the rest and hopefully I don't lose progress like it has a very PS2 stink to it if you will in that regard but that's why we love it I have to say though I think champions of norath and champions return to arms are definitely massive improvements upon these two in the terms of the amount of classes the balancing it feels like they got it right there with dark Alliance you always just start off extremely weak but I think dark Alliance 2 did a much better job of handling all that there was also a focus on crafting in this one which I thought was great because again the loot vomits weren't gigantic stick in Darker line something that I've already said I really appreciate about the game so just enhancing what was already there I thought was a step in the right direction one thing that also stands out about dark Alliance maybe not in the best manner is one thing I loved about Diablo 4 is how the hordes would just come at you in massive waves it was really satisfying to just take them all out in dark Alliance too you know a big horde is like five six seven enemies you know that's really pushing the power of the PS2 there when you got that many enemies on screen so you don't really get that satisfaction of like wow I really took out a ton of them there yeah it's it's really about again that safe scumming strategy that you're gonna have to resort to sometimes or like in Baldur's Gate dark Alliance one where you're in the Thieves Guild and there's platforming challenges it's like wow challenges all over the place here with traps everywhere I don't know these were just these were Maddie's first Diablo style games and I think the reason I loved Ultimate Alliance so much is because it had a lot of Darker lines energy and the reason I loved champions of NORAD Champions returned to Arms Justice League Heroes Diablo even was because of these games I owe them so much I have such a soft spot in my heart for the dark Alliance series but let's go over darker lines 2's complete unboxed copy and then wrap up talking a bit about Baldur's Gate 3. all right here we go dark Alliance 2 last complete box copy of the video this game had looted me for so so so so so long it's actually a game I had to buy straight up for this video because I thought I had it on the Shelf but I did not so I write it that wrong quick so back of the box says a new adventure awaits unspeakable evil has returned to the legendary city of Baldur's Gate a call for adventurers Echoes through the embattled land cunning Warriors and bold magic users are desperately needed to reclaim Baldur's Gate from a dark sorcery that threatens all in its path hack your way or cast powerful spells through over 80 perilous levels 80 this time remember it was 40 last time so more than double hidden areas secret characters and hundreds of items to discover customize and use Forge unique magical weapons and armor to maximize the damage you inflict in battle I really like this feature conquer hordes of beasts and armies of hobgoblins ghouls golems and dreaded dragons dragons are back again go figure compelling single or two-player Cooperative modes of play so a lot of the same features but here at the bottom the best part as I mentioned the five new Heroes Barbarian cleric Rogue Monk and Necromancer I think I said blood Mage but apologies on that here on the inside beautiful beautiful looking disc art here we have cheat codes printed out on the inside and then for the lean box copy yeah they decided to step away from the colorful manual kind of disappointing but it goes around the same one two three you saw in dark Alliance One they go through some of the major characters of course here in the early going they also introduce you to what Baldur's Gate is welcome to the Realms all that fun stuff so if you did not know what any of that is you can start off by reading that the Auto map again the main screen again just the same thing but less colorful but you know it's a little more bulky because they're going to go through more characters more spells more items because this game's literally Baldur's Gate one but more as you'd expect from a good action RPG sequel you can hurl weapons which I always thought was really cool they go through the workshop here this was a new thing so you can add weapon attributes to your weapons of course and um same thing with armor they break down all that here shoddy remarkable Superior Grand Imperial and Flawless basically the tier system that would define the suit that we see even up to this day with your typical common uncommon rare and so on and so forth again a lot of spells a lot more spells you see pages and pages of spell you can actually see in the background a map here which I always thought was cool hints and tips take it slow if you're wounded early on or run out of magic energy quickly simply wait around in an empty room and rest a while until your hit points and energy are back up in full can save you from having to reload your game when an extra monster jumps out when you released expecting it remember what I mentioned about Steve's coming yeah the game kind of recommends it so they built around that and then here we have a little slip for interplay and this is actually a little continuation of the illustration which I thought was cool but that ladies and gentlemen is a beautiful not Illustrated complete inbox copy of Baldur's Gate dark Alliance 2. and now we have Baldur's Gate three a game that I already had on my wish list the second I saw Larry was behind it developers of divinity original sin one and two but a lot of people seem to have been sleeping on them because oh man the Beast has been awoken now it's doing so well on Steam I hope it kills it on Playstation Baldur's Gate 3 is nothing short of a Triumph in a day and age where AAA development continues to give us diminishing returns as consumers asking us for more money for the bare minimum Baldur's Gate 3 steps in and says we're gonna over deliver on everything not only that but let's rewind the tape a little bit didn't I say I really really like Dragon Age Origins to me Baldur's Gate 3 is the Dragon Age Origin sequel I just never got the presentation the dialogue the setup for the game even everything just oozed Dragon Age Origins to me and honestly it's what goes around comes around playing Boulders gate one and two I see how much of an influence that series had on when BioWare was developing Dragon Age and now I can see how my Dragon Age Origins in particular had an influence on larion when they went to make Baldur's Gate 3. there's just so much old school BioWare energy in Baldur's Gate 3 and to me the success of that game shows that if BioWare gets their act together they could be one of the most prolific RPG developers once more because people want that style of game like people were all over the Mass Effect legendary edition they're all over Baldur's Gate three like this is the type of game people want beyond just the conversations and the choice and consequence it's literally D the game like yeah I know Baldur's Gate one and two already we're kind of doing that but with the dice rolling the initiatives just all that stuff packed into Baldur's Gate 3. it's such an amazing game for those who care about skill checks role playing replay value especially how they have a particular character that by the way amazing voice actor who you know kinda sounds like he may be connected to one and two which just I love how much effort larion puts in from their origin stories which they borrowed from Divinity original Sim 1 and 2 where you could kind of play the story as one of the main characters like shadowheart for example and see it through their lens or your own custom character there is just so many ways to play ball there's gate three it is the perfect love letter to some of the most timeless RPGs ever made and then you factor in some tough as Nails combat where I have been wiped out so many times in Boulder Skate 3 but that's why I just can't help but keep coming back when you throw in Co-op which by the way was a strong suit in dark Alliance I just have to say that Baldur's Gate 3 is probably a shoe-in for Game of the Year for me which I know is not an uncommon take but yeah if you're snoozing on Baldur's Gate 3 and you like Dragon Age for example you should really start looking into this game it's time yes even on Console because playing it with controller on PC works fine it really is a special video game and do you need a lot of information on Boulder's Gate 1 and 2 to enjoy three they're separate enough where you can enjoy three on its own which is what's fantastic about it now there are people from Baldur's Gate 2 who will for example appear in three but you know ignorance is bliss right you may not realize it and it's not going to really disturb your experience but for those who are into Baldur's Gate you're gonna have a fantastic time noticing these types of things so everyone kind of wins in Baldur's Gate 3's situation but is balder's Gate 3 worth it as a whole in 2023 I think so I actually think even after playing bg3 a lot going back to one and two while it's a bit of a rough transition in some areas these games are so well written and have so much going on in them they're fantastic Baldur's Gate darker lines one and two are a little bit of a tougher cell if you don't have any Nostalgia attached to them still I have a soft spot for them and if you like old school action RPGs on the PS2 I think you really like these and if you like one there are a ton there so there's a pretty big library to dig through after that Beyond dark Alliance One and Two so with that ladies and gentlemen those are just some thoughts on Baldur's Gate as a series I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts down below what do you think about the entirety of Baldur's Gate please fire away and with that take excellent care of yourselves and I will see you in the next retro rebound peace
Channel: Retro Rebound
Views: 36,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 impressions, baldurs gate 3 preview, baldurs gate review, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 2 review, baldurs gate 2 gameplay, baldurs gate 2 retrospective, baldurs gate 2 2023, baldurs gate 2 remake, baldurs gate 1 review, baldurs gate 1 gameplay, is baldurs gate worth it in 2023, dark alliance, baldurs gate dark alliance, baldurs gate dark alliance review, retro rebound, retro rebound baldurs gate
Id: LrPkZbI2bVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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