Baldur's Gate 3: All Druid Wildshape Forms and Abilities (Full Release)

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hey guys Omaha here today I'm going to be showcasing all the wild shape forms for the circle of moon subclass for the Druid for levels one through twelve so to start off with level two you're going to get your subclass and you're gonna get the ability to Wild shape and there's you can see at the bottom it's a bonus action and you're gonna get five forms to start with first one is the wild shape badger lets you uh burrow underground and he starts out with 13 hit points all right so here we have the badger he has a burrow ability which lets you burn to the ground and emerge at a Target position possibly knocking nearby creatures prone and when he's prone you can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and it's disadvantage and strength and dexterity saving throws attacks against the prone creature have Advantage if they're made within 10 feet of the creature it also has to use half as movement speed to stand up he's also got a bite that does four to ten damage of piercing in a claw attack that does four to ten damage of slashing another thing I forgot to mention is you get this ability for all of your wild forms and it's a lunar mend it lets you expense spell slots to regain hit points while you're in your wild shape that's pretty useful because as some of you know you get separate Health pools for each of your creatures as well as your main character so if you go down while you're in your wild shape form you'll say you go down to zero HP you'll actually just revert back to the Druid normal form with whatever HP you had going into that form so then you can just transform again for your second time because you get two per rest and uh you'll have another Health pool for that second creature as well and then once that one dies you go back to the Druid form again but if you die in the regular human form or whatever race you are then you're you're done second one is the spider lets you in web enemies and he starts out with 20 hit points so this is the giant spider he has an arachnid jump that lets you jump up down and across your strength determines how far you can jump now it's 37 feet for me you can get a pretty high place hey I'll catch a break he's also got this web attack which lets you expel a thick flammable webbing that slows creatures within and possibly and webs them so as you can see he's in webbed which makes it so you cannot move attack rolls against the affected entity of advantage and while these attack rolls have disadvantage it also has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws another cool thing about the webs is you don't take fall damage if you land on them so you can jump off really high areas and just land on webs and be totally fine and finally we have the venomous bite which does 411 damage of piercing and it possibly poisons the target so as you can see when he's poisoned he suffers disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks third one is the wolf lets you incite allies and distract enemies the wolf starts out with 18 hit points all right so this is the wolf he has the inciting Hal ability which let every Ally with an earshot can move an additional 10 feet during their next turn he's also got a bite that does 5 to 15 damage of piercing exposing bite which does four to seven damage of piercing if your attack hits the next attack against the target from within five feet will be a critical hit fourth One's Gonna Be The Cat Lets you avoid attention and sneak into small areas also you can meow to distract and kind of lure enemies and that starts out with two hit points all right next up we've got the cat I wouldn't recommend using this one for combat necessarily 2 Hp but it has a meow attack that attracts attention of nearby creatures and draws them closer to you so you can use that to kind of set up your Rogues or whatever for snake attacks or get enemies in positions where you want to Ambush them he's got a little claw attack that does two damage and finally we have the bear that's gonna let you have the enemies be taunted and you can goad them into attacking you um so you're kind of like the tank and you start out with 30 hit points here we've got the polar bear he's got a goating roar which we're nearby enemies to go them into attacking you for two turns he's got it now must attack the Gooding Creature if possible he's also got a claw attack that does 6 to 12 damage of slashing all right so level four is bringing you access to your next two wild shapes first one being the Deep rope assume the shape of a deep brothe that casts dancing lights and charges its enemies deep brotha has a starting health of 23 hit points so here's the Deep brotha he has a dancing lights concentration spell which eliminates a 30-foot radius good if you're traveling there's a concentration spell so you can't get hit during it or you might lose it he's also got a charge attack that does 6 to 16 damage of piercing and he charges forward attacking all enemies in the way and possibly knocking them prone for two turns also doesn't provoke opportunity attacks so that's really good if there's a group of guys and you want to knock them all down into them and hits everyone on the way there then finally he got he's got his Gore attack which is 8 to 22 damage of piercing the next one is the dire Raven which tends to take the shape of a dire Raven that can avoid attention and blind enemies and that one has 13 hit points here we have the raven which has the fly ability lets you fly 60 feet away to a Target position super useful for trying to get to really hard to reach places you can get anywhere with this thing he has a Rend Vision ability which does four to twelve damage of piercing and it also blinds the creature for two turns so the blind has a disadvantage on attack rolls the range of attacks and spells are reduced to 10 feet also attack rolls against blinded creatures have advantage and then he's got his beak attack which does 5 to 14 damage of piercing oh all right so once you get to level five you're gonna get a wild strike feature let's let you make an additional attack after making an unarmed strike while you're in Wild shape all right level six is where it starts to get spicy and you get these Primal strike feature which while you're in Beast form your attack count is magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and Immunity to non-magical damage you also get two more forms you get the panther which lets you take the shape of a panther that can prowl around invisibly here we got the Panther and he's got quite a bit going on uh first thing he's got is prowl which lets you turn invisible while stalking your prey and while invisible your first attack deals an additional one to eight damage so you stay invisible until a long rest or until you break your concentration and kind of snake around and get sneak attacks on people attack which is 6 to 24 damage of piercing so next we have the pounce ability which does 5 to 24 piercing damage leap at a Target to bite it and knock it prone for two turns the next ability we have is the jugular strike which is 8 to 26 damage of piercing the target is prone you'll deal an additional 4 to 14 piercing damage so it's a good combination with the pounce ability second one you get is the owl bear once you take the shape of an owl bear that can rupture the ground and become enraged I actually have the big boy himself the owl bear it's Albert has quite a few abilities first one crushing flight 3 to 20 damage of bludgeoning lets you leap at a Target and bite it to knock it prone for one turn on a save the Target still takes half damage this ability goes 70 feet so you can really get pretty far with this thing I'll show you guys how far go with it really go from all over here it's crazy that's an AOE too flexibility we've got is the rupture 3 to 20 damage of bludgeoning lets you rupture the Earth causing the breeze to tear through nearby objects objects and creatures on a save Target still takes half damage that was an insta kill alright so the next ability we have is in Rage given to the Albert's base instincts to increase your strength by two and possibly make nearby creatures fearful affected entity has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls and must run from the source of its fear and can make any additional actions so that lasts one turn the strength lasts for three turns he's gonna start running from me and finally his last attack is claws which is 9 to 26 damage of slashing level eight you're gonna get access to the saber-toothed tiger wild shape take the shape of a Sabretooth tiger that can shred armor and regenerate hit points all right so here's a saber tooth tiger as you can see here he has a special ability of his own called animalistic Vitality affected entity gains 2 to 16 hit points of Health every round in combat so first first ability it's going to be the same as the panther the jugular strike which is 12 to 32 points of damage all piercing so you lunge of the creature's throat if the target is prone you deal an additional 6 to 16 piercing damage second attack is a bite it's a 7 to 24 damage of piercing all right finally his third attack shred armor to 7 to 20 damage of slashing and it rips into a target's weaknesses reducing their Armor class by one which basically makes them easier to hit so as you can see he's got shredded armor armor class has been reduced by two removed by healing saber tooth tiger also has the enhanced jump along with the panther I think I forgot to mention that uh you can jump pretty far 57 feet so you can get the pretty hard to reach blazes alright level 10. this is where it starts to get really wild first thing you're gonna get is the improved wild strike which lets you do two additional attacks after making an unarmed strike one wild shape so basically you can attack three times per turn which is pretty nuts next form you're gonna get is the wild-shaped dilophosaurus take the shape of a dilophosaurus whose corrosive spit can dissolve a target's Armor class all right so here's the dilophosaurus first ability is going to be corrosive spit which is 3 to 24 damage of acid spray a target with corrosive fluids that slowly Melt Away its armor class when Target's Armor class decreases by one per turn to a maximum penalty of -5 water removes the spit in its effects there's a range of 60 feet next attack we've got is the pounce which is 7 to 24 damage of piercing leap at a Target to bite it and knock it prone for two turns range of 28. and then finally we've got the bite which is seven to Thirty damage one to ten damage of piercing 1 to 12 damage of piercing then one to eight damage of acid and then you're gonna get these four wild chip air murmidon I think I'm saying that right Earth marmadon fire mermaidon and water mermaidon all right next up we got the water member done he's got a main hand attack if it's tried it of 9 to 21 damage 1 to 15 of it is piercing and one to six is cold a break next attack we've got is explosive icicle which just three to 24 damage of cold you hurl three tridents forged of glistening ice that Pierce targets says peace I think it's supposed to say Pierce Pierce targets and create ice ice surfaces on impact the ice surfaces last for two turns to cross that they're gonna have it's difficult terrain so movement speed is half and creatures may fall prone next ability we have is the heimel strike which is 10 to 31 damage 1 to 15 of piercing and 1 to 16 of cold so you pierce a creature with your Frost Rim Trident and you chill it chilling affected entity is vulnerable to cold damage and resistant to fire damage so that's for two turns all right next up we have a very unique and interesting ability it's called healing Vapors this does 5 to 38 of healing exude water vapor with your general Elemental dampness healing nearby creatures if you are poisoned the water is Tainted and instead of healing it deals 3 to 22 poison damage to nearby creatures so the big AOE around you but if you're poisoned you're doing poison damage to everybody in that huge AOE and then finally we've got fly which is like the dire Raven and kind of fly to pretty far areas I guess it kind of makes the raven a little irrelevant but you still got the blinding I guess next up we've got the air murmidon first ability is electrified flail 10 to 33 damage 1 to 15 of bludgeoning and one to 18 of lightning cloudify with your lightning suffused flail and stun them extend them they can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions that's for two turns next ability we have for the air murmidon is the Raging Vortex this 2 to 16 damage bludgeoning spiral the wind into a choking Maelstrom the inflicts 2 to 16 bludgeoning damage per turn and sounds as creatures and that lasts for 10 turns so he's silenced can't speak or cast spells with a verbal component and is immune to thunder damage next up we got invisibility just like the panther manipulate the currents of the air to make yourself undetectable that's concentration again so once you attack you pop out of it if it lets you sneak up and get a sneak attack on an unsuspecting foe so this guy also has the fly ability same as the other ones I'm not going to show it again so I've already shown you a couple times but you can fly up to 60 feet just like the other ones he's also however got an elemental warp surrounded by Silver Mist you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see pretty mobile and then finally his main attack main hand attack is 9 to 23 damage 1 to 15 of bludgeoning and one to eight of lightning all right next up we have the fire mermaidon basically Sauron and he has fly and Elemental warp just like the previous two ramadans main hand attacked is 9-19 damage of slashing and Fire next up he's got merbidon's immolation which ignite with incandescent primordial Flames that hasten you so the hastening lasts for three turns the creature has plus two bonus to armor class advantage on dexterity saving throws its movement speed is doubled and it can take one additional action per turn when the condition ends the creature becomes lethargic so lethargic is consumed by exhaustion in the aftermath of haste you can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions ramadan's immolation and then finally we have cinderus swipe which does 11 to 31 damage of fire and slashing because create a blooming Kona fire as you swipe at a foe on Save targets still take half damage finally we've got the Earth marmadon Earth marmadon has sludgy sling which is two to twelve damage of bludgeoning overwhelm creatures with painfully heavy sludge mirroring the area around yourself in thick mud so the mud is difficult to random with speed is half next up we have the burrow which is 2 to 16 damage of bludgeoning let the ground swallow you up only for you to re-emerge in a terrific burst of Earth damaging nearby foes it's kind of like the Badgers he's also got the elemental warp just like all the other myrmidons and then we have Muk to metal Harden your slippery body into substance like steel increasing your armor class by two but reducing your movement speed by 20 feet so that lasts for four turns it looks like it makes you a lot more tanky see now you're coated in metal and then finally we've got the grounded thunder strike six to 24 damage of bludgeoning and thunder while a buffo with a fist of stone and thunder and knocking them prone so it looks like that's all the wild shaped forms I have in the game so far up until Level 12. thank you guys for watching if there's anything you guys want to see me make in the future let me know down in the comments don't forget to like the video If you enjoyed this it helps me a lot I'm in the YouTuber I'm planning on doing some more videos and some of the other subclasses showing what they unlock as well when they get to level 12. so thank you guys for watching I really appreciate it
Channel: Omaha
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Keywords: baldurs gate, druid, baldurs gate 3 wildshapes, baldurs gate walkthrough, baldurs gate druid, baldurs gate 3 bear, baldurs gate 3 circle of the moon, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 druid, baldurs gate druid forms, Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3 druid, bg3 classes, circle of the moon, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 gameplay pc, baldurs gate 3 classes guide
Id: xcHODBhZeqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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