Baldur's Gate 3 - NEW ACT 1 LEGENDARY FOUND - 18 Secrets You Need to Know - INSANE Tips & Tricks!

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hello and welcome back once again to rage gaming in a new baltaz gate video today I'm back for another round of things you didn't know in this massive game this time we've got some powerful Concepts to make use of for your combat also some weird tricks and more a big part of this series is the people commenting their suggestions which as always I'll be calling out as we go but thank you to everyone who does get involved with that said though let's begin our first thing today then is to do with gianki special item perks although of course this applies more to racial perks in general but we see this often with gift gear specifically let's take Lazelle and this legendary weapon the silver sword of the astral plane as you can see it says that we have psychic conditional on one of these aspects of the weapon githborne psionic weapon when wielded by githanki this weapon deals an additional bit of psychic damage which it shows there again akishanki holding this weapon has advantage on intelligence wisdom Christmas infras resistance to psychic damage and can't be Charmed all of these benefits because a githyanki is actually whole holding this weapon but what if I want to use that weapon what if I don't want to run Lazelle in my party well I can still benefit from gith specific benefits on different races let's take the weapon and put it over towards my main of course he's not getting the conditional benefits the extra stuff because he's not a gift he's a human but if we take a spell like seeming or disguise we can turn ourselves into something else of course we can such as of course a gif who will get benefits of these conditional perks now because it tricks the weapon there is one caveat to it though is that you have to unequip the item and then equip it you know after you actually change but now we'll have these conditional benefits as you can see there was a bit of psychic damage on that attack and of course this applies to other perks and other equipment that is to do with races you can use disguise self or AOE seeming like we're using and with that in mind we do have the mask of the shapeshifter if you've bought that version of the game and that comes with shapeshift as an illusion spell so you can start doing this pretty early in the playthrough if you have access to that item for our next thing then I'm standing suspiciously close to this guard to show you the benefits of disarming enemies now obviously that's really good take a really strong enemy with a powerful weapon if you disarm them suddenly they're no longer as effective but the problem is when you disarm them what they're going to do they're just going to pick it up again and usually disarming attacks like this one requires an action so you don't have the following action to pick up their weapon that you've just disarmed so they can't just pick it up again but there is something else you could do because you'll have a bonus action after so let's say I attack this one and disarm her hopefully it works no of course she dodged it I'm struggling to successfully disarm someone but let's just say for the sake of this example I have disarmed this guy his weapons on the ground I now have a bonus action I've used my action to disarm I can't stop him from just picking up the next turn well what you could do is just use your remaining shove to well shove the weapon maybe off a ledge like so to make it so he has a hard time going and re-equipping maybe you could send it flying to an ally who could use their action to pick it up or you could have an ally come over and shove the weapon away these little tricks can make disarming that much more effective in a scenario when dealing with someone with a powerful weapon let's go a step further in this example though with the silver sword of the astral plane specifically did you know you can actually get this in act one yeah because you meet Vos in act one and he's holding the sword of course he is technically you can disarm him and steal the sword all the way in act one you need to do something a bit cheeky though the idea is that you would sneak up on the gith camp in the wilderness while you first meet Vos using invisibility you could even buy an invisibility potion from one of the vendors in act one then using a mix of stealth and invisibility sneak up behind Vossen well disarm him in the moment that he drops the weapon you could activate turn base mode so there's no time to actually react but because you've initiated with him he will immediately speak to you ultimately that conversation leads to combat right but because Voss hilariously as the conversation ends immediately leaves on the dragon every time he leaves behind his sword so you can just pick it up once you've actually got the weapon in hand you can just let the person that you sent in to do this just die and then go back to Withers and yeah have them revive them and now she's revived she's back with whatever equipment she had at the time and the silver sword of the astral plane very early in fact one why overpowered potentially quite useful you might think next up we've got a comment that's come from quite a few episodes now I think it's time for me to include it especially while it is indeed still in the game in short we have with us here who is in the camp you're doing services with him you pay him every now and then wouldn't it be nice to get all that money back yeah as it turns out you can just kind of go behind him and well pickpocket him and he has all of the gold that you've ever interacted and used on him just in a pile in his inventory which does mean even if it's a tough steal you can attempt to steal it and if you fail nothing happens for some reason he doesn't even react you can just attempt to steal it again and if you fail then you can pickpock him and attempt to steal it again and eventually it will work as you can see I've succeeded then we got the 600 goal back woohoo the down sides there are none literally there are none so this feels a bit exploity but it exists in the game and I mean why not have more gold than you have currently it means his Services basically cost nothing and obviously that's very useful while it is in the game but I am pretty convinced at some point they're gonna hot fix this out because it's pretty ridiculous but for the time being it has survived what is it four hotfixes they've done so far oh maybe it'll just stay in the game for a while next up we have one from the comments that's pretty funny by the sounds of it mpeggy l made the comment about pickpocketing if you initiate conversation with someone of course we can swap character as always we all know that at this point and as I showed in the last episode it'll even make them turn a certain way which can be quite useful the thing is apparently you can cast spells on people while they're in conversation this would work on sleep or in this example whole person so let's give it a go I've got a 40 chance for it to work and they saved it unfortunate but there's no consequence so I can just try again and it worked there we go and then I can just up pickpocketing them and take them for all their worth because they're currently you know held or maybe they'll be sleeping if you did it with that and because they're in a conversation and sort of cc'd I can you know take what I want and take what I want and take what I want and it's very easy to take everything that you that they have you know if you fail okay damn I failed I'll just Crouch and pickpock again and attempt it again nice we just have one thing to get great so I've officially stolen every single thing that this person has and this will work on vendors although to be fair you need to have them on their own for this to truly work I've currently set this up to have one of my characters have her in a conversation to make her look away I've got another character having another CC looking away to actually be able to stealth you need to have a vendor that's on their own or one that you can distract in some way but if you can set up the conversation CC that is pretty potent and as you can see the whole person the whole time is at 10 Stacks it's never running out because they're currently in a conversation so even though way more than 10 turns have passed in that time because they're in a conversation it's not passing the time in that way pretty incredible thanks to that tip this next tip comes from the comments as well Anthony here suggested a great use of cloud of fog or fog Cloud it's a really easy spell to get in fact it's level one so many spellcasters will be able to get fog cloud and use this as early as act 1 immediately now vendors often have items laying around next to them that you know if you steal you'll be in trouble especially if people see that and elixir of bloodlust is certainly something good isn't it but apparently something as simple as a fog Cloud can obscure Vision we could put this fog Cloud down and no one would see us take that potion and it'd be no problem at all because people are blind within the cloud they can't see you stealing but there's nothing stopping you from interacting with things inside of that cloud no one outside of the cloud should be able to see what I do so let's give it a try we'll put Gail over here on his own we'll put the fog Cloud nicely on myself and the item that I'm going for we will Crouch and then I will pick up the Elixir bloodlust no problem no one even saw it now I'll Stand Up on walk out the cloud let's see if anyone even reacts when it finishes well the clouds lasting a really long time it's just going so I'll speak with the vendor that I literally stole from he's not even going to react I can trade with him it's no problem at all that's incredibly effective and gonna be a really good way to steal any item that is out in the open of which there are many in camps in outposts not just fenders selling stuff up there we go the effect finally ended yet no one's running to stop me no guards are appearing it's that easy our next tip comes from someone in the comments once again an incredible tip by Rel canar and very detailed too thank you for that basically it's to do with highlings an incredible way to make use of one you can come to Withers and hire a hireling for just 100 gold you'll need a space in your party to do so and then you just choose from the options specifically though you want the one that's The Bard so bring a bright song in this example with that we can then go to Withers and have her respect the idea here is to go to a wizard and instead of having high intelligence You're Gonna Want High wisdom then for the skill proficiencies you specifically want to make sure she has high medicine from there at level 2 we can then choose the subclass for Wizard of course in this case we're going to want transmutation though because you're of course going to get experimental Alchemy allowing you to brew two potions instead of one if you succeed a medicine-based DC check the reason we pick halfling according to welcome R is because of the halfling lucky talent that re-rolls once so when you you know roll poorly on that medicine roll you have a chance to roll well and if you choose to give her then a subclass of Rogue you can further level up the medicine from plus five to plus seven making it even more likely that that happens we could then level them up to get their wisdom as high as possible ideally to 20 and at level 6 wizard under this subclass you even get transmuters stone as you can see this allows you to create a stone that provides some sort of bonus until long rest resistance to thunder damage see in the dark Constitution bonuses to saving throws improve movement speed so distance another Elemental damage resistances something as simple as the movement speed perk is going to be great for any melee fighter and so because my character has that stone in their equipment I'm gonna have that movement speed perk until the next long rest where I can quickly grab the halfling and give myself another what an incredible double thing to talk about Rel Canal but then there's the halfling itself and the whole purpose of this right that is of course Alchemy let's make myself one potion of healing and see if I get two she succeeded the medicine check so instead of one I got multiple let's see here I'm at four right now let's try and make another one I succeeded the medicine check so instead of going to five I went to six so yeah by doing this I'm quite literally very likely anyway doubling the amount of things that I get from Alchemy whenever I choose to do it so this is really good to do long term and it's not like it cost me much it was a total of 300 gold to do this to have a permanent companion in Camp to use this perk whenever I want and then I'm also getting a long rest buff whatever I choose based on whatever I'm going to do for one party member brilliant tip but while we're here we have another great tip to do with Alchemy specifically beneficial to warlocks but actually it would work for a few it was Matt the BT in the comments talking about there's a specific Elixir that's really good for warlocks and a relatively common one at that that gives you a sort of semi-permanent spell slot so I looked into this and I believe I know which potion they're talking about the elixir of Arcane cultivation to get this though you're going to need some weave Moss so if you strike that for the first time there you go it unlocks the recipe of the elixir of Arcane cultivation so what does this actually do it's a small bottle that's filled with Arcane energy it will require one vitriol of weave moss and then any sublimate so let's craft one and have a look I passed the medicine check though so instead of making one I've made two that's so good here's what it does gain an additional level one spot replacing any other current Elixir Buffs at the time until the next long rest so say you give this to a paladin paladins make you use of smites all the time even the lowest level ones and this will give them until long rest one extra spell slot at level one that they can make you solve you know there are many Paladin smites in fact such as thunderous Smite a build I recently covered that you can do Max damage with just a level one spell slot there's no reason to upcast thunder Smite because it doesn't actually benefit at all so you're just getting an extra thunderous Smite which is an incredibly powerful ability especially with a build made for it why is it good for warlocks well they get hex hex costs a level one spell slot and can be very beneficial to targeting specific creatures it just allows you to hex more consistently between long rests by having that extra level one spell slot for many builds many classes just having an extra level one spell slot is not a bad thing at all so knowing about this Elixir and being able to make them is great and then using our previous tip you can make extras whenever you do it actually I'd love to ask if you guys have found any particular elixirs or potions that are really good maybe for certain builds that I'm just unaware of to be honest it's something I've been sleeping on so I'd love to hear about specifically that if you have any ideas but there you have it another round of hopefully useful and interesting things that I've learned recently as always if you guys have anything you think would fit into this series then please do drop it in the comments it might just make it into the video and again if you have any really cool Alchemy potions or elixirs that are good that you think are underused then yeah let me know for now though I've been Hollow you've been new thank you for watching and see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Julian to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 482,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 silver sword of the astral plane, silver sword of the astral plane, baldurs gate 3 alchemy, spell slots, baldurs gate 3 best spell, best spell, best spells, baldurs gate 3 act 3, baldurs gate 3 gold, gold, best weapon, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 side quests, baldurs gate 3 magic items, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: l8Ts1kJcGbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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