Baldur's Gate 3 - INFINITE SPELL SLOTS & NEW SUMMON - 21 Secrets You Need to Know - Tips & Tricks!

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hello and welcome back to race gaming in a new Baldur's Gate video we're back again for another round of weird and interesting or often super helpful things you didn't know as always a huge thank you to everyone in the comments of each video making suggestions for the series today we're going to be talking about say a useful permanent summon many people including myself Miss and other useful stuff but with that said let's just begin so to begin with we have one that Josh made me aware of you can get Shovel as a familiar you can summon and you can do that as a non-spell Caster if you'd like this is via an area in the blighted village in act one that many people missed including myself Josh and cotton so surely we're not the only ones this little summonable character though can be a permanent summon which serves many purposes outside of just being a potential meat Shield here's what you need to do though I've jumped back onto an act one save to show you we're in the blighted village in the center of the Wilderness and we're gonna go on to the South Side as you can see by the sign here a shop an apothecary which is obviously no longer in use now if you come around you'll find a secret area down below a wooden hatch that you can go down down here is a lot of useful items to get very early into your playthrough especially the potion of healing recipe to get you going on that but on the north wall if you have a perception check it will be revealed it's actually a lever Behind These crates so let's just move those out of the way and pull the lever and see what's going on as it turns out there is a secret behind this bookshelf and it's no wonder I missed this originally if you follow this around you'll come to an area with a little bit of grass and more importantly it has these kind of caskets laying around and in one of these there is the summon for a quasi the problem as you can see is a one-time use destroyed upon use of the scroll but because of the specific one you're going to summon you can actually make a companion at this point before you do anything though I would recommend a hard save in case you mess anything up and you can try again to do this summon you will need someone with level 1 in a type of spell casting specifically it needs to be something like Gale is such as a wizard or it could be a saucer or warlock specifically so if you want it on your own character and you're not one of those you can temporarily respect to get one of those Levels by going to Withers in the camera and then respect back after you're done and keep the familiar personally I'm probably just going to use it on Gale though since I'm having a summon especially other game can be quite useful so with the character you're going to give the summon to let's use it and spawn in shovel who is actually an achievement when she summon him with some delightful dialects you'll hear so you can have a conversation with shovel here and you're gonna need to well successfully have the conversation to get through this conversation with success then you're going to take the first option six times and then the second option on the seventh Choice and then finally the first option on the final eight Choice that's a bit confusing so what you can do is look at the dialogue options and always take the first option until you come to the line that says no you won't do Deeds like that or essentially tell him he won't do what he just asked at which point you take the second option which is is that what you and your master did here I guess you can see the journal will update will progress with shovel he'll reference the book and you can ask him about that book and he'll tell you to go have a look specific really saying talk to the mirror so as you come around from the entrance head around to the southeast eventually you'll find the mirror that he's talking about to pass for the mirror you'll need to answer its questions start by telling it your name and then say you're an ally of the master at which point you have to pass three questions the first one you want to go against the individual they're asking about saying he's like a foul Lich the next question is what to do with a certain ointment so you want to say to clean a wound and then finally I'll ask you what you want and then you basically say get rid of the worm in my head with that the mirror will open and with the character that we want there's someone to go to we will walk through finally at which point we can speak with shovel who will call us a very nice spell-based name and generally excited because you made it here we'll join you and as you can see after that conversation after the interaction suddenly he's appeared on my hot bar always prepared and castable on any short rest this ritual will last until your long rest this allows you to summon shovel wherever whenever you want who comes with invisibility which is obviously very useful to getting places that you otherwise shouldn't or couldn't and as a summon he has scare which will allow you to frighten a creature frightened creatures have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls and can't move which is a very potent thing indeed especially in the early game in act 1 like this also as an extra bonus there's a gilded chest in this room which has a pair of blue braces giving you a plus bonus to your AC if you're not wearing armor or holding a shield so good for a Caster but that's the short story of shovel and how you can get yourself a permanent companion which can be very useful again as a meat Shield or his abilities as early as act 1 that I completely missed moving on from this act 1 stuff how about one from the comments from Droid rage psycho who explained an incredible tip to do with actually increasing your attitude with a vendor something I've explained before so extremely briefly you can improve your attitude with vendors and ultimately that means when you sell stuff to them they give you more gold or they'll sell their stuff to you for Less so that's a great thing to do on a vendor you plan to use and sell to many times in the future to make them like you you can lift actually just give them stuff for example I can be in the barter tab I'm like here's this legendary pair of gloves and you can just have them for free my friend the trader will be pleased with this author yet I'm sure they will so when I literally give him these legendary gloves he's happy with that and his attitude increases by eight however apparently this increase is tied to your level because I'm currently you know max level he's not really giving me nearly as much rep as he otherwise would if I were much slower level so let's test this out I'm back to Withers I'm gonna Respec I'm gonna go try that again at level one so we're back to the vendor I am currently level one let's try that now that we've reloaded and give him the exact same pair of gloves the gloves of Soul catching for 400 gold in value now it's going to be 343 golden value which is interesting it's changed the value of the item let's do the barter and see how much we get wow that's insane so I did not get eight attitude for that batter I got 85 so with a single item barter trade I'll just gift I have reached Max attitude with this vendor so yeah everything that I trade with them now is going to be significantly cheaper or again if I sell stuff to them they'll give me more gold obviously this is a crazy example you should never give a legendary item like that away that's a great tip Droid rage psycho thank you here's a really quick tip from kilobyte in the comments this is a follow-up from an idea where I talked about how I didn't realize you could do something so basically you can right click an item and go okay let's send this to a stereon let's say I just opened a chest I found some arrows I want to give that to Aaron who actually has a bow so I can do it that way or I can do something just a bit simpler and less like okay wait for it to load and then pick the right person I can just take the thing and drag it and it's now honestarian really smooth process but it was kilobyte that said you know in the same line of thought you can do the same thing with storage take a backpack a chest anything really that's a container you can put stuff in of course it'll have all these slots and I can be like all right let's put that there let's put that there and so on and so on good example of that would be the actual sorting chest that has all of this stuff in it and you know it can be a bit off awkward to manually drag it into the specific slot that's empty without accidentally doing this 400 times going oh whoops whoops whoops you know it's kind of annoying so if you are looking to put things in containers of this nature like the storage chest and just do it quickly when you're doing individual items you can't just drag it to the icon at the top of whatever it is you're putting in whether it's actually the icon of a chest inside your inventory or a bag like this it'll just go in or it'll just go straight into an empty slot wherever there is one this is of course a great tip if you're doing a quick saw or dumping like that on that note I want to highlight that people every video are commenting the old uh control click highlight things and then you can right click Center camp in one go or you could say shift click and do multiple items in one go like that this is something I've talked about in the series before so I don't want to make it a thing again but I'm acknowledging it now but one little caveat to that is how you can actually kind of drag all the items you've got in that Gathering and move them around in chunks like that or I guess we could just like throw them on the ground All in One Crazy Loop if you wanted to specifically do do that there's so many interesting ways you can interact with inventory and make the process of doing that a bit smoother which is pretty cool next up we have a double tip from the comments one from Pops 91 and one from the ninja penguin so thank you to you both I've kind of combined your tips so ninja penguin suggested that you can without alerting everyone use a cloud of obscuration or maybe your silence at the same time though it wasn't necessary for me basically take a spellcaster like someone like Gail here cast fog cloud or I could use something like Darkness as an alternative basically you obscure the area and someone within it who is obscured and potentially also silenced can be defeated within one turn and if they're silenced no one will hear their screams which is kind of morbid this means you can just assassinate people without anyone actually seeing or knowing for sure that it was you I mean these guards come over who are standing right there in the middle of the Town while I just basically assassinate this guy install loot from him and they were like yeah no it wasn't you I definitely didn't see you do that it was just a mysterious Cloud that you walked out of so with this tip you can can use your obscuring spells and abilities to assassinate people with very little consequence but the other tip and aspect of this comes from Pops Who highlights the fact that if you go to your passives and toggle on the non-lethal attacks you can knock people down and loot them without actually killing them therefore a merchant like this with particularly valuable things like a key like this incredible chess piece in fact I could just take that with no consequences and not having to buy it at all that's because I've obscured the area I've taken him out in one turn I've none lethal knocked him out so I can just loot him and then once I'm done I can walk away rest come back and everything's as normal and he's selling as normal with no grudges and no problems kinda nuts so whether you're assassinating people or whether you're just rubbing them these two tips mesh well together so I hope that's useful to you it's definitely going to be useful to me our next tip comes from someone who's got a strange name on YouTube but I'm not sure if they even have a username it just says user yz8 so on and so on but I want to credit you so I'll put it on screen but it's to do with gay male or the spellcasters I suppose that have spell slots you want to restore in this tricky way so let's take Gail here and let's cast some spells so I'll cast haste at level three so we've lost level three there I'll cast a level six version which is obviously a lot more expensive let's do a few teleportations which I can do at level two at level three at level five so we can see that I'm missing the spell slots basically right let's restore these spell slots without actually using a long rest to do so we're all gonna go back to the camp and I'm gonna go speak to Gail and I'm gonna tell him I need you to stay in the camp for a little while let's separate for a moment so remember we haven't actually long rested so Gail should still have the same spell slots expended let's now give him a little hit what I'll do is I'll just take off my weapon so I'm not going to do much damage to him and I'll just give him a little friendly pot it's a friendly punch not a big deal so he's gonna heal himself because he doesn't like that using the spell regain hit points it's an ability that I believe isn't actually usable by anyone other than NPCs that aren't in combat to sort of put them back to neutral it was only a little punch he's not that mad at me but now what I'll do is I'll say Hey Girl Let's uh let's keep going why are you not in the party and at this point because he used that restore his own health effect what should happen is all of those spell slots that are used should be back okay interesting it's restored his spell slots one two three four and five are all back of which I used multiple but for some reason it didn't bring back level six as you can see these all recharge per long rest so there's no other way that He restored these other than that little heel we just watched for some reason it hasn't restored level six but it has restored everything else if you guys know how or why this is happening let me know but I'm going to assume that it just restores spells other than the max level in any case this is a very useful tip to restore spells without actually having to long rest you can just go to Camp tell Gail to leave for a second give him a quick punch he'll heal himself and restore his spell slots which is undeniably very useful so thank you to the Yuzu commented that I wish I could credit you better but at least it's on screen this next tip is to do with concentration spells you're using during a fight usually ones that lasts a certain amount of turns like cloud of daggers here at last 10 turns it's a minor thing and it's something that I've kind of known while playing but to be honest with you I've had a hard time remembering where the hell it is because the icon is so small I do think this will be more commonly known though so I'm just going to highlight it very quickly we have a concentration spell like cloud of daggers I put it on the ground now it's in a fight the fight has progressed and now this cloud of daggers is a problem I don't want to walk into it I don't want to take damage there's no reason for it to be there the fight is done and it's still going you can cancel these spells and concentration effects like this by going to the person that's cast it on their icon and just below it is the actual active spell which as you can see has an X next to it which we can press that cancels the concentration effect again this is something that I've known since early access but in the time between I just forgot where it was and even though I knew that you could do that I couldn't find it I kept looking on the left here like I must be here with the boss but where is it I don't get it I was confused I feel silly even saying this but maybe I'll help someone so I'm just acknowledging it in this video so for our final thing today I'm back to terrorize this polar guard once again something I've been doing in my own gameplay that I've realized I should probably mention in this series is when I'm about to take on a massive challenge like an endgame boss fight of which there are some seriously tough ones in act three what I've been doing is I've been precasting if you didn't know pre-buffing spells is well worth doing before an immediate fight when obviously you'll you know is coming but there's an issue with pre-buffing and precasting that basically prevents people from doing it take bless here for 10 turns total I can bless up to three creatures to improve their attack rolls so let's buff up cool we're all blessed and we're stronger and we're dealing more damage for 10 turns before the fight but the problem is the buff is currently running out right now instead of having 10 turns we're at nine in fact now we're down to eight and it's just going down and down down so before you actually fight and buff up before the fight you need to do it quick right before there's 10 turns runs out the problem with that is say I'm planning on buffing people before the fight happens and then I'm also going to maybe give my main Ally who's gonna do the most damage haste okay now we're ready to fight let's begin the fight I'm gonna have nine turns of haste four turns of bless as we begin the fight instead of 10 and 10 which is obviously a lot better well what you can do is just use turn-based mode of course so let's bless up again to get it back to 10 Stacks before we start the fight and there we are all at 10 stacks of bless and this time it's not going down let's swap to Gail and again haste the main person that's going to do most of the damage great now he's got 10 stacks of haste and that's going to last as long as possible throughout the fight with those double buffed up and ready to go we can start the fight immediately and as you can see I've got nine stacks of blessing haste at the start of the fight lasting nine more turns ready to go so I should be ready to absolutely destroy this poor guard who has truly done nothing wrong at all except just be a convenient dummy that I can hit right next to a waypoint so yeah this is something that I just do in my own gameplay I go into the big top fights as fully prepared as I can making use of this trick technically you can use one character to do multiple Buffs but in that case you'd need to be out of turn based mode apply the first buff then go turn base mode and apply the next one and then you can do multiple like that but knowing this can really improve the start of a fight and you know the start of a fight often decides how it's going to go in the first place so make use of this if you've not been but there you have it another round of useful interesting things that you probably didn't know in Boulders gate 3. as always I hope this was useful too are very least interesting hopefully there's at least a few things you didn't know on that note as always if you do have anything you think most people don't know you've noticed or seen somewhere or whatever then let me know in the comments maybe we'll include it in a future video for now though I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Jewel again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 66,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shovel quasit, baldurs gate 3 shovel familiar, baldurs gate 3 gold, spell slots, baldurs gate 3 spells slots, gold, level 6 spell, spell slot, baldurs gate 3 best spell, best spell, best spells, baldurs gate 3 act 3, best weapon, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 side quests, baldurs gate 3 magic items, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: 7X7H9t2J5jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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