The BEST Multiclass in Baldurs Gate 3 (The "Main Character" Build + Items)

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what is going on everybody another Baldur's Gate 3 video for you today today I'm going to be talking about my uh favorite multi-class in the game it's the one I play on my main character is the one I've been playing I've been enjoying it a lot basically lets you do everything you can be the party's face you can be a powerful melee combat and you can use the best can trip in the game multi-purpose space you get all spells you get all the weapon and arm proficiencies in the game um Mr do it all it's the main character build is what I like to call it because you can kind of do everything for context I've been playing dungeon dragons actual dungeon dragons nobody K3 for uh probably about four or five years I run multiple campaigns myself I play multiple campaigns um so I've been building characters in the sort of DnD 5e system for a long time and this is a build that is pretty common in actual DND as well uh mostly known to be the sort of blaster Caster the ultimate Blaster Caster kind of thing um with this one is slightly varied I'll explain a little bit more later on but what this is going to be it's a triple multi-class build part fighter part warlock part sorcerer uh there's a little flexibility in what you can pick um and it really comes online at total level eight character level eight so you might want to consider running something slightly different up until level eight and then uh respecting then because it's so cheap to respect in this game anyway uh it doesn't really you know it doesn't really matter what you could do instead of going for this one is go to warlock 3 and then get the rest of the levels and Sorcerer And you'll until you get to level eight and then respect and do what I'm about to tell you so let's get into it a little bit so for the race um any is a good option to be honest the races in this game don't really affect the build too much like they do in uh DND fifth edition there's no sort of attribute bonuses that you get from being a particular race personally if you want to go um for the most effective the most useful thing I would say tieflings and dragonborns are probably one of the best ones because um you get the same movement as the other like full-size classes and you can get resistances from it tieflings obviously get fire resistances and depending on what type of do you think you are you can get different kind of casting abilities get different spells as well um and for Dragonborn you can kind of pick a resistance though you uh you do get less from Dragon ones personally because the breath weapon is a little bit sort of me especially compared to late level spells you'll basically never be using it so for me tieflings are a little bit better than dragonborn's but dragonborns are [ __ ] sick so you know you might want to play a dragon one just because they're so cool um but yeah you can kind of pick whatever you like to be honest they're just my recommendations from a if you want to be um the most powerful you can possibly be round is important though because here is where we can make a choice to maximize our skill proficiencies because you get scope efficiencies from your background and we're going to be picking up some other skill professions along the way so it's important to pick ones here that aren't necessarily going to come up again so we're not going to be doubling up on any because you won't get anything for that you'll just sort of waste waste an opportunity to pick up another skill proficiency so here we're going to be picking up urchin because you get the very valuable sleight of hand proficiency which really doesn't actually come up very often what I found is sure you can have a Starion in your party and he could basically lock pick everything anyway but um if you don't want to have a story in your party kind of screwed you can't you don't unless you are good at block picking and all those dexterity skills like stealth you're not really gonna get anybody else that's very good at it so may as well be to you right so pick up the sleight of hand proficiency you also get stealth proficiency with this like I was saying so that's also really useful it's another proficiency that you're not really going to get to come up I'm not really going to get the opportunity to get very often so very useful okay guys so I've gone in game here so you can kind of see what's uh what's going on but we are going fighter at level one so what else is going to get us is basically all the armor and weapon efficiencies which is obviously super nice it's going to give us Constitution saving throw proficiency which is super useful for holding concentration on spells um and a specifically useful later on with how this class is going to work in combat we also get to pick a fighting style here which is super useful um I would just go for defense for the play Star we're gonna go with here they're the ones don't really matter we're gonna be using a shield and a one-handed weapon most likely and the other ones aren't really you know they only want you to really go for otherwise is two weapon fighting which we're not going to be too well inviting um or great weapon fighting but again we're not going to be using that on this bill because it's just not going to be the best way for us to Output damage so defense is good A plus one to your AC is pretty much useful in every situation so that's the one or ability scores is what we're gonna pick most importantly Charisma 16 Constitution at 16 dexteria 14. um you can kind of then throw two tens on either three remaining skills I choose intimidate intelligence and wisdom because strength is not really something going to be used on this character it's the kind of thing that doesn't really it's easily avoided and things that require fire strength checks are things that can easily be done with another character like karlak you know they're mostly out of game or out of dialogue situations where you can just switch to another companion and do it with them instead so no reason to pick strength the only reason you might want to pick strength as another 10 skill instead of probably intelligence here is because it gives you carrying capacity that's literally the only reason um I can't see any other reason why you'd want to as far as skill proficiency is another thing important thing here I get perception from my race in this one because I am a drought on this character but if you don't get perception from race you're picking that it's so much better the best choice out of all these probably um so you go perception if you don't have it already and then either Insight or intimidation the other two that I've picked here um intimidation is eventually going to be the one missing um sort of Charisma dialogue skill we're going to have persuasion we're going to have deception later on so intimidation fills that Gap a little bit so we just have all of the dialogue options Insight is similar um we don't we're not going to reach the same maximum bonus with that because we're obviously already very good at Charisma and insight is not a charisma skill but having the professionally with the Insight is very useful good Insight is something that also comes up a lot in all of the um all dialogues you know it just it's a passive thing so you might notice things that a character is doing um that aids in the storytelling process so that's kind of cool to have as well um so perception first and then either intimidation or insight that's the fix there second level we're going fighter again and this will actually be our last level in fighter but this is the level where we get action surge which isn't too important yet so what you could do is sort of delay this fire level until a little bit later in the leveling process but if you're respecting anyway it doesn't really matter um and like I said if you are um starting the game from scratch going level by level going through the story I probably wouldn't recommend doing Fighter 2 first it's certainly doable don't get me wrong you can absolutely do that but you might find that around level um soul level three well actually no you'll probably end up being pretty weak from the beginning because we've dumped our strengths so um what you'd probably have to do anyway is pick two levels in fire but not dump your strength go with a completely different set of early scores and then Respec again when you get to like level four or five um probably level five you'd race back again if you wanted if you really wanted to go fire first but like I said what you'd skip the Two fighter levels and respect a level eight that's what I would do but anyway let's carry on so that's level two we get fire we're gonna get we're next we're going to go over and pick um warlock because they're going to be our next um our next class that we're going to pick so everybody knows why warlocks are good if you've never played DND before and never played board the game before uh warlocks basically get the best can trip in the game Eldritch blast you fire a beam of energy it's Force damage which is the least if I'm not mistaken it's either force of psychic damage it's the least resisted damage in uh DND and the same goes from Baldur's Gate so basically a count drip you can use against anything and warlocks even get the extra ability to power up their oldest blast to be even better um the also good thing about Elder glass is that the higher your character level not just wallet level because that's a very important thing the higher your character level the more beams of Elder's glass you get to shoot per per blast so I think at level five it goes up to two beams so you get fire two which can be a two completely different targets if you like and I believe at level uh maybe level nine you might have to check the wiki for that one but I think it's level nine or ten that you get another another beam a third Beam mode blast um which is really cool so 100 big analogous glass is one of our contracts that's absolutely a uh absolutely a given so the other cam trip I would say you don't really need you're not going to really need a melee thing they made the range thing like bone chill um I would go for more of a utility thing so blade Ward's quite good but um so I'd go something like friends magehand um minor illusion is also good this is one of those things where depending on what kind drips you might get from say a tiefling race I think the Mephistopheles tiefling gets magehand I think so this is one way you're gonna pick something I'm gonna go friends here because um very useful in conversation situations again this isn't going to be a build where your character can kind of do go into the situation be the phase of the party some classes another Choice um I would say it's either themed or Arch Bay Arch facing to want the the a lot of people like to pick because you get the same presence ability which is really cool um charm off right in nearby furs with the Fey Wilds beguile and get disturbing Magics it only lasts two turns and when I picked Archway I actually thought the range on that is not very good you kind of have to be pretty much in melee range anyway very very close people free meeting is not a lot I prefer the fiend um the spells that you get are okay oh you know arms of guitar is pretty good armor bag at this is pretty good but mainly it's a subclass feature of dark one's blessing we're looking for here when you kill something you get four temporary hit points right makes us a little bit more tanky it's just just three hit points I'm we're probably going to be killing a lot of creatures with this build so that's just nice to have as far as spells you can pick again this is very much um technical except for one thing pickaxe this is gonna be very important go and download it they're going down the line it's our main concentration spell um when I get to the end of the levels we'll discuss what the combat situation is like for for something like this but that's basically what you're going to want to pick Taylor should read was really good reaction One first level spell slot which you it's a warlock spells a lot so you get that back on a short rest and it deals quite a lot of damage to be fair 2D 10 fire damages nothing to shake a slick at so how much is a good option charm person Commander also both really good options as well so they have something to look at especially command command is something that really can make enemies do quite a lot of really useful things but to be fair you're probably gonna have all the party members that have access to command or other control spells so I would just go for the ones that deal out a lot of damage like hellish review Next Level warlock 2 um again we don't spell spells aren't too important here go for some um useful things command's good like I said we've already got uh friends so charm person is not exactly um that useful because we don't really need two spells that do that so I would go command or you could go for one of the ones that sort of gives you a little bit of um coverage which bolt is used for I might actually say go to for which bolt here to be honest because uh in situations where you can spot that there's a bunch of enemies standing in water which Bolt's a nice thing to have so yeah I'll go for that Eldritch invocation now here is a really really important choice you're getting agonizing blast don't even question me you get to add your charisma modifier to your religious blast damage it's just this is this is the the invocation that makes warlocks so good this is what makes Elvis blast the best can trip in the game just pick it just don't don't even ask me more players as far as the second choice you've kind of got a little bit of choice here personally I like to go for beguiling influence which is not really something that a lot of people go for um another choice is repelling blast which allows your elbows blast to also push people away I think the wording of this is a little bit funny because it says you can push the creature up to 4.5 meters away as if you get a choice the wording about made me thought at first that you this game gives you a choice of whether you want your average glass to push somebody back like it comes up as like one of the little into a little uh what's the world reaction dialogue where it says hey you know if you want to push them back a little bit um that's not how it works at all it just does it which is kind of annoying because sometimes you'll knock an enemy off a cliff um that you don't necessarily want to knock off with this maybe maybe they're a boss and they have some good items on them they won't fix so that's an option that certainly makes your Elder glass more powerful but I'll go for bar darling influence except for Garland beguiling importance because you get Proficiency in deception and persuasion which again we're Charisma based character having those proficiencies is just really really useful um so go for that Devil's sight is also quite useful you get bass to get a little bit of dark vision but if you're picking particular races you might already have that so that's you know something so that these speech is also useful you can cast speak with animals at will without expanding any spell slots which is super cool really unlocks some interesting um interesting dialogue options with a lot of animals in the game that's just a nice to have but I would go big island probably began influence obese speech if you don't want repelling blasts like I don't because too many times I've not condemning off a cliff I had a sword that I wanted and I've had to reload a save and do the whole fight again which is just really annoying so regarding influence speed speech that's probably what you want to go for okay warlock three you got another spell here um I would pick either Misty step or Mirror Image personally you get Misty step from one of the items I'm going to recommend layer but you would do only get it at one use um but mirror image is also good I'm gonna pick Mirror Image here and then pack to the blade that's the pack boom we're picking it lets you use if you bind your packed weapon as the whatever weapon you want it becomes a Charisma weapon no longer a strength or dexterity weapon so it's what allows us to do melee damage basically because our Charisma modifier is obviously much better than well whatever else we were getting and warlock level four is the next one that we go for um this is going to be our last level in warlock we get one extra can trip here I'll probably go magehand because it's uh are you still alive no I'm gonna let's go blade uh either Mage handle blade Ward um you can tell I'm a little bit torn here but that's the last one we're gonna pick there and then spells we learn another spell I'm Gonna Learn miss you step here because it's the one I didn't use last time and finally this is our feet level we're gonna not pick a feat and we're gonna bump our Charisma up with the ability Improvement um we don't need to go any higher with Charisma because we're going to find items that will increase our Charisma even more but that's the last warlock level we will be taking so this is a situation where um it's a little bit gutting that we don't just get one extra level here somewhere um because level five warlocks gets the deepened pack and if you pack to the blade you get extra attack which is obviously really useful to get an extra attack with your packed weapon helps combat a lot more damage but you'll see later on because we're actually going to be switching to sorcerer here and this will allow us to get to a maximum of sorceress six which I'll explain why that's important later getting to source for a six so a little bit rough that we don't get an extra attack there but it's going to be worth it trust me so sorcerer is the next level we're going to pick we get four countries here this is where our spell casting really starts to sort of take off a little bit blade towards a good one here fireball's useful just for oh pardon me fireball's useful because um it's not necessarily useful for damage because we've got Eldridge Blast for that but for lighting things on fire it's just useful to have a camera that can do fire damage light is another useful one here and then I would probably go for rare Frost we already have which bolt for lightning damage so we don't need um we don't need shocking grasp there bone chill is quite good um I would pick either bone chill or rare Frost to be honest um Ray Frost helps slow people down so you can if you're chasing an enemy you can choose to use rare Frost instead of your eldest Blast for example and Bone chill prevents healing and Undead get disadvantaged on attack rolls so they're both quite useful situationally they're not going to do as much damage in zeldridge Blast but that's not really what you're going to be using these for anyway you could also just get rid of lighting over bone chill instead that's probably what I do actually um because light is very situational you're probably going to have torches anyway so who cares then for spells so wouldn't really don't need any damaging ones here to be honest we're not going to be using them Shield's really useful because you can just expand a spell slot to not get hit with how high our AC is going to be so that's super useful to get chromatic gobs nice because you can choose the damage type but we've already kind of got enough damage coverage already I would go for Thunder Wave not only is it damage coverage but it's also so satisfying when you can use Thunder Wave and Chuck a bunch of enemies off the cliff at once it's it's just nice it's just a nice feeling to do that um and we also get to pick our subclass it's between draconic sorcery or storm uh draconic bloodline or storm sorcery sorry now the thing to keep in mind here you might say you know the level six bonus you get from draconic bloodline is um much better right and I would agree with that you get to pick any other damage resistance as you can see here these all say at level six you get a bonus with the spell and you become resistant we're not resisting yet and with the way this build is laid out we'll only get this resistance at level 12 where we've already kind of done most of the game and I don't really personally I think at that point these damages resistances are just not not that useful we do get some spells from some of these um we've kind of already got enough spells though that's the thing so do we really need these I would say no I would pick storm sorcery because the feature you get with this is that if you castle level one spell or higher as your bonus action you can fly away without taking opportunity attacks which is just it's the kind of thing that's very situational you're not going to necessarily need it every combat but when you need it you're going to be so thankful you have it right so and from here on out we're basically just taking sorcerer to the Moon all the way to the end it's Bell again we get another spell choice here still only level one spells but uh I mean don't really need much at this point you've kind of got everything you want um featherfall maybe maybe enhanced leap um like I said you're really not looking for much here if that makes sense we get our first meta magic options here these options are pretty limited I think twin spell is definitely the best out of these four but you get to pick two so I picked twin spell and one of the others I would say distance spell is probably the most app making or Eldritch Eldritch blast better sorcerer three this is where things really start to kick off so again we get another spell some level two spells I think I'd probably just get detect thoughts straight away just because the role playing and story elements you get with detect thoughts are just super useful and then you're getting quick and spell I'm not even going to bother explaining any of the ones because quick and spell is the one we want for three sorcery points we get to cast a spell as a bonus action it would normally be an action if you haven't figured it out yet we're going to get into why that's so insane but yeah we'll get to it you've probably figured out already but you'll you'll see so that's all the levels I have in my build uh on this character sorry um and this is lucky because that's kind of where the build really kicks off um Next Level would be sorcerer four you get your second feet option here so you kind of got a lot of choices you can either go for another ability score increase and get your charisma up to 20. this means that when we find our item later in the game in act three that increases our Charisma will be a 22 Charisma which is obviously really insane but in my opinion is there much difference between a 20 Charisma and 22 Charisma yeah you get an extra plus one on some of your damage rolls and stuff like that I haven't really decided yet if that's the way to go I don't I don't think so personally I think some of the feet options are just too useful not to have them some obvious choices here warcaster gives us advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain spell concentration we already have Proficiency in there anyway so we'll kind of already be very good at concentration checks anyway other choices spell sniper this means that we roll crit damage on 19s as well as 20s with our spells but we get we're going to get an item that does that pretty early in the game I'll tell you about it at the end we're going to get an item that does that for free basically we'll have just having the item if you don't want to get this item or for a story reason you can't get it which we'll get into pick spell sniper it's really really good all the choices are lucky which is always a great choice because you get three look type look points which are basically free re-rolls so I mean you can imagine how amazing that is and alert is another what good one you get a plus five of an on initiative um which is massive in this game I don't remember in the exact thing but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that this game doesn't use a D20 for initiative roles it uses a different smaller die which if that's the case plus five is a massive difference it's really going to make sure that you are going first in basically every combat so okay I'm gonna use this test dummy as a little bit of a example here of what a round look might look like with this build so I'm not gonna be able to do all of it because action surge is not available um unless you're in combat which I'm not so first turn in combat you're gonna hex with your bonus action to get the extra 1d6 necrotic damage with every hit um and then I'll just blast with your action right so that's going to be what you do I can turn that's when things really kicking the high gear right so you get your 1d6 damage extra on each hit keep that in mind because that's just extra damage we're gonna get on top so action double Eldridge class bang bang that's two that's two procs of hex so we're getting 1d10 plus our original modifier plus hex damage then you action Surge and you do it again bang bang two more eldest blasts then well meta magic eldest blast two more Elder blasts two more algebra blasts two more procs of hex damage wow I mean that's a that's a lot of damage a lot um the thing that's really amazing about this is that that's not even its final form because at higher character levels at character level 10 you your elders blast turns into a three blast outage blast so rather than six beams of algebra blast on a turn you're now getting nine and all nine of them protect damage I mean come on so let's talk items because there's some items that really power up this build a lot first of all armor just go for whatever the best diving armor is that you can find if you want to bump up the AC as high as possible similar goes for the shield an easy way to boost your AC any Shield that gives you plus two great there are a few in the game that give you a plus three to your AC they're quite few and far between or a weapon there's a very specific weapon that you should aim for in this build it's called The Knife of the undermountain king um you get it from the Palmera and the gethianki crash that you get in the game crashed elect I think is how you pronounce it and it basically gives you the spell sniper feet which is pretty nuts I haven't been able to it's hard to test if it actually works but everybody online seems to seems to say even though it's obviously a melee weapon that part of the weapons tool tip doesn't specify melee weapon attacks it just says attacks made score a crit on a 19 as well as a 20. and people people other people online have done tests I assume and say that it works as the spell sniper feet which is pretty mad so pick up there and then you don't need the spell sniper feet if you don't get this weapon I would get the spell sniper feet at sorcerer 4. rather than War Caster because like I said warcaster basically just makes us better at Constitution saving throws but we're already pretty [ __ ] good at Constitution saving Growers so we don't really need it where a spell sniper reducing your crit chance from just a 20 to a 19 and a 20. that actually statistically increases our chance of getting a crit by a lot so get that weapon and if not like if you can't get to the crash or something because of story choices you've made get the spell sniper feet at sorcerer 4. for the head slot the Marksmanship hat is pretty good um but when you get to Boulder's Gate in act three you should go to the store that sells the birthright helm this gives you a plus two to your charisma which is going to bump us up to 20 Charisma which is obviously massive and it's going to get you to 22 if you're already at 20 Charisma necklace wise the surgeon's subjugation amulet is probably the best it gives you a ability where if you create a critical hit an enemy you can choose to also paralyze them which is obviously really really good because if you didn't know when you paralyze somebody the same as if they go prone you always have advantage on here so if you do that and you have I don't know car lock on your team or lays out or God forbid you have both of them and you can just hit somebody that's paralyzed with like four attacks that's a lot of damage and that's it that's my build it's the ultimate Blaster Caster it does melee it does party face activities you can do block picking with this because you have a high Dax and you have sleight of hand proficiency um there's really not a lot that this build can't do to be honest um it's probably not as you know a lot of people like to use the term min max with DND where you sort of hyper focus on one thing and you get really good at it right that's a way to go but this build is more of a it's still really competent in combat but it's also so good at a load of different stuff which for this game I just feel like it's the right way of playing it because the game for Better or For Worse kind of forces you into these situations where your main character has to be the one that does stuff for example in my playthrough where I play this exact build I'll have a party of myself um Shadow heart I like and Laser um I've respect lazel so she has one level in Barbarian so that you can Rage of respect Shadow heart into a live domain cleric so she can do better healing and then stacked her for healing Heavy Armor high AC all that and Carla's still above full barbarian a lot of people will look at me and be like a starry and you don't have a story on your team what are you doing and what I found was that I kind of didn't need a Starion the only thing he was on my party for for a long time was the sleight of hand proficiency because despite having a really good Charisma um he never was the person speaking to people it was always my main character because he's the main character which it's kind of a floor in the way the game works I do reckon what they should do is give you some options in um options in the chat dialogue options where you can kind of get one of your party members to say something instead of you um you know it makes no sense for you to try an intimidation check when karlak is standing right [ __ ] there why would you do that right if they did that I would probably shy away from these more charisma-faced heavy roles because you don't need to but at this point in the game and the way the game works you kind of need to which is an unfortunate thing same goes for sleight of hand up to a lesser extent what was basically happening was you know a Starion would be the person to lock pick things and open locked chests and disarm traps and then he would open them and because he was the character that my that I was controlling at the time he would loot it in fill his inventory but he isn't very high strength so he can't carry a lot so then I was having to open my inventory sharing screen and move things around and it was just kind of annoying and I was left feeling like damn it I wish my character was good at sigh of hand so I didn't have to do all this extra inventory management [Music] so there you are that's why I made sure this build is good at slide hand as well like I said you can build characters in this game just like in DND 5th edition that are much better than this at one thing an example being if you forego two levels in Warlock and you instead just go Fighter 2 warlock 2 and then go sorcerer eight you'll get more sorcery points you get more spell slots you get more it's just better at being a blaster but you don't get the melee bonus so you're not doing anything a melee also if you just don't get the leveled in fighter you will be better at being the spellcaster you can take just two levels in warlock to get Eldridge blast on your invocation options and then go to sorcerer 10 and you get even more spell thoughts and be better casting spells and more meta magic options all this stuff so but then you can't do your your heavy armor you can't do your action surge you don't get defense for the plus one to AC you don't get the Constitution saving throw proficiency which is probably the most important part to be honest you're not quite as as versatile which is what I think this build really screens it's the most versatile build that you can build it's the the best for your main character in my opinion if you like the video please leave a like on the video and comment down below if you like these Baldur's gay videos or if there's any other sort of party roles they want me to do a build for because I'm really excited for that there is actually a video coming out soon I think if you like this one you're really really going to like so please subscribe to the channel uh to see that I'm also going to be starting a very specific um you know Baldur's Gate 3 play through that I'll be doing live and uploading videos of that has a very specific goal in mind you know it's it's a very focused you'll see I'm very excited to put the video out you'll be seeing it not long after this one I hope so stick around other than that enjoy your day and keep wasting all of your time in Baldur's Gate peace out everybody [Music]
Channel: AbsolutelyJaked
Views: 29,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, stream, streamer, jaked, absolutelyjaked, gamer, game, live, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, multiclass, build, class, level, op, items, best, guide, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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