How is Twitter free? #77

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hey you Scott vanity chief feel calm prefer t percent off limited time only I gave my boss my Netflix password so he could watch tiger king and this man has lost his mind his kids added their own profile and he changed my profile to ours nah fam he really bug in and takes us while saying now you've gone too far huh don't mess with my profile old man our profile nah fam I just love baddest dudes boss was like screw it boys I'm a changer so we've got a shared account and add my kids on girls using boys using so then H free drops another video responding to team and then say total girls on a club men can't even buy their girl roses but expect of PS 5 Tom Nook has been arrested we have no comment at this time all loan repayment is now frozen indefinitely effective immediately Tom's PR the economy is about to come crashing down fellas Tom Nook is not in the good books this is the biggest ice cream cone I've ever seen everything reminds me of her rest in peace grandma wait why does this remind you of your grandma oh god no they're just not eyebrow and this guy's got some pretty interesting Instagram DMS whose quavo I'm leaving Barack for you we're missing you hey babe I miss you so when you coming mine hey daddy [Music] quarantine got me addicted to my phone shaking my head right so let's guy screen time for the last seven days patreon 107 outlets only Babs what written four hours and then Safari and YouTube just don't even come close oh no when he tells you he hasn't spent a lot of time on Xbox tonight but his hair tells you different dead that's a nice trim you got there bro especially considering that like most of us can't see our hairdressers at the moment ha ha ha this kid sent me a bet Fred and I sent him a screen shot of me on the FBI tip site and so they might only stop if he sent me a video of him apologizing he did it turns out he's like 13 next up ariana grande tweets out this amazing selfie and calloc says what you up to and wrote ashore applies to fist PDA [Music] please look what my dad sent me this morning I cannot even and we've got pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen okay suspense dad text him saying so dave was out walking his dog and there was a couple walking towards him with a white version of his dog turns out they're brother and sister from the same litter but instead of just playing like they do with other dogs look at this no way bro were they hugging again it's too cute um I have a ps4 sister gets a text from his mama in law saying hey I think you left your controller when you came to see Sierra and it's an Xbox controller oh man that's a painful painful way to find out that your girl's cheating on you dudes be like send ass then get mad when I sent back there for night montage opening one see free movies and seeing hot babes want to smash you MacLaren's 720 versus r32 gt-r [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bro what the Frick is the Benz SUV pushing and yeah that's out this Mercedes was actually on the TV because of a police pursue stolen vehicle what to see man what is the chances of that you know these two dudes out here on the road being like right let's have a 1v1 my GTR versus your McLaren let's see it's got the most pace and it's random murky just comes up from the side beam up and turns out in a freaking police chase the Frick bro okay this person poster image that says how long is one game of League of Legends around 35 minutes the average game time is currently around 35 minutes including champion slate keep in mind for the champ select alone could be seven minutes long if everyone utilizes their full timers in general the lower rank you're playing at the longer average duration of games will be wait then why sis dude left me on red for a hundred thirteen weeks he told me he was playing weak this happens to be in college after I hooked up with this guy who said he'd text me off the baseball practice the next morning baseball practice has been going on for four years now poor thing he must be so tired by now he's still playing at setting the average game length don't worry honey wait what the hell Pokemon you could be in a happy relationship right now but you scared the DMM first just think about that Oh God to be fair it's easier said than done man like there's a reason most people are scared to do that it's because ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine times out of 100,000 you're gonna get rejected or left on red but anyways try it Bros why not okay this is pretty crazy man back in 2012 Donald Trump tweets out saying Robert Patterson should not take back Kristen Stewart she cheated on him like a dog and will to again just watch he can do much better and this guy says Donald Trump you should be President for saying that about that one chief yeah but it's like Donald Trump a big Twilight fan or something bro the first time we ever comprehend that this man is president is when he's discussing the relationship issues between Roy Pattinson and Kristen Stewart nice me and the computer lab in fifth grade goes be like oopsie [Applause] LS customs gonna fix that for 140 bucks next up we have probably one of the most liked and retweeted tweets I have ever seen on planet Earth anyways first tweets are saying his father left when he was 12 now he has a YouTube channel called dad how do I to help kids who growing up without dad's teaching him basic tasks that he usually asked your dad for help on this is the purest thing and we got this guy's YouTube channel here called dad how do I and yeah people went crazy they thought this was so awesome and I completely agree and yeah after this tweet went viral getting like 2.3 million likes this news channel just blew up like he's our over 1 million subscribers now just like that this is awesome man probably one of the most wholesome things if not the most wholesome moment I've ever seen on Twitter this is the nutshell [Music] wait that someone gives themselves yeah Brady doesn't have to kill I um give that money back but is there any way I can give the money back are you - Andrew once again I'm telling you though yees don't have to sub like he's dead hefty you can't watch this stuff for free right it's the best thing you can do oh man it's crazy to different type of people you get on Twitch you get some people being like give me sobs give me sobs I need your money and you get this like this being like it's nowhere I hope you enjoy the content I don't really know how any of you I could sit for a stream up being like give me subs I just click off yo free my dog I'm so confused by this PhotoShelter I was a dog end up being subdued by the police maybe this self-isolation crack is exactly what I deserve that is turned into the gist eat up hope you're feeling a bit better shout here when you need anything do you want tea now before I go on a call I make a for now maybe after you're cool you can leave a cup of tea and a slice it tastes outside the door will do your bedroom delivery order for tea and toast is being processed ETA zero 9:15 a.m. Quetzal on bread the frosting bread transferred the toaster toast out lightly toasted only tea made out for delivery delivered you're an angel love you love you too anyways guys sighs if this episode of house twists are free I really hope you didn't enjoy and of course to be near an tear basically pack me and funny tweets out fainted sad if you want to be featured in the next episode and subscribe so you don't miss out on new episodes every Sunday pretty epic bro yeah see you later have an absolutely amazing day much love peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fainted
Views: 245,382
Rating: 4.9751444 out of 5
Keywords: how is twitter free, funny tweets, funny, tweets, how is twitter free? #77, fainted
Id: LeV4hW0KrT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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