How Fast Can you Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Mew?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so as july comes to a close or maybe august begins we are going to do the final legendary pokemon in red and blue mew other than moltres the legendary pokemon have performed really well so far and people are very curious to see if mew could even surpass mewtwo now there are a couple major advantages mew has one of them is that mew literally can learn any tm that includes signature moves like soft boiled which is really really great the second major advantage it has is that it is part of the medium slow level up group which is kind of an accurate name because for our purposes it's actually the second fastest and prior to 21 it's actually the fastest level up group and that's very important the reason being is mu's biggest disadvantage the fact that it just starts with one move a 40 base power normal move pound and of course that's gonna make brock difficult and like with zapdos the key is to minimizing the amount of time we need to spend before we face brock so what i did was i battled the two bug catchers and any wild pokemon since it will make a difference in leveling up then i'm going to battle rival 1a who i call 1a because he's optional and generally it's slower to go back and face him and facing him right away never makes sense because his pokemon are way stronger than the bug catchers so i generally don't here's an example where it does once i face him i fight the final bug catcher and then the junior trainer and after i defeat the sand true i've leveled up to level 14 at about 25 in game minutes which give or take is about eight to ten minutes slower than minimum battles but the battle against brock is also going to be kind of slow and i was genuinely questioning whether it would be possible at level 14. thankfully one thing i haven't mentioned yet is that mew has a base 100 in every single stat meaning it will get a critical hit 19.5 percent of the time we're going to need a few of those critical hits because brock likes to use defense curl and we have a 40 base power normal move additionally we do want to have enough hp for onyx and thanks to getting decent critical hit luck i'm able to make it past the geodude at 34 hp now against onyx you might notice that even when he uses bide i'm still using pound because mew's second move is transform a move that typically is associated with ditto but mew also learns it if we use transform right away we will become onyx and we'll be stuck with tackle screech and bide its three moves at five powerpoints each that isn't the best case scenario for right now so i'm just going to have to hope i don't get critical hits while he's using bide and continue to go for pound however as onyx approaches about half hp you'll notice i'm running out of pounds so we're gonna have to use transform eventually i decide to use it once i'm at four pounds remaining because brock went for bide and so this is good at time as any now that i'm transformed i'm going to hit brock with a couple screeches thankfully it's a three turn bide and both of my screeches connect which is super useful now the idea is to go for tackle until he uses bite again once that happens i'm gonna use screech it doesn't matter if this hits cause i'm gonna at least have two turns and then i'm just gonna use screech so i don't take back any by damage now i'm gonna go for tackle and you're seeing it's doing pretty decent damage with -6 and defense i was really hoping taka would do enough to knock out onyx but alas i use all five power points and onyx just has a little bit of health left so i have to get lucky and go for bide and hope that onyx does enough damage for me to knock it out but not too much damage that i faint thankfully that's exactly what happens i knock out onyx with onyx's own bide and while the battle was rather lengthy we have gotten by brock relatively quickly considering that we only had a single normal move and transform i'm pretty happy with this result however unlike with zapdos where we have drill peck and thundershock to help us speed through the next part we are stuck with pounds still at least until level 20 where we get mega punch which isn't exactly ideal because it misses like 20 of the time and so as i save in mount moon we're at 39 minutes or nine minutes slower than the slowest legendary bird zapdos and 17 minutes behind articuno or to put it another way we've taken roughly double the time so it's not looking great for mew and i was hoping by the time we finished with all the trainers in mount moon we would hit level 20 and would have mega punch for misty's gym turns out it didn't quite work out that way in fact even after defeating the golden in misty's gym i still was at level 19 meaning i at least had to face staryu without mega punch now by the way the reason i want to face misty first not only is because it's faster but because misty gives the tm for bubble beam and there are two reasons why it's really good to have bubble beam at this point reason one is because most pokemon at this point of the game have better defense than special plus we don't have to go back to the pokemon center to restore our power points as often so as i just said i'm at level 19 while facing misty and hopefully i can get lucky like with a crit against star unit won't take too long misty goes for x defend which isn't great obviously pound now does not knock out star u it goes for water gun does barely anything and i knock it out in three hits not bad i level up and now have mega punch now the key is not missing or getting hit with critical hit bubble beams that would be bad also i didn't necessarily count on being outsped by starmie misty goes for x defend which is pretty bad for time as you can see megapunch does around a quarter now thankfully starmie goes for water gun and mega punch gets a critical hit that's great because the next hit will knock it out i do then get bubble beam which isn't a critical hit and it doesn't really matter because as long as i hit which i do mega punch knocks it out and down goes misty overall that actually was kind of close to ideal thanks to the critical hits i got and now we can go ahead and face rival 2. now i was worried bubble beam wouldn't quite be a two-hit ko so i go for mega punch it does over half which is good thankfully pidgeotto doesn't go for sand attack i'm able to go for bubble beam and then knock out pidgeotto abra is such weak defense i thought pound might be a one ko i got a critical hit so it was that may have been the reason it was one of ko but abra can't attack so whatever now rattata has pretty awful stats so i go for bubble beam since it's 100 accurate it does knock it out in one hit and the final pokemon is charmander which i didn't pick for this reason but hey it's kind of nice that bubble beam will knock it out in one hit the truth is because mew can learn every tm it doesn't really matter which starter i picked and i hadn't seen charmander in a while so that was one reason behind it couldn't pick venusaur because of the psychic weakness so i'm not sure if it was the best doesn't matter i win and truth be told i don't really have much to talk about so let's just show you that battle a second time but at a few levels higher but i did do one thing in the interim that i probably should mention sometimes i really like to stick to minimum battles but in game time is the most important metric so i decided it would be smart based on what i decided to do with mu to take the extra time and to get body slam it's only slightly more powerful than mega punch but it's 100 accurate and frankly i feel it saves way more time than the one battle it takes to go and get body slam so i'm going to do that and thus it's going to make rival 3 even easier than rival 2. pidgeotto is close to being a one-hit ko with body slam just survives thankfully doesn't use sand attack raticate is a wanna ko with body slam i outspeed the kadabra another 1k with body slam and even though charmander's evolved it still can't stand up to bubble beam and that's rival number three pretty good we get cut and i do just want to address this quickly some people have talked about using mu and just using mu so it does all the hm moves unfortunately that would just put it at such a major disadvantage that it wouldn't be fun for me because it is fun to compare and this would not be an apples to apples comparison if you had to use hm moves so we're not going to do that we're going to use the same rules i always use even though of course you can learn every hm move and thus i don't theoretically need to have other pokemon it does actually take time to catch the other pokemon so it's worth the time investment in order to not have to have mew learn those moves anyway on to face lieutenant surge i have taught the tm for dig at this point usually i teach it to paris but you can learn it and dig is 100 base power i do want to go fast so i think body slam against volator maybe one of ko i'm wrong again just survives on like one hb knock it out the next turn but could have gone for dig wouldn't have mattered pikachu obviously will be one of ko it has paper thin defenses and against raichu i could try and roll the dice and get the critical hit body slam which would be one turn i opt for safety go for dig it takes two turns but it's guaranteed to knock it out and there goes lieutenant surge now we get the tm for thunderbolt which is kind of nice and that gives us great coverage not against every type but against most types especially the more difficult pokemon in the next section so there's nothing much to say we can make our way through rock tunnel and once again in celadon i do want to do my usual order which is giovanni shopping fly lavender followed by erica so let's quickly make our way through the rocket game corner giovanni obviously is going to be pretty easy bubble beam against onyx is a one ako no surprise there it's also one ko against rhyhorn now kangaskhan i didn't think would be a two ikea with body slam so i go for dig hoping it would knock it out in two hits and thus it would be less risky in the end after one dig hits and then i go for dig again the second dig hits it survives so this was a waste of time three body slams would have been the quicker play by far but hey that's why i always show first attempts mistakes are always gonna happen not a big one anyway and we've beaten giovanni now we're gonna go shopping and i'm actually gonna go to saffron and pick up the tm for psychic i'm not gonna be using any of these tms right now but they will be useful in the future anyway rival 4 is usually pretty easy and my current moveset is more than sufficient thunderbolts on pidgeotto 1ko execute i probably could have taught ice beam but i did want my moves as they were right now so i didn't do that just two body slams barrage wastes some time but what can you do gyarados thunderbolt cadabra still out speed body slam and charmeleon bubble beam easy as 3.14159 all right so with red before out of the way i can easily make it through the pokemon tower and now it's time to go and battle erica or it would have been except i forgot i'm always so close to forgetting erica and every single run i do finally it happened and i'm not going to notice till a lot later but there is no strategic reason i'm skipping erika simply forgot about her in fact this is probably gonna waste a few seconds but not much more time than that so because of the mishap i'm gonna go straight to fuchsia city into safari zone and get surf and then the question do i go battle rival fievel and do silk company first like mewtwo or do i play it safe like i tried to do with zapdos and battle koga i have the tm for psychics we know that's going to be easy well for a bunch of reasons including one you'll see shortly i opt to do silk company first and so get ready everyone it's time for everyone's favorite npc rival fival now pidgeot goes for quick attack and thunderbolt isn't quite a 1ko which isn't surprising considering how close and level we now are i go for body slam since the quicker animation and knockout pidgeot now execute i knew would be annoying i go for body slam it goes for poison powder honestly the best thing you could probably do another body slam it goes for leech seed not really too concerned about that as you're gonna see knock it out with body slam so leech seed and poison doesn't happen thank you generation one and it won't happen against gyarados because thunderbolt is a generation one miss beautiful goes for bite gen one giveth and gen one taketh away but thunderbolt does hit and i knock out gyarados now i wasn't sure if alakazam i'd either outspeed or want a ko i do both although i got a critical hit so that may have mattered but now all we've left is charizard i no longer have bubble beam i've swapped it for psychic but i still do have thunderbolt which is super effective it does way more than half which is great because even with leech seed it's still going to be a 2ko going for lear is great slash may have made the battle a little bit closer but not overly worrisome anyway and i knock it out with thunderbolt rival fievel can be very difficult but with mew like mewtwo it's very very easy and unfortunately i've used my antidote already but i do have potions so i'm not going to actually heal the poisoning it is annoying because the text boxes are going to waste a little bit of time but it weighs significantly more time to go to the pokemon center or the healing spot where i have to battle a trainer it's just the best of the bad options and besides neither the team rocket member nor giovanni is very much of an issue but once i defeat giovanni you get to see the real reason i want to do silk company first because although you typically would think of mu as a special attacker its attack is identical to its special attack and because it can learn every tm in the game that includes tm03 swords dance located in self company it would have been nice to get it immediately but unfortunately that would require extra battles which would waste time so i have to beat giovanni first so i can easily go and obtain the tm i'm also going to pick up the tm for earthquake which i can use to replace dig even though they're the same base power it takes one less turn which saves time and so i'm gonna change up my moveset goodbye thunderbolt goodbye dig hello swords dance and earthquake but i'm still going to keep psychic because against koga psychic is a bit better than earthquake since koga's pokemon have way better defense than special case in points one ako know that crit didn't matter one ako evidence that crit didn't matter i mean further evidence that crit didn't matter and further further evidence that crit didn't matter every single pokemon is a one ko psychic pokemon are very overpowered and of course since i did still company first it guaranteed them all being wanna kills making the koga battle very fast and now i have to make the decision whether i want to go to blaine first i do have earthquake and sword stance or do i want to just go to sabrina honestly i think sabrina's pokemon are going to be a little bit tougher than blaine's so i'm going to do blaine first which is hilarious when you think about it i'm battling blaine before erica very rare you'll ever see that anyway against growlithe no need to set up any sword stance just go for earthquake and knock it out same thing goes for ponyta i got a critical hit against rabbit ash i'm not really sure if it mattered and i do outspeed our canine truth be told probably could have set up a sword stance so this would have been a wanna ko arcanine could use fire blast could have burned this honestly wasn't the best strategy but whatever another first try victory and as they say hindsight is 20 20 except for me my vision is quite poor so i think with my glasses it's about 20 40. which is not bad and joking aside i accidentally ran into a trainer at sabrina's gym and forgot to save so i did battle blaine again and just set up against growlithe so i did realize immediately my mistake and fixed it but as i show you the rest of this battle you've pretty much already seen one thing i should mention is that it is going to be a little slower than mewtwo going forward since i have no longer a pokemon that knows dig and i don't really think there is a way around that it is faster for me to have dig temporarily and obviously once we get earthquake it's way faster just to use earthquake perhaps i could have reordered it so i do koga blaine sabrina then i do rival fibel but i don't know if that would have worked out so well especially without swords dance i think it was just kind of inherent to this run that i'd have to walk out of the gym both blaine and sabrina cost a little bit of time but so be it anyway speaking of sabrina it is time to battle her now the keys to this battle outspeed one at ko and with sword stance that's not really a problem generation one has a badge boost feature which has a glitchy side effect every time your stats are modified all the badge boosts which are 12.5 percent increases to your other stats are reapplied so in other words when i use source dance i get faster more defensive etc i only use a single sword stance against kadabra please don't confuse me great it didn't knock it out with body slam mr may outspeed as well and obviously body slam would knock it out crit or no crit psychic probably also would have been a wanna ko but why scroll down i have body slam knocks out venomoth now i just need to out speed alakazam thankfully i do i think that sword stance really did matter critical hit didn't in fact i think it does slightly less damage than a sword stance generation one is weird doesn't matter we have beaten sabrina and here's when i discover i forgot to battle erica i go to viridian city i go in the gym and oh look at that the door is locked that's right even though i've beaten all the other gyms giovanni's gym only unlocks when you have all seven of the previous gym badges i decide that this time loss is unacceptable so even though i'll have to rebattle sabrina i'm just going to reset and rebattle her it will increase the real time which includes mistakes that's usually why i don't weigh real time as heavily as in game time because real time accounts for mental errors like this one normally i would show the second battle since it is the canonical battle that we move forward from but other than cadabra using disable it's literally the exact same battle maybe i am showing it as i'm talking here but there is really no point to go into any kind of depth you literally have just seen it but knowing me i have put the battle on maybe even sped up in the background and now that it's done it's time to battle erika this is not going to be challenging at all i have psychic and two over three pokemon are weak to that now this was definitely silly on my part i go for body slam and i was wondering if it would wanna ko it comes close but doesn't so she heals i go for another body slam i decide okay i don't want more time loss just go for psychic knocks out tangla go for psychic knocks out vileplume and now we are actually ready to battle giovanni or we would be except i'm me and i'm like no this time loss is unacceptable so even though the last time i saved was before sabrina let's just battle her again great we've battled sabrina a third time pretty much the same as the other two let's battle erika again psychic psychic psychic great no time lost this time now we're ready to battle giovanni now i do have the tms for ice beam and blizzard but i really don't need them i use a single sword stance against ryhorn and then earthquake earthquake earthquake earthquake and earthquake oh it's not a one ko whatever psychic that actually may have been a range and it's unfortunate i didn't hit it but we have defeated all eight gems and like with zapdos i think it's a good time to see how much ground mew is made up considering it was almost half as fast as articuno at one point well these are the previous times of mewtwo articuno zapdos and moltres now for the moment of truth before we battle rival number six mew 2 hours and 59 minutes so it has made up time but zapdos and articuno still have a pretty sizable lead for this point of the game and of course mewtwo is going to be totally untouchable but remember how i said that body slam would be so useful in this run i think i've demonstrated it was useful now it's time for a new attack going to get rid of body slam and i'm going to teach rock slide against rival 6's team and eventually the champion rockslide is very very useful let's just show you how useful now i got burned figuratively when i only set up a single sword stance against giovanni so i'm gonna set up two against pidgeot it has very weak attack so i'm not worried i go for rock slide has a slim chance of missing but it doesn't and of course it knocks it out actually probably could have gone for psychic here but i go for earthquake it knocks out ryhorn and here is where i get incredibly bad luck i get a critical hit which ignores my sword stance and so doesn't knock out the execute and it uses stun spore so i have to attack second awful knock it out the next turn because it goes for solar beam because gyarados out speeds meets can go for hydro pump does nearly half my remaining hp and i'm paralyzed beautiful well it goes for a lear which is pretty good i finally do hit with rockslide and bye bye gyarados but it's not looking good even worse now that alakazam uses sai beam which is a critical hit only confusion would have been worse than that earthquake obviously knocks it out and now i just need charizard to either attack me with a bad move or not attack me and i'll win well it goes for lear i could still be paralyzed or miss neither of which happened so this battle was definitely slower but hey it happens not gonna reset because i've already reset enough times in this run sometimes you just gotta roll with the bad luck but it's now time to face the elite four and if you remember mewtwo actually had a pretty difficult time with the elite four despite the fact it pretty much was a one try victory against everything else with mew though i do have sword stance and the ability to set up and that could be a huge advantage will it be enough to make up the lost time against the legendary birds well let's cue the ice theme and battle everyone's favorite mispronounced elite four member laura lee well laura lee is the ice type gym leader and i actually have the best rock type move so i'm gonna go for swords dance she goes for takedown doesn't do too much damage go for another sword stance she goes for growl i decide alright plus three could be enough i don't know about cloister we'll see i knock out dugong in one hit now i sometimes think about gen 2 how cloister has horrible special defense which is not the case in generation one because it has just special so i go for psychic doesn't want it ko and it goes for super sonic that was lucky rock slide would have done more damage and may have been one ko so that was a mistake whatever i knock it out the next turn now slowbro is pretty good defense i'm expecting it to a ko but its only attacking move is water gun so i'm not worried earthquake does about half it goes for growl which fails 25 chance of ai status moves failing and i go for earthquake again for the record had growl connected i would have set up another sword stance in case you were wondering where's that rock slide miss here you go rock slide missed against jinx double slap the longest attack it could have done thankfully not five hits rock slide hits the second time bye bye jinx will it knock out the lapras i think so but i'm not certain and it does not lauralee heals and i opt just to go for psychic to knock it out and that doesn't knock it out lapras goes for hydra pump and i knock it out here so definitely some time loss against laura lee but considering this is my first battle against her i'm just gonna keep going i mean i should be worried about bruno and if you don't know why maybe watch the zapdos video it is shocking all right i'll leave no i won't because there's more video left so let's stop rambling and let's start battling i wanted to see how much earthquake would do again first battle i'd like to know these things about half i actually forgot to heal so onyx uses rock throw and have very little hp left i decide to set up a sword stance but i end up attacking onyx with psychic because it's going to want to kill both hitmonchan and hitmonlee and with the sword stance earthquake should knock out onyx but i got a critical hit gosh darn it and i actually reset no this does not count as a win for bruno this was me just saying that i'd wasted way too much time especially with lapras and while i continue to insist these times aren't scientific mew is a really cool pokemon and i want to show it off as best as possible so let's cue some new music up and try to do these battles again with less silly mistakes this time i decided to set up all three sword stances it goes for aurora beam a failed growl and aurora beam three opportunities for it to lower my attack so i got a little lucky that didn't happen anyway now i can knock it out with rock slide i don't care how great cloisters defense is unless i got a crit it's not withstanding that rock slide now i'm really hoping that slow bro will be a one it kill with earthquake it wasn't so could have just set up two whatever super motion isn't a big deal and i decided to use psychic because why not jinx is bad defense so i just go for earthquake why risk the 10 chance of missing like i did last time and now please don't miss awesome and no critical hit which would have mattered so we have beaten laura lee much faster and now it's time to use a better strategy against bruno we also have way more hp so i don't have to worry about running out not that i was going to anyway this time i'm going to set up a sword stance right away it uses rock throw which is great no x defend no harden and i use earthquake knockout onyx number one now i'm gonna go for psychic and knock out hitmonchan and hitmonlee earthquake wasn't a one at ko against onyx but i think psychic will be and it was which means it would have been a wanna kill against the other onyx whatever i'm not resetting i don't think it'll be a one to ko against machamp and it's a critical hit so i have no idea but whatever that critical hit makes up for the extra turn with swords dance and unsurprisingly we have beaten bruno not damageless though the rock throw remember at the first turn but this is the battle i always fear no pun intended i legitimately am always worried about agatha because she's essentially a lottery with hypnosis and confuse ray it's bad so the question is what will happen turn one let's find out well i thought about it and said you know what if i had speed maybe earthquake will be a one-achill let's try it it was that was a good call and bye bye gengar now psychic i'm pretty sure wanna ko i get a critical hit i don't think that mattered but that's two pokemon down if gengar was one of ko logically haunter will be a one ko and if you're wondering why not use psychic they have way better special than defense even though i get same type attack bonus i'd like people to calculate that out i think earthquake is the right play it's also 10 base power higher i don't know that's what i used not against starbucks however because it's special isn't that great and i do get that same type attack bonus and now i just have the final gengar which isn't as trolly since it doesn't know hypnosis well as i suspected it wasn't one kill but come so close that agatha uses a super potion i'm so glad they have those and not full restores thus i'm able to use psychic knock it out and the agatha lottery truth be told wasn't very much of a lottery now was it i was pretty in control the whole time which is great very good sign and now i just have lance and the champion i still do have ice beam do i want to get rid of psychic for ice beam decisions decision well i thought about it but opt not to and decide just to head to lance with the moves i have was it a bad idea let's see well rock slide will be super effective against three of lance's pokemon so i'm going to use a sword stance gyarados goes for hyper beam so it's going to recharge giving me another opportunity to use sword stance it recharges and i decide i don't want to risk another hyper beam just going to go for rock slide it doesn't miss and knocks out gyarados with two sword stance i'm hoping earthquake will want to kill dragon air and it does meaning it should probably knock out the second one in one hit and it would have had i not gone a critical hit thankfully missus was slam but man critical hits can be so necessary at some points and so awful at some point this is why i love generation one anyway i knock out dragon air due to the badge boost glitch i'm pretty sure i out speed aerodactyl and knock it out with rockslide and unfortunately i miss with rockslide against dragonite thankfully it doesn't go for hyperbeam it goes for slam critical hit hyper beam would have knocked me out i would have been very angry but so far it hasn't been that kind of run we knock out dragonite now all i have left is a trainer i have battled six times actually in this run seven times previous i know what i want to do i'm using the same moves as before which worked very well will i be able to finish off this run here and now on only my second attempt at the elite four and first against the champion let's see all right since it's the final battle no risks i set up one sword stance wing attack does nothing second sword stance mirror move and pidgeot gets a sword stance honestly not the worst but not the best would have rather the wing attack third sword stance it goes for wing attack which obviously does more damage but now i'm ready please don't miss well it doesn't rockslide hits and that's one down now with those badge boosts i'm gonna outspeed alakazam and knock it out crit or no crit so for once alakazam wasn't a worry and while rhidon has great defense super effective earthquake with three swords dance no way another place a crit would have been annoying but didn't happen looking good so far but here's a moment of truth will rockslide knock out exeggutor ah no it doesn't but thankfully it goes for stomp that's excellent hypnosis would have been very frustrating knock it out the next turn now i just need rock slides hit two more times and i win hits against gyarados now we just have charizard please don't miss and well you can see those rocks they didn't miss and that was the second quickest run in real time yes including all those resets only slightly slower than mewtwo so had i not reset it would have actually been faster and it just goes to show you how the medium slow versus slow level up mu is at a much higher level four levels for regular pokemon might not seem like a lot but for legendary pokemon four levels is a big difference and now the moment of truth how fast was mew 3 hours 27 minutes oh goodness so zapdos articuno and mew all right around the same time now in terms of ranking i'm going to put mew above both zapdos and articuno and here is why despite having a huge time disadvantage after brock by the end of the run it was at the same level as articuno but i didn't use any rare candies which is a plus and then consider the fact it's real time was way closer to mewtwo than articuno or zapdos we're talking like half the time of those two there's no question it is possibly in like a sub tier almost above those two new was really really great honestly it's a shame because if it also started with psychic it would have been a very interesting race between mew and mewtwo because while mewtwo would have the better stats you would have the better move pool and i'm not sure which one would win but that isn't the way mew was programmed so i will never do that kind of a challenge in fact we are done with legendary pokemon for generation one i will do them in other generations i'm not sure if i want to do generation two or fire it in leaf green it's a question i have to ask myself but we did a lot of legendaries in july so in august we're going to be focusing on some of the most difficult and tedious impossible challenges i've been working on throughout july i work on them slowly so i don't get burnt out but a bunch of them are almost ready for me to release and that's part of the reason why i've been working on some of these easier but not necessarily less interesting challenges stay tuned take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 513,761
Rating: 4.9176531 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Mew Pokemon, Mew challenge, Mew no items, can you beat, gen 1, Mew, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles, Legendary Pokemon
Id: pU5P1cR-VSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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