What are the LEAST amount of battles to beat Pokemon Gold/Silver

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It's the return of the minimum battles series!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ShowtimeCA 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

The ending was just beautiful

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/12jimmy9712 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so about a year ago i wanted to figure out what the minimum number of battles one would need to be in in order to defeat pokemon red and blue for those who haven't seen actually there are three videos two in red and blue and one yellow version give them a watch now they're pretty good in my opinion and today we're going to continue that series looking at the sequels gold and silver now for those who don't remember those videos or want a quick refresher a battle is any time you battle a trainer and anytime you battle a wild pokemon where you don't run away immediately so that includes catching the pokemon the idea is to leave as many people and pokemon alone as possible in addition all the standard j-rose rules are going to be in effect such as no items in battle and we're not going to be using any glitches and with that said let's talk about the beginning of the run because in a way it's often the most important part deciding which starter to pick is very important because there's so few pokemon we actually can catch in these runs our starter is going to have to put in some work and so which one seems best for the road ahead well funny enough originally i thought it would be cyndaquil this would not be the case and as you can see i ended up picking totodile and let me just say totodile is awesome for this run for so many reasons the first of which is coming up very shortly but we're gonna get in our first battle with rival number one this battle is fairly easy although we will be at only level five since we're not going to be able to knock out any of the wild pokemon those would be extra battles this is as good a time as any to mention that if we were to lose it still counts as a battle so we can't simply lose to the same trainer over and over to get more experience points that would be extra battles and because we have so few trainers that well not so few but few relatively speaking we need to make sure we defeat rival one but you're holding a berry it should be fine after we do that and finish talking to professor elm we're gonna get into our second battle not youngster joey he's actually skippable but youngster mikey who has a rattata and a pidgey and i'm actually gonna skip ahead because this battle is fairly easy what i want to talk about next is this bug catcher because here is where we need to talk about what makes gold and silver a lot more frustrating than red and blue many trainers in these games spin around some predictably and some randomly and this makes trying to get by them very very frustrating now because it's not a speed run we can just save and reset until we're able to do so so it's really not that big a deal but not mentioning the spinners wouldn't be giving you an accurate picture of what it's like to do one of these minimum battles runs yourself anyway that is the only trainer we actually have to battle on routes 30 and 31 so we're gonna make it to violet city sprout tower is a great place to grind experience points we can't do that because it's not mandatory you don't need flash it just makes it well it just makes it less awful we'll talk about that in a bit anyway we have to go into the gym and battle two bird keepers and then faulkner himself the first bird keeper bird keeper abe is why chikorita just simply doesn't work he has a level nine spiro and for chikorita that is just a no-go cyndaquil will be fine here but toaded-out has a really cool move that for those who are used to my generation one challenges you're gonna laugh it is actually rage rage works a little bit differently the biggest difference being i don't have to use it every single turn but every time i'm hit with an attack after i select rage i believe its power is increased by 50 percent to a maximum of four times but this is a rare time where my research was a little inconclusive so i think that's what it does regardless it gets stronger and because we're hit many many times in these battles rage is a much much better move to use than scratch that will just stay at 40 base power and that's going to be a really useful strat going forward but i do want to mention faulkner himself because i actually have never lost a faulkner as total dial but with cyndaquil it is just so unlikely you'd ever win basically the first pidgey has two moves mudslap and tackle tackle has same type bonus and as a normal move mud slaps a ground move faulkner will use this against cyndaquil because it's super effective and that is all he will use until he's used up all 10 power points by which point you barely hit anything and cyndaquil's movie gets instead of rages smokescreen completely unhelpful for totodile it's going to go for tackle because it's a much more powerful attacking move and if we equip a berry we can just absorb all those tackles make our rage more and more powerful and then eventually once we get to pidgeotto typically it's a 3k although it could be even a two hit ko and that's badge number one five battles down total many many more to go and this is a good point to talk about something that i know if i don't address i'm going to get so many comments down below which is good for the algorithm but i do want to give you the best information for many of us gold and silver and crystal are nearly identical they are by far the most similar three games in the series that being said there are weird changes to crystal that affect this run a ton namely that a bunch of trainers are moved slightly the first example of this is youngster albert in crystal he is skippable but he is not in gold and silver and there are a few more trainers just like him now crystal is awful i really really really do not want to do a crystal video but because i might i'm not going to go over every single difference in this video just keep in mind that if you think a trainer isn't mandatory it's very very possible you're thinking of their slightly different placement in crystal that in fact does make them not mandatory while they're positioning gold and silver means you have to actually battle them and one of the biggest concentration of these trainers weirdly enough is in this segment of the game not really sure why but yeah that is what it is anyway we can skip ahead there are two trainers in union cave including one with three geodudes we don't yet have water guns you might assume oh no j rose how are you gonna beat him rage is fine rage works it's a really really good move and we're gonna continue to use rage in slow poke well there are four more trainers there bringing our total to 12 and then we can head to azalea gym there are three mandatory trainers here including a choice of two and we're gonna go to the left and battle bug catcher josh because that's my name no that's not why the real reason we're gonna battle bug catcher josh is because he only has a single pokemon and whenever there are a choice of two mandatory trainers we have to battle one we will always pick the trainer with less pokemon because it just feels like the spirit of the rule and you might notice i have a pokemon fainted that's the togepi egg you really shouldn't need to use it in this run but it's good to hatch just in case all right so after beating bug catcher josh there's another trainer that rotates around and then we battle bugsy bugsy actually isn't too bad because you can just use rage the metapod and kakuna deal very little damage to you so you build up quite a bit of rage power and by the time you get to scyther so long as you're not poisoned which of course i am you should be fine we should be fine either way because scyther is typically only a tui ko quick attack is better than fury cutter because fury cutter doubles every turn it's used and like i said here's fury cutter nothing to worry about we still have 13 hp and we have beaten bugsy that's 10 trainers in this section for a total of 15 and so far so good and oh yeah total dial is now crocodile pretty awesome because we have to battle rival 2 and rival 2 took me a long time when i was trying to plan this route and finally i figured out a very very consistent way of defeating him first things first you want to equip a paralysis cure berry because ghastly uses lick and that will paralyze you at some point the second thing is once the battle begins you're going to set up to lear unfortunately i get put to sleep that is pretty common but it's not a big deal lick does next to nothing it only has lick hypnosis and spike not really that much to worry about once you've opened up and used both leer you're then going to go for water gun and then you're going to use three fury cutter i actually end up getting a critical hit so it only took two fury cutters that's actually kind of bad because i'm not sure if we'll knock out the bay leaf and that is our big concern thankfully we out speed but we don't knock out the bay leaf due to that critical hit razor leaf doesn't critical hit the critical hit ratios are normal and we're able to knock out bay leaf but we have to deal with zubat we could potentially lose but spoiler alert i don't typically the zubat portion is very trivial because you have a ton of health and you've just won a ko'd bay leaf and of course because it's me i'm showing you what the real battle should look like and it's the same thing i just don't get that annoying critical hit to knock out gastly so bailiff is a one at ko so i have tons of hp for zubat and even if you get hit by super sonic you should have more than enough hp even if you decide to use fury cutter for some inexplicable reason but yeah that is rival 2. it looks like crocodile can't be beats but according to many whitney is one of the hardest gym leaders in these types of challenge runs high level pokemon rollout miltank we're going need something to help us out well i have an idea just north of goldenrod city once we get there and shockingly there are no battles in ilex forest or even with all the trainers on route 34 you can actually just walk around them and make it to goldenrod city where we're going to pick up a sphero nicknamed kenya that you're supposed to deliver on route 31 just east of violet city but i have other plans for this spiro at least for now you see we're going to go right to whitney's gym and i want this spiro to level up a little bit there's actually only one mandatory trainer in this entire gym it's shocking but you can actually take a very specific route and skip all but one trainer in whitney's gym it's kind of crazy how many times you can do that in this game but yeah we're going to weaken this snubble with crocodile and have our spiro knock it out to gain those experience points and one thing you might notice about the sphero which is different from other gift pokemon is that it still maintains its original trainer number so it gains 1.5 times experience points it's pretty cool but of course it's not going to stand up to whitney so let's go and use crocona and see what it can do well it can do a lot because clefairy can use metronome and this can completely ruin the run metronome sucks and we can't plan for that but if he uses double slap every single hit of double slap increases rage after being hit with so many times miltank actually goes for rollout and misses and yeah we're doing half it hits with rollout and now we're gonna do more than enough damage and yeah even the mighty whitney stands no chance against rage crocodile i mean it's just too good and you know what it is so good i think we're gonna have to retire it i think this should be crocona's last battle i'm kidding of course that's not why we're retiring it yes battle 18 is kraken as final battle from now on we're going to be using kenya the spiro and we've already talked about a massive reason why the 1.5 times experience gain is massive but it's not just that firo when it eventually evolves has decent enough attack and speed and a decent enough move pool that we're going to be able to do some damage in addition we can change the clock to sunday and eventually pick up the tm for return our friendship isn't high enough to do it yet but we will eventually do that and that is a base 102 power same type normal move firo was actually very good and before you say wouldn't it be better with crocodile slash for alligator or kadabra or machoke or whatever i actually tried runs with every single one of them and as you're going to see kenya the spiro by far is the best and most consistent but before i can show off how good kenya is we need to level it up a bit more so i go to the underground there are two super nerds you can battle and we're going to teach mudslap for the second one with the magnemite and then we're just going to head north through the national park wake up pseudowudo and head to ecritik right wrong we're not going to do any of that because there are at least i believe three mandatory trainers or so you'd think because here's a thought why do we have to water the pseudowudo from there why can't we backtrack go all the way back through ilex forest through union cave back up to violet city and then just approach it from the right the answer there's nothing stopping us and that saves three mandatory battles and so we're going to wake up the pseudo-wudo and we're gonna run away which like snorlax and red and blue does not count as a battle a battle is only if we do something we just ran away and just like any wild encounter that's not a battle as long as we don't catch it or attack it so we're still at 20 battles there is a mandatory one this trainer with a drowsy very annoying battle and from here on out we're going to be using kenya for every single battle we should not be using crocodile pretty much ever if nothing goes wrong and from here we're going to go right to equity gym and there's a couple things we should note here first off the gas leak can't do very much to us because the only real move they can damage us with is curse and that takes away half their hp and so long as the first ghastly doesn't use curse we actually don't have to do anything but if it does we can swap into any of our pokemon i swap into abra allow ghastly to knock it out and then just use spiro with peck and that that does it we can do this anytime this isn't a solo run and this is where i said if something goes wrong anytime we're confused or something we always can switch into our other pokemon to take away the confusion i forget about this a lot so i'm so used to solo runs but it's kind of nice being able to do so but here's something i want to talk about typically when you think about how to get through equity because you have to walk along a certain path or you get sent back to the beginning of the gym you think that this is the path you're supposed to go but there's actually a second bath that i never knew about where you can actually skip the second trainer what what i didn't know that but anyway the final of the three mandatory trainers here is medium martha once you defeat her so long as you've gotten enough experience points from either the snubble or the slowpoke and magnemite voltorb you will be able to evolve into firo before the morty battle and that's pretty important because morty is not easy and firo is significantly better than spiro and because of that i actually slightly altered my route from what it used to be i'm gonna go battle the kimono sisters right now each of them has an eeveelution and they give a ton of experience points the order doesn't really matter although it's best to battle jolteon last for obvious reasons but none of them for firo should be much of a problem and so that will bring us to 29 battles meaning morty will be lucky number 30. and before we battle him there's actually something we can do actually this is a good time to talk about something we can't do because you might say well j rose why don't you just go left down through olivine to the lighthouse and then there's some mandatory trainers there you can get more experience points well my first run that's exactly what i did and guess what you get soft locked let me explain there is a one way ledge that allows you to skip these three mandatory trainers just north of olivine however since ledges are only one way there's no way of getting back to equity without battling this poke fan right here and i was devastated i was so mad at myself and so obviously i don't bother going to the lighthouse now but i actually could because all i really need is abra and not to heal in the pokemon center future j-rose here just a quick thing i forgot to mention that i use coins to purchase an abra from the game corner which is how i have one in my party anyway back to the video but for now we're actually just gonna get this mint berry speaking of morty battle and yeah let's talk about it all right so we're just gonna use peck the first ghastly we don't want to see curse we see it not the end of the world because we can just switch but it wastes a little bit of time since it did use curse we're going to swap into abra and luckily haunter uses curse so that's going to put it at half hp and abra faints pretty quickly so another useful reason to have this abra now it should be a one ko by firo and here's where the scariest pokemon is gengar i'm gonna go for mudslap hoping hypnosis of course it hits but we have the mint berry and after a mud slap hypnosis should only hit 45 percent of the time all right well this is probably a loss it's just gonna go for dream eater and it regains a bunch of its hp and okay so this is bound to happen we tried as best we can to avoid it but it does happen and we just try again all right so it starts off the same way as the other one did we get peck we get curse we knock it out we swap into abra but this time haunter doesn't use curse so that's pretty annoying because it's going to be a 2iko for kenya and of course haunter decides to use curse so we're gonna have to swap kenya into something else to get rid of the curse and since things have been going badly i decided to swap into crocodile even though i could have swapped into togepi so crocodile will see another battle and i'd like it to actually get damage on this gengar or aliya or something but of course that doesn't end up happening and gengar quickly dispatches of crocona so now let's see if the odds will be in my favor so mudslap hypnosis miss peck alright i'm actually probably not getting the ranges i need because i should be a 3ko it's not going to be so i just go for another mudslap of course i'm put to sleep but i got the mint berry and we knock out gengar and now the battle's over i go for peck it does half usually goes for curse this time it goes for mean look and that is battle number 30 aka morty probably the scariest gym leader we've had in a while but we were able to persevere and now we're gonna head to olivine in the lighthouse there are shockingly few trainers that are mandatory for the longest time i thought there were four mandatory trainers but i didn't realize that these holes which are two tiles long it actually saves your location i thought it always put you in the same spot i don't know why so only three mandatory trainers in the entire lighthouse and then we're gonna surf to cyan wood crocona can learn cut strength surf and eventually to learn whirlpool that's pretty darn good considering we can't really catch many pokemon for hm purposes something that may end up making minimum battles less minimal in some games going forward i don't know yet but we're gonna serve to cyan wood there are tons of trainers all of which can be avoided my favorite thing in a run like this some of you might think i get the shuckle but there's really no purpose kenya is faster and overall better shuckle with rollout seemed easy but trust me kenya is is going to be far better all right now it's time to go to chuck's gym and it's unfortunate that we're not gonna have drill peck i did change the date so that i had sharp beak so i will get slightly more power out of peck but drill pack would have made this completely trivial anyway none of the trainers here are too tough but they're also not easy because peck doesn't deal that much damage and it's even possible return would have done more damage but to backtrack to goldenrod would have taken a long time and we're just about to get the hm for fly so i'm gonna just make do with peck like i said trainers aren't too bad and now it's time to battle chuck so it's very unfortunate that firo's peck is not a one ako against primate it comes pretty close but it uses leer so we're gonna swap because i'd rather my defense not be dropped for polygraph so thanks togepi very useful and now we knock out primate polyrath is pretty luck based because dynamic punch is awful but it's only 50 percent accurate so we just don't want to see a dynamic punch hit i go for peck it's not doing quite half and of course speaking of half 50 chance and so now i'm confused and uh gosh anyway because i'm confused i gotta swap to abra and here's where i get some good luck polywrath has other moves but it just keeps going for dynamic punch and in generation two unlike generation one ai opponents have power points so while he finally hit with dynamic punch that's all of them all five have been used up so i should pretty much be guaranteed a victory right well i go for peck a critical it would have been nice it goes for surfing okay well that was interesting it was my first try in this run chuck is definitely not the most consistent gym leader with this strat but it's consistent enough usually takes maybe one to three tries which isn't too bad and now that we've defeated him we're at 38 battles we can get the hm for fly and the only pokemon we have to fly is firo this isn't ideal because i'd love to use that move slot for something else thankfully it's not going to matter we actually don't need that move slot for a while so we can stick fly on firo theoretically you could run around and your togepi would eventually evolve into a toga tick so long as you you know got it to get some experience points in any of the battles not worth it and oh i guess this is a good time to mention the daycare is not allowed in this run it would make this run completely trivial and the reason i think about that is we're going to fly back to goldenrod get the tm for return by this point our kenya should like us a lot so return's going to do pretty decent damage a huge upgrade over peck and we're going to make our way to the lake of rage from that critique to the lake of rage there are so many trainers you think that one of them would have to be mandatory but none of them are nary a single trainer hey i'm not complaining just a little surprise don't worry the game's gonna make up for it in like a second but anyway at this point you can actually take a bit of a detour and go get hidden power and hidden power can really make one battle very very easy it can also be useless in this run i believe it was useless i try not to plan for hidden power but what you really want is either hidden power ground or hidden power fighting if you get those blossom if not that's all right but as they approach the red gyarados they make a mistake i saved after teaching hidden power and got rid of mudslap you want to keep mud slap holy moly jeros it will be fine but this is not ideal anyway red gyarados is unlike pseudowudo in that you're not allowed to run away if you do the game doesn't progress so it's like ghost marowak in that sense and unlike ghost merak we can actually catch the red gyarados and you really want to do that because if you don't you're not gonna have a pokemon that can learn waterfall and that's mandatory to get to elite four so we're gonna just try to catch it as best we can and if you don't that's why i saved in front and you just keep trying until you catch it but once you do this run gets awful all right i love gold and silver they're great games but in challenge runs this part is just awful you have to do the rocket hideout and the rocket hideout has i'm not kidding four teen mandatory battles that does include the three electrode at the end which you do have to knock out kind of like ghost marowak so 11 trainers and three pokemon and trust me i have looked for alternate routes this is the absolute lowest amount of battles 14. none of the battles are difficult i'm not going to talk about any of them but team rocket is what makes gold and silver just so slow to play sometimes because none of the trainers are difficult and there's just so many of them so we go from 39 battles up to 53 after we defeat the final electrode we still have three badges to go and yet we are 15 battles away from surpassing red and blue i think there's a pretty safe bet that's gonna happen but the next badge i actually want to get is price who seems like he would be kind of difficult but thankfully because we gained so much experience points from the hideout and this is why being a traded pokemon is so great he's not as bad as you think the one thing i want to bring up is that none of the trainers in his gym are mandatory it is a little annoying to bypass this spinner but it is something at least if you save it's doable okay so return one ko seal that's pretty easy it will do significant damage to dugong i'd rather see icy wind than aurora beam and lowering attack is annoying because now i'm gonna have to swap out but i'll knock out the dugong i'll go into togepi so that pile of swine can knock it out hopefully quickly and here's where red gyarados comes in handy i'm going to try and weaken this pile of swine i want firo to knock it out so i'm going to use dragon rage hope nothing crazy happens because i only need to use one more dragon rage price will not heal dragon rage is a set damage move this is awesome now i just have to wait for him to knock out my red gyarados can swap in firo and claim those amazing experience points and uh that is a pretty solid price battle but if you were thinking that was a little too easy don't worry jasmine is pretty difficult easier than you might think with a flying pokemon but still very difficult first things first you need to paralysis cure barry and mudslap would have been so much better but it's doable even without mudslap okay so i go for return it's a 2ko thunderwave misses there's a 25 percent chance that when the ai use the status move it fails so you're hoping for that at least one of them needs to fail you knock out magnemite number one outcomes magnemite number two it's going to be the same thing and it fails again that's very unlikely you actually can win this battle even if you're paralyzed but it's a heck of a lot easier if you aren't now as you could expect firo versus steelix is a horrible matchup however just like with price we have a pokemon that has a pretty easy time against steelix and if you wanted to you could teach surf and just have red gyarados do everything but i would like firo to get the experience points and what you're gonna do is very similar the difference is jasmine heals so you're gonna need to use four dragon rages unfortunately it didn't quite work out when jasmine healed i used a lear that is kind of helpful in case something goes wrong and it did i was knocked out so i had to get crocodile to maybe help me out and it did it you surf didn't knock it out which is good stelix goes for sunny day and now i'm gonna keep spamming leer and the hope is with three leers and at this amount of health return will knock it out stelix is great defense it's gonna be close but i do it very very good yes this could have been done much easier if i just let crocodile or gyarados knock out the steelix but experience points are limited even in gold and silver so it is best that kenya gets as many as it possibly can and so going to the next team rocket section we're at 55 battles do you know what we're gonna be after the next team rocket section 76 just is that not enough and there's no way of skipping them there are a couple pick one of two and there's a way you can actually soft lock yourself on i believe it's the third floor if you try and get sneaky and try and battle less trainers than you otherwise would it doesn't work the biggest reason for that is you can't dig or escape rope out of buildings so you might think you could skip one of the battles but you really can't and i'm going to be honest i don't want to go more into this than i already have to even rival 3 isn't so bad he has a magnemite again wish i had mudslap but i won even though i was paralyzed so there are no battles in this section that were worrisome and this is where firo really starts to take off and when you're stuck with crocona or cadab or whatever you're not going to be as over leveled and you start to encounter more and more issues and so while potentially in the early to mid game crocodile slash for alligator or kadabra could be better as the game goes on and firo starts getting more and more experience points it gets more and more clear that this is the right call anyway finally after what feels like a million years you're able to defeat the final executive team rocket leaves and then you have to head to ice cave there is one more mandatory trainer just outside of ice cave and claire's gym isn't a big break from trainers there are four mandatory trainers in her gym is that enough that said because there are so many trainers claire herself is beyond easy the dragon air are one hit ko's with return which now is at maximum power and kendra's almost a one in ko it goes for smokescreen the absolute worst thing it could have done but don't worry i get a critical hit with drill peck the very next turn i wanted to avoid i didn't know if she had another hyper potion so i wanted to avoid healing in the end i win that is eight gym badges that is 82 battles we are 14 higher than red and blue and we still haven't gone to elite four yet there are a bunch of trainers though on routes 27 and 28 five to be exact but there are none in victory road victory road is shockingly empty absence the final rival battle rival four there is no rival final in gold and silver the battle in burnt tower is optional in gold and silver while mandatory crystal and the battle in mount moon is also optional so yeah this is going to be our final battle versus the rival might as well talk about it i guess now everything is a one at ko except for magneton and as long as you're holding a paralysis cure berry you're going to win and look at that we got a critical hit on the magneton okay great you do have to switch to drill peck for haunter but yeah so that was rival number four very very tricky i know and if you remember my earlier minimum battles video or heck any solo run i do the elite four is super difficult will that continue in minimum battles with this overpowered firo let's see so first up since laura lee retired or whatever we have while and while leads off with us the two okay i'm kidding will leads off with zatu it's a one at ko jinx he's a one and ko slow bro has very good defense it's still a one ako okay we won the seconds that to his terrible defense and we can use drill peck on exeggutor so yeah super difficult but now we have to face the new bruno of gold and silver koga i mean let's be honest no one can be as bad as red and bluno including gold and silver burnout but koga could potentially be annoying let's see all right drill peck area dose that's one down drill peck fortress and hey look at that not a one and ko finally of course it doesn't actually attack me and it uses spikes so we still got the perfect hp going but you know small victories elite four i don't know if muck will be a wanna ko uh we got a crit i still don't know i don't think it was i don't think it matters crobat will probably be a one ko it is and the final pokemon is venomoth which we can use drill peck and all right 11 attacks 10 pokemon down looking pretty good but in seriousness bruno could potentially be difficult because he's got a rock pokemon sure he is also fighting type so that will be good for drill peck but can bruno redeem himself and defeat firo and end the perfect run well let's see we'll hit him on top will boo what a lame way for that to end quick attack really whatever it's gonna be a one ako but boo anyway now we have onyx i'm gonna go for a turn it's still doing half and it goes for derude that's all right to be fair unless i got a critical hit that also would have ended my perfect run but we knock out onyx without any further problem and yeah we won now we only have fighting pokemon left we potentially could get hit by mock punch i guess but yeah drill peck will want to ko everything firo is pretty good at this so far but now in agatha's place well technically in lance's place we have karen and she's basically the agatha of gold and silver using very luck based strategy so we go from the agatha lottery to the karen i don't know raffle truth is though in a non-solo run it really shouldn't be a big deal let's see so umbreon likes to use annoying status moves i'd like to knock it out in one hit and all right i think this is gonna be fine i mean if umbreon was one of ko nothing else has the hp or defense of umbreon so we're going to have two and three four five five more one hit ko's but you know what count lance could potentially actually be difficult i don't know if all his dragonite will be one of kos and aerodactyl's a rock type so the reality of the situation is everything could have been easy up to now but lance is actually probably going to be difficult 92 successful battles can we win battle 93 let's find out all right so we have gyarados and that's very good one at ko it's what we'd like to see all right we've gotten the first level 47 dragonites yes okay so that probably means the second one is also going to be a one ako and it is very very good that's half the team down but the scariest two pokemon aerodactyl and level 50 still remain speaking of which here is aerodactyl okay uh this runs just going way too well that was that was really clutch all right that is that is four down now we just have charizard in the last dragonite all right here's charizard very very good and the final dragonite will it be a one ko no i think that might be a range but outrage doesn't do nearly enough and we have a first try clean sweep victory of the elite four and for the record i wasn't just saying it was a range out of nothing it is in fact a range i have in fact knocked out that dragonite in a single hit before additionally rockslide plus outrage is not enough to knock me out unless one of them crits so this is actually a very consistent strategy i just got really really good luck that made it look even easier than it should be but i've done this run many many times and i tend to get the same result which is why i haven't changed my strategy so now we're in 93 battles but the game isn't over as we know the game really ends when you defeat red and there's still all of kanto to do and our first mandatory battle is actually on the way to kanto we have to battle that lazy sailor who abandons his post the only battle on esos aqua that's mandatory and it's very easy now once we get to kanto we can do many different things in any order we want funny enough the easiest gym leader to battle is sabrina she only has three pokemon mr mime espeon and alakazam we outspeed all of them we want to kill all of them no other mandatory trainers in the gym very good now we're going to complete the side quest that gives us the expanded radio card that will allow us to wake snorlax and access the rest of kanto we have to go to lavender town and then we have to access rock tunnel there are no trainers in rock tunnel but there's one trainer needed to battle to access rock tunnel this trainer is not skippable but j rose why don't you go from cerulean to route 9 because if you try and go through nine there are like two or three mandatory trainers this is the only path that has one mandatory trainer and trust me it sucks because we have to navigate pitch black rock tunnel it's not like red and blue we can see an outline you just have to memorize the layout and just walk through completely blind shout outs to my twitch chat for watching me do this live for the first time in like a year and struggling and shenanigans who gave me a really good map so that i stopped getting lost very very annoying i wish i had flash but speaking of shenanigans this is why i actually have the abra because once i heal here i'm not going to heal in any more pokemon centers because i'm going to fly back to saffron or cerulean have already gotten there pick up the machine part and then just teleport back to this pokemon center so i don't have to go through rock tunnel a second time but yeah the team rocking member who steals the machine part we don't actually have to battle him in fact i'm gonna do this little side quest to get misty to go back to her gym so we have to head to bill's house or i think bill's grandfather's house at least at this point and there are seven mandatory trainers we need to battle they're all insultingly easy but the significance of talking about these seven is that we have now eclipsed a hundred mandatory battles man that is a lot of battles and before i go back to the power plant might as well beat misty i'm already here misty has four pokemon who we outspeed and wanna kill with return yes even the lapras i know it's very bulky but nothing can withstand the ultimate power of level 67 kenya so that's 10 badges total and now that we've delivered the machine part we can battle any gym leader we want i'm gonna battle erica because i always forget about her in my red and blue runs erica is notable because she also has mandatory trainers in her gym misty didn't for the record and also there is a choice of two trainers we're gonna battle i believe it's picnicker tanya she's on the left because she only has an executor and that's less pokemon erika is well i mean come on we have a fearow like we're going to use drill pack and wanna kill every single one of her pokemon and her team is essentially the same as it was in red and blue except blossom replaces vile plume and she now has a jump bluff and once we've beaten erika we're actually strong enough to go battle lieutenant surge there are three trainers in his gym only one of which is mandatory you can battle any of the three but gentleman gregory only has two pokemon so that's the one we're going to choose as for surge himself yes he has a magnet on but at this level return will even one hit ko the magneton so that is four kanto gym leaders down zero damage taken but unfortunately all good things need to come to an end we can wake up the snorlax head through diglett tunnel and make our way to pewter city and we still have to battle that junior trainer so that's another mandatory battle and we're gonna have to battle brock you might think brock is difficult but you may have noticed i have agility and why do i have agility what am i using that for the badge boost glitch doesn't exist in generation two well i picked up the tm for curse and well let's just show you so i'm going to start setting up curses graveler goes for defense curl and it then goes for roll out you'll notice i don't have drill peck anymore but i still have fly and that's very useful because we know how devastating defense curl rollout can be so by flying it misses and has to reset if brock decides to use it again i'm gonna go for one more curse and i'm gonna go for an agility and i should be able to sweep through the rest of brock's team all right so here's onyx that's one here's ryhorn that's two here's omastar that's the one i was worried about and i think yeah we definitely will knock out kabutops so once again kenya is proving just how amazingly awesome it is at the late game and that is five gym badges and we are at 112 battles that's a lot thankfully the rest of the regular trainers in this game are completely avoidable as for gym leaders we have three to go and the next one we're going to go in battle is blaine so we're going to do the same thing where we surf from pallet town avoid all the trainers in the water we're gonna talk to our buddy rival fivel and have him go back to viridian gym and this is gonna shock you we just use return and win however you can lose you can lose i didn't but it's happened before because my car goes a 2 ako and can burn you and that would result in a loss not necessarily you could use curses and agilities and that's happened to me before thankfully this was pretty standard and you knock out the magmar and the rapid ash and here's where you can avoid another seemingly mandatory trainer if you try going through cycling road to get to fuchsia city there is a trainer just outside of fuchsia that you can't skip however if you surf from seafoam islands and head to fuchsia there are no mandatory trainers so we can go right to janine who is the weakest gym leader by far she is pokemon under level 40. how i mean i don't know what order they intended us to do these gym leaders but come on this is just ridiculous that there is a gym leader this week at this point in the game whatever there are just two trainers remaining blue and red two former champions will kenya be able to beat them let's find out well against pidgeot we want to set up six curses and three agilities is that necessary no typically it's pretty safe to set up against pidgeot unfortunately i got hit by a critical hit and pidgeot kept using mirror move to mirror move curse and for the first time in a very long time i actually lost a battle so let's try this again well this time things go as they normally do pidgeot really doesn't have anything to deal much damage to me and as i use curse my defense rises higher and higher and the attacks do lessen less and so while last time it was able to knock me out this time i'm able to set up all six curses and three agilities and remain at 122 health and at this point the battle is over the next pokemon is right on and once you see that we want to ko right on you know that nothing stands a chance curse and agility is just too overpowered or even over leveled and we're about to make it all the way to red pretty easily with just a firo but red has something that blue did not and that is a pokemon that we do not want to set up against a pikachu one with thunder so what are we gonna do well first things first we're gonna have to make it through mount silver while not being able to see and thankfully i've done this so many times that i actually know it like the back of my hand that's what inspired me to do blindfolded runs by the way but once we make it to red i had to come up with a strategy that would be consistent enough to justify me using kenya because the thing is we know that kanto is going to be easy the question is whether rhett is going to be consistent for alligator wasn't cadabra wasn't will firo be consistent only one way to find out like i said we do not want to set up against this pikachu at all so i'm just gonna go for return i out speed and i knock it out red will then send out blastoise i'm just gonna go for return and red will usually go for rain dance not sure why this is sometimes he attacks but most of the time he goes for rain dance and will be able to knock blastoise out that's two down espeon should easily be a one at ko i mean it's a psychic type with really low what i've literally never seen at whoa thankfully it didn't attack me but okay that's a really bad sign three down now snorlax is a higher level and it has great defense so i go for return it's not even doing a quarter i think thankfully it goes for amnesia i'm gonna go for return again and it goes for body slam and wow that's okay i have to reset i'm not gonna be able to win while paralyzed there's no way so let's try this again against pikachu we're not going to change anything we're just going to go for return and knock it out we're also not going to change anything versus blastoise it was still a 2ko thankfully it still went for rain dance and we're still able to knock it out and here's where i need some good luck please okay thank you i've never had that not be a 1ko and the reflect made a massive massive difference now snorlax should be a two-week gayo all right i'm gonna go for a return excellent and it goes for amnesia we might not even take any damage wow all right level 77 charizard i'm gonna go for return it's gonna go for flamethrower not a big oh well that sucks one more time all right take three return against pikachu very very good return against blastoise rain dance another return against blastoise we knock it out good again please no like 1 in 32 terrible range yes we got a critical it doesn't matter espeon knocked out let's use return again pretty good over half amnesia again all right full health to charizard less than seven percent chance of a critical hit so we go for a return clearly it's not going to want to ko and that does some pretty good damage but the battle's over we've knocked out charizard the last thing is venusaur the only move it has is solar beam and fly should knock it out so we're gonna go for fly it loads up a solar beam and there goes the no no okay okay man these battles were annoying but the truth is as inconsistent as this seemed i usually get a first try victory here i got an unlucky critical hit and a really bad range from espeon otherwise yeah and by the way if kenya does get knocked out at venusaur gyarados with dragon rage can win i've literally done that before it's pretty funny and that is gold and silver minimum battles i hope you all enjoyed but before we conclude the video there's one last thing i need to do this fero was supposed to deliver mail and darn it it will so while he might have been expecting a level 10 spiro after 116 battles the male will be delivered by a level 75 firo thanks for watching take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 266,852
Rating: 4.931334 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Gold and Silver, Pokemon Gen 2, Gen 2, Generation 2, Lowest Battles, Least Battles, Pacifist, Least Battles Pokemon, Low Battles Pokemon, Gold and Silver, No Items, Pokemon Challenge, Pokemon Chalenge, Pokemon Low %, Low %
Id: iavqDZN4hYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 7sec (3127 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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