Hoi4 Communist China Guide

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron 4 video so today we are going to be playing as communist china this is my communist china guide uh we're going to be doing a couple of achievements today and we're going to be playing with my boy big dong mao here so i think this is going to be a fun time anyways not much else needed for this introduction here let's get right into the video alrighty so first things first here on our national focus tree got a pretty big branch um pretty excited to be making this video i've had some time off on the weekend finally from work so i'm just well rested and i'm feeling it today i think we're gonna have some success some luck so anyways on the left hand side here we have basically a whole bunch of political decisions you can go down uh communist route communist route and then social democracy each one gives its own perks and cons but what we're going to be doing today is the middle route because we want to keep our boy big dong now in power i hope you guys like that name but uh strengthen the central secretariat gives us some political power land redistribution just modifies the low support and then on the far right side basically just the standard uh foreign investors branches that you get for each of the warlords and china itself so realistically here with communist china um personal preference of mine i just like to go down this way first because we can modify the recovery from the long march remove power struggles get a big boost for infantry production uh minus 10 which is what we really want so we're just gonna go with this one first and if you haven't taken a look at the effects so far the negative debuffs from your national spirits red army weakened increases trading time reinforcement rate power struggles just increases the cost of all of these low popular support which isn't really a big issue because we still have pretty high stability and war support anyways and then aftermath of the long march that's the really big one that's going to affect you long term but in the short term because we basically have no industry to begin with it's really not that important and neither is this one again so basically the only reason we're going down this way is because at one point we can complete this one right here so once we've actually done these it just works out a lot better by the time we complete this focus we should be at the point where we can start building up our industry so it just makes the most sense to kind of prepare for that and again the big one here is we just want maoism because that just reduces the infantry production whereas the rest of these aren't really necessary for what we're doing off the start now research wise we just have two slots and again um none of these are going to be super helpful so what i like doing is focusing more on my infantry stuff so we're gonna go with this one right away because it's just gonna help our units in in the short term and then we're also gonna go with the electronic mechanical engineering just to get the research speed up a little bit uh once this one's done though we will be doing our basic machine tools just to raise that production efficiency cap because that will help us now construction wise you can't actually do any mills or sieves everything is maxed out so what i like to do i just set it to maximum and we'll just build up infrastructure that's just going to help supply later on in the game as you get more units out in the field in these areas so it's basically just preparing you for the future so last thing here we just have uh one extra factory that we can assign so we're just going to put that on guns for our units and then we're just gonna take all eight of them and assign them onto the shanxi border because we are going to be attacking them right away so that's basically it just gonna let that first national focus complete one thing to keep in mind here we do want to justify a war goal as soon as possible retake the core state so as soon as you have the political power for it justify on this country first and that's going to set us up for our first attack okay so the first national focus has completed i just went ahead and saved up some extra political power but you don't have to do that so we're just going to justify on the next country as well which is just this one over here we want to do that because the more territory we can take at the start of the game just makes things earlier as we progress later on so next national focus we're just going to do the agrarian socialism that just reduces the effects of the long march but it doesn't remove them in full so uh still helps us because construction speed boosting that by 25 and factory output by 10 certainly helps us in the long run especially as we get ready for the war with japan so that's the next national focus research this is done in 15 days so like i said we're just gonna do the basic machine tools when that is completed okay another national focus done so the next one here will be the rectification campaign that just removes the national spirit power struggles that's really important because if you look here your political advisors your mobilization your economy and recruitment are all increased in cost so that sets us up so once this is done we can then select asylum workhorse using the 150 political power you should have had saved up i always select the infantry expert the reason for that it's just the best suited one for what we're doing early in the game you could also pick one of these guys but you don't have offense you only have defense available and none of these other ones are super necessary recovery rates pretty good um political power but a loss of army experience isn't great uh army experience gain for 150 political power is not really worth it so the best one is defense out of those but i think the infantry expert is just most useful to us and especially because we're going to be doing early war goals there's no sense we're really picking a military theorist for that 150 political power we have another research slot that has opened up to us here so at this point i'm actually going to complete the mechanical computing just get another four percent research and then i want to do my radio just to help with the reinforcement rate uh you can switch these two up in order if you would like but it doesn't really matter a whole lot i don't really focus on construction early on it is certainly worth it to do it as the game continues and you get more land but there's really no sense doing this because if you check your construction you still have minus 35 percent from the recruitment law that you have and also the recovery from the long march so you can see here it's just incredibly slow we have almost no factories available so it's really just a waste of research to be looking after the construction uh bonuses this early in the game now our war goal here is ready in 10 days so i'm just going to skip ahead to that and then i'll just fast forward through the combat [Music] [Music] okay so hopefully that wasn't sped up too much for you guys i'll try and watch the recording and make sure that it's actually at a decent pace so you guys can follow it but basically all you're trying to do is use your numbers to the advantage do quick encirclements because from that you'll your troops that are holding those units in position they'll be able to do that for longer because the troops that you've now encircled suffer from a debuff so technically speaking they're not as good at defending so your troops don't get burnt out as quickly and really you just need to push up north capture these areas and take the tiles because there's not enough victory points available and the big one right here try and take this as quickly as possible and then just cut off those troops so they can't get access to it and you should be just fine now we have another national focus so maoism is the next one so we can get that reduction in the cost of production now industry is a tough one to decide on here personally i'm still in favor of dispersed but concentrated it's also very good for this country because at the end of the day you're not going to switch your production very quickly and at the end of the day we're only really focused on pushing the japanese out of our territory i prioritize production of guns and especially the early models so this one right here maybe the type 24 but never this one just because you're not realistically going to use it a whole lot so for that reason we're going to go with some concentrated today some of you might not like that but i still think it's the better choice for the country that we are playing so certainly feel free to pick what you would like there it actually doesn't matter but just if you're doing that industry at the same time then you'll just keep up with the research around the same pace that i am anyways just going to wait until this last war goal is ready so we got another 30 days and again i will just speed up some combat there one important piece of information i'm recruiting another of these four because we were able to take all those guns by not essentially destroying the enemy country and its troops so we get a large stockpile we can actually even recruit two more and then we're gonna deploy these before they're actually fully trained because we don't need them to be trained up we just need to break through their lines here uh and from that we can then just push all the way to those victory points again so basically just this guy push down and then go around but you'll see that in the combat so that's just a friendly little reminder [Music] with you [Music] hi my name is okay so it's december 27th or december 17th 1936. another national focus is done i started this one as the war was going on and that was land redistribution now um we finished maoism so that's good if you want to you can work down this way and that's always good but i just want to build up right here the yanan base area just gives us some infrastructure which is always cool we can actually cancel this at this point and we're gonna build up a couple sieves maybe just one and then we'll put some mills right there and that way it's just gonna get us more production and then we can do the remaining mills in that territory as well i started a war goal just before i attacked the last country and that way it finishes with only about 60 to 70 days realistically around that area you should have left before the war itself starts we also got some more equipment from the enemies so i started recruiting four of these larger divisions they're 12 combat width compared to i think these are eight yeah so these guys are eight and i've changed the uh template logo so that way i can just differentiate which ones are which you can also see just by off of um the supply priority but i also like having the different template designs just because that way it just makes it clear when you want to switch your armies around and actually have good units assigned to the proper generals so for from for my field marshal though i actually recruited a new commander and then promoted him because malzadong is still pretty good but you don't really need the entrenchment for what we're doing it certainly helps but it's not necessary and then the cautious the lack of planning speed hurts us plus politically connected it makes it harder for us to actually improve this general so i recruited this guy because he has the panzer trait which is cool and then i went with the offensive doctrine so we don't lose as much org plus we get a little bit better attack and we're already at two so that puts us halfway to mao and he's still only on one level one so uh general wise though i pick the first guy that comes up because he has the highest skill highest attack defense values and he's also a mountaineer so that helps us a lot because of the terrain that we're fighting in it's a lot of mountains especially for communist china so just really good to actually have that guy production everything is just going into guns and then i'm recruiting another four might bump that just to six and then we're gonna take the time now to actually trade for some steel and we're gonna do that with the soviet union now the other thing that we're going to do here is we will sign a non-aggression pact with them because that way they will like us even more and then we can also bump our relations up if we wanted to but there are some national focuses that we can do and we'll probably be doing those fairly soon and that way they will actually lend lease us a whole bunch of equipment so that's always great one thing i haven't done is set the attack lines i should have probably done that but anyways uh just gonna wait until that war is ready this should finish right around the same time so i will show you my national focus quickly and then we will jump right into the combat also just forgot to mention the research i finished my mechanical computing so i'm now starting the radio for that extra reinforcement rate once concentrated industry is done i will just do my improved machine tools once more and get that production efficiency cap up and then we'll follow that once again with some concentrated we're also going to switch our land doctrine here and that's going to go over to superior firepower the reason we do this one is because grand battle plan is still actually a pretty good choice especially because you're going to be pretty defensive off the start mass assault doctrine is really not that good for communist china because you have a ton of manpower which is what this is really good for it's just throwing guns and men at them but what we want is really strong units that have a high attack value and we will be putting artillery in so this is a pretty good one to pick for that 7-2 design the only other one that you should really consider is grand battle plans so i'll leave the choice up to you try both out i guess and see what you like but either one of these works really well mass assault is just completely unsuited for the country that we're playing so i will be switching that once the radio is done i think so the yanan base area has just finished and the next national focus that we're gonna do here is enforce the three rules we're gonna work all the way down to here we're gonna permit the opium trade because what i've realized here is if you permit the opium trade plus you switch to war economy your consumer goods actually is zero you don't need anything for consumer goods the other important thing here you lose 10 percent of your political power gain and 10 percent of your stability so people don't like that but because we've selected a silent workhorse it still means that our political power gain is up by five percent from the base level the stability itself you actually get back from some of these focuses down here uh this one gives you stability i think there's one more somewhere in here but anyways the stability itself is actually fine and it'll maintain somewhere around the 60 or 70 mark even after you complete these so right here it was low popular support so from that low popular support which is right here you lose fourteen percent of your stability so after you get rid of it which would leave it at seven percent before you complete this one you basically just keep it almost at ten um so the effect is really not noticeable because we're already at minus 14 and once you remove that it's basically just having 10 stability loss so really negligent but instead you get a massive reduction in your consumer goods and the national spirit government corruption that's just the debuffs right there so uh the other option is the opium trade which gives you five percent stability which is completely worthless in the face of an enemy so i just want to complete these ones the other choice you could do right now is actually the literacy programs so i'm gonna change my mind we're gonna do this one first just to get the extra research slot that helps in the long run and then we'll complete all of these because the rest of these we can complete as needed throughout the game um because we won't be at war right away so uh now just gonna declare war here i already deployed another six or four of those big divisions and recruiting two more so we're just gonna get this war on the way and finish them off pretty quickly [Music] alrighty so the war has ended pretty simple overall not very complicated now what we're also going to do here is actually justify on tibet that's because they'll give us just a few more civilian and military factories so it bumps our numbers up a little bit higher that's really important because we want to stay stronger than china itself they have a lot more civilian factories than we do especially at the start of the game so it pays off to take as much territory as possible before you get involved in the war with china so we're just going to go ahead now and justify one more war goal oh i guess we need four political power so as soon as we can do this one we will go ahead and do that and that allows us to take them out sort of early it's also because we don't join the war until japan has pushed the chinese back a little bit so we actually have more than enough time to do that so we're just going to go ahead and justify when that's available research the improved machine tools are almost done so i'm going to use the one free slot i have here and do the concentrated industry and then when this is done in seven days i'm then going to switch my land doctrine over to that superior firepower and that will set us up for the war and we can start going down that way as quickly as possible so that's basically it for now i will be back when there's more to share okay it looks like i spoke a little too soon so it was about three days later i have enough political power to justify my next national focus i went with enforce the three rules um that's just over here and then we can work down those focuses but the really big thing here we have the event that just came up chiang kai-shek has been arrested in the guangxi clique you have four decisions you can ask the soviets for approval to kill him you can just chop his head off you can ally with him or just nothing the best thing you can do is select the ally with him against the japanese that puts us into the chinese united front and that's really important because it's just general set up for the potential war that's going to happen soon and you can even see right there japan is already justifying against us so that's why we do it right now uh it just helps us oh and i guess i got my extra research slot i didn't even consider that so we'll just do the superior firepower oh yeah we're good okay uh so we'll just do that one right now and then when this is done in two days we're going to do some artillery as well and that's just some more setup for our troops because the sooner we can get that into production the more time we're going to have to build up a stockpile and then we can throw in some artillery supports into our companies and that's a cheap and easy way of boosting the soft attack values and the breakthrough values of your troops so that's basically why we're going to do it right now anyways just going to get my units into position one thing to keep in mind here just to sign them along this border because otherwise you would have to call the chinese into the war to get access to the rest of the territory and you don't really want that it's not good so just set it up now and it's just something you don't have to worry about later on anyways just gonna skip ahead to when the national focus is done and we'll continue from there alrighty another national focus done and the war has just kicked off here so um totally fine we have more than enough time to wait so we're gonna finish this one at least before we complete this one and that's just gonna give us two off map civilian factories and then we'll be doing a mission to the soviet union that way we can boost their opinion of us a little bit more and unlock some other stuff as well it's important to have that because what we end up doing because we're communist the soviet union is actually more than happy to send us equipment through lend leases so that way we can just keep recruiting a whole bunch of divisions uh very quickly and then we can just make up for the deficit with their equipment that they send over to us so it actually pays off to do that and it just helps you a lot as communist china now do not join the war under any circumstances if you do it just makes it 10 times harder because at the end of the day the japanese um will quickly push through here if you don't have troops over here and we still want to focus on tibet you can see here there's still quite a bit of time if in the event the japanese are making a very quick push basically to here along this riverfront that might be a good time to consider joining the war because you don't want them pushing past there if they get much farther then chinese army is essentially broken and at that point it's just going to complicate things in your push back into their territory it means that you're going to be more spread out and having to help the chinese push them out of the rest of their territory but it is still important to let them actually push in a bit before you attack them because all you're trying to do is while they're stretched thin all the way out here you're suddenly going to declare war on them or join the war and push as fast as possible towards these ports and if you take these ports and cut them off now they have to rely on ports over here and that gives the chinese a much easier time in actually pushing them back so you can kind of surround them and push down this way to the riverfront and close them off that way and then just push with the remaining troops all the way through here as fast as possible again hugging that coastline because you want those ports so they can't get supply and they can't actually send troops over if you can push all the way to here before they send troops over that's great because then they have to send their troops to this port over here and because the infrastructure is absolute garbage you can see their infrastructure four three four four so it's very low overall it just makes it a lot faster so that's why we do that anyways i am just going to wait until this is done and then i will stop back once it has completed and show a little update on the war itself so we've now just permitted the opium trade we're gonna hold off on abolish the land rent because the effects from stability and war support you can see are still really negligent and they will rise from this one what's more important we can finish the foreign investors and get two extra sieves from that which is great and then we can focus on china to boost our attack on core territory and defense and then these ones are actually going to unlock when we go to war with japan anyways so there isn't a huge need to do them but uh we're just gonna finish this one right now i'm also recruiting another 10 of these weak divisions and four of the larger ones production wise i'm still just keeping it on seven guns um research though i finished my artillery so i'm now doing the next support weapons and then we'll complete the upgraded guns we don't need to switch but we just want access to the next one here which gives us extra soft attack artillery we're gonna hold off we don't need to do the interwar artillery for the time being because we're not even producing any um you can do that later as you're preparing for war but again it's not necessary for now and then i might do a construction here at some point pretty soon just to slightly reduce the effects here now this is what i was talking about so consumer goods before i completed that last focus permit the opium trade it was at five so five we're going to consumer goods and then one on traded now it's just one and one so we actually have almost full capacity for construction so that's why i was talking about earlier like it's just not worth it to do the construction because overall through the national focuses the effects are much more noticeable you reduce consumer goods almost to nothing and that way you just have much higher construction speeds and you can better use your research slots especially because you only start with two and then have three which is still pretty low so definitely worth it to just do the other focuses and the other research for the time being but as we progress through the game here we can certainly get ready to complete these focuses [Music] you can see here we still have to proclaim the people's republic so we need an army strength ratio of 50 or more compared to blank so i'm going to say that's probably china and then we need more factories than 49 so it does take time to actually finish this and this is something that you complete basically as you're pushing the japanese out of the territory because when you take their stuff over here you'll get a bunch of sieves and mills and then you can just use those for yourself so otherwise not much else to really show just going to keep going on here recruiting divisions as quickly as we can maybe add two more onto there and then hopefully we can get the soviets to lend lease us some equipment if we start going into the negative a whole lot so we'll just bump that up to like 10 more and then the last thing i also did was just change my templates or my units around a little bit so the best general is gonna have the best troops and then this guy he's still very good he has high attack values but he's gonna lead some of the weaker troops because we don't need them to be all under the best general and kind of wasting the bonuses from that so anyways i'll see you guys when i have completed the national focus and some other stuff so our war goal is now ready against the tibetans so we're just gonna go ahead and declare on them the other thing here national focus wise i finished foreign investors so we're just doing the mission to the soviet union recruiting another five divisions here so we can get these weaker guys up to a full 24 under one general and then we're going to get this guy to 24 and then start recruiting a bunch more of these good divisions once these last five are done and that basically puts us where we need it you want to try and have around 50 to 60 divisions when you start the war um mainly though you want to have the better divisions because they just offer more soft attack for the unit that you have and a difference between 8 and 12 isn't really that noticeable but we will start some production here as soon as we have these first couple mills done we'll start producing some artillery so just going to throw that out right now and then we'll set the first three to that otherwise though doing pretty good 25 factories which is almost at the point where the chinese are so they're at 33 factories we can actually just i guess click on them and check the intel so they have 18 sieves and 14 mils exactly the same as us almost and we can i think build stuff faster let's just check with their war economy so they're free of trade with war economy so we can actually switch over to that too but i wouldn't really make a huge difference outside of just the one bonus you get extra 10 from military factories yeah so an extra 10 construction on mills so that's always cool and we would just free up that last sieve or the last two sieves so that does help us a little bit more anyways just going to start the war here and speed things up [Music] oh my god that was annoying so anyways as you probably saw from the combat there it was just kind of a slow grind in the uh last little pocket here typical for when you're fighting tibet um and unfortunately there's just not a whole lot of way around that just because they have the river back here defending the terrain isn't great plus you can't attack from china so it's really not a great place to be fighting but but in the end we did get some extra stuff out of it so what i'm gonna do now is take my units and assign them to the front line over here against the japanese territory uh you can see here the japanese are starting to push back but they're still just taking their time at some point they're going to make a naval invasion here we're already late 1938 so i can't imagine it's going to take much longer but either way that works out for us because we can just keep waiting uh one thing we can do so we actually can't start a len lease until we're actually in a war so i guess it would have made sense for me to start recruiting a whole bunch of i guess people before that um but either way that's okay or can we we should be able to no i guess not request lan lease yeah we need to be at war so either way that's fine i did start production on those artillery units and i still just have my basic guns going construction still mills a little more sieves i think i might just drop that to one more and we can actually bump those up and that way we will get access to their military factories and then we can just throw that onto those guns right there and we should be back to normal so we're just going to recruit let's say another 10 maybe of these big guys and that should be more than enough we're also going to make a duplicate right now we also have some army experience so we can start changing these templates as soon as we want so even right now we could throw some our support artillery in and that should be okay just because it will take some time to build up but we still have time to wait until the japanese attack so it doesn't really hurt us to do it now anyways whole bunch of these national focuses out of the way so i completed during that war i did the mission to the soviet union the soviet advisors just get done automatically i also did focus on china abolish the land rent and then we had prepare for war with japan not really important what order you do those in just make sure you get them done now what we're also going to do now at this point and focus on is the revolutionary military commission because that just gives us a maximum command power increase but what's really important is we can go down here and remove the red army weakened and that's one of the more important ones that we can actually do outside of provoking japan because that way we can complete the mobile warfare doctrine which grants another 20 attack on core territory plus the army organization regain of 10 you can launch the 100 regiments offensive which is huge i think it gives you another 20 attack or something like that on core territory so you get forty percent total almost on top of the other five percent you get up here and with the red army weakened removed you no longer suffer from a reduction in your reinforcement rate and army organization plus you can train your units a little faster which is always good so it's actually really important to get these done outside of just about anything else so at this point that's just what i'm gonna do the revolutionary military commission just keep recruiting a bunch more divisions and i am sending them over to the front right now and then we're just going to keep waiting a little bit longer and see where the japanese actually end up so i'm going to do this national focus and then i think the next one is just the central military commission because we can't do provoke japan until this one has been done so we're just gonna wait for that um and then i will be back once i have these two finished also research wise i started the next land doctrine because i had a bunch of army experience so i just used the bonus to finish it a little bit earlier engineering this is where we're at right now 1938 i've got my construction bonuses on the way i'm doing my advanced machine tools inventories up to this point and then artillery is right here outside of that though nothing else has really been researched um just because we can't really utilize it so that's basically it for now just gonna keep going and i'll see you guys once i guess some more stuff is done okay so finally after all this time the japanese have made a naval invasion against the chinese so because of that we now have to just wait a little bit longer and see where they get to i think we have time for one more national focus we really don't want to push this much farther because if we do what ends up happening is essentially if you push the war too long you all know that the japanese declare in the philippines and the rest of the allies the problem with that is if they declare on the allies and we haven't already pushed them back to korea what ends up happening is you will not get the option for surrender they will instead just continue the war and the problem with that is the japanese are typically very successful in taking over these islands i don't know what paradox has done with the navies for the ai but the allies rarely if ever have their navies deployed in these regions so they always lose the islands and because of that the japanese get access to oil once they have access to oil they will just permanently keep their fleets deployed in the ocean and that's a huge problem for us because as a small country we don't have the capacity to just build up a huge navy and especially as communist china you have absolutely no navy stuff researched so it makes it almost impossible for you to go down that route the alternative is you can do air forces but by that point you're pushing yourself into the 1942 1943 maybe even 44 range and you might just get lucky with the allies dropping an atomic bomb on the islands but even then that's not very likely to happen so um you'd have to wait until almost 1945 for that to happen they would surrender and then you would have to take on china so we basically just have to time this as well as we can um so we do have the option of doing one more focus here i wanted to do this one but we don't have enough factories yet so i think we might just do one of these two here let's see what's better people's volunteer army basically just reduces the tension limit for volunteers and that's not very good this one would be nice to get the stability up but we could also just get the infiltration options unlocked we can also just purchase some tanks from the soviets and start going down these ways and just messing up all that stuff so anyways i think what i will do here is maybe just the anti-japanese expedition that might be worth it because then that way we can just provoke japan although if we declare war on them we'll just automatically unlock this so i think i'm just going to do the military intelligence department seems to be the best one that we can do right now for what we've got and that's really it construction wise everything's good i feel like i should have shown my advisors a lot more but i went with the division defense infantry attack and defense army regrouping and also the entrenchment speed i then went with my war industrialist for a bonus to military construction political power gain and then i switched over to war economy and i also dropped it to extensive conscription from service by requirement because if we go back to our construction now you can see consumer goods is zero we don't have to actually trade for anything traded goods is just one and then the construction speed is only minus five now and once we actually start the war and push the japanese back uh it should be relatively easy to then proclaim the people's republic and we can just remove the rest of those debuffs by completing the socialist market economy so pretty good overall um just going to wait a little bit longer here troop counts at 57. i have another 10 of these guys that was just the duplicate of this except without the artillery these are just more holding divisions and then i had one more just so i could get this guy to 24 nice even number and these 10 will go into the second general right here which has some of those stronger units as well and that should be more than enough to start pushing them back with those extra 10 that gets us up to 67 divisions that we can use to push and hopefully the japanese will get up to around this area and then we can just push them back really quickly i mean if we look at the war losses the chinese are about 1.1 and the japanese are sitting around 400 000 which they can absorb that easily but they're not going to have as much of it easy time the chinese at least with any more big pushes against them so hopefully they'll start getting pushed back pretty quickly here and we can just make those quick advances into the chinese territory or japanese territory that is so anyways just gonna wait until that is done and i will see you guys when we get this war started [Music] okay so i figured now would probably be a good time to actually stop and just uh i guess take note of how the war's progressing so you probably saw there things were pretty much a stalemate right out the start until we finished this bonus right here which granted another 20 attack on the core territory so because of that we were able to have a much easier time pushing them back just because of those bonuses um but even now we're still struggling with it just because their troops are just so much stronger than ours our troops are incredibly weak but the big thing here we were able to exploit a bit of a breakthrough now i was able to cut them off partially and you guys just go over there to stop them from pushing but the chinese are really struggling right now so we're trying to get to these ports and close it off as quickly as possible at which time we'll then be able to send our army back over here and hopefully help the chinese fend them off before things get much worse the biggest problem right now is just time [Music] in every game i've played the chinese and the japanese really don't usually struggle this much like the japanese can normally push way faster i don't know why they took so long with their naval invasions whenever i play china i get naval invaded within the first month and in this game the chinese did not get naval invaded once until basically when i was attacking so i don't know what's up with that maybe they're just conspiring against me but right now that's kind of just hurting me because i had to attack so late into the game either way though it's not the end of the world it still just gives me more time to prepare so just going to keep pushing here and once this focus has done 100 regiments campaign we're going to activate it right away so that way we can get the extra bonus to hopefully push them out of the rest of this territory and that way it should just again make things a little bit easier for us here so also just keep note you need to give your troops some time to readjust it's not always the easiest just because of how this works but just keep paying attention that don't let yourself get encircled because every troop it matters a lot it matters a lot when your army is not the strongest so just take note of that you go up there we don't really care so much actually you go there and you go forwards but anyways that's basically it i'm just gonna keep attacking here and hopefully we can push them all the way back into korea and then end the war fairly quickly before they decide to attack the rest of the allies grow up [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] okay so as you probably saw there uh we managed to take over the korean peninsula and take out the remaining puppets that japan has so at this point i'm sending all my troops down here to close off this big pocket um i know for a fact we're going to be able to overwhelm them you can see they only have at least one or two divisions in each place and right here they don't even have divisions so using 48 divisions that we're going to send down we'll quickly try and crush this it's only april 1940 plus we just got another six volunteers from the soviet union and we still have over 100 days left in our 100 regiments offensive so we can still use that bonus on the chinese territory which is great so we'll have basically everything we need to defeat them i'm also just recruiting another six divisions these guys right here real quickly and the really important thing is setting these guys to area defense if you want to be absolutely certain that no one's going to make a landing because they do like to land near beijing you can go right here too and that way you're just going to help the chinese a little bit more in defending their territory so you can see right here they just landed some troops which was completely stupid of them and they will do that quite often they'll just land wherever they think they can and they'll just try and push into your territory but that really doesn't do anything because at the end of the day they'll just attrition and then die so pretty easy to take care of those as long as you just hold on to the ports that's the really important thing if you lose a port the japanese will quickly send in their entire army and that's gonna make it very difficult for you to do a whole lot when they're especially bunched up in a corner and they have terrain to defend themselves with it just makes it hard so we're going to activate this right now give them a little planning bonus and see what we can do there nice thing is we also have more factories than the chinese 63 at this point so i'm doing marxism then we're going to proclaim the people's republic because we have the extra strength so hopefully we can get this done in time and then we can do the socialist market economy afterwards and that way we'll we'll get rid of basically all of our negative spirits recovery from the long march will be gone so we will finally be at full strength technically so um that should work out pretty well i don't see it taking much longer here and hopefully they'll actually offer surrender if not we will need to quickly try and get some submarines going because you can see here they don't really have their navy deployed in this region and they typically don't have it deployed everywhere until they get access to oil but we don't have to worry about that until 1941 around the february or march times so um just try and quickly push these guys back and then once we get the surrender we can start preparing for our war with china alrighty so there you have it uh this is gonna be the end of the video for today i'm gonna be releasing the second episode tomorrow that way you guys don't have to wait too long that's just gonna cover the civil war within china you can see here that i was successful in doing it so we now have the achievement and that basically sets us up for the other couple of achievements you can just earn those really quickly once you've completed this so anyways if you've made it all the way to the end of the video thank you very much for watching if you have any questions comments concerns or things i can work upon for future videos just leave a comment down below or you can join our discord channel using the link in the description as well anyways i'm gonna be signing off for now i hope you guys have a good one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 13,731
Rating: 4.9228916 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 nationalist china, hoi4 china guide, hoi4 china, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 strategy, hoi4 mao, hoi4 japan, hoi4 civil war, hoi4 guide, hoi4 beginner guide, hoi4 made in china, hoi4 the people have stood up!, scumpydog, hoi4 ussr, hoi4 communist, La Resistance
Id: HoeR4q--05k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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