Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Trotsky takes revenge on Stalin from Mexico

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hello everyone I am sorry orange welcome to my newest haunts of iron for challenge today we're going to put Trotsky in power in Mexico but first a few announcements well of course Manta guns is now out and I haven't been posting any videos for them the last two weeks I'm sorry about that but I was actually moving house yes we bought a small cozy house just outside the city and I'm sitting in my new office and the moving of course took some time but leads me to another announcement if you want to help me pay it off the channel memberships are now on I got the drawing button so if you'd like to support me but don't like patreon for one reason or another you can do that and what you will get for it is not much I did design some custom emoticons and made them myself in mspaint but other than that you will get the satisfaction of supporting me if there is such a thing okay let's get into the game enough announcements for now Mexico Ironman historical focuses Rico difficulty as always I'm just showing you cool stuff let's go yes I'm a Mexico one I tested things out a bit because there are some hidden modifiers that you have to pay attention to if you wanted to get a certain outcome in Mexico see in Mexico has a new very extensive focus tree in among the guns and the navigating it can be quite tricky you have to deal with a rogue mafia boss kinda with the road general and with other churches perhaps the worst of them all our goal here is to get Trotsky to lead us and for that we need to go communist there are actually two communist paths here we can go from National Bank down here which excludes the peaceful resolution of the road general's issue or we can go with the red shirts I've actually devised the path that gives me most of the things that I want but not all of them so actually going to ignore this completely and instead go with the red shirts path but we also have to avoid certain focuses because they will make Trotsky not welcome in Mexico and start with a pan of a quark creator as for construction we will just focus on civilian factories from now we will conquer some of our neighbors to get more factories only to research thoughts unfortunately that focused on superior fire doctrine and extra research speed also need to make better guns but that will happen soon let's train three more units so we can have a full army and switch all of you to just regular infantry and train you up we do have a manpower we don't really have equipment all right that's it let's unpause and speed things up the difficult thing about Mexico is balancing of the church relations and it has several steps you can go from atheist state to a completely Catholic state and each of the DS let's say border states both atheist and Catholic state will lead to a civil war so we have to keep it in the middle unless you want to fight the civil war so for example an archbishop dies we can we can choose burn in hell traitor which will give us a theist state which will lead to a civil war so let's pretend we like him and do bricklayers get in touch I know it's tempting to do have a maximum because that will increase the portico power gain but we can't that will block Trotsky from coming let's just do legacy of the Revolution an atheist state would be vile means desirable however that would lead to a civil war so no thank you now red shirts wretches will give us extra communist support and we want extra communist support because we want to turn communist of course what is more we want Trotsky in our government there's actually a little omission in the game files I think because you can have Trotsky as both your chief of army and your main government leader we also have to contend with the caudillo cedilla this rebellion which means we need to do some phases in order to reduce the tensions we will do that momentarily right after the red shirts are done this will reduce Church power which is why we went up to assertive Church with this we'll go down to weak church perhaps he'll get rid of the church altogether later on but this is not the focus of this particular playthrough again this is a great focus but wood block Trotsky so let's not do that National Bank next agricultural credit Bank is a good path you get quite a lot out of these focuses however I won't have a maximum and if I get have a maximum I cannot get rid of yes I do Kadir said you I think so we have to pick the peaceful path over here because this will give us extra political power and we will need to master political power soon so liberalize at the banking sector it is probably not the optimal path but it is one that works and land reform when we have enough common support we can just do communist revolution and if oh here he is Trotsky arrives see we have some options we can just let him in we can send them to Stalin to be killed or we can invite them to the government because he is pretty good at that governing thing and I'm sure let's do that see Trotsky gives us extra communist support in extra division organization he is pretty good and now that he is already here I can do those focuses that would normally block him so here goes have a maximum which will give us extra political power in the meantime let's research a little better government see the tensions caused by the rock general are increasing steadily if I just leave this unattended that will be dust of the war so I have to deal with him or just periodically placate them which is why we're doing these fixes now the sooner I'm done with him at the better because that has some negative impact on our country so let's just go down this path also now we can hire our own who is the shadow of Calais Caius this guy so he gives us non-aligned support which is not what we want however we have both Trotsky and and modified that it was common support so in the end we will get more communism than unaligned and the guy also gives us political power which is why I wanted to do at the maximum because we now have two bonuses to both Kapow which amounted to plus 25% and once we increase our stability that would be even better mmm all right we get another chance to influence the church well let's do a set of charge I thought the church is fine we want them a week but we don't want them super weak because again a civil war would happen I might have decided to destroy them later which will ultimately be a good thing but for now we have other concerns private armies extra support and population we will need way more military factories but don't worry we will rhythm I'm also going to need to research some naval invasions in order to get across Panama and finally we can support the rogue general that will remove the negative modifiers that he is causing altogether and increase our stability all right this needs to be over 40 is that enough to do a communist revolution right now yes it is ok have a look Trotsky becomes leader of the government let's do that and if I'm not mistaken he will still be the Red Army organizer as well as the chief of the government I could also wait for an election to put Trotsky in power I don't think we need to do that when you've spent a lot of time doing internal stuff but now it's time to turn to external things prepare for some invasions and stuff here we can actually join the Comintern and to have Stalin in the back not sure why he would ally with Trotsky but he will strike breaking as communists there's an expression that the revolution eats its children which essentially means that if you wanted to overthrow some bad regime using communism you'll get an even worse regime I could really use some more research thoughts we'll get another one here but in order to get more we'll have to work for it ah the third research that does make a lot of the difference and I will feel expansion it is already 1938 but we did have to salt our country out internally when I could just justify war goals and the tech normally but soon we will get event war bows which is superior it's gonna take us a while but we will get multiple at once so there's no need to waste political power on the justifying and let's nationalize the oil fields using field marshals as generals is actually quite effective at increasing their level let's spend some political power on infantry equipment and infantry expert and free trade free trade is great because it boosts your industry and your research it is not very characteristic of communist countries but you know Trotsky started experimenting after being screwed over by Stalin now we have a couple of options we could actually become friendly with the Germans but let instead become friendly with the Joseph not sure why he would trust us let's say he believes he is all-powerful and that he can take us over again which is not the case because we are going to do that to him and with this we will get into the Comintern I might just leave the competent and then reenter it later in order to keep our tensions low in the world for now let's do this and we will get to business relations we have to go through here anyway in order to get this branch and let's research some naval stuff yes I know man the guns has included a lot of naval stuff but I'm not really interested sorry let's just do transport ships yay Mexican Soviet republic joins other Comintern they do welcomed us into the Comintern I mean I have joined already but so sure now I'm not sure if I should stay in the competent until I can stab star in the back or exit Comintern in order to generate less tensions in South America I will think about it because I think I can get to around Colombia maybe even as well and Ecuador undisturbed if I am in the faction but if I'm not in the faction I might be able to take over all of South America understand I'm not sure I will have to think about it France and Britain announced Alliance time to do march southwards and I think I'm actually going to leave the Comintern and the modifier will remain and we will be able to rejoin I think but we will be treated differently if we are part of the Comintern when we're you know see ya they will still accept us into the faction because they now have an allied attitude towards us I think that will remain an option forever so we can just use it later in order to stab style in the back and for now we are not a member of the Comintern so we'll have an easier time taking whatever we want in South America because the others will not be as keen to fight us as they would be deeply we're a member of the faction I know this is convoluted but that's kind of how the AI works now Panama will be problematic because we can't actually face the United States and there is focus but I think they would declare war on us if we tried it in the mean time time to declare war on the Guatemala they are guaranteed by the United States of America you will notice but so are we leave I go tomorrow well Soviet volunteers my suppose why not then again that increases world tension I probably shouldn't have accepted it let's declare on Honduras as well here goes Guatemala take all states andris is next oh of course they cannot withstand our army Salvador is more powerful but we'll take care of them as well and they're dead oh I think the Soviet volunteers will now go back because I didn't manage to declare war quickly enough that's not really a problem world and she will go down at least Honduras Honduras taken now El Salvador you guys are ready let's declare war on Salvador as you can see our amount of factories is growing because we are taking them from people I'm unbalanced that is fine for now I'll probably need to go aggressive once we reach Colombia acclaims Bulgaria not my problem this is tempting of course but we are going to do unify Central America and once we conquer them we also get decisions that will let us make this territory our core territory take on States cetera America gives us mocospace Nicaragua Costa Rica and Panama so that's gonna keep us occupied for a while especially Panama actually I could attach some troops right now and have them prepare a naval invasion yeah let's do that fourteen troops will be more than enough to conquer these guys I'm still not multiplying our economy I suppose I could do partial mobilization but it feels like a waste of political power and political power is unify Central America is done now what is next c-span America now is going to put us at odds with the United States I'm not sure that will work I think we might want to go after the Caribbean next let's declare war on and Nicaragua Nicaragua capitulate oh that's a lot of guns thank you very much yes take on States yet again we're moving into very difficult terrain I will probably have to make them aggressive soon that's Costa Rica they even have involving I don't think so it's finally Panama another thing with Panama is we are going to have to wait for our naval invasion to be ready I do have some ships not a lot but it's going to be sufficient let's put you all on mission there is actually a naval invasion support mission let's do that and give you an upper low because why not and research man those are c34 guns which are slightly better I'm being stingy with both go because we're going to need quite a lot of it to integrate all that territory and make it our course see this is a new thing now that we have enough army experience we can actually use it in order to speed up our doctrine research and that is quite useful and the invasion is ready let's declare war on Panama there we go have you launched yes you have we're about to date them now we need to prepare our attack on the Caribbean which is gonna be difficult actually because of the naval preparation times this is going to require some cleverness I suppose because we can do up to 10 units invading at the same time we have to plan everything very well in order to be successful easily we're actually going to invade the port next to Guantanamo first and this way that'll probably draw their forces away from Havana and then we can launch the full-scale assault on Havana but for now these guys need to prepare these invasions and our Navy needs to also cover at this bit and this bit I decided to do seize the Panama Canal focus I'm still not sure I'll use the resulting decision because if we get into a war in the United States or think we're screwed let's take this one who should pass the dalian gap let's activate this naval invasion and declare war on Cuba now this invasion will launch there we'll start the landing troops at their successful great if they're not that should draw the Cuban armies away from their capital and then I activate the other invasions I think right about now ok there's only one unit defending Havana that is good probably good enough to take Cuba here it is Cuba's ours ok cool you get all the troops and they will transport here and attack that was easier than I expected it to be let's quickly take over Cuba and then focus on these two they don't stand a chance there it is oh crap I just deleted my voice we'll need to redo that well do the same thing first attack with just two units here and a few days later attack with the rest also we've researched better guns oh I need more steel Don time ok time to attack Haiti declare war and go let's give them a moment and now activate the others maybe it's not necessary maybe they just have the one unit in which case we've won already kinda they know they have more not much more there we go destroy them and you as well rock we've done the focus to push past the dariƩn gap we're not going to pursue that just yet oh let's first take care of the Caribbean now engineering schools Haidee take all states dominican republic is ferocious they could theoretically joined and join the axis but since we are not a member of any faction I don't think they will and let's wait for all our troops to arrive here it's not going to take too long and we will have the upper hand and waste less resources when attacking goodbye I don't and Republic they do have a big army yeah fascist countries are very militaristic but we have a bigger one Oh German Reich declares war on Poland shit's going down poor Poland and well Orleans being defeated and they're being pushed back good Luxembourg joins the eyes and so on we are invited into the Comintern but we will not accept the Dominican Republic joins the axis crap okay can I make them capitulate and before the Germans joined the war press the attack with everything you have yes we can okay good we managed to hit them before they called everyone their eyes in so they joined the access but didn't manage to call Germany into our war I had to push quite hard to do this but we succeeded however I am worried now that we might not be able to get past here I mean we should be able to take Colombia and Ecuador but I don't think we'll be able to take in Peru or Venezuela and we should be able to safely attack Colombia and I could door and possibly Brazil if we can get across here we can now do war economy finally good all right we are in position what attack Colombia I should have done the naval invasion here I can still do it it's gonna take them in a moment but it's going to be very helpful integrate on the south and that lets me spend political power on getting core territories of the naval invasion you're on your way okay perfect you guys can actually reach feet a bit and your naval e around here once this is successful and it looks like it's gonna be successful and it is good no you join this army cancel your order move here attack from the north yeah I should have started with that lost quite a lot of troops and equipment here and it wasn't necessary yeah taking Colombia is not as easy as I thought it would be but we are progressing and that's the important part no that's bad let's take the expensive option I do have political power thanks to what I'm doing have a maximal and getting the shadow of callous guys heroes of the production front extra stability thank you finally Columbus takers take on States please now should also be able to quickly easily and safely take Ecuador it is now time to declare war on Ecuador and then the most difficult part begins waiting this is going to be quite easy anyway we can't really do much afterwards I suppose I could invade Brazil but it's not worth it the invading Brazil through here will take a great at all in our army and the gains would not really compensate us for this so we're going to stick to what we have gained so far Venezuela and Peru can not be attacked because they would join the axis and drag us into a war against the Germans which we don't want at the moment so what's our move I think it's finally time to depose Stalin and have the only true communist to leader take over everything also want to take all these decisions to integrate territory so that you can get extra manpower action campaign well that is an interesting part of the New Mexico ecosystem but we already have Trotsky in power let's not change that got the fourth research sort and now it's time for the fifth request to join the Comintern you know what I will thank you I want to check something because they'll invite in your defection or whatever happens can I just get military access from you without joining the faction yes I can if I have enough in opinion let's get that military access from the Soviet Union I'm not sure we find you to do service by requirement for now let's just add logistics and the signal companies and Germany is now fighting the Soviet Union good we're going to use that to our advantage soon we can wait a bit longer I do want the service to get exhausted with their fight against Germany why can't I land in your territory it's not talking I do have military access so what the hell is going on do I do I just need to rejoin your faction again nobody how I hate doing that no well it seems like I do to join faction you also still haven't figured out what I'm trying to do somehow let's get our troops all around the area here and just garrison of the coast and the ports channel to vice has been annexed no more tunnel to now theoretically I could do a four order 66 just food troops everywhere in their territory Dutch East Indies have capitulated cool so how are this obviously doing not too great and when I attack from the other side their fate will be sealed our troops are in the area I think it's time to leave other faction oh it's stayed we still have military X's we just needed to join the faction for a moment to get our troops in here good so we'll still be receiving supplies now we need to get into or against them but not to declare it directly on them so let's justify on Mongolia educational Mongolia is ready let's attack declare war once the Soviet Union joins which will happen in the moment I think now I can join the axis okay other Savina has joined we now control of the coast perfect one connect already and we destroyed the Russians down here as well okay once this is done oh I'll actually rely on the field marshal order this time because why not and let's join the axis accident Soviet republic joins the axis and I am not going to join their wars is the eyes no thank you just attack West very simple very effective Joseph Leon has come for you see we don't really wanted to take as much as possible but rather we were seeking revenge against Joseph so then losing is enough cause some Soviet troops in an encirclement it needs the Manchu border this is very slow and we are getting nutrition but I'm building ports it should remedy that eventually Australia has capitulated Japan doing great advancing slowly both consist they this is not a perfect setup to take over the Soviet Union but you know I wanted to do something different just attack from the shore of course I could have Garrison's the whole country and Donna normal order 66 you know mixing it up from time to time keeps things a bit more interesting although the game has started running very slowly because it is already 1943 so what we're gonna do is just exact our revenge and Joseph and then display through I will probably do another game as Mexico because the new focus tree is quite interesting Soviet Union being gradually eaten up by Germany and Mexico what is my about especially 18% not a lot but enough to take quite a bit of the Soviet Union Mongolia capitulates good redo the orders it's not always necessary to just redo them but oftentimes it is much less work than fixing what is wrong with the end if you are using Field Marshal level orders there is often something wrong with them who in Romania okay are you gonna change some insights probably not very wise at this moment no we just got rid of the King didn't you we have actually taken more land than the Germans physically but not more victory points unfortunately the Soviet Union is about to capitulate so we're not going to do focus for now what we are going to do is defeat the Soviet Union then leave the axis and pursue the Bolivarian Alliance because I want to see what exactly happens once Leon gets his Communist world government even though it is not going to be a communist world because Germany's gonna own half of it but that was not our goal our goal was to beat up Joseph of course we could have done the World Congress to it they saw something like that but I do enjoy lately if a challenge has a limited goal you know not to take over everything just amass enough power to do what you need to do and then do what you need to do which is just this Mexican Soviet republic that looks much better now I'm going to end it soon because it's already 1944 and I don't like playing after that date because it frustrates me because the game runs so slowly however if I were to pursue this further we are in the axis so our next move would be to do all the 66 it means the Germans and take them over and then once we're fighting the Germans the dalla is will the probably give us military access which would doom the United Kingdom and we don't need to use any Navy for that but that was not the goal the goal was to get rid of Joseph and now I'm going to leave the access I'm gonna leave a faction sorry and do the Bolivarian Alliance now the Bolivarian Alliance in itself is very interesting however it is a material for another playthrough I just wanted to do one world government through this and see the event that happens and then we develop our alliance oh sure yes you can join the Bolivarian Alliance well the Bolivarian Alliance focus we can actually influence all the nations in South America and make them communist and make them join us now atheist state in itself is a good thing and it would lead to a civil war which is greatly unfortunate however we have over 60% stability and if we have over 60 instability that will not happen so we can safely get rid of the church one rule government is complete does it give us anything interesting no not really no it doesn't oh well okay I was hoping for some grand event upon completion of this focus but yeah well that's fine I suppose we're going to end it here they must say I am not too happy with how this turned out and the problem is the goal that I said it was too big to do quickly but too limited to really expand quite a lot and keep things interesting all the time what we explored the Mexican focus tree at least I will probably be doing more Mexico because it is interesting but not immediately I need to explore some other things I've been waiting to do and the new expansion so that's it for now thanks for watching and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 307,387
Rating: 4.9215961 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 ussr, hearts of iron iv ussr challenge, hoi4 gameplay, ironman, hoi4 trotsky, taureor, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron iv soviet union challenge, hoi4 meme, hoi4 mexico, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 russia challenge, hoi4 soviet union, hearts of iron 4 mexico challenge, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 stage coup, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 russia, of, hoi4 challenge, four, hearts, iron, hoi4, world conquest
Id: WOjrPBc-6Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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